C V 5 - Earthquake Protection Devices ISOSISM Range - en v03

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Earthquake protection devices

ISOSISM® range
The Freyssinet
Freyssinet brings together an unrivalled set of

skills in the specialist civil engineering sector.
The Group implements solutions with high
added value in two major fields: construction and
Freyssinet is involved in numerous projects across PROTECTION PRINCIPLE: ISOSISM® RANGE 4
five continents, making it the world leader in its
specialist areas of: PROTECTION EXAMPLES 5
• Prestressing 6 8
• Construction methods
• Cable-stayed structures
• Structural accessories
• Repairs
• Structural reinforcement and maintenance

Freyssinet is highly involved in sustainable ISOSISM® FD ISOSISM® PDS

development issues and has set up a number

of initiatives, particularly to reduce the
10 12
environmental impact of its projects and enhance
its social responsibility policy.

Freyssinet is a subsidiary of the Soletanche

Freyssinet Group, a world leader in the soils,
structures and nuclear sectors.
Cover photo: BTZ Bridge - Algeria
Top photo: ITER reactor - France
14 16

Our primary concern: ensuring

everyone’s safety
In order to ensure everyone’s safety and
prevent industrial accidents, the company has produced a set ISOSISM® PS ISOSISM® STU
of common international safety rules.
Our primary duty is to protect the physical integrity of our
employees and to do all we can to ensure that everyone STUDIES - STRUCTURAL DESIGN 18
goes home in good health at the end of the working day. This
commitment is reflected in particular through our rules, in- FREYSSINET'S EXPERTISE 20
house tools and exemplary behaviour.
It is accompanied by an extensive communication and risk REFERENCES 22
awareness programme, implemented at all of Freyssinet’s
"The safe way is the only way"
C V 5 - 02/16
It was not until the mid-20th century that tangible steps were taken to Modern societies are no longer willing to accept earthquakes as an unavoidable
protect structures in earthquake-prone areas. In most cases, only passive phenomenon, and the current trend is to fit structures in earthquake-prone
protection measures were used, such as wind-bracing walls for buildings and areas with special devices capable of absorbing or restricting the effects of
plasticisation based protection of predefined elements for bridges. earthquakes on structures, while reducing civil engineering costs both during
construction and rebuilding following a seismic event.
These types of protection may allow structures to withstand seismic design
situations and protect human lives, but major repairs are required to the Freyssinet can draw on its end-to-end expertise, from design through to
damaged protective elements following a high-intensity earthquake. installation and fabrication, to deliver superior best-fit solutions for each project.

Our solutions incorporate the following criteria:

From proposing an earthquake protection strategy geared towards a earthquake protection devices is fuelled by the company’s extensive track
specific structure through to delivering and installing systems that have record and brings structural designers and clients practical solutions for
been designed, manufactured and tested in-house, Freyssinet’s expertise in minimising their earthquake risks.

the risk
Maintenance Advise solutions
tailored to the project

fo r c e Bu
e in

i ld

product quality Structural behaviour
Reap r

Ma i n

and conformity

P ro tect

Technical support
for installing devices Protection device


C V 5 - 02/16
Protection principle: the ISOSISM® range
Leveraging its wealth of knowledge and experience in building and equipping structures, Freyssinet is a trailblazer in developing
earthquake isolation devices and currently offers an end-to-end range of special products known as ISOSISM®.
These devices can be used alone or in combination to achieve the most effective and appropriate protection for each project.
Seismic protection is based on three fundamental operational modes which are:
- Dissipation
- Isolation
- Connection.

 art of the energy generated by an earthquake can be dissipated by aD
 ampers can be used in combination with an isolation system,
dampers to minimise the effects on the structures. especially high damping elastomeric bearings, to reduce structural
 ampers offer only very low resistance to slow movements and
D displacement while limiting the stresses to which structures are
are completely effective during quick stresses (earthquakes, boat subjected.
impacts, etc.). a Dampers can be installed to significantly reduce the cost of structural
repairs following an earthquake. In addition, they enable sensitive
buildings, such as hospitals, to continue operating. Furthermore, they
can provide effective protection for existing structures that were not
originally designed to withstand seismic activity.

a T he structure is isolated from the movement of the ground using a Isolator efficiency is directly related to horizontal stiffness and leads to
flexible connections, mainly reinforced elastomeric bearings or major displacement of the structure during a seismic event.
sliding systems, to increase the fundamental period of vibration of a The effects of structural isolation therefore result in a clean low
the structure to be protected and reduce the response to seismic frequency, low acceleration and high relative displacement.
acceleration. Acceleration can be divided by a factor of two or three
on structures featuring such systems.

a A value-added approach is to limit the seismic displacement - Seismic connectors, whose distinguishing feature is that they
of structures in order to simplify the devices used to create a provide only very low resistance to slow displacements due
connection with the neighbouring structures (grids, expansion to temperature variations, shrinkage and creep. They create
joints, etc.). In such cases, designers will either use: a robust connection between the superstructure and the
- Mechanical bearings to transfer all the service and seismic supporting structures during quick displacements mainly
forces from the foundations to the structures (passive associated with seismic events.
protection). aC
 onnectors also have the advantage of sharing major horizontal
seismic forces among all supporting structures (piers) where they
are fitted.

