Dryden 1952

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The role of physics in aeronautical development

Hugh L. Dryden

Citation: Physics Today 5, 5, 14 (1952); doi: 10.1063/1.3067574

View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3067574
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Published by the American Institute of Physics

The following article, by the director of
the National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics, is based on an address pre-
sented before the Conference on Applied
Physics during last December's meeting
of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science in Philadelphia.
Fig. 1. Inttrferosram for Flow around Circular \n Airfoil. Airfoil thickness 12 percent,
Marh Dumber 0.9. boundary layer turbul.-nl. nil photos courtesy ol NACA By Hugh L. Dryden

T HE PRESENT AIM of aeronautical development

is to attain superiority in performance and mili-
If we are to study the role of physics in aeronautical
development, we must agree on the content to be
tary effectiveness of our aircraft and missiles with the ascribed to physics, a task which many eminent physi-
hope of maintaining peace by deterring aggression. For cists have found very difficult. For our purposes it is
the aircraft designer the principal technical goal is the sufficient to define physics as the activities of persons
design and construction of a vehicle which will move who call themselves physicists, and to supplement this
more rapidly from one place to another over the sur- definition by the 758 subject index headings grouped
face of the earth, climb faster to higher altitudes, and under 32 principal headings under the title Physics in
carry larger loads to greater distances. All this must be Physics Abstracts. A cursory survey shows well over
done as economically as possible as measured by initial 100 topics in this list which are of great importance to
investment of materials and labor and by operating aeronautical development. It is obvious that this brief
cost. Other technical goals relate to the ability to op- paper can only touch on a few examples.
erate in bad weather and darkness, to the ability to Aeronautical engineering has matured on the basis of
communicate with ground stations and other aircraft, theoretical and experimental research with little of the
and to the specifically military functions of locating and tradition of empirical practical knowledge character-
destroying military targets, and of self-defense. How- istic of other engineering fields. This reliance on scien-
ever, the present discussion will be limited to the per- tific methods is in part dependent on the accuracy of
formance of the airplane or missile as a vehicle. De- design required to make an airplane fly safely with a
velopment is taken to include the associated applied re- useful payload and in part on the comparatively late
search, and the examples of the application of physics development of aeronautics at a time when scientific
to aeronautical development are taken largely from the research methods were well developed. From its very
work of the National Advisory Committee for Aero- beginning aeronautics has applied basic physical knowl-
nautics, which is an independent civilian agency of the edge to improvements in engineering design and has
government with responsibility for basic and applied sought to convert the results of research in physics inte
research in aeronautics, or, in the language of the legis- useful aeronautical devices. In the past few years the
lation establishing the agency, "for the scientific study accelerated pace of aeronautical development following
of the problems of flight with a view to their practical the introduction of rocket and jet engines and the ac-
solution". cumulation of knowledge of supersonic aerodynamics



has reversed the direction of influence. Now the aero- layer of air near the surface in which viscous forces
nautical engineer breaks down his new and difficult en- are appreciable, being in fact sufficient to bring the
gineering problems into their component problems in relative air speed to zero at the surface. The study of
physics, and brings pressure on physicists to study these shock waves, of shock-wave boundary-layer interac-
component problems by physical methods. This exten- tions, and of the reflection, refraction, and mutual in-
sion of the engineering development team to physicists terference of shock waves is a problem for the physi-
has brought added opportunities for the employment of cist and is best studied by physical methods.
physicists. More important to physics, however, is the In low speed flows, data on the flow field can be ob-
large number of new challenging problems in both ap- tained by static pressure probes, but at transonic and
plied and pure physics brought to light by close con- supersonic speeds it is difficult to measure pressures ac-
tact with a rapidly growing engineering field. curately with probes. The very presence of the probe
may change the flow considerably. Even pressure ori-
The Goal of Higher Speed fices in the walls do not give reliable measurements in
the presence of shock waves and other large pressure

L ET US LOOK at some of the problems in physics

associated with increasing the speed of aircraft
gradients. The experimental physicist offers a solution
to this problem by various optical devices including the
interferometer. Ladenburg, Bleakney, and other physi-
and missiles. The speed at any given altitude is de-
pendent on the drag force exerted by the air on the cists have used this instrument to add greatly to our
moving body and on the power available. As is well knowledge of shock-wave phenomena. Aeronautical re-
known, research airplanes have been flown by human search scientists too have adopted the interferometer
pilots well above the speed of sound and missiles such for studies of supersonic flow fields about wing sections
as the German V-2 travel at speeds of several times and aircraft models. Fig. 1 shows an interferogram ob-
the speed of sound. Speeds of both aircraft and missiles tained with an instrument used by Wood and Gooderum
are measured in terms of the ratio of speed to the at the NACA Langley Laboratory (NACA Report 963).
speed of sound, this ratio being called the Mach num- Most of the theoretical analyses of compressible flow
ber after the famous physicist, Ernst Mach. As the have been made on the assumption of isentropic flow.
speed approaches the speed of sound, shock waves de- As the speed is increased and shock waves appear in
velop in the flow and are often accompanied by flow the flow, this assumption becomes unsatisfactory. For
separation. When this occurs, the air flows past the shock waves of moderate strength the equations of
airplane with violent fluctuations, shaking or buffeting Rankine and Hugoniot may be applied, but for strong
the wing, and if the violently disturbed wake strikes
the tail the buffeting loads may be sufficient to produce Hugh L. Dryden has been director of aeronautical research at the
structural damage. The flow separation is the result of National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics since 1947. Before join-
ing NACA Dr. Dryden was associate director of the National Bureau
an interaction between the shock wave and the thin of Standards. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society.

