236 Maize Starch

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Food plant size and utilities

5.1 Plant size

Plant size / capacity for any food-processing unit refer to the
planned rate of production of the identified product(s). It can be
expressed in terms of either volume or weight or number
produced per unit time of the product. The time unit for
expressing the plant size could be taken as hour or a shift or a
day or a year. It is always useful to take a decision about the
size/capacity in the beginning of the plant design.
Knowledge of the plant size may help in:
 assessing the type and size of the plant and
machinery needed
 assessing the size and caliber of the work force
 determining the requirements of total land area
and covered space for the plant
 deciding the type of layout
 assessing the other physical facilities needed
 determining the type of sales efforts and
distribution system
 financial or economic viability calculations
The size/capacity of the plant will depend on a number of factors
such as:
 raw material availability
 market demand
 degree and nature of the market competition
 economic considerations i.e. acceptable return on
investment / profitability
The interaction of each of the above factor with plant size can be
assessed on the basis of information collected as part of the
market study. Therefore, a comprehensive market study is a must.
5.1.1 Raw material availability
There may be adequate or unlimited demand for the product in
the market with little or no competition, but the entrepreneur may
not get adequate supplies of the raw material to produce the
product in quantities one wishes. This would limit the size.
5.1.2 Market demand
Market demand for any product is the total volume that will be
bought by a defined customer group in defined geographical area
in a defined time period and in a defined environment. It is
possible that the raw material is available in abundance. One can
get as much raw material as one wish. But one can not sell all that
one can produce. The demand for the product is limited. In this
case, it is the market demand, which will determine the plant size.
5.1.3 Degree and nature of the market competition
There is no restriction on raw material availability. It is available
in abundance. Also, there is enough demand for the product in the
market. However, there exist a large number of manufacturers /
processors for the product who are expected to provide stiff
competition. In this case, the plant size may be restricted to a limit
governed by the share of the market, which the entrepreneur may
capture. Depending on the product, a 10 - 15% market share is
considered to be adequate. The competition may involve price or
quality or timely delivery or a combination of such features. To
study the competition, the entrepreneur needs to have a list of
major competitors, details of their product range, product
features, output, market share and pricing.
5.1.4 Economic Considerations
Many times plant size is determined by the financial resources
available with the entrepreneur as also by the degree of risk the
entrepreneur is prepared to take. Sometimes it is also advisable to
find the popular plant size of existing enterprises engaged in
manufacturing/processing the product of choice.
In cases where the availability of raw material, market demand
and the financial resources are not a problem, the entrepreneur
may look for the size which will ensure him / her a minimum
acceptable return/profit. This size is called the minimum
economically viable plant size. However, when situation permits
a plant size larger than the minimum economically viable size, a
size, which will maximize profits, is selected.
The minimum acceptable return/profit viewed in two ways. In one
case larger share of the capital investment may consist of the
equity (entrepreneur's own capital) while in another case it may
consist of the borrowed capital. In case of the former, the
return/profit must be greater than the amount of interest earned if
the entire capital of the entrepreneur was invested as fixed deposit
in a scheduled bank. In case of the later, the return/profit must be
greater than the interest paid on the borrowed capital.
While deciding the plant size/capacity one should also remember
the following:
 Specify the number of days for which the
proposed plant will work in a year. In general, it
is customary to presume 300 working days.
However, if the enterprise is to handle the
seasonal product, it may work for less than 300
 One shift consists of 8 hours. One shift working
is the most popular pattern among small
enterprises. Two and three shift working is
largely limited to continuous enterprises and the
medium and large-scale enterprises.
5.2 Food plant utilities
The principal plant utilities in a food plant are process water,
process steam, electric power for motors and lighting, and fuel.
5.2.1 Process Water
Process water is required for washing the raw materials and for
various cooling operations. In fruit and vegetable processing
plants, water may be used for transportation (fluming) of the raw
materials from receiving to processing areas. Water used in steam
boilers may require ion exchange treatment to reduce its hardness.
Total water requirement in fruit and vegetable processing may
range from 5 to 15 m3 / ton of raw material.
5.2.2 Steam
Steam boilers are needed in most food processing plants to
provide process steam, used mainly in various operations, such as
heating of process vessels, evaporators and dryers, sterilization,
blanching, and peeling. A medium size food plant (80 tons / day
raw material) may require a boiler producing about 10 tons/h of
steam at 18 bar pressure.
Two principal types of steam boilers are used in the food
processing industry, i.e. the fire-tube and the water-tube boilers.
The fire tube boilers operate at relatively lower pressure (1–24
bar) and produce cleaner steam. The water- tube units operate at
higher pressures (100–140 bar) and they are suited for co-
