Alternator Use and Maintenance Manual
Alternator Use and Maintenance Manual
Alternator Use and Maintenance Manual
Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to
observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially
hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This
person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and
could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have
read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard
warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.
Table of Contents
Foreword ................................................................. 4
Safety Section
Safety Messages .................................................... 5
Operation Section
Lifting and Storage ................................................ 21
Maintenance Section
Refill Capacities .................................................... 34
Warranty Section
Warranty Information ............................................ 76
Index Section
Index ..................................................................... 77
4 SEBU7833-01
Safety Messages
Illustration 1
Fluid Penetration
Pressure can be trapped in the hydraulic circuit long
after the engine has been stopped. The pressure can
cause hydraulic fluid or items such as pipe plugs to
escape rapidly if the pressure is not relieved correctly.
When the engine is at operating temperature, the
engine coolant is hot. The coolant is also under
pressure. The radiator and all lines to the heaters or Illustration 4
to the engine contain hot coolant.
All fuels, most lubricants, and some coolant mixtures
Any contact with hot coolant or with steam can cause are flammable.
severe burns. Allow cooling system components to
cool before the cooling system is drained. Flammable fluids that are leaking or spilled onto hot
surfaces or onto electrical components can cause
Check the coolant level after the engine has stopped a fire. Fire may cause personal injury and property
and the engine has been allowed to cool. damage.
Ensure that the filler cap is cool before removing the A flash fire may result if the covers for the engine
filler cap. The filler cap must be cool enough to touch crankcase are removed within fifteen minutes after
with a bare hand. Remove the filler cap slowly in an emergency shutdown.
order to relieve pressure.
Determine whether the engine will be operated in an
Cooling system conditioner contains alkali. Alkali can environment that allows combustible gases to be
cause personal injury. Do not allow alkali to contact drawn into the air inlet system. These gases could
the skin, the eyes, or the mouth. cause the engine to overspeed. Personal injury,
property damage, or engine damage could result.
If the application involves the presence of combustible
Hot oil and hot lubricating components can cause gases, consult your Perkins dealer and/or your
personal injury. Do not allow hot oil to contact the Perkins distributor for additional information about
skin. Also, do not allow hot components to contact suitable protection devices.
the skin.
Remove all flammable combustible materials or
conductive materials such as fuel, oil, and debris from
Batteries the engine. Do not allow any flammable combustible
materials or conductive materials to accumulate on
Electrolyte is an acid. Electrolyte can cause personal the engine.
injury. Do not allow electrolyte to contact the skin or
the eyes. Always wear protective glasses for servicing Store fuels and lubricants in correctly marked
batteries. Wash hands after touching the batteries containers away from unauthorized persons. Store
and connectors. Use of gloves is recommended. oily rags and any flammable materials in protective
containers. Do not smoke in areas that are used for
storing flammable materials.
Exhaust shields (if equipped) protect hot exhaust Use caution when you are refueling an engine. Do
components from oil or fuel spray in case of a line, not smoke while you are refueling an engine. Do not
a tube, or a seal failure. Exhaust shields must be refuel an engine near open flames or sparks. Always
installed correctly. stop the engine before refueling.
Fire Extinguisher
Make sure that a fire extinguisher is available. Be
familiar with the operation of the fire extinguisher.
Inspect the fire extinguisher and service the fire
extinguisher regularly. Obey the recommendations
on the instruction plate.
Illustration 5
SEBU7833-01 9
Safety Section
Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention
Lines, Tubes and Hoses Chips or other debris may fly off objects when objects
are struck. Before objects are struck, ensure that no
Do not bend high pressure lines. Do not strike high one will be injured by flying debris.
pressure lines. Do not install any lines that are bent
or damaged.
Check lines, tubes and hoses carefully. Do not use Inspect the steps, the handholds, and the work area
your bare hand to check for leaks. Use a board or before mounting the engine. Keep these items clean
cardboard to check for leaks. Tighten all connections and keep these items in good repair.
to the recommended torque.
Mount the engine and dismount the engine only at
Replace the parts if any of the following conditions locations that have steps and/or handholds. Do not
are present: climb on the engine, and do not jump off the engine.
• End fittings are damaged or leaking. Face the engine in order to mount the engine or
dismount the engine. Maintain a three-point contact
• Outer coverings are chafed or cut. with the steps and handholds. Use two feet and one
hand or use one foot and two hands. Do not use any
• Wires are exposed. controls as handholds.
• Outer coverings are ballooning. Do not stand on components which cannot support
your weight. Use an adequate ladder or use a work
• Flexible part of the hoses are kinked. platform. Secure the climbing equipment so that the
equipment will not move.
• Outer covers have embedded armoring.
Do not carry tools or supplies when you mount the
• End fittings are displaced. engine or when you dismount the engine. Use a hand
line to raise and lower tools or supplies.
Make sure that all clamps, guards, and heat shields
are installed correctly. During engine operation, this
will help to prevent vibration, rubbing against other i02157341
parts, and excessive heat.
Before Starting Engine
Unless other maintenance instructions are provided, Overspeed shutdown should occur automatically.
never attempt adjustments while the engine is If automatic shutdown does not occur, press the
running. emergency stop button in order to cut the fuel and/or
air to the engine.
Stay clear of all rotating parts and of all moving
parts. Leave the guards in place until maintenance Inspect the engine for potential hazards.
is performed. After the maintenance is performed,
reinstall the guards. Before starting the engine, ensure that no one is on,
underneath, or close to the engine. Ensure that the
Keep objects away from moving fan blades. The fan area is free of personnel.
blades will throw objects or cut objects.
If equipped, ensure that the lighting system for the
When objects are struck, wear protective glasses in engine is suitable for the conditions. Ensure that all
order to avoid injury to the eyes. lights work correctly, if equipped.
10 SEBU7833-01
Safety Section
Engine Starting
All protective guards and all protective covers must Note: The engine is equipped with an automatic
be installed if the engine must be started in order device for cold starting for normal conditions of
to perform service procedures. To help prevent an operation. If the engine will be operated in very cold
accident that is caused by parts in rotation, work conditions, then an extra cold starting aid may be
around the parts carefully. required. Normally, the engine will be equipped with
the correct type of starting aid for your region of
Do not bypass the automatic shutoff circuits. Do not operation.
disable the automatic shutoff circuits. The circuits are
provided in order to help prevent personal injury. The The engines are equipped with a glow plug starting
circuits are also provided in order to help prevent aid in each individual cylinder that heats the intake
engine damage. air in order to improve starting.
Engine Starting
Stop the engine according to the procedure in
the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine
Stopping (Operation Section)” in order to avoid
overheating of the engine and accelerated wear of
the engine components.
Do not use aerosol types of starting aids such as
ether. Such use could result in an explosion and Use the Emergency Stop Button (if equipped) ONLY
personal injury. in an emergency situation. Do not use the Emergency
Stop Button for normal engine stopping. After an
emergency stop, DO NOT start the engine until the
If a warning tag is attached to the engine start switch problem that caused the emergency stop has been
or to the controls, DO NOT start the engine or move corrected.
the controls. Consult with the person that attached
the warning tag before the engine is started. Stop the engine if an overspeed condition occurs
during the initial start-up of a new engine or an engine
All protective guards and all protective covers must that has been overhauled. This may be accomplished
be installed if the engine must be started in order by shutting off the fuel supply to the engine and/or
to perform service procedures. To help prevent an shutting off the air supply to the engine.
accident that is caused by parts in rotation, work
around the parts carefully.
Grounding Practices
Correct grounding for the engine electrical system
is necessary for optimum engine performance
and reliability. Incorrect grounding will result in
uncontrolled electrical circuit paths and in unreliable
electrical circuit paths.
Product Information
Model Views
Illustration 7
(1) Valve mechanism cover (4) Fuel injection pump (7) Water pump
(2) Crankcase breather (5) Engine oil filter (8) Fan pulley
(3) Fuel filter (6) Crankshaft pulley (9) Water temperature regulator housing
SEBU7833-01 13
Product Information Section
Model Views
Illustration 8
(1) Oil filler cap (5) Starter motor
(2) Exhaust manifold (6) Flywheel housing
(3) Alternator (7) Flywheel
(4) Turbocharger (8) Air intake
14 SEBU7833-01
Product Information Section
Model Views
Illustration 9
(1) Alternator (3) Turbocharger oil supply (5) Turbocharger
(2) Fan pulley (4) Turbocharger oil drain (6) exhaust manifold
SEBU7833-01 15
Product Information Section
Model Views
Illustration 10
(1) Fuel transfer pump (6) Oil filter
(2) Oil filler cap (7) Oil pan
(3) Fuel filter (8) Crankshaft pulley
(4) Starter motor (9) Water pump
(5) Dipstick (10) Water temperature regulator housing
• Turbocharged aftercooled
• Turbocharged
16 SEBU7833-01
Product Information Section
Model Views
Table 2
1103 Industrial Engine Specifications
Number of Cylinders 3 In-Line
Bore 105 mm (4.134 inch)
Stroke 127 mm (5.0 inch)
Aspiration Turbocharged
Naturally aspirated
Compression Ratio NA 19.25:1
T 18.25:1
Displacement 3.3 L (201 in3)
Firing Order 1 2 3
Illustration 11
Rotation (flywheel end) Counterclockwise
A typical example of the layout of the valves
(A) Inlet valves Valve Lash Setting (Inlet) 0.20 mm (0.008 inch)
(B) Exhaust valves
Valve Lash Setting 0.45 mm (0.018 inch)
Table 1
Product Identification The Serial Number Plate is located on the left side of
the cylinder block behind the high pressure pipes of
Information the Fuel injection pump.
