Damián Robles: Education

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Damián Robles
Department of Hispanic Studies
Texas A&M University

2016-Present Texas A&M University
Ph.D. Student in Hispanic Studies, Linguistics; with Certificate in Digital Humanities
Diss. topic: Historical (im-)politeness in EModE translations of Don Quixote (1607-1620)
Committee: Dr. Hilaire A. Kallendorf & Dr. Britt A. Mize (Directors), Dr. Brian Imhoff,
Dr. Jeremy King (Louisiana State University), & Dr. Kathryn Vomero Santos (Trinity

2010-2014 The College of New Jersey

Bachelor of Arts in Spanish, Romance Linguistics (Self-Designed), and French Studies (Self-
Designed); with minor in Italian
B.A. Romance Linguistics thesis: «La bifurcación vocálica en románicas: de la lengua
romana rústica al español y francés contemporáneos,» directed by Dr. Regina Morin,
Professor of Spanish and Linguistics.

Historical and Comparative Pragmatics — the Early Modern period
Linguistic Politeness and Rudeness
Linguistics and Literature — Cervantes
Language Contact

2016-Present Instructor of Record. Department of Hispanic Studies, Texas A&M University

Fall 2018
SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish I — Honors
SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish I
Spring 2018
SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish I
Fall 2017
SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish I
Summer 2017
SPAN 202: Intermediate Spanish II
Spring 2017
SPAN 102: Beginning Spanish II
Fall 2016
SPAN 101: Beginning Spanish I
*For more information on courses taught, syllabi, teaching philosophy,
and more: https://www.damianrobles.com/past-semesters

2015-2016 Teacher of Spanish Language & Literature. Morristown High School, New Jersey
SPA 4: Spanish IV (Responsible for curriculum and syllabus development)
SPA 5: Composition and Communication (Responsible for curriculum and syllabus development)
AP SPA LIT: Spanish Literature & Cultures (Responsible for curriculum and syllabus development)

2010-2014 Oral Proficiency Leader. Department of World Languages and Cultures, The College of New Jersey
Languages taught: Spanish, French, and Italian

2017-2018 Research Assistant to the Director of Lower Division Spanish Instruction, Department of Hispanic
Studies, Texas A&M University.
I collaborated in the organization and assembling of an art exhibition entitled, “Voces
Americanas: Latino literature in the United States.” I worked as lab member in the Applied
Psycholinguistics and Cognition Lab, where I learned related tools and the use of eye-tracker. I
also worked with the Director’s own personal research agenda in relation to second language
acquisition and pedagogies, and L2 pragmatics.

2016-2017 Research Assistant to the Head of Department of Hispanic Studies, Texas A&M University.
I was in charge of organizing the Head’s digital research bibliography. I worked on
sociolinguistic research, in particular, relating to language variation in Texan music, and
published a co-authored manuscript, “Hey, Baby, ¿Qué pasó?: Performing bilingual identities in
Texan popular music,” (2018) in Language and Communication. In addition, I worked on archiving
and other departmental tasks.


Journal Articles
Loureiro-Rodríguez, Verónica, María Irene Moyna, and Damián Robles. 2018. “Hey, Baby, ¿Qué pasó?:
Performing bilingual identities in Texan popular music.” Language and Communication 6, 120-135.
Zapata, Gabriela, Alessandra Ribota, and Damián Robles. Under review. “Integrated performance
assessment in Spanish university classes: A look at students’ performance in the interpretive and
presentational modes.”

Refereed Book Chapters

Morin, Regina, and Damián Robles. Forthcoming. “The differing behavior of loanwords in the Spanish
of technology and of fashion and beauty.” Hispanic Linguistics Symposium Proceedings, 2017.

