Whole Brain Teaching

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WBT QuickStart

Chris Biffle

Whole  Brain  Teaching  (WBT),   Step  One:    Class-­‐Yes “Teach!”,  they  will  mimic  you  with  
with  50,000  members,  outposts   “Okay!”    When  students  have  
in  30  foreign  countries  and  over  2     Teach  your  students  that   mastered  this,  and  it  will  only  
million  YouTube  views,  is  one  of   whenever  you  say  “Class!,”  they   take  seconds,  tell  them  that  after  
the  world’s  vastest  growing   respond  “Yes!”    This  is  your   they  say  “Okay!”  they  should  turn  
education  reform  movements.     Attention  Getter  and  the  simplest   toward  their  neighbors  using  a  
Our  system  is  vast  and  includes   “full  body  turn.”    Show  them  that  
free  materials  to: they  should  completely  turn  and  
  -­‐-­‐  increase  reading  speed face  their  neighbors.  
  -­‐-­‐  deepen  reading   ... you will, with   Now,  you’re  all  set  for  
comprehension some  simple  WBT  lessons.    Just  to  
  -­‐-­‐  build  basic  math  skills
just a little give  your  students  practice,  use  
  -­‐-­‐  sharpen  critical   patience, begin an the  following  script.
thinking -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐  
  -­‐-­‐  establish  a  broad  
exciting journey Teacher:    Class!
understanding  of  core  concepts to Teacher Students:    Yes!
  -­‐-­‐  develop  student   Teacher:    When  I  say  “Teach”  you  
Heaven say  “Okay!”  and  start  counting  
  -­‐-­‐  create  highly  energetic   from  1.    Keep  counting  until  I  say  
classrooms “Class!”    Use  your  full  body  turn!    
  Educators   of  all  WBT  techniques.    You’ll  note   Students:    Okay!    (and  they  begin  
around  the  world   that  however  you  say  “Class!”,   counting)
students  will  automatically  mimic   Teacher:    (After  walking  around  
have  downloaded   you.    If  you  say,  deeply,  “Class!,”   and  encouraging  students  to  
over  10  million  pages   they  will  respond  with  a  deep   teach  each  other  while  using  the  
“Yes!”    If  you  use  a  froggy  voice  or   full  body  turn  …)  Class!
of  free  eBooks  from   a  mechanical  voice,  they  will   Students:    Yes!
WholeBrainTeaching   automatically  respond  with  a   Teacher:    Great  job!  
froggy  or  a  mechanical  voice      
one  of  the  Internet’s   Even  if  you  say,  “Classity  
most  popular,   Class!,”  they  will  respond  
“Yesity  Yes!”    It  will  take  you   OF PA
education  websites. and  your  students  no  more   1000S OADS
  While  mastering  our   than  a  minute  or  two  to  master   DOWNL
techniques  could  take  years,  even   the  “Class-­‐Yes!”  and  you’ll  use  it   BLE AT
a  lifetime  (I’m  still  learning   all  day  long,  all  year.   T EA C
myself!),  WBT  is  exceedingly   BRAIN
simple  to  begin.    Using  the  four  
steps  described  below,  you  will,   Step  Two:    Teach-­‐Okay To  give  students  
with  just  a  little  patience,  begin     additional  practice,  and  they  will  
an  exciting  journey  to  Teacher     Next,  teach  your  students   need  it,  ask  them  to  say  their  
Heaven. that   w hen   you  say  “Teach!,”  they   ABCs,  count  backwards  from  100,  
respond  “Okay!”    Just  as  with  the   recite  favorite  rhymes,  etc.
Class-­‐Yes,  however  you  say    to  their  neighbors.
Motivate your students with the Scoreboard!
Step  Three:    Scoreboard -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐
Teacher:    Class!
The  Scoreboard  is  your   Students:    Yes!
motivator,  your  student  energizer.     Teacher:    When  I  say  “Teach”  you  
After  your  students  have   say  “Okay!”  and  explain  the  
mastered  the  Class-­‐Yes  and  the   Scoreboard  to  your  neighbors.    
Teach-­‐Okay,  draw  the  following   Keep  explaining  until  I  say  
diagram  on  the  board.     “Class!”    Use  your  full  body  turn!    
Students:    Okay!    (They  explain  
the  Scoreboard  to  their  
Teacher:    (After  walking  around  
and  encouraging  students  to  
teach  each  other  while  using  the  
full  body  turn  …)  Class!
Students:    Yes!
  Teacher:    That  wasn’t  energetic  
  Explain  to  your  kids  that  
enough!    (Mark  a  Frowny.)
when  you  make  a  mark  on  the   Students:    Ooh!
Frowny  side,  they  should  lift  their   Teacher:    Class!
shoulders  very  quickly  and  groan,   Students:    Yes!
“Ohhh!”      When  you  make  a  mark   Teacher:    Class!  That  wasn’t  quick  
on  the  Smiley  side,  they  should   enough!    (Mark  another  Frowny.)
quickly  clap  their  hands  and  say,   Students:    Ooh!
“Oh  Yeah!”     Teacher:    Class!
Make  several  practice  
Students:    Yes!
marks  on  both  sides.     Teacher:    Much  better!    (Mark  a  
            Don’t  start  the  next  part  of  
your  lesson  until  your  kids  are  
Students:    (Clapping)  Oh  Yeah!
vigorously  and  crisply  
responding  to  Frowny  and  Smiley  
marks.    When  they  are  too  slow     Believe  it  or  not,  
or  lacking  energy,  mark  a  quick  
Frowny.    When  they  are  loud,  
you’re  almost  ready  to  
energetic,  crisp,  mark  a  Smiley.     start  Whole  Brain  
  Never  let  the  difference   Teaching.    Use  the  Class-­‐Yes  
between  Frownies  and  Smilies   to  get  your  students’  attention;  
be  greater  than  3.    If  you   use  Teach-­‐Okay  to  prompt  
penalize  too  much,  your  class   students  to  teach  your  neighbors  
will  become  discouraged;  if  you   anything  you  have  taught  them;  
reward  too  much  your  class  will   use  the  Scoreboard  to  motivate  
become  indifferent. kids  to  stay  energetically  involved  
  As  your  next  step,  use  the   in  your  lessons.    
following  script.
Very important point!