MAY 1952
shock, waves additional effects appear because of the pressure is measured for a Mow accelerated from rest
excitation of vibrational degrees of freedom of the to high subsonic speeds and then suddenly brought to
diatomic molecules and because of departures from the rest at the nose of a small impact tube.
ideal gas law associated with finite molecular size and It is well known that meteors traveling through the
with intermolecular forces. air at high supersonic speeds get so hot from friction
When the Mach number exceeds 5, the speed is said with the air that their surface melts. At lower super-
to be hypersonic. At hypersonic Mach numbers of 10 sonic speeds the heating is by no means negligible, and
or more, the estimated rise in temperature at the stag- must be considered even at subsonic speeds for piloted
nation point is sufficient to cause both molecular dis- aircraft. It appears that limits set by aerodynamic heat-
sociation and atomic ionization of the air. The effect of ing and the adequacy of measures to control its effects
dissociation and ionization is to lower the stagnation may constitute the next most important barrier to still
temperature below the adiabatic value because of the further speed increases. This problem is one which
internal absorption of energy necessary for increased must be attacked by the methods of the physicist.
rotational and vibrational energy and dissociation and These are a few of the aerodynamic problems on the
for electronic excitation and atomic ionization. At the
NACA Langley Laboratory exploratory work has been
done in this field by firing projectiles through gases in
which the velocity of sound is much lower than in air
at normal temperatures and can be further reduced by
cooling to very low temperatures (NACA Technical
Note 2120). With moderate projectile speeds a Mach
number of 10 is readily obtainable. The equipment is
shown schematically in Fig. 2. In a recent experiment
by Sabol a ] lS-inch diameter conical projectile was fired
at 6000 ft./'sec, using a 30-caliber sabot, through xenon
gas at 74° F. and atmospheric pressure, and giving a
Mach number of 11. As shown in Fig. 3 the gas was
made luminous in a region near the nose. The calcu-
lated temperature behind the shock wave was 2846° K
and it was estimated that 0.1 percent of the xenon
atoms were ionized.
In high-velocity flow around bodies where the tem-
perature changes rapidly, there may be a failure of the
internal energies of the gas molecules to adjust suffi-
ciently rapidly to be in equilibrium with the tempera- Fig. 3. Luminosity and Shock Wave Formation at Mach Number 11
ture corresponding to the translational motion of the
molecules. The effect, commonly called heat-capacity advancing frontier of speed which give rise to prob-
lag, can be computed if the number of molecular col- lems in physics. There are many others of more im-
lisions required to establish equilibrium is known for mediate concern to designers of current transonic air-
planes but these have been avoided in this paper for
security reasons. They are being attacked both by theo-
retical and experimental methods. The most useful ex-
perimental tool is the wind tunnel, which has itself un-
dergone rapid development with great assistance from
physics and physicists. Electrical wire strain gages have
revolutionized wind tunnel balances; and shadow, schlie-
Fig. 2 Equipment ren, and interferometric methods make many features
for Study of Air
Flow at M a c h of the flow field visible.
Numbers of 10 or
More. Chamber may
contain any desired The Condensation Problem
gas and may be
A Snecessary
to develop wind tunnels capable of
studying the problems of flight at ever increasing speed.
the gas or gas mixture. Physicists usually measure this A supersonic wind tunnel of cross section 8- by 6-feet
lag by sound-dispersion methods using acoustic inter- and 87,000 horsepower is in regular operation at speeds
ferometry, the changes of sound velocity with fre- up to twice the speed of sound. Exploratory work is in
quency being attributed to heat-capacity lag. At the progress in small equipment at much higher speeds,
NACA Langley Laboratory a gas-flow method has been and this work has revealed difficult technical problems.
used (NACA ARR 4A22), in which the loss of total The high speed in the test section of a supersonic wind