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International Conferences
2019 Presenter. “Historical (im-)politeness in EModE translations of Don Quixote (1612-1620): The case
of vituperatives and honorifics.” In Historical Politeness in Europe, organized by Gedrun Held,
Annick Paternoster, and Daniel Z. Kádár, to take place at the 16th Conference of International
Pragmatics Association, to be held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong
Kong. June 9-12.
2018 Presenter. “El Quijote in translation: Address forms between spouses and lovers in Shelton’s Quixote
(1612-1620).” 2018 North American Cervantes Society of America Conference at the University of
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. September 27-29.
2018 Presenter. “Translating forms of address in Don Quixote: Power and solidarity across gender
relations.” 11th International Conference on Im/Politeness, organized by the Linguistic Politeness
Research Group and the University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. July 4-6.
2018 Co-Presenter. “Bilingual Music of the American Southwest” (with Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez
and María Irene Moyna). Sociolinguistics Symposium 22 at the University of Auckland, New
Zealand. June 27-30.

National Conferences
2018 Co-Presenter. “Los préstamos de moda se acomodan: los préstamos en el lenguaje masculino y
femenino de revistas de fashion y beauty” (with Regina Morin). Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2018,
to be held at the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. October 25-27.
2018 Presenter. “Don Quixote in translation: Address forms between spouses and lovers.” In Formas de
tratamiento en el mundo hispanohablante, panel, chaired by Victor Fernández Mallat at the 9th
International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics at Queens College/City University, New York
City, New York. April 4-7.
2018 Co-Presenter. “Loanwords in the language of men’s and women’s fashion and beauty” (with
Regina Morin). 9th International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics at Queens College/City
University, New York City, New York. April 4-7.
2017 Co-Presenter. “Hey, Baby, ¿Qué pasó?: Performing bilingual identities in Texas music” (with
Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez and María Irene Moyna) at the 26th Conference on Spanish in the
United States & 11th Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages at Brigham Young
University, Provo, Utah. April 6-8.
2017 Co-Presenter. “Hey, Baby, ¿Qué pasó?: Performing bilingual identities in Tejano music” (with
Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez and María Irene Moyna). 18th Annual Texas Language Education
Research (TexLER) Conference at the University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas.
February 17-18.
2017 Co-Presenter. “The development and implementation of an innovative, research-informed
Spanish curriculum” (with Gabriela Zapata and Alessandra Ribota). 18th Annual Texas Language
Education Research (TexLER) Conference at the University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio,
Texas. February 17-18.
2015 Co-Presenter. “Los préstamos léxicos en español: una comparación del lenguaje de la tecnología
y de la moda” (with Regina Morin). 44th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest,
hosted by ASU Colleges at Lake Havasu City, Arizona. September 10-13.

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Invited Presentations
2019 Presenter. “Breaking the golden shield-wall of E-Mod vocatives: Vituperatives and honorifics in
Don Quixote (1607-1620).” In Linguistics in Five, Language Matters Working Group, Melbern G.
Glasscock Center for the Humanities Research, to be held at Texas A&M University, College
Station, Texas. February 27.
2018 Presenter. “Doing historical pragmatics through literary corpora: The case of Don Quixote's
address into Early Modern English.” 12th Summer School in Historical Sociolinguistics (organized by
HiSoN - The Historical Sociolinguistics Network) at UNIL| University of Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland. July 22-29.
2018 Co-Presenter. “Bilingual music of the Southwest: The case of Lalo Guerrero” (with María Irene
Moyna and Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez) at University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
June 25.
2017 Presenter. “Second-person address in English translations of Don Quixote (1612-1885).” Cushing-
Glasscock Award Presentations, Melbern G. Glasscock Center for the Humanities Research at
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. October 27.
2017 Presenter. “Address forms in Don Qvichote: Shelton’s English translation, first parte (1612).”
Symposium on Forms of Address, Language Matters Working Group, Melbern G. Glasscock Center
for the Humanities Research at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. September 8.
2017 Co-Presenter. “Hey, Baby, ¿Qué pasó?: Performing bilingual identities in Tejano music” (with
Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez and María Irene Moyna). Latinx Policy Issues in the 21st Century
Lecture Series, Carlos Cantú Education and Opportunity Endowment at Texas A&M University, College
Station, Texas. May 2.
2017 Co-Presenter. “Hey, Baby, ¿Qué pasó?: Performing bilingual identities in Texas music” (with
Verónica Loureiro-Rodríguez and Irene Moyna) at West Chester University, West Chester,
Pennsylvania. March 9.


