Unit 8 Nano Materials 1

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Unit –VIII Nano-materials Engineering Physics

1. Introduction
In recent years nanotechnology has become one of the most important and
exiting forefront fields in physics, chemistry, biology and engineering and technology.
Nano means 10 m. A nanometer (nm) is one thousand millionth of a meter. Atoms
are extremely small and the diameter of a single atom varies from 0.1 to 0.5 nm
depending on the type of the element. For example, one carbon atom is approximately
0.15nm in diameter and a water molecule is almost 0.3nm across. A red blood cell is
approximately 7,000 nm wide and human hair is 80,000 nm wide.

2. Origin of Nano technology

While the word nano technology is relatively new, the existence of nanostructures
and nanodevices is not new. Such structures existed on the earth as life itself. Though
it is not known when humans began to use nanosized materials, the first known, Roman
glassmakers were fabricated glasses containing nanosized metals.
When the material size of the object is reduced to nanoscale, then it exhibits different
properties than the same material in bulk form.

Nano science deals with the study of properties of materials at nano scales where
properties differ significantly than those at larger scale.


Nanotechnology deals with the design, characterization, production and applications of

nanostructures and nanodevices and nanosystems.

3. Nano materials
All materials are composed of grains. The visibility of grains depends on their
size. Convectional materials have grains varying in size from hundreds of microns to
millimeters. The materials processing grains size ranging from 1 to 100 nm, known as
nano materials. Nano materials can be produced in different dimensionalities.
One dimensional nano material: Surface coatings and thin films
Two dimensional nano materials: nano tubes nano wires, biopolymers
Three dimensional nano materials: nano particles, precipitates, colloids, quantum dots,
nano crystalline materials, fullerenes or carbon nano-60.

4. Basic principles of nano materials

When the material size of the object is reduced to nanoscale, then it exhibits
different properties than the same material in bulk form. The factors that differentiates
the nanomaterials form bulk material is
1. Increase in surface area to volume ratio
2. Quantum confinement effect
Increase in surface area to volume ratio:
The ratio of surface area to volume ratio is large for nano materials.
Example 1: To understand this let us consider a spherical material of radius ‘r’. Then its
surface area to volume ratio is . Due to decrease of r, the ratio increases
Example 2: For one cubic volume, the surface ratio is 6m2. When it is divided into eight
cubes its surface area becomes 12m2. When it is divided into 27 cubes its surface area
becomes 18m2. Thus, when the given volume is divided into smaller pieces the surface
area increases.

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Unit –VIII Nano-materials Engineering Physics

Due to increase of surface of surface area, more number of atoms will appear at the
surface of compared to those inside. For example, a nano material of size 10nm has
20% of its atoms on its surface and 3nm has 50% of its atoms. This makes the
nanomaterials more chemically reactive and affects the properties of nano materials.

Quantum confinement effect:

According to band theory, the solid atoms have energy bands and isolated atoms
possess discrete energy levels. Nano materials are the intermediate state to solids and
atoms. When the material size is reduced to nanoscale, the energy levels of electrons
change. This effect is called quantum confinement effect. This affects the optical,
electrical and magnetic properties of nanomaterials.

5. Fabrication methods of nanomaterials

The nanomaterials can be synthesized in two ways, namely
Bottom –up approach and
Top-down approach
Bottom-up approach:
In this method, the nanomaterials are synthesized by assembling the atoms and
molecules together.
Examples: Ball milling and Sol-gel method.
Top-down approach:
In this method, the nanomaterials are synthesized by dis-assembling the solids
into finer pieces until the particles are in the order of nanometers.
Examples: plasma arching, chemical vapour deposition method

Ball milling method

This method is a very popular, simple

inexpensive and scalable method. This is also
called crushing method. Ball method is to
prepare a wide range of elemental and oxide
powders. This method is to produce
nanocrystalline or amorphous materials.
When the balls are allowed to rotate with
particular rpm inside of a drum the necessary
energy is transferred to the powder which in
turn reduces the powder grain-sized structure
to ultrafine or nano range particles. Depending
on the material either refractory balls or steel balls or plastic balls are used. The energy
transferred to the poser from the balls depends on many factors such as rotational
speed of the balls, number of balls, milling time and the milling medium.
Generally, a hard material will be selected to synthesize softer material.
Commonly alumina and zirconica balls are used to synthesize the nanomaterials.
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Unit –VIII Nano-materials Engineering Physics

Chemical vapour deposition:

