Journal de Tribologia STLE

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The document discusses various topics related to tribology including filter debris analysis, nanoscale surface engineering, foamy foams in lubrication, organomolybdenum additives, and friction in fabrics.

The article discusses how filter debris analysis (FDA) technology, which has prevented aviation catastrophes for decades, could be adopted by the wind turbine industry to improve reliability and reduce maintenance costs.

The study finds that friction in knitted fabrics proceeds through stick-slip events at the yarn contacts, and that the elastic forces of the fabric bring it back to its minimum energy configuration through collective relaxation events.



Will the wind turbine
industry adopt a technology
of publishing excellence that’s averted airline
catastrophes for

CMF Plus
Research from the
lubricant industry’s
most innovative


Nanoscale surface engineering

Q&A with Dr. Min Zou

Fighting foamy foam

Bubble-bursting strategies

Organomolybdenum in lubricants
New uses for versatile chemistry

Friction in fabrics
How stick-slip equals comfort

Going small on education

STLE embraces micro learning

You’ve got 45 seconds—go!

Perfecting your elevator speech

Digital TLT: Sponsored this month by Acme-Hardesty at


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TLT / NOVEMBER 2018 / VOLUME 74 / NO. 11



18 45 9 Sulfurized Additives: Adapting to

changing market conditions
By Dr. Neil Canter

18 Min Zou
This Arkansas professor explains
why nanoscale surface engineering
provides performance that
macro- or microscale can’t match.
By Rachel Fowler

22 What’s so bad about foamy foams?
Plenty. Fortunately, formulators
have several bubble-bursting
By Dr. Robert M. Gresham

24 Effective use of organomolybdenum
additives in lubricants
These versatile and non-toxic
chemistries solve difficult friction
problems and enhance the
performance of other additives.
By Dr. Nancy McGuire

34 Filter debris analysis:
From aircraft to wind turbines
FDA has prevented aviation
catastrophes for years. Experts
say it’s about time the wind
industry got on board.
By Jeanna Van Rensselar

45 16th Annual CMF Plus
Nine of the industry’s most
innovative companies recap
presentations from STLE’s 2018
Commercial Marketing Forum.


86 Modeling Wear State Evolution
Using Real-Time Wear Debris
By Shuo Wang, Tonghai Wu,
Hongkun Wu and Ngaiming Kwok

Front Cover photo © Can Stock Photo / WDGPhoto & peshkov



12 Tech Beat by Dr. Neil Canter

• Writing a wear sensor
into a machine
• 3D printing of lithium-ion
battery electrodes
• Centrifugal magnetic fluid seals.

102 Newsmakers
• ExxonMobil
• The Timken Co.
• Afton Chemical
• Pilot Chemical and more.

114 New Products

• Synthesis of DMTD derivatives
• Additive package
• Spindle alignment lasers.

116 Sounding Board

If you could create a new tribological
test, what would you make that would COLUMNS
most benefit lubrication engineers in
their work? 6
6 President’s Report
122 Advertisers Index You want education?
We got education.
124 Resources
• Technical Books 8 From the Editor
– Physical Chemistry for Engineering A brush with history
and Applied Sciences:
Theoretical and Methodological 10 Headquarters Report
Implications STLE goes small on
– Beyond Oil and Gas: The education
Methanol Economy, 3rd Edition
128 Career Coach
• STLE Local Section You’ve got 45 seconds to
Meeting Calendar & tell me about yourself—go!
Certification Exams
• Industry Conferences and Courses 132 On Condition Monitoring
– ELGI & STLE Tribology Education Complexity in ISFA
Course (in-service fluid analysis):
Part XLI
– ICETAT 2018
– TriboBR 2018 136 Worldwide
– OilDoc Conference & Exhibition Friction in fabrics

Copyright © 2018 Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. All Rights Reserved.
TLT magazine is owned and published in print and electronically by the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE). The views set forth in this magazine are those of the authors and not necessarily
the views of STLE. Material from TLT magazine may be reproduced only with written permission from STLE. TLT magazine assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete
information. For more information, contact us at [email protected].
Subscription and Single Copies: Current volume single copies are $25 (not including shipping and handling). Annual subscription rate is $236/U.S., $305/international. Prepayment is required before
subscription is started. Remittances from foreign countries must be by international money order or bank draft drawn on U.S. bank.
Tribology & Lubrication Technology (USPS 865740) Vol. 74, Number 11, (ISSN-1545-858), is published monthly by the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, 840 Busse Hwy, Park Ridge, IL 60068-2376.
Periodicals Postage is Paid at Park Ridge, IL and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tribology and Lubrication Technology, 840 Busse Hwy, Park Ridge, IL 60068-2376.


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Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
“Educating lubrication engineers & tribology researchers since 1944”
STLE International Headquarters
840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, Illinois 60068-2376
Phone: 847-825-5536 • Fax: 847-825-1456 • • [email protected]

Evan Zabawski, CLS TestOil [email protected]

Thomas T. Astrene [email protected]

Rachel Fowler [email protected]


Jeanna Van Rensselar

Dr. Neil Canter, Dr. Robert M. Gresham, Dr. Nancy McGuire

Gregory Croce, Dr. Edward P. Becker, Ken Pelczarski, Jack Poley,
Edward P. Salek, Dr. Nicholas D. Spencer, Dr. Wilfred T. Tysoe, R. David Whitby

Myrna Scott, Nadine Sanchez (847) 825-5536

Tracy Nicholas VanEe Phone: (630) 922-3459 Fax: (630) 904-4563 [email protected]

Joe Ruck

Dr. William Anderson Afton Chemical Corp. [email protected]
Dr. John Bomidi Baker Hughes, a GE company [email protected]
Michelle Brakke Lubrication Technologies Inc. [email protected]
Patrick Brutto Faith-Full MWF Consulting [email protected]
Dr. Jose Castillo Aleris Corp. [email protected]
Dr. Geetha Chimata Imatrex Inc. [email protected]
Bridget Dubbert Engineered Lubricants Co. [email protected]
Dr. Alan Eachus Self-employed [email protected]
Dr. Philip Egberts University of Calgary [email protected]
Dr. Monica A. Ford Ingevity [email protected]
Dr. Hamed Ghaednia Ford Motor Co. [email protected]
Dr. Arnab Ghosh Sentient Science [email protected]
Dr. Martin Greaves The Dow Chemical Co. [email protected]
Dr. Ken Hope Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. LP [email protected]
Dr. Mohammad Motaher Hossain Texas A&M University-Kingsville [email protected]
Tyler Housel Zschimmer & Schwarz, Inc. [email protected]
Dr. Harman Khare University of Pennsylvania [email protected]
Dr. Anoop Kumar Chevron Corp. [email protected]
David Lindsay Afton Chemical Corp. [email protected]
Jory Maccan Imperial Oil [email protected]
Brad McCann Nelson Oil Co. [email protected]
Shawn McCarthy Ocean State Oil [email protected]
Les Miller SKF/Kaydon Bearings [email protected]
Dr. Hamidreza Mohseni CARBO Ceramics Inc. [email protected]
Rob Morien Rexnord [email protected]
Jason Papacek Calumet Specialty Products Partners, L.P. [email protected]
Dr. Steven Patton University of Dayton Research Institute [email protected]
2018 CMF Plus
Brian Pettinato Elliott Group [email protected]
Dr. Donald T. Robertson BG Products, Inc.
New research from the lubricant Doug Sackett Total Lubricants USA [email protected]
industry’s most innovative companies. Dr. Richard F. Salant Georgia Institute of Technology [email protected]
Dr. Eugene Scanlon BASF [email protected]
Dr. Raj Shah Koehler Instrument Co. [email protected]
See Page 45. Dr. Shuangwen Sheng National Renewable Energy Laboratory [email protected]
Dr. Don Smolenski Strategic Management of Oil, LLC [email protected]
Edward Sunghing Chem-Ecol, Ontario, Canada [email protected]
Dr. Simon C. Tung Tung Innovation Technology Consulting Inc. [email protected]
Dr. Rohit Voothaluru The Timken Co. [email protected]
Dr. Dehua Yang Ebatco [email protected]
Follow STLE on: Dr. Guosong Zeng Lehigh University [email protected]



You want education? We got education.

STLE followed a three-point strategy to create the
lubricant industry’s highest level of technical training.

By Greg Croce

A couple of articles back I STLE’s Education

mentioned that I thought cer- Committee has created
a slate of 12 industry-
tification was STLE’s top offer
specific courses for the
to the lubricants industry. I still 2019 STLE Annual Meeting
contend that is true. However, & Exhibition in Nashville,
as we all realized several years Tenn.
back, you really cannot have a
world-class certification pro-
gram if you don’t have some 10 different subject areas, all
sort of education program to double peered reviewed. It is all
go with it. Now, of course, you on and available
could, as STLE showed when we to members and non-members
first launched certification with- (members get some free con-
out a comprehensive education tent). If you haven’t reviewed
program, but it really isn’t the this yet, I highly suggest you
way for us to meet our mission. do; it is very well done.
As you might know, prior to The third initiative was to
and while on STLE’s Executive create an STLE-owned course,
Committee, I also served on our move to 11 courses, and now case someone needs to fill in). a course we can offer through
Education Committee. When I we’re up to 12 course at the an- I’m happy to say we are more the year and pass on to qualified
joined there were several great nual meeting! than 50% through the courses! individuals at the local section
initiatives started, a few added The first thing we did was The second thing we did, level for their education course.
and still a lot to come. Let me polish course content. The typi- which I am most proud of (and We formed the Lubricant Spe-
first say, STLE always had a cal way a course would come I had the least to contribute to), cialist Education Training Com-
great metalworking education together was for our course was the creation of the STLE mittee (LSET). Its job—develop
program in place thanks to the chairs to contact various people Learning Pathways. In the past, a one-day course, STLE-owned,
they knew and ask them to pre- candidates seeking certification peer reviewed, with speakers
You can’t have pare a module and show up at would ask what they could do notes, etc. I am proud to say it is
a world-class the annual meeting to present. to prepare for the exams. We done; we held a course last year,
Problems we ran into included would always answer by say- and one is scheduled for Octo-
certification program
overlap of content between ing, “Well, first of all, the exam ber. The next steps are to open
without an education modules, missing key informa- requires that you have work the course to local sections and
program to go with it. tion, different formats and, oh, experience supported by self- expand it to at least two days,
the fun of a speaker getting learning.” Unfortunately we maybe even three!
Metalworking Education and pulled away on work and not then would give them a list of As you can see there is
Training Committee; so much of showing up. 20 books to read. plenty going on to provide our
what we improved upon for the So we started an effort The Education Committee members with the tools to Con-
rest of our education program (not finished yet) to work with came up with the great idea of nect, Learn, Achieve.
was modeled after what that instructors to improve each giving candidates a sort of syl- Until next time, keep learning!
group had already done. course by (1.) starting with a labus of things they need to re-
We started our annual meet- syllabus, (2.) using common view to tackle the self-education Greg Croce is Delo Brand
ing education program by pro- format for all modules, (3.) portion of preparedness. We technical manager for
viding 10 courses on various peer reviewing all modules formed a rather large group of Chevron Products Co. in
key subject areas in basic and (for overlap and content) and, experts and developed three Richmond, Calif. You can reach
advanced levels. We decided to finally, adding speaker notes (in levels of content for more than him at [email protected].


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A brush with history

A look at the early days of White Oil.

By Evan Zabawski it called “The Smooth Tooth Paste.”

In one 1919 ad, Nulyne claimed
Chlorox “purges where the search-
Due to the rising popularity of ing brush cannot reach” and would
Vaseline in the 1870s, refiners give “that clean taste” and smokers
at the Russian oil center of Baku would not have “smoker’s taste.” In
sought to develop a similar prod- another ad, the company added that
uct, but they were met with an each tube contained “290 inches of
impossible hurdle. Vaseline was creamy cleanser” that was “milled
made from Pennsylvania crude, to assure perfect smoothness.”
which consists of linear, branched By March 1920 Nulyne changed
chain aliphatic hydrocarbons, spe- the slogan to “The Milled-in-Oil
cifically the waxy paraffinic chains, Tooth Cleaner” and its ads stated,
but Baku crude consists of cyclic “Chlorox contains a wonderful ele-
naphthenic hydrocarbons that are ment…White Russian Oil.” A later ad
essentially wax free and will not stated, “The secret of its wonderful
solidify at room temperature. cleansing power is the white miner-
This unique composition was al oil in the paste” and that “Chlorox
studied by Russian chemist Vladi- is the only toothpaste which permits
mir V. Markownikov who developed you to ‘oil your teeth.’” In February
a chemical process for purifying 1921 a preferred stock offering flyer
the lubricating oil portion of Baku claimed Nulyne was manufacturing
crude oil. He found he could react 300,000 tubes of Chlorox toothpaste
out all the chemically active com- each day.
ponents by agitating the oil with When Nulyne managers tried
fuming sulfuric acid, rendering the to register the trademark for Chlo-
remaining oil colorless, odorless rox, they were promptly sued by
and tasteless. “A new product to compete in the lucrative cosmetic the Electro-Alkaline Co. (makers
The Branobel refinery in Baku, and pharmaceutical markets.” of a bleach product called Clorox,
built in 1875 by Robert and Ludwig for which they would rename the
Nobel, brothers of Alfred Nobel, company in 1928). The case is now
produced lubricating oils to compete with Belgium. This arrangement worked very cited as an example of trademark law where
Pennsylvania oils; with Markownikov’s dis- well until the Great War, when the exports “a prior use of a trademark will also be de-
covery, some of the lubricating oil was pu- almost stopped completely. nied protection where he seeks to apply
rified into a new product to compete in the In 1917 L. Sonneborn Sons, Inc., (now his mark to dissimilar goods which he had
lucrative cosmetic and pharmaceutical mar- Witco Corp.) began refining White Oil in never contemplated as an extension of his
kets. By 1878 this oil was traded in Europe Petrolia, Pa. Just a few weeks later, the business and to which the mark has been
as “Vaseline Oil” but was known in the U.S. Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) (later merging and applied by another in good faith.” In short,
as “Russian Oil.” becoming Amoco, now BP) would also start Nulyne prevailed because bleach products
In the 1880s another Baku refiner, producing White Oil at its Whiting Refinery would not be used in oral hygiene products.
Oehlrich and Co., referred to its product as near Chicago, creating a resurgence in sup- Today White Oil continues to be used
“White Vaseline Oil” and eventually sim- ply and popularity. in cosmetics and pharmaceutical applica-
ply “White Oil.” To better serve shipping Among the more unique uses of White tions—but not toothpaste.
to the higher-demand market westward Oil came from the O.F. Schmid Chemical Co.,
from Russia, Oehlrich and Co. relocated established in 1901 in Jackson, Mich. In 1919 Evan Zabawski, CLS, is the senior
their refinery to Riga (now in Latvia) and the company changed its name to Nulyne technical advisor for TestOil in Calgary,
built another in Hamburg, Germany, while Laboratories and marketed its own tooth- Alberta, Canada. You can reach him at
the Nobel brothers built one in Antwerp, paste under the brand name Chlorox, which [email protected].



Sulfurized Additives: Adapting to changing market conditions

I am disappointed in the cover I have been in the lubricant of sulfurized additives and com- In my view, sulfurized ad-
headline of the October 2018 is- industry for nearly 35 years panies who formulate automotive ditives will continue to make
sue of TLT that states So Long, and much of that time has been and industrial lubricants continue strong contributions to the lu-
Sulfur, the subhead on the cov- spent working with sulfurized to use them by adapting to chang- bricant industry in the future. I
er and the article titled Smarter additives. These additives can ing market conditions and trends. would welcome a future article
Sulfur. They present the reader provide excellent extreme pres- These companies have been able on sulfurized additives that
with a very confusing picture sure characteristics and also to maximize the benefits of sulfu- helps our membership learn
about the state of sulfur-based can act as secondary antioxi- rized additives while minimizing more about how to work with
additives. The general content dants. Both of these attributes their vulnerabilities. them.
in the article also raised con- have been documented in past The lubricant industry has
cerns from multiple angles. issues of TLT. followed a similar process in Sincerely,
Misleading information was Sulfurized additives have working with other base stocks
shared that seemed to be con- their strengths and weaknesses and additives. This balancing act Neil Canter
tradictory with the headline like most other additives used in in formulating lubricants is one of Chemical Solutions
and title of the article. the lubricant industry. Suppliers our industry’s greatest strengths. Willow Grove, Pa.

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STLE goes small on education

Trend spotters view micro learning as the future
of professional development.

