SEO Report For: Seo Score Passed Checks Failed Checks Warnings

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SEO Report, Jan 13, 2019

SEO Report for

69 / 100 33 / 48 13 / 48 2 / 48


Meta Title  The meta title of your page has a length of 60 characters. Most search engines will
truncate meta titles to 70 characters.

 Digital Marketing for technology start-ups - Ardú Agencies

Meta Description  The meta description of your page has a length of 125 characters. Most search engines
will truncate meta descriptions to 160 characters.

 Dublin based Digital Marketing agency focusing on providing marketing packages

and solutions for rising technology start-ups.

Google Search  Digital Marketing for technology start-ups - Ardú Agencies

Results Preview
Dublin based Digital Marketing agency focusing on providing marketing
packages and solutions for rising technology start-ups.

Most Common  There is likely no optimal keyword density (search engine algorithms have evolved
Keywords Test beyond keyword density metrics as a significant ranking factor). It can be useful,
however, to note which keywords appear most often on your page and if they reflect
the intended topic of your page. More importantly, the keywords on your page should
appear within natural sounding and grammatically correct copy.

 marketing - 14 times
 blog - 8 times
 start - 8 times
 media - 6 times
 content - 6 times

Keywords Usage  Congratulations! You are using your keywords in your meta-tags, which help search
Test engines to properly identify the topic of your page.

 Keyword(s) included in Title tag

 Keyword(s) included in Meta-Description tag

Page 1
Keywords Cloud  able active advice agencies alongside ardú attract based best better
blog books bring business campaigns chain challenges client
clients colin come companies company concept connections
contact content customers deliver digital double dublin enables
ensure entrepreneur entrepreneurship excellence exceptional
experience expertise founded gain game growth guide help highest
home impossible industry innovative ireland knowledge launch
link marketing media mission moving niall
online operating outside page product providing quarter range reached
recommend relationship remain results rising satisfaction selvi
services solutions specialising specialists stable standards star
start started strive tech technology thinking track trek trusted
understanding unique video visibility work worked year years

Heading Tags  Your webpage does not contain any H1 headings. H1 headings help indicate the
Test important topics of your page to search engines. While less important than good meta-
titles and descriptions, H1 headings may still help define the topic of your page to
search engines.

In order to pass this test you must indentify the most important topics from your page
and insert those topics between <h1>...</h1> tags.

<h1>Important topic goes here</h1>

<h1>Another topic</h1>

Robots.txt Test  Congratulations! Your site uses a "robots.txt" file:

Sitemap Test  Congratulations! Your website has a sitemap file.


Broken Links  We've checked 24 links on your page - 1 of them appear to be broken.

In order to pass this test you must identify within your page all the reported broken
links and replace the content of the href attribute with a proper URL.

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SEO Friendly  Your webpage contains URLs that are not SEO friendly!
URL Test
In order for URLs to be SEO friendly, they should be clearly named for what they are
and contain no spaces, underscores or other characters. You should avoid the use of
parameters when possible, as they are make URLs less inviting for users to click or
- If your website is new and is not indexed by search engines you can replace
underscores with hyphens or redirect those links to URLs that use hyphens.BUT, if your
website is ranked well by search engines you do not need to do this (probably you have
other ranking factors working very well).
- The general advice remains: build links that contain hyphens rather than underscores
and avoid dynamic URLs.

Image Alt Test  Your webpage is using "img" tags with empty or missing "alt" attribute.

In order to pass this test you must add an alt attribute to every <img> tag used into
your webpage.
An image with an alternate text specified is inserted using the following HTML line:

<img src="image.png" alt="text_to_describe_your_image">

Remember that the point of alt text is to provide the same functional information that a
visual user would see. Search engines, users who disabled images in their browsers and
other agents who are unable to see the images on your webpage can read the alt
attributes assigned to the image since they cannot view it.

Learn more about optimizing images for SEO.

Inline CSS Test  Your webpage is using inline CSS styles!