An example of an engine number is REU090001H. Information for the following items may be needed to
order parts. Locate the information for your engine.
RE __________________________________________Type of engine Record the information in the appropriate space.
Make a copy of this list for a record. Keep the
U ____________________________Built in the United Kingdom information for future reference.
Illustration 13
This label is installed on engines that comply with emissions.
Illustration 14
This label is installed on engines that have a variable speed. These engines do not comply with emissions.
20 SEBU7833-01
Product Information Section
Product Identification Information
Illustration 15
This label is installed on engines that have a fixed speed. These engines do not comply with emissions.
SEBU7833-01 21
Operation Section
Lifting and Storage
Engine Storage
Lubrication System
To help prevent excessive engine wear, use the
following guidelines:
• Renew the canister(s) of the lubricating oil filter. 4. Open the tap or remove the drain plug at the
bottom of the radiator in order to drain the radiator.
• Fill the oil pan to the Full Mark on the dipstick If the radiator does not have a tap or a drain plug,
with new, clean lubricating oil. Add 1762811 disconnect the hose at the bottom of the radiator.
POWERPART Lay-Up 2 to the oil in order to
protect the engine against corrosion. If 1762811 5. Flush the cooling system with clean water.
POWERPART Lay-Up 2 is not available, use a
preservative of the correct specification instead 6. Fit the drain plugs and the filler cap. Close the tap
of the lubricating oil. If a preservative is used, or connect the radiator hose.
this must be drained completely at the end of the
storage period and the oil pan must be refilled to 7. Fill the cooling system with an approved
the correct level with normal lubricating oil. antifreeze mixture because this gives protection
against corrosion. The maximum flow rate is 1 L
(0.2200 Imp gal) per minute in order to fill the
Cooling System system.
To help prevent excessive engine wear, use the
Note: Certain corrosion inhibitors could cause
following guidelines:
damage to some engine components. Contact the
Service Department of Perkins for advice.
Do not drain the coolant while the engine is still hot and 8. Operate the engine for a short period in order to
the system is under pressure because dangerous hot circulate the lubricating oil and the coolant in the
coolant can be discharged. engine.
Induction System
• Remove the air filter assembly. If necessary,
remove the pipes that are installed between
the air filter assembly and the turbocharger.
Spray 1762811 POWERPART Lay-Up 2 into the
turbocharger. The duration of the spray is printed
on the container. Seal the turbocharger with
waterproof tape.
Illustration 17
Exhaust System
1. Ensure that the vehicle is on level ground.
• Remove the exhaust pipe. Spray 1762811
2. Remove the filler cap of the cooling system. POWERPART Lay-Up 2 into the turbocharger. The
duration of the spray is printed on the container.
3. Remove the drain plug (1) from the side of the Seal the turbocharger with waterproof tape.
cylinder block in order to drain the engine. Ensure
that the drain hole is not restricted.
SEBU7833-01 23
Operation Section
Lifting and Storage
General Items
• If the lubricating oil filler is installed on the rocker
cover, remove the filler cap. If the lubricating oil filler
cap is not installed on the rocker cover, remove
the rocker cover. Spray 1762811 POWERPART
Lay-Up 2 around the rocker shaft assembly.
Replace the filler cap or the rocker cover.
• Seal the vent of the fuel tank or the fuel filler cap
with waterproof tape.
Gauges and Indicators 1. Reduce the load and the engine rpm.
Engine Starting • Do not start the engine or move any of the controls
if there is a “DO NOT OPERATE” warning tag or
similar warning tag attached to the start switch or
i02194223 to the controls.
Before Starting Engine • Ensure that the areas around the rotating parts are
• Inspect the alternator and accessory drive belts for • Check the coolant level. Observe the coolant level
cracks, breaks, and other damage. in the header tank (if equipped). Maintain the
coolant level to the “FULL” mark on the header
• Inspect the wiring for loose connections and for tank.
worn wires or frayed wires.
• If the engine is not equipped with a header tank
• Check the fuel supply. Drain water from the water maintain the coolant level within 13 mm (0.5 inch)
separator (if equipped). Open the fuel supply valve of the bottom of the filler pipe. If the engine is
(if equipped). equipped with a sight glass, maintain the coolant
level in the sight glass.
All valves in the fuel return line must be open before • Observe the air cleaner service indicator (if
and during engine operation to help prevent high fuel equipped). Service the air cleaner when the yellow
pressure. High fuel pressure may cause filter housing diaphragm enters the red zone, or when the red
failure or other damage. piston locks in the visible position.
Improper jump start cable connections can cause 5. Immediately after the stalled engine is started,
an explosion resulting in personal injury. disconnect the jump start cables in reverse order.
Prevent sparks near the batteries. Sparks could After jump starting, the alternator may not be able to
cause vapors to explode. Do not allow jump start fully recharge batteries that are severely discharged.
cable ends to contact each other or the engine. The batteries must be replaced or charged to the
correct voltage with a battery charger after the engine
Note: If it is possible, first diagnose the reason is stopped. Many batteries which are considered
for the starting failure. Make any necessary unusable are still rechargeable. Refer to Operation
repairs. If the engine will not start only due to and Maintenance Manual, “Battery - Replace” and
the condition of the battery, either charge the Testing and Adjusting Manual, “Battery - Test”.
battery, or start the engine with jump start cables.
The condition of the battery can be rechecked i01903609
after the engine has been switched OFF.
After Starting Engine
Using a battery source with the same voltage as the
electric starting motor. Use ONLY equal voltage for Note: In temperatures from 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F),
jump starting. The use of higher voltage will damage the warm-up time is approximately three minutes. In
the electrical system. temperatures below 0°C (32°F), additional warm-up
time may be required.
Do not reverse the battery cables. The alternator can
be damaged. Attach ground cable last and remove When the engine idles during warm-up, observe the
first. following conditions:
When using an external electrical source to start the • Check for any fluid or for any air leaks at idle rpm
engine, turn the engine control switch to the “OFF” and at one-half full rpm (no load on the engine)
position. Turn all electrical accessories OFF before before operating the engine under load. This is not
attaching the jump start cables. possible in some applications.
Ensure that the main power switch is in the OFF posi- • Operate the engine at low idle until all systems
tion before attaching the jump start cables to the en- achieve operating temperatures. Check all gauges
gine being started. during the warm-up period.
Engine Operation
The efficiency of the engine can affect the fuel
economy. Perkins design and technology in
manufacturing provides maximum fuel efficiency in
Correct operation and maintenance are key factors all applications. Follow the recommended procedures
in obtaining the maximum life and economy of in order to attain optimum performance for the life
the engine. If the directions in the Operation and of the engine.
Maintenance Manual are followed, costs can be
minimized and engine service life can be maximized. • Avoid spilling fuel.
The engine can be operated at the rated rpm after the Fuel expands when the fuel is warmed up. The fuel
engine reaches operating temperature. The engine may overflow from the fuel tank. Inspect fuel lines for
will reach normal operating temperature sooner leaks. Repair the fuel lines, as needed.
during a low engine speed (rpm) and during a low
power demand. This procedure is more effective than • Be aware of the properties of the different fuels.
idling the engine at no load. The engine should reach Use only the recommended fuels.
operating temperature in a few minutes.
• Avoid unnecessary idling.
Gauge readings should be observed and the data
should be recorded frequently while the engine Shut off the engine rather than idle for long periods of
is operating. Comparing the data over time will time.
help to determine normal readings for each gauge.
Comparing data over time will also help detect • Observe the service indicator frequently. Keep the
abnormal operating developments. Significant air cleaner elements clean.
changes in the readings should be investigated.
• Maintain a good electrical system.
i01929404 One damaged battery cell will overwork the alternator.
This will consume excess power and excess fuel.
Engine Warm-up
• Ensure that the drive belts are correctly adjusted.
The drive belts should be in good condition.
1. Run the engine at low idle for three to five minutes,
or run the engine at low idle until the jacket water • Ensure that all of the connections of the hoses are
tight. The connections should not leak.
temperature starts to rise.
More time may be necessary when the • Ensure that the driven equipment is in good
working order.
temperature is below −18°C (0°F).
2. Check all of the gauges during the warm-up • Cold engines consume excess fuel. Utilize heat
from the jacket water system and the exhaust
system, when possible. Keep cooling system
components clean and keep cooling system
3. Perform a walk-around inspection. Check the
components in good repair. Never operate the
engine for fluid leaks and air leaks.
engine without water temperature regulators.
All of these items will help maintain operating
4. Increase the rpm to the rated rpm. Check for
fluid leaks and air leaks. The engine may be
operated at full rated rpm and at full load when
the temperature of the water jacket reaches 60°C
SEBU7833-01 29
Operation Section
Engine Stopping
If the engine has been operating at high rpm and/or • If necessary, perform minor adjustments. Repair
high loads, run at low idle for at least three minutes any leaks and tighten any loose bolts.
to reduce and stabilize internal engine temperature
before stopping the engine. • Note the required service interval. Perform
the maintenance that is in the Operation and
Avoiding hot engine shutdowns will maximize tur- Maintenance Manual, “Maintenance Interval
bocharger shaft and bearing life. Schedule”.