Here  is  a  very   around  the  room  and  

important  point  ... listen  to  what  your  kids  
   The  longer  you   are  saying.    If  they  are  
talk,  the  more  students   leaving  out  important  
you  will  lose.    If  you   points  about  what  you  
want  students  to  be   just  said,  start  over  and  
successful  in  the  Teach-­ speak  more  brieKly!
Okay,  don’t  speak  for  
longer  than  30  seconds!  
…  just  a  few  sentences.    
This,  as  you  probably  
know,  is  called  
chunking.    After  the  
Teach-­Okay,  walk  
Step  Four:    Be  Happy!
  This  is  a  very  important  step.    Your  students               When  you  have  mastered  these  techniques,  
will  not  only  mirror  your  tone  of  voice  in  the  Class-­‐ go  to  WholeBrainTeaching.com  and  read  the  
Yes  and  the  Teach-­‐Okay,  they  will  also  pick  up  your   articles  in  the  “First  Steps”  menu.    Next,  go  to  “Free  
Ebooks”  and    download,  “Whole  Brain  Teaching  for  
mood.    We  say,  “weave  the  Golden  
Challenging  Kids.”    You’ll  `ind  a  vividly  detailed  road  
Thread  of  fun”  through  everything   map  through  all  our  classroom  management  
you  do.    Have  fun  with  Class-­‐Yes,   techniques.    At  high  points  along  your  journey,  
you’ll  catch  sight  of  the  glittering  peaks  of  Teacher  
Teach-­‐Okay  and  the  Scoreboard.     Heaven.
Even  the  Frowny  groan  should  be    lesson,     Be  sure  to  buy  a  large  hanky.    After  your  `irst  
you’ll  be  weeping  tears  of  joy!
fun  …  if  it  is,  your  students  will  be  
deeply  engaged.    

