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Primetals Process Expert is a cost-efficient process •• High cost efficiency based on a modular client-server
automation system for all types of long rolling mills, architecture
including rod, bar, section, rail, reversing mills, and flat
•• Exactly the data security you need with a system that can
blocks. The system performs a wide range of tasks for
be expanded to a high level of redundancy
optimized operation – from suggesting pass schedules
to calculating and downloading optimized mill settings •• Easy upgrades in running plants and for new applications
according to the availability of rolls. by “grabbing” current data from any type of PLC
•• High process transparency through in-depth analysis and
reporting functions based on real-time data tracking
Primetals Process Expert monitors and collects data from
the raw material stage to the finished product. It delivers •• Fast management overview with powerful reporting
valuable mill reports to the operator staff and management functions
so they can easily assess a plant’s performance and •• Easy comparison of facilities all over the world – with
optimize production. agreed KPIs

INTEGRATED SOLUTION •• High flexibility for any kind of long rolling plant
The Primetals Process Expert solution domain extends from
the Level 1 basic automation system that provides all basic
rolling data and information, to the L3/MES level with its
product genealogy relationships, production planning and
reporting. This system is not limited to one plant but can
enable plant to plant performance at corporate level.

Process Expert is aligned with the Primetals Industry 4.0
initiative. Process Expert is the first step on the way of
transformation from the plant to Smart Factory.

Business performance levels
Print screen from Process Expert - Production throughput analysis


Long rolling producers are challenged to provide products WHY PRIMETALS PROCESS EXPERT IS A
that meet ever-increasing quality standards. Older or MODERN PLATFORM SYSTEM
outdated automation systems cannot achieve the quality •• Multi-client environment with centralized
control required for process production standards. business and process functions
Anything less than the most modern tracking methods
•• MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern
and process handling equipment risks compromising
to separate operator actions and centralize
productivity, metallurgical properties, cut length, packaging process functions and logic
quality, and the overall product quality. By monitoring the
process parameters, metallurgical properties collected •• Scalability: easy to add new clients
online and offline, billet to billet, heat to heat and product •• Capable of working with different
to product, any quality issues can be resolved and communication protocols and partners:
identified early and cost effectively. Quality improvements TCP/IP, OPC read/write, external databases,
can be easily identified. importing files, web services

MAXIMUM PLANT EFFICIENCY •• Dedicated components to serve different

While demands on products and processes are always purposes (flexible system structure from
project to project)
increasing, steel producers are faced with limitations
caused by inadequate automation technology, old •• Regionalization – data presentation reflects
equipment and a lack of spare parts. By monitoring the local culture (language, units), possible to
downtime and assigning the loss of time to a specific switch online local and default language
part, crew or maintenance area, the problem areas
•• Report generation (automatic, on event or
causing the main downtimes can be identified. Through an
time based)
understanding this and identifying the areas or parts, the
mill utilization can be improved, spare parts can be ordered •• Redundancy, fail safe operations
with confidence and investment planning can be scheduled
•• Corrective actions for all important operations
with a strong argument for the return of investment. available for operators
•• All measurements and analysis tools in one
system, not “hidden” in different departments
•• Data available to all personnel, from the
operators, maintenance, management to
corporate level
Print screen from Process Expert - Production tracking overview


Dependent upon the mill configuration, the system can TECHNOLOGICAL MODULES & FEATURES
track from the Billet Yard through the Charging Grid, the •• Material tracking from Billet Yard through
Furnace, Mill or Bar Outlets / Coil Outlets, Bar Handling charging grid, furnace, mill, outlets up to finish
Area / Coil Handling Area, up to the Finished Product Yard. Product Yard
•• Billet & Product Yard Inventory
The system is also managing the production schedule, •• Production management (incl. raw material
binding given orders to particular heats and billets, defining assignment & genealogy)
production parameters and batches, creating campaigns, •• Production scheduling & sequencing (incl.
etc. The storage module suggests the best matching billets Campaign management)
from billet yard to assign to the production order.
•• Heat data management
•• Material tracking & production performance
The system provides functionality which allows monitoring
management of the Pass Schedules, updates to the
schedule, assignment to a specific product. All of this •• Weighing and tagging
data can be inserted, corrected and redefined manually. •• Data processing/archiving
Additionally, all this data can be received from the Level
•• Plant monitoring
3 or from special Roll Pass design tools (e.g., Primetals
Technologies LR Roll Master). •• Pass Schedule Management

ROLLSHOP MANAGEMENT •• Data Analysis and report manager

Rollshop maintain all data related to the grooves, rolls, •• Delay Management
rollsets, cassettes, guides, etc. Rollshop helps to configure
•• Definition of KPIs (Key performance indicators
mill: define stands, cassettes, rolls, grooves, mounting,
and powerful Condition Monitoring)
status as well as predicted pass and/or roll change.
Rollshop also monitors usage during production by adding •• Quality Management
up rolled tonnage (eventually rolled length) of produced •• Rollshop Management
material to rolls and grooves. If rolled weight exceeds a
predefined limit for a groove, then an alarm is triggered by •• Maintenance Management (incl. Equipment
the Process Expert to inform the operator that a roll change Management)
is necessary. •• External system interfaces (L1, L3/MES/SAP,
Meltshop MES, Laboratory Systems, etc.)
Print screen from Process Expert - Production analysis: Weighed tons per day

Consolidation various systems data results (measuring EXAMPLES OF AVAILABLE ANALYSIS & REPORTS
devices, laboratory, rollshop, etc.) in one central point •• Gas Consumption
allow Process Expert to provide wide spectrum of analysis.
•• Energy Consumption
Powerful tools like PivotTable, responsive Charts and
various Excel functions together with defined KPIs, help •• Weight tons per time in different views (hours,
in deep system analysis and makes finding of production months, year, crew, shift, etc.)
bottlenecks easy. All weak spots and resources can be •• Production Throughput
identified, monitored and analysed.
•• Heat Summary
Process Expert is the system which helps to assess and •• Mill Utilization report in different views (per
improve plant performance. shift, per time, per crew, etc.)
•• Cobble Analysis
•• Delays Analysis
•• Rolls History
•• Product Quality
•• Metallic and Quality yields crosschecked with
reference values

Mauro Bogliani

T +39 0331 741 638

M +39 331 670 1991
E [email protected]

Primetals Technologies Italy s.r.l. The information (including, e.g., figures and numbers) provided in this document contains merely general
A joint venture of Siemens, descriptions or characteristics of performance based on estimates and assumptions which have not been
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Via Luigi Pomini 92 and assumptions have to be analyzed on a case-to-case basis and might change as a result of further Certificate Number:
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