were computed as a function of distance along the
stream axis. The details of the method are described in
NACA Technical Note 2441 by Durbin. The rate of
particle growth and the resulting local pressure could
then be calculated. The calculated pressure agreed with
the measured pressure and the air stream remained es-
sentially at the saturation temperature after the con-
densation particles became large enough to be detected
by the light-scattering equipment. A more sensitive
system moved the detection point closer to the com-
puted saturation point in the nozzle. Since the amount
of light is principally a function of particle radius, the
number of particles per unit volume could be assumed
to be constant, and the last points plotted with the
earlier data to give the particle size as function of dis-
tance along the nozzle axis. This curve extrapolated to
zero diameter at the saturation point in the nozzle,
Fig. 4. Simple Light Scattering Apparatus for Detection
of Condensation. verifying the conclusion that in the experiments air
condensed with practically no supersaturation.
tunnel is obtained by expanding air from a pressure of The next problem was to determine the source of the
one atmosphere or a few atmospheres to a very low- condensation nuclei which correspond to the dust nuclei
pressure, and the expansion is accompanied by a con- responsible for the formation of atmospheric fog. Since
siderable reduction in temperature. Even in wind tun- there were some 10'" particles per cubic centimeter, the
nels operating at transonic and low supersonic speeds, possible existence of stable foreign particles was dis-
the lower temperature may lead to the condensation of missed and the effect of the presence of water vapor
the water vapor present in the air stream with result- was studied. The water content was varied from about
ing modification of the forces experienced by models 1 part in a million to 1 part in 2,000. Measurements of
being tested. To avoid this condensation, supersonic particle radius and number of particles per unit vol-
wind tunnels are equipped with air dryers to reduce ume indicated no effect until the water vapor content
greatly the amount of water present. reached 1 part in 2,500.
When the Mach number becomes of the order of 7 Attention is now directed to carbon dioxide as the
to 10, the temperature is sufficiently low to lead to probable source of the condensation nuclei, since meas-
condensation of the oxygen and nitrogen in the air. urements showed this gas to be present at a volume
One method of alleviating the difficulty is to preheat concentration of about 1 part in 10,000 and to remain
the tunnel supply air above atmospheric temperatures. fairly constant throughout long periods of time. Re-
In order to design intelligently a hypersonic wind tun- sults on effects of varying the carbon dioxide content
nel, it is necessary to know much more than we do are not yet available.
now about condensation phenomena. According to some Research in aeronautics owes a great debt to physics
theories, condensation might not occur if the traverse not only for the development of many tools for its own
time of air through the low temperature region were research which find application in aeronautical research,
sufficiently short. All theories require the presence of but also for rich resources of physical principles from
condensation nuclei. What are the nuclei responsible for which ingenious men may draw to devise methods of
condensation in hypersonic wind tunnels? Does con- measuring almost any physical quantity under the most
densation occur at the saturation temperature or is varied circumstances. Hypersonic wind tunnels present
some degree of supersaturation possible? These are the many instrumentation problems in which physics has
questions which physicists are asked to answer. come to the rescue. For Mach numbers in excess of 5
Some recent progress has been made in this field by the conventional type of pressure-measuring equipment
Williams and McClellan of the NACA Langley Labo- is no longer adequate. Recourse has therefore been
ratory working in an 11-inch hypersonic wind tunnel. made to McLeod gages. In the NACA Ames 10- by 14-
The presence of condensation was first inferred from inch hypersonic wind tunnel (Fig. 5) a battery of 40
surveys to show the variation of pressure as a function of these gages has been mounted on a manometer
of inlet air temperature, and later confirmation was ob- board to facilitate the measurement of 40 pressures at
tained by a simple light-scattering technique illustrated the same time by the adjustment of one common sump.
in Fig. 4. The first experiments indicated a large degree In this way the pressure distributions may be photo-
of supersaturation. The equipment was then refined to graphed in much the same manner as they are on a
make possible measurements of the amount of light conventional U-tube manometer board. The low pres-
scattered at given angles and the amount of light ab- sures are also accompanied by low densities, requiring
sorbed by a volume element at various points along the the use of long wave length X-ray apparatus rather
axis of the stream. From these measurements the par- than the interferometer to determine densities in flow
ticle size and the number of particles per unit volume fields about models.

MAY 1952
18 Test section

mmsm Centrifugal
evacuotors l;if. 5. The NACA
Ames 10- by 14-Incli
Hypersonic Wind Tun-
\ nel.
Vacuum pumps

