Economic Reasoning and AI

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REVIEW more so than human agents), we turn to research

on the design of systems populated by multiple

AIs. These multi-agent systems will function as
Economic reasoning and AI economies, with AIs engaged in transactions
with other AIs as well as with firms and people.

artificial intelligence This prospect has spawned interest in expanding

theories of normative design from economics, op-
timizing rules of encounter (5) to guide multi-agent
David C. Parkes1* and Michael P. Wellman2* interactions. Systems populated by AIs may exhibit
new economic phenomena and thus require a new
The field of artificial intelligence (AI) strives to build rational agents capable of perceiving the science with which to understand the way they
world around them and taking actions to advance specified goals. Put another way, AI function and to guide their design. For example,
researchers aim to construct a synthetic homo economicus, the mythical perfectly rational although human cognitive constraints limit the
agent of neoclassical economics. We review progress toward creating this new species of design of current markets, systems designed for
machine, machina economicus, and discuss some challenges in designing AIs that can reason AIs may admit more complex interfaces, impose
effectively in economic contexts. Supposing that AI succeeds in this quest, or at least comes greater calculation burdens, and demand more
close enough that it is useful to think about AIs in rationalistic terms, we ask how to design the stamina of attention.
rules of interaction in multi-agent systems that come to represent an economy of AIs.Theories of At the same time, the ways in which the behav-
normative design from economics may prove more relevant for artificial agents than human ior of AIs deviate from the behavior of people can
agents, with AIs that better respect idealized assumptions of rationality than people, interacting present new challenges. We can already glimpse
through novel rules and incentive systems quite distinct from those tailored for people. the future of economic AIs, with simple AI bots

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pricing books for sale on Amazon and scanning
conomics models the behavior of people, making under uncertainty, then the AI agent’s for restaurant tables on Opentable for resale at a
firms, and other decision-makers as a means situation aligns squarely with the standard eco- profit (6). Such AIs may introduce some efficien-
to understand how these decisions shape nomic paradigm of rational choice. Thus, the AI cies, but their lack of common sense and their
the pattern of activities that produce value designer’s task is to build rational agents, or agents designer’s failure to anticipate interactions can
and ultimately satisfy (or fail to satisfy) hu- that best approximate rationality given the limits also lead to books priced at $23 million (7). More
man needs and desires. In this enterprise, the of their computational resources (2–4). In other sophisticated AI strategies, presumably more
field classically starts from an assumption that words, AI strives to construct—out of silicon (or carefully vetted, exert a large influence on finan-
actors behave rationally—that is, their decisions whatever) and information—a synthetic homo eco- cial markets, with automated trading algorithms
are the best possible given their available actions, nomicus, perhaps more accurately termed mach- estimated to be responsible for more than 70% of
their preferences, and their beliefs about the out- ina economicus. trades on U.S. stock markets (8). Given the conse-
comes of these actions. Economics is drawn to The shared rationality abstraction provides a quences, it is important to understand the effect
rational decision models because they directly con- strong foundation for research that spans AI and of ubiquitous automated agents on the perform-
nect choices and values in a mathematically precise economics. We start this review by describing pro- ance of economic systems. As reasoning is shifted
manner. Critics argue that the field studies a mythi- gress on the question of how to operationalize from people to AIs—designed to learn our pref-
cal species, homo economicus (“economic man”) rationality and how to construct AI agents that erences, overcome our decision biases, and make
and produces theories with limited applicability are able to reason about other AIs. Supposing complex cost-benefit trade-offs—how too should
to how real humans behave. Defenders acknowl- that AI research succeeds in developing an agent the economic institutions that mediate everyday
edge that rationality is an idealization but counter that can be usefully modeled as rational (perhaps transactions change?
that the abstraction supports powerful analysis,
which is often quite predictive of people’s behav-
ior (as individuals or in aggregate). Even if not
perfectly accurate representations, rational models 0.16 Unbounded (C)
Expected objective return

also allow preferences to be estimated from ob-

served actions and build understanding that can
usefully inform policy. 0.12
Artificial intelligence (AI) research is likewise 0.10 Mitigation
drawn to rationality concepts, because they pro-
vide an ideal for the computational artifacts it 0.08 Conventional (A)
seeks to create. Core to the modern conception of 0.06 best reward
AI is the idea of designing agents: entities that Objective
perceive the world and act in it (1). The quality of 0.04 reward
an AI design is judged by how well the agent’s 0.02
actions advance specified goals, conditioned on
the perceptions observed. This coherence among 0
0 2 4 6 8
perceptions, actions, and goals is the essence of
Planning depth
rationality. If we represent goals in terms of pref- Random
erence over outcomes, and conceive perception agent
and action within the framework of decision-

Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Fig. 1. A bounded reinforcement learning agent performs better by pursuing a designed reward
Sciences, Harvard University, 33 Oxford Street, Cambridge MA function different from the objective reward: its actual fitness evaluation. Results (left) from a
02138, USA. 2Computer Science and Engineering, University of
gridworld foraging domain (right), for various limits on the agent’s planning horizon (84). Unless the
Michigan, 2260 Hayward Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (D.C.P.); agent is perfectly rational (i.e., no horizon limit)—not typically feasible in realistic applications—the
[email protected] (M.P.W.) designer can often achieve better fitness by directing the agent to optimize an alternative measure.

SCIENCE 17 JULY 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6245 267


Fig. 2. Researchers produced steady exponential progress on solving games of imperfect information from 1995 to the present. Up to 2007 (left), game
size was generally reported in terms of nodes in the game tree. Based on methods introduced around that time, it became more meaningful (right) to report size in
terms of the number of information sets (each many nodes), which represent distinct situations as perceived from the perspective of a player. The circled data

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points correspond to the same milestone; combining the two graphs thus demonstrates the continual exponential improvement. Data are from (23, 35, 85–90).

We focus here on some of the research direc- standing an agent’s attitudes solely in terms of plex domains, and enabling inference about pre-
tions we consider most salient for a future syn- its internal data structures. Imperfections in ferences) is regarded as a necessary AI facility.
thesis of economics and AI engendered by the decision-making may mean that the beliefs held Planning, the AI subfield concerned with action
emergence of machina economicus. Interesting and objectives pursued by a computational agent, over time, now conventionally frames its prob-
as they are, we only briefly mention here the in effect, vary systematically from those directly lem as one of optimization, subject to resource
many exciting applications of AI to problems in encoded. constraints, multiple objectives, and probabilistic
economics such as matching (9), market clearing As an example illustrating this distinction, effects of actions.
(10), and preference modeling for smart grids machine-learning researchers adapted from ani- Will AI succeed in developing the ideal ration-
(11). Nor will we showcase the many ways in mal learning the concept of reward shaping (14). al agent? As much as we strive to create machina
which economic theory is finding application In reinforcement learning, the agent derives a economicus, absolutely perfect rationality is un-
today within AI—for example, game-theoretic policy (mapping from perception sequences to achievable with finite computational resources.
approaches to multi-agent learning (12) and actions) based on rewards representing instan- A more salient question is whether AI agents will
voting procedures to combine the opinions of taneous value associated with a state and action. be sufficiently close to the ideal as to merit think-
AIs (13). A designer specifying the input reward can often ing about them and interacting with them in
train the agent more efficiently by shaping the rationalistic terms. Such is already the case, at
Building machina economicus reward signal over the learning process to facil- least in a limited sense. Whenever we anthropo-
Constructing a rational AI raises a host of tech- itate convergence to behavior optimizing the morphize our machines, we are essentially treat-
nical challenges not previously addressed in the designer’s objective. The framework of optimal ing them as rational beings, responding to them
long tradition of rationalistic modeling in the rewards (15) provides a general treatment distin- in terms of our models of their knowledge, goals,
social sciences. For economics, the agent atti- guishing reward specifications and designer goals. and intentions. A more refined version of the
tudes (e.g., beliefs and preferences) underlying As shown in Fig. 1, the optimal reward input to question is whether our formal rationality the-
rationality are conceptual abstractions. Econo- the agent does not generally correspond to the ories will fit well the behavior of AI agents in
mists need not explain how capabilities and designer’s ideal reward. This perspective helps absolute terms or compared to how well the
preferences, for example, are encoded, nor the explain the role of intrinsic motivations (e.g., theories work for people. Without offering any
algorithm by which an agent plans what actions curiosity) in a flexible learning agent. judgment on the question of how well rationality
to take conditional on its perceptions. Compu- Although the mantle of designing machina theories capture essential human behavior, we
tation is abstracted away in the standard eco- economicus may not be adopted (particularly note the irony in the prospect that social science
nomic model and is precisely what the AI scientist in such explicit terms) by all AI researchers, theories may turn out to apply with greater fidel-
must account for to operationalize rationality in a many AI advances over the past few decades ity to nonhuman agent behavior.
realized agent. can be characterized as progress in operation-
This does not mean that an AI design needs to alizing rationality. For instance, probabilistic Reasoning about other agents
incorporate data structures corresponding directly reasoning was largely eschewed by AI 30 years The issue of agent theorizing is not merely aca-
to rationality constructs, although many AI archi- ago but now pervades the field, thanks to demic. If we can build one AI agent, then we can
tectures do feature direct representations for prop- developments in representation and inference build many, and these AIs will need to reason
ositions, goals, and the like. Such representations using Bayesian networks and related graphi- about each other as well as about people. For AIs
may simplify the analysis of AI systems—for exam- cal formalisms. Expressing uncertainty about designed to approximate machina economicus, it
ple, we can ask whether an inference algorithm general relationships, beyond mere proposi- stands to reason that they should treat each other
operating on logical expressions possesses desir- tions, is routinely supported in probabilistic as rational, at least as a baseline assumption. These
able properties such as soundness: that all con- modeling languages (16). Statistical approaches AIs would adopt a game-theoretic view of the
clusions follow from the premises. Similarly, if an now dominate machine learning and natural world, where agents rationally respond to each
AI’s beliefs are encoded as probability distribu- language processing (17, 18). Likewise, prefer- others’ behavior, presumed (recursively) to be ra-
tions, we can ask whether it updates its beliefs ence handling (including methods for eliciting tional as well. A consequence is that agents would
from observations in proper accord with Bayesian preferences from the designer of an AI agent, expect their joint decisions to be in some form of
theory. However, care must be taken in under- compactly representing preferences over com- equilibrium, as in standard economic thinking.