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Protection examples
There are two approaches for effectively protecting structures against destructive forces:

1. Design the structure to withstand any kinds of static and dynamic stresses whatsoever.
2. Fit the structure with special devices that:
a Can isolate the structure either totally or partially from its foundations.

a Dissipate the energy that builds up during dynamic stresses.

a Involve some of the structure's bearings that do not support any horizontal load during normal service.


2 5

1. ISOSISM® FD on an abutment 4. ISOSISM® PDS and FD beneath a railway bridge

2. ISOSISM® FD plan view 5. ISOSISM® PDS and FD plan view
3. ISOSISM® FD in wind bracing

1 2

1. Building isolated with ISOSISM® PS isolators ISOSISM® HDRB or ISOSISM® LRB

2. ISOSISM® HDRB isolators and ISOSISM® FD dissipators beneath a building

1. Installation of an ISOSISM® STU beneath a bridge

2 ISOSISM® STU plan view

C V 5 - 02/16
Dissipation: ISOSISM FD ®

Clevis mounting Design

a The ISOSISM® FD (Fluid Damper) is a hydraulic
damper using a viscous fluid that is stable under
temperature variations and over time.
Piston It is made up of a body with two chambers
Clevis + Pin Rod Clevis mounting separated by a piston. The piston is secured to a
rod connected to one of the clevis mountings and
the damper body is secured to the other clevis
mounting. The damper works in both traction and
a The damping provided by the FD is provided by
Body the viscous fluid flowing through the piston, which
is equipped with specially designed valves.
It conforms to EN 15129 and can be supplied
3D view of an ISOSISM® FD Clevis + Pin
with the CE marking to this effect.

Behaviour law Specific features

The ISOSISM® FD operates using a controlled-opening valve system. ISOSISM® FD dampers do not prevent very slow displacements such as
Its behaviour law can be modelled as follows: those due to thermal variations. They react in the event of an earthquake and
dissipate some of the seismic energy.
These dampers can be used in addition to isolators, in order to increase the
overall damping provided by the earthquake prevention equipment.
Fitting a structure with dampers reduces civil engineering costs. It also ensures
F=C.V α (α can range between 0.05 and 1. the integrity of the structure during and after an earthquake and reduces
Typically between 0.1 and 0.2). maintenance costs.

Force Dampers can be installed in new structures or to bring existing structures in

line with current standards.
α: Damping coefficient
F: Force
V: Velocity


Force (F)
Low Speed
High Speed

Déplacement (D)(D)

Main properties 2

a  rovides only very low resistance to displacements while in service.

a  issipates energy during an earthquake.
a It can be designed as a fixed point in service.

1. BTZ Bridge under construction in Algeria

C V 5 - 02/16

2. ISOSISM® FD fixed on an abutment




Ø ext

Structural connections
Øext: External diameter excluding accumulator Different configurations for installation on the structure are
FMax: Maximum force possible.
DMax: Maximum displacement Freyssinet offers an appropriate connection solution for each
L2: Overall length at mid-stroke
L1: Length between axes at mid-stroke

Fmax Dmax L1 L2 Øext

kN ± mm mm mm mm
FD 1000/200 1,000 ± 100 1,345 1,710 298
FD 1000/400 1,000 ± 200 1,895 2,260 298
FD 1500/200 1,500 ± 100 1,410 1,840 313 Shear/Shear Connection Traction/Shear Connection
FD 1500/400 1,500 ± 200 1,960 2,390 313
FD 2000/200 2,000 ± 100 1,500 2,000 324
FD 2000/400 2,000 ± 200 2,050 2,550 324
FD 2500/200 2,500 ± 100 1,565 2,115 358
FD 2500/400 2,500 ± 200 2,116 2,665 358
FD 3000/200 3,000 ± 100 1,680 2,280 396
FD 3000/400 3,000 ± 200 2,230 2,830 396
FD 3500/200 3,500 ± 100 1,795 2,475 424
FD 3500/400 3,500 ± 200 2,345 3,025 424
FD 4000/200 4,000 ± 100 1,865 2,575 448
FD 4000/400 4,000 ± 200 2,415 3,125 448
Traction/Compression Connection Connection with sliding plates

Range given for guidance.