Emergency shutoff controls are for EMERGENCY use
ONLY. DO NOT use emergency shutoff devices or
controls for normal stopping procedure.
i02200467 • Check all rubber parts (hoses, fan drive belts, etc)
Cold Weather Operation
• Check all electrical wiring and connections for any
fraying or damaged insulation.
Perkins Diesel Engines can operate effectively in • Keep all batteries fully charged and warm.
cold weather. During cold weather, the starting and
the operation of the diesel engine is dependent on • Fill the fuel tank at the end of each shift.
the following items:
• Check the air cleaners and the air intake daily.
• The type of fuel that is used Check the air intake more often when you operate
in snow.
• The viscosity of the engine oil
• The operation of the glow plugs or the operation of
the air inlet heater
Personal injury or property damage can result
from alcohol or starting fluids.
• Optional Cold starting aid
The purpose of this section will cover the following Alcohol or starting fluids are highly flammable and
information: toxic and if improperly stored could result in injury
or property damage.
• Explain potential problems that are caused by cold
weather operation.
• Suggest steps which can be taken in order to Do not use aerosol types of starting aids such as
minimize starting problems and operating problems
when the ambient air temperature is colder than ether. Such use could result in an explosion and
0 to −55 °C (32 to −67 °F). personal injury.
The operation and maintenance of an engine in • For jump starting with cables in cold weather,
freezing temperatures is complex. This is because refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
of the following conditions: the unlimited differences “Starting with Jump Start Cables.” for instructions.
in weather conditions, engine applications, and
the supplies that are available in your area. These
factors and recommendations from your Perkins Viscosity of the Engine Lubrication
dealer or your Perkins distributor are based on past Oil
proven practices. The information that is contained in
this section should be combined in order to provide Correct engine oil viscosity is essential. Oil viscosity
guidelines for cold weather operations. affects the amount of torque that is needed to
crank the engine. Refer to this Operation and
Hints for Cold Weather Operation Maintenance Manual, “Fluid Recommendations” for
the recommended viscosity of oil.
• If the engine will start, operate the engine until a
minimum operating temperature of 71 °C (160 °F) Recommendations for the Coolant
is achieved. Achieving operating temperature will
help prevent the intake valves and exhaust valves Provide cooling system protection for the lowest
from sticking. expected outside temperature. Refer to this Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Fluid Recommendations”
• The cooling system and the lubrication system for the recommended coolant mixture.
for the engine do not lose heat immediately upon
shutdown. This means that an engine can be shut In cold weather, check the coolant often for the
down for a few hours and the engine can still have correct glycol concentration in order to ensure
the ability to start readily. If the engine is shut adequate freeze protection.
down for at least eight hours, the engine should be
considered cooled to outside temperature.
SEBU7833-01 31
Operation Section
Cold Weather Operation
Note: Perkins discourages the use of all airflow Group 1 fuels are the preferred Group of Fuels for
restriction devices such as radiator shutters. general use by Perkins. Group 1 fuels maximize
Restriction of the airflow can result in the following: engine life and engine performance. Group 1 fuels
high exhaust temperatures, power loss, excessive are usually less available than Group 2 fuels.
fan usage, and reduction in fuel economy. Frequently, Group 1 fuels are not available in colder
climates during the winter.
Cab heater lines for very cold weather are also
beneficial. These lines provide more available heat Note: Group 2 fuels must have a maximum wear
from the coolant to the cab. The feed from the engine scar of 650 micrometers (HFRR to ISO 12156-1).
and the return lines from the cab should be insulated
in order to reduce heat loss to the outside air. Group 2 fuels are considered acceptable for issues
of warranty. This group of fuels may reduce the life
Insulating the Air Inlet and Engine of the engine, the engine’s maximum power, and the
engine’s fuel efficiency.
When Group 2 diesel fuels are used the following
When temperatures below −18 °C (−0 °F) will be components provide a means of minimizing problems
frequently encountered, an air cleaner inlet that
in cold weather:
is located in the engine compartment may be
specified. An air cleaner that is located in the engine
compartment may also minimize the entry of snow • Glow plugs (if equipped)
into the air cleaner. Also, heat that is rejected by the
engine helps to warm the intake air. • Engine coolant heaters, which may be an OEM
Additional heat can be retained around the engine by
insulating the engine compartment. • Fuel heaters, which may be an OEM option
• Fuel line insulation, which may be an OEM option
There are three major differences between Group
Fuel and the Effect from Cold 1 fuels and Group 2 fuels. Group 1 fuels have the
following different characteristics to Group 2 fuels.
• A lower cloud point
Note: Only use grades of fuel that are recommended • A lower pour point
by Perkins. Refer to this Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Fluid Recommendations”. • A higher rating of kJ (BTU) per unit volume of fuel
The cloud point is the temperature when a cloud of
The following fuels can be used in this series of
wax crystals begins to form in the fuel. These crystals
can cause the fuel filters to plug. The pour point is
the temperature when diesel fuel will thicken. The
• Group 1 diesel fuel becomes more resistant to flow through
fuel pumps and through the fuel lines.
• Group 2
Be aware of these values when diesel fuel is
• Group 3 purchased. Consider the average ambient air
temperature for the engine’s application. Engines
• Special Fuels that are fueled in one climate may not operate well if
the engines are moved to another climate. Problems
Perkins prefer only Group 1 and Group 2 fuels for use
can result due to changes in temperature.
in this series of engines. Group 3 fuels include Low
Temperature Fuels and Aviation Kerosene Fuels.
Before troubleshooting for low power or for poor
performance in the winter, check the type of fuel that
Note: Group 3 fuels reduce the life of the engine. The
is being used.
use of Group 3 fuels is not covered by the Perkins
Low temperature fuels may be available for engine
operation at temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F). These
Special fuels include Biofuel.
fuels limit the formation of wax in the fuel at low
temperatures. Wax in the fuel may prevent the flow
of the fuel through the fuel filters.
SEBU7833-01 33
Operation Section
Cold Weather Operation
Fuel Tanks
Condensation can form in partially filled fuel tanks.
Top off the fuel tanks after you operate the engine.
Fuel Filters
It is possible that a primary fuel filter is installed
between the fuel tank and the engine fuel inlet. After
you change the fuel filter, always prime the fuel
system in order to remove air bubbles from the fuel
system. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
Manual in the Maintenance Section for more
information on priming the fuel system.
Fuel Heaters
Note: The OEM may equip the application with fuel
heaters. If this is the case, disconnect an electric type
of fuel heater in warm weather in order to prevent
overheating of the fuel. If the type of fuel heater is a
heat exchanger, the OEM should have included a
bypass for warm weather. Ensure that the bypass is
operational during warm weather in order to prevent
overheating of the fuel.
1104 Engine
Lubrication System
Table 7
The refill capacities for the engine crankcase 1104 Naturally Aspirated Engine
reflect the approximate capacity of the crankcase
or sump plus standard oil filters. Auxiliary oil filter Compartment or System Liters Quarts
systems will require additional oil. Refer to the OEM
Engine Only 10.4 11
specifications for the capacity of the auxiliary oil filter.
Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, External cooling system capacity
“Maintenance Section” for more information on (OEM recommendation) (1)
Lubricant Specifications. Total Cooling System (2)
Table 10
1103 Naturally Aspirated Engines and Turbocharged
Engines with an oil cooler
Compartment or System Liters Quarts g00546535
Illustration 18
Engine Only 4.43 4.02 Typical API symbol
External cooling system capacity
(OEM recommendation) (1) Diesel engine oils CC, CD, CD-2, and CE have
not been API authorized classifications since 1
Total Cooling System (2)
January 1996. Table 11 summarizes the status of the
(1) The external cooling system includes a radiator or an classifications.
expansion tank with the following components: heat exchanger,
aftercooler, and piping. Refer to the OEM specifications. Enter Table 11
the value for the external system capacity in this row.
(2) The Total Cooling System includes the capacity for the engine API Classifications
cooling system plus the capacity for the external cooling
system. Enter the total in this row. Current Obsolete
CF-4, CG-4, CH-4 CE
i02203046 CF CC, CD
Fluid Recommendations CF-2(1) CD-2(1)
(1) The classifications CD-2 and American Petroleum Institute
CF-2 are for two-cycle diesel engines. Perkins does not sell
engines that utilize CD-2 and API CF-2 oils.