It is a good practice to move all the inline CSS rules into an external file in order to
make your page "lighter" in weight and decrease the code to text ratio.
check the HTML code of your page and identify all style attributes
for each style attribute found you must properly move all declarations in the
external CSS file and remove the style attribute
For example:

<!--this HTML code with inline CSS rule:-->

<p style="color:red; font-size: 12px">some text here</p>

<!--would became:-->
<p>some text here</p>

<!--and the rule added into your CSS file:-->

p{color:red; font-size: 12px}

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Deprecated  We found some HTML deprecated tags. You are advised to change these old tags with
HTML Tags equivalent tags or proper CSS rules.

 <font>: used 22 times

In order to pass this test you must identify into your code all deprecated HTML tags
listed above and replace them with proper tags or CSS rules. Some examples are given

for <applet> tag, the equivalent tag is <object>

for <center> tag, the alternative CSS property is text-align
for <font> tag, the alternative CSS properties are font-family and font-size
for <s> , <strike> and <u> tags, the alternative CSS property is text-

Google Analytics  Congratulations! Your webpage is using Google Analytics.


Favicon Test  Congratulations! Your website appears to have a favicon.

JS Error Checker  Congratulations! There are no severe JavaScript errors on your webpage.

Social Media  Congratulations! Your website is connected successfully with social media using:
Check Facebook Twitter


HTML Page Size  Congratulations! The size of your webpage's HTML is 10.25 Kb and is under the
Test average webpage's HTML size of 33 Kb. Faster loading websites result in a better user
experience, higher conversion rates, and generally better search engine rankings.

HTML  Congratulations! Your webpage is successfully compressed using gzip compression

Compression/GZIP on your code. Your HTML is compressed from 50.37 Kb to 10.25 Kb (80% size
Test savings). This helps ensure a faster loading webpage and improved user experience.

Site Loading  Your website loading time is around 3.98 seconds and this is under the average
Speed Test loading speed which is 5 seconds.

Page Objects  Your page has more than 20 http requests, which can slow down page loading. You
can try reducing http requests through various methods such as using text instead of
images, using css sprites, using data URIs instead of images , or combining several
external files together into one.

HTML Pages: 6 CSS Files: 9 Scripts: 24 Images: 18 Flash Files: 0

Page Cache Test  Congratulations, you have a caching mechanism on your website. Caching helps speed
(Server Side page loading times as well as reduces server load.

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Flash Test  Congratulations! Your website does not include flash objects (an outdated technology
that was sometimes used to deliver rich multimedia content). Flash content does not
work well on mobile devices, and is difficult for crawlers to interpret.

CDN Usage Test  Your webpage is not serving all resources (images, javascript and css) from CDNs.

In order to pass this test you are advised to use a CDN service. A Content Delivery
Network (CDN) is a globally distributed network of web servers that allows a quick
transfer of assets and provides high availability and high performance. The primary
benefits of using a CDN service are:
Improving website loading times
Reducing bandwidth costs
Increasing content availability and redundancy
Improving website security

Image Caching  Your website is not using cache headers for your images. Setting cache headers can
Test help speed up the serving of your webpages for users that regularly visit your site and
see the same images. Learn more about how to add expires headers to your images .

In order to reduce the number of HTTP requests, you can use the HTTP Expires header
to set an expiration time for your images or any other content type. You can add the
following lines into your .htaccess file:

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive on

ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 month"

ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month"
ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 month"

JavaScript  Your website is not using cache headers for your JavaScript resources. Setting cache
Caching Test headers can help speed up the serving of your webpages for users that regularly visit
your site.

In order to reduce the number of HTTP requests, you can use the HTTP Expires header
to set an expiration time for your JavaScript resources or any other content type. You
can add the following lines into your .htaccess file:

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive on

ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 1 month"

ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 1 month"

CSS Caching Test  Congratulations! Your website is using cache headers for all CSS resources.

Page 5
JavaScript  Some of your website's JavaScript files are not minified!
Minification Test
Not-minified JavaScript files from same domain:


In order to pass this test you must minify all of your external JavaScript files. For this
task you can use an online JS minifier like JSCompress, Closure Compiler or JSMin.

