Derecho Internacional - Alcivar

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Catholic University of Santiago De Guayaquil

Business Specialties

Bilingual International Commerce and Finance

Tutorial Work:
Functions of the ambassadors

Partial II

Germán Alcívar

International laws

Ab. Mgs Luis Edén Vera
Functions of the ambassadors

The ambassador is the diplomatic agent accredited in a foreign country to officially
represent the state to which he belongs, the head of the same, such as the president, in the
case of a nation with a presidential system, or in its absence, the government of the
country from which it comes.

Generally, this official is appointed by the executive branch of his country and once he is
in effect at the disposal of his position, he must settle down in the place in question, that
is, the Argentine ambassador in the United States must settle in that city. country that
corresponds to carry out its functions from there. You will perform your tasks from a
building known as an embassy, in which you will be accompanied by a specific staff that
will help you carry out your tasks.

Traditionally, both the territory, the personnel, and the vehicles that correspond to an
embassy enjoy what is known as diplomatic immunity.

The functions of a diplomat are many and diverse, insofar as they respond to the state of
relations between one country and another, between one state and another. The creation
of the first Ministry of Foreign Affairs was attributed to King Henry III of France and,
thereafter, the development of modern diplomacy, which distanced itself from the
diplomatic practices already existing in classical Greece.

In the Renaissance, with the formation of the Modern State, in the Italian republics that
enjoyed great economic prosperity, especially Venice, and in the face of the need for
peaceful and cordial relations with the outside, the skills of the ambassadors flourished.
Later, with the Peace of Westphalia that sealed the end of the Thirty Years' War,
permanent diplomatic representatives of the monarchs were appointed before the various
European courts.
Cardinal Richelieu substituted Latin for refined French as a diplomatic language. Finally,
at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the various diplomatic functions and their hierarchies
were outlined, basically in three categories: ambassadors, nuncios or delegates, ministers
accredited to certain states and in charge of business. Today many other activities are
listed to the extent of the complexity of the world today, but it can be said that the
functions of an ambassador are mainly political, economic and administrative. In this
context, the emphasis that the Ecuadorian ambassador to Colombia, Raúl Vallejo, has
placed on another field of these relations: the cultural field. It is a success that can be
attributed to two of the qualities that trace the personality of Vallejo: his intelligence and
preparation as a professor, and the sensitivity of the intellectual, writer and poet of high

The headquarters of the Ecuadorian embassy has a cozy auditorium in which, along with
other scenarios, the presentation of books, painters, musicians and other Ecuadorian
cultural actors and works has become a tradition, with which the image of Ecuador has
acquired a profile well defined as a country of varied and rich cultural flora.

There have also been works by Colombian creators, all of which have contributed to
surround with a shining halo the arduous diplomatic management imposed by the
situations that the two countries are living

Among the main functions and activities of an ambassador are:

Address the issues of state interest between the country that represents and before which
is accredited as an ambassador and can range in the following topics: politics, economy,
trade, culture, tourism, treaties, agreements, among others and in some cases also he can
touch on issues or possible problems that affect his compatriots on the ground in which
he performs his role as ambassador, having to first of all ensure the safety and integrity
of these.

Functions of ambassadors abroad

No Ambassador can act on their own, that is, be governed by their own criteria. It must
always be guided by the guidelines of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Diplomatic relations are governed by the Vienna Convention of 1961. Our ambassadors
accredited abroad are the official representatives of our country in the nations where they
are appointed for the implementation of the Foreign Policy of the country. Its designation
is through a Presidential Decree and ratified by the Senate of the Republic. They belong
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose Minister or Chancellor is the rector and the
person in charge of the faithful management of the Foreign Policy of the country, which
is drawn by the President of the Republic


Among the functions that our Ambassadors must perform are, among others: to represent
our country with dignity; project our cultural and patriotic values; look for new niche
markets for our products, services and natural resources (agricultural, tourist, industrial);
practice good relations with our country; promote and try to attract new foreign
investments; manage commercial, cultural and scientific exchanges; defend the interests
of the country against any defamation, insult, accusation or questioning, always within
the framework of respect and in total coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

These must mediate in the solution of international conflicts in which our country is
involved, as well as go to the aid of our nationals resident in the receiving country. That
is why they must be honorable people, of great moral solvency and with great knowledge
of politics and international economics, above all, in a world as complex, competitive and
globalized as the one we live in today; they must be handled with prudence, tolerance and
agreement; They must fulfill their duties and remain there for the time they were

In diplomacy it is recommended that ambassadors be evaluated in a timely manner by the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs based on the results and the contributions obtained

No Ambassador can act on their own, that is, be governed by their own criteria. It must
always be guided by the guidelines of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Cruz, P. A. (14/Abril/2017). “Funciones de nuestros embajadores en el exterior”.

Recuperado de:
Monsalve, R. A. (14/Marzo/2016). “Una embajada cultural”. Recuperado de:
Monzó. Q. (15/Noviembre/2013). “Funciones de los embajadores”. Recuperado de:

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