Adverbs Adjectives Ending - LY

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Adverbs of manner

Un adverbios es una palabra que describe una accción (de un verbo), diciendo cómo,
cuándo o dónde sucede algo. En este caso nos centraremos en los adverbios de modo,
que responden a la pregunta cómo (HOW) en ingles.

Algunos adverbios de modo (HOW), como regal general añade –LY al adjetivo:

- Careful > carefully slow>slowly nervous > nervously

Hay que tener en cuenta algunas pequeñas modificaciones que se producen en estos
para no caer en error:

- Uncomfortable > uncomfortably (donde la -ble se cambia por –bly)

- Happy > happily ; angry >angrily(donde la y cambia a i+ly)

Finalmente, hay que tener en cuenta que hay adverbios totalmente irregulars que no
siguen ninguna norma, y hay que aprenderlos como tal:

- Fast, hard, late, well so adverbios irregulares, si bien hardly existe (significa
casi) y lately también (recientemente).

Tanto estas palabras (fast, hard, late), como las que veremos a continuación, pueden
ser tanto adjetivo como adverbio:

- Early, daily, weekly, monthly.

Ej: He’s got a fast car. He drives fast

I got an early flight I went home early

Adjectives Ending in -ly

Los estudiantes a menudo pueden confundirse con los adjetivos que acaban en LY
porque parecen adverbios de modo. Aquí debajo tienes una tabla con los adjetivos
acabados en LY más comunes.

Adjective Meaning Example

Very High Frequency:

daily* every day my daily schedule

early* before expected time an early lunch
elderly old an elderly person
friendly pleasant; nice a friendly lady
likely will probably happen It's likely to rain.
lovely wonderful; beautiful a lovely evening
unlikely probably won't happen; He's unlikely to come.
High Frequency:

holy dedicated to God a holy place

lively full of energy/spirit a lively debate
lonely unhappy from being a lonely girl
monthly* alone a monthly payment
silly once a month a silly movie
ugly not serious or intelligent an ugly painting
weekly* without beauty a weekly magazine
once a week

1.- Circle the correct word, adjective or adverb:

- The children played quiet/quietly. -It was raining heavy/heavily yesterday.

- She gave it a careful/carefully look. -She speaks perfect/perfectly German.
- Have you seen Rebecca recent/recently? -He’s a slow/slowly runner.
- She sings good/well. - She bought a nice/nicely dress.
2.- Complete with WELL, ILL, BAD, BADLY, HARD, HARDLY:

- Last Thursday I woke up feeling _________.

- When I got up I realized I could ____________ walk.
- I had exercised ____________ in the gym the night before.
- My left ankle seemed to be ____________ swollen.
- I didn’t feel at all __________ but I had to go to the doctor’s.
- I found it ___________ to walk there, but I managed it in the end.
- The ____________ news was that I needed an X-ray and had to go to the
- The doctor there told me there was nothing wrong. I could __________ believe it.
3.- Put these adverbs in the correct position in the chart above:

Always, really, almost, rather, quite often, fairly, never, a bit, nearly, sometimes,
extremely, frequently, pretty, seldom, slightly, hardly ever, incredibly, occasionally,
very, rarely, hardly

Light Medium Strong Stronger
4.- Put the following words in the correct sentence: EARLY, HARD, HARDLY,

- And I really understand Italian quite ____________

- You’ve got no playschool tomorrow so you haven’t got to get up ____________
- Why should I work ____________ when you do nothing?
- Departures from the UK are _________, mid-morning on Sundays from Dover
- She was really, you know, nervous, and _________ came out of her flat at all.
5.- Change the adjective to an adverb and write the sentences (angry, careful,
good, loud, patient).
- His neighbours didn’t hear the doorbell so he knocked __________ on the door.
- I want to learn to speak English _________
- ‘You’re late again’, the teacher said _________
- Kate took off her shoes and put them __________ back in the box.
- The bus was late, but we waited __________ for it to arrive.
6.- Complete the following table with words that have the same root. Use your dictionary:

Noun Adjective Opposite Adverb












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