CSS Minification  Some of your webpage's CSS resources are not minified.
Not-minified CSS files from same domain:


In order to pass this test you must minify all of your external CSS files. For this task you
can use an online CSS minifier like YUI Compressor or cssmin.js.

Nested Tables  Congratulations, your page does not use nested tables. This speeds up page loading
Test time and optimizes the user experience.

Frameset Test  Congratulations! Your webpage does not use frames.

Doctype Test  Congratulations! Your website has a doctype declaration:

 <!DOCTYPE html>

URL Redirects  Congratulations! Your URL doesn't have any redirects (which could potentially cause
Checker site indexation issues and site loading delays).


URL  and resolve to

Canonicalization the same URL.

HTTPS Test  Your website is successfully using HTTPS, a secure communication protocol over the

 Security state: secure

 Certificate issuer: RapidSSL RSA CA 2018

 Valid until: Nov 02, 2019

Safe Browsing  This site is not currently listed as suspicious (no malware or phishing activity found).

Page 6
Server Signature  Congratulations, your server signature is off.

Directory  Congratulations! Your server has disabled directory browsing.

Browsing Test

Plaintext Emails  We've found 1 email addresses in your page code. We advise you to protect email links
Test in a way that hides them from the spam harvesters.

In order to pass this test you must make your email addresses invisible to email
spiders. Note that the best option is to replace your entire contact mechanism with a
contact form and using the POST method while submitting the form. Other solutions are
listed below:

replace the at (@) and dot (.) characters

replace text with images
use email obfuscators
hide email addresses using JavaScript or CSS trick


Media Query  Congratulations, your website uses media query technique, which is the base for
Responsive Test responsive design functionalities.

Mobile Snapshot

Page 7

Microdata  Your webpage doesn't take the advantages of HTML Microdata specifications in order to
Schema Test markup structured data. View Google's guide for getting started with microdata.

HTML5 Microdata is an easy way to add semantic markup to your web pages. Search
engines rely on this markup to improve the display of search results, making it easier
for people to find the right web pages.
Here is a simple example of how to use HTML5 microdata in your contact web page:

<div itemscope itemtype="">

<span itemprop="name">Joe Doe</span>
<span itemprop="company">The Example Company</span>
<span itemprop="tel">604-555-1234</span>
<a itemprop="email" href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]

Noindex Checker  Your webpage does not use the noindex meta tag. This means that your webpage will
be read and indexed by search engines.

Canonical Tag  Your webpage does not use the canonical link tag.

Nofollow  Your webpage does not use the nofollow meta tag. This means that search engines
Checker will crawl all links from your webpage.

Disallow  Your robots.txt file disallow the search engines access to some parts of your website.
Directive You are advised to check carefully if the access to these resources or pages must be
Checker blocked.

 Disallow: /
 Disallow: /ajax/
 Disallow: /apps/

Page 8
SPF Records  Your DNS server is not using an SPF record. SPF (Sender Policy Framework) allows
Checker administrators to specify which hosts are allowed to send mail from a given domain by
creating a specific SPF record or TXT record in the Domain Name System (DNS). You
can find more information about SPF records here.

An SPF record is a type of Domain Name Service (DNS) record that allows email
systems to check if the sender of a message comes from a legitimate source and refuse
an email if the source is not legitimate. Adding an SPF record is as easy as adding
CNAME, MX or A records in your DNS zone. You can find more information here.

Before creating the SPF record for your domain, it is important to have access at your
domain's DNS zone and to know what mail servers your domain is likely to use and plan
how you want any non-authorised email to be handled.

Let's say that you are planning to send emails using Google Apps and you also want to
ensure that no other mail servers are authorised. You can use an SPF record like this:

v=spf1 -all

"v=spf1" - This sets the SPF version

"" - This includes Google mail servers in your list of
authorized sending servers
"-all" - This means that any server not previously listed is not authorized

If you are using your own VPS to send email and not any other service like Mandrill,
Google Apps, etc. then you can create an SPF record like this:

v=spf1 mx -all

Setting an SPF record for your domain can help in reducing the chances of a spammer
using your domain name in unsolicited emails. Research carefully what mail servers
your domain is likely to use and plan how you want any non-authorised email to be

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