Tuv Nord

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Enclasure to letter date

To.: Director PT Riyana Cipta Pangan tndonesia No.

ftvfr lndonesia

Offer for the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) & GMp
The following offer is based on the assumption that the scope of your Management System for which
Certification is required is your company


with its Head office in:Jl. sultan Ageng Tirtayasa No.156 Kec. Kedawung, cirebon 4s153

And iis Works in: as above

Telephone Number: 0231*486 997

This quotation is valid for the scope 14/15 .Caokies & Snack

And base on information provided by you in our questionnaire.

t. Service
1. Stage 1 Audit

An initial audit on-site of your Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Polnts (HACCp) &GMp
documents in order to examine the level of implementation of-the requirements contained in the eM
Manual and other documents.

2. Stage ll Audit / Certification Audit

2.1 Examination and evaluation of the existing HACCP &GMP documentation. Report on the HACCp &
GMP documents and drafting of the audit schedule. Performance of the certitication audit in the
scope of application of the Management System. For a business of your size and nature, we
estimaie the overall effort as covered in our quotation.
2.2 Fee for a re-audit which may prove necessary is not included. lf the case happens, a separate
quoktion wlll tre prepared.
2.3 Fee for the issuing of the certificate and registration under KAN (Member of lnternational
Aceredilation Forurn). This certificate is valid in the Republic lndonesia and al{ over the werld.
2.4 Certificates will be valid for 3 (three) years from the issuance dated with annual survelliance audit.
2.5 The use of the TUV NORD (buniness stalionery, brochures, etc.) is included in the reEistration fee.

3. Surveillance and Certification Renewal

3.1 After the certification audit, surveillance audits will be performed every 12 months over the vaiid
period of the certificate. After the validity of the certificate has expired, a re-certification audit can be
conducted to renew the certificate.
3.2 For re-certification after three (3) years, a new contract needs ts be concluded.

FMLF-TN|-074 rev,05. 05.06.201 P Page 1 of 4

PT" Tliv NoRo lndonstr

Head Offcar L8tdalgry & Prcducf C..lhc.dofl: Surabaya nepr.ar*ffiw O6col ia€dah Rsplwntrdm Om€:

Faiadorm Hftu Arlrada, b€rf 6" fiffi, Jl. Sdiil{a Tiflr i &{t B3"Fi hlland Tow ll'Fhor, S!&e 1E Fffi }fna - CIMB 8rildiry, sh Flffi
Suite 602 Jl. TB. Siffitupang KBv.88 Kamsn lndustl Jab6ela V CibatJ Jl. Pmglima $dkmn 101-lO3 lmanSorjolNo.9 '
Jakaria Selalan Cikamg - Botasi 175fl) SuEbaya 60271 Meda 20112 lrdonab
Tclp. +62 ?1 78897338 Tel, +6V21X574712O Td- +62 3r $4:1454 Tel, ,62 6'1 8O101314
Fax +6221;'8837336 Fil +6221 28574721 Fu +f,,23153444.82 F* +8261 &1{0l3ol
Email indmsie@iw{od-com
Enclosure ta letter date
To.; Director PT Riyana Cipta Pangan lndonesia
frilfr lndanesia

lt. Service Fee

',. Stage 1 Audit

Document review and reporting Rp 3.000.000,-

On-s,ite audit 1 auditor{si x 2 day(s) Rp 9.S00.000,-

2. Stage 2 Audit

On-site audit 2 audito(s) x 2 day(s) Rp 18.000.000,-

lssue of the certificate and single registration Rp s.000.000.-

Total"ld year Certification Cost Rp 33.080.000,-

3. $urveiHance Audit

Survejllan$e audit 2d vear:

On-siie audit 1 audito(s) x 3 day(s) Rp 15.000.000,-

Surveil{anqe audit 3'd vear:

On-sile audit 1 audito(s) x 3 day(s) Rp 15.000.000,-

4. All the above-mentioned prices are subjected to tralreling and aceommodation expenses, if
the audit performed out of Jabodebek then will be charged base on the actual costs, and
excluding 10% VAT.