In chemical vapour deposition is a well known process in which a solid is
deposited on a cooled surface via chemical reaction from vapor or gas phase. The
basic steps involved in this process are (i) Generation of vapour by boiling or subliming
a source material (ii) Transformation of the vapour from the source to the substrate and
(iii) Condensation of vapour on the cool substrate.
In this method, the atoms are molecules are in gases state allowed to react
homogenously or heterogeneously depending on the applications. This method is an
excellent method which is used to control the particle size, shape and chemical
This method is used to produce the nano powders of oxides and carbides of metals.
Production of pure metal powders is also possible using this method.
Sol-gel method
The sol-gel process is a wet technique i.e., chemical solution deposition
technique used for the production of high purity and homogeneous nanomaterials. In
solutions the molecules of nanometer size are dispersed and move around randomly
and hence the solution are clear. In colloids the molecules of size ranging from 20 to
100 are suspended in a solvent. When mixed with a liquid is called as sol. A
suspension that keeps its shape is called a gel. Thus the colloids are suspensions of
colloids in liquids that keep their shape. The formation of sol-gels involves hydrolysis,
condensation growth of particles and formation of networks.
Plasma arching method:
Plasma is an ionized gas. To produce plasma, high potential difference is
applied across the electrodes. An arc passes from one electrode to another. The gas
yields up its electrons and positive ions at anode. Positively charged ions pass to other
electrode (cathode) pick up electrons and are deposited to form nano particles. Using
this plasma arching method, very thin films of the order of atomic dimensions can be
deposited on the surface of an electrode. This deposition is carried in vacuum or in an
inert gas. By using carbon electrodes, carbon nanotubes can be formed on the surface
of the cathode.

6. Properties of nanomaterials
Physical properties
Inter atomic distance:
inter atomic spacing

When the material size is 0.24
reduced to nanoscale, surface area to 0.23
volume ratio increases. Due to 0.22
increase of surface of surface area, 0.21
more number of atoms will appear at
the surface of compared to those
inside. So Interatomic spacing 1.00  2.00  3.00  4.00  5.00 
decreases with size. The variation of
Diameter  nm
nearest neighboring distance in copper
with decrease of particle is shown in

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Unit –VIII Nano-materials Engineering Physics

Thermal properties
Thermal properties nano
1300 materials are different from that
of bulk materials. The Debye
1200 Temperature and ferroelectric
Melting point

phase transition temperature are

lower for nano materials. The
1000 melting point of nano gold
decreases from 1200 K to 800K
900 as the size of particle decreases
form 300A0 to 200A0. The
variation of melting point in gold
0 5 10 15 20 25
with decrease of particle is
Diameter    nm shown in figure.

Optical properties: 90
Different sized nano particles scatters
different of light incident on it and hence they Absorption
appear with different colours. For example nano 60
gold does not act as bulk gold. The nano 50
particles of gold appear as orange, purple, red or 40
greenish in colour depending on their grain size. 30
The bulk copper is opaque where as 20
nanoparticle copper is transparent. The optical 10 20 nm 60 nm
absorption spectrum of gold as a function of 0
particle size is shown in figure.
400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Wave length    nm
Magnetic properties:

The magnetic properties of nano materials are different from that of bulk materials. In
explaining the magnetic behavior of nanomaterials, we use single domains unlike large
number of domains in bulk materials. The coercivity values of single domain is vary
large. The variation of remanet magnetization and coercivity as a function of grain size
is shown in figure.

Remanent magnetization


D 1/D 0.85



0 0 20 40 60 80 100
Grain Size    nm
Grain size nm

For example, Fe,Co, and Ni are ferromagnetic in bulk but they exhibit super par
magnetism. Na, K, and Rh are paramagnetic in bulk but they exhibit ferro-magnetic.
Cr is anti ferromagnetic in bulk but they exhibit super paramagnetic.
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Unit –VIII Nano-materials Engineering Physics

Mechanical properties

The mechanical properties such as hardness, toughness, elastic modulus, young’s

modulus etc., of nano materials are different from that of bulk materials. In metals and
alloys, the hardness and toughness are increased by reducing the size of the nano
particles. In ceramics, ductility and super plasticity are increased on reducing grain size.
Hardness increases 4 to 6 times as one goes from bulk Cu to nanocrystalline and it is 7
to 8 times for Ni.

Chemical properties

Nanocrystalline materials are strong, hard, erosion and corrosion resistant. They are
chemically active and have the following chemical properties.
1. In electrochemical reactions, the rate of increase in mass transport increases as
the particle size decreases.
2. The equilibrium vapour pressure, chemical potentials and solubilites of
nanoparticles are greater than that for the same bulk material.
3. Most of the metals do not absorb hydrogen. But the hydrogen absorption
increases with the decrease of cluster size in Ni, Pt and Pd metals.

7. Carbon nanotubes:
Carbon nanotubes were first observed b Sunmino Iijima in 1911. Carbon exists in a
large number of allotropic forms. These includes diamond, graphite and fullerenes
(such as C60 , C70 etc.,).
Carbon nanotubes are obtained by rolling the graphite sheet into tubes with the bonds at
the ends of the sheet. These bonds are used to close the tube. Generally, the length of
carbon nanotubes varies from several micrometers to millimeter and the diameter will
vary from 1 to 20 nm.

A tube may contain one cylindrical wall of graphite or a number of concentric cylindrical
walls. A carbon nanotube consisting of one cylindrical graphite is called single walled
nanotube. Otherwise they are known as multi walled nanotubes.