268 17 JULY 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6245 SCIENCE

That AIs (or AI-human combinations) are rea- poker game (23). HULHE is the largest game of be relaxed (28). The field of behavioral game
sonably modeled as approximately rational is the imperfect information ever solved (with more theory has developed detailed predictive models
premise of a growing body of AI research apply- than 1013 information sets after removing sym- based on how humans have been observed to
ing economic equilibrium models to scenarios metries) and the first imperfect-information deviate from game-theoretic rationality (29). Such
involving multiple agents (19). The approach has game widely played by humans to be solved. The predictive models can be readily incorporated in
achieved notable successes, providing evidence solution was the culmination of two decades of existing game-theoretic reasoning algorithms, as
for the premise, at least in particular circum- effort by a series of researchers (see Fig. 2), has been demonstrated in the context of modeling
stances. Just as single-agent rationality does not beginning with the exact solution of simplified attackers in security games (30). An interesting
require literal expected-utility calculations, appli- poker games, and proceeding to the approxi- open question is whether the kinds of behavioral
cability of an equilibrium model does not require mate solution of abstracted versions of the full models that best explain human decision-making
that agents themselves be explicitly engaged in game (24). Computing the approximate Nash [see Wright and Leyton-Brown (31) for a meta-
equilibrium reasoning. For example, the litera- equilibrium of the full game required massive study] will also prove effective in capturing the
ture on learning in games (20) has identified computation and new methods for equilibrium bounded rationality of computational agents.
numerous conditions in which simple adaptive search based on regret-matching techniques from
strategies converge to strategic equilibria. We machine learning. The result is a strategy against Designing multi-agent systems
can evaluate the effectiveness of economic mod- which even a perfect opponent cannot earn a At the multi-agent level, a designer cannot di-
eling by examining agents built by AI designers detectable profit. rectly program behavior of the AIs but instead
for specified tasks. For instance, in a study of AI In general, the optimal strategy against perfect defines the rules and incentives that govern
trading agents competing in a shopping game opponents may not be the ideal strategy against interactions among AIs. The idea is to change
(21), an agent using standard price equilibrium the more typical fallible kind. Despite consider- the “rules of the game” (e.g., rewards associated
models from economics (specifically, Walrasian able effort, however, researchers have not found with actions and outcomes) to effect change in