By Edward P. Salek, CAE online resource library for lubri-

Executive Director cation industry professionals to
help align and target their edu-
STLE is all about technical edu- cation and career development
cation. That’s why learning is needs. Pathways include educa-
designated as one of the three tional resources that have been
pillars of our value proposition: peer-reviewed and organized by
Connect, Learn, Achieve. As a topic area and level of expertise.
result, STLE is considered the Included are Webinars, short
foremost provider of non-com- courses, articles, in-person
mercial technical education to courses and book chapters.
the lubrication field. People who are already us-
What people learn through ing this new resource like its
our organization will always be flexibility (you can learn at your
STLE’s primary consideration. own pace anywhere you have a
But how people choose to learn device that can access the In-
continues to change for work- ternet), its accessibility (online

© Can Stock Photo / diego_cervo

ers and needs careful consid- technical resources are avail-
eration, according to experts in able 24/7) and usefulness as a
the field of professional devel- guide through the information
opment and education. needed for STLE certification.
The ASAE Foundation, a For more information, see
nonprofit entity that provides the Learning Pathways quick
future-oriented research for guide available at
the association profession, has Members like STLE’s online Learning Pathways program because it allows While micro learning looks
identified 46 drivers of change them to advance at their own speed. Pathways includes Webinars, short likely to grow in popularity, the
courses, articles, in-person courses and book chapters.
important to organizations like report also points to some un-
STLE. A portion of the research certainties that could become
deals with content, learning and that direction with the introduc- for more details and download stumbling blocks to widespread
knowledge and looks at how this tion in 2018 of the free 365 Mo- instructions. adoption. One of these is the
might affect how people will bile App. It can turn your mobile Another aspect of the trend question of how to avoid poor
learn, network and gain new phone or tablet into a powerful deals with organization of infor- teaching and make sure that in-
information in the future. micro learning delivery system. mation. According to the ASAE formation provided is credible
One of the predicted chang- As the name implies, users can report, “Systems will be need- and accurate.
es refers to a shifting prefer- get access to the society’s vast ed to identify the needed micro For people in the tribology
ence for what’s known as micro selection of technical content modules in a field of study, and lubricants industry, the
learning. The report defines it just about anywhere or anytime highlight prerequisites, track solution is obvious. Go with a
as follows: “Workers will need the need arises. completion and incorporate reliable source like STLE for
to continually learn, but many A delayed flight or late ap- the modules into sequences your education. You’ll be getting
want small, specific bursts of pointment changes from an in- of certification. Sophisticated curated content that’s peer re-
information tied to immediate convenience into a micro learn- systems for learners to find viewed by global experts. That’s
job demands, available at a ing opportunity to explore the and retrieve modules will also a big deal, even if the education
time of their choosing.” There’s latest issue of TLT or to pull out be required.” comes in a micro package.
an emphasis on content delivery headphones and power through STLE has created such a
systems becoming increasingly one of the hundreds of techni- system and labeled it the Learn- You can reach Certified
interactive, online and mobile. cal Webinars available on the ing Pathways project. In simple Association Executive
STLE has already moved in 365 App. Go to terms, Learning Pathways is an Ed Salek at [email protected].




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Writing a wear sensor into a machine

By Dr. Neil Canter
Contributing Editor

A controlled deposition process enables a metallic

sensor to be accurately placed in a machine.

The severe conditions faced by technique has proved challeng- says, “A better type of wear
machinery in today’s manufac- ing. Dr. Sameh Dardona, an as- sensor is needed to obtain a
turing environment, coupled sociate director of research clear picture of the health of
with the demand that they op- and innovation at the United a component present in a ma-
erate longer without downtime, Technologies Research Cen- chine. There are many applica-
has led to the need for better ter (UTRC) in East Hartford, tions where such components
tools to monitor their condition. Conn., says, “The most fre- as coatings and bearings need
A 3D printing technique Sensors have emerged as a use- quent approach for monitoring to be monitored in real time to
known as direct writing ful way to provide prompt ana- wear is done through optical keep a specific machine run-
produces wear sensors lytical data in real time. means, which literally means ning. Ideally a wear sensor em-
that can be placed directly A previous TLT article dis- inspection of the machinery bedded in a specific machinery
into machines. cussed a bio-sensor containing by an individual. This process component would be in the best
a specific bacterium developed can be time consuming, labor position to monitor the wear in
In direct writing, to detect quantitatively the intensive and expensive. The real time.”
continuous metal presence of specific compounds cost can increase if the specific One technique that is valu-
filaments are produced in wastewater streams.1 Two machine must be shut down, able for developing wear sen-
from metal ink through a components that the bio-sensor leading to a loss of manufac- sors in machinery is 3D printing.
controlled deposition were able to detect were arse- turing time.” Dardona says, “We believe 3D
process using semisolid nic and naphthalene down to a Wear sensors are available printing is advantageous be-
metal with the detection limit in the range of and used, but most are big and cause no foreign materials need
consistency of toothpaste. 10 ppm. not flexible enough to be use- to be present in the machinery,
Illustration © Joe Ruck Design

Minimizing wear remains a ful for specific applications. and the fine features of a sen-
Three key properties of
major objective for end-users Anson Ma, associate professor sor can be printed on the mi-
the metal ink are
to ensure optimum machinery of chemical and biomolecular croscale. Only a small amount of
consistency, shape and
performance. But identifying engineering at the University material is needed in a sensor,
particle size.
and using a reliable, real-time of Connecticut in Storrs, Conn., which does not interfere with


at least 15 times larger than the
largest ink particle size to mini-
mize any possibility of clogging
and ensure consistent printing.
Once the ink was deposited,
the researchers evaluated how
each material wetted the sub-
strate. Ink viscosity also is im-
portant because if it is too low
the ink flows everywhere and
loses its shape.
Ma summarized the three
key properties for the ink. He
says, “We evaluated the flow
properties to determine the
right consistency for the ink, the
shape of the ink once it is depos-
ited and the particle size of the
ink to make sure it was small
enough not to clog the nozzle.”
To select the proper ink
the researchers developed a
process flow model based on
the rheology of the inks. Ma
Figure 1. A wear sensor produced through a 3D printing technique known as direct writing can be embedded into says, “As part of this process,
machinery components, leading to the potential for more quickly detecting changes in wear in real time. (Figure we analyzed the rheology of
courtesy of the University of Connecticut.)
the ink to make sure it would
sufficiently stretch to draw
thin lines. The rate of deposi-
the performance of what can procedure for using this sensor posited the metal ink where it tion was assessed, but we de-
be a delicate component.” is to embed it into a machine was needed in a highly efficient termined that too high a speed
Ma, Dardona and their col- component or a coating. manner. No etching takes place, led to broken lines.”
laborators have developed a Figure 1 shows an illustra- which meant that no waste was The researchers’ hope is
technique for embedding wear tion of a sensor produced by DW. produced.” that these sensors will be in-
sensors into machinery compo- Says Ma: “DW is a controlled Dardona indicated that the tegrated into machines and
nents using 3D printing. deposition process where semi- DW technique can use any type become effective in detecting
solid metal with the consistency of metal ink. “We used silver even minor increases in wear
Direct writing in our initial work but semi- to enable any problems to be
The researchers used a tech- conductive and resistive inks identified and corrected quickly.
nique called direct writing (DW) can also be applied in the same Additional information on
to produce wear sensors that
DW is similar fashion,” he says. this research can be found in a
can be placed into machines. to actual writing The researchers evaluated recent article2 or by contacting
DW is almost like actual writing except that five different commercially Ma at [email protected] or
but instead of using convention- continuous metal available inks that contained Dardona at [email protected].
al ink, the team applied fine lines filaments are silver. Dardona says, “Our ob- com.
of a semisolid metal to create jective was to evaluate the flow
written on REFERENCES
continuous metal filaments on a properties of each ink. Due to
substrate. Both the direct write
a substrate. their toothpaste consistency, 1. Canter, N. (2013), “Bacteria-
method and the smart sensor the key properties were their containing biosensor,”
rheology and their ability to TLT, 69 (1), pp. 14-15.
components were developed in
the direct write lab at UTRC. of toothpaste is applied through draw lines on the substrate. One 2. Shen, A., Caldwell, D., Ma, A.
The metal used by the re- extrusion, which controls the thing we did not want was bro- and Dardona, S. (2018),
“Direct write fabrication of
searchers in demonstrating this pressure and location of the ken lines, which is an indication
high-density parallel silver
technique was silver, which is filaments. As an additive manu- of an incomplete circuit.” interconnects,” Additive
very conductive. Ideally the best facturing technique, DW de- The size of the nozzle was Manufacturing, pp. 343-350.



3D printing of lithium-ion
battery electrodes

The flexibility found with 3D printing led to the

preparation of a new porous architecture.

Two of the most widely watched Past work with lithium-ion One way to eliminate this
new technologies that may im- batteries has shown that there issue is to design batteries us-
pact the lubricant industry are are operating problems due ing porous electrode architec-
3D printing (also known as addi- to stress that can lead to such tures. Panat says, “The benefit
tive manufacturing) and batter- problems as flammability. Rahul of porous architecture is that
ies. The former has the potential Panat, associate professor of me- more of the battery electrode
to be used in place of metal- is utilized, which enhances
removal operations while the lithium ion transport and re-
Two of the most
latter may replace the internal lieves stress on the battery as
combustion engine as a means
widely watched a result of uniform ingress of
to power automobiles. new technologies lithium into the electrode. The
New innovations in both that may impact key is to increase the surface
of these areas have been the the lubricant area of the electrode exposed
One approach to reduce subject of articles in previous industry are to the lithium ions.”
stress on lithium-ion columns. For example, a pre- Past attempts to develop po-
batteries is using porous
3D printing and
vious TLT article discussed a rous architectures via 3D print-
electrode architectures. new approach for 3D printing
batteries. ing involved geometries similar
of aluminum alloys whose use to the fingers of two clasped
A porous electrode lattice is continuing to grow.1 The re- chanical engineering at Carnegie hands according to Panat. He
with an open octahedral searchers added nanoparticle Mellon University in Pittsburgh, says, “This architecture can
structure was produced grain refiners to facilitate the 3D says, “Conventional lithium ion only be scaled up in a third di-
using 3D printing. printing of two widely used alu- battery electrodes have been mension, height to increase the
minum alloys, 6061 and 7075. prepared in block architecture. surface area. But the x-y plane
This lattice architecture
© Can Stock Photo / eriksvoboda

Printing of a zinc-based bat- Only 30%-50% of the volume of is fixed, limiting porosity.”
enables a much higher
tery was discussed in a previous the battery electrode is utilized, A new porous lithium-ion
percentage of the
TLT article.2 The technique used which leads to higher battery battery electrode architecture
electrode to be used,
was screen printing that en- weight, slow charging and un- recently was produced through
leading to higher battery
abled the researchers to place even stress distribution during the use of droplet-based 3D
capacity and less stress.
a battery on a T-shirt. charge/discharge cycles.” printing.


Figure 2. A lithium-ion battery electrode prepared with a porous lattice (on top) through the use of 3D printing exhibits enhanced ion transport because
more of its surface is exposed to the electrode compared to a dense block electrode (on the bottom). (Figure courtesy of Carnegie Mellon University.)

Open octahedral structure Panat indicated that there Placement of five by five by porous electrodes for up to 40
Panat and his colleagues de- are two reasons for using 3D five individual units of lattice charge/discharge cycles with
veloped their method while printing to produce the battery generates the lattice shown in continuing strong performance
utilizing the capabilities of the electrode. He says, “3D printing Figure 2. Lithiation of the porous gains,” Panat says. “Future
droplet-based method of Aero- enables us to work with geom- lattice led to a much higher uti- work will involve evaluating the
sol Jet 3D printing. He says, etries that are impossible to lization of the lattice compared reliability and durability of the
“In this process, nanoparticles make by more traditional meth- to a conventional dense block battery over a longer operating
are dispersed in liquid droplets ods. We can also work with an structure for a given time of period.”
that are a few microns in size array of materials in combina- charging. Additional information on
through the use of pressurized tions that are difficult to use The surface area to volume this research can be found in a
air or ultrasonic energy and otherwise.” of the porous lattice electrode recent article3 or by contacting
then deposited on a substrate.” The researchers developed is approximately 0.5, which is Panat at [email protected].
The researchers based the a porous lattice with an open oc- significantly higher than the edu.
electrode on silver as a trial tahedral structure. Says Panat: figure for a dense block elec-
material as this element has a “We deliberately designed the trode that approaches zero as
strong affinity for lithium. The porous lattice for this spe- the electrode size increases.
1. Canter, N. (2018), “Manufactur-
silver nanoparticles were load- cific geometry due to its large Panat says, “Engagement of a
ing of aluminum alloys by 3D
ed into the ink at a concentration number of degrees of freedom much higher percentage of the printing,” TLT, 74 (1), pp. 14-15.
of 40%. compared to other geometries. electrode leads to a higher bat-
2. Canter, N. (2017), “Printing
The base on which the elec- Open octahedral structures ex- tery capacity and a reduction in batteries,” TLT, 73 (8), pp.
trode is formed is heated to 110 hibit four degrees of freedom stress.” 10-11.
C. As the droplets reach the and can be produced within the The researchers produced 3. Saleh, M., Li, J., Park, J. and
substrate, they coalesce and the constraints of the 3D printer. porous electrodes with surface Panat, R. (2018), “3D printed
solvents evaporate. Successive The high number of connec- areas between 1 and 2 square hierarchically-porous
coalescence and evaporation tions (eight at every point of the millimeters and a height of 0.5 microlattice electrode
processes leads to the forma- porous lattice) leaves room for millimeter. Evaluation of a lithi- materials for exceptionally
high specific capacity and areal
tion of the porous microlattice one or two of the connections um-ion battery with the porous capacity lithium ion batteries,
structures. The process does to break without impacting the electrodes is at a preliminary Additive Manufacturing, 23,
not require any support material. performance of the electrode.” stage. “We have evaluated the pp. 70-78.



Centrifugal magnetic fluid seals

Good low- and high-speed performance

leads to increased seal lifetime, minimum
torque and minimum static friction.

Seals perform an important length and more grooves in tected at low speeds. Matusze-
and at times overlooked func- the seal lip. Evaluation testing wski says, “The conventional
tion in a lubricant system. They demonstrated that additional centrifugal seals employ the
prevent or minimize the move- grooves led to a reduction in centrifugal forces at high rota-
ment of the lubricant between friction in the engine. ry speeds to retain the sealing
two surfaces and also minimize One type of dynamic fluid fluids. They work satisfactorily
the level of contamination in the seal is known as a centrifugal at high shaft speeds, while at
system. fluid seal. Dr. Leszek Matusze- lower speeds the sealing fluid
Seals are divided into static wski, lecturer in the ocean en- is not kept in place and, in the
and dynamic types. Static seals gineering and ship technology static condition, the seal does
A type of dynamic fluid operate in systems where the department at Gdansk Universi- not support any pressure at
seal known as a mating surfaces do not move ty of Technology in Gdansk, Po- all. Other difficulties associated
centrifugal fluid seal uses relative to each other. In con- land, says, “This seal employs with conventional centrifugal
centrifugal forces trast, dynamic seals operate un- centrifugal forces generated at seals include problems related
generated at high rotary der conditions where the mating high rotary speeds in a bearing to fluid leakage, limited lifetime
speeds in a bearing shaft surfaces are in relative motion shaft to retain the sealing fluid. due to the wear of the elastomer
to retain the sealing fluid. with each other. The centrifugal forces pressur- seal, high torque and high static
A previous TLT article dis- ize the lubricant, forcing the lu- friction due to the use of elasto-
Centrifugal magnetic fluid cussed a second-generation bricant out of the seal and back meric auxiliary seals.”
seals are an alternative engine oil seal prepared from into the housing or the sump. An alternative to centrifugal
type that operate polytetrafluoroethylene.1 This As a result, the bearing compo- fluid seals is known as centrifu-
effectively in low- and seal represented an improve- nents remain constantly lubri- gal magnetic fluid seals (CMFS).
© Can Stock Photo / Albert_K

high-speed modes. ment over a first-generation ma- cated as the shaft is rotating.” Matuszewski says, “A CMFS
terial because it was installed While this dynamic fluid gives a completely hermetic
New centrifugal magnetic
without an installation aid. seal operates in a satisfactory shaft seal at static, low- and
fluid seal designs have
Performance testing showed manner at high rotary speeds, high-speed modes, which en-
been developed.
the benefit of having a reduced operational problems are de- ables increased seal lifetime,


(a) (b)

Figure 3. Two images of a centrifugal magnetic fluid seal are illustrated with (a) showing the position of the magnetic field at low rotating speed and (b)
showing the position of the magnetic field at high rotating speed. (Figure courtesy of Gdansk University of Technology.)

minimum torque and minimum lines, are created by a perma- caused by centrifugal force to the the gap in this seal can be kept
static friction. Shaft contacts nent magnet, a pair of magnet pressure produced by magnetic very large. One other benefit is
contain a magnetic fluid instead covers with several concentric force exceeds one and the shaft that CMFS can store the sealing
of a solid material in contrast to projections and grooves, a pair rotating speed increases, the fluid in the gap even when the
other types of seals.” of annular rings, a sleeve and sealing pressure is generated rotating shaft is at rest.”
Even though magnetic fluid by the centrifugal force.” Matuszewski indicated
seals are used in important Centrifugal magnetic Matuszewski has developed that he will be evaluating new
industrial applications in mod- centrifugal magnetic fluid seals nanomagnetics in colloidal liq-
fluid seals exhibit
ern machinery and processing using several designs. Included uids and new projection shapes
equipment, especially in gas
several advantages is a seal with a vee-shaped disc versus variable magnetic flux.
and vacuum applications for compared to and a stationary magnetic sys- Additional information on CMFS
high-speed rotating shafts, new centrifugal fluid seals. tem, a vee-shaped magnetic- can be made by contacting Ma-
design solutions are desirable centrifugal fluid seal and a cen- tuszewski at leszek.matusze-
to meet the growing demands the magnetic fluid injected into trifugal magnetic fluid seal with [email protected].
for more efficient machinery the gap. The covers protecting a stationary vane and a rotating
that must operate over longer the magnet, the annual rings magnetic system. Neil Canter heads his own
time periods at an optimum per- and the sleeve are made of fer- Matuszewski says, “The consulting company, Chemical
formance level. romagnetic materials.” magnetic fluid can be applied Solutions, in Willow Grove, Pa.
Figure 3a shows the position in the same manner as other Ideas for Tech Beat can
New designs of the magnetic field at low rotat- seals using techniques such be submitted to him at
As part of his research on ing speed while Figure 3b shows as simmering or using O-rings. [email protected].
(CMFS), Matuszewski had de- the position of the magnetic fluid Another advantage for CMFS
veloped some new designs. He at high rotating speed. Matusze- compared to centrifugal fluid REFERENCE
says, “A schematic of the basic wski says, “The sealing pres- seals is they can operate with-
1. Canter, N. (2005), “The
design of a CMFS is shown in sure is governed by magnetic out any contact between rotat- possibilities of second-genera-
Figure 3. The magnetic flux attraction at low rotating speeds. ing and fixed parts even under tion PTFE engine oil seal,” TLT,
lops, which are drawn as dotted When the ratio of the pressure large rotating vibration because 61 (2), pp.12-13.