The Goal of Higher Altitude The thick shock wave is typical of low-density flows.
The physicist's torsion balance has been adapted to
PERATION at ever higher altitudes is a second measure drag forces of the order of one milligram. The
aim of the aircraft designer, and efforts to in- speed of flow has been measured by ionizing a small
crease operating altitude also bring many problems in "lump" of air and electronically timing its travel be-
physics. Missiles have already penetrated to extreme tween two electrodes spaced a known distance apart.
altitudes. If the altitude becomes sufficiently high, air One of the first investigations in this low-density wind
can no longer be considered as a continuous medium. tunnel is described in NACA Technical Note 2244 by
The mean free path of the molecules becomes com- Stalder, Goodwin, and Creager under the title "A Com-
parable with characteristic lengths of the flow, for parison of Theory and Experiment for High-Speed
example boundary layer thickness or shock wave thick- Free-Molecule Flow."
ness. Slip flow will occur at the boundary as the pres-
sure is reduced and ultimately the molecular interac- Speed-Altitude Survey
tion with the boundary must be considered. At very
low pressures the gas may be considered as a stream
of free molecules, to which the classical mathematical N UMEROUS ATTEMPTS have been made to clas-
sify the aerodynamic problems associated with
theory developed by Maxwell, Knudsen, Smoluchowski, the entire range of speed, altitude, and vehicle size, and
Boltzmann, and others may be applied. Slip flows may to map the boundaries between regions in which Rey-
be attacked theoretically by the methods of Chapman nolds number, Mach number, and Knudsen number
and Cowling, Schamberg, and others, which apply to are in turn the predominant controlling parameter.
slightly rarefied gases. Such boundaries are not at all sharp and depend on
At the NACA Ames Laboratory, the University of the body shape. There are wide regions in which the
California at Berkeley, and at other laboratories physi- influences of two or all three of the parameters are
cists are engaged in the experimental exploration of comparable.
low density flows. The Ames low-density wind tunnel When the Mach number is small (less than 0.5) and
uses a type of oil-diffusion pump developed in connec- the Knudsen number is small (less than 10~3), the con-
tion with the atomic bomb program. The pressure- trolling parameter determining the nature of the flow
measuring instrumentation consists of several types of VD
gages, McLeod, Pirani, and ion gages, which were de- field is the Reynolds number R = - , V being the
veloped and first used in physics laboratories. The flow speed, D a linear dimension fixing the scale, p the den-
visualization method used is a direct result of the work sity, and p the viscosity of the fluid. Thus for a circu-
of Dr. Joseph Kaplan of the University of California lar cylinder, if the Reynolds number is unity or less,
at Los Angeles on the afterglow of excited nitrogen gas. the inertia forces are small compared to the viscous
The intensity of the luminescence which persists for an forces, and we have the type of flow known as "creep-
appreciable time after nitrogen is electrically excited to ing" flow. As the Reynolds number is increased, the
states capable of emitting light increases with increas- viscous effect becomes concentrated in a thin laminar
ing density. This phenomenon can be used at low den- boundary layer and elsewhere in the field the inertia
sity to give the same general picture of shock-wave lo- forces predominate. When the Reynolds number reaches
cation and density variation as is given by schlieren about 500,000, the laminar boundary layer becomes
apparatus at higher density. Fig. 6 shows the flow about turbulent before separation and the flow field assumes
a 30° wedge at Mach number 2 and 140 microns of a different configuration. When the Mach number is
mercury stagnation pressure obtained by this method. increased to supersonic values, the same phenomena

Fi>. 7. Boundaries between
Various Aerodynamic Regimes.
Sec text for explanation.

Fig. 6. Photograph of Flow

about 30° Wedge by Active
Nitrogen Technique. Stagna-
tion pressure 140 microns of
mercury, Mach Number 2.

small temperature effect. Thus

kp/pa = 2.32 X 10^+ 1.18 X 1CT" t" inches
where pa is a pressure of one atmosphere. It seems
probable that it may be more useful to express the
Knudsen number in terms of the boundary layer
thickness 8*8 at the stagnation point. For a cylinder
A/8*g = 3.82 y/MK. Thus we may regard M and K as
the basic parameters which appear only in the com-
bination M/K at subsonic speeds and low altitudes.
A rough general survey of the whole domain can
then be obtained by plotting boundary loci on a chart
with M as ordinate and \/D as abscissa as shown in
Fig 7. Logarithmic scales are most convenient since
most of the boundaries are straight lines. The figure
indicates Reynolds number boundaries for creeping
flow, laminar and turbulent boundary layers and A/8*
boundaries for free molecule, slip and continuum flow.
As 8* approaches D, the A/8* is modified to \/D. The
abscissa can be interpreted mainly as an altitude scale
for a given value of D and the ordinate as a speed
scale. As a matter of interest, the operating lines for
a 1-inch and 2-inch model in a supersonic wind tunnel
with atmospheric stagnation pressure are shown. Care
must obviously be taken in the interpretation of meas-
urements in a supersonic wind tunnel in which several
boundaries are crossed as the speed is varied. As previ-
ously mentioned, the boundaries are not sharp and such
a chart is useful only to indicate where difficulties
should be looked for. The effects of aerodynamic heat-
ing have not been included.
occur although the limiting values of Reynolds num-
ber change somewhat because of temperature changes Aircraft Propulsion
produced by the motion.
According to the kinetic theory of gases the viscosity
/i is equal to 0.499 piJX. where v is the mean velocity
craft and missiles is dependent not only on a de-
tailed knowledge of aerodynamics and in particular on
of the molecules and A is their mean free path. The methods of reducing drag by such measures as sweep-
mean velocity v is related to the speed of sound a and ing back the wings and reducing their thickness, but
the ratio of specific heats y by the equation also on the development of power plants of low weight,
high thrust per unit frontal area, and low fuel consump-
tion. Supersonic flight has come with the turbojet and
rocket types of power plant. Engineering development
Hence for air the Reynolds number R is equal to of these power plants has brought to light many prob-
1.486 M/K where M is the Mach number V/a and K lems in whose investigation the interests, techniques,
is the Knudsen number \/D. A is chiefly a function of and outlook of the physicist play a prominent part.
the pressure p, hence of altitude, although there is a These include problems relating to the aerodynamics