External Grants
2018 Cervantes Society of America Graduate Student Grant. The Cervantes Society of America. $500.
2018 Folger Institute Grant-in-Aid. Folger Shakespeare Memorial Library at Washington, DC. $1,047.
2013 The U.S. Department of State's Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. The U.S. Department of
State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. $2,500.
Internal Grants
2018 AFS-OGAPS Research and Presentation Grant. The Association of Former Students and the Office
of Graduate and Professional Studies, Texas A&M University. $750.
2017 Proyecto Enseña. Collaborative Grant to Enhance Undergraduate Instruction, Department of
Hispanic Studies, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. $1,000.


2017 Cushing-Glasscock Graduate Humanities Research Award. Melbern G. Glasscock Center for the
Humanities Research, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. $2,000.

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2012 Sigma Delta Pi: The National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, chapter at The College of New Jersey.

2018-Present Graduate Teaching Consultant Fellow. Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University
As Graduate Teaching Consultant I support graduate students in the development of their
teaching practices by delivering specialized lectures and workshops at the TAI (Teaching
Assistant Institute), ELPE (English Proficiency Placement Exam), as well as classroom
observations and any other teaching-and-professional-development training.


2018-Present Co-Convener of the Glasscock Early Modern Studies working group, Melbern G. Glasscock
Center for the Humanities Research, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
Fall 2018: In charge of organizing a total of three regular meetings on faculty and graduate
research; in addition, to a campus visit by Dr. Kathryn Vomero Santos (from Trinity
2018-Present Vice-President of Sigma Delta Pi, Texas A&M University chapter, College Station, Texas
2018-Present Student Representative to the Graduate & Professional Student Council from the Department of Hispanic
Studies. Texas A&M University
2018-Present Internal GPSC Member for Programming and Service/Recruitment Committee at the Graduate and
Professional Student Council. Texas A&M University.
Spring 2018 Responsible for designing poster for campus talk by Dr. Frederick A. de Armas and graduate
students' symposium on, “Heir to Galdós: A Cuban American Novelist Finds His Voice,”
Department of Hispanic Studies, Texas A&M University. April 27.
2016-2018 Co-Convener of the Glasscock Language Matters working group, Melbern G. Glasscock
Center for the Humanities Research, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
In charge of organizing two campus visits: Dr. Bettina Kluge (from Universität Heidenheim,
Germany, Fall 2017); and Drs. Roberto Heredia and Anna Cieslicka (from Texas A&M
International University, Spring 2017); and regular LM talks (a total of eight talks, from 2016-
2017, and six, from 2017-2018)

2019-Present Mentor to Laura Bernal, Ph.D. Student, for the development of second language instruction,
under the Graduate Student Mentorship Program at Department of Hispanic Studies, Texas A&M
University, College Station, Texas:
Meet with the mentee at least once every two weeks to assist with lesson planning, activity
development, exam grading, and/or any issues that may arise in the mentee's daily teaching
practice; observe at least two of the mentee's classes per semester, and meet with her to provide
constructive feedback on the activities observed.
2018 Undergraduate honors' project on Cervantes & its iconography (Fall semester), Texas A&M
University, College Station, Texas.