Min Zou
This Arkansas professor explains why nanoscale surface engineering
provides performance that macro- or microscale can’t match.

By Rachel Fowler
Managing Editor

Min Zou
The Quick File:
Dr. Min Zou is a professor in the department of mechanical engineering at the University of
Arkansas (UA). She received her bachelor’s of science and master’s of science degrees in
aerospace engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University in China in 1988 and 1991 and
her doctorate in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1999. Before
joining UA in 2003, she worked at Seagate Technology (1999-2003) and the Shanghai Aircraft
Research Institute (1991-1994).
Zou is an STLE Fellow, serves on the society’s board of directors and has chaired its Surface
Engineering Technical Committee. Her awards include the Faculty Distinguished Achievement
Award for Research from the Arkansas Alumni Association (2018), the STLE Al Sonntag Award
(2013), the STLE Walter D. Hodson Award (2001), the CAREER Award (2007) from National Science
Foundation (NSF), the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award (2005) from the Oakridge
Associated Universities and the Science and Technology Advancement Award from the Ministry of
Min Zou, professor of mechanical engi- Aeronautics and Aerospace of P.R. China (1993).
neering at the University of Arkansas,
Zou directs the NSF EPSCoR Center for Advanced Surface Engineering. Her current research
performs advanced surface engineering
research. (Photo courtesy of Russell Co- focuses on nanoscale surface engineering, nanomechanics and tribology for a wide range of
thren, University Relations, University of applications. Her research has led to numerous journal publications, conferences and invited
Arkansas.) presentations where she often discusses new technologies being commercialized in Arkansas.


VLJQLƁFDQFHVRIQDQRVFDOH ways. They reduce friction and macro- or microscale surface production yield and product
VXUIDFHHQJLQHHULQJIRU adhesion between two con- engineering cannot provide. reliability due to large surface
WULERORJLFDODSSOLFDWLRQV" tacting surfaces with relative First, reducing the texture size area-to-volume ratio of MEMS
motion by reducing their real from microscale to nanoscale structures. These issues will
=RX The significance lies in area of contact; they increase could increase the number escalate as microsystems tech-
two aspects: (1.) enables new hydrodynamic lifting force in of textures within a unit con- nologies begin to transition into
surface properties that macro- bearings, mechanical seal and tact area by several orders of nanoscale. The reduced texture
or microscale surface engi- DUWLƁFLDOKLSMRLQWVE\SURYLG- magnitude. This is especially size provides the opportunities
neering cannot achieve and ing numerous converging gaps; important when device size to increase the texture density
(2.) these properties can solve they can store lubricant under gets smaller and smaller such while at the same time reduce
existing application challenges starved or mixed lubrication as in microelectromechanical contact area that can lead to
and create new products. condition and entrapping wear systems (MEMS), which leave the reduction of adhesion and
It is well known that surface debris. little room for larger-scale sur- friction in the dry contact con-
macro- and microtextures can Nanoscale surface engi- face textures. Adhesion/stic- ditions in MEMS. This could
provide improved tribological neering offers several new tion, friction and wear are the enable new MEMS products


with sliding contact, which are
currently not achievable.
Second, the increased
number of textures can create
many more converging gaps to
increase the hydrodynamics
lifting forces in lubricated con-
tact conditions. This could be
used to improve the tribologi-
cal performance of traditional
machine components, such as
bearings, mechanical seals and
engineering piston and ring as-
semblies. Due to the small tex-
ture sizes, the textures can be
put on existing machine com-
ponents without changing their
Third and most important,
nanoscale surface textures
combined with appropriate sur-
face chemistry can alter surface
interactions with water and oil
to create superhydrophobic/
superoleophobic and super-
hydrophilic/superoleophilic Figure 1. Samuel Beckford and Min Zou founded SurfTec, LLC, to commercialize durable, low friction PTFE coatings.
surfaces. Superhydrophobic (Figure courtesy of Russell Cothren, University Relations, University of Arkansas.)
surfaces prevent meniscus for-
mation between the contacting
surfaces in MEMS and, there- SURYLGHDQWLUHƂHFWLRQSURSHUW\ them to have many useful prop- with plasma-enhanced chemi-
fore, reduce adhesion and fric- as well as change cell-surface erties, such as the slippery and cal vapor deposition (PECVD).
tion. Superoleophilic surfaces interactions to promote cell VHOIFOHDQLQJSURSHUWLHVRIƁVK AIC of a-Si has been studied
will provide better surface lu- adhesion or provide antimicro- skins, the self-cleaning prop- extensively for applications in
bial property. These additional erty of lotus leaves, the wear thin film transistors, sensors,
properties enable multifunc- resistant skin of desert scor- solar cells and display panels.
Nanoscale surface tional surfaces to be created for pion and the super adhesive Unlike traditional AIC of a-Si,
topography affects various industrial and biomedi- property of gecko feet. There- which strives for growing large
adhesion, friction, cal applications. fore, the ability to fabricate or and continuous Si grains for
In summary, nanoscale mimic these nanoscale surface applications in electronics and
wetting and optical
VXUIDFHWRSRJUDSK\FDQDƢHFW topographies will open the door optoelectronics, my group has
properties, as well as many surface properties such for many new applications in- developed novel AIC of a-Si
chemical and biological as adhesion, friction, wetting cluding tribological ones. technique to produce isolated
compatibility of the and optical properties as well micro/nano-sized Si islands
surface. as chemical and biological 7/7:KDWNLQGVRI for potential MEMS tribological
compatibility of the surface. WHFKQLTXHVKDYH\RXXVHG applications. The surface nano-
The ability to fabricate custom WRDFKLHYHQDQRVFDOH textures can be tailored to pro-
brication. Furthermore, new surface topographies with de- VXUIDFHHQJLQHHULQJ" duce superhydrophilic proper-
surface properties such as slip sired nanoscale features will ties, which can then turn into
ƂRZIRUGUDJUHGXFWLRQDQWL- enable the controlling of sur- =RX I have used several tech- superhydrophobic when coated
corrosion, self-cleaning, anti- face properties for a wide range niques for nanoscale surface with an octadecyltrichlorosi-
icing and antifogging also can of applications. In nature, from engineering, such as alumi- lane self-assembled monolayer.
be realized. millions of years of evolution, num-induced crystallization Dip coating is a widely used
Last but not the least, sur- many plants and animals have (AIC) of amorphous silicon PHWKRGIRUWKLQƁOPGHSRVLWLRQ
face textures also can change 3D micro- and nanoscale sur- (a-Si), dip coating and e-beam due to its low cost and sim-
light-surface interactions to face topographies that enabled lithography (EBL) combined plicity as well as its suitability



for coating various substrate Nanoscale and wear in tribological appli-

Shell core-shell
shapes. The coating thickness cations.
can be controlled by the so- Core (NCSS) One example of successfully
lution concentration and the nano-surface engineered mate-
withdrawal speed. My group rials for tribological applications
has used dip coating to deposit is the wear-resistant thin PTFE
nanometer-thick coatings from coatings that are enabled by a
various chemical solutions and Figure 2. Schematic of the NCSS engineered surface. (Figure courtesy of 50-nm-thick bioinspired PDA
Min Zou.)
nanoparticle dispersions, such adhesive underlayer. Thin PTFE
as polydopamine (PDA), SiO2 coatings have drawn great in-
QDQRSDUWLFOHDQGSRO\WHWUDƂXR- tallic nanoparticles. We have 7/7&DQ\RXSOHDVH terests as solid lubricants. How-
roethylene (PTFE). used EBL to template patterns SURYLGHDFRXSOHRI ever, they are easily worn out
EBL is a nanofabrication in electron resist and then use H[DPSOHVRIVXFFHVVIXOO\ due to PTFE’s linear, chain-like
technique that can achieve PHWDOGHSRVLWLRQDQGOLIWRƢWR QDQRVXUIDFHHQJLQHHUHG molecular structure and its poor
sub-10 nm resolution. It al- fabricate the metal cores of na- PDWHULDOVIRUWULERORJLFDO adhesion to substrates. The lack
lows the control of the shape, noscale core-shell structures DSSOLFDWLRQV" of wear resistance severely lim-
size and position of nano- (NCSSs) that we discovered to its the use of thin PTFE coatings.
structures. EBL also can ac- have novel mechanical prop- =RX My lab has developed a Economically fabricating wear-
commodate a wide range of erties. 1 We then coated the variety of nanoengineered sur- resistant thin PTFE coatings on
materials and nanostructures metal cores with harder a-Si faces, surfaces engineered with substrate surfaces remains a
and has been widely used to shells using PECVD to form nanoscale topographies and/or great challenge. We have dem-
fabricate regular arrays of me- the NCSSs. chemistries, to reduce friction onstrated that a strong PTFE


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coating-to-substrate adhesion ed low-friction, wear-resistant
can be achieved by using PDA as thin PTFE coatings enabled by
a thin adhesive underlayer. The bioinspired nanometer-thick
wear life of the resulting dual- adhesive underlayer. We also
layer PDA/PTFE thin coatings have shown novel NCSSs that
was 500 times that of the PTFE can sustain estimated con-
coatings directly deposited on tact pressures greater than 20
the substrates. 2 The coating GPa without deformation and
wear life was further increased fatigue failure. 5 These nano-
by incorporating Cu nanoparti- structures can be used for ap-
cles into the PTFE coatings. The plications in MEMS. It also is
FRPELQHGHƢHFWVUHVXOWHGLQD possible surface texturing using
coating wear life three orders nanoscale dimples will provide
of magnitude greater than that better lubrication and antiwear
of the plain PTFE.3 In addition, properties for bearings, me-
the thin PDA/PTFE coating chanical seals and piston and
DOVRVLJQLƁFDQWO\RXWSHUIRUPHG Figure 3. Nanoindentation of a NCSS showing a complete recovery of plas- ring assembly (see Figure 3).
a commercial PTFE coating that tic deformation after unloading. (Figure courtesy of Min Zou.)
is 20 times thicker. This technol- You can reach Min Zou at
ogy is currently being commer- [email protected].
cialized for bearing applications using the NCSSs, which can formation caused by the ap-
and has received the National enable a wide range of applica- plied load.
Science Foundation Small Busi- tions that require mechanical We use a state-of-the-art REFERENCES
ness Innovation Research Phase durability of the surface nano- nanoindenter with in-situ imag-
1. Tidwell, W., Scott, D., Wang,
I and II support and the support structures, including MEMS. ing capability to perform both H., Fleming, R.A. and Zou, M.
from the Department of Energy scratch/friction testing to de- (2011), “Nanoindentation
(see Figure 1 on Page 19). 7/7+RZFULWLFDOLV WHUPLQHWKHIULFWLRQFRHƣFLHQW Study of Deformation-Resis-
Another example of suc- QDQRVFDOHWULERORJLFDO and deformation/wear of the tant Al/a-Si Core-Shell
Nanostructures,” Acta Materia-
cessfully nano-surface engi- DQGPDWHULDOWHVWLQJ nanostructures and nanoin-
lia, 59, pp. 6110-6116.
neered materials for tribologi- DQGFKDUDFWHUL]DWLRQWR dentation testing to determine
2. Beckford, S. and Zou, M.
cal applications is the novel WKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRI the mechanical properties of
(2014), “Wear Resistant PTFE
NCSSs that my group discov- QDQRVFDOHVXUIDFH the nanostructures. We use a Thin Film Enabled by a
ered that are highly deforma- HQJLQHHULQJIRUWULERORJLFDO scanning electron microscope Polydopamine Adhesive
tion resistant (see Figure 2). 1 DSSOLFDWLRQV" (SEM) and an atomic force Layer,” Applied Surface
The NCSS is composed of a microscope to characterize Science, 292, pp. 350-356.
nano-sized plastically deform- =RX They are critical to the the nanostructures and their 3. Beckford, S., Mathurin, L.,
able metallic core covered by implementation of nanoscale deformation and wear after Chen, J. and Zou, M. (2015),
a hard amorphous shell with surface engineering for tribo- tribological and mechanical
Nanoparticles on the
nanometer thickness. We have logical applications. This is testing. Tribological Properties of
demonstrated that the NCSSs because the nanostructures In the future, we will use Polydopamine/PTFE + Cu
have a large recoverable de- are very small; even a light in-situ SEM nanotribological Films,” Tribology Letters, 59:
formation beyond elastic limit load could generate a high and nanomechanical testing 11.
that results in no net shape contact pressure that could tools to perform the tests while 4. Morton, B., Wang, H.,
FKDQJHDIWHUEHLQJVXEMHFWHG cause the structure to deform visualizing the scratch/wear Fleming, R. and Zou, M.
to very high normal and shear permanently. The mechanical and nanoindentation process (2011), “Nanoscale Surface
Engineering with Deforma-
contact stresses.1,4 The NCSS properties of nanostructures to understand the wear and tion-resistant Core-shell
also showed much higher also can be different from deformation mechanisms. Nanostructures,” Tribology
yield strength than the yield those of the bulk material. Letters, 42 (1), pp 51-58.
strength of either the core or Therefore, it is important to 7/7&DQQDQRVFDOH 5. Steck, J.G., Fleming, R.A.,
the shell material natively. The perform nanoscale tribological VXUIDFHHQJLQHHUHG Goss, J.A. and Zou, M. (2018),
large recoverable deformation and materials testing using a PDWHULDOVEHXVHGIRU “Deformation and Fatigue
and high strength of the NCSS tool that can locate individual IULFWLRQUHGXFWLRQ Resistance of Al/a-Si
Core-Shell Nanostructures
suggest a great opportunity to nanostructures, apply ultralow DQWLZHDURUOXEULFDWLRQ
design novel deformation re- loads on the nanostructures SXUSRVH" dentation,” Applied Surface
sistant nano-textured surfaces and measure the minute de- =RX: Yes. We have demonstrat- Science, 433, pp. 617-626.



What’s so bad about

foamy foams?
Plenty. Fortunately, formulators have several bubble-bursting options.

By Dr. Robert M. Gresham

Contributing Editor

Surfactants are a fascinat-

ing class of chemistries. Their
uses—whether in nature or
through Man’s interaction—can
seemingly do the impossible,
such as cause oil and water to
“mix,” form stable emulsions
like milk, the list is endless.
In this column, I’ve often
talked about surfactants and
their importance as dispersants
and detergents in lubricants; and
how, in low concentrations, sur-
factants can act as an antifoam;

© Can Stock Photo / Linnea

or, in greater concentrations,
as a wetting agent (to eliminate
operations); or in yet higher con-
centrations make a stabile foam
(such as shaving cream).
Foam is essentially a dis-
persed gas in a liquid. In lubri- While perhaps a fine dis- foam is generally not thermo- in the lamella must drain suf-
FDQWVDQGPHWDOZRUNLQJƂXLGV tinction, we refer to antifoams dynamically stable; that is, giv- ƁFLHQWO\VRWKHSUHVVXUHLQVLGH
(MWFs), uncontrolled foam, as materials added to a formu- en enough time the dispersed the bubble exceeds the strength
ambient air entrained or dis- lation to prevent or suppress or entrained air will separate RIWKHODPHOODƂXLGƁOPWRKROG
persed in the lubricant, can foam as it forms. Defoamers are IURPWKHƂXLG7KHLVVXHLVWKH together. Thus, control of foam
KDYHYHU\DGYHUVHHƢHFWV)RU materials added during the use speed of this process versus the is related to inducing condi-
both aqueous and non-aqueous RIƂXLGVWREUHDNXSIRDPDQG process of creating foam, usual- tions that encourage and speed
MWFs and lubricants, foam can to, at least for some time period, ly through mechanical action. A this process.
cause the fluid film to break suppress foam formation until foam bubble has two interfaces $WWKHULVNRIRYHUVLPSOLƁ-
down, impair heat removal and more needs to be added. In re- where the outside of the bubble cation, imagine a single foam
increase the rate of oxidation ality, defoamers and antifoams FRQWDFWVWKHƂXLGDQGZKHUHWKH EXEEOHVLWWLQJRQWRSRIDƂXLG
RIWKHƂXLGFDXVHFDYLWDWLRQLQ are very similar chemistries bubble contacts another bubble 7KHEXEEOHLVGHƁQHGE\DWKLQ
SXPSVUHVXOWLQJLQSRRUƂXLG and perform similar functions. or the atmosphere. These inter- OD\HURIWKHƂXLGVXUURXQGLQJ
ƂRZSUHVVXUHYDULDWLRQLQK\- Looking at non-aqueous IDFHVDORQJZLWKWKHƂXLGLWVHOI the air in the bubble. If there is
draulic systems and even loss lubricants like gear oils, trans- are referred to as lamella. For a some mechanism that causes