MAY 1952 19

of compressors and turbines, to fuels and to their com- roles in the ignition and combustion processes must be
bustion in high speed air streams at rates far exceed- determined both experimentally and theoretically.
ing those present in other industrial devices and at As an example of a new problem for the physicist
very low pressures, to materials for use at tempera- arising in engine development, we may take the fluctua-
tures up to 3500° F, to heat transfer and cooling, to tions in the spray pattern formed by two impinging
friction and high speed bearings, and to controls, sens- jets, described in greater detail by Heidmann and
ing devices for speed, pressure and temperature, and Humphrey of the NACA Lewis Laboratory in NACA
servomechanisms. Technical Note 2349. The combustion process in rocket
As a typical example, development work on com- engines has, under certain operating conditions, ex-
bustors emphasizes the importance of understanding hibited a state of instability, characterized by sustained
the fundamental nature of initiation and propagation oscillations in combustion chamber pressure and thrust
of flames. Some of the problems under study at the at frequencies that vary from approximately 20 up to
NACA Lewis Laboratory and to which physicists might several thousand cycles per second. The low frequency
well devote greater attention are described in the fol- oscillations may be due to resonance in a circuit where
lowing paragraphs. the propellant feed system and the rocket chamber are
A knowledge of the minimum spark ignition energies dynamically coupled. Instability at high frequencies ap-
associated with a wide range of fuel-to-air mass ratios, pears to be associated with the injection and mixing
pressures, temperatures, and other variables is essential process. It was found that when two jets of water im-
to the successful design and operation of ramjet and pinged, a ruffled sheet of liquid was formed with waves
turbojet engines. A program of research is now under perpendicular to the plane of the two jets. The liquid
way to: sheet disintegrated intermittently, forming groups of
(a) measure the minimum spark ignition energies as- drops, which appeared as waves propagating from the
sociated with a quiescent gaseous fuel and air mixture point where the two jets meet. The wave length and
under varying conditions of temperature, pressure, fuel- spacing were variable in random fashion about average
to-air ratio, molecular fuel type, and geometrical con- values but the frequency was approximately constant
figuration of the ignition bomb; over short periods of time at values between 1,000 and
(b) measure the minimum ignition energies associ- 4,000 cycles per second for the range of test condi-
ated with a gaseous fuel and air mixture flowing irro- tions. It appeared that the ruffling of the liquid sheet
tationally past the ignition source, study the effect of persisted to the point of disintegration of the sheet
the variables previously listed; and determined the frequency of the wave formation.
(c) measure the minimum spark ignition energies as- Irregularities in the jets before impingement may be as
sociated with a fuel and air mixture in turbulent flow, instrumental in controlling the ruffling of the liquid
with studies of the effects of the variables previously sheet as is the friction of the air. Here is a problem to
listed; be explored more fully by physicists.
(d) interpret the data in the light of existent theo- One aspect of jet engine fuel performance of great
ries, and to formulate a theory consistent with the practical interest is its tendency to form carbon de-
ignition data as well as with data from allied branches posits in the combustor. A completely satisfactory ex-
of the combustion field. The exact nature of the igni- planation of the carbon formation mechanism in flames
tion process as well as the full meaning of "ignition has yet to be given. If the fundamental molecular proc-
energy" is still a challenge to the physicist. esses giving rise to sooty flames were fully understood,
The maximum thrust available from a jet engine is a significant step towards the improvement of jet en-
closely related to the maximum fundamental flame gine performance and longevity would be possible. Fun-
speed associated with a given fuel and air system. One damental studies of various types of flames are under
technique employed for measuring flame speed utilizes way, with spectroscopic and photographic techniques be-
two photocells, each giving a narrowly collimated view ing employed to obtain data concerning the gross physi-
of a transparent cylindrical flame tube, to turn an elec- cal as well as the molecular properties in the various
tronic counter on and off respectively (Gerstein, Levine, regions of the flames. The role of additives in the sup-
and Wong in Journal of the American Chemical So- pression of carbon formation is also being considered.
ciety, vol. 73, pp. 418, 1951). This yields the time dur- The basic principles of physics are continually uti-
ing the traverse of a known distance by the flame front. lized in the study of lubrication, friction, and wear of
Many problems of instrumentation, interpretation of bearings and gears. Damage to the surfaces of the bear-
data in terms of the geometry of the apparatus and ings and gears is usually more important than the mag-
the aerodynamics and kinetics of the situation are being nitude of the friction. The physical and chemical con-
and remain to be attacked by the physicist. ditions at the surface are of utmost importance in de-
In a liquid-fuel rocket, ignition is obtained spontane- termining the type of surface damage, whether smooth
ously when two fluid jets (fuel and oxidant) contact sliding, shearing of low-shear-strength surface films, or
each other. Assurance of this continuous ignition proc- severe surface adhesion or even welding. Surface films
ess in a rocket combustor depends upon a great multi- of thickness of a few millionths to ten-thousandths of
tude of physical and chemical factors whose individual an inch often form naturally and are of great practical


