Dictionary of Paint Terminology

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Atomize : To break a liquid into a mist or droplets.

Spray guns atomize paint by forcing the

paint through a small orifice under high pressure and through air stream interaction.

Binder : Solid ingredients in a coating that gold the pigment particles in suspension and attach
them to the substrate. Consists of resins (e.g. : oils, alkyd, or latex). The nature and amount of
binder determine many of the paint’s performance properties, such as : washability,
toughness, adhesion, color retention, etc.

Burnishing : Damaging a coating (generally flats or low-sheens by abrading the surface. This
usually shows as an area of higher sheen.

Catalyst : A chemical used to change the rate of a chemical reaction. Differs from a curing
agent/hardener in that the catalyst is not itself chemically consumed in the reaction while a
curing agent is.

Caulk : A pliable and elastic material that can withstand expansion and contraction. Used to
fill voids, cracks, and seams to prevent air or water infiltration. May be called a sealant. May
or may not be paintable.

Chalking : The formation of a loose, powdery material on the surface of a paint film, generally
caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The degradation of a paint film by gradual erosion
of the binder.

Corrosion : The decay, oxidation or deterioration of a substance due to interaction with the
environment or chemical reaction.

Drag : The failure of a paint or coating to slide off the brush or roller evenly and smoothly.

Enamel : A broad classification of free-flowing pigmented finishing materials that dry to a

smooth, hard finish and usually posses a gloss.

Etching : The use of a chemical substance to prepare a surface for painting or bonding a layer
of the base metal.

Flammable : A substance easily ignited in the presence of a flame; any liquid having a flash
point below 100°F.

Flash Point : Lowest temperature at which a substance in an open vessel gives off enough
vapors to produce a flash of fire when a flame is passed near the surface.

Glazing Compound : Putty used to set glass in window frames and to fill nail holes and cracks.

Lap : Increased film thickness done by applying a second coat so it’s edge extends over and
covers the edges of the previous coat.

Latex : Complex composition of synthetic resins and pigments kept dispersed in water by

Mil : One one-thousandth of an inch : 0.001 inches. Commonly used to denote coating

Primer : First coat of paint applied to inhibit corrosion of improve adhesion of the next coat.

Resin : Solid or semi-solid organic substance usually derived from sap of trees or by chemical
synthesis. Used in the manufacture of varnishes, lacquers or similar coatings.
Runs : Uneven flow or leveling of paint resulting in sags. Caused by applying too much paint
at one spot or spray painting too close to surface.

Sags : Downward and thicker spots of paint film on vertical surfaces.

Scrubbability : The ability of a coating to maintain its original hide, gloss and color after being
scrubbed or washed with an abrasive soap.

Sealer : Any finishing material that is applied with the primary purpose of stopping the
absorption of succeeding coats.

Solvent : Liquid or blend of liquids used to dissolve or disperse paint. A true solvent is a single
liquid hat can dissolve the paint. They usually volatize during drying and, therefore, do not
become a part of the film itself. Used to control the consistency thus obtaining suitable
application properties.

Substrates : Surface which has been painted or which is to be painted.

Urethane : Urethane (polyurethane) coating are those containing an isocyanate complex.

They form tough, hard, flexible, chemical resistant films by one of two methods :

Moisture curing- moisture cured urethanes dry by solvent evaporation and cure by reacting
with moisture/water vapor in the air. Generally, for this to occur, relative humidity levels must
exceed 20%.

Copolymerization- often called catalyzed or two component urethanes, there cure by the
addition of a co-reactant (catalyst) to the isocyanate and catalyst used.

Urethane are light stable, gloss retentive and non-yellowing, for maximum performance, they
are often used over epoxy primers or zinc-rich primers with epoxy intermediate coats to
protect chemical plants, bridges, water and waster water facilities and other industrial sites.

Varnish : Any homogenous transparent or translucent liquid which when applied as a thin film
dries on exposure to air to a continuous film, giving a decorative and protective coating to the
surface to which it is applied. A spirit varnish is usually one which dries by evaporation alone
and consists of a solution of resin to a solvent. An oil varnish is one which dries by a
combination of evaporation, oxidation, and/or polymerization. It usually consists of a
combination of resins, vegetable oils driers and solvent or thinner.

VOC : Volatile Organic Compound.

Volume Solids : The percentage by volume of non-evaporating material in a coating.

Washability : Easy with which washing will remove dirt from the paint’s surface without
causing damage.

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