Other models can be considered upon request.
The maximum force in the above table includes
magnification factors foreseen by the EN15129.
C V 5 - 02/16
Dissipation: ISOSISM PDS ®

a The ISOSISM® PDS (Prestressed Damping Spring)
combines the benefits of a viscous fluid damper and
a prestressed hydraulic spring. In normal operating
conditions, the ISOSISM® PDS acts as a fixed point.
During an earthquake, it dissipates energy and then
returns the structure to its initial position.
a The ISOSISM® PDS can be installed along the
longitudinal or transverse axis of the deck. Its ends
are equipped with a sliding material to accommodate
the thermal expansion of the structure.
It conforms to EN 15129 and can be supplied with
the CE marking to this effect.

3D view of an ISOSISM® PDS

Behaviour law Specific features

The behaviour law of the ISOSISM® PDS The prestressing force F0 of the ISOSISM® PDS must be greater
can be modelled as follows: than the forces to be withstood while in service, such as thermal
expansion, braking and wind. It must be less than the seismic forces.

The ISOSISM® PDS offers a number of benefits:

F=F 0+KD+C.V α α≤0.1 a Three major functions combined in a single device (stop, damper
and spring).
a High reliability: the device is only placed under stress in the event
Force (F) of an earthquake.
a Compact design.
F1 a Highly efficient.
F0 K=F1-F0
a Zero maintenance.

Déplacement(D)(D) ISOSISM® PDS devices are widely used to form the longitudinal fixed
F0 point of bridge decks.

F: Reaction force
F0: Prestressing
K: Stiffness
C: Damping constant
V: Velocity
α: Damping coefficient

Main properties
a pposes displacement in normal operating conditions.
a issipates energy during an earthquake.
 ecentres the structure after an earthquake.

1. Mardakan Bridge - Azerbaijan

2. Installation of an ISOSISM® PDS
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3. 3D views of an ISOSISM® PDS


Range Structural connections

L2 Stroke


F: Prestressing Force H: Height

Fmax: Maximum Force Ø: Diameter
K: Stiffness L1: Length of mounting plate
L: Length L2: Width of mounting plate

F0 Stroke Fmax K L H Ø L1 L2
kN mm kN kN/mm mm mm mm mm mm
PDS 100-290-50 100 ±50 290 1.6 660 155 130 520 260
PDS 100-290-100 100 ± 100 290 0.8 1,020 165 130 780 260
PDS 250-670-50 250 ±50 670 3 900 215 180 760 360
PDS 250-670-100 250 ± 100 670 1.5 1,370 230 180 1,130 360
PDS 500-1210-50 500 ±50 1,210 5 1,130 285 240 990 480
PDS 500-1210-100 500 ± 100 1,210 2.5 1,680 305 240 1,440 480
PDS 750-1660-50 750 ±50 1,660 7 1,220 320 270 1,080 540
PDS 750-1660-100 750 ± 100 1,660 3.5 1,800 340 270 1,560 540
PDS 1000-2000-50 1,000 ±50 2,000 10 1,300 345 290 1,160 580
PDS 1000-2000-100 1,000 ± 100 2,000 5 1,870 360 290 1,630 580
PDS 1500-3000-50 1,500 ±50 3,000 12 1,520 415 350 1,380 700
PDS 1500-3000-100 1,500 ± 100 3,000 6 2,190 435 350 1,950 700
PDS 2000-3610-50 2,000 ±50 3,610 20 1,610 460 390 1,470 780
PDS 2000-3610-100 2,000 ± 100 3,610 10 2,240 480 390 2,000 780
PDS 2500-4520-50 2,500 ±50 4,520 25 1,670 505 430 1,530 860
PDS 2500-4520-100 2,500 ± 100 4,520 12.5 2,280 520 430 2,040 860
PDS 3000-5420-50 3,000 ±50 5,420 30 1,740 545 470 1,600 940
PDS 3000-5420-100 3,000 ± 100 5,420 15 2,350 565 470 2,110 940

Range given for guidance. Other models can be considered upon request.

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Isolation: ISOSISM HDRB ®

Reinforcement Design
Anchor plate
Screw a The ISOSISM® HDRB (High Damping Rubber
Anchor dowel Bearing) is an isolator designed using an elastomeric
block (natural rubber) reinforced with steel bonded
by vulcanising. It conforms to EN 15129 and can be
supplied with the CE marking to this effect.
a It is usually a type C (fitted with outer plates) isolator
Elastomer manufactured to the dimensions required for the
project. It is available in square or round formats.
The damping provided by the ISOSISM® HDRB
results from the nature of the elastomeric compound
and reduces the acceleration and displacement of
Outer plate
structures during a seismic event.
a It
can be designed and manufactured according to
3D view of an ISOSISM® HDRB other international standards like AASHTO, ASCE, etc.

Behaviour law Specific features

The behaviour law of the ISOSISM® HDRB The ISOSISM® HDRB has numerous applications in buildings, nuclear power
can be modelled as follows: plants, civil engineering structures, etc. It isolates the structure from the
movement of the ground by forming flexible connections that increase the
fundamental period of vibration of the structure to be protected and reduce
F=Kr.D its acceleration by a ratio from two to three.

