Bioactive Biocompatible: A AND Dentin Substitute That Changes Your Practice
Bioactive Biocompatible: A AND Dentin Substitute That Changes Your Practice
Bioactive Biocompatible: A AND Dentin Substitute That Changes Your Practice
VERSATILE: Useable for pulp caps to bulk fill, does not stain,
has excellent radiopacity, and there is no surface preparation or
tedious bonding required due to the micro-mechanical anchorage.
With all of these benefits, your patients will thank you for consid-
ering their needs, and in no time will be recommending you to
friends and family...benefiting your practice.
** References:
Strassler H. et al.: Compressive Deflection of Composite Layered on Biodentine
and Two Bases. Poster, AADR, Tampa 2012.
* Burgess J. et al.: Mechanical and Physical Properties of Vital Pulp Materials.
Poster, AADR, Tampa 2012.
Simon J. et al.: Biodentine as a Base under CEREC Restorations. Poster, AADR, Tampa 2012.
About I.: Bioactivity of Biodentine®: A Ca3SiO5-based Dentin Substitute.
Oral session, IADR Congress, Barcelona 2010.
Tran V. et al.: Microleakage of a new restorative calcium based cement (Biodentine®). 800-872-8305
Oral presentation PEF IADR, London 2008.
Dr. John Burgess, DDS, MS
“ Biodentine, a calcium-silicate material used for vital pulp
therapy, was introduced. The calcium-hydroxide-releas-
ing material is indicated for direct and indirect pulp cap-
ping procedures. Biodentine has adequate strength to
be applied directly over the exposure site and develops
enough strength to support occlusal loads for an extend- 1 2
ed period; typically 6 to 8 weeks. The seal is excellent and
the occlusal seal makes this material unique.” 1. Deep caries #31-MO, pulp exposure
2. Biodentine®, direct pulp cap #31-MO
Dr. Robert Levin, DDS 3. Direct pulp cap, amalgam placed
“Predictable Pulp Capping: not an oxymoron. After 1 year 6 mos. post-op.
and over 100 Biodentine uses, I have been able to main-
tain pulp vitality on teeth that have normal percussion and
cold response. In my opinion, Biodentine will be the new 3
standard of care for treating pulpal exposures.”
Dr. Tim Watson, PhD, BSc, MCSP
“Biodentine is a material that, for the first time, allows a
dentist to achieve biomimetic mineralization within the
depths of a carious cavity. Biodentine has the potential
to revolutionize the management of the deep carious
cavity in operative dentistry, whether or not the pulp is
Photos courtesy of Dr. Robert Levin
All registered trademarks and copyrighted product names are the property
of their companies and affiliates. Biodentine™ is a registered trademark of Septodont.
ITEM #01C0600
Biodentine® 15 Pack
ITEM #01C0605
Biodentine® 5 Pack