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equilibrium) achieved comparable prediction ac- poker algorithms that perform considerably bet- agent behavior and achieve system-wide goals.
curacy to sophisticated machine-learning ap- ter than game-theoretic solutions, even against System goals might include, for instance, pro-
proaches without using any data, even though natural distributions of opponents. It has also moting an allocation of resources to maximize
none of the other agents employed equilibrium turned out that game-theoretic approaches have total value, coordinating behavior to complete a
reasoning. been more successful than alternatives, even for project on time, or pooling decentralized infor-
mation to form an accurate prediction about a
future event. The power to change the interac-
tion environment is special and distinguishes
A Prisoner’s dilemma B Mediated Prisoner’s dilemma this level of design from the standard AI design
problem of performing well in the world as given.
Cooperate Defect Mediator Cooperate Defect An interesting middle ground is to take the
world as given but employ reliable entities—
Cooperate 4,4 0,6 Mediator 4,4 6,0 1,1 mediators—that can interact with AIs and per-
Defect 6,0 1,1 Cooperate 0,6 4,4 0,6 form actions on their behalf (32). Introducing
mediating entities is relatively straightforward
Defect 1,1 6,0 1,1
in the new AI economy. To see how this can be
powerful, consider a mediated extension of the
Fig. 3. Each entry gives the utility to (row player, column player). (A) Prisoner’s dilemma. The classic prisoner’s dilemma game (Fig. 3). If both
dominant strategy equilibrium is (Defect, Defect). (B) Mediated prisoner’s dilemma. The dominant AIs grant the mediator the authority to play on
strategy equilibrium is (Mediator, Mediator). their behalf (i.e., proxy right), it performs Co-
operate on behalf of both agents. However, if
In the rest of this section, we describe fur- poker variants that are far from being exactly solved, only one AI grants the mediator proxy, it per-
ther examples in which economic modeling, in such as no-limit (where bets are unrestricted) forms Defect on behalf of that agent. In equi-
the form of game-theoretic algorithms, has pro- (25), or games with three or more players (26). librium, both AIs grant proxy, and the effect is
vided an effective way for AIs to reason about Much of the interest in game-theoretic rea- to change the outcome from (Defect, Defect) to
other agents. The first example is computer poker. soning for AI is driven by its applicability to real- (Cooperate, Cooperate), increasing utility to both
Although poker is an artificial game, many humans world problems. The most prominent area of participants.
have invested a great deal of time and money application in recent years, and our second exam- For the more general specification of rules of
to develop their playing skills. More important, ple, is that of security games, based on a pioneer- interaction for rational agents, economics has a
poker’s uncertainty and complexity have made ing series of systems developed by Tambe et al. well-developed mathematical theory of mecha-
it a compelling challenge problem for AI tech- (27). In these systems, an agent decides how to nism design (33). The framework of mechanism
niques. Early approaches aimed to capture the defend facilities (e.g., airport security through design has been fruitfully applied, for example, to
knowledge of expert human players (22), but placement of checkpoints) by solving a game the design of matching markets (34) and auc-
over the past decade, game-theoretic algorithms where an attacker is presumed to rationally plan tions (35). Mechanism design is a kind of inverse
have predominated. Technically, poker is a game in response to the defender’s decision. This ap- game theory, with the rules inducing a game and
of imperfect information, where each player proach has been successfully deployed in a variety the quality of the system evaluated in an equi-
knows elements of history (cards dealt to them) of domains, including airport and airline sec- librium. In the standard model, design goals are
that are secret from others. As uncertainty gets urity and coast guard patrols. specified in terms of agent preferences on out-
partially resolved over time, through card turns As for any game-theoretic approach, the rec- comes, but these preferences are private and the
and betting, players must update their beliefs ommendations from these systems are sensitive agents are self-interested. A mechanism is a trusted
about both card outcomes and the beliefs of to assumptions made about the other agents entity, able to receive messages from agents that
others. (here, attackers): their respective preferences, make claims (perhaps untruthfully) about prefer-
A major milestone in computer poker was beliefs, capabilities, and level of rationality. Rep- ences and select an outcome (e.g., an allocation of
achieved in 2014 with the effective solution of resentational approaches from AI provide flexi- resources or a plan of behavior) on the basis of
“heads up limit hold’em” (HULHE), which is a bility, allowing the assumptions made in the strict these messages. The challenge is to align incentives
standard two-player version of the most popular versions typically employed by game theorists to and promote truthful reports.