Displacement (D)

Kr: Horizontal stiffness

F: Force
D: Displacement

Main properties
a  igh recentring capability.
a Moderate damping capacity (ξ ≤ 16% and ≥ 10%).
a Moderate maximum displacement.

a No maintenance needed.

1. ITER reactor - France

2. Dynamic and static testing of an ISOSISM® HDRB
3 ISOSISM® HDRB, ITER reactor - France
4 ISOSISM® HDRB fixed to an upper structure

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Range Structural connections

The composition of the elastomeric mixture determines the damping capacity of the ISOSISM® The isolators are connected to metal structures using bolts.
HDRB isolator. They are connected to concrete structures using anchor
The mechanical characteristics of the elastomer make the isolator capable of withstanding tubes or studs.
seismic deformation of up to tang = 2.5. ISOSISM® HDRB isolators can be installed in new or existing
Three types of mixture are available for different shear modulus G and damping values:
aM odel HDRB 0.4-10: Modulus G=0.4 MPa – Damping = 10% (at tang=1)
aM odel HDRB 0.8-10: Modulus G=0.8 MPa – Damping = 10% (at tang=1)
aM odel HDRB 1.4-16: Modulus G=1.4 MPa – Damping = 16% (at tang=1)
Ø: Diameter Ø
Tr: Total thickness of elastomer
H: Total height of isolator
Δmax: Maximum horizontal displacement
Vmax: Maximum vertical load under zero displacement
Vseism: Maximum vertical load under maximum displacement
Kr: Horizontal stiffness

HDRB 0.4 - 10 HDRB 0.8 - 10 HDRB 1.4 - 16

Ø Tr
H Δmax Vmax Vseism Kr H Δmax Vmax Vseism Kr H Δmax Vmax Vseism Kr
mm mm mm mm kN kN kN/mm mm mm kN kN kN/mm mm mm kN kN kN/mm
Ø300 45 129 110 1,640 940 0.63 129 95 3,280 1,990 1.26 129 75 5,410 3,760 2.20
Ø300 70 169 170 1,050 320 0.40 169 150 2,110 790 0.81 169 120 3,700 1,740 1.41
Ø350 55 145 135 2,540 1,420 0.70 165 115 5,080 3,050 1.40 165 95 7,430 5,480 2.45
Ø350 75 177 185 1,860 660 0.51 197 160 3,730 1,550 1.03 197 130 6,530 3,080 1.80
Ø400 60 147 150 3,290 1,910 0.84 167 130 6,590 4,060 1.68 167 100 8,150 7,710 2.93
Ø400 90 192 225 2,240 690 0.56 212 195 4,480 1,700 1.12 212 155 7,850 3,640 1.95
Ø450 72 165 180 4,540 2,510 0.88 185 155 9,080 5,230 1.77 185 125 10,380 9,230 3.09
Ø450 108 219 260 3,020 840 0.59 239 230 6,050 1,980 1.18 238 185 1,380 4,250 2.06
Ø500 84 197 210 5,130 2,770 0.93 217 180 10,260 5,810 1.87 217 145 11,030 10,450 3.27
Ø500 126 257 290 3,420 960 0.62 277 270 6,840 2,030 1.25 277 215 11,030 4,670 2.18
Ø550 88 198 220 6,320 3,500 1.08 218 190 11,720 7,470 2.16 228 150 15,630 13,740 3.78
Ø550 144 275 320 3,860 1,090 0.66 295 310 7,720 2,090 1.32 312 250 13,520 4,970 2.31
Ø600 96 209 240 8,260 4,580 1.18 249 205 13,990 9,620 2.36 260 165 18,660 16,890 4.12
Ø600 144 275 350 5,500 1,510 0.79 315 310 11,010 3,560 1.57 332 250 18,660 7,630 2.75
Ø650 108 241 270 9,030 4,920 1.23 272 230 18,070 10,380 2.46 272 185 19,520 18,510 4.30
Ø650 162 313 380 6,020 1,660 0.82 350 350 12,050 3,620 1.64 350 280 19,520 8,180 2.87
Ø700 120 253 300 9,890 5,300 1.28 304 260 19,780 10,990 2.57 315 205 25,520 20,250 4.49
Ø700 170 318 410 6,980 1,940 0.91 374 365 13,960 4,600 1.81 390 295 34,430 9,970 3.17
Ø750 130 286 325 12,070 6,230 1.36 338 280 23,480 12,900 2.72 350 225 29,360 23,260 4.76
Ø750 170 338 425 9,230 2,780 1.04 394 365 18,470 6,770 2.08 410 295 29,360 13,790 3.64
Ø800 132 285 330 14,040 7,690 1.52 336 285 24,330 16,000 3.05 358 225 36,500 28,870 5.33
Ø800 176 341 440 10,530 3,480 1.14 396 380 21,060 8,210 2.28 426 305 36,500 16,640 4.00