Engine Oil DHD-1 oils are recommended for use in extended oil
change interval programs that optimize the life of the
Commercial Oils oil. These oil change interval programs are based
on oil analysis. DHD-1 oils are recommended for
The performance of commercial diesel engine conditions that demand a premium oil. Your Perkins
oils is based on American Petroleum Institute dealer or your Perkins distributor has the specific
(API) classifications. These API classifications are guidelines for optimizing oil change intervals.
developed in order to provide commercial lubricants
for a broad range of diesel engines that operate at API CH-4 – API CH-4 oils were developed in order to
various conditions. meet the requirements of the new high performance
diesel engines. Also, the oil was designed to
Only use commercial oils that meet the following meet the requirements of the low emissions diesel
classifications: engines. API CH-4 oils are also acceptable for use
in older diesel engines and in diesel engines that
• EMA DHD-1 multigrade oil (preferred oil) use high sulfur diesel fuel. API CH-4 oils may be
used in Perkins engines that use API CG-4 and API
• API CH-4 multigrade oil (preferred oil) CF-4 oils. API CH-4 oils will generally exceed the
performance of API CG-4 oils in the following criteria:
• ACEAE3 deposits on pistons, control of oil consumption, wear
of piston rings, valve train wear, viscosity control,
In order to make the correct choice of a commercial and corrosion.
oil, refer to the following explanations:
Three new engine tests were developed for the API
EMA DHD-1 – The Engine Manufacturers CH-4 oil. The first test specifically evaluates deposits
Association (EMA) has developed lubricant on pistons for engines with the two-piece steel piston.
recommendations as an alternative to the API oil This test (piston deposit) also measures the control
classification system. DHD-1 is a Recommended of oil consumption. A second test is conducted
Guideline that defines a level of oil performance for with moderate oil soot. The second test measures
these types of diesel engines: high speed, four stroke the following criteria: wear of piston rings, wear of
cycle, heavy-duty, and light duty. DHD-1 oils may cylinder liners, and resistance to corrosion. A third
be used in Perkins engines when the following oils new test measures the following characteristics with
are recommended: API CH-4, API CG-4, and API high levels of soot in the oil: wear of the valve train,
CF-4. DHD-1 oils are intended to provide superior resistance of the oil in plugging the oil filter, and
performance in comparison to API CG-4 and API control of sludge.
In addition to the new tests, API CH-4 oils have
DHD-1 oils will meet the needs of high performance tougher limits for viscosity control in applications that
Perkins diesel engines that are operating in many generate high soot. The oils also have improved
applications. The tests and the test limits that are oxidation resistance. API CH-4 oils must pass an
used to define DHD-1 are similar to the new API additional test (piston deposit) for engines that use
CH-4 classification. Therefore, these oils will also aluminum pistons (single piece). Oil performance is
meet the requirements for diesel engines that require also established for engines that operate in areas
low emissions. DHD-1 oils are designed to control the with high sulfur diesel fuel.
harmful effects of soot with improved wear resistance
and improved resistance to plugging of the oil filter. All of these improvements allow the API CH-4
These oils will also provide superior piston deposit oil to achieve optimum oil change intervals. API
control for engines with either two-piece steel pistons CH-4 oils are recommended for use in extended oil
or aluminum pistons. change intervals. API CH-4 oils are recommended
for conditions that demand a premium oil. Your
All DHD-1 oils must complete a full test program Perkins dealer or your Perkins distributor has specific
with the base stock and with the viscosity grade of guidelines for optimizing oil change intervals.
the finished commercial oil. The use of “API Base
Oil Interchange Guidelines” are not appropriate for Some commercial oils that meet the API
DHD-1 oils. This feature reduces the variation in classifications may require reduced oil change
performance that can occur when base stocks are intervals. To determine the oil change interval, closely
changed in commercial oil formulations. monitor the condition of the oil and perform a wear
metal analysis.
SEBU7833-01 37
Maintenance Section
Refill Capacities
Table 12
NOTICE Percentage of Sulfur in Oil change interval
Failure to follow these oil recommendations can cause the fuel
shortened engine service life due to deposits and/or
excessive wear. Lower than 0.5 Normal
0.5 to 1.0 0.75 of normal
Total Base Number (TBN) and Fuel Sulfur Greater than 1.0 0.50 of normal
Levels for Direct Injection (DI) Diesel
Engines Lubricant Viscosity Recommendations
for Direct Injection (DI) Diesel Engines
The Total Base Number (TBN) for an oil depends on
the fuel sulfur level. For direct injection engines that The correct SAE viscosity grade of oil is determined
use distillate fuel, the minimum TBN of the new oil by the minimum ambient temperature during
must be 10 times the fuel sulfur level. The TBN is
cold engine start-up, and the maximum ambient
defined by “ASTM D2896”. The minimum TBN of the temperature during engine operation.
oil is 5 regardless of fuel sulfur level. Illustration 19
demonstrates the TBN.
Refer to Table 13 (minimum temperature) in order
to determine the required oil viscosity for starting a
cold engine.
Table 13
Engine Oil Viscosity
Re-refined base stock oils are acceptable for Perkins does not recommend the use of aftermarket
use in Perkins engines if these oils meet the additives in oil. It is not necessary to use aftermarket
performance requirements that are specified by additives in order to achieve the engine’s maximum
Perkins. Re-refined base stock oils can be used service life or rated performance. Fully formulated,
exclusively in finished oil or in a combination with finished oils consist of base oils and of commercial
new base stock oils. The US military specifications additive packages. These additive packages are
and the specifications of other heavy equipment blended into the base oils at precise percentages in
manufacturers also allow the use of re-refined base order to help provide finished oils with performance
stock oils that meet the same criteria. characteristics that meet industry standards.
The process that is used to make re-refined base There are no industry standard tests that evaluate
stock oil should adequately remove all wear metals the performance or the compatibility of aftermarket
that are in the used oil and all the additives that additives in finished oil. Aftermarket additives may
are in the used oil. The process that is used to not be compatible with the finished oil’s additive
make re-refined base stock oil generally involves the package, which could lower the performance of the
process of vacuum distillation and hydrotreating the finished oil. The aftermarket additive could fail to
used oil. Filtering is adequate for the production of mix with the finished oil. This could produce sludge
high quality, re-refined base stock oil. in the crankcase. Perkins discourages the use of
aftermarket additives in finished oils.
Lubricants for Cold Weather To achieve the best performance from a Perkins
engine, conform to the following guidelines:
When an engine is started and an engine is operated
in ambient temperatures below −20 °C (−4 °F), use • Select the correct oil, or a commercial oil that meets
multigrade oils that are capable of flowing in low the “EMA Recommended Guideline on Diesel
temperatures. Engine Oil” or the recommended API classification.
These oils have lubricant viscosity grades of SAE • See the appropriate “Lubricant Viscosities” table in
0W or SAE 5W. order to find the correct oil viscosity grade for your
When an engine is started and operated in ambient
temperatures below −30 °C (−22 °F), use a synthetic • At the specified interval, service the engine. Use
base stock multigrade oil with an 0W viscosity grade new oil and install a new oil filter.
or with a 5W viscosity grade. Use an oil with a pour
point that is lower than −50 °C (−58 °F). • Perform maintenance at the intervals that are
specified in the Operation and Maintenance
The number of acceptable lubricants is limited in Manual, “Maintenance Interval Schedule”.
cold weather conditions. Perkins recommends the
following lubricants for use in cold weather conditions:
S·O·S Oil analysis
First Choice – Use oil with an EMA DHD-1
Recommended Guideline. Use a CH-4 oil that has Some engines may be equipped with an oil sampling
an API license. The oil should be either SAE 0W20, valve. If S·O·S oil analysis is required the oil sampling
SAE 0W30, SAE 0W40, SAE 5W30, or SAE 5W40 valve is used to obtain samples of the engine oil. The
lubricant viscosity grade. S·O·S oil analysis will complement the preventive
maintenance program.
Second Choice – Use an oil that has a CH-4
additive package. Although the oil has not been The S·O·S oil analysis is a diagnostic tool that is used
tested for the requirements of the API license, the oil to determine oil performance and component wear
must be either SAE 0W20, SAE 0W30, SAE 0W40, rates. Contamination can be identified and measured
SAE 5W30, or SAE 5W40. through the use of the S·O·S oil analysis. The S·O·S
oil analysis includes the following tests:
SEBU7833-01 39
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Refill Capacities
• The Wear Rate Analysis monitors the wear of the High sulfur content of the fuel is not normally found
engine’s metals. The amount of wear metal and in Europe, North America or Australasia. This can
type of wear metal that is in the oil is analyzed. The cause engine wear. When only high sulfur fuels
increase in the rate of engine wear metal in the are available, it will be necessary that high alkaline
oil is as important as the quantity of engine wear lubricating oil is used in the engine or that the
metal in the oil. lubricating oil change interval is reduced.
• Density________________________0.835 to 0.855 Kg/liter Note: Only use Arctic fuels when the temperature is
below 0 °C (32 °F). Do not use Arctic fuels when the
• Sulfur_______________________0.2% of mass, maximum ambient temperature is above 0 °C (32 °F). To ensure
that the time period between cranking the engine and
• Distillation___________________ 85% at 350 °C (662 °F) first fire is kept to a minimum, only use fuel of the
correct viscosity and at the correct temperature.
• Lubricity______________________________460 micrometers
maximum wear scar on “ISO 12156 - 1” Gas oil to “BS2869 Class A2”
Cetane number “ASTM D975 - 91 Class 2D” This can only be used if
the fuel has the correct specification of lubricity.
This indicates the properties of ignition of the fuel.
Fuel with a low cetane number can be the root “JIS K2204 (1992) Grades 1,2,3 and Special Grade
cause of problems during cold start. This will affect 3” This can only be used if the fuel has the correct
combustion. specification of lubricity.
