JEE Online Coaching For NRI

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JEE Courses in India | UAE | Oman | KSA | Qat ar | Kuwait & Bahrain REQUEST DEMO

Course Name For Grade Durat ion St art ing On Det ails

JEE 1 Yr. Course 12t h 480 Hrs. / 1 Yr. 20/12/2018 Det ails

JEE 2 Yr. Course 11t h 704 Hrs. / 2 Yr. 17/12/2018 Det ails

JEE Foundat ion Course 10t h 390 Hrs. / 1 Yr. 17/12/2018 Det ails

JEE Online Test Series 12t h No Live Classes Open Det ails

JEE Crash Course 12t h 90 Hrs. 17/12/2018 Det ails

JEE Dist ance Learning Program 12t h 60 Hours - Det ails

Event s of JEE Mains First At t empt Dat es Second At t empt Dat es

JEE 2019 Brochure Released Dat e 30/8/2018 30/8/2018

Last Dat e To Submit JEE Applicat ions Form upt o

01.09.2018 t o 30.09.2018 08.02.2019 t o 07.03.2019
11.50 p.m.

JEE Admit Card Availabilit y From 17.12.2018 -

Dat e f or successf ul final t ransact ion of f ee t ill

01.09.2018 t o 01.10.2018 08.02.2019 t o 08.03.2019
11.50 p.m.

Bet ween 06.01.2019 (Sunday) t o 20.01.2019 Bet ween 06.04.2019 (Sunday), t o 20.04.2019
Dat es of Examinat ion
(Sunday) (Sat urday)

Declarat ion of Result on NTA’s websit e By 31st January, 2019 By 30t h April, 2019

Event s of JEE Advanced Dat es

Released of JEE Advanced 2019 Admit Card Second week of May 2019

Last Dat e t o Download JEE Advanced Admit Card Second week of May 2019

JEE Advanced 2019 Exam May 19, 2019 ( 9am t o 12 pm & 2pm t o 5pm)

Our JEE Toppers From Gulf

Kiran Batra Mansoor Ahmed Mohd. Junaid Mohit Sethi

Dubai | JEE Rank 1205 Doha | JEE Rank 1609 Kuwait | JEE Rank 2101 Dubai | JEE Rank 2809

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JEE Coaching Det ails

_ Course Summary
We feel happy for being a most trusted and result oriented Online JEE preparation Coaching classes in Middle Eastern nations among the NRI
understudies and guardians.

Our JEE preparation online classes is a place were we not only teach “How To Do” stuff,but we also teach “What To Do + T ime
Management” as well. Our problem solving approach stands you out from the crowd and help you in achieving the incredible score in JEE

We follow the diff erent teaching pedagogy for JEE NRI students so they understand it easily, which make them prepare for the cut throat
competition as well as help in scoring the good marks in jEE examination.

There is a huge diff erence between the education level in Middle East and in India, so we designed our curriculum for JEE exam by keeping this
diff erences in mind.

[ JEE Course Features

1 Live & Online Classes 2 Highly-Qualified Facult y

3 St udy Mat erial 4 Online Test Series

5 Doubt Removal Sessions 6 Class Recording

7 PTM Sessions 8 Revision Classes

 JEE Course Overview

Live and Int eract ive Online classes:
We provide st udent s a live and int eract ive classroom experience all at home. St udent s just need t o be online on lapt op or pc et c. It easy t o
manage t he Test prepKart st udent account , you can see all your upcoming classes, past classes, st udy mat erial, online t est series et c. all in one

JEE Highly-Qualified Facult y:

We have t he most qualified and highly experienced group of f acult y members t hey all are x IITs/BITS Pilani and ot her t op ranked Engineering
inst it ut es wit h t he best grasp on t he JEE preparat ion st rat egies and hold 15 years of experience. They all are expert s in t heir core subject s.

St udy Mat erial:

St udent s get t heir JEE st udy mat erial are designed by t he expert s f rom exam point s of view and it st ruct ured and designed in such a way t hat
it would be easy t o underst and by t he st udent s. All t he st udy mat erial were uploaded in t he st udent ’s account s on Test prepKart . In cases
where t he hard copy of st udy mat erial is request ed – It will be sent by courier.