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Range given for guidance. Other models can be considered upon request.
Isolation: ISOSISM LRB ®

Steel reinforcement Lead core

Anchor plate
a The ISOSISM® LRB (Lead Rubber Bearing) is an isolator designed

using an elastomeric block (natural rubber) reinforced with steel

Anchor dowel bonded by vulcanising. It has one or more cylindrical lead cores.
The damping provided by the ISOSISM® LRB results from the nature
of the elastomeric compound and the lead cylinder, and reduces the
acceleration and displacement of structures during a seismic event.
It conforms to EN 15129 and can be supplied with the CE
marking to this effect.
a It is usually a type C isolator (fitted with outer plates) manufactured

to the dimensions required for the project. It is available in square or

round formats.
Outer plate
a It can be designed and manufactured according to other
international standards like AASHTO, ASCE, etc.
3D view of an ISOSISM® LRB

Behaviour law Specific features

The behaviour law of the ISOSISM® LRB can be modelled as The ISOSISM® LRB has numerous applications
follows: in buildings, nuclear power plants, civil engineering
structures, etc.
There are two possible structural design approaches:
It isolates the structure from the movement of the ground by
Linear calculation: F=Keff D forming flexible connections that increase the fundamental
period of vibration of the structure to be protected and
reduce its acceleration by a ratio from two to three.
Non-linear calculation: F=Fy+Kr D

Kr: Second branch stiffness

Keff: Effective stiffness
F: Horizontal force
D: Displacement
Displacement (D)
Fy: Elastic force of the lead

The damping is obtained by the properties of the
lead core and the nature of the elastomer.

Main properties
a High recentring capability.
a High damping capacity (ξ ≤ 30%).
a Moderate maximum displacement. 3
a Zero maintenance.
ISOSISM® LRB with a lead core

1. Antalya Airport, retrofitting with ISOSISM® LRB isolators - Turkey

2. Testing an ISOSISM® LRB
C V 5 - 02/16

3. ISOSISM® LRB with a lead core


Range Structural connections

Two types of mixture are available for different shear modulus G values: Different configurations for installation on the
structure are possible.
a M
 odel LRB 0.4 - 10: Modulus G=0.4 MPa
a M
 odel LRB 0.8 - 10: Modulus G=0.8 MPa The isolators are connected to steel structures using
Ø: Isolator diameter They are connected to concrete structures using
Vmax: Maximum vertical load under zero displacement
anchor dowels or studs.
Vseism: Maximum vertical load under maximum displacement
Keff: Effective stiffness of the isolator
The fixing principle is the same as for ISOSISM®
H: Total height of the isolator Ø HDRB isolators.
Tr: Total elastomer thickness
Δmax: Maximum horizontal displacement
Fy: Elastic force of the lead
Kr: Horizontal stiffness of the elastomer
ξeff: Effective damping
Klp: Stiffness of the lead

LRB 0.4 - 10 LRB 0.8 - 10

Ø Tr
H Δmax Vmax Vseism Kr Klp Fy Keff ξeff H Δmax Vmax Vseism Kr Klp Fy Keff ξeff
mm mm mm mm kN kN kN/mm kN/mm kN kN/mm % mm mm kN kN kN/mm kN/mm kN kN/mm %
Ø300 45 129 110 1,430 820 0.59 5.89 34 0.87 26 129 95 2,380 1,550 1.12 11.17 60 1.70 27
Ø300 70 169 170 920 290 0.38 3.79 34 0.56 26 169 150 1,640 680 0.72 7.18 60 1.08 27
Ø350 55 145 135 2,200 1,230 0.65 6.53 49 0.98 27 165 115 3,290 2,390 1.25 12.48 80 1.88 27
Ø350 75 177 185 1,610 600 0.48 4.79 49 0.72 27 197 160 2,920 1,350 0.92 9.15 80 1.37 27
Ø400 60 147 150 2,870 1,670 0.79 7.85 60 1.15 26 167 130 3,620 3,200 1.50 14.99 102 2.21 26
Ø400 90 192 225 1,950 630 0.52 5.24 60 0.77 26 212 195 3,540 1,490 1.00 9.99 102 1.48 26
Ø450 72 165 180 3,940 2,180 0.83 8.26 80 1.23 27 185 155 4,580 4,190 1.57 15.71 136 2.37 27
Ø450 108 219 260 2,620 770 0.55 5.51 80 0.83 27 239 230 4,580 1,740 1.05 10.47 136 1.59 27
Ø500 84 197 210 4,380 2,360 0.87 8.67 110 1.34 28 217 180 4,890 4,680 1.67 16.66 165 2.50 27
Ø500 126 257 290 2,920 870 0.58 5.78 110 0.92 29 277 270 4,890 1,780 1.11 11.11 165 1.67 27
Ø550 88 198 220 5,460 3,050 1.01 10.10 119 1.50 27 228 190 6,940 5,900 1.93 19.29 196 2.87 27
Ø550 144 275 320 3,360 1,000 0.62 6.17 119 0.95 28 312 310 6,100 1,840 1.18 11.79 196 1.75 27
Ø600 96 209 240 6,540 4,010 1.10 11.04 136 1.62 26 260 205 8,250 7,690 2.09 20.94 242 3.17 27
Ø600 144 275 350 4,810 1,390 0.74 7.36 136 1.09 26 332 310 8,250 3,120 1.40 13.96 242 2.11 27
Ø650 108 252 270 7,870 4,290 1.15 11.50 165 1.70 26 272 230 8,650 8,340 2.19 21.89 280 3.29 27
Ø650 162 330 380 5,250 1,530 0.77 7.67 165 1.16 27 350 350 8,650 3,180 1.46 14.59 280 2.19 27
Ø700 120 264 300 8,590 4,600 1.20 11.98 196 1.79 27 315 260 11,340 8,980 2.29 22.89 320 3.41 27
Ø700 170 334 410 6,060 1,780 0.85 8.46 196 1.28 27 390 365 11,030 4,040 1.62 16.16 320 2.41 27
Ø750 130 298 325 10,370 5,530 1.26 12.63 242 1.94 28 350 280 13,000 10,870 2.42 24.17 378 3.64 27
Ø750 170 354 425 7,930 2,540 0.97 9.66 242 1.48 28 410 365 13,000 5,950 1.85 18.48 378 2.79 27
Ø800 132 296 330 11,220 6,540 1.41 14.08 293 2.21 28 358 285 16,190 12,950 2.71 27.12 425 4.07 27
Ø800 176 356 440 8,960 3,150 1.06 10.56 293 1.66 28 426 380 16,190 7,220 2.03 20.34 425 3.05 27