Viscosity Note: If low sulfur or low sulfur aromatic fuels are
used, then fuel additives can be used to increase
This is the resistance to flow of a fluid. If this lubricity.
resistance is outside the limits, the engine and the
engine starting performance in particular can be Group 2 (permissible fuels): Specification
These fuel specifications are considered acceptable
Sulfur for issues of warranty. However,these fuels may
reduce the life of the engine, the engine’s maximum
power and the engine’s fuel efficiency.
40 SEBU7833-01
Maintenance Section
Refill Capacities
“ASTM D975 - 91 Class 1D” The preferred fuels provide maximum engine service
life and performance. The preferred fuels are distillate
“JP7, Mil T38219” fuels. These fuels are commonly called diesel fuel
or gas oil.
“NATO F63”
The permissible fuels are crude oils or blended fuels.
NOTICE Use of these fuels can result in higher maintenance
These fuels should have a wear scar value of 650 costs and in reduced engine service life.
micrometers maximum *HFRR to ISO 12156 - 1.*
Diesel fuels that meet the specifications in Table
14 will help to provide maximum engine service life
Group 3 (aviation kerosene fuels): Specification and performance. In North America, diesel fuel that
is identified as No. 2-D in “ASTM D975” generally
These fuels need additives to achieve lubricity of 650 meets the specifications. Table 14 is for diesel fuels
micrometers wear scar and the reliability of the fuel that are distilled from crude oil. Diesel fuels from
injection pump will be reduced. The fuel injection other sources could exhibit detrimental properties
pump is not covered by a warranty, even when the that are not defined or controlled by this specification.
additives are included.
Table 14
“JP5 MIL T5624 (Avcat FSII, NATO F44”
Perkins Specifications for Distillate Diesel Fuel
“JP8 T83133 (Avtur FSII, NATO F34” Specifications Requirements ASTM Test
• White smoke
• Deterioration of emissions and misfire at certain
operating conditions
Biofuel: Specification
Water emulsion fuels: These fuels are not permitted
Cooling System Specifications DO NOT use the following types of water in cooling
systems: Hard water, softened water that has been
General Coolant Information conditioned with salt, and sea water.
Clean the cooling system for the following reasons: For a water analysis, consult one of the following
• Contamination of the cooling system
• Local water utility company
• Overheating of the engine
• Agricultural agent
• Foaming of the coolant
• Independent laboratory
Never operate an engine without water temperature Additives
regulators in the cooling system. Water temperature
regulators help to maintain the engine coolant at the Additives help to protect the metal surfaces of
proper operating temperature. Cooling system prob- the cooling system. A lack of coolant additives or
lems can develop without water temperature regula- insufficient amounts of additives enable the following
tors. conditions to occur:
• Plugging of radiators, coolers, and small passages Preferred – Perkins Extended Life Coolant (ELC)
Note: 100 percent pure glycol will freeze at a Note: A commercial heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze
temperature of −23 °C (−9 °F). that meets “ASTM D4985” specifications MAY require
a treatment with an SCA at the initial fill. Read the
Most conventional coolant/antifreezes use ethylene label or the instructions that are provided by the OEM
glycol. Propylene glycol may also be used. In a 1:1 of the product.
mixture with water, ethylene and propylene glycol
provide similar protection against freezing and In stationary engine applications and marine engine
boiling. See Tables 17 and 18. applications that do not require anti-boil protection
or freeze protection, a mixture of SCA and water
Table 17 is acceptable. Perkins recommends a six percent
to eight percent concentration of SCA in those
Ethylene Glycol cooling systems. Distilled water or deionized water
Freeze Boil is preferred. Water which has the recommended
Concentration properties may be used.
Protection Protection
50 Percent −36 °C (−33 °F) 106 °C (223 °F) Engines that are operating in an ambient temperature
60 Percent −51 °C (−60 °F) 111 °C (232 °F) above 43 °C (109.4 °F) must use SCA and water.
Engines that operate in an ambient temperature
above 43 °C (109.4 °F) and below 0 °C (32 °F) due
NOTICE to seasonal variations consult your Perkins dealer
Do not use propylene glycol in concentrations that ex- or your Perkins distributor for the correct level of
ceed 50 percent glycol because of propylene glycol’s protection.
reduced heat transfer capability. Use ethylene glycol
in conditions that require additional protection against
boiling or freezing.
Table 18
Propylene Glycol
Freeze Anti-Boil
Protection Protection
50 Percent −29 °C (−20 °F) 106 °C (223 °F)
Coolant Recommendations
The following two coolants are used in Perkins diesel
44 SEBU7833-01
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Refill Capacities
Commercial SCA and 3000 Service Hours or Mixing Extended Life Coolant with other products re-
Water Two Years duces the Extended Life Coolant service life. Failure to
follow the recommendations can reduce cooling sys-
tem components life unless appropriate corrective ac-
Extended Life Coolant (ELC) tion is performed.
Perkins provides Extended Life Coolant (ELC) for
use in the following applications: In order to maintain the correct balance between
the antifreeze and the additives, you must maintain
• Heavy-duty spark ignited gas engines the recommended concentration of Extended Life
Coolant (ELC). Lowering the proportion of antifreeze
• Heavy-duty diesel engines lowers the proportion of additive. This will lower the
ability of the coolant to protect the system from pitting,
• Automotive applications from cavitation, from erosion, and from deposits.
ELC extends the service life of the coolant to 12000 Perkins ELC Extender
service hours or six years. ELC does not require
a frequent addition of a Supplemental Coolant ELC Extender is added to the cooling system halfway
Additive (SCA). An Extender is the only additional through the ELC service life. Treat the cooling system
maintenance that is needed at 6000 service hours or with ELC Extender at 6000 hours or three years. Use
one half of the ELC service life. Table 20 in order to determine the correct amount of
ELC Extender that is required.
ELC is available in a 1:1 premixed cooling solution
with distilled water. The Premixed ELC provides Containers of several sizes are available. Consult
freeze protection to −36 °C (−33 °F). The Premixed your Perkins dealer or your Perkins distributor for the
ELC is recommended for the initial fill of the cooling part numbers.
system. The Premixed ELC is also recommended for
topping off the cooling system. Use the formula in Table 20 to determine the correct
amount of ELC Extender for your cooling system.
ELC Concentrate is also available. ELC Concentrate Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Refill
can be used to lower the freezing point to −51 °C Capacities” in order to determine the capacity of the
(−60 °F) for arctic conditions. cooling system.
Containers of several sizes are available. Consult Table 20
your Perkins dealer or your Perkins distributor for the
Formula For Adding ELC Extender To ELC
part numbers.
V × 0.02 = X
V is the total capacity of the cooling system.
X is the amount of ELC Extender that is required.
SEBU7833-01 45
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Refill Capacities
Table 21 is an example for using the formula that is 3. Flush the system with clean water in order to
in Table 20. remove any debris.
• Drain a portion of the cooling system into a suitable Use the equation that is in Table 23 to determine the
container according to local regulations. Then, fill amount of Perkins SCA that is required when the
the cooling system with premixed ELC. This should cooling system is initially filled.
lower the contamination to less than 10 percent.
Table 23
• Maintain the system as a conventional Heavy-Duty Equation For Adding The SCA To The Heavy-Duty
Coolant. Treat the system with an SCA. Change Coolant At The Initial Fill
the coolant at the interval that is recommended for
the conventional Heavy-Duty Coolant. V × 0.045 = X
V is the total volume of the cooling system.
Commercial Heavy-Duty Coolant/ X is the amount of SCA that is required.
Antifreeze and SCA
Table 24 is an example for using the equation that
NOTICE is in Table 23.
Commercial Heavy-Duty Coolant which contains
Amine as part of the corrision protection system must Table 24
not be used.
Example Of The Equation For Adding The SCA To
The Heavy-Duty Coolant At The Initial Fill
NOTICE Total Volume Multiplication Amount of SCA
Never operate an engine without water temperature of the Cooling Factor that is Required
regulators in the cooling system. Water temperature System (V) (X)
regulators help to maintain the engine coolant at the
correct operating temperature. Cooling system prob- 15 L (4 US gal) × 0.045 0.7 L (24 oz)
lems can develop without water temperature regula-
tors. Adding The SCA to The Heavy-Duty
Coolant For Maintenance
Check the coolant/antifreeze (glycol concentration)
in order to ensure adequate protection against Heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze of all types REQUIRE
boiling or freezing. Perkins recommends the use of a periodic additions of an SCA.
refractometer for checking the glycol concentration.
Test the coolant/antifreeze periodically for the
Perkins engine cooling systems should be tested concentration of SCA. For the interval, refer to the
at 500 hour intervals for the concentration of Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Maintenance
Supplemental Coolant Additive (SCA). Interval Schedule” (Maintenance Section). Test the
concentration of SCA.
Additions of SCA are based on the results of the test.
An SCA that is liquid may be needed at 500 hour Additions of SCA are based on the results of the
intervals. test. The size of the cooling system determines the
amount of SCA that is needed.
Refer to Table 22 for part numbers and for quantities
of SCA. Use the equation that is in Table 25 to determine the
amount of Perkins SCA that is required, if necessary:
Table 22
Perkins Liquid SCA Table 25
Part Number Quantity Equation For Adding The SCA To The Heavy-Duty
Coolant For Maintenance
21825755 .
V × 0.014 = X
V is the total volume of the cooling system.
Adding the SCA to Heavy-Duty Coolant
at the Initial Fill X is the amount of SCA that is required.