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Varian (36) has argued that the theory of to bid amount (as well as other factors, such as The tangle between automated agents and the
mechanism design may actually prove more rel- ad quality), with higher-ranked ads receiving a design of rules of interaction also features prom-
evant for artificial agents than for human agents, higher position on the search results page. Early inently in today’s financial markets, where the
because AIs may better respect the idealized auction mechanisms employed first-price rules, dominance of computerized traders has, by most
assumptions of rationality made in this frame- charging an advertiser its bid amount when its accounts, qualitatively shaped the behavior of
work. For example, one desirable property of a ad receives a click. Recognizing this, advertisers these markets. Although details of implementa-
mechanism is incentive compatibility, which stip- employed AIs to monitor queries of interest, tion are closely held secrets, it is well understood
ulates that truthful reports constitute an equi- ordered to bid as little as possible to hold onto that techniques from AI and machine learning
librium. Sometimes it is even possible to make the current position. This practice led to cascades are widely employed in the design and analysis
truthful reporting a dominant strategy (optimal of responses in the form of bidding wars, amounting of algorithmic traders (66). Algorithmic trading
whatever others do), achieving the strong prop- to a waste of computation and market ineffi- has enabled the deployment of strategies that
erty of strategy-proofness (37). It seems, however, ciency (55). To combat this, search engines in- exploit speed advantages and has led in turn to a
that people do not reliably understand this pro- troduced second-price auction mechanisms (37), costly arms race of measures to respond to market
perty; evidence from medical matching markets, which charge advertisers based on the next-highest information with minimum latency. A proposed
and also from laboratory experiments, suggests bid price rather than their own price. This ap- design response would replace continuous-time
that some participants in strategy-proof matching proach (a standard idea of mechanism design) auctions with periodic auctions that clear on the
mechanisms try to misrepresent their preferences removed the need to continually monitor the bid- order of once per second, thus negating the
even though it provides no advantage (38, 39). ding to get the best price for position, thereby end- advantage of tiny speed improvements (67, 68).
For artificial systems, in comparison, we might ing bidding wars (56). We describe two additional examples of the
expect AIs to be truthful where this is optimal In recent years, search engine auctions have design of multi-agent systems for an economy
and to avoid spending computation reasoning supported richer, goal-based bidding languages. of AIs. The first example system aggregates