Range given for guidance. Other models can be considered upon request.

C V 5 - 02/16
Isolation: ISOSISM PS ®

Top anchor plate
Sliding material a The ISOSISM® PS (Pendulum System) is an
isolator designed using one or two spherical
surfaces and a slider.
It conforms to EN 15129 and can be supplied
with the CE marking to this effect.
a The ISOSISM® PS is suitable for all types of
bridge and building. It has the property of aligning
the centre of stiffness and the centre of gravity
Primary sliding surface of the isolated structure. It therefore naturally
Bottom anchor plate prevents twisting movements of the structure in
the event of an earthquake and thus reduces the
Secondary sliding surface shear constraint.
a It
can be designed and manufactured according to
3D view of an ISOSISM® PS other international standards like AASHTO, ASCE, etc.

Behaviour law Specific features

The behaviour law of the ISOSISM® PS can be The stiffness of the isolator is determined by the radius of the spherical
modelled as follows: surfaces, while the damping is provided by the friction between the
sliding surfaces. The PS isolator is a bearing that typically provides a
F=V (μ+D/R) threefold reduction in the horizontal force exerted on the structure
during an earthquake:

Acceleration Displacement
Isolation Isolation

Damping Damping
isplacement (D)

Period Period
Keff: Effective stiffness a Increasing the lateral flexibility by installing the isolator between
F: Horizontal force the foundations and the superstructure greatly increases the natural
D: Displacement period, which leads to a reduction in the acceleration and therefore
the seismic force.
V: Vertical force
a By dissipating the energy during seismic movement, the ISOSISM® PS
μ: Dynamic coefficient of friction
limits displacement.
R: Radius

Main properties
a Recentring capability.
a High damping capacity (ξ ≤ 35%).
a High relative displacement.

1. Retrofitting with ISOSISM® PS to the Building Orione - Italy

2. ISOSISM® PS being assembled
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3 & 4 3D diagrams of an ISOSISM® PS


Range Structural connections

The type of PS isolator chosen depends on the nature of the Different configurations for installation on the structure are possible.
structure to be isolated, the permitted displacement and the space Freyssinet offers an appropriate connection solution for each configuration.
Ø1 Ø1

Ø2 Ø2


D : Maximum displacement N : Maximum seismic force

max Ed,max

N : Maximum non-seismic force Ø1: Diameter 1

H: Height Ø2: Diameter 2

Dmax NEd,max NSd
Type Ø1 Ø2 H Ø1 Ø2 H
± mm kN kN mm mm mm mm mm mm
PS 1000/300 ± 150 1,000 800 450 205 100 345 345 180
PS 1000/500 ± 250 1,000 800 680 220 105 450 450 180
PS 1500/300 ± 150 1,500 1,140 490 250 105 385 385 205
PS 1500/500 ± 250 1,500 1,140 720 265 120 490 490 205
PS 2000/300 ± 150 2,000 1,540 510 285 115 415 415 235
PS 2000/500 ± 250 2,000 1,540 750 310 130 520 520 235
PS 2500/300 ± 150 2,500 1,940 530 315 125 445 445 260
PS 2500/500 ± 250 2,500 1,940 780 340 135 555 555 260
PS 3000/300 ± 150 3,000 2,280 560 345 135 490 490 295
PS 3000/500 ± 250 3,000 2,280 800 375 150 600 600 295
PS 4000/300 ± 150 4,000 3,080 600 395 145 530 530 335
PS 4000/500 ± 250 4,000 3,080 850 430 165 640 640 335
PS 5000/300 ± 150 5,000 3,820 640 445 160 555 555 355 4
PS 5000/300 ± 250 5,000 3,820 890 475 180 670 670 360