Commercial heavy-duty coolant/antifreeze that Table 26 is an example for using the equation that
meets “ASTM D4985” specifications MAY require is in Table 25.
an addition of SCA at the initial fill. Read the label
or the instructions that are provided by the OEM of
the product.
SEBU7833-01 47
Maintenance Section
Refill Capacities
Table 26
Example Of The Equation For Adding The SCA To
The Heavy-Duty Coolant For Maintenance
Total Volume Multiplication Amount of SCA
of the Cooling Factor that is Required
System (V) (X)
15 L (4 US gal) × 0.014 0.2 L (7 oz)
Ensure that the Safety Information, Warnings, Every 2000 Service Hours
and Instructions are read and understood
before operation or maintenance procedures are Aftercooler Core - Inspect ..................................... 49
performed. Alternator - Inspect ............................................... 50
Engine Mounts - Inspect ....................................... 61
Before each consecutive interval is performed, all Starting Motor - Inspect ........................................ 73
of the maintenance requirements from the previous Turbocharger - Inspect .......................................... 73
interval must also be performed. Water Pump - Inspect ........................................... 75
Note: Only engines that are equipped with the Every 2 Years
leak-off fuel injector require servicing every 3000
hours. Cooling System Coolant - Change ....................... 55
3. Back flush the core with a suitable cleaner. Pressurized air is the preferred method for removing
loose debris. Direct the air in the opposite direction
4. Steam clean the core in order to remove any of the fan’s air flow. Hold the nozzle approximately
residue. Flush the fins of the aftercooler core. 6 mm (.25 inch) away from the fins. Slowly move the
Remove any other trapped debris. air nozzle in a direction that is parallel with the tubes.
This will remove debris that is between the tubes.
5. Wash the core with hot, soapy water. Rinse the
core thoroughly with clean water. Pressurized water may also be used for cleaning.
The maximum water pressure for cleaning purposes
must be less than 275 kPa (40 psi). Use pressurized
water in order to soften mud. Clean the core from
both sides.
Personal injury can result from air pressure.
Use a degreaser and steam for removal of oil and
Personal injury can result without following prop- grease. Clean both sides of the core. Wash the core
er procedure. When using pressure air, wear a pro- with detergent and hot water. Thoroughly rinse the
tective face shield and protective clothing. core with clean water.
Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less After cleaning, start the engine and accelerate the
than 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes. engine to high idle rpm. This will help in the removal
of debris and drying of the core. Stop the engine.
6. Dry the core with compressed air. Direct the air in Use a light bulb behind the core in order to inspect
the reverse direction of the normal flow. the core for cleanliness. Repeat the cleaning, if
7. Inspect the core in order to ensure cleanliness.
Pressure test the core. If necessary, repair the Inspect the fins for damage. Bent fins may be opened
core. with a “comb”.
8. Install the core. Refer to the OEM information for Note: If parts of the aftercooler system are repaired
the correct procedure. or replaced, a leak test is highly recommended.
Alternator - Inspect
To maximize the engine performance, inspect the
belts for wear and for cracking. Replace belts that are
worn or damaged.
Removing the battery cables or the batteries with 1. Remove the filler caps. Maintain the electrolyte
the cover in place may cause a battery explosion level to the “FULL” mark on the battery.
resulting in personal injury.
If the addition of water is necessary, use distilled
water. If distilled water is not available use clean
1. Switch the engine to the OFF position. Remove water that is low in minerals. Do not use artificially
all electrical loads. softened water.
2. Turn off any battery chargers. Disconnect any 2. Check the condition of the electrolyte with a
battery chargers. suitable battery tester.
3. The NEGATIVE “-” cable connects the NEGATIVE 3. Keep the batteries clean.
“-” battery terminal to the NEGATIVE “-” terminal
on the starting motor. Disconnect the cable from Clean the battery case with one of the following
the NEGATIVE “-” battery terminal. cleaning solutions:
4. The POSITIVE “+” cable connects the POSITIVE
“+” battery terminal to the POSITIVE “+” terminal
• A mixture of 0.1 kg (0.2 lb) of baking soda and
1 L (1 qt) of clean water
on the starting motor. Disconnect the cable from
the POSITIVE “+” battery terminal.
• A mixture of 0.1 L (0.11 qt) of ammonia and 1 L
(1 qt) of clean water
Note: Always recycle a battery. Never discard a
battery. Return used batteries to an appropriate Thoroughly rinse the battery case with clean water.
recycling facility.
Use a fine grade of sandpaper to clean the
5. Remove the used battery. terminals and the cable clamps. Clean the items
until the surfaces are bright or shiny. DO NOT
6. Install the new battery. remove material excessively. Excessive removal
of material can cause the clamps to not fit
Note: Before the cables are connected, ensure that correctly. Coat the clamps and the terminals with
the engine start switch is OFF. a suitable silicone lubricant or petroleum jelly.
7. Connect the cable from the starting motor to the
POSITIVE “+” battery terminal.
52 SEBU7833-01
Maintenance Section
Battery or Battery Cable - Disconnect
Battery or Battery Cable - Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Turn the start switch to the OFF position. Turn the • The fuel has entered the cooling system and the
coolant is contaminated.
ignition switch (if equipped) to the OFF position
and remove the key and all electrical loads.
Note: When the cooling system is cleaned, only
clean water is needed.
2. Disconnect the negative battery terminal at the
battery that goes to the start switch. Ensure that
Note: Inspect the water pump and the water
the cable cannot contact the terminal. When four
temperature regulator after the cooling system has
12 volt batteries are involved, the negative side of
been drained. This is a good opportunity to replace
two batteries must be disconnected.
the water pump, the water temperature regulator and
the hoses, if necessary.
3. Tape the leads in order to help prevent accidental
4. Proceed with necessary system repairs. Reverse
the steps in order to reconnect all of the cables.
1. Close the drain cock or install the drain plug on
the engine. Close the drain cock or install the
drain plug on the radiator.
Illustration 22
2. Open the drain cock or remove the drain plug (1) Do not fill the cooling system faster than 5 L
on the engine. Open the drain cock or remove the (1.3 US gal) per minute to avoid air locks.
drain plug on the radiator.
Cooling system air locks may result in engine damage.
Allow the coolant to drain.
1. Flush the cooling system with clean water in order 4. Check the coolant level. Maintain the coolant level
to remove any debris. within 13 mm (0.5 inch) below the bottom of the
pipe for filling. Maintain the coolant level in the
2. Close the drain cock or install the drain plug in the expansion bottle (if equipped) at the correct level.
engine. Close the drain cock or install the drain
plug on the radiator. 5. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the
gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap. If
the gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap
NOTICE is damaged, discard the old cooling system filler
Do not fill the cooling system faster than 5 L cap and install a new cooling system filler cap. If
(1.3 US gal) per minute to avoid air locks. the gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap
is not damaged, use a suitable pressurizing pump
Cooling system air locks may result in engine damage. in order to pressure test the cooling system filler
cap. The correct pressure for the cooling system
3. Fill the cooling system with clean water. Install the filler cap is stamped on the face of the cooling
cooling system filler cap. system filler cap. If the cooling system filler cap
does not retain the correct pressure, install a new
4. Start and run the engine at low idle until the cooling system filler cap.
temperature reaches 49 to 66 °C (120 to 150 °F).
6. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for
leaks and for correct operating temperature.
54 SEBU7833-01
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
NOTICE Illustration 23
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Typical example
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 2. Open the drain cock or remove the drain plug (1)
component life. on the engine. Open the drain cock or remove the
drain plug on the radiator.
Clean the cooling system and flush the cooling Allow the coolant to drain.
system before the recommended maintenance
interval if the following conditions exist:
Dispose of used engine coolant or recycle. Various
• The engine overheats frequently. methods have been proposed to reclaim used coolant
for reuse in engine cooling systems. The full distillation
• Foaming is observed. procedure is the only method acceptable by Perkins to
reclaim the coolant.
• The oil has entered the cooling system and the
coolant is contaminated.
For information regarding the disposal and the
• The fuel has entered the cooling system and the recycling of used coolant, consult your Perkins dealer
coolant is contaminated. or your Perkins distributor.
1. Close the drain cock or install the drain plug on
the engine. Close the drain cock or install the
drain plug on the radiator.
Do not fill the cooling system faster than 5 L
(1.3 US gal) per minute to avoid air locks.
5. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the 3. Remove the drain plug (1) from the side of the
gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap. If cylinder block in order to drain the engine. Ensure
the gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap that the drain hole is not restricted.
is damaged, discard the old cooling system filler
cap and install a new cooling system filler cap. If 4. Open the radiator drain tap or remove the drain
the gasket that is on the cooling system filler cap plug at the bottom of the radiator in order to
is not damaged, use a suitable pressurizing pump drain the radiator. If the radiator does not have a
in order to pressure test the cooling system filler radiator drain tap or a drain plug, disconnect the
cap. The correct pressure for the cooling system hose at the bottom of the radiator.
filler cap is stamped on the face of the cooling
system filler cap. If the cooling system filler cap 5. Flush the coolant system with clean water.
does not retain the correct pressure, install a new
cooling system filler cap. 6. Install the drain plugs and close the radiator drain
tap. Install the radiator hose if the radiator hose
6. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for was previously removed.
leaks and for correct operating temperature.