importance. X-ray and electron diffraction techniques A few examples in this field will illustrate the role of
are used to measure lattice parameters and hence chemi- physics. The property of greatest interest at high tem-
cal composition as well as to detect the presence of pre- perature is creep, yielding of the material at constant
ferred orientation of the molecular constituents. " load. The electron diffraction technique has been ap-
In the propulsion field, a great variety of physical plied to the study of the effect of surface films on the
principles are applied to special experimental tech- creep of a metal crystal. Fig. 8 shows a plot of elonga-
niques. Thus Bundy, Strong, and Gregg of the General tion vs. time for a single crystal of zinc and corre-
Electric Company {Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 22, sponding electron diffraction patterns, first for the crys-
August 1951) combined interferometry and spectros- tal with a surface film of oxide, and then with surface
copy to measure the velocity and pressure of gases in film removed by acid.
a rocket flame. The method was based on the Doppler Aeronautical engineers are greatly interested in prog-
shift of wave length of the sodium or lithium spectral ress in the physics of solids as throwing light on the
radiation from the flame when viewed at different an- mechanisms of plastic flow and creep. The aircraft, en-
gles relative to the flame axis. gine, or missle designer is interested in establishing the
An interesting recent development by Warshawsky relation between stress and strain under polyaxial stress
and Shepard of the NACA Lewis Laboratory is an air- conditions as a function of previous history of loading
cooled thermocouple which can be used to measure and time. Various phenomenological approaches have
temperatures above the melting point of the thermo- been made by applied mathematicians and engineers.
couple material. Three thermocouple junctions are em- The physicist can contribute by investigating the plastic
ployed at the middle and ends of a horizontal wire be- behavior of metals on the basis of the microscopic proc-
tween two supports, the hot gas flow being normal to esses that take place within metallic grains deforming
the wire. The hollow supports are cooled by an air plastically. One of his goals then becomes the synthesis
stream to keep the wire at a temperature well below of a stress-strain relation on the basis of these ele-
the melting point of the material, the heat from the mentary processes; ultimately the physical approach
center being conducted along the thermocouple wire to and the phenomenological approach may be expected
the other junctions located at the cooler supports. In- to yield a common end product.
creased gas temperature requires a higher cooling air- Batdorf and Budiansky (NACA Technical Note
flow rate and a greater temperature difference between 1871) of the NACA Langley Laboratory proposed a
the central junction and the supports. Hence this tem- slip theory derived from physical considerations. The
perature difference is a measure of gas temperature at assumption was made that plastic deformation is due
a fixed Mach number and pressure. wholly to slip along crystallographic planes of indi-
vidual metal crystals, that slip is caused by shear stress
Aircraft Materials and Structures only, that the magnitude of the slip depends upon the
magnitude of the stress, and that the slip of a par-
A T EXTREMELY HIGH SPEEDS aerodynamic ticular crystal is not influenced by that of neighboring
•**• heating will increase temperatures to the point crystals. The plastic deformation of the material as a
where the commonly used materials lose a large per- whole is then considered to be given by the cumulative
centage of their strength. Likewise the introduction of effect of the slip that has occurred in all of the crystals.
thin wings and unusual plan forms yields more flexible While the experimental checks of the theory have given
structures with interactions between structural defor-
mation and aerodynamic loads. Vibration and flutter
problems become more severe. New materials must be
sought and potentially available materials such as the
stainless steels and titanium alloys must be thoroughly
exploited and evaluated. Thermal insulation and cool-
ing of the structure become possible methods of at-
tack on the design problem.
In engine materials, the field of high-temperature
alloys is of special significance. During the last war,
American manufacturers turned out 257,000 piston en-
gines for airplanes in a single year. If the present emer-
gency were to worsen to the point where even 100,000
of the higher-powered jet engines had to be built an-
nually, it would be necessary to cut down on the
amounts of the strategic materials, columbium, cobalt,
tungsten, chromium, and nickel used in their manufac-
ture. This problem is under vigorous attack and physi-
cists play an important role in alloy development and
evaluation and in the study of alternate methods of
frig. S. Influence of Surface Layer
dealing with the problem such as turbine blade cooling. on Creep of Single Crystal of Zinc.