“If it bugs you to repeat yourse
please don’t go into teaching
Teaching is repeating! “
Ancient WBT saying
19 WBT Videos
View on YouTube


Intro to Whole Brain Teaching: Lessons 1-8

Each short video demonstrates a key component of WBT. Taken in order, the movies show what we believe is a
logical sequence for introducing many of our strategies to classes from kindergarten through high school.

WBT Basics
Chris Biffle uses his philosophy classroom to demonstrate the Big Six (and early version of the Big Seven). Note
that all of the techniques employed with young adults can also be found in our videos of elementary students.

How to Begin WBT Part 1 and 2

Our most recent video demonstrates how to begin the Big Seven using middle school students as a sample
population. The Big Seven, fully described on our website WholeBrainTeaching.com, are: Class-Yes, the Five
Classroom Rules, Teach-Okay, Scoreboard, Mirror, Hands and Eyes, Switch. The class in this video had practiced
for about 25 minutes before beginning. With older kids, the Big Seven can be introduced fairly quickly, as
demonstrated in the video. In K-3 classes, introduction of the Big Seven might be spread over several weeks.

WBT College Aristotle

Biffle demonstrates advanced techniques to combine individual and group learning in a WBT classroom.

Portrait of a New Teacher

The video provides impressionistic overview of a new teacher, Andrea Schindler, using Whole Brain Teaching in
its earliest stage of development. In seven minutes, you'll see a portrait of the birth of a remarkable teacher;
Andrea is currently (2010) one of the most viewed and imitated kindergarten educators in the U.S.

WBT Kindergarten
Andrea Schindler, who began Whole Brain Teaching on her first day as an instructor, demonstrates several
engaging WBT strategies with young learners. This video is among the most popular in the WBT series.

WBT 1st Grade

An excellent demonstration of low key, Whole Brain Teaching, If you like quiet, calm, intensely focused classes,
and who doesn't?, these first graders provide excellent models.

WBT 6th Grade math:

One of the most viewed education videos on YouTube (over 100,000 at last count!), this sixth grade teacher
combines remarkably effective pacing, humor and gestures to teach a complex subject, the order of operations. To
show the range of WBT, contrast these highly trained, disciplined 6th graders to the rowdy, spontaneous 4th
graders in the critical thinking video above
Crazy Professor
In one of our first videos, Chris Rekstad demonstrates an early version of The Crazy Professor Reading
Game, designed to increase student reading comprehension for both fiction and non-fiction.

SuperSpeed 100
A classroom of special ed kids master 100 of the most common sight words using one our most popular free
downloads at WholeBrainTeaching.com. SuperSpeed 100 is used from grades K-5; the key motivator is
that students are setting and breaking personal records for reading speed.

Mind Soccer
This entertaining, often hilarious video, features WBT Co-Founder Chris Rekstad and his fourth grade,
Yucaipa, California class. As you'll see, Mind Soccer provides a remarkably flexible (and comic!) format
for reviewing course material. The game is so entertaining that kids will work hard, tallying marks on the
Scoreboard, for the privilege of playing Mind Soccer. A whole class learning with as much energy as
possible for the reward of reviewing what they have learned? You know what that is. Teacher Heaven.

whole Brain Teaching

Whole Brain Teaching E-Books
Free at WholeBrainTeaching.com

Whole Brain Teaching for Challenging Kids

WBT's core manual for classroom management! Lively units provide descriptions of the Big Seven, daily
instruction techniques: Class-Yes, the Five Classroom Rules, Teach-Okay (three chapters!), the
Scoreboard, Hands & Eyes, Mirror, and Switch. You'll marvel at the easy to follow scripts that guide you
through WBT's year long, classroom management system: Scoreboard, Practice Cards, Guff Counter,
Independents, Bullseye Game, and Agreement Bridge. You won't be able to stop reading as you discover
new chapters on critical thinking, student leadership training and WBT related research. The appendix is
jammed with units on Mind Soccer, Mind Basketball, Mind Volleyball, the Five Classroom Management
signs, lists of free e-books and videos.

