1application & Objectives of Rock Mechanics
1application & Objectives of Rock Mechanics
1application & Objectives of Rock Mechanics
(All Mining Solutions)
Soils are aggregates of mineral grains that can be separated by slight mechanical
means such as agitation in water. On the other hand, rocks are aggregates of mineral
grains that are connected by strong and permanent forces.
Geologists classify rocks into three major groups: igneous, sedimentary, and
metamorphic. Rocks are classified from a genetic point of view, i.e. how they were
formed. Each rock group is further divided into sub-groups based on the grain size,
the rock texture, etc.On the other hand, engineers are more interested in how rocks
behave in practice. They classify rocks based on their performance in various
engineering applications such as drilling, blasting, tunneling, rock/dam interaction,
In rock mechanics and rock engineering, you should also be aware that there is a
clear distinction between "rock" and "rock mass". The term "rock" refers to the intact
material, whereas "rock mass" is used to describe the material in situ which can be
seen as an "assemblage" of blocks of intact rock material separated by
discontinuities, fractures, etc... Laboratory tests are usually done on core samples of
intact rock and are therefore of limited value. On the other hand, field tests are
conducted in boreholes, galleries, etc.. and involve a volume of the rock mass. The
response of a rock mass to a test depends on both the intact rock and the
discontinuities. In practice, the results of both laboratory and field tests are
integrated into rock engineering design where the main objective is to understand
the interaction of a rock mass with an engineering structure.
For most engineering projects involving rocks, the objectives of rock mechanics are
essentially of three fold:
(i) Determine the properties of the rock and the rock mass associated with the
project of interest. These properties may be physical, mechanical, hydraulic or
thermal. Not all properties need to be determined but only those that are deemed
necessary. In addition to these properties, the in situ stress field needs to be
measured as well. The intact rock and rock mass properties are usually determined
in the laboratory and in the field, respectively.
(ii) Model and predict the behavior of the rock mass when subjected to the new loads
associated with the engineering structure to be built.
(iii) Finally, once the engineering structure is built and upon its completion, the third
objective is to observe and monitor its response and behavior with adequate
Despite its analytical aspect, rock mechanics still remains an art since the rock
mechanics engineer is faced with an engineering material of uttermost complexity for
which engineering judgment and experience are required. In general, rock and rock
mass properties cannot be assigned to a design calculation with the same degree of
certainty as for other types of engineering materials such as concrete or steel for
three reasons.
First, information obtained from the testing of rock specimens or from field
observations through outcrops, trenches, boreholes, geophysics (surface and down
hole), and excavations are not sufficient to provide a complete picture of the rock
mass of interest. Uncertainties are inherent when dealing with rock masses;
uncertainties in the material itself, uncertainties in data collection and testing and
uncertainties in model prediction.
C Anisotropic if its properties vary with directions as for sedimentary rocks, foliated
metamorphic rocks and regularly jointed rocks;
Note that rocks and especially rock masses can rarely be described as isotropic,
homogeneous continua. Thus, continuum mechanics is of limited value when
modeling rocks. In addition, rock properties can be time-dependent and scale-
dependent (Figure 1). The scale dependency implies that when modeling a rock mass,
we need to take into account the relative scale of the structure of interest with
respect to the scale of the major rock mass features. The scale dependency is in both
time and space. By scaling we are concerned not only with the scaling of rock mass
properties but also the scaling of the mechanisms involved in rock mass behavior.
Third, to complicate things even more, geological processes are coupled in a strong
non-linear fashion. The processes can be mechanical, hydrological, thermal,
chemical, and/or biological.
With the previous characteristics in mind, it is unlikely that rock mechanics will ever
be successful in producing a fully coupled deterministic model of rock masses. An
exact prediction of rock mass behavior is not possible. Because of the complex
nature of rock as an engineering material, the design methods in rock engineering
can vary depending on the geologic environment, the rock type, the type of
engineering structure, the design loads that have to be considered, and the end uses
for which the engineering structure is intended. This is discussed more extensively in
a paper by Hoek (1991). Tables 2-5 were extracted from that paper.