Defoamers and antifoams are very similar
chemistries and perform similar functions.

thinner to the point that the air WKHOLTXLGƁOPWKHDQWLIRDPDQG able layer of complexity to the available nor surprising that an-
pressure in the bubble exceeds the surface tension of the two. FRQWURORIIRDPZHƁQGWKDWWKH tifoams used in transmissions,
WKHVWUHQJWKRIWKHƂXLGWRUH- (Remember surface tension is chemistry, lubricant additives gear oils and other mechanical
PDLQDFRKHVLYHƁOPVXUURXQG- the force that causes water to and end-use conditions for a applications will all use very dif-
ing the air in the bubble, the bead on a freshly waxed car.) In VSHFLƁFV\VWHPIRUFHWKHFKRLFH ferent antifoam products. Fur-
bubble breaks. So what are the the case of our lubricant foam of antifoam and its consequent ther, the design of mechanical
IDFWRUVWKDWDƢHFWWKLVSURFHVV" bubble, the surface tension of droplet size, to be determined systems can exacerbate foam
Still imagining our foam the antifoam must be lower by both experience and real- control. Indeed, the method
bubble, the idea with an anti- than the surface tension of the world testing. Other factors for evaluating antifoam perfor-
foam is that a tiny droplet of an- OXEULFDQWƂXLGVXUURXQGLQJWKH WKDWLQƂXHQFHWKLVSURFHVVDUH mance must be somewhat tai-
tifoam enters this thin layer of bubble. Then, where bridging the lubricant viscosity and the ORUHGWRWKHVSHFLƁFOXEULFDQW
ƂXLGWKDWIRUPVWKHEXEEOHWKHQ occurs, the bubble no longer size of the bubbles themselves, and its application. Thus, foamy
spreads to the point of bridging has the strength to hold togeth- which affect their rise to the foams are complicated systems
WKHWKLFNQHVVRIWKHƂXLGZKLFK er and has to rupture. surface of the lubricant. Thus, and bad for our lubricant sys-
in turn, allows for rapid rupture As said, this is an oversim- IRDPLQKLJKHUYLVFRVLW\ƂXLGV tems. Fortunately the formula-
RIWKHƂXLGOD\HUDQGWKXVWKH plification; other factors that with very small bubbles due to tor has many options to help
bubble. This process then has affect this fundamental pro- aggressive mechanical action in control this problem.
three distinct stages: entering cess are relatively low solubil- the system can result in more
(E), spreading (S) and bridg- ity of the antifoam in the lubri- stable foams that are more dif- Bob Gresham is STLE’s director
ing (B). These three stages, E, S FDQWƂXLGDQGWKHQXPEHUDQG ƁFXOWWRFRQWURO of professional development. You
and B, are all dependent on the size of the antifoam droplets. In practice, it is not sur- can reach him at
respective surface tensions of Because this adds a consider- SULVLQJWRƁQGPDQ\DQWLIRDPV [email protected].

Dr. Robert “Bob” Golden

Research Fellow, Technology & Innovation

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Effective use of organomolybdenum additives

in lubricants
These versatile and non-toxic chemistries solve difficult
friction problems and enhance the performance of other additives.

© Can Stock Photo / mtoome

By Dr. Nancy McGuire

KEY CONCEPTS Contributing Editor

Molybdenum’s versatile chemistry lets it

serve a variety of functions and helps make
molybdenum compounds more soluble in
lubricant formulations.

Molybdenum compounds can produce

beneficial synergistic effects in properly
formulated additive packages and lubricants.
O rganomolybdenum lubricant additives solve a wide range of lu-
brication challenges. In greases and engine oils, these additives have a
track record of reducing friction and improving fuel economy, but there
are many more applications. Their multifunctional and synergistic nature
or leave deposits on automotive exhaust able: this transition metal is not only non-toxic, it serves as a micronutri-
catalysts. ent in living organisms. Molybdenum additives also are compatible with
passenger car catalyst systems.


This article is based on a Webinar presented by STLE Education on June 28, 2017. Effective Use of
Organomolybdenum Additives in Lubricants is available at $39 to STLE members, $59
for all others.
Dr. Vincent Gatto has worked for 32 years as a research, applications, technical service and
product-development scientist in lubricant, fuel and polymer additives. He is research director
for Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC (Norwalk, Conn.), where he is responsible for the management and
strategic direction of a team of synthetic organic chemists. His team works on the discovery and
development of new chemicals for use as additives in the lubricant, rubber and plastics industries.
He also directs and prioritizes projects in the petroleum applications laboratory.
Gatto received his doctorate in chemistry from the University of Maryland and held a
postdoctoral position at the University of Miami. He joined the staff at Ethyl Corp. (now Afton
Chemical Co.), where he worked for 16 years as a technical service advisor and additive scientist. He
then worked for 11 years as an R&D technical service manager at Albemarle Corp. before starting
Vincent Gatto work at Vanderbilt.
Gatto holds 125 U.S. patents, patent applications and technical publications in the areas of
chelation additives and additives for polymers, lubricants and fuels. He has delivered numerous
presentations on the applications of additives in industrial fluids and engine oils.
You can reach Gatto at [email protected].

Application Molybdenum Type Performance Attribute
Molybdenum is a very versatile
element. Its abundance in the
Earth’s crust is similar to that
of tin, tungsten and lead. This
transition metal forms ions and Grease Molybdenum Disulfide Antiwear, EP and Friction
Solid MoDTC Modifier
compounds with an oxidation
Liquid MoDTP
state ranging from -2 to +6 and
it bonds with 4-6 other atoms
in coordination compounds. Engine Oils Molybdenum Carboxylates* Antiwear, Friction
Liquid MoDTC Modifier, Antioxidant and
Molybdenum compounds
Liquid Ester/Amide Deposit Control
have a wide variety of stereo-
chemistries and reactivities,
and molybdenum can form * Rarely used due to corrosion and severe discoloration
compounds with most organic
and inorganic ligands. This is Figure 1. Applications of organomolybdenum in lubricants. (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.)
useful for overcoming solubil-
ity challenges associated with
incorporating Mo effectively important industrial catalyst as compounds serve as the basis can serve several functions at
into a lubrication system. well as a lubricant additive. Mo- for further reactions to form or- once: antioxidancy and deposit
Molybdenum has an exten- lybdenite can be roasted in air ganomolybdenum compounds. control; antiwear and extreme
sive sulfur chemistry. Sulfur is an to form molybdenum trioxide. pressure performance; and fric-
important lubricant component This oxide can be reacted with 0RO\EGHQXPLQOXEULFDQWV tion reduction, which improves
in its own right, and molybde- an aqueous solution of either Molybdenum provides effec- fuel economy (see Figure 1). Fur-
num compounds that include sodium hydroxide or ammonia tive solutions to a variety of ther, these compounds can work
sulfur often exhibit beneficial to form Na2MoO4, (NH4)2Mo2O7 difficult lubricant formulation synergistically with other addi-
properties from both elements. or (NH 4) 6Mo 7O 24, which can problems. Small amounts can tives, including antioxidant and
Molybdenite (MoS 2), the react more easily with organic produce large benefits with- antiwear additives, to provide
principle ore form of molybde- ligands and solubilize more eas- out detrimental side effects. more effective lubricant and
num, is readily available as an ily in a lubricant system. These Organomolybdenum additives machinery protection. Organo-



molybdenum additives can de- Liquid MoDTC Liquid MoEster

in performance at low treatment
levels, and they are compatible
with automotive catalyst and
emission control systems.
In the late 1960s, the
Vanderbilt Co. became the • Amber to brown liquid • Brown liquid
ƁUVWWRSDWHQWPDQ\RIWKHPR- • Sulfur- and phosphorus-free
• Phosphorus-free
lybdenum lubricant additive • Antioxidant, antiwear and friction modifier
• Antioxidant, antiwear and friction
technologies still in use today, • Low toxicity and biodegradable
and other companies have got- • Relatively low cost source of molybdenum
• New amine technology delivers excellent
ten into the field since then.
oil solubility
A recent patent search shows
that 67% of patents for molyb- Specification MOLYVAN 3000 Specification MOLYVAN 855
Molybdenum Content 9.1 – 11.2% Molybdenum Content 7.3 – 8.5%
grease applications, 15% are
for engine oil applications, and Sulfur Content 9.4 – 12.1% Sulfur Content Not Present
the remainder are for hydraulic,
gear, transmission, transform-
Figure 2. Applications of organomolybdenum in lubricants. (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.)
er, turbine, metalworking and
Engine oil applications
commonly use liquid molybde-
num dithiocarbamate (MoDTC)
or liquid molybdenum ester
Solid MoDTC Liquid MoDTP
compounds. The choice of or-
ganic ligands used to make the
MoDTC determines whether
the product is liquid or solid;
compounds with longer and
branched organic chains are • Yellow powder, low oil solubility • Dark green to brown liquid
more likely to be liquid at am- • Phosphorus-free • Excellent oil solubility
bient temperatures. MoDTC is • Antioxidant, antiwear, extreme pressure • Antioxidant, antiwear, extreme pressure and
phosphorus-free, and it con- and friction modifier friction modifier
tains alkylamine groups that • Superior to inorganic molybdenum for • Also useful in automotive and industrial gear oils
give it excellent solubility in antioxidant and antiwear performance
oils. Molybdenum esters con- Specification MOLYVAN 855
tain neither phosphorus nor Specification MOLYVAN A
Molybdenum Content 7.7 – 8.8%
sulfur; these compounds also Molybdenum Content 27.0 – 29.0%
serve as antioxidants, antiwear Sulfur Content 11.0 – 13.8%
Sulfur Content 23.5 – 25.5%
Molybdenum esters have low
toxicity, are biodegradable and
are a relatively low-cost source Figure 3. Molybdenum products for grease. (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.)
of molybdenum (see Figure 2).
Solid MoDTC has a low sol-
ubility in oil, but it is commonly ditive can be used to provide denum compounds (e.g., MoS2) pounds are used in greases,
used in greases because it can WKHVDPHEHQHƁWV%RWKVROLG for antioxidant and antiwear and their molybdenum, sulfur
be dispersed relatively eas- and liquid MoDTC serve as performance. and phosphorus components
ily. Because the solid MoDTC antioxidants, antiwear agents Liquid molybdenum di- all provide benefits. MoDTP
compounds use smaller or- DQGIULFWLRQPRGLƁHUVEXWWKH thio- phosphate (MoDTP) compounds have antioxidant,
ganic ligands, molybdenum solid form also is an extreme compounds are dark green to antiwear, extreme pressure
forms a higher percentage in pressure agent. Solid MoDTC brown liquids that have excel- DQGIULFWLRQPRGLƁHUSURSHU-
these compounds, and less ad- is superior to inorganic molyb- lent oil solubility. These com- ties (see Figure 3).


nism of action of these addi-
tives as antioxidants is not well
High levels of molybde-
num additives like MoDTC
and molybdenum esters can
sometimes induce corrosion
in engine oils, but combining
these additives with novel tri-
azole corrosion inhibitors (a
relatively new technology) can
almost eliminate the corrosion
problems caused by high levels
of Mo additives (see Figure 5).
Molybdenum compounds
are primarily used as anti-
tion (FM) and extreme pres-
Figure 4. How sludge, varnish and deposits form. (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.) sure (EP) additives in engine
oils and greases. These com-
pounds act synergistically
with other additives, including
zinc dialkyldithiophosphates
(ASTM D6594, Standard HTCBT Conditions, 0.2% CI)
(ZDDP) and sulfurized EP ad-
160 378 ditives. Compounds that have
Cu Pb both molybdenum and sulfur
in their chemical makeup can
120 108 function in all three modes: AW,
99 101.5
Metal (ppm)

100 FM and EP. Organomolybde-

tive in this capacity at 25-1,200
60 46.5 ppm Mo in engine oils and 400-
40 5,000 ppm Mo in greases.
Fuel economy, which comes
3 4 1.5 from friction reduction, is one
0 key driver encouraging the use
Engine Oil plus old plus plus new of molybdenum additives in
with Mo triazole CI DMTD CI triazole CI engine oils. These additives are
Molybdenum source is 0.20% MoEster (160 ppm Mo) & 0.163% MoDTC (160 ppm Mo)
friction in the boundary and
US Patent Application 2017/0044457
mixed lubrication regimes (see
Figure 6 on Page 28).
Figure 5. Triazole corrosion inhibitors (new triazole CI) can almost eliminate copper and lead corrosion products Various organomolybde-
caused by high levels of Mo additives in engine oils. DMTD = dimercaptothiadiazole. (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt num additives reduce friction
Chemicals, LLC.) using different mechanisms.
For example, MoDTC, which
,PSURYLQJSHUIRUPDQFH Organomolybdenum addi- Organomolybdenum additives decomposes to the layered in-
Antioxidant additives, including tives can be used to control oxi- can be effective at fairly low organic solid MoS2. Under high
molybdenum compounds, are dation and deposits in engine levels (50-150 ppm delivered temperatures and loads, MoS2
used to reduce the rate of lubri- RLOVDQGWKHLUHƢHFWLYHQHVVLV Mo), but their ability to control forms stacked sheets in the
cant oxidation and, thus, delay based on their synergistic ef- deposits is very system depen- WULERƁOPZKLFKFDQHDVLO\VOLGH
or prevent lubricant degrada- fects with other additives, dent; at very high temperatures past each other under shear.
tion that leads to wear, sludge including alkylated diphenyl- they can actually promote de- Oxidation of the MoS2 sheets
and deposits (see Figure 4). amines or sulfur compounds. posit formation. The mecha- causes them to fragment, re-



sulting in a loss of friction-re-

duction properties. The oxida-
tion product, MoO3, is not an
lybdenum esters act through an
adsorption and decomposition
mechanism, and these com-
pounds are more effective in
aged oils. Organomolybdenum
friction-reducing additives are
ppm delivered Mo, which is a
higher level than is used for
antiwear and antioxidant prop- Figure 6. Molybdenum-based additives in engine oils reduce friction in the boundary and mixed lubrication regimes.
(Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.)
Molybdenum compounds
can be used in combination with
a variety of other compounds
that is, the total measured ef-
fect is greater than the sum of
HƢHFWVIRUHDFKFRPSRXQGLQ- MoDTC With New Amine Technology MoDTC With Old Amine Technology
dependently. The performance 350 ppm Mo 700 ppm Mo 350 ppm Mo 700 ppm Mo
of these additives is highly de-
pendent on the composition
Group II Group II
They can have antagonistic ef-
fects when they are combined
with other surface additives 350 ppm Mo 700 ppm Mo 350 ppm Mo 700 ppm Mo
like ZDDPs or organic friction
formulated properly. Proper
formulation also is essential
to preventing compatibility 350 ppm Mo 700 ppm Mo 350 ppm Mo 700 ppm Mo
problems with other additives,
including organic friction modi-
sion at high additive levels.
Some molybdenum-based
additives have limited solubil- US Patent 9,012,383
ity, especially in high quality
EDVHƂXLGV(see Figure 7). Newer Figure 7. Newer fluid technologies, including highly branched amine additives (left), can improve the solubility of
technologies, which use highly molybdenum-based additives over older amine technologies (right) across a wide range of base oils and additive
branched alkylamines, can im- levels. (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.)
prove solubility across a wide
range of additive levels and
base oils (see Figure 8).
measurements using a mini- C). respect to friction reduction
*UHDVHDGGLWLYHV traction machine (MTM) for a Well-designed formulations and load-carrying capability
Molybdenum-based additives, lithium complex grease with that combine molybdenum (see Figure 10 on Page 30). Tests
when added at levels of a few 2% of a liquid MoDTC addi- additives with other additives, in- XVLQJFRQVWDQWYHORFLW\MRLQWV
percent, increase EP perfor- tive containing 10% molybde- cluding ZDDP and dimercapto- KDYHGHPRQVWUDWHGWKHEHQHƁWV
mance in greases, as well as num showed that the additive thiadiazole (DMTD) dimer of using additive combinations
reduce friction and wear (see reduced friction best at higher complexes, can significantly to improve grease performance
Figure 9 on Page 30). Friction temperatures (120 C versus 60 improve overall results with (see Figure 11).


90 Days (Group III 0W-20 Engine Oil, 700 ppm Mo, 750 ppm P)
Ambient ϭϱ϶ -ϭϬ϶
New Technology 10 % MoDTC
w/ Primary ZDDP Clear Clear Clear
w/ Secondary ZDDP Clear Clear Clear
Old Technology 10 % MoDTC
w/ Primary ZDDP Clear Clear Very Hazy
w/ Secondary ZDDP Clear Clear Very Hazy

Symmetrical highly branched amine exhibits improved compatibility

compared to asymmetrical branched amine alternatives
US Patent 9,012,383

Figure 8. Symmetrical, branched amine compounds keep molybdenum-based additives in solution in engine oil, even after 90 days. (Figure courtesy of
Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.)