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Online Test Series f or JEE:
We conduct online Test Series at a regular int ervals so t hat we can analyse t he st udent ’s weaknesses and st rengt hs and t ake st eps t o
overcome t hrough it . Test papers were consist of MCQs of 3 hours .This regular basis of t est remove t he f ear of t he exam and boost t he
confidence of t he st udent s f or t he final JEE exam. We cover f ull syllabus in t he t est series

Doubt Removal Sessions:

We do Doubt removal session on t he periodic basis bef ore and af t er t he online class. In Doubt Clearing sessions we give ext ra at t ent ion and
guidance t o t hose st udent s Who need ext ra help.

Class Recordings:
Our All classes conduct ed on Test prepKart f or JEE preparat ion is recorded and updat ed in candidat es account wit h in 24 hours .

PTM Sessions:
We do t imely PTM session so t hat parent s can also be updat es about t heir children progress.

Revision Classes:
We conduct revision classes t ime t o t ime f or st udent s so t hat t hey can revision t he concept s.

: JEE Subject Test Topics Covered:

JEE Mains Physics Syllabus
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JEE Mains Chemist ry Syllabus

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JEE Mains Mat h Syllabus

View Topics Det ails

JEE Advanced Physics Syllabus

View Topics Det ails

JEE Advanced Chemist ry Syllabus

View Topics Det ails

JEE Advanced Mat h Syllabus

View Topics Det ails

[ JEE Tutors
1 Physics Tut ors +14

2 Chemist ry Tut ors +12

3 Mat h Tut ors +12

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St udent s / Parent s Reviews

` Test prepkart is a wonderf ul ` Test prepkart Teacher kept ` My son was f acing ` We were glad t hat we
place t o if you are planning t o my daught er on t rack during problems in preparat ion Of JEE made a right decision t o
crack JEE exam, t eachers over t he preparat ion of JEE exam exam because in Dubai most of enrolled our son in
f t here always give a t ime t o t he Classes. Facult y was always t he offline coaching classes Test prepkart online JEE
ot st udent s t o solve all t heir posit ive and kept her inspire were not up t o t he mark which classes . They provide
doubt and quarries. I scored t oward his goal and she can help in cracking JEE exam complet e abst ract of subject s,
300/360 in t he JEE exam and scored 290/300 in JEE exam. and get admission in t op st udy mat erial in a easy
t hat 's all just because of Thank you so much f or making collage t hen Test prepkart Leave
help a Message
language and st rat egies t o
in TesTprepkart f acult y guidance a difference in my daught er’s him wit h t here online JEE solve t he paper f ast which is
and support s. Thanks a lot lif e Tesprekart and help her in preparat ion classes and he definit ely a complet e
Test prepkart . clearing t he JEE ent rance scored really good marks just Mast erclass f or t hose
ty exam. because of your effort s, st udent s who want t o Crack
ey Vipin Nagar from dubai t hanks a lot Test prepkart . JEE exam.
t St udent ’s Test prepKart ID Kamal Father Of Tanu
– TPKJ555 St udent ’s Test prepKart ID Mother of abdul Mother of raj
– TPKJ300 St udent ’s Test prepKart ID St udent ’s Test prepKart ID
– TPKJ260 – TPKJ900


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Import ant For JEE:

JEE Exam Info 2019 & 2020 JEE Exam Brochure 2019 JEE Free Preparation JEE Main Discussion Forum

JEE Advanced Discussion Forum

Most JEE St udent s From:

Delt a English School
Addre s s : S116 - She ikh Khalifa Bin Zaye d Road, Ne ar the Ame rican Unive rs ity of Sharjah, Muwailih Comme rcial - Sharjah,Phone : 06 535 9244


Addre s s : Mus cat, Oman,Phone : +968 24 585277

Delhi Privat e School, Sharjah

Addre s s : De lhi Private School Sharjah Indus trial Are a 16 - Sharjah,Phone : 06 534 5352

Springdales School Dubai

Addre s s : Al Quoz 4,Ne ar Jume ira Unive rs ity - Dubai,Phone : 04 338 1311

Gulf Asian English School

Addre s s : Maliha Rd, Ne ar De lhi Private School, Muwailih Comme rcial - Sharjah,Phone : 06 534 0000

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JEE Academic Head:
JEE Academic Head:

Physics: Prof. Ajay Garg

Chemistry: Prof. Vanita Kulkarni

Biology: Prof. Sunit Maiti

Cont act Us
N inf o@t est prepkart .com
 +91 - 8800 1234 92

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