UFO Core Story Revealed by RealityUncovered - Net - Top Secret Writers

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UFO Core Story Revealed By


After several years of digging, fact-checking, collecting and analyzing data,

and observing social networks within the UFO community – the hoax-busting
researchers at RealityUncovered.net (which in fairness, I must disclose that I
co-founded with Stephen Broadbent) is finally moving forward with releasing
all information and data collected over the course of those years.

This data collection started with an analysis of a story called Serpo – a hoaxed
story about a 1950’s alien/human exchange program first released in 2005.
Researchers quickly ascertained Rick Doty as the source, and from that point
on the data and evidence gathered painted a disturbing picture of an
elaborate scam stretching back several decades, and touching on age-old
Ufology tales such as MJ12, Roswell, and more.

One central element to this several-year study is a “Core Story” created by

three individual scientists, many years ago in the early 1980s, during a late-
night philosophical discussion at a Denny’s Restaurant. Those three scientists
were Jacques Vallee, Christopher “Kit” Green, and Harold Puthoff.

What’s the UFO Core Story?

The definition of the elusive UFO core story changes depending on who you
ask and who’s doing the asking. A January 2, 2009 update on
RealityUncovered.net marks the official publication start of uncovered data,
facts and background regarding this and many other issues. The first,
opening post is titled “Rotten to The Core – A Brief Explanation.” Originally
intended as a very large, single document when published – RU researchers
quickly realized that the story would be better told sooner rather than later, in
a series spanning several websites with analysis and commentary by several
researchers along the way.

Regarding that specific core story, the version changes depending on which
researcher is doing the asking, and which scientist you ask. The following are
a few quotes spanning the last few years. These come from published notes of
several researchers, including RU’s own as well.

Caryn Anscomb Questions Dr. Christopher Green

UK researcher Caryn Anscomb reported the following response in her fifth

“Trickster Tales” article from 2006. Caryn wrote:

“The term ‘Core Story’ was allegedly invented in a Denny’s Restaurant

shop in the fall of 1982, during an exchange of information between three

One of the three participants at that meeting [Dr. Christopher Green] writes:

“It is the smallest set of elements for which the three of us at that time
agreed had scientifically sound evidence. Since that time, we have briefed
it dozens of times, and in the past six months the term has been
expropriated by Bob Collins and
Bill Ryan. Their version of Core
Story bears little resemblance to
our original, but of course,
anyone is welcome to misuse any
words, or even to exaggerate, or
whatever they choose. Since I
know that Bill and Bob have been
briefed, I take the ‘New Core
Story’ to also be their considered
judgment…and that is their right.
But I do not stand behind the
current usage and content.”

Caryn further asked Kit: “Do you

believe that some form of contact has been made between humans and non-
human intelligence?”

Dr. Green replied:

“Yes I most assuredly do. And I do not believe that contact has been
metaphysical, or ethereal, or n-dimensional in the context of the ‘Core
Story.’ I am silent as to those possibilities, also, however…but leave to the
metaphysicians to say if that ALSO had been a form of contact. The
‘contact’ of which I speak I believe has been real in a traditional sensory,
physics, and time & space sense. In short, what you may have seen in the
original writings in 1987 of what the three inventors of the ‘Core Story’
said the three of us, at that time believed…We three have never changed
our minds.'”

Gus Russo Interviews Dr. Christopher Green

In his well-written 2007 article titled “The Real X-Files,” journalist Gus Russo
reports on his discussion with “Jim,”
a cover name for Dr. Green. In
Green’s response to Gus, he repeats
the Core Story explanation. Gus

“‘I believe there’s a ‘core story’,’

Jim explained, ‘but I don’t know
what it is. I have been told by
people more senior than me that
there is some truth to it, but they
told me time and time again to
stop pursuing it with CIA people
and other intel types. Two very
senior officials told me they saw
briefing books, [however] the
only ones who would be cleared
to know the story are the most senior Pentagon career officers.”