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(ASTM D2509, Timken Method)
As versatile as molybdenum is
for grease applications, it has
even more applications in en-

Last Non-Seizure-Load, kgf

gine oils. Molybdenum-based
engine oil additives are used
for controlling oxidation and
80 No Additive
deposit formation, reducing
1% MoDTP
friction and wear and improv-
60 2% MoDTP
ing fuel economy.
Molybdenum ester com- 3% MoDTP
pounds can act synergistically
with antioxidants like alkylat-
ed diphenylamines (see Figure
12). Combining these additives
postpones the onset of oil oxi-
dation, and it helps keep aged
650 SN Base Oil Li Complex Grease
oils from becoming more vis-
Ma, A.; Gu, M.; Yao, J.; Zhang, R.; 16th Lubricating Grease Conference,
cous (a sign of oxidation). Fig- NLGI India Chapter, February 3, 2014
ure 13 on Page 32 shows the
benef its of organomolybde-
num additives for controlling Figure 9. MoDTP grease additives improve EP performance. (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.)
deposits that can form when
oils oxidize.
Molybdenum additives
also act synergistically with
other AW additives, including
various phosphate compounds.
Additive combinations, without
=''3FDQVLJQLƁFDQWO\UHGXFH (Four-Ball Friction) (Four-Ball EP)
VFXƣQJDQGZHDU(see Figure 14 0.14 450
on Page 32).
Timing chain elongation, 0.12
an indicator of wear, is one test 350
for compliance with the GF-6 300
specifications for passenger 0.08 250
car motor oils. The presence
0.06 200
of zinc actually increases chain
elongation, but molybdenum 150
significantly reduces elonga- 100
tion. Combining zinc and mo- 0.02 50
lybdenum additives produces
0 0
an even greater reduction as
molybdenum cancels out nega- CoF Weld Point, Kgf
WLYHHƢHFWVRI]LQF(see Figure 15 Li-Complex Grease +3% MoDTP
on Page 33). +2% MoDTP + 1% DMTD Dimer +1% MoDTP + 2% DMTD Dimer
Molybdenum additives also
+1% MoDTP + 1% DMTD Dimer Complex +1% MoDTP + 2% DMTD Dimer Complex
act, alone or in combination
with other additives, to reduce 16th
Ma, A.; Gu, M.; Yao, J.; Zhang, R.; Lubricating Grease Conference,
NLGI India Chapter, February 3, 2014
friction. The proper formula-
tion is key to achieving the
greatest reduction in the coef-
ƁFLHQWRIIULFWLRQDQGGLƢHUHQW Figure 10. Combinations of additives can reduce the coefficient of friction (CoF) and increase the load-carrying capa-
DGGLWLYHVFDQEHPRUHHƢHFWLYH bility (higher weld point) of grease formulations. (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.)


(Averaged CoF by SRV in brackets) for fresh or aged oils.
Additive combinations can
5 be better than single additives
at reducing friction across a
% Reduction in Averaged Axial Force

0 (0.082) (0.080) range of conditions. For exam-

Lithium Grease Plus 3% MoDTP Plus 1% ZDDP Plus 3% MoDTP Plus 3% MoDTP ple, liquid MoDTC keeps fric-
-5 + 1% MoDTC + + 1% MoDTC tion low in fresh oils and oils
1% ZDDP +1% ZDDP + 2% at elevated temperatures. Most
-10 (0.045) Ca Salt of Ox. commercially available MoDTC
-15 in aged oils, but molybdenum
ester additives excel in aged
-20 oils and at elevated tempera-
tures. Glycerol mono-oleate,
-25 an organic compound with no
metal, sulfur or phosphorus,
-30 functions best in fresh oils at
(0.033) low temperatures but loses its
US Patent 5,516,439 begins to age (see Figure 16 on
Page 33).
Oxidation prevention,
Figure 11. The right additive combinations can significantly improve the friction-reducing capability of a grease for- maintaining the proper viscos-
mulation. (Ca salt of ox. wax is a soap used in grease formulations.) (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.) ity and reducing friction all
contribute to improving vehi-
cle fuel economy. Here again,
getting the formulation right is
key. For example, molybdenum
and phosphorus can be antag-
onistic, but using low levels of
(SAE grade 5W-30 engine oil containing 1.2 wt. % ZDDP) phosphorus for a given mo-
lybdenum concentration can
120 600 improve the reduction in fuel
100 500 psi 500 10 L/h air consumption by enhancing the
175oC 160oC performance of molybdenum.
80 Fe catalyst 400 Fe catalyst Low-phosphorus, high-molyb-
denum (LPHM) formulations
60 300
are being developed to push
40 200 the envelope for fuel economy
contributions from next genera-
20 100 tion oil formulations (see Figure
0 17 on Page 33).
More recently, molyb-
OIT By PDSC (min) Bulk Oil Oxid. (Vis. Inc. after 64 h)
denum additives have been
No Additive No Additive
shown to reduce low-speed
Plus 0.1% ADPA Plus 0.1% ADPA
plus MoEster @ 200 ppm Mo plus MoEster @ 200 ppm Mo pre-ignition (LSPI), a problem
0.1% ADPA + MoEster @ 200 ppm Mo 0.1% ADPA + MoEster @ 200 ppm Mo that occurs in newer engines
using turbochargers and direct
US Patent 9,012,383
nites before the spark plug is
triggered. Reducing LSPI is of
particular interest in light of
Figure 12. Measurements of oxidation induction time (OIT) by pressurized differential scanning calorimetry (left), *)VSHFLƁFDWLRQVDQGLVOLNH-
and increase in viscosity (right) show that a combination of molybdenum ester and alkylated diphenylamine (ADPA) ly to gain importance in future
additives works better than either additive alone. (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.) VSHFLƁFDWLRQV%RWKSKRVSKR-



rus (ZDDP) and molybdenum

(MoDTC) have been shown to
Group I Engine Oil Group II Engine Oil
reduce LSPI frequency while (990 ppm P, 160 ppm Mo, 0.5% NDPA) (530 ppm P, 160 ppm Mo, 0.7% ODPA)
calcium increases it.
40 40
U n avo i d a b ly, a s m a l l
30 30
Total Deposits (mg)

Total Deposits (mg)

way into a vehicle’s exhaust
system. Fortunately molyb- 25 25
denum additives in passenger
car engine oils do not poison
20 20
catalytic converters. In one 15 15
study, several Las Vegas taxi 10 10
cabs using either a GF-5 oil
5 5
formulation or a newer LPHM
formulation were put through 0 0
Baseline plus plus plus Baseline plus plus plus
No Mo MoEster MoDTC - MoDTC - No Mo MoEster MoDTC - MoDTC -
test, the exhaust catalysts A B A B
contained deposits of phos-
phor us, calcium and zinc.
Molybdenum levels were es- Data from Tribology & Lubrication Technology, October 2003, Vol 59, No 10, p 40-47
sentially zero for both formu-
lations even though both oils
contained a relatively high Figure 13. The TEOST® MHT test is a specification test for engine oils that measures deposit formation on a stan-
dardized rod. (NDPA and ODPA are alkylated diphenylamines.) (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.)
level of molybdenum. Phos-
phorus deposits on catalysts
exposed to the LPHM formu-
lation (42 g/cubic foot) were
less than one-third of the level
for the GF-5 formulation (158
g/cubic foot), probably be-
cause the phosphorus level
in the LPHM oil was lower to
Standard engine oil formulations excluding ZDDP. Test rig equivalent to TU-3
begin with. Calcium deposits engine test CEC L-38-T-87
were about one-third higher
for the LPHM formulation (46 40 10
g/cubic foot) than for the GF-5
formulation (36 g/cubic foot). 8
In addition, tests show
that molybdenum allows the 6
exhaust emissions like diesel 4
soot) at a lower temperature 10
than for the untreated base oil
or other fuel-soluble metals
including strontium and man- 0 0
JDQHVH7KLVHƢHFWZRXOGDOORZ Camshaft Wear (ʅm) Tappet Scuffing (Merit)
the catalyst to operate more ef- No Additive No Additive
ƁFLHQWO\ MoDTC @ 500 ppm Mo MoDTC @ 500 ppm Mo
ASP @ 300 ppm P ASP @ 300 ppm P
MoDTC @ 100 ppm Mo + ASP @ 300 ppm P MoDTC @ 100 ppm Mo + ASP @ 300 ppm P
HOHPHQW US Patent 6,187,723
In summary, molybdenum addi-
tives can solve a wide range of
lubrication challenges because Figure 14. MoDTC and an ashless thiophosphate (ASP) act synergistically to reduce camshaft wear and tappet scuff-
of their multifunctional nature ing (high figure of merit indicates less scuffing). (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.)


Main Effects & Interactions
% Chain Elongation


0.05 Mo, ppm 100 684 102 674
0 Zn, ppm 757 755 248 249
-0.05 Zn Mo Zn:Mo Mo:Zn 0.13 0.91 0.41 2.7

Figure 15. Effects of high (H) and low (L) levels of molybdenum ester- and zinc-based additives on timing chain wear shows that a combination of additives
produces a synergistic effect. (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.)

Group III 0W-20 Engine Oil, One Friction Reducer

Fresh Oil Condition Aged Oil Condition

0.15 0.15
140ІC 140ͼC
0.12 0.12

0.09 0.09

0.06 0.06

0.03 0.03

0 0
5 50 500 5000 5 50 500 5000
Speed (mm/s) Speed (mm/s)

BB w/o FM Liquid MoDTC (320 ppm Mo) Mo Ester (320 ppm Mo) GMO (0.5wt.%)

Figure 16. Liquid MoDTC (green line) keeps friction low in fresh oils, while a molybdenum ester additive (purple
line) excels in aged oils. (Figure courtesy of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC.)

Fully formulated passenger car engine oils (Group III basestock)

4 and their synergistic behavior
3.5 with other additives. In a prop-
erly formulated lubricant, these
3 additives are cost effective,
Figure 17. LPHM lu-
2.5 bricant formulations and they can be extremely ef-
are being developed fective even at low treat rates.

2 to increase fuel
3.45 Molybdenum-based additives
economy. (Figure
1.5 1.4 are nontoxic and compatible
1.2 2.75 courtesy of Vander-
min 2.29 bilt Chemicals, LLC.) with automotive catalytic con-
1 1.93 min
1.49 1.49 1.52 verters.
0.5 1.26
0 Nancy McGuire is a free-lance
FEI 1 FEI 2 FEI Sum writer based in Silver Spring,
0W-20 GF-5 Prototype LPHM LPHM Next Generation Md. You can contact her at
US Patent 9,546,340 and US Patent Application 2015/013352 [email protected].



Filter debris analysis:

FDA benefits include early detection, better particle characterization, increased operational
uptime, extended periods between scheduled repairs and decreased maintenance costs.

FDA’s main challenges are extracting the debris in a reliable, controlled manner and
accurately interpreting the results.

While FDA makes sense for wind turbines, unique challenges remain, including the sheer
enormity of the filter.


From aircraft to wind turbines
By Jeanna Van Rensselar / Senior Feature Writer

By Dr. Nancy McGuire

Contributing Editor

FDA has prevented aviation

catastrophes for years. Experts
say it’s about time the wind
industry got on board.

© Can Stock Photo / JohanSwanepoel

T he cost of replacing certain wind turbine 7KLVLVHYHQPRUHVLJQLƁFDQWZKHQ\RXFRQVLGHUWKDWWKH

components is jaw dropping. Here are some PDMRULW\RIWKHZLQGWXUELQHVDUHRXWRIZDUUDQW\
bris analysis (FDA) as a reliable means of determining the
t *HDUER[ machinery incorporate expensive parts that need to work
t (OHFWURQLFPRGXOHV aircraft are easier to maintain than wind turbines.



$OOLVRQ07RPVVXEMHFWPDWWHUH[SHUW an earlier upset that had already come and

(SME) for GasTOPS Inc. and a member of gone and would not necessarily show up
the STLE board of directors, says, “Recent in an oil sample collected outside of that
studies on aviation bearings and gearboxes timeframe.”
(900,000-plus samples) have shown that
traditional oil analysis provides limited and )'$LQDYLDWLRQ3
sometimes no warning on failure progres- )'$ZDVƁUVWZLGHO\HPSOR\HGLQWKHDYLD-
sion or faults, even with frequent sampling tion industry because leaders recognized the
sampling with limited success is a concern health of oil-wetted components in aircraft
due to manpower, costly maintenance and machinery. A program developed by Air Re-
potentially complete loss of the aircraft.” search in the 1980s claimed a 95% success
Toms adds: “In the aviation industry, rate for predicting catastrophic failures.4
FDA has been shown to be overwhelmingly In the mid 1980s, the Canadian Forces’
Figure 1. Wear debris on media. This indicates
and early failure warning—often greater gearbox debris problems. The Canadian
system component wear. A lab can identify the
WKDQƂLJKWKRXUVZKHQRWKHUPRQLWRU- Defense Research Establishment Atlantic debris. (Figure courtesy of Baldwin Filter/Parker
ing techniques had no indication of any ab- '5($ HPEDUNHGRQDUHVHDUFKSURMHFWWR Hannifin Filtration Group.)
normality. Applications utilizing this tech- GHWHUPLQHLIWKHGHEULVIURPWKHƁOWHUVFRXOG
nology have seen considerable successes be used to reliably evaluate the condition of
including early warning on catastrophic KHOLFRSWHUJHDUER[HV7KHSURMHFWZDVVR Under the USAF productivity, reliabil-
failure, increased operational uptime, ex- successful that FDA became an integral part ity, availability and maintainability (PRAM)
tended periods between scheduled repair of the maintenance program to determine program, an alpha prototype and six beta
and decreased maintenance costs.” the health of the Sea King gearbox. prototype units were constructed that in-
The Sea King senior aircraft mainte- corporated a miniature EDXRF system into
FDA nance then asked the health monitoring FilterCHECKTM.
GHEULVLVFDSWXUHGLQƁOWHUVDQGOHVVUHPDLQV the FDA program into an automated tool for ect, the FilterCHECKTM 300 unit cleans the
FKLQHU\FRQGLWLRQLVFDXJKWLQWKHƁOWHUDQG duction of the FilterCHECKTM 200. of wear debris and determines the metallic
never ends up in an oil sample.2 This instrument was simple to operate FRPSRVLWLRQDQGGHEULVPDVV7KHSURMHFW
creasingly smaller particles from damag- ƁOWHUTXDQWLWDWLYHO\FRXQWDQGVL]HWKHIHU- year.
ing parts, the downside is that they also rous and non-ferrous debris via the inline “Today the aviation industry primarily
KLGHFRPSRQHQWZHDUIURPWUDGLWLRQDOƂXLG particle debris monitor and prepare a patch tests engines/gearboxes for wear debris
analysis. of the debris for SEMEDX analysis. The in- WKDWFDQEHDQDO\]HGE\RQOLQHRURƤLQH
6RPHWLPHVMXVWLQVSHFWLQJDXVHGRLOƁO- strument’s system accurately and repeat- techniques,” Toms explains. “Modern gas
ter will point to the onset of a serious issue, edly determined gearbox serviceability. turbine engines, commercial and military,
EXWPRUHRIWHQWKDQQRWWKHRLOƁOWHUQHHGV The patch, however, still had to be sent to are designed with inline ferrous and non-
to be sent to a lab and tested. an expert analyst for metallurgical analysis, ferrous wear debris sensors. These sensors
Dr. John K. Duchowski, corporate di- and this continued to be a lengthy process provide near-real-time analysis on bearing
rector R&D Filtration for HYDAC, an STLE (see Figure 1). and gear health. When a wear/fault situ-
Fellow and holder of the society’s CLS and The U.S. military’s Joint Oil Analysis ation occurs, these sensors can diagnose
20$, ,,FHUWLƁFDWLRQVVD\VŠ5HJDUGOHVV Program Technical Support Center (JOAP- and monitor them from progression of the
element can provide a wealth of diagnostic ing of the FilterCHECKTM 200 and was WLPHWRIDLOXUHEDVHGRQWKHVSHFLƁFFRP-
information about the workings of a sys- impressed with its capabilities. However, SRQHQWFRQƁJXUDWLRQš
WHP,QFRQWUDVWWRDƂXLGVDPSOHZKLFK JOAP wanted comprehensive first-line Toms continues, “When online sensors
represents a slice in time and space, the capability in a single, transportable instru- are not available, other techniques can be
ƁOWHUHOHPHQWFROOHFWVDZHDOWKRIKLVWRULFDO ment that included metallurgical analysis. utilized. Most aircraft have magnetic chip
diagnostic information that has been accu- In 1999 JOAP initiated an application detectors (MCD) placed in the oil stream.
mulated over the entire service life interval. SURMHFWWRGHYHORSDQGLQFOXGHDQHQHUJ\ These devices collect primarily ferrous
In many cases, through careful analysis, it is dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) GHEULV(ƣFLHQF\RIWKH0&'GHSHQGVRQ
even possible to recover information about capability in the FilterCHECKTM 200 unit. SODFHPHQWLQWKHRLOƂRZ7KLVFDSWXUHGGH-


Aircraft are easier to maintain
than wind turbines.