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2018 12th HiSoN: UNIL | University of Lausanne. Lausanne, Switzerland. “Historical sociolinguistics,”
organized by the Historical Sociolinguistics Network.
C O U R S E S:
“Bilingual optimization strategies in language change,” taught by Dr. Suzanne Aalberse;
“Corpus approaches to Early Modern English,” taught by Dr. Jonathan Culpeper;
“Synchronic variation and diachronic change,” taught by Dr. Alexandra Lenz;
“Standards and standardizations,” taught by Dr. Spiros Moschonas;
“Promotion and invisibilization of languages. Nationalistic language policy and its impact
on sociolinguistic landscape,” taught by Dr. Taru Nordlund;
“Exploring historical orality,” taught by Dr. Simon Pickl;
“Doing historical sociolinguistics in messy environments: The construction of language change
narratives and the colonial expansion of Iberian languages,” taught by Dr. Israel Sanz-Sanchez.
2018 The Folger Institute. Washington D.C. Course title, “A Folger orientation to research methods
and agendas,” directed by Dr. Kathleen Lynch, Dr. Owen Williams, & Dr. Elisa Oh.
Skills acquired: Book handling, artisanal practices, paper & ink making, quill work, paleography,
letter writing, navigating Folger's catalog Hamnet, viewing the book as qua object, and as a
serendipitous-oriented research.
2013 Cours de civilisation française à la Sorbonne. Paris, France. French B.2.1.
2012 La Scuola Italiana. Middlebury Language Schools, Middlebury, Vermont, Italian, Level II.

Cervantes & Pragmatics
“Don Quixote and the Later Novel,” taught by Dr. Hilaire A. Kallendorf;
“Topics in Address Research,” taught by Dr. María Irene Moyna;
“Cervantes & its Forms of Address,” (Directed Study) supervised by Dr. María Irene Moyna;
“Digital Cervantes,” (Capstone) directed by Mr. Anton duPlessis.

Historical Linguistics
“Development of Spanish Language,” taught by Dr. Brian Imhoff;
“Topics in the History of English — Old English,” taught by Dr. Britt Mize;
“Historical Sociolinguistics,” taught by several scholars at the 12th HiSoN.

“Topics in Sociolinguistics,” taught by Dr. Shari Kendall;
“Language and Gender,” taught by Dr. Shari Kendall.

Applied Linguistics
“Bilingualism in the Spanish-Speaking World,” taught by Dr. Gabriela Zapata;
“Psychology of Language,” taught by Dr. Jyotsna Vaid.

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Linguistic Research Methods & Hispanic Theories
“Research Methods in Linguistics,” co-taught by Dr. Gabriela Zapata (qualitative research & discourse analysis)
and Dr. Patrick Bolger (corpus linguistics with R-);
“Educational Statistics,” taught by Dr. Robert Hall;
“Bibliography and Literary Research,” taught by Dr. Craig Kallendorf;
“The field of Hispanic Studies,” taught by Dr. Alberto Moreiras.

Spanish Second Language Teaching

“Spanish Language Teaching Methods,” taught by Dr. Gabriela Zapata;
“Second Language Methodology I,” taught by Dr. Grisel López-Díaz;
“Second Language Methodology II,” taught by Dr. Grisel López-Díaz;
“Assessment in the Second Language Classroom,” taught by Dr. Grisel López-Díaz.

2017-Present Digital Humanities Certificate from the Center of Digital Humanities Research, CoDHR at Texas
A&M University:
Digital Humanities capstone: “Don Quixote and its iconographical reaccentuation,” directed by
Mr. Anton duPlessis, Director of Los Primeros Libros de las Américas Project, and Curator of the
Colonial Mexican Collection at the Cushing Memorial Library & Archives, Texas A&M University.
In progress coursework: * “Bibliography and Literary Research,” taught by Dr. Craig Kallendorf;
* “Topics in Digital Research,” taught by Dr. Amy Earhart.
2018 Certificate of Human Research. Social and Behavioral Research Investigators and Key Personnel 1. IRB. CITI
Program (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative). Expiration, 2023.
2016 Alternate Route Certificate for Teaching in Modern Language. New Jersey City University, Jersey City,
New Jersey.
2015 French Certificate of Eligibility. New Jersey Department of Education.
2015 Spanish Certificate of Eligibility. New Jersey Department of Education.