Elementary: State Standards, Reading and Math

Kindergarten Power Pix
Over 170 pages! More than 70 full color signs! Everything you need to teach math and language arts
STATE STANDARDS to your little ones! Individual signs, gestures, definitions, quick tests for all the
following! Language Arts: author, black, blue, capital letter, characters, colors, end mark, exclamation
mark, front cover, fiction, green, illustrator, letters, lowercase alphabet, nonfiction, orange, period, purple,
question mark, red, rhyming words, sentence, setting, sorting, spaces, syllables, table of contents, title, title
page, uppercase alphabet, vowels, yellow, white, word Math: addition, afternoon, big hand on a clock,
calendar, circle, clock, cone, counting 1 to 5, counting 1 to 10, counting 1 to 15, counting 1 to 20, counting
1 to 25, counting 1 to 30, cube, cylinder, days of the week, equal height, equal numbers, equals sign,
estimate, evening, less than, little hand on a clock, minus sign, more than, morning, noon, plus sign,
pointer counting, rectangle, sorting, sphere, square, subtraction, today, tomorrow, triangle, yesterday

First Grade Language Arts Power Pix

First Grade, Language Arts Power Pix: Individual signs, gestures, definitions, quick tests for all the
following! 5 W + H, apostrophe, author, capital letter, capitalized words, characters, compound word,
contraction, days of the week, descriptive words, exclamation mark, illustrator, letter “I”, long vowel,
months of the year, noun, plot, plural noun, possessive, noun, period, prediction, pronoun, question mark,
rhyming words, sentence, setting, short vowel, singular noun, title, verb, word

First Grade Math Power Pix

First Grade, Math Power Pix: Individual signs, gestures, definitions, quick tests for all the following!
addition, addition checking rule, bar graph, circle, cone, counting by 2s, counting by 5s, counting by 10s,
cube, dime, equals sign, estimate, foot and 12 inches, good manners, half hour, hour, left thumb rule, less
than/more than, minute, nickel, nonstandard unit rule, penny, pounds and ounces, quarter, rectangle, right
hand rule, sphere, square, subtraction, subtraction checking, tally marks, triangle, 1 less than, 1 more than,
10 less than, 10 more than, 1s place, 10s place, 100s place

Second Grade Language Arts Power Pix

Second Grade, Language Arts Power Pix: Individual signs, gestures, definitions, quick tests for all the
following! abbreviation, adjective, alliteration, antonyms, atlas, body of a letter, cause and effect, chapter
heading, characters, closing, comma, comparison, contrast, date of a letter, dictionary, draft of a paper, fact,
five parts of a letter, greeting of a letter, map, noun, opinion, plot, plural noun, prefix, pronoun, proper
nouns, quotation marks, rhyming words, sentence, setting, signature, suffix, syllables, synonyms, table of
contents, thesaurus, verb
Second Grade Math Power Pix
Second Grade, Math Power Pix: Individual signs, gestures, definitions, quick tests for all the following!
addition checking rule, bar graph, cent sign, centimeter, circle, counting by 5s, counting by 10s, counting by
100s, cube, cone, cylinder, day, denominator, division, dollar, dollar sign, equals sign, estimate, expanded
form, foot and 12 inches, fraction, half hour, hour, less than/more than rule, months, multiplication,
numerator equals denominator rule, nonstandard unit rule, numerator, pyramid, quarter, quarter hour,
rectangle, sphere, square, subtraction checking rule, tally marks, triangle, week, year, 1s place, 10s place,
100s place, 1000s place

Third Grade Language Arts Power Pix

Third Grade, Language Arts Power Pix: Individual signs, gestures, definitions, quick tests for all the
following! alphabetical order, chapter heading, chronological order, city and state comma rule, dates comma
rule, days of the week rule, draft of a paper, encyclopedia, fact, first word of a sentence rule, geographical
name rule, glossary, historical period rule, holiday name rule, homonyms, homophones, “I” rule, indented
sentence, index, main idea, months rule, names of people rule, narrator, opinion, paragraph, paraphrase,
subject of a sentence, subject/verb agreement rule, topic sentence, verb tense, word family