MAY 1952

agreement in some cases, and have been disappointing

in others, it is felt that this type of approach is worthy
of further study.
A typical modern structures problem is that of avoid-
ing flutter, a self-induced sometimes catastrophic vibra-
tion of the structure. This field affords many illustra-
tions of the role of classical mechanics applied under
rather unusual circumstances. The necessity for includ-
ing both aerodynamic and structural terms in the analy-
sis of the rather flexible structures of aircraft and mis-
siles leads to nonsymmetric cross-coupling terms and
to such difficulties as non-sclf-adjoint differential equa- Fig. JO. Typical Spectrum and
Oscillogram of Propeller Noise.
tions, a field only slightly investigated. The theory of
nonsteady or oscillatory airflows is based on appropri-
ate distributions of moving acoustic sources and dou-
blets corresponding to those appearing in classical wave
propagation formulas. To obtain good measurements of 2458); the other is based on the principle of inertia
the oscillating air forces or pressures on a wing at high separation in a low speed air stream {NACA Research
Mach numbers requires excellent instrumentation and Memorandum E51G05). Cameras designed for use in
exacting techniques which physicists are well qualified flight have been developed by both the NACA Lewis
to devise. One useful experimental technique is the use Laboratory and the Canadian National Research Coun-
of Freon-12 as a test medium in conjunction with ad- cil to photograph cloud droplets in a natural suspension
mixed air and variable density in a flutter wind tunnel. in the atmosphere (NACA Research Memorandum
ESOKOla). Droplets of diameter greater than 5 mi-
crons are recorded.
Aircraft Icing Problems
The effect of droplet size and impurities on the freez-

T HERE ARE many challenging problems in phys-

ics arising in the operation and use of aircraft. It
is desired to fly aircraft in all kinds of weather. We are
ing temperature of water droplets supported by a
metallic surface has been investigated (NACA Tech-
nical Notes 2142 and 2234). It has been found that on
immediately confronted with problems of the physics the average the smaller droplets supercool to lower
of clouds because clouds can cause ice formation on the temperatures than the large droplets, especially for
aircraft, interference with radar operation, turbulence, droplets below about 60 microns in diameter. In ad-
and limitation of visibility. Studies are under way at dition there is wide variation in the freezing tempera-
the NACA Lewis Laboratory on the liquid-water con- tures of droplets of a given size because of the effect
tent, droplet size, and droplet size distribution found of impurities which are present in the water or come
in natural clouds, on the physical properties of super- in contact with its surface. Fig. 9 shows droplets on a
cooled water, on the measurement of water vapor, and cooled plate at — 10° F. The droplets range in size
on the physical mechanism of icing. from 8 to S00 microns and those that are liquid can be
Two methods of measuring droplet size have recently distinguished by the highlights on the surface whereas
been developed which work at temperatures above freez- the frozen ones are opaque or milky white. The largest
ing. One employs a coronal discharge to put electro- drop froze at 0° C.
static charges on the cloud droplets which are then col- A preliminary photographic study of the freezing of
lected by suitable electrodes (NACA Technical Note droplets falling freely in a cold air stream yielded sta-
tistical results in rough agreement with those for drop-
lets on a metallic surface. X-ray diffraction studies of
the internal structure of supercooled water indicate that
the internal structure becomes progressively more ice-
like as the temperature is lowered.
The most frequent form of aircraft icing occurs in
flight through clouds composed of supercooled liquid
water droplets. Upon impact with exposed parts of the
air plane the droplets freeze and adhere to the surface.
The mechanism of droplet interception by an airfoil is
a process of inertia separation.

Reduction of Aircraft Noise

Fig. 9. Water Droilets \ NOTHER OPERATING PROBLEM of great cur-
Freezing on a Cooled Plate.
•£*• rent interest is that of reducing the noise of air-
craft. A few years ago NACA considered the problem