2019 Presenter at the Teaching Assistant Institute. The Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M
University. January 9.
2019 Presenter at the training for the English language proficiency exam (ELPE)." The Center for
Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University. January 8.
2018 GTC Book Club workshop on “Chapter 1: Deeper learning and better retention” from book, A
concise guide to improving student learning, authors: Diane Cummings Persellin and Mary Blythe
Daniels. The Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University. October 30.
2018 Certificate of completion of, “Mentoring undergraduate in research: A workshop for graduate
students,” by LAUNCH: Undergraduate Research at Texas A&M University. September 21.
2018 Presenter at the Teaching Assistant Institute. The Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M
University. September 8.

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2018 Presenter at the training for the English language proficiency exam (ELPE)." The Center for
Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University. August 8.
2018 Attendee. “Productive mentorship: Bringing out the best in your students,” Graduate Resources and
Development, G.R.A.D. Aggies, and Center for the Integration of Research and Learning, CIRTL, Texas
A&M University. March 1.
2017 Certificate of completion. “Introduction to R short course,” Texas A&M High Performance Research
Computing (HPRC) Group, Department of Engineering, Texas A&M University. December 6.
2017 Certificate of completion. “ACTFL Assessment of Performance towards Proficiency in Languages
(AAPPL) familiarization workshop,” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages,
Department of Hispanic Studies and Texas A&M University. September 15.
2017 Presenter. “Your students: What are Aggies like?,” Language Program Orientation, Hispanic Studies,
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. August 21.
2017 Attendee. Workshop on Atlas.ti (a qualitative data analysis & research software). Liberal Arts
Social Science Consortium, Texas A&M University. January 28.
2016 Attendee. Workshop on “Language teaching in the 21st century: Effective activities to develop L2
students’ performance and proficiency in the classroom,” by Dr. Gabriela Zapata, Department
of Hispanic Studies, Texas A&M University, August 23.
2016 Attendee. Training for Graduate Teaching Assistants, Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas
A&M University, August 19.

2015-2016 Spanish Translator. Morristown School District, Morristown, New Jersey
2010-2011 Spanish Translator. Apple app, “Campus tour,” The College of New Jersey


CSA | The Cervantes Society of America
Asociación de Cervantistas
IPrA | International Pragmatics Association
HiSoH | Historical Sociolinguistics Network
NARNiHS | North American Research Network in Historical Sociolinguistics
INAR | International Network of Address Research

Spanish native
English near-native
French advanced-mid proficiency (ACTFL OPI)
Italian advanced-low proficiency (ACTFL OPI)
Romanian reading knowledge
Latin structural knowledge/research
Old English reading knowledge

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Texas A&M University
Department of Hispanic Studies
205 Academic Building, 4238 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-4238
Tel. (979) 845 2125
Fax. (979) 862 2195
[email protected]

Dr. Hilaire A. Kallendorf, Professor of Hispanic and Religious Studies — Department of Hispanic Studies, Texas
A&M University. E-mail: [email protected]. Relationship: Ph.D. Director.

Dr. Brian Imhoff, Associate Professor of Spanish Linguistics — Department of Hispanic Studies, Texas A&M
University. E-mail: [email protected]. Relationship: Former professor and current Ph.D. member.

Dr. Shari Kendall, Associate Professor of Linguistics and Discourse Studies — Department of English, Texas
A&M University. E-mail: [email protected]. Relationship: Former professor.

Dr. Regina Morin, Professor of Spanish and Linguistics — Department of World Languages and Cultures, The
College of New Jersey. E-mail: [email protected]. Relationship: Former director and professor, and co-author.

CV updated on January 13, 2018

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