In general, rock mass classifications can be divided into two categories: geological and
Geologists classify rocks according to how they are formed. The geological
classification is therefore a genetic one. Rocks are usually separated into three
Igneous rocks: rocks formed by the solidification of a hot molten rock called magma.
They consist of a complex crystalline assemblage of minerals such as quartz,
feldspars, micas, pyroxenes, amphibole and olivine;
Metamorphic rocks: rocks that are formed by transformation of existing rocks by the
action of temperature and pressure.
4.2 Engineering Classifications
Table 6. Major rock mass classification systems in use (after Bieniawski, 1993).
Rock masses are so complex that very often it is not possible to take under
consideration in the design all possible stability problems related to intact rock,
discontinuities, stresses and water. As an example, Figure 2 shows the decision
process in the design of underground excavations in rock
Figure 2. Design of underground excavations in rock (after Hoek and Brown,
Due to the complex nature of rock masses, rock engineers sometimes use rock mass
classifications for the design of rock slopes and underground excavations.
Classifications can be seen as "black boxes" that contain a lot of case histories. The
conditions anticipated at a proposed site are compared with experience gained on
other completed projects.
In general, rock mass classifications form the backbone of the "empirical design"
approach in rock engineering and are used quite extensively for the design of rock
slopes and underground excavations in rock. They should not be used as the sole
design tool but instead along with other analytical, numerical, and observational
design methods.
Before using rock mass classifications for design it is important that the rock mass be
divided into a number of structural regions, i.e regions where the rock mass has
more or less uniform features such as rock type, discontinuity network, fabric, etc..
Very often, the boundaries of structural regions coincide with major geological
features such as faults, dykes, shear zones, etc. The empirical design is then
conducted on each structural region.
Major classification systems used for underground excavation design include those
of Terzaghi (1946) (revised by Rose in 1982), Deere et al. (1970), Wickham et al.
(1974), Bieniawski (1974), Barton et al. (1974, 1992), and Barton (1994). The
classifications of Bieniawski and Barton are by far the two empirical methods most
commonly used in rock engineering design around the world. The classification of
Bieniawski is briefly discussed below (see also Appendix).
C Rating R2 is related to the Rock Quality Designation (RQD) index which itself
depends on the frequency of the rock mass fractures (see Deere et al., 1988);
C Rating R4 refers to the conditions of the joints (roughness, openness, filling and
Rock mass ratings are available for foundation, slopes and mining applications.
Several examples of application of the RMR rating in practice can be found in
Bieniawski (1974, 1975, 1979a,b, 1984, 1993), Einstein et al. (1983), Kaiser et al. (1986),
ASTM STP 984 (1988), and Romana (1993).You should be aware that since RMR was
first proposed in 1974, the individual ratings in the determination of RMR have
changed with time as more case histories have been included in the corresponding
"black box". Always use the most current set of rating coefficients.
if RMR < 50%. The strength of a rock mass can be determined using the failure
criterion of Hoek and Brown (1980b) which relates the major and minor principal
stresses at failure as follows
where m and s are two parameters that depend on the rock type, the degree of rock
mass fracturing, and the RMR. For intact rock m = mi and s = 1. For fractured rock
masses, m and s are related to the basic (unadjusted) RMR as follows
for smooth-blasted or machine-bored excavations in rock and
for slopes and blast-damaged excavations in rock. Typical values of m and s for
various rock types and corresponding to various RMR values are listed in Table 7,
which is a modified version of that originally proposed by Hoek and Brown (1980a).
A correlation has been proposed between the RMR and the Q rating proposed by
Barton (1974). An example is shown in Figure 11 in the Appendix where the two
ratings are related as follows
Other empirical equations between RMR and Q have been proposed (see for instance
Kaiser et al., 1986 and Bieniawski, 1993).
