Rasi Sandhi

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The key takeaways are that sandhi is the transition period between planets changing signs or houses, during which their influence is obscured. Planets in sandhi can cause troubles and leave lasting negative impacts. Bhava sandhi and rashi sandhi work in opposite ways.

The two main methods for determining bhava mentioned are Parasara Muni and Shrapati Paddhati. Parasara Muni builds houses from Surya and Brahma, considering lagna as the origin. Shrapati Paddhati prefers the 10th house as most significant.

A planet placed in rashi sandhi loses its power to benefit its own houses and can even destroy them or bring death.

Sandhi is the transition of a planet from one bhava to another or from one rash to

another. The sandhi theme is a very complex topic, around which there were many
heated debates, since the planets in the sandhi hide the results of their influence on
people's lives. Sandhi have a transit nature, which gives them an obscure influence and
the planets in them are very vulnerable. The planets in this position not only give
numerous troubles to man, but also leave their mark throughout their life, preventing
them from displaying the results of their own houses or rush.

Bhava sandhi

There are two methods for determining bhava. One generally accepted method is
Parasara Muni, and the other is Shrapati Paddhati.Shrapati Paddhati prefers the mid-sky
point or tenth house as the most significant place in the horoscope, and which, in his
opinion, cannot be ignored.

On the other hand, Parasara Muni builds houses from the Deities he honored, Surya
and Brahma. Surya is the master of the sun, the source of all light, which is another
name for jyotish or master of light. Brahma is the creator of this universe. Together,
Brahma and the Sun represent Prajapati or Lagna. In Parashar Muni, in the construction
of the horoscope, everything is based on the lagna, the source of the origin of
everything. Horoscope - shows a map of the sky at the time of birth of the object being
studied. Since the lagna personifies integrity, it is natural that bhava should be based
on the lagna and the lagna master. Bhava displays the perception of a person regarding
his own life. “I” or a born being (personified by the imperial one), being born, begins to
perceive others, and thus bhava shows the perception of various aspects of human
life according to the characteristics of each house. Therefore, Shrapati Paddhati fails in
his statements, since the influence of the 10th house as a birth point cannot be applied
to a person, but it can be applied to maidens like Indra.

Bhava or rasis can be defined as nine navamsh. Navamshas are fixed and include one-
quarter nakshatra. The last navamsha of bhava, which is 3 ° 20 'and the initial
navamsha of the next bhava is also 3 ° 20', show the area of bhava sandhi. The planets
in bhava sandhi are unable to influence the houses in which they are located and will
cause illness and grief.

Rashi sandhi
Any planet in rashi sandhi loses its power to benefit its own houses and destroys them,
the planet in rash sandhi can also bring death. The planet in bhave sandhi, on the
contrary, will try to protect its own houses, but not the house in which it is
located. Bhava and rashi sandhi act in opposite ways, giving different results. Normally,
when lagnadhipipati is in the lagna, it gives the person a name and fame, but if he is in
bhava sandhi, he will not give such a positive result.

Rasi sandhi is a 1 ° gap (one trimshamsha) from the beginning and end of rashi.

Let's look at a couple of examples of sandhi influence:

Map 1:
The man in map 1 after his birth was predicted that he would achieve great fame for
himself. On this basis, the position of Jupiter's langnadhipati in the Piscean lag was
established outside bhava sandhi. Lagnadhipati located in bhava sandhi would not allow
a person to write several books, and to acquire a name, and spread the knowledge of
astrology over all continents. Lagnadhipati in this case not only defended bhava, but
also as the master of lagna, is in his own home, creating hamsa mahapurusha yoga and
advancing the person to great heights of intellectual creativity and fame.

Map 2:

This map shows an example of rashi sandhi, where a planet placed in rashi sandhi has
destroyed its own houses. Mars, the owner of the 2nd and 9th houses is located in Rasi
sandhi of Taurus, that is, placed on the border between the signs of Aries and
Taurus. Being the owner of the 2nd and 9th houses, a person could not receive the
fruits of these houses on the physical level to the full extent. As the master of the 2nd
house, Mars in bhava sandhi prevents a person from creating and maintaining his home
and family. While the owner of the 9th house has a negative effect on the happiness
received from his father, since he lost his father at the age of 21 years. This is a very
vivid example of how a planet placed in rashi sandhi destroys its own houses.

Map 3:

In the above map, the Moon is in the gandant, that is, in the last Navamshme of
Scorpio (the sign is a combination of water and fire elements). The position of the
moon in the gandante brought a serious accident in childhood, but the man survived
because of the position of the exalted Venus in the lagna. A more detailed examination
shows that the Moon is in the last degree of Scorpio, that is, it is located in Rasi Sandhi
or in the union of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Such a bad position in rashi sandhi destroys
the master of the house. The moon, the mistress of the fifth house and manages
offspring. The man had many problems in love relationships, since they could not go
into marriage, when one of the relationships were ripe for marriage, the child’s desire
led to different perceptions between partners of this issue, and the marriage was

The worst forms of the manifestation of rashi sandhi appear when the planet is in
gandant. Parashara Muni described three gandantas: Pisces - Aries, Cancer - Leo and
Scorpio - Sagittarius, and the related Nakshatras of Revati - Ashvini, Ashlesha - Magha
and Jaeshtha Mula.Of these gandant, the most unfavorable will be gandant Jaeshtha-
Mula and Revati-Asvini will be less unfavorable. To neutralize this unfavorable situation,
one should pacify the Nakshatra Master Deity.

It should also be noted that a planet that is in rashi sandhi may not occupy its own
bhava. If the planet is in rashi sandhi and in one's own bhava, then it will produce
bhava results, not rashi. If she is not in her own bhava, then the results of her own
home will prevail. If so many planets are in the same rashi, it will be very difficult for a
person to understand his desires, which will cause various worries. In this case, the
position of bhav hosts in various homes becomes very significant.


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