bris is removed from the MCD and analyzed high viscosity oils and under a very broad oils have better thermal stability, lower pour
HLWKHUDWWKHƂLJKWOLQHRULQDODERUDWRU\ temperature range with much higher con- points and higher viscosity indices.
Each individual particle can be analyzed as taminant levels.” The most prevalent synthetic base stock
WRLWVVSHFLƁFDOOR\DQGVL]HWKXVSLQSRLQWLQJ The wind industry is still challenged by for wind turbine gearboxes is polyalphao-
failures (primarily gearboxes). This is espe- straight hydrocarbon chain that has an un-
Wind turbines cially true for turbines rated above 1 mw. saturated carbon at one end of the chain.
Š*HQHUDOO\WKHRQO\GLƢHUHQFHEHWZHHQRLO The signif icant expense involved goes They have a VI between 140 and 180. An-
ƁOWHUHOHPHQWJHRPHWU\š'XFKRZVNLH[- nents themselves to include the cost of the turbines is polyalkyleneglycol (PAG). PAGs
plains. “It is possible to employ exactly the replacement procedure—a crane is usually have a higher VI than PAOs—between 180
VDPHƁOWUDWLRQWHFKQRORJ\IRUKHOLFRSWHUV required. and 260. However, PAGs have challenges in
wind turbines, gas and steam turbines and 2ƤLQHDQGRQOLQHFRQGLWLRQPRQLWRU- paint and elastomer compatibility.
SDSHUPDFKLQHVWKHPDLQGLƢHUHQFHVEHLQJ ing have been of some help in preventing
dictated by the rigors of the application. and delaying component failures, as have $GGLWLYHV
Š)RUH[DPSOHZHGRRƢHUDSSOLFDWLRQ improvements in the formulation of gear- For wind turbines, the most common
VSHFLƁFƁOWHUHOHPHQWGHVLJQš'XFKRZVNL box oil. types of additives are antiwear (AW) and
adds. “In very practical terms, we recognize extreme-pressure (EP) additives. These
that gas turbine lubricating systems operate %DVHVWRFN types of additives are active during mixed
with relatively low viscosity oils at moder- High-performance synthetic oils are becom- friction lubrication, forming a reaction layer
ate temperature and, being generally clean, ing the norm for wind turbines—most newly to reduce direct metal-to-metal contact. AW
wind turbine gearboxes operate with very Compared to mineral-based oils, synthetic DQGWHPSHUDWXUH(3DGGLWLYHVDUHHƢHFWLYH

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under high loading. property analysis, degradation contamina-

Michael Blumenfeld, research associate, tion and wear. Much of the oil sampling
ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co., and testing is performed not only to verify
says, “Wind turbine gearbox lubricants have condition of both the oil and equipment
to protect gear and bearing components by but also to satisfy the requirements of the
carrying incredibly high loads under severe system warranty. Approximately 75% of our
conditions such as extreme temperatures. As customers sample and test the oil every six
a result, lubricant formulators must balance months. The remaining 25% of our custom-
a broad array of performance areas while ers review the oil on a more frequent basis,
ensuring the product delivers the longest oil at least every three months.”
drain intervals possible.” To add to the chal- Condition monitoring has become a
OHQJHWKHVHƂXLGVPXVWEHDEOHWRVLPXOWD- standard solution in modern wind turbines
neously protect high-speed and low-speed YLD WUDGLWLRQDO RƤLQH PRQLWRULQJ RQOLQH
components because wind turbine gearbox- monitoring with sensors or a combination
es have multiple stages with large gear ratios. of both. Typical condition monitoring for
7KLVLVSDUWLFXODUO\GLƣFXOWWRDFKLHYHZLWKD wind turbines includes: Figure 2. Gel-like coating on media. This indi-
cates certain oil additives may have trapped
VLQJOHƂXLGVLQFHORZVSHHGDQGKLJKVSHHG water. (Figure courtesy of Baldwin Filter/Parker
• Inline or online oil debris monitoring
The three main • Oil cleanliness level measurements
challenges with • And increasingly FDA. could or should be and is only drawn every
12 months. The tests generally performed
current filter testing
2ƤLQHPRQLWRULQJUHTXLUHVRLOVDPSOLQJ will give some insight into the condition and
practices are cost, ZKLFKFDQEHGLƣFXOWŜHVSHFLDOO\ZLWKRƢ- health of the oil but not so much for the con-
logistics and shore wind turbines. However, this can still dition of the equipment.”
trend-able techniques. be a very valuable method for gauging the He adds, “Since spectroscopy has limita-
condition of the oil. Typical oil sample tests tions with the size of the particles captured,
for wind turbines include: which is the primary method for collecting
DSSOLFDWLRQVW\SLFDOO\UHTXLUHYHU\GLƢHUHQW and quantifying the various elements in-
YLVFRVLWLHVDQGRQO\WKHPRVWDGYDQFHGƂXLGV • Water content cluding the wear metals, we miss most of
are up to the challenge. • Sediment and insolubles the information contained in the samples.
He continues, “Further, wind turbine • Acid number This is because the particles aspirated are
gearbox lubricants need to be compatible • Base number OHVVWKDQőPLQVL]HDQGDFWXDOO\DYHUDJH
with the broad array of metals, polymers • Kinematic viscosity DERXWőP7KHJHDUER[RLOƁOWHUVDUHGH-
and coatings that are used by gearbox • Wear, contaminant, additive elements VLJQHGE\WKH2(0VRIWKHJHDUER[WRƁOWHU
manufacturers and must be formulated with (including metals) GRZQWRURXJKO\őPZKLFKFDSWXUHVWKH
suitable performance reserve to accommo- • Particle count useful debris. For this reason, the analysis of
date the rapid change and advancement in • Oxidation condition WKHƁOWHUVKRXOGEHLQFOXGHGLQWKHXVXDOO\
wind turbine technology (see Figure 2). It is ť /RZWHPS%URRNƁHOGYLVFRVLW\5 scheduled maintenance, but it typically is
important that the lubricant can deliver in not due to cost and competiveness.”
all of these areas, as the cost of downtime Online monitoring requires perma- 5HJDUGLQJPDLQƁOWUDWLRQORRSƁOWHUHOH-
is massive. Remote locations, tight spaces nently installed sensor systems that provide ment analysis, Miller explains, “This is an
and working at heights make changing the continuous wear debris fault detection, oil expensive addition to the regularly sched-
gearbox lubricant an expensive logistical depletion and degradation information. The uled sample cycle prescribed by the OEM
challenge to be avoided if at all possible PDLQEHQHƁWLVFRQWLQXRXVPHDVXUHPHQW manual, thus preventing its acceptance in-
(see The Evolution of Lubrication Oil for Wind but it is costlier, and there is concern about dustry wide. There is perceived value in this
Turbines on Page 43).” WKHDFFXUDF\RIWKHƂXLGFRQGLWLRQVHQVRUV level of analysis, but I don’t think the cur-
STLE-member Arthur Miller, condition rent methods are consistently informative.
0LQG\9LOODOEDSURMHFWPDQDJHU6*61RUWK cants, EDF Renewables, explains, “First extracting the wear debris from the whole
America (formerly Herguth Laboratories, and foremost, we in the wind industry are RIWKHƁOWHUHOHPHQWZKLFKLVDERXWIHHW
Inc.), says, “Typical oil condition monitor- bound by minimum requirements set forth long when unraveled, then perhaps more of
ing practices in the wind industry include a by the turbine manufacturer’s service man- us will be willing to move in that direction.”
periodic review of the main turbine gear- ual. This means the lab analysis followed Š5HPRYLQJWKHPDLQƁOWUDWLRQORRSƁOWHU
box oil and the system hydraulic oil for basic by many is generic and not as intuitive as it for debris analysis can be daunting


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settled oil, from any source, will not have a

representative particle distribution.

Most commercial wind turbines have large
gearbox oil filters, typically 15-30 inches
(400-800 mm) tall and weighing 10-20 lbs.
expense of logistics and analysis are barri-
Logistics and analysis costs for the compact
Field tests were conducted on nine-mw
wind turbines from July 2015 to December
2016. Analysis demonstrated accurate SEM
Figure 3. Media covered with thick, loosely held Figure 4. Wavy media pleats, deteriorated SDUWLFOHLGHQWLƁFDWLRQIRUWKHPDLQDQGFRP-
sludge. This indicates an excessive amount of outer wrap or sticky, shiny, tightly held sludge.
fuel soot. This can be the result of a wide range This indicates moisture present in the sys-
of factors. An experienced engineer can identify tem. (Figure courtesy of Baldwin Filter/Parker SDFWƁOWHUVOHDGWRPRUHFRQVLVWHQWVDPSOH
the root cause of the problem. (Figure courtesy of Hannifin Filtration Group.) preparation.7
Baldwin Filter/Parker Hannifin Filtration Group.) “National Renewable Energy Laborato-
data study at various wind turbine and tri-
for both maintenance and laboratory per- PHQWZHDUVRWRRFDQƁOWHUVEHDQDO\]HG bology conferences over the past couple of
sonnel alike,” Villalba adds. “There is much IRUVLPLODULQIRUPDWLRQ%HFDXVHWKHƁOWHUV years,” Villalba says. “The data proved that
time and labor involved for technicians to typically remove large particles, analysis LQWHJUDWLQJWKHFRPSDFWƁOWHULQWRWKHPDLQ
UHPRYHDQGUHSODFHWKHPDLQƁOWHU2QFH of the debris can be helpful in determining loop system is a great way to capture and
cumbersome to test in the laboratory. The ,QWKLVPDQQHUƁOWHUDQDO\VLVFDQSURYLGHD scanning electron microscopy (SEM), we
ƁOWHUDQDO\VLVWHVWLQJSURFHVVLVUHODWLYHO\ way to incorporate predictive maintenance were able to characterize the particulate
expensive, considering the low cost for into reliable practices.” for both size and composition. The ability
routine oil analysis. There is no doubt that FDA has been used by some industries to identify all captured particulate, includ-
the industry would be open to testing the for decades, but it has not yet been fully em- ing non-ferrous particles and contami-
ƁOWUDWLRQORRSƁOWHUHOHPHQWEXWWKHFRVWIRU braced by the wind energy industry. In most nants, allows for an in-depth evaluation
testing and the labor for maintenance must FDVHVWKHƁOWHULVGLVFDUGHGGXULQJURXWLQH of potential wear and failure modes. The
attain a better balance for this practice to maintenance and a very valuable piece of process also was productionized, such that
become routine (see Figures 3 and 4).” WKHFRQGLWLRQSLFWXUHLVORVW7KHƁOWHUWUDSV a much customized SEM technique could
Miller believes that the wind industry important wear information that may not be EHFRPHDPRUHDƢRUGDEOHDQGWUHQGDEOH
should move away from the usually pre- collected for standard oil analysis. And, as testing option.”
scribed oil analysis for trending the gearbox PHQWLRQHGHDUOLHUWRGD\ŞVƁQHUƁOWHUVWHQG She adds, “The three main challenges
health and reserve oil analysis for monitor- to hold more debris than previous itera- ZHVHHZLWKFXUUHQWƁOWHUWHVWLQJSUDFWLFHV
ing the health of the gear oil. The gearbox tions, meaning there is less and less material are cost, logistics and trend-able tech-
could be monitored in part by performing a for traditional oil analysis to process. QLTXHV7KHFRPSDFWƁOWHUDQDO\VLVVWXG\
FRPSOHWHDQDO\VLVRIWKHPDLQƁOWHUHOHPHQW By examining wear debris particles, labs by NREL showed that all three challenges
alternatively, oil debris monitoring sensors can use several techniques such as SEM could be tackled concurrently. The compact
could be installed, which Miller agrees can to provide fast, automated wear particle ƁOWHUSURYHGWREHHDVLHUWRDFFHVVIRUPDLQ-
composition.6 was very easily handled in the laboratory.
)'$DQGZLQGWXUELQHV One reason that FDA tends to be more “Because the logistics of removal and
FDA is a critical investigational step, but due accurate than standard oil analysis for wind KDQGOLQJRIWKHFRPSDFWƁOWHUVJUHDWO\LP-
to these logistical issues with wind turbines, turbines is the following: It takes about 20 proved the overall process, the cost of main-
it is usually practiced only after catastrophic minutes to climb the wind turbine tower tenance and testing naturally decreased as
HTXLSPHQWIDLOXUHŠ+RZHYHUƁOWHUDQDO\VLV and sample the oil after the turbine stops. well,” Villalba says. “People involved in the
also can provide very useful data regarding This means it is nearly impossible to get a wind power industry need to know that
premature wear,” Villalba says. “Just as oil warm, representative sample of oil from a FRPSDFWƁOWHULQWHJUDWLRQLVDQDYDLODEOH
samples are screened for evidence of equip- wind turbine. Samples collected on cold, course of action.”


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2WKHUWHFKQRORJLHV smaller, FDA may be a very important piece

“The primary manner in which the emerg- of the condition puzzle.
ing technologies, like the Internet of Things, “As has been the case for decades,
ZLOOLPSDFWƁOWUDWLRQWHFKQRORJLHVLVDOORZ- power densities of wind turbine gearboxes
ing for acquisition, storage, manipulation continue to increase as OEMs seek to draw
and evaluation of very large data sets with more power from existing platforms,” Blu-
a large number of variables,” Duchowski menfeld says. “As power densities rise, we
says, “At the moment, not much informa- are continually learning about new wear
tion is being logged on the state and the mechanisms that impact wind turbine
health of the system. In addition, the abil- gearbox reliability. In parallel, the lubri-
LW\WRFRPELQHVLJQDOVIURPWKHGLƢHUHQWLDO cants industry is inventing new chemistries
pressure sensors, water content or relative that provide improved performance as
humidity sensors, particle counters and we push the limits on what is possible in
others would open entirely new avenues torque transmission. In the future, formula-
to system observation and maintenance tors of wind turbine gearbox lubricants will
Figure 5. Deformed canister or gasket blowout.
(see Figure 5).” continue to respond quickly to these chal-
This indicates excessive oil system pressure,
Regarding online particle counters, Blu- which is typically caused by a stuck or malfunc- lenges so the wind industry can concentrate
menfeld says, “They have become a com- tioning oil pressure regulator valve in the oil on generating power in a safe, reliable and
mon addition to the condition monitoring pump assembly. This problem should not be at- economical fashion. The best way for this to
SRUWIROLRRIZLQGWXUELQHƂHHWV+RZHYHU tributed to the filter. (Figure courtesy of Baldwin happen is through continued dialogue and
Filter/Parker Hannifin Filtration Group.)
many of these online systems count anti- cooperation between lubricant developers
foam additives (which are designed to be and equipment builders.”
insoluble soft droplets in the oil) as particles, Finally, based on experience in the avia-
so they cannot provide an absolute measure VLJQLƁFDQWUHVRXUFHVUHPRYLQJDEHQHƁFLDO tion industry, this is the advice that Toms
of the quantity of damaging hard particles lubricant additive and, in the process, re- has for the wind turbine industry: “Ana-
entrained within a lubricant.” ducing the performance and longevity of O\]HDVPDQ\ƁOWHUVDVSRVVLEOHIRUDFRP-
He continues, “When an accurate parti- their lubricant.” SUHKHQVLYHFRPSRQHQWSURƁOLQJRIIDLOXUH
cle count is required, optical particle count- modes. If the wind industry starts utilizing
from soft materials such as antifoam. We Traditional oil condition monitoring and ƁOWHUDQDO\VLVZLOOEHDVLPSOHUHSURGXFLEOH
have recently seen cases where operators continuous monitoring through sensors tells means to achieve a comprehensive compo-
mistake online particle counters for abso- a big part of the picture but not everything. nent health analysis.”
lute measurements of hard particles. This For all machinery and especially expensive
leads to elevated particle counts and opera- machinery like wind turbines, the cost of Jeanna Van Rensselar heads her own
their lubricant even though it is perfectly to the cost of damaged and destroyed com- PR Communications, in Naperville, Ill.
clean and does not contain hard, damaging ponents that render the machinery inopera- You can reach her at jeanna@smartpr
particles. The customer ends up expending WLYH:LWKWKHSRUHVL]HRIRLOƁOWHUVWUHQGLQJ

1. From Wind Turbine Gearbox Oil Filtration and Condition Monitoring. 5. Brookfield viscosity refers to a viscosity measurement performed with
Shuangwen (Shawn) Sheng, NREL. Presented at the STLE Tribology a Brookfield Viscometer. The viscometer motor rotates the spindle at a
Frontiers Conference, Oct. 25, 2015, Denver. Available at www.nrel. defined speed (measured in rpms) or shear rate; the viscometer
gov/docs/fy16osti/65388.pdf. measures the resistance to rotation and reports a viscosity value.
2. From Filter Debris Analysis, TestOil. Available at 6. D7919 Standard Guide for Filter Debris Analysis (FDA) Using Manual or
services/filter-analysis/. Automated Processes. Available for purchase at
3. Material in this section not otherwise footnoted is from Using Filter Standards/D7919.htm.
Debris Analysis to Identify Component Wear In Industrial Applications 7. Portions from Wind Turbines: Improving the analysis of gear-oil debris
by Allison M. Toms and Michael P. Barrett. Available at www.testoil. with a compact filter, by Paul Dvorak, April 27, 2017. This article is part
com/downloads/Pdm_FDA_Paper.pdf. of Windpower Engineering & Development’s April 2017 issue. Available
4. From Understanding Oil Filter Debris Analysis; Reliable Plant. Available at
at improving-analysis-gear-oil-debris-compact-filter/.


Filter analysis can provide a way to incorporate
predictive maintenance into reliable practices.