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about the behavior of others where this is not
useful (5). More generally, mechanism designs
for AI systems need not be simple because they
need not be understandable to people. On the
contrary, AI techniques such as preference rep- SP + Proxy
resentation, preference elicitation, and search SP
algorithms can be used to turn the mathematical ADV1 AI-GOAL1 AI-POS1 FP AI-POS2 AI-GOAL2 ADV2
formalisms of mechanism design into concrete
computational methods (40–42). The design prob-
lem itself can also be usefully formulated as a
computational problem, with optimization and
machine learning used to find solutions to de-
sign problems for which analytical solutions are Fig. 4. Two generations of sponsored search mechanisms. Early designs were first price (FP), and
unavailable (43–46). advertisers (ADV) used AIs (AI-POS) to maintain a position on the list of search results at the lowest
The prospect of an economy of AIs has also possible price. Second-price (SP) auction mechanisms were introduced, designed to replace the
inspired expansions to new mechanism design combination of FP and AI-POS. Advertisers adopted new AIs (AI-GOAL) to achieve higher-level goals
settings. Researchers have developed incentive- such as to maximize profit or to maximize the number of clicks.The second price auction was extended to
compatible multiperiod mechanisms, consider- include proxy agents (SP+Proxy), designed to replace the combination of SP and AI-GOAL.
ing such factors as uncertainty about the future
and changes to agent preferences because of
changes in local context (47–49). Another direc- For example, an advertiser can ask to maximize information held by multiple AIs. The rules of a
tion considers new kinds of private inputs be- clicks over a weighted set of queries subject to a system that achieves this goal can be engineered
yond preference information (50, 51). For example, budget constraint (57, 58). Search engines pro- purposefully through the design of a prediction
in a team formation setting, each AI might mis- vide proxy agents that then bid on behalf of market (69). Popular versions of prediction mar-
report information about the capabilities of other advertisers to achieve the stated goal (59). This kets feature questions such as who will be elected
AIs in order to get itself selected for the team (52). introduction of proxy agents and the earlier U.S. president (e.g., Betfair offers many such mar-
Similarly, AIs seeking to maximize task assign- switch from first price to second price can be kets). The basic idea of a prediction market is
ments might provide false reports of experience interpreted as a computational application of a to facilitate trade in securities contracts (e.g., a
in task performance in order to mislead a learn- fundamental concept in mechanism design—the possible contract will pay $1 if Hilary Clinton is
ing mechanism constructing an automatic task revelation principle (60–62). Briefly, this states elected). The price that balances supply and de-
classifier (53). Systems of AIs can also create new that if the rules of a mechanism and the equil- mand is then interpreted as a market prediction
challenges for mechanism design. One such chal- ibrium strategies in that mechanism are replaced (e.g., price $0.60 reflects probability 0.6 for the
lenge is false-name bidding, where an AI exploits by a new mechanism that is functionally equiv- payoff event).
its ability to manage multiple identities. For ex- alent to the composition of these rules and strat- Consider a domain with a large number of in-
ample, it may gain resources more cheaply by egies, then the new mechanism will be incentive terrelated random variables—for example, “flight
dividing a request into a set of smaller requests, compatible. Although neither redesign provides BA214 delayed by more than 1 hour,” “snowstorm
each placed from a different identity under its incentive compatibility in a formal sense, both in Boston,” “de-icing machine fail,” “incoming
control. In response, researchers have developed second-pricing and proxy bidding can be inter- flight BA215 delayed by more than 1 hour,” and
mechanisms that are robust to this new kind of preted as accomplishing on behalf of advertisers “security alert in London.” In a combinatorial
attack (54). what they were doing (through AIs) in an earlier prediction market (70), a large bet on the con-
The important role of mechanism design in an design (see Fig. 4). Still other ad platform de- tract “de-icing machine fail” would affect the
economy of AIs can be observed in practice. Search signs are using a strategy-proof mechanism [the price of “flight BA214 delayed by more than 1 hour”
engines run auctions to allocate ads to positions Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism (37, 63, 64)] and all other connected events. A challenge is that
alongside search queries. Advertisers bid for their to make decisions about the space to allocate to the number of conceivable events is exponential in
ads to appear in response to specific queries (e.g., ads, which ads to allocate, and which (nonspon- the number of random variables. Among other
“personal injury lawyer”). Ads are ranked according sored) content to display to a user (65). properties, a good market design should allow bets

270 17 JULY 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6245 SCIENCE

reward rapidly advancing capabilities of AI are fueling
x1 considerable optimism and investment in AI
1 action
research. AI has surpassed or will likely soon
surpass humans in narrow domains such as
2 action playing chess, controlling a jumbo jet during
Reputation cruise, making product recommendations, pric-
... action reward
system ing millions of products on an eCommerce plat-
form, reasoning about whether a patient is likely
to be re-admitted to a hospital, and detecting sig-
n nals from a massive volume of financial news
Ranked list Certainly, many fundamental challenges re-
main, including how to design reasoning and
3 inference methods that effectively balance the
n benefit of additional computation with the costs
that may arise from additional delay to acting
2 in the world and how to design AI systems that
... can learn and generalize from reward signals
in unconstrained domains. Given that decision
Reputation problems related to economic transactions are
often relatively well structured, however, it seems