7. Fill the system with an approved antifreeze
mixture. The maximum flow rate is 1 L
(0.2200 Imp gal) per minute in order to fill the
system. Install the filler cap.
Engine - Clean
3. Clean the cooling system filler cap and check the Periodic cleaning of the engine is recommended.
condition of the filler cap gaskets. Replace the Steam cleaning the engine will remove accumulated
cooling system filler cap if the filler cap gaskets are oil and grease. A clean engine provides the following
damaged. Reinstall the cooling system filler cap. benefits:
4. Inspect the cooling system for leaks. • Easy detection of fluid leaks
• Maximum heat transfer characteristics
Replace the dirty air cleaner elements with clean air 3. Cover the air inlet with tape in order to keep dirt
cleaner elements. Before installation, the air cleaner out.
elements should be thoroughly checked for tears
and/or holes in the filter material. Inspect the gasket 4. Clean the inside of the air cleaner cover and body
or the seal of the air cleaner element for damage. with a clean, dry cloth.
Maintain a supply of suitable air cleaner elements
for replacement purposes. 5. Remove the tape for the air inlet. Install the
secondary air cleaner element. Install a primary
air cleaner element that is new or cleaned.
Visually inspect the primary air cleaner elements Note: Refer to “Inspecting the Primary Air Cleaner
before cleaning. Inspect the air cleaner elements for Elements”.
damage to the seal, the gaskets, and the outer cover.
Discard any damaged air cleaner elements. Inspecting the Primary Air Cleaner
There are two common methods that are used to
clean primary air cleaner elements:
• Pressurized air
• Vacuum cleaning
Pressurized Air
Pressurized air can be used to clean primary air
cleaner elements that have not been cleaned more
than two times. Pressurized air will not remove
deposits of carbon and oil. Use filtered, dry air with a
maximum pressure of 207 kPa (30 psi).
Illustration 29
60 SEBU7833-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Cleaner Element (Single Element) - Inspect/Replace
Inspect the clean, dry primary air cleaner element. Some engines are equipped with a differential gauge
Use a 60 watt blue light in a dark room or in a similar for inlet air pressure. The differential gauge for inlet
facility. Place the blue light in the primary air cleaner air pressure displays the difference in the pressure
element. Rotate the primary air cleaner element. that is measured before the air cleaner element and
Inspect the primary air cleaner element for tears the pressure that is measured after the air cleaner
and/or holes. Inspect the primary air cleaner element element. As the air cleaner element becomes dirty,
for light that may show through the filter material. If it the pressure differential rises. If your engine is
is necessary in order to confirm the result, compare equipped with a different type of service indicator,
the primary air cleaner element to a new primary air follow the OEM recommendations in order to service
cleaner element that has the same part number. the air cleaner service indicator.
Do not use a primary air cleaner element that has The service indicator may be mounted on the air
any tears and/or holes in the filter material. Do not cleaner element or in a remote location.
use a primary air cleaner element with damaged
pleats, gaskets or seals. Discard damaged primary
air cleaner elements.
A wide variety of air cleaners may be installed for use • Check for ease of resetting. The service indicator
with this engine. Consult the OEM information for the should reset in less than three pushes.
correct procedure to replace the air cleaner.
• Check the movement of the yellow core when the
engine is accelerated to the engine rated speed.
The yellow core should latch approximately at the
Engine Air Cleaner Service greatest vacuum that is attained.
Indicator - Inspect If the service indicator does not reset easily, or if the
yellow core does not latch at the greatest vacuum,
the service indicator should be replaced. If the new
service indicator will not reset, the hole for the service
Some engines may be equipped with a different indicator may be restricted.
service indicator.
The service indicator may need to be replaced
frequently in environments that are severely dusty.
SEBU7833-01 61
Maintenance Section
Engine Ground - Inspect/Clean
Note: The engine mounts may not have been Operating your engine when the oil level is above the
supplied for this installation by Perkins. Refer to the “FULL” mark could cause your crankshaft to dip into
OEM information for further information on the engine the oil. The air bubbles created from the crankshaft
mounts and the correct bolt torque. dipping into the oil reduces the oil’s lubricating char-
acteristics and could result in the loss of power.
Inspect the engine mounts for deterioration and for
correct bolt torque. Engine vibration can be caused 2. Remove the oil filler cap and add oil, if necessary.
by the following conditions: Clean the oil filler cap. Install the oil filler cap.
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal Perkins recommends using a sampling valve in order
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to to obtain oil samples. The quality and the consistency
contact the skin. of the samples are better when a sampling valve is
used. The location of the sampling valve allows oil
that is flowing under pressure to be obtained during
normal engine operation.
62 SEBU7833-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change
Obtain the Sample and the Analysis Do not drain the oil when the engine is cold. As the oil
cools, suspended waste particles settle on the bottom
of the oil pan. The waste particles are not removed
with the draining cold oil. Drain the crankcase with
the engine stopped. Drain the crankcase with the
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal oil warm. This draining method allows the waste
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to particles that are suspended in the oil to be drained
contact the skin. properly.
In order to help obtain the most accurate analysis, Failure to follow this recommended procedure will
record the following information before an oil sample cause the waste particles to be recirculated through
is taken: the engine lubrication system with the new oil.
Engine Oil and Filter - Change After the oil has drained, the oil drain plugs should
be cleaned and installed. If necessary, renew the O
ring seal on the drain plug.
Some types of oil pans have oil drain plugs that are
on both sides of the oil pan, because of the shape of
the pan. This type of oil pan requires the engine oil to
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
be drained from both plugs.
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact the skin.
SEBU7833-01 63
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change
1. Remove the oil filter with a suitable tool. Replace the Element for the Oil
Note: The following actions can be carried out as Filter
part of the preventive maintenance program.
Due to normal wear and friction, it is not 1. Place a suitable container under the oil filter.
uncommon to find small amounts of debris in the Remove the drain plug (1) and the seal, from the
oil filter. oil filter.
Illustration 33
(2) Filter head
(3) O ring seal
4. Install a new O ring (4) onto the filter bowl and i02171102
lubricate the O ring with clean engine oil. Install
the filter element (5) into the filter bowl. Engine Valve Lash -
5. Install the filter bowl into the oil filter head (6).
Tighten the filter bowl to the following torque
25 N·m (18 lb ft).
This maintenance is recommended by Perkins as
6. Install a new seal onto the drain plug (1) and part of a lubrication and preventive maintenance
install the drain plug into the oil filter. Tighten the schedule in order to help provide maximum engine
drain plug to the following torque 12 N·m (8 lb ft). life.
Note: Some engines may have a horizontally
mounted oil filter. This oil filter has a drain plug that is
Only qualified service personel should perform this
located in the oil filter head.
maintenance. Refer to the Service Manual or your au-
thorized Perkins dealer or your Perkins distributor for
Fill the Engine Crankcase the complete valve lash adjustment procedure.
1. Remove the oil filler cap. Refer to the Operation Operation of Perkins engines with incorrect valve lash
and Maintenance Manual for more information on can reduce engine efficiency, and also reduce engine
lubricant specifications. Fill the crankcase with the component life.
proper amount of oil. Refer to the Operation and
Maintenance Manual for more information on refill
If your skin comes into contact with high pressure fuel,
obtain medical assistence immediately.
injectors should be renewed only if a fault with the Fuel System - Prime
fuel injectors occurs. Some of the problems that may
indicate that new fuel injectors are needed are listed
If air enters the fuel system, the air must be purged
• The engine will not start or the engine is difficult from the fuel system before the engine can be
to start. started. Air can enter the fuel system when the
following events occur:
• Not enough power
66 SEBU7833-01
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Primary Filter/Water Separator - Drain
• The fuel tank is empty or the fuel tank has been 7. The engine is now ready to start. Operate the
partially drained. engine at low idle for a minimum of five minutes
immediately after air has been removed from the
• The low pressure fuel lines are disconnected. fuel system.
• A leak exists in the low pressure fuel system. Note: Running the engine for this period of time will
help ensure that the pump is completely free of air.
• The fuel filter is replaced.
• A new injection pump is installed.
Use the following procedure in order to remove air
Fuel System Primary
from the fuel system: Filter/Water Separator - Drain
1. Remove the cover for the fuel injectors. Refer to
the Disassembly and Assembly Manual.
The water separator is not a filter. The water separa-
tor separates water from the fuel. The engine should
never be allowed to run with the water separator more
than half full. Engine damage may result.
The water separator is under suction during normal
engine operation. Ensure that the drain valve is tight-
ened securely to help prevent air from entering the fuel
Illustration 38 system.
Injector nuts
4. Loosen the flare nuts (1) for the high pressure fuel
lines on all of the fuel injectors.
Do not crank the engine continuously for more than
30 seconds. Allow the starting motor to cool for two
minutes before cranking the engine again.
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
clean the area around a fuel system component that
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
nected fuel system component.
Illustration 39
(1) Screw
(2) Element
(3) Glass bowl
(4) Sensor connection
(5) Drain
(6) Bottom cover
2. Open the drain (5). Allow the fluid to drain into the
Illustration 40
(1) Screw
(2) Element
(3) Glass bowl
(4) Sensor connection
(5) Drain
(6) Bottom cover
11. Prime the fuel system. Refer to the Operation and g01010637
Illustration 41
Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” for
more information. (1) Drain
(2) Filter bowl
i02223550 1. Close the valves for the fuel lines (if equipped).