ASTM STP 984 (1988) Rock classification systems for engineering purposes,
Barton, N., Lien, R. and Lunde, J. (1974) Engineering classification of rock masses for
the design of tunnel support, Rock Mechanics, 6 (4), pp. 189-236.
Barton, N. et al. (1992) Comparison of prediction and performance for a 62 m span
sports hall in jointed gneiss, in Proc. of MIR'92, Torino, Paper 17.
Bieniawski, Z.T. (1974) Geomechanics classification of rock masses and its application
in tunneling, in Proc. 3rd. Cong. ISRM, Denver, Vol.2A, pp. 27-32.
Bieniawski, Z.T. (1975) Case studies: prediction of rock mass behavior by the
Geomechanics classification, in Proc. 2nd. Australia-New Zealand Conf. on
Geomechanics, Brisbane, pp. 36-41.
Bieniawski, Z.T. (1979b) Tunnel design by rock mass classifications. US Army Corps
of Eng. Report GL-79-19.
Bieniawski, Z.T. (1984) Rock Mechanics Design in Mining and Tunneling, Balkema.
Bieniawski, Z.T. (1993) Classification of rock masses for engineering: the RMR system
and future trends, in Comprehensive Rock Engineering (J.A. Hudson ed.), Pergamon,
Vol. 3, pp. 553-73.
Bieniawski, Z.T. and Orr, C.M. (1976) Rapid site appraisal for dam foundations by the
Geomechanics classification, in Proc. 12th Cong. of Large Dams, Mexico, pp. 483-501.
Brekke, T.L. and Howard, T. (1973) Stability problems caused by seams and faults, in
Proc. RETC, AIME, pp. 25-41.
Deere, D.U., Peck, R.B., Parker, H., Monses, J.E. and Schmidt, B. (1970) Design of
tunnel support systems. Highway Research Record, No.339, pp.26-33.
Deere, D.U. and Deere, D.W. (1988) The Rock Quality Designation (RQD) index in
practice. ASTM STP 984, Philadelphia, pp. 91-101.
Einstein, H.H. et al. (1983) Comparison of five empirical tunnel classification methods
- accuracy, effect of subjectivity and available information, in Proc. 5th ISRM Congress,
Melbourne, Balkema, Vol. 1, pp. C303-13.
Hatheway, A.W. and Kiersch, G.A. (1989) Engineering properties of rock, Section X in
Handbook of Physical Properties of Rocks and Minerals, R.S. Carmichael (ed.).
Hoek, E. (1983) Strength of jointed rock masses, Geotechnique, 33, pp. 187-233.
Hoek, E. (1991) When is a design in rock engineering acceptable, in Proc. 7th ISRM
Congress, Aachen, Balkema, Vol. 3, pp. 1485-97.
Hoek, H. and Brown, E.T. (1980a) Underground Excavations in Rock, IMM, London.
Hoek, E. and Brown, E.T. (1980b) Empirical strength criterion for rock masses, ASCE J. of
Geotech. Eng. Division, GT9, pp.1013-35.
Kaiser, P., MacKay, C. and Gale, A.D. (1986) Evaluation of rock classifications at B.C.
Rail Tumbler Ridge Tunnels, Rock Mechanics and Rock Eng., 19, pp. 205-34.
Rose, D. (1982) Revising Terzaghi's tunnel rock load coefficients, in Proc. 23rd US
Symp. Rock Mechanics, Berkeley, SME/AIME, pp. 953-60.
Terzaghi, K. (1946) Rock defects and loads on tunnel support, in Rock Tunneling with
Steel Support, Proctor and White, Commercial Shearing Co.
Wickham, G.E., Tiedemann, H.R. and Skinner, E.H. (1974). Ground support prediction
model - RSR concept, in Proc. RETC, AIME, pp.691-707.