of reducing the noise reaching the ground from light lished a basis for the study of the possible reduction of
air planes in order to remove an objection to the con- propeller noise. The major factor is the tip speed of
struction of small airports in or near residential areas. the propeller and the only known method of large re-
Since then the increasing speed and power of transport duction of propeller noise is to reduce the tip speed.
aircraft and the development of still higher-powered Supersonic propellers, though extremely noisy, give less
jet airplanes have focused attention on the aircraft noise than would be estimated by extrapolation of the
noise problem more generally. The principal sources of data at lower tip speeds. In any practical case reduc-
airplane noise are the engine exhaust and the propeller, tion of tip speed requires increasing the number of
and little improvement can be made unless both sources blades, decreasing the propeller diameter as much as
are attacked. possible, and decreasing rotational speed. Gearing to
To reduce exhaust noise requires the development of the engine may be required with considerable weight
suitable mufflers. Limitations on weight, size, and tol- penalty and possibly decreased performance of the air-
erable engine power loss are much more stringent for craft in takeoff and climb. Reasonable compromises
airplane mufflers than for the automobile mufflers cus- have been demonstrated {NACA Technical Note 2079)
tomarily designed by cut-and-try methods. The prob- for small light airplanes, but it does not as yet seem
lem was attacked by Davis, Stevens, and Moore of the feasible or safe to apply the same measures to large
NACA Langley Laboratory, on the basis of the modern high-powered aircraft. Much more research and de-
acoustics theory of the physicists, using the filter theo- velopment is required.
ries of Stewart and Mason. For mufflers of a size suit- The basic physical data on the spectrum and direc-
able for light airplanes the filter elements may be tional characteristics of propellers and jets are avail-
treated as lumped impedances while wave propagation able. Thus Fig. 10 shows a typical spectrum of the
theory is applied to the main duct connecting the ele- noise from a propeller, showing the periodic character
ments. For larger mufflers the wave theory must be of the noise and the concentration of the energy at
used for the filter elements as well. Excessive sound the harmonic frequencies of the fundamental. By con-
pressures reduce the attenuation below the value com- trast the typical spectrum of the noise from a jet en-
puted by linear theory, and for the larger mufflers gine shows the completely random character of the
which would be required for engines of transport air- noise and the absence of spectral lines. For the pro-
craft, the wave propagation is governed by a nonlinear peller the noise is maximum in the plane of the pro-
differential equation. While successful mufflers appear peller; for the jet the maximum is at a moderate angle
feasible for small low-powered aircraft, a satisfactory to the axis of the jet.
solution for the higher-powered engines has not yet From such data the noise levels to be expected under
been obtained. A report on this work is in preparation. various circumstances can be predicted for points both
The sound spectrum and spatial distribution of pro- inside and outside the airplane. With present knowledge
peller noise may be determined theoretically for the the engineer can only inform the general public that all
case of a rotating propeller on an aircraft at rest high-powered sources of energy make a great deal of
(NACA Technical Memorandum 1195). The propeller noise, and that the known effective measures for re-
is represented by a ring of acoustic doublets whose ducing or isolating the noise in the neighborhood of
strength is directly proportional to the torque and such a source are much too heavy to be used on air-
thrust of the propeller. This theory and confirmatory craft. The only certain method of reduction is more
measurements (NACA Technical Note 1354) has estab- distance between the source and the observer. Both

MAY 1952

aeronautical engineer and citizen look hopefully to the Conclusion

physicist for new physical principles which might be
applied to this problem. Engineers and scientists of the
aeronautical industry and government aeronautical agen- T HIS VIEW of aeronautical research and develop-
ment through glasses which transmit only prob-
cies are devoting much effort to noise reduction, but lems in physics reveals a fertile field with no lack of
the laws of acoustics restrict the possibilities regard- opportunity for physicists to make large contributions.
less of the effort. A complete survey would require a book rather than a
The NACA has been successful, with aid of physicists single paper; hence only a few examples have been
Bolt and Beranek of the Acoustics Laboratory of the given of the application of existing physical knowledge,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in solving a of problems in physics arising from the resolution of
very severe noise problem in the ground testing of large engineering problems into their component physical
ramjet engines in a large supersonic wind tunnel. Helm- sub-problems, and of the great indebtedness of aero-
holtz resonators in the frequency range of 4 to 10 cy- nautics to physics for its tools of measurement. For se-
cles per second were designed and tested in a model of curity reasons and to fulfill better the aim of this paper,
one-twelfth the proposed full scale. Noise attenuations emphasis has been placed on the longer range prob-
predicted from the small scale experiments were real- lems. This has given a very distorted view of the pres-
ized in the final muffler. Fig. 11 shows a general view ent content of aeronautical research and development
of the exit cone of the wind tunnel and its muffler, and of the activities of the National Advisory Com-
while the cover of this journal shows a photograph at mittee for Aeronautics in particular. Nevertheless, if
the intersection of the exit cone and the remainder of only a few of the physicists who read this paper are
the muffler. A glance at the large and massive construc- stimulated to work in areas of importance to aero-
tion shows clearly the large gap between this highly nautics, a substantial contribution will have been made
successful muffler and a device suitable to be carried to the quality of future aircraft and hence to our na-
in an airplane. tional security.

Fig. tl. Typical Spectrum and Oscillograra of Jet Noise.


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