generation, i.e. electrical power and exhaust steam of lower
pressure for process heating. Co-generation is economical in large
food plants, requiring large amounts of low-pressure steam, e.g.,
beet sugar plants.
A standby steam boiler of proper capacity may be necessary to
provide process steam during any boiler failure or breakdown.
Steam boilers are rated in Btu/h, kW or boiler HP (1 Btu/h = 0.293
W, 1 boiler HP = 9.8 kW). The heat flux in the boiler heating
surface is about 0.75 kW/ m2. The boiler efficiency is about 85%
with most of the thermal losses in the dry gases and the moisture.
Steam generation is about 1.4 t/h per MW.
In order to maintain the concentration of accumulated dissolved
solids in steam boilers below 3500 ppm, periodic discharge of hot
water (blow down) is practiced.
Fuel is used in food plants mostly for generating process steam
and process drying. Natural gas and liquefied propane (LPG) are
preferred fuels in food processing, because their combustion
gases are not objectionable in direct contact with food products.
Fuel oil and coal can be used for indirect heating, i.e. through heat
Culinary steam of special quality is used when steam is injected
in food products. The steam must be free of objectionable
chemicals used in boilers, which may be carried into the food
being heated. Culinary steam is usually produced from potable
water in a secondary system of a heat exchanger heated with high
pressure industrial steam.
5.2.3 Electricity
Electrical power in food processing plants is needed for running
the motors of the processing, control, and service equipment, for
industrial heating, and for illumination. For a medium size food
plant processing about 100 tons/day raw materials, the power
requirement may of the order of 500 kW. A standby power
generator of about 200 k VA is recommended for emergency
operation of the main plant, in case of power failure or
Single-phase or three-phase alternating current (AC) of 110 V (60
cycles) or 220 V (50 cycles) is used in food processing plants. The
electrical motors are either single-phase or three-phase squirrel
Energy-efficient electrical motors should be used in various food
processing operations. A measure of the efficiency of electrical
power is the power factor (pf), defined as k W/ k VA, this which
should be equal or higher than 0.85.
Illuminating (lighting) of industrial food plants should utilize
fluorescent lamps, which can save significant amounts of energy.
5.2.4 Plant Effluents
Plant effluents consisting mainly of wastewater, but including
solids and gas wastes require special handling and treatments to
comply with the local laws and regulations.
Food plants should be designed and operated so that a minimum
pollution is caused to the environment. The Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) in the US has issued codes and
regulations that ensure the quality of natural water bodies is not
damaged by effluent discharges from industrial plants. Similar
regulations apply to atmospheric emissions of objectionable gases
and dust. Environmental information needed to comply with EPA
regulations for wastewater includes testing for pH, temperature,
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), fats oil and grease (FOG),
and total suspended solids (TSS).
Large amounts of waste are produced in the processing of fruits
and vegetables, as in canning, freezing, and dehydration
operations. Smaller waste volumes are produced in dairy plants
(with the exception of cheese and milk powder), and in dry-
processing (milling) of grain (e.g., wheat flour).
A medium size fruit or vegetable processing plant handling about
100 ton/day of raw materials may discharge about 1000 m3/day
of waste water.
Treatment of food waste water may involve one or more of the
following operations:
1. Simple screening out of the suspended solids,
2. Gravel filtration,
3. solids settling in sedimentation tanks,
4. biological oxidation (aeration),
5. spray irrigation,
6. discharge into the local public sewer, and
7. discharge into a waterway.
Liquid wastes (waste water) can be disposed to the local waste
(sewage) treatment plants, after removing some objectionable
components, such as fat, oil, and grease to an acceptable level,
e.g., lower than 1000 mg/L. Pollution loads higher than 200 mg/L
are common in food plant liquid wastes. It is more economical to
pay pollution surcharges to the local sewage plant, whenever
possible, than to build an expensive wastewater treatment facility.
Food preservation plants, located away from municipal sewage
systems, dispose the process water to large storage ponds
(lagoons), where a slow natural bio-oxidation of the organic waste
takes place. The treated lagoon wastewater can be discharged to
the land adjoining the plants.
Some solid food wastes can be sold at relatively low prices for
animal feeds, either unprocessed or dried, e.g., solid citrus or
sugar beet wastes. Some solid food wastes can be diverted to the
land (grape pomace to vineyard), while some other can be mixed
with the soil (composting).
The sanitary sewage of food plants, depending on the number of
employees, should be treated in a different system than the
process wastewater. It can be discharged to the local sewage
system, if available. Otherwise, it is treated in septic tanks
constructed near the food plant.
Relatively small amounts of gas wastes (odorous VOC) are
generated by some food industries, such as bakeries (ethanol),
fishmeal dryers, and edible oil refining plants. Also, odors from
coffee and cocoa roasting may require some form of treatment.
Treatment of objectionable gas wastes involves gas absorption
equipment, such as wet scrubbers.
The design of treatment facilities for industrial wastewater, and
solids/gas wastes requires the expertise of environmental
engineers who are familiar with the local laws and regulations
concerning environmental pollution.

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