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Fig. 5. In a reputation system for a multi-agent AI, each agent chooses an action, and the combined likely to us that AI will continue to make espe-
effect of these actions generates rewards (i.e., utility). Based on the actions taken and the rewards cially rapid inroads in economically important
received, agent i can submit a report, xi, to the reputation system. The reputation system aggregates this applications. This in turn will ensure continued
feedback—for example, providing a ranked list to reflect the estimated trustworthiness of agents. Each effort on methods for rational, economic reason-
agent observes this ranked list, and this information may influence future actions. ing toward the broader goal of developing ma-
china economicus.
on all events about which AIs have information sary to impose a penalty on all new participants We should not leave the impression that AI
(e.g., “de-icing machine fail AND all subsequent and make them build up reputations from an researchers unanimously embrace economic per-
flights from Boston delayed by more than 1 hour”). assumption of being untrustworthy (78). spectives on single- or multi-agent AI. For some,
A good design should also align incentives—for We should also consider that machina eco- multi-agent economic models are still seen as a
example, making it utility-maximizing to trade im- nomicus will be strategic in sharing feedback on distraction. After all, a centralized perspective
mediately on current information until the market other AIs. For example, in eBay’s original repu- allows focusing on overall goals without worry-
price reflects an agent’s belief. Progress in scaling tation system, buyers were often reluctant to ing about the incentives of individual parts of
up combinatorial markets has been made by rela- leave negative feedback about deadbeat sellers, the system. Others conduct research into multi-
ting the problem of pricing bets to well-understood because the sellers could retaliate with negative agent systems composed of agents under the
problems in statistical inference and convex opti- feedback about the buyer. In response, eBay control of the designer, so that they can be pro-
mization (71, 72). Related research advances are introduced an additional feedback mechanism grammed in any way desired. Just as with cen-
being made by allowing AIs to transact in hypo- that was one-directional from the buyer to the tralized solutions, these so-called “cooperative”
theses that are acquired through machine learning seller and could not be easily traced to a parti- multi-agent systems allow design without con-
as well as trade directly in information signals cular buyer. The change resulted in a greater cern for the self-interest of individual agents,
rather than beliefs (73–75). amount of negative feedback (79). albeit often with decomposition or communi-
The second example is the management of The economy of AIs also offers positive oppor- cation constraints. But cooperative versus self-
information concerning the trustworthiness of tunities for promoting trust through bookkeeping, interested is really a difference in assumptions
agents within an economy of AIs. Trust that a collecting feedback, and tracking the provenance on the power of a system designer, rather than
counterparty will complete a transaction or in- of feedback in novel reputation mechanisms (see a technical dispute. The viewpoint that we as-
vest effort or resources is crucial for any well- Fig. 5). AI researchers are designing reputation cribe to is that a large number of AI systems will,
functioning economic system. A standard approach systems that align incentives with making truth- given the existing structure of human economic
is to associate participants with a reputation, ful reports, while provably satisfying axiomatic systems, be populated by AIs that are designed,
which can serve to align incentives in the present properties such as symmetry: Two agents that deployed, owned, and operated by a myriad of
under the threat of a damaged reputation and are in an equivalent position from the perspec- different parties, each with possibly misaligned
lost opportunities in the future. In addition to tive of reports made and received should have goals. Finally, some may object to the economic
this problem of moral hazard (i.e., will agents the same trust score (80, 81). Another example approach on the basis that AIs are and will re-
behave cooperatively when completing economic is the design of accounting systems that elicit main far from perfectly rational, simply by vir-
transactions), reputation systems can address the truthful reports about the resources contributed tue of physical and computational limits. More
problem of adverse selection (i.e., will high-quality or work performed by other AIs and enable the direct models of the AIs’ computational behav-
agents choose to enter a market in the first place) design of systems to mitigate free-riding and ior, in terms of the automata they are, could in
(76, 77). promote fair contributions to an economic sys- principle be more accurate. The analytical util-
A special challenge in an economy of AIs arises tem (82). Still, the extent to which effective, multi- ity of a rationality abstraction for AIs is ulti-
because of the fluidity of identity and the ease agent AIs can be developed entirely through mately an empirical question to be resolved as
with which agents can be replaced. This raises, computational infrastructure such as reputation AI progresses.
for example, the specter of whitewashing attacks, mechanisms and without recourse to legal sys- Among those adopting an economic approach,
where an AI repeatedly runs down its reputation tems remains an interesting open question. there persist some disagreements on specific
before reentering with a different identity. With- techniques—for example, on the role of equilib-
out the possibility of enforcing strong identities Closing comments rium reasoning. Even if agents can be viewed
that cannot be changed, this suggests a social Whatever one’s thoughts about when or whether as rational, some question whether it is plausi-
cost of fluid identities, where it becomes neces- AI will transcend human-level performance, the ble that they reach equilibrium configurations,

SCIENCE 17 JULY 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6245 27 1


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272 17 JULY 2015 • VOL 349 ISSUE 6245 SCIENCE

Economic reasoning and artificial intelligence
David C. Parkes and Michael P. Wellman

Science 349 (6245), 267-272.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaa8403

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