Range given for guidance. Other models can be considered upon request.
The above table is based on 3% nominal friction and effective radius equal
to 4000mm.
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Connection: ISOSISM STU ®

Rear clevis mounting

a The ISOSISM® STU (Shock Transmission Unit)
is a connector that works like a high-pressure
Piston hydraulic jack.
Outer cylinder
It is made up of a body with two chambers
separated by a piston. The piston is secured to a
rod connected to one of the clevis mountings and
the damper body is secured to the other clevis
Pin mounting.
Rod It conforms to EN 15129 and can be supplied
with the CE marking to this effect.
Silicone fluid
a TheISOSISM® STU works in both traction and
Front clevis mounting
a It
can be designed and manufactured according to
3D view of an ISOSISM® STU other international standards like AASHTO, ASCE, etc.

Behaviour law Specific features

The behaviour law of the ISOSISM® STU The ISOSISM® STU has numerous applications in buildings, nuclear power
depends on velocity of load application. plants, civil engineering structures, etc.

It is used to connect buildings together, or to create a fixed point on a civil

engineering structure in the event of an earthquake, emergency braking by
a high-speed train or a gust of wind.

The units then act as rigid connections, distributing the horizontal forces
over all of the piers on which they are installed.

Displacement (D)

Low Speed
V≤ 0.1 mm/sec
V: Velocity F≤ 10% FMax

High Speed
V> 0.1 mm/sec

Main properties
a Provides only very low resistance to displacements. 2
a The ISOSISM® STU operates by means of one or more stop
valves housed in the piston. As an option, the force transmitted
by the unit can be restricted by adding a force limiter.

1. Struma Bridge - Bulgaria

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3. 3D diagram of an ISOSISM® STU






Øext: External diameter

FMax: Maximum force Structural connections
DMax: Maximum displacement
L2: Overall length at mid-stroke Different configurations for installation on the structure are possible.
L1: Length between axes at mid-stroke Freyssinet offers an appropriate connection solution for each configuration.

Fmax Dmax L1 L2 Ø ext

kN ± mm mm mm mm
STU 500/100 500 ± 50 880 1,145 172
STU 500/200 500 ± 100 1,155 1,420 172
STU 750/100 750 ± 50 925 1,245 210
STU 750/200 750 ± 100 1,200 1,520 210
STU 1000/100 1,000 ± 50 1,055 1,420 236
STU 1000/200 1,000 ± 100 1,330 1,695 236
STU 1500/100 1,500 ± 50 1,125 1,555 267
STU 1500/200 1,500 ± 100 1,400 1,830 267
STU 2000/100 2,000 ± 50 1,225 1,725 300
STU 2000/200 2,000 ± 100 1,500 2,000 300
STU 2500/100 2,500 ± 50 1,290 1,840 325
STU 2500/200 2,500 ± 100 1,565 2,115 325
STU 3000/100 3,000 ± 50 1,405 2,005 362
STU 3000/200 3,000 ± 100 1,680 2,280 362
STU 3500/100 3,500 ± 50 1,520 2,200 388
STU 3500/200 3,500 ± 100 1,795 2,475 388
STU 4000/100 4,000 ± 50 1,590 2,300 414
STU 4000/200 4,000 ± 100 1,865 2,575 414

Range given for guidance.

Other models can be considered upon request.
The maximum force in the above table is including the magnification
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factor equal to 1.5.

Designs: Structural design
The seismic behaviour of structures can be analysed by Freyssinet carries out both types of analysis and uses high-
means of a linear spectral analysis and a non-linear time performance software for quickly calculating the non-linear
history analysis. time history response of isolated and wind-braced structures.
A spectral analysis is easier to implement and provides access Freyssinet can therefore streamline global project costs,
to equivalent static forces and displacements. It is suitable for from beginning through to handover, by using earthquake
structures that are damped up to 30% and fitted with devices protection devices to lighten the superstructure and
featuring a linear behaviour law. foundations.
For higher damping levels and for non-linear devices, a time
history analysis is required.

Types of analysis:
The analysis depends on the damping coefficient:
aU p to 30%: the calculation is linear, based on the use of the spectral analysis method.
aO ver 30%: the calculation is non-linear and based on the use of specialised software.