5. This offer is subject to change if information fumished by you on the questionnaire is found to be
wrong during audit.

1il. Dates

By anangement, whereby we will make every effort to accommodate your wishes.

tv. Contract Conditions

Pursuant to our "Business Policy Principles', we are warrant absolute confidentiality in the treatment
of any company know-how which comes to our knowledge in the course of our contractual activities.
Your data will be stored in accordance with the provisions of the German Federal Data Protection Act.

The prices quoted in our offer are valid until 17-02-201S

FMLF-TNl-074 rev.05. 05.06.2018 Page 2 of4

Hqd Ofrcar "jtr
laboratory e PDd6,t Cetlficdon: Surrbry. Ropr:*fltdlE Ofim: Modrn ReDffitatiE Offie:

P6tr0tsm ffda! Aikia, Tm F f, f btr, $.$o'mlBrrr"l SdBSfl man6 Ibursr llrFloq, Srns 1 E Fsqm Nire - CIMB 8{ridiE gth Fbor
Suito 602 Jl. TB. Simatupang Ksv.88 Ksmsn lndustl JaMetr V Cbatr Jl. Panglima Sudirn3n ,01-103 Jl, lmm Sonid No. 9 '
Jaka,tE Sslatan Oka€ng - B€lffil 17530 SrBbsyE 6@71 M6dan 20112 lndileda
T6lp. +62 21 7083?&i8 Tel. +A221?s,574'r?o TeL +62 3, 5344/154 Td. 16261 8S1013't4
Fd +62217S373S8 fa +$22145?4721 Fa r.e31 53a,l{42 Fax +42 61 3S10130i
Email indm6sia@tuvdord.@m
Enclosure to letter date
rdva Indonesla
To. : Director PT R.iyana Cipta Pangan lndonesia No,

V. Pending and Cancellation

For Pending and Cancellation Audit refer to FMLF-TNI-074 Annex 1 Point 6.

vl. Terms of Payment and other Conditions

1. Terms of Payment

1.1 . Pre-audit/CertificationiSurveillance audit fees will be charged after each audit is performed and
the payrnent sha{l be settled within 60 days from the issuance of invoice. For tl"re late payment
please refer to FMLF-TN|-074 Annex 1 Point 7.

1.2. For To Whom lt May Concern (TWIMC) Leffer, client has to pay 30% for Down Payment.
1.3. Additional 15% frorn the total cost after tax will be chargred if the audit is requested to be
executed on Saturday or on Sunday or on Public Holiday.

2. Other Conditions

2.1 Client shall complete at least one internal audit and management review before the certification

2.2 Client has to inform TUV NORD of any major changes. in the organization and its structure,
which have a bearing on the management system.
2.3 Changes made 1o TUV NORD certification proeedures with direct consequences on the client
shall be communicated to the client. Clients may be inviied to voice their opinions and comments
before implementation of such changes.

2.4 The composition of the audit team shall be informed to the client in advance through the audit
plan. The client may rgect members of the proposed audit team if reasons for ot{ection exist, in
which case TUV NORD will propose replacements.

The clients can forward complaints against services and/or reports provided Uy fUV NORD. The
client can also appeal against decisions made by TUV NORD. Such cases witl be handled
according to documented internal procedures and the results of such investigation and
arbitration will be made known to the client. Where required the cllent will also be Eiven the
opportunity to a hearing.
t-o The clients shall provide lhe foltowing relevant documents and must be sent to TUV NORD for
preparation and pianning oI each audil, e.g. Company Policy, Documented lnfonnation,
Business Process, Organisational Structure, HACCP Plan (For food safety scheme), etc. ln
situations where all of the required information is not provided by the client prior to the issuance
of the audit plan, the audit plan shall include time allocated to collect and review the missing
information prior to the start of the opening meeting. This activity will be included as additional
time and additional 4-hour day time in audit plan, followed by amended quotation to adjusi the
offered man-day.