Depending on how sheet is rolled, they are classified into three types. The three types
of carbon nanotubes are
1) Zigzag
2) Chiral
3) Armchair

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Unit –VIII Nano-materials Engineering Physics

8. Properties of carbon nanotubes

Electrical conductivity

Generally the carbon nanotubes produced both in metallic and semiconducting in

their electrical behavior. Conductivity of multi walled nanotube id more complex. The
conductivity and resistivity of ropes of single walled carbon nanotubes has been
measured by placing the electrodes at different parts of the carbon nanotubes. The
resistivity of single walled carbon nanotube ropes was of the order of 10-4 ohm-cm at
270. This means that the conductivity of single walled nanotube ropes are most
conductive carbon fibers of known.

Magnetic property

The carbon nanotube displays the magneto- Grain size nm

resistive effects at lower temperature i.e., the
resistance of the carbon nanotube is changed
by the application of dc magnetic field. The 0.05 2.3K
variation of resistance in carbon nanotube at 0.1

2.3K and 0.36k w.r.t magnetic field is shown in

figure. 0.15

0.2 0.35 K
The observed magneto- resistance effect is
negative. This is due to the decrease in 0.25
resistance with increase in magnetic field. 0.3

Highly absorbent 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

The carbon nanotubes have large surface area and high absorbance. So the carbon
nanotubes are used in the air, gas and water filtration.

Mechanical properties

The strength of the sp2 carbon-carbon bonds gives carbon nanotubes amazing
mechanical properties. The stiffness of the material is measured in terms of its Young’s
modulus. The Young’s modulus value of single walled nanotube is about 1Tera Pascal,
which is approximately 5 times greater than steel. The tensile strength or breaking
strain of nanotube is about 150GPa, which is approximately 150 times greater than

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Unit –VIII Nano-materials Engineering Physics

Vibration properties
Similar to carbon dioxide molecule, Carbon nanotubes have two normal modes of
vibration (a set of vibrational motions known as normal mode of vibrations). The
different modes of vibrational motion are determined from the symmetry of the molecule.
In the first mode the diameter of the carbon nanotube moves in and out at the frequency
of 165 cm-1. In the second mode the carbon nanotube crushing in one direction and
expansion takes place in the perpendicular direction. Thus, it oscillates between sphere
and ellipse at a frequency of 17 cm-1. The frequency of the vibration modes depends on
the diameter of the nanotube.

9. Applications of nano tubes

Field emission

When a small electric field is applied parallel to the axis of a nanotube, electrons are
emitted at a very high rate from the ends of the tube. This is called field emission. The
electron emission of carbon nanotubes is used in electronic industries like flat panel


The single walled carbon nanotube can be act as a transistor. Pairs of carbon
nanotubes show as logic structures. A single nanotube with natural junction acts as a
rectifying diode.

Hydrogen storage

Carbon nanotubes can store hydrogen and also helium, oxides and metals like copper.

Mechanical machines

Carbon nanotubes can act as a axels in nanomachines.

Space elevators

Like graphite, carbon nanotubes with stand high temperature, so they are used for
thermal protection of spacecraft during re-entry of into the atmosphere. Carbon
nanotubes have high Young’s modulus, so they with stands aeronautical strains.


Carbon nanotubes are thin, so they can penetrate the skin with out pain. Blood can be
drawn from the patients through nanostraws to know glucose levels and to inject insulin
whenever required.

10. Applications of nanomaterials

Nano materials posses unique and beneficial, physical, chemical and mechanical
properties, they can be used for a wide verity of applications.

Material technology

¾ Nanocrystalline aerogel are light weight and porous, so they are used for
insulation in offices homes, etc,.

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Unit –VIII Nano-materials Engineering Physics

¾ Cutting tools made of nanocrystalline materials are much harder, much more
wear- resistance, and last stranger.
¾ Nanocrystalline material sensors are used for smoke detectors, ice detectors
on air crfr wings, etc,.
¾ Nanocrystalline materials are used for high energy density storage batteries.
¾ Nanosized titanium dioxide and zinc dioxide are used in sunscreens to absorb
and reflect ultraviolet rays.
¾ Nan coating of highly activated titanium dioxide acts as water repellent and
¾ The hardness of metals can be predominately enhanced by using
¾ Nanoparticles in paints change colour in response to change in temperature
or chemical environment, and reduce the infrared absorption and heat loss.
¾ Nanocrystalline ceramics are used in automotive industry as high strength
springs, ball bearings and valve lifters.

Information technology

¾ Nanoscale fabricated magnetic materials are used in data storage

¾ Nano computer chips reduce the size of the computer.
¾ Nanocrystalline starting light emitting phosphors are used for flat panel
¾ Nanoparticles are used for information storage.
¾ Nanophotonic crystals are used in chemical optical computers.


¾ Biosensitive nanomaterials are used for ragging of DNA and DNA chips.
¾ In the medical field, nanomaterials are used for disease diagnosis, drug
deliveryaand molecular imaging.
¾ Nanocrystalline silicon carbide is used for artificial heart valves due to its low
weight and high strength.

Energy storage

¾ Nanoparticles are used hydrogen storage.

¾ Nano particles are used in magnetic refrigeration.
¾ Metal nanoparticles are useful in fabrication of ionic batteries.

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