The following “evidence” used to support and bolster that core story amounts
to nothing more than claims without any support. The following comment
was made not only to Gus but also to a number of other researchers,
including myself, over the years. Gus continues:

“He also notes that over the years he has received thousands of UFO-
related government documents in unmarked envelopes. Although some
are obvious fakes, others, according to Jim, contain information that
correlates with known, but still classified, scientific studies. In an
intriguing footnote, Jim adds, ‘I have spoken to three former Presidents
and the subject always comes up, not as a briefing, but they also want to
know the truth. But apparently they aren’t cleared for it.”

My Own Discussion Excerpts Related to the Core


In one of the first email’s I received from Kit in 2006, he wrote:

“I have never received an ‘official’ briefing that gives me a scintilla of

evidence that the Core Story is true. From time to time when I have been
shown documents that appear to be real…or which have been sent to me
anonymously…and which I believe are real…they are NOT currently
officially classified, but released on FOIA, or simply put…documents that
I was never shown nor briefed on while in Government Service. My belief
in the core story is based on, therefore a few threads of circumstantial
evidence and information”

Dr. Green made the following statement in a public post on the RU Forum on
December 3, 2007:

“I support Privacy (for sourcing) , and am agnostic on whether the

Public could handle the story, if it were made known, and if what I think
the story is, is even the story. There is actually more evidence the public
would not deal well with it…and I think the ‘it’ is rather trivial compared
to what most on the Internet are discussing. But I am an optimist that
proper staging could work, and keep most of us relatively sane. Not that
there is much evidence for that by reading Blogs!”

During a November 2006 phone conversation with Kit Green, he told us:

“I’ve seen dozen of cases of individuals who get sick after getting so
involved and spending so much time on it, instead of stuff they should be
doing in their real lives and in the real world. They have a fixed notion in
their minds that any evidence to the contrary could not shaped. If you
look at the various sites like at ATS [AboveTopSecret.com] concerning
medical issues on abductees – they are delusional.”

Ryan: “Yes but which parts of the ‘core story’ do you consider to be the ‘sick

Kit: “The parts of the story that have to do with genetic manipulation of the
individuals who are alleged to be working with the aliens. Anybody who gets
involved in that part of it ends up being sick – they spend a disproportionate
amount of time on the topic. When they can’t warmly embrace people outside
this sphere of interest, and they simply no longer have time to even exist.”

Ron Pandolfi Weighs In on the Core Story in 2006

In a private 2006 email, passed on to Gary Bekkum who promptly posted it

publicly on his blog, Ron Pandolfi made the following comment related to the
“Core Story” on October 7th, 2006.

“I did not intend to imply that the core story was originated in Remote
Viewing , but that it was transferred into government records via that

Caryn Anscomb promptly forwarded that comment above to Hal Puthoff, who
responded with the quoted email published previously at TopSecretWriters.

Obviously, a clear explanation of what was discussed among those three

scientists will never be forthcoming, because the answers change depending
on who asks the question, and to what degree of a “believer” they may be. One
thing that may finally get clarified regarding that story are the activities that
followed that conversation and the result of that collaboration.

RealityUncovered Steps Up to The Plate

In the latest update on the RU investigation, researcher Steve Broadbent of

RealityUncovered.net writes:

“The Core Story was created by a small group of people, intent on

perpetuating a belief in the alien contact myth in order to achieve their
own, distinctly human, objectives.

This small group have used their previous employment by various

government and military agencies to cement and enhance their standing
within the so-called believer crowd. This larger group have done an
excellent job in further spreading the myth, passing along stories and
tales that they believe have come from those ‘in the know’.”

If you’ve been following along with this Aviary drama, either since the days of
MJ12, or even if only starting in 2005 with Serpo – fasten your seatbelts and
get ready for a fascinating adventure. The ride has only started.

Originally published on TopSecretWriters.com

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