The evolution of
lubrication oil for
wind turbines
In the following, Michael Blumenfeld, research associate,
ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co., explains how
lubrication for wind turbines has evolved.
Thirty years ago it would have been very challenging to
find a lubricant that was designed specifically for wind turbine
gearboxes. The application was not established enough,
turbines were small, and the challenges of the wind industry
were not yet fully appreciated. During these early days, gen-
eral lubricant technology was repurposed from industrial gear
and circulating applications.
It wasn’t until the 1990s, with the development of mega-
watt-class turbines and the identification of micropitting as a
key concern for wind turbine gears, that the industry recog-
nized the unique challenges of lubricating a wind turbine gear-
box. This led to the development of oils specifically made for
wind applications, such as our own Mobilgear SHC XMP 320.
These wind turbine lubricants were designed with the most
advanced technology available, and they balanced the need for
extreme load carrying with a fluid that could operate over wide
operating conditions ranging from small onshore turbines to
large offshore turbines.
Two of the biggest areas of advancement in wind turbine

© Can Stock Photo / eyematrix

gearbox lubricants have been in the areas of improved viscos-
ity index and oil drain interval. The massive growth in wind
capacity has spurred the lubricant industry to develop new
synthetic base stocks that are tailor-made for wind turbine
gearbox applications.
These metallocene-catalyzed PAO (mPAO) base stocks pos-
sess a very high viscosity index, which means they maintain
viscosity over a broad range of operating conditions, from
low temperature start-up to operating temperature of up to has an important role to play in mitigating one of the causes
80 C (176 F). They have been engineered to address the dual of these failures. Laboratory tests have shown that lubri-
challenge of providing efficient cold-starts and high elastohy- cant additives that contain metals such as calcium, zinc and
drodynamic lubrication film thickness under load. Additionally molybdenum can interact with dissolved water in the lubricant
these mPAO base stocks are stable under mechanical, oxida- to accelerate damage in bearings susceptible to WEC. Some
tive and hydrolytic stresses, which means the oil lasts longer lubricants formulated with metal-containing additives are
and oil changes are required less often. In the future, lubricant hygroscopic and hold a large amount of water.
manufacturers will use these mPAO fluids to provide addi- It appears that these additives (and their affinity for water)
tional energy efficiency benefits by lowering viscosity without play a role in delivering elemental hydrogen to the bearing
impacting equipment durability. surface. However, metal-free lubricants do not promote WEC
Even more recently, the lubricant industry has addressed damage. By formulating without these metal-containing addi-
the lubricant-related causes of white etch cracking (WEC) tives and keeping dissolved water levels low, modern lubricant
failures in wind turbine gearbox bearings. Although there are formulators have made an important contribution to reducing
several risk factors contributing to WEC, the gearbox lubricant the prevalence of WEC and improving turbine reliability.


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16th Annual CMF Plus

The industry’s most innovative companies recap

presentations from the Commercial Marketing Forum
held during STLE’s 2018 Annual Meeting in Minneapolis.

• Afton Chemical Corp.

• Croda Lubricants
• Evonik Oil Additives USA, Inc.
• Institute of Materials
• King Industries, Inc.
• The Dow Chemical Co.
• The Lubrizol Corp.
• Vanderbilt Chemicals

74th STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition • May 19-23, 2019 • Nashville, Tennessee (USA)
2019 STLE Commercial Marketing Forum • May 20-22 • Nashville, Tennessee (USA)
To register for CMF or CMF Plus, contact Tracy Nicholas VanEe at [email protected].
Chemical Solutions for
Lubricants & Metalworking

Sasol Performance Chemicals

Sasol offers high quality products for:

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• Emulsification
• Viscosity improvement
• Cleaning and lubrication

Our product portfolio includes:

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• Heavy sulfonates to prevent corrosion in engine oil

David Pack
Market Development Sales Manager - North America
Telephone +1 713-818-9362
E-mail [email protected]
Table of Contents

Afton Chemical Corp.

Croda Lubricants
Evonik Oil Additives USA, Inc.
Institute of Materials
King Industries, Inc.
The Dow Chemical Co.
The Lubrizol Corp.
Vanderbilt Chemicals

Synopses from the most innovative companies

presenting at STLE’s 2018 Commercial Marketing
Forum in Minneapolis.

48 Afton Chemical Corp.

American Made: The Coming Renaissance
in U.S. Manufacturing
Introduction by Phil Rohrer
Article by Scott Miller

52 Croda Lubricants
Meeting the Needs of Changing Markets
By Scott Davis

56 Evonik Oil Additives USA, Inc.

Efficiency gains have become reality
with DYNAVIS® technology
By Lauren Zunner

60 Institute of Materials
Project Scenario
By Norm Kanar

64 King Industries, Inc.

NA-SUL® 450 & KX455 Water-Based Rust
Preventives Provide a Useful Tool to Reduce VOC
By Bill Kingston

Introducing a Hydrolytically Stable, Low Toxicity
Fire-Resistant Hydraulic Fluid for Power Stations
By Mary Moon

72 The Dow Chemical Co.

UCON™ WaterGuard Stabilizers
By Andrew Larson

76 The Lubrizol Corp.

Not all Industrial Gear oils are Formulated
the Same
By Seth Crawley, Technology Manager

80 Vanderbilt Chemicals
Esters for Engine Oils
By C. Esche, G. Mazzamaro, K. Delaney,
J. Jurs, R. Butler and G. Pollock


Afton Chemical Corporation

American Made:
The Coming Renaissance in U.S. Manufacturing
Introduction by Phil Rohrer, Marketing Manager - Industrial, Afton Chemical Corporation,
Article by Scott Miller, Senior Adviser, Abshire-Inamori Leadership Academy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies

Manufacturing remains a large and valuable
component of U.S. output. Yet, over recent
years it has experienced sustained growth
in only a few high-technology sectors. Until
In this article, Scott Miller, a senior ad-
viser with the Abshire-Inamori Leadership
Academy at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies in Washington, D.C.
discusses current factors influencing the
U.S. manufacturing renaissance such as glo-
balization, low energy costs, smart manu-
facturing, and economic factors supportive
of investment.
For more information about how Afton
additives can help you take advantage of this
revival in manufacturing, contact your Afton
representative at www.aftonchemical.
Figure 1.

American Made: The Coming industrial base output is larger than the en- opment of steam power in the nineteenth
Renaissance in U.S. Manufacturing tire GDP of South Korea. Using 20 percent century was the key to overcoming trans-
Technological advances have reshaped the of net capital stock, manufacturers account SRUWFRVWVZKHUHE\ƁUPVFRXOGVHSDUDWH
global economy. Worldwide, extreme pov- for over half of U.S. patents, 70 percent production from consumption and achieve
erty has been reduced dramatically. Yet at of R&D investment, and 60 percent of economies of scale, the advent of low-cost,
the same time, industrial economies face exports—key factors which are essential instantaneous transmission of data allowed
disruption and stagnation, including secu- to prosperity. (Figure 1) Alternatively, a producers to precisely coordinate tasks at
lar declines in manufacturing value-added. GHFOLQLQJLQGXVWULDOEDVHH[SRVHVƁUPVWR a great distance.2 What once was an in-
Over the past 25 years, U.S. manufacturing supply chain risk and limits their agility ter-plant transfer from a nearby supplier
has struggled, with sustained growth in only and innovation. Furthermore, manufac- became international trade, part of a com-
a few high-technology sectors like electron- turing decline leads to diminished pros- plex global supply arrangement. Products
ics, aerospace, and pharmaceuticals. Most pects for the U.S. middle class, particularly once made in a relatively compact geogra-
other industries have experienced stasis or in the 500 counties where manufacturing phy (like Silicon Valley or the Motor City)
outright decline in value-added, with con- represents the top economic activity. could now be characterized as “made in the
comitant declines in employment.1 world,” with components and sub-assem-
Many observers have described the Globalization: A Second Industrial blies sourced around the globe.
U.S. economy as “post-industrial.” While Revolution Concurrently, governments embraced
it’s true that services predominate, man- Beginning in the late 1980s, advances in market economics, which accelerated glob-
ufacturing remains a large and valuable information and communication technolo- al development: formerly closed econo-
component of U.S. output. While providing gy (I/CT) led to radical changes in the way mies like China and the Soviet Union were
around 10 percent of employment, the U.S. goods were produced. Just as the devel- opened to trade and investment, and barri-


ers to the movement of goods, competitive services market
people, ideas, and culture fell on the planet and is home to
dramatically. Developing econ- 45 of Reuters’ Top 100 global
omies grew rapidly, in large technology leaders (Japan, in
part because the I/CT revolu- second place, has 13).4
production “know-how” once tunities will not be easy. The
available only in the co-located manufacturing sector needs
supply networks of advanced new capabilities. More firms
economies. As the revolution need to participate in the glob-
progressed, large, globally en- al economy, since technology
JDJHG86ƁUPVDQGKLJKWHFK and demand growth have en-
sector manufacturers fared hanced opportunities abroad.
best, but the net result was a Many plants need to be upgrad-
permanently reshaped U.S. in- HGIRUGLJLWDOUHDGLQHVVƁUPV
dustrial base. focused on survival the last 20
years, now must step up to keep
The Next Wave: Smart Manufacturing ZKLFKUHƂHFWLQFUHDVLQJYDOXHIURP5 'GH- pace with capital requirements. For exam-
Technological progress that radically re- sign, and services, will play to U.S. strengths ple, large investments are needed to close
duced coordination costs over the past 30 but will challenge manufacturers to acceler- the gap in robotics, where the United States
\HDUVFRQWLQXHVWRHYROYHDQGLQƂXHQFHWKH ate cycle times and broaden product variety. has a relatively low implementation intensi-
fundamentals of making things. In our view, ty when compared to Japan, Germany, and
it’s likely that the next phase of the I/CT U.S. Manufacturers Are Poised to South Korea. Moreover, shorter product cy-
high-tech economies, first and foremost There is a compelling case to be made that to “compete against time.” Considering hu-
the United States. Digitization, sometimes 86PDQXIDFWXULQJLVSRLVHGIRUQRWMXVW man resources, the entire goods-producing
called “Industry 4.0” or “smart manufac- recovery, but accelerated growth in val- sector will need people with higher skills,
turing,” is being driven by the advent and ue-added. Achieving this renaissance will which will stretch the existing education
high-performance computer-aided design some of which we will outline below. But ZLOOQHHGWRUHGRXEOHHƢRUWVWRDWWUDFWDQG
(CAD) and engineering (CAE) software; ƁUPVKHUHEHJLQZLWKDNH\DVVHWŜKDYLQJ retain skilled workers.
cloud computing; the Internet of Things the United States as “home market.” The
(IoT); advanced sensor technologies; addi- U.S. consumer market is large, rich, diverse, Tax and Regulatory Policy—So Far,
tive manufacturing, also known as 3D print- and dynamic. The United States has no So Good
ing; industrial robotics; and data analytics, peer for attracting capital from home and The Trump administration and Congress
machine learning, and wireless connectivi- abroad; moreover, its goods producers are have made substantial progress in both
ty that better enables machine-to-machine “battle-tested,” with lean, competitive oper- boosting economic growth and improving
(M2M) communications.3 While for many ations required for success in the world of competitiveness, especially in manufac-
decades manufacturing has gained effi- global supply networks. Furthermore, the turing. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (Public
ciency from advances in data processing, United States boasts the most innovative, Law 115-97), enacted in December 2017,
ZKDWŞVGLƢHUHQWWRGD\LVQRWMXVW lowered corporate marginal
the improved ease and lower tax rates from 35 percent to
cost of using information. It is 21 percent, near the average of
now possible for producers to industrial economies. The new
identify, track, communicate, law also moved the U.S. system
analyze, and use information to territorial taxation and pro-
in manufacturing at a granular vided for immediate expensing
level and to make changes in of capital investment—changes
real time. which are accelerating capital
As connectivity and smart flows into the United States
machines advance, technolo- and, by extension, manufac-
gy is creating avenues for U.S. turing productivity. Less vis-
manufacturers to boost their LEOHEXWMXVWDVLPSRUWDQWKDV
productivity, agility, and compet- been regulatory reform, which
itiveness. New business models, reversed the direction of the



previous administration. President Trump

set a goal of repealing two regulations for
each one implemented, and thus far the
new administration is exceeding this pace. 5
In partnership with Congress, reducing the
burden of regulation has translated directly
an improved operating environment sup-
portive of new investment.
These improvements come at a moment
when global demand is rising, and technolo-
gy is driving value chain evolution in the di-
rection of U.S. advantage. Favorable changes
to energy costs and labor productivity (rela-
tive to global competition) can be expected
to add a tailwind to the growth scenario. Pro-
growth policies appear to be working well,
with the economy registering 4.1 percent
GDP growth in the most recent quarter and Canada, Japan, Mexico, and the European GDP growth well above the current trend,
unemployment reaching multi-year lows. Union, where the administration’s claims spurring income growth, employment, and
Trade and Infrastructure—To Be with the facts. cal element for both business and political
Determined Improving U.S. infrastructure was an- leaders is to focus on the future instead of
Candidate Trump made a confrontational other frequent campaign theme. In Febru- trying to recreate the past.
trade policy focused on reciprocity as a core ary 2018, the president proposed a creative
campaign message. Thus far, the president approach to infrastructure development, Scott Miller is a senior adviser with the
has shown resolve, with a willingness to use utilizing grants to incentivize public-private Abshire-Inamori Leadership Academy at the
WKHEOXQWLQVWUXPHQWRIWDULƢHVFDODWLRQWR partnerships along with reforms in permit- Center for Strategic and International Studies
reset what he perceives as arrangements ting, credit guarantees, and asset manage- in Washington, D.C.
unfair to the United States. As of now, the ment. Congress has not yet acted on this
macroeconomic effects of higher tariffs initiative and is now likely delayed until after The Center for Strategic and Interna-
are small in comparison to the stimulus as- the midterm elections. tional Studies (CSIS), a private, tax-ex-
sociated with tax reform, but U.S. actions empt institution focusing on interna-
and retaliation by trading partners are Makers: Remaking for Success tional public policy issues. Its research
causing headaches for those who manage Looking ahead, it is reasonable to be con- is nonpartisan and nonproprietary.
manufacturing supply networks. A reset of ƁGHQWLQWKHIXWXUHRI86PDQXIDFWXULQJ CSIS does not take specif ic policy
U.S.-China commercial relations is overdue, Key factor endowments remain highly fa- positions. Accordingly, all views, po-
and the president has public support for vorable: plentiful domestic energy supplies, sitions, and conclusions expressed in
WKLVƁJKW+RZHYHUZLWKRYHUKDOIRI86 a dynamic home consumer market, a skilled this publication should be understood
imports composed of intermediate goods workforce, and economic circumstances to be solely those of the author(s).
(i.e., things used to make other things), most supportive of investment.
producers hold out hope for a speedy res- With the right policy decisions, the © 2018 by the Center for Strategic and In-
olution of disputes with key partners like United States can expect manufacturing ternational Studies. Used with permission.

1. Sree Ramaswamy et al., “Making it in America: Revitalizing U.S. Manufacturing,” (McKinsey Global Institute, November 2017),
3. Stephen J. Ezell, “A Policymaker’s Guide to Smart Manufacturing,” (Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, November 2016),
5. For up-to-date information about regulatory reform, see



HITEC® 544

© 2018. Afton Chemical Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of NewMarket Corporation (NYSE:NEU). AGUPO$IFNJDBM®, HiTEC®, Microbotz® and Passion for Solutions® are trademarks owned by Afton Chemical Corporation registered in the U.S.
Croda Lubricants

Meeting the Needs of Changing Markets

By Scott Davis, US Sales Manager – Energy Technologies, [email protected]

Current and evolving regulations con-

tinue to drive many of the requirements that
lubricants need to address. This article will
discuss some changes in regulations that
continue to impact needs of lubricants to-
day and in the future.