Fuel System Secondary Filter - 2. Clean the outside of the fuel filter assembly. Open
Replace the fuel drain (1) and drain the fuel into a suitable
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
clean the area around a fuel system component that
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
nected fuel system component.
SEBU7833-01 69
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace
Illustration 42
(3) O ring seal
(4) Element
(5) Filter head
3. Remove the filter bowl (2) from the filter head (5).
Press on the element (4). Rotate the element
counterclockwise in order to release the element Illustration 43
for the filter bowl and remove the element from the (1) Spin-on filter
bowl. Discard the used element. (2) Drain
4. Remove the O ring (3) from the filter bowl and 1. Clean the outside of the fuel filter assembly. Open
clean the filter bowl. Check that the threads of the the fuel drain (3) and drain the fuel into a suitable
filter bowl are not damaged. container.
5. Install a new O ring seal (3) to the filter bowl (2). 2. Use a suitable tool in order to remove the spin-on
filter (2) from the filter head (1).
6. Locate a new filter element (4) into the filter bowl.
Press on the element and rotate the element 3. Ensure that the fuel drain (3) on the new spin-on
clockwise in order to lock the element into the filter is closed.
filter bowl.
7. Install the filter bowl (4) into the top of the filter
head (5).
Spin-on filter
Turn the valves for the fuel lines (if equipped) to the
OFF position before performing this maintenance.
Place a tray under the fuel filter in order to catch
any fuel that might spill. Clean up any spilled fuel
70 SEBU7833-01
Maintenance Section
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain
Fuel Tank
Fuel quality is critical to the performance and to the
service life of the engine. Water in the fuel can cause
excessive wear to the fuel system. Condensation
occurs during the heating and cooling of fuel. The
condensation occurs as the fuel passes through the
fuel system and the fuel returns to the fuel tank. This
causes water to accumulate in fuel tanks. Draining
the fuel tank regularly and obtaining fuel from reliable
sources can help to eliminate water in the fuel.
6. Tighten the spin-on filter by hand until the sealing Fill the fuel tank after operating the engine in
ring contacts the filter head. Rotate the spin-on order to drive out moist air. This will help prevent
filter through 90 degrees. condensation. Do not fill the tank to the top. The
fuel expands as the fuel gets warm. The tank may
7. Prime the fuel system. Refer to Operation and overflow.
Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime”.
Some fuel tanks use supply pipes that allow water
and sediment to settle below the end of the fuel
supply pipe. Some fuel tanks use supply lines that
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment take fuel directly from the bottom of the tank. If
the engine is equipped with this system, regular
- Drain maintenance of the fuel system filter is important.
If a bulk storage tank has been refilled or moved Each installation application can be different. The
recently, allow adequate time for the sediment to differences depend on the following factors:
settle before filling the engine fuel tank. Internal
baffles in the bulk storage tank will also help trap • Type of hose
sediment. Filtering fuel that is pumped from the
storage tank helps to ensure the quality of the fuel. • Type of fitting material
When possible, water separators should be used.
• Anticipated expansion and contraction of the hose
• Anticipated expansion and contraction of the
Hoses and Clamps - fittings
Check for the following conditions: 2. Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in
order to relieve any pressure. Remove the cooling
• End fittings that are damaged or leaking system filler cap.
• Outer covering that is chafed or cut Note: Drain the coolant into a suitable, clean
container. The coolant can be reused.
• Exposed wire that is used for reinforcement
3. Drain the coolant from the cooling system to a
• Outer covering that is ballooning locally level that is below the hose that is being replaced.
• Flexible part of the hose that is kinked or crushed 4. Remove the hose clamps.
• Armoring that is embedded in the outer covering 5. Disconnect the old hose.
A constant torque hose clamp can be used in place 6. Replace the old hose with a new hose.
of any standard hose clamp. Ensure that the constant
torque hose clamp is the same size as the standard 7. Install the hose clamps with a torque wrench.
Note: For the correct coolant, see this Operation and
Due to extreme temperature changes, the hose will Maintenance Manual, “Fluid Recommendations”.
harden. Hardening of the hoses will cause hose
clamps to loosen. This can result in leaks. A constant 8. Refill the cooling system. Refer to the OEM
torque hose clamp will help to prevent loose hose information for further information on refilling the
clamps. cooling system.
72 SEBU7833-01
Maintenance Section
Radiator - Clean
9. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the After cleaning, start the engine and accelerate the
cooling system filler cap’s seals. Replace the engine to high idle rpm. This will help in the removal
cooling system filler cap if the seals are damaged. of debris and the drying of the core. Stop the engine.
Install the cooling system filler cap. Use a light bulb behind the core in order to inspect
the core for cleanliness. Repeat the cleaning, if
10. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for necessary.
Inspect the fins for damage. Bent fins may be opened
with a “comb”. Inspect these items for good condition:
Welds, mounting brackets, air lines, connections,
Radiator - Clean clamps, and seals. Make repairs, if necessary.
The radiator is not usually supplied by Perkins. The Severe Service Application -
following text describes a typical cleaning procedure
for the radiator. Refer to the OEM information for Check
further information on cleaning the radiator.
• Fuel quality
Personal injury can result from air pressure.
• Operational Altitude
Personal injury can result without following prop-
er procedure. When using pressure air, wear a pro- • Maintenance intervals
tective face shield and protective clothing.
• Oil selection and maintenance
Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less
than 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes. • Coolant type and maintenance
The operating environment, incorrect operating Check the starting motor for correct operation. Check
procedures and incorrect maintenance procedures the electrical connections and clean the electrical
can be factors which contribute to a severe service connections. Refer to the Systems Operation, Testing
application. and Adjusting Manual, “Electric Starting System -
Test” for more information on the checking procedure
and for specifications or consult your Perkins dealer
Environmental Factors or your Perkins distributor for assistance.
Ambient temperatures – The engine may be
exposed to extended operation in extremely i02184788
cold environments or hot environments. Valve
components can be damaged by carbon buildup if Turbocharger - Inspect
the engine is frequently started and stopped in very
cold temperatures. Extremely hot intake air reduces
(If Equipped)
engine performance.
For options regarding the removal, installation, and • The guards must be in the correct place. Repair
replacement, consult your Perkins dealer or your damaged guards or replace missing guards.
Perkins distributor. Refer to the Disassembly and
Assembly Manual, “Turbocharger - Remove and • Wipe all caps and plugs before the engine is
Turbocharger - Install” for further information. serviced in order to reduce the chance of system
For any type of leak (coolant, lube, or fuel) clean up the
NOTICE fluid. If leaking is observed, find the source and correct
The compressor housing for the turbocharger must the leak. If leaking is suspected, check the fluid levels
not be removed from the turbocharger for cleaning. more often than recommended until the leak is found
or fixed, or until the suspicion of a leak is proved to be
The actuator linkage is connected to the compressor unwarranted.
housing. If the actuator linkage is moved or disturbed
the engine may not comply with emmissions legisla-
tion. NOTICE
Accumulated grease and/or oil on an engine is a fire
hazard. Remove the accumulated grease and oil. Re-
1. Remove the pipe from the turbocharger exhaust
fer to this Operation and Maintenance Manual, “En-
outlet and remove the air intake pipe to the
gine - Clean” for more information.
turbocharger. Visually inspect the piping for the
presence of oil. Clean the interior of the pipes
in order to prevent dirt from entering during • Ensure that the cooling system hoses are correctly
reassembly. clamped and that the cooling system hoses are
tight. Check for leaks. Check the condition of all
2. Check for the presence of oil. If oil is leaking from pipes.
the back side of the compressor wheel, there is a
possibility of a failed turbocharger oil seal. • Inspect the water pump for coolant leaks.
The presence of oil may be the result of extended Note: The water pump seal is lubricated by the
engine operation at low idle. The presence of oil coolant in the cooling system. It is normal for a small
may also be the result of a restriction of the line amount of leakage to occur as the engine cools down
for the intake air (clogged air filters), which causes and the parts contract.
the turbocharger to slobber.
Excessive coolant leakage may indicate the need
3. Inspect the bore of the housing of the turbine to replace the water pump seal. For the removal of
outlet for corrosion. the water pump and the installation of water pump
and/or seal, refer to the Disassembly and Assembly
4. Fasten the air intake pipe and the exhaust outlet Manual, “Water Pump - Remove and Install” for more
pipe to the turbocharger housing. information or consult your Perkins dealer or your
Perkins distributor.
• Inspect the lubrication system for leaks at the front
Walk-Around Inspection crankshaft seal, the rear crankshaft seal, the oil
pan, the oil filters and the rocker cover.
Warranty Section
Warranty Information
Emissions Warranty
I Table of Contents..................................................... 3
Turbocharger - Inspect (If Equipped)..................... 73
Important Safety Information ................................... 2 Inspecting........................................................... 74
Removal and Installation.................................... 73
Lifting and Storage ................................................ 21
Walk-Around Inspection ........................................ 74
Inspect the Engine for Leaks and for Loose
M Connections ..................................................... 74
Warranty Information ............................................. 76
Maintenance Interval Schedule ............................. 48 Warranty Section ................................................... 76
Maintenance Section ............................................. 34 Water Pump - Inspect ............................................ 75