STU 12

Linear 10

Spectral analysis
Accélération (m/s²)


LRB 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Linear or non-linear, depending Période (s)

on the ξ values
PS 4.0
Accélération (m/s²)


FD -1.0

Non-linear -3.0

Based on specialised software 0 5 10 15

Temps (s)
20 25 30


1. Design office
2. 3D finite element analysis of the isolation system
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3. Analysis of the fitting of the dampers on the pier heads

Some projects
Freyssinet's strength lies in its expertise in the different Projects where Freyssinet took part in seismic studies and
technologies for designing structures subject to seismic also designed and supplied devices include:
forces and its expertise in protection device technologies, a La Meynard Hospital - Martinique
thereby enabling the company to offer an end-to-end service
a El Hachef and Loukkos high-speed train viaducts -
for streamlining global project costs.
Different options can be analysed in an effort to achieve the
For these projects, fitting earthquake protection devices
correct trade-off between displacements and forces in the
curbed construction costs by reducing floor accelerations
superstructure and the foundations.
and seismic reactions at the foundations.


(mm) (m/s²)
Without dampers 340 2.5
With dampers 170 1.7

For this hospital, Freyssinet took part in the seismic study, and also designed,
manufactured and installed:
a 283 ISOSISM® HDRB isolators

a 36 ISOSISM® FD dissipators.

El Hachef and Loukkos high-speed train viaducts - Morocco

For these viaducts, Freyssinet took part in the seismic study, and also designed,
manufactured and installed:
a 156 ISOSISM® PDS prestressed damping springs

a 152 ISOSISM® FD dissipators.

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FREYSSINET'S expertise
We guarantee all our customers around the world
the same level of excellence in our products and
services by designing and manufacturing our own
earthquake protection devices. We can draw on our
expertise across the product and system lifecycle
to gear our solutions towards a broad array of
applications and extreme operating conditions.

Products designed and

manufactured by Freyssinet
All our ISOSISM® products have undergone
numerous dynamic tests to guide and validate
Freyssinet's technical development process.
They are conceived and designed by an in-house
1 technical department that fine-tunes products for
conformity with applicable standards and project
specifications. Coordination between the design, the
manufacturing solutions and the choice of materials
is critical for producing solutions, offering peak
performance and providing reliable and durable
Our in-house mechanical testing centre with its
broad array of specific materials carries out full-
scale testing on most of our products during both
the product development and approval stage as well
as the production phase.

Certified products
Recognition of Freyssinet's expertise and high-
2 quality processes is reflected in a number of
certifications in a wide range of fields.
Our earthquake protection devices are world-
renowned and certified by a number of specialised

1 Design office - ISOSISM® industrialisation

2 Dynamic testing on an ISOSISM® LRB
3 Certifications
4 Dimensional control of an ISOSISM® PDS
3 5 Assembly of an ISOSISM® PDS in the guide
6 Quality control
7 Plate surface treatment
8 Test equipment
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9 Storage of ISOSISM® PDS

Expertise and industrial know-how
Based in France, our FPC Industrial Division
(Freyssinet Products Company) acts as a focal
point for all of Freyssinet's expertise in materials,
manufacturing, production engineering, control
and logistics. It coordinates all of our production
activities on a global scale. A large contingent
of experts in smelting, elastomers, mechanical
engineering and quality travels the length and
breadth of the five continents in a bid to define and
control the manufacturing processes and guarantee
the same level of product quality, irrespective of the
production site's location.
Guaranteed quality
The sprawling network of FPC-managed production
sites requires daily involvement from the quality
control department, which guarantees the quality
and conformity of the products supplied. All
products are checked by FPC at a given moment
in time, using its array of cutting-edge measuring
All checkpoints are defined internally, and FPC issues
a certificate of conformity for each product supplied.
ISOSISM® isolators are designed and manufactured
according to EN 15129 and AASHTO. They can be
supplied with the CE marking. 6 7

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Mardakan Bridge - Azerbaijan

BTZ Bridge - Algeria

ITER reactor - France

C V 5 - 02/16
Marmara Hospital - Turkey

Coyuca Bridge - Mexico

Bucharest City Hall - Romania

C V 5 - 02/16
French Guyana
El Salvador
United States of America

Czech Republic
United Kingdom

Africa and Middle East

Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates

Hong Kong
South Korea

www.freyssinet.com Taiwan

New Zealand

© 2016 Soletanche Freyssinet - The text, photos and other information contained in this catalogue are the property of the Soletanche Freyssinet Group.
All reproduction, display or other use without the prior consent of Soletanche Freyssinet is prohibited. ISOSISM® is a registered trademark of Soletanche Freyssinet.
Soletanche Freyssinet promotes the use of paper pulp from sustainably managed forests. The paper used in this catalogue is certified in accordance with the stringent rules of the PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification).
Publication: 02/2016 - C V 5 - Printed in France

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