Third Grade Math Power Pix

Third Grade, Language Arts Power Pix: Individual signs, gestures, definitions, quick tests for all the
following! 1s, 10s, 100s, 1000s, 10000s place, rounding off rule, counting by 100s, counting by 1000s,
expanded form, multiplication checking rule, division checking rule, multiplication, division, multiplying by
zero rule, multiplying by 1 rule, dividing by 1 rule, dividing by zero rule, unit cost, total cost, unit cost rule,
big slice rule, little slices rule, less than/greater than rule, decimal point, .1, .5, .75, 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, perimeter,
pentagon, hexagon, octagon, gallon, quart, pint, cup, right angle, right triangle, isosceles triangle, equilateral
triangle, parallel lines, numerator, denominator, numerator equals denominator rule, fraction, estimate,
centimeter, meter, cone, cylinder, cube, square, circle, triangle, rectangle, sphere, pyramid, bar graph

The Whole Brain Writing Game

The Whole Brain Writing Game is Whole Brain Teaching's long awaited composition system. Using striking
visuals, K-12 students learn a host of skills, including: brainstorming, writing topic sentences, composing
short paragraphs, constructing narrative, explanatory and argumentative essays, proofreading, use of
adjectives, active verbs, descriptive language, prepositional and adverbial phrases, avoiding fragments,
misspellings, subject verb agreement errors, under developed ideas ... you name it! The Whole Brain Writing
Game is a lively, modular system that can be adapted to any writing program ... and, we've included a special
unit that enormously reduces the amount of time teachers spend grading papers! Please do not read this
ebook without a large hanky, because when you're done you'll be sobbing tears of joy!

Smoothy Bumper Planet

Smoothy Bumper Planet is a wonderful world that enormously simplifies math instruction for K-2 students!
Teach kids to add, subtract, count to 1,000, skip count by 2s, 4s, 5s, 10s, 100s and deepen their
understanding of place value for 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s ... all on the back and front of one sheet of paper!
Complete instructions included for in-class and at home instruction.
Biffytoons Manual
Teach young learners sight words with Biffytoons cartoons. This ebook is packed! 48 full color cartoons,
48 line drawings, 48 mini-cartoons and Biffytoons Bingo ... a host of features introduce new readers to the
most common words in English.

SuperSpeed Numbers
A lively game for school or home that teaches the counting numbers 1-100. Works like a wonder!

SuperSpeed 100
New readers learn 100 of the most common sight words, while having a blast!

Classroom Management
Upper Elementary Reading and Math

The Crazy Professor Reading Game

One of our first ebooks, “The Crazy Professor Reading Game” has also been one of our most popular. Used
by thousands of K-12 teachers across the country, the Crazy Professor is designed to deepen students’
reading comprehension of both fiction and nonfiction. In a gamelike format, your kids learn to paraphrase,
translate ideas into gestures, skim read for key ideas, connect their reading to personal experiences, and
much more!

SuperSpeed 1000
Teach your class 1,000 of the most common sight words! Kids will BEG YOU to let them play!

SuperSpeed Math
Addition! Subtraction! Multiplication! Division! Kids can't get enough of SuperSpeed Math!


Whole Brain Teachers Training Manual

Everything you need to be a Whole Brain Teacher trainer!

Power Student Olympics

Watch your students break 100's of personal records in reading, math, writing and art!

Whole Brain Teaching Case Studies

Over 60 true stories of Whole Brain Teaching in action!

Practice Cards
A powerful addition to Whole Brain Teaching's Classroom Management System! Give your kids Positive
Practice following the classroom rules!
whole Brain Teaching

Whole Brain Teaching is a grass roots, education reform movement begun in

1999 by three Yucaipa, California teachers: Chris Biffle (college), Jay Vanderfin
(elementary school) and Chris Rekstad (elementary school). Since then we have
been joined by a dedicated group of K-12 educators who form our Board of
In the last 11 years we have given seminars across America to over 8,000
educators representing over 300,000 students. Our websites receive over 2,000
hits per day. WBT videos have received over 2,000,000 views on the Internet.
Whole Brain Teaching is one of the fastest growing, education reform
movements in the United States.
WBT One Day Conferences At Your School!
1. Classroom management
2. Lesson design and delivery
3. Reading and math
4. State standards and critical thinking
5. Writing
6. Advanced WBT techniques

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