FMLF-TNl-074 rev.05. 05.06.201 8) Page 3 of 4

FT. T{lv ilORD hdotrEia

H@d Ot l@: t *o6lory & Prod.6 Ceillficdm: Smbryr Re!.*eilnirc t edah Ropresn$iw Ofi6:

Ofif @:
P€rtrmoEn fife! Artalia, Tmr F 6' Floor. J. Scisne Iiffi 1 E!61 A3+l ln$ard Tffi ll'Flw, Suitie I E Fflm Nmo - Cfltil8 Buildng. 9t! Fhor
Suit6 602 Jl. TB- simalupeg Kav.88 (flail lndustri J&6beta V Salu PsrBlima S$dimm 10'l-103
,n. Jl.lffiBonjoitlo.9 '
Jakada Sslatan CiksBng - Bokai 175:t{) SuBbsya @271 Medaf, ?0112 lfldon&{a
Tslp. +6a 21 78837338 Tol. +6e ?1 205-14720 Tel. +e31 53411454 Tel. +62 61 80101314
Fax +62 ?'l 78837336 Fsx +62 21 295I4TZ1 Fu +6231 534/|442 Fax +62 6i 80101301
Email irdorcsh@luv-no{d.€m
TiJv NofrD GRoUP
Enclosure to letter date
,*rfr lndonesia
To, : Director PT Riyana Cipta Pangan lndonesia No.

2.7 Relevant for ISO 37001 only. conformity with the standard cannot provide assurance that no
bribery has occured or will occur in relation to the organization, as it is not possible to
comptetely eliminate the risk of bribery. Hence, TtiV NORD does not responsible and Gannot be
sued if its certified client is indicated to be involved in any bribery activities within its certification
period. However. the standard can help the organization implement reasonable and
proportionate m€asures designed to prevent, detect and respond to bribery.

3 Special Term & Conditions (if needed)

Vll. Acceptancel
The acceptance of this quotation, applies as well for below annexes mentioned in part Vlll

Quotation Prepared by: Accepted by:

Marketing Huhamrnod tt'hsao 8.

PT TUV NORD lndonesia PT TLiV NoRD lndonesia

Date: 2A- tz- 2cl8 Date: Zo -12 - ?ot8 Date; 9t DeS .lotB

VIII. Attachment
FMLF-TNl-074-Annex 1, Contract for The Certification of Management System
FMI-F-TN l-074-Annex 2. Certification and Accreditation Marks and Description of the Cefrification

I Seuder e-mail's address is aceepted for submission b5, e-nrail

FMLF-TNt-074 rev.05. 05.06.20fi Page 4 of 4

P.r, Tfu No+to lnduesir t:

LrboEtory e ftoduct CttlHon: Rrprtiut&e mjan nepru*nra*r omcr:

Hs.d OtEs: Surebrvr Of fl B :
Psrtanmn tlFu Artsd6. Tow& F. 6' Flo(r, Jr. SciBrEe n w1 Eod(A&fi Irr$md TorEr 1l'Fbor. SJfle 1 E fffi ilkE - CtMBBufibg. gln Fbs
Suile 602 J. TB. Siretrparq *GY.g8 Kas{asn hdusirlJsb&8 V CibeIr J. Pangkna $u6nnan t01-103 lmm Eonjol No. I '
Jakade Selatsn Cjks€ng - Bekci 17530 gsabeys 60271 Msds 20112 lrxlosb
T6lp. +62 21 788ir7a38 Tal. r62212f,674120 Td. +62 3r $44/t54 Tel. +6261 80101314
Fn +62 21 78837336 Fu +6221N74721 t Fu {62 31 5344d82 Fax +62 61 80101301
Emil [email protected]

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