Fuel Economy and Emissions

Regulations continue to drive the need for
and reduced emissions. The US Corporate
Average Fuel Economy (CAFÉ) standards

© Can Stock Photo / asnidamarwani

are set to increase from a current require-
ment of 35.5 miles per gallon to 54.5 miles
per gallon by 2025. Although the Trump
Administration is considering reductions
to the CAFÉ standards, it is possible that
a future administration would overturn any
change from the current plan. Any reduc-
tion in the federal CAFÉ standards is also Croda developed a line of synthetic esters made from sustainable palm.
likely to be met with state regulations from
California and other states. The picture in
Europe is clearer. EU Carbon dioxide emis- 7R\RWDQRZVSHFLƁHVXVHRIDZIRUWKH polymer chemistry. Mini traction machine
sion requirements continue to tighten. The Camry. Pushing the low viscosity envelope (MTM) friction curves have been developed
average carbon dioxide emissions target for even further, Toyota reportedly is consider- WKDWGHPRQVWUDWHWKHVLJQLƁFDQWUHGXFWLRQ
new passenger cars will go from the current ing 0w12 and 0w8 oils. in friction that these additives can generate
level of 130 g/km to 95 g/km in 2021. The Lower viscosity oils contribute to fuel ZKHQWRSWUHDWHGLQWRDIRUPXODWHG+''(2
light commercial vehicles will go from 175 cient to prevent surfaces from contacting. tion reduction that these additives provide,
g/km to 147 g/km in 2020. Toyota performed a study that showed they also can play a role in reducing wear.
and lower emissions is in part being ad- viscosity below 2.6 mPA*s, see Figure 1. wear generated on the ball and disc used in
dressed by a move towards lower viscosity The fuel economy below this viscosity is the MTM friction test. The Perfad 3000 se-
engine oils. There are several examples of likely worse due to friction from contacting ries additives reduced the wear on the ball
this trend. The most recent heavy duty en- surfaces that are no longer supported by and disc by up to 70%. Reference Table 1.
FA-4. FA-4 is designed to provide fuel econ- to other areas too. One area of concern is showed positive results in a Sequence VIE
RP\EHQHƁWEH\RQG&.GXHWRWKHORZHU hybrid cars. The stop-start driving cycle engine test, reference Table 2. In a top treat-
viscosity. The next passenger car engine typical for hybrid cars makes them more ed 0w20, which was not optimized for the
ment as GF-6, will contain a sub-category )RUGUHFHQWO\LVVXHGDVSHFLƁFDWLRQIRUORZ the FEI Sum result vs the baseline oil from
FDOOHG*)%ZKLFKFRQWDLQVDORZHU+7+6 phosphorus oils because of wear concerns. 2.41% to 3.10%. Perfad 3006 improved the
viscosity requirement. Another example of Croda developed the Perfad™ 3000 result even further to 3.36%. It is likely that
the move towards lower viscosities is that UDQJHRIRUJDQLFIULFWLRQPRGLƁHUVEDVHGRQ these results could be improved with fur-


ther treat rate and additive package com- Changes to Ecolabel and (FRODEHOZLOOPRYHIURPƁYHŠDSSOLFD-
patibility optimization. The Perfad 3000 Vessel General Permit tion” categories to four categories charac-
VHULHVSRO\PHULFRUJDQLFIULFWLRQPRGLƁHUV Both Ecolabel and Vessel General Permit are terized by “loss”. An example of this change
demonstrate friction reduction and im- scheduled to receive plan updates in 2018. is that stern tube oils will move from “Cat-
proved wear performance. They are addi- The changes to Ecolabel have been estab- egory 3”, under the previous scheme, to
tives that should be considered for low vis- lished, while the proposal for VGP 2018 is not the “Partial Loss Lubrication” category.
cosity engine oils when wear is a concern. known at the time of submission of this article. Four cycle engine oils were not addressed
and could be considered under a separate
scheme. No timeline was recommended for
implementation of this engine oil category.
Another change to Ecolabel relates to
the biodegradability requirements. The
biodegradability requirement will change
from ultimate biodegradability to readily
biodegradable. Readily biodegradable dif-
fers from ultimate biodegradability in that
it stipulates that the degradation from 10%
to 60% take place within a 10 day window.
The 10 day stipulation applies only to dis-
does not apply to substances that are a mix-
ture of homologous compounds. Products
window. Vegetable oils and synthetic esters
made from oleochemical raw materials are
examples of UVCBs. The biodegradability
limits will change slightly under the new
plan. An example of a change is that the
Figure 1. The Limits of Viscosity Reduction. readily biodegradable requirement for stern
tube lubricants will decrease from >90% to
>75%. Stern tube lubricants can now con-
tain up to 25% of inherently biodegradable
content which is up from 5% previously. In
the previous Ecolabel scheme, products
that were biodegradable were assumed to
not bioaccumulate. All substances, includ-
ing biodegradable substances, will need to
be assessed for bioaccumulation potential
under the new scheme.
One of the more controversial changes
to the Ecolabel scheme is the elimination of
Table 1. Wear data after 6 hours. Mixed sliding/rolling. the renewability requirement. This change
viscosity PAGs, low viscosity PAOs, and
synthetic esters derived from petrochemical
raw materials which meet the biodegrad-
ability and toxicity requirements. Croda’s
Priolube™ 1936 is an example of a petro-
chemically derived, synthetic ester which
can now be used that was not eligible under
the former Ecolabel requirements. Priolube
compared to other options of similar vis-
Table 2. Sequence VIE Test Results cosity based on renewable raw materials.



Table 3. Croda Sustainable Palm Esters

Table 4. Croda Ecolabel / VGP Base Oils

The updated Ecolabel plan will require ucts are biodegradable by OECD 301-B, ,629*EDVHƂXLGV$QRWKHUQHZSURG-
WKLUGSDUW\YHULƁFDWLRQRIRULJLQIRUSDOPRU non-toxic, and non-bioaccumulative. They uct in development is an oxidatively stable,
palm kernel derived products. Other renew- come in a range of viscosities from ISO VG biodegradable ester with a target viscosity of
able raw materials will require documenta- 22 to ISO VG 1000. A summary of these 10,000 cSt @ 40C. This product would ex-
tion of the type, source, and origin. If the products is contained in Table 4. tend the range of esters available from Croda
term “bio” is used, the minimum bio-based for use in Ecolabel and VGP.
FDUERQFRQWHQWLQWKHƁQDOSURGXFWZLOOQHHG Future Developments from Croda Fuel economy and emission regulations
to be 25% by ASTM D6866. To help meet Croda continues to innovate and develop are likely to continue to increase the need
this new requirement, Croda launched a new products that will help the lubricant in- for low viscosity oils that provide adequate
range of esters that are derived from RSPO dustry meet current and future needs. As pre- wear protection. Regulations such as Ecola-
(Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) cer- viously mentioned, Croda developed a line of bel and VGP will continue to evolve. Croda
WLƁHGVRXUFHV7KH\FRQWDLQWKHŠ0%$/š synthetic esters made from sustainable palm. will continue to monitor regulation chang-
VXƣ[DQGDUHOLVWHGLQTable 3. 7KHSURGXFWVDUHRƢHUHGLQDUDQJHRIYLVFRV- es and work with customers to understand
In addition to the recently developed ities from ISO VG 22 to ISO VG 320. Within how these changes impact lubricant needs.
MBAL products, Croda has an existing range this range, is Priolube 2089-MBAL, an ISO We will continue to innovate with new prod-
new Ecolabel requirements. These prod- FROGƂRZFRPSDUHGWRRWKHUELRGHJUDGDEOH these changing needs.


Kinematic Kinematic Viscosity Pour Oxidation Daphina Biodegradability Renewability
viscosity at viscosity at Index point (°C) Stability (mg/l) OECD 301B (%) (%)
40°C (mm2/S) 100°C (mm2/S) (mgKOH/g)
Priolube 3970 20 4.4 140 -51 High >1000 75 82
Priolube 2089 44 8.7 181 -54 Medium >1000 84 88
Priolube 1973 46 8.0 148 -44 High >1000 85 88
Priolube 3987 145 18.2 140 -33 High >100 70 97
Priolube 1847 1040 90 167 -24 High >1000 63 85

European Eco Label Vessel General Permit OSPAR

Evonik Oil Additives USA, Inc.

Efficiency gains have become reality

with DYNAVIS technology ®

How to transfer value into business with industrial hydraulic fluids

By Lauren Zunner, Marketing Manager, DYNAVIS® - Americas

At Evonik, we’ve branded our group of

highly shear stable VISCOPLEX® viscosity
index improver products under the DYNA-
VIS® technology brand. DYNAVIS® technol-
proved productivity of hydraulic equipment,
and excellent low temperature properties
with a wide temperature operating window
package of support helps a lubricant mar-
to be a true partner to our customers, and
that’s why we can consult not only on formu-
lation work and lab testing, but also provide
Bosch Rexroth, and marketing tools.
The DYNAVIS® marketing toolbox pro-
vides customers with point-of-sale (POS)
tools and other product launch support like
tradeshow concepts, white papers, press re- materials. The remaining 40% is used in as operating temperature and mechanical
leases, etc. At a later point we will explore industrial machinery applications to pro- stress seems low. But with proven energy
in more detail the unique sales tools we’ve vide power transmission and motion con- HƣFLHQF\JDLQVSURPRWLQJDQHQHUJ\VDY-
vested so much into DYNAVIS® technology no part: greater than 95% are monograde the market.

The Market
Although conventional monograde dom- DYNAVIS® Performance Standard
inates, as well as select elevated VI low
Viscosity Grade 32 46 68
is in having a shear stable high VI hydrau-
FXVWRPHUHQHUJ\HƣFLHQF\<RXFDQSURYH Viscosity Index ISO 2909 or ASTM D2270 >160 >160 >160
the DYNAVIS® tools.
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C (ASTM
According to Evonik’s estimates, of the mm2/s
Shear Stability D445) after 40 minute Sonic Shear >5.9 >7.5 >10.0
(ASTM D5621)
roughly 60% is used in mobile machinery
applications to transport, excavate, and lift Figure 1.


Injection Molding Equipment
work done per energy consumed, pieces/
kWh. With DYNAVIS® technology, we’ve
measured and statistically validated thou-
up to 11% energy savings. The concept of
our testing revolves around a strict meth-
odology for performance testing, imple-
mented both in-house at Evonik as well as
with the DYNAVIS® Performance Standard,
meeting or exceeding the thresholds for
viscosity index greater than 160, and shear
stability as outlined in Figure 1. Figure 2. DYNAVIS® technology is designed to reduce energy losses caused by friction and volumetric
effects. The high viscosity index of DYNAVIS® technology eliminates the need to use a thicker fluid.
The DYNAVIS® Performance Standard
Formulating according to the DYNAVIS®
Performance Standard, with VISCOPLEX®
products and the choice of your preferred
other raw materials, ensures the optimum
balance between hydro-mechanical and
hydraulic systems can have the dilemma of
viscosity, and volumetric power losses with
cy as internal leakage consumes much of
Figure 3. One of the drawbacks to conventional hydraulic fluids is the loss of viscosity at operating
IRUYROXPHWULFHƣFLHQF\DVWKHORVVIURP temperatures. DYNAVIS® technology works to maintain viscosity and reduce volumetric losses.
internal pump leakage is minimal, howev-
and result in hydrodynamic friction and wear protection for the pump. Evonik has ƂXLGVLQWKDWWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJHLVURXJKO\
churning losses in the overall system. The studied the operations and parameters of the same. DYNAVIS® technology expands
IRUPXODWHGƂXLGVDUHDEOHWRNHHSXSWKLV globally. Because these machines typi- ideal for construction and mining machin-
balance for a wider temperature operating cally operate in controlled environments ery used in outdoor environments where
ZLQGRZWKDQDFRQYHQWLRQDOƂXLG7KH\ they seldom come anywhere close to the temperature can be more extreme, but
consume less energy due to reduced hy- maximum operating temperature speci- QRWDVLPSDFWIXOIRUDQLQMHFWLRQPROGLQJ
dro-mechanical losses and reduced inter- ƁHGE\WKHSXPS7KHUHIRUHDWDQDYHUDJH machine for which operating temperatures
nal leakage. RSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUHOLNHWRǏ&D are more moderate. The key in stationary
Proven in our lab, corroborated by change from an ISO VG 46 monograde applications is shifting down a viscosity
OEM’s own tests on their equipment, and fluid to an ISO VG 46 multigrade fluid grade to a DYNAVIS® formulated ISO VG
LQWKHƁHOGZLWKSHUIRUPDQFHGHPRQVWUD- formulated with DYNAVIS ® technology 32. The pump is still protected at high tem-
tions at end users, a change from ISO VG ZRXOGVKRZOLWWOHEHQHƁWGXHWRWKHIDFW perature, however at low and mid-range
46 to ISO VG 32 is possible without losing that the kinematic viscosity (KV) of both temperatures, the system experiences all



of the advantages of a lower viscosity and

dro-mechanical losses.

DYNAVIS® Marketing Tools

The concepts described so far – balancing
panding the temperature operating window
reducing a viscosity grade from ISO 46 to
ISO 32 – are well understood by Evonik and
the lubricant community. The challenge is
conveying these technical concepts to a
vast market of end users and helping them
realize the advantages they would achieve
in their own equipment at their own site.
Figure 4. Shown here the animation tool illustrates the imbalance that can occur with the use of
For that, the most unique and exciting part conventional fluid. DYNAVIS® technology balances out hydro-mechanical and volumetric efficiencies.
about DYNAVIS® is the collection of tools
Evonik created to help lubricant marketers
An animation was developed to tell the
story of these concepts. It includes a digital
rendering of a hydraulic system with either
a vane or piston pump, along with the other
implements, and shows how the system op-
parison to DYNAVIS® multigrade as shown
in Figures 2 and 3 on Page 57. The anima-
tion tool also includes a section explaining
ure 4. It explains that by using DYNAVIS®
technology to balance both, the hydraulic
This animation is one of the POS tools
Additionally we’ve created an easy-to-
use calculator loaded with actual energy
savings test result data gathered and sta-
tistically validated over many years. This
calculator, shown in Figure 5, allows for Figure 5.
custom inputs from the user regarding
molding machine (power consumption, op- The interactive digital tools, along with a PRQRJUDGH UHIHUHQFH ƂXLGV DORQJ ZLWK
ed with the price of energy in $/kWh and successful promotion of a high performance long drain intervals.
scenarios your customers might imagine. (YRQLNFDQFRQƁGHQWO\SUHGLFWSHUIRU- tunity exists now to be a trendsetter in
All inputs lead to a calculation showing mance and savings when using DYNAVIS® HQHUJ\HƣFLHQF\,LQYLWH\RXWRYLVLWRXU
WKHVDYLQJVRQHQHUJ\FRVWSRVVLEOHMXVWE\ technology. We’ve consistently measured website or contact


Institute of Materials

Project Scenario
By Norm Kanar – [email protected]

“Benchmark OUR engine oils vs. the on over 18,000 oils collected from around results. The data is also cross-checked vs.
competition” – it’s your new assignment, the globe. LQGXVWU\VSHFLƁFDWLRQVDQGUHYLHZHGE\
and the report is due by the end of the week Each year, IOM collects from twen- industry experts before publishing data to
to be included in your Boss’ presentation to ty-four countries (see Figure 1) approxi- the IOM website on an annual basis.
the company’s executive team. The dead- mately 650 engine oils from store shelves The recently updated IOM website,
line is too soon to collect the oils, much less where consumers buy their engine oils. allows 24/7
complete any of the relevant testing. A call The collected oils are blind-coded to avoid access to browse thousands of engine oils
to the Lab Manager reveals that some data any brand perception bias and then test- collected from the marketplace. Data sets
exists, but OUR samples were concept re- ed with an extensive slate of over thirty collected from the Americas, Asia-Pacif-
search formulations, the competition oil test- industry standard bench tests. The IOM ic (including Australia and India), Africa,
ed was from 2013, several key properties are test slate includes kinematic viscosity, and European regions for any year back to
missing data, and a lack of context on goals +LJK7HPSHUDWXUH +LJK6KHDU YLVFRVLW\ 2005 can be purchased online as Regional
data, cause you to search for an alternative. perature viscosity curve, oxidation, de- also be used to purchase Custom Datasets
The alternative you are seeking can be found posit tests, volatility, chemical tests, ele- WKDWFDQEHƁOWHUHGE\\HDUEUDQGQDPH
at mental analysis, foaming characteristics, supplier, SAE Grade, service class, oil type
The Institute of Materials (IOM) has DQGPDQ\PRUHb5HWHVWLQJLVFRQGXFWHG (mineral or synthetic), engine type (gasoline
been collecting and testing engine oils since RQDQ\VDPSOHVZKLFKIDOORXWRIVSHFLƁ- or diesel), country, or region. Multiple de-
1984 when IOM responded to an industry cation. Both original and re-run results are vices such as phones and tablets can now
need for unbiased oil data from the market. UHSRUWHGIRUGDWDFRQƁUPDWLRQ5DQGRPO\ be used to access and order IOM data from
Since then, IOM has published testing data VHOHFWHGWHVWVDUHUHSHDWHGWRFRQƁUPWKH across the globe.


Such information would be useful in com-
paring the oil formulations’ ability to retain
in the high temperature high shear-rate en-
vironment found in modern engines. Post
shear stability test oil viscosity information
can be compared to the pre-shear stability
test viscosities to evaluate temporary and
permanent viscosity loss parameters to gain
insights on the performance of the viscosity

Monitoring Formulation Changes

IOM has collected engine oils, including
heavy-duty formulations for over thirty
Figure 1. A map of the annual worldwide engine oil collection completed by IOM. years with consistent testing performed on
each sample. The IOM database provides
the data for determining how a formula-
tion has changed over time in response to
market needs. Established brand names
The IOM engine oil data has numerous ics of each oil collected both before and in popular SAE viscosity grades are often
uses including: after exposure to the rigors of the ASTM collected in the same region several years
• Comparing crucial competitor D6278 Kurt Orbahn shear stability test. in a row. An example of such formulation
properties Subscribers to the IOM database can create monitoring is found in Figure 3. The IOM
• Auditing blend consistency a graph like Figure 2 to compare engine oil GDWDLVƁOWHUHGWR6$(:RLOVFROOHFWHG
formulations. In this example, the IOM data between 2012 and 2017 in the European
• Monitoring formulation changes
• Assessing oil quality in the LQWKH$VLD3DFLƁF5HJLRQDQGVHOHFW- interest is selected to populate the X-axis.
marketplace ed brand names of interest to populate the The percent sulfur content is plotted on
• Discovering trends in technology X-axis. The high temperature high shear- Y-axis. Sulfur content of lubricating engine
• Comparing oil types rate viscosity at 100°C tested after a high RLOVLVDVSHFLƁFDWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWIRU$3,
shear Kurt Orbahn test is plotted on Y-axis. CK / FA-4, ACEA E6-16, and ACEA E9-16
• Using the data for technical or
marketing presentations

In this article, we will spotlight three

of these uses: Comparing crucial compet-
itor properties, Monitoring formulation
changes, and Comparing oil types with an
emphasis on low viscosity and heavy-duty
engine oils.

Comparing Crucial Competitor

Fuel economy has been a concern since au-
tomotive vehicles became the mode of pub-
lic transportation. Today, with the growth
of personal transportation at all levels of
human activity, fuel economy is even more
of a matter of concern for the millions of
automobile owners and users everywhere
in the world. Engine oil formulators seek
out unbiased assessments of the fuel econ-
omy dynamics of their oil formulations. The
Institute of Materials database contains de- Figure 2. An example of a chart created from IOM data to compare a crucial engine oil performance
tailed information on the viscosity dynam- property.



engine test. The average deposit level for
the mineral and synthetic blend oil types
are very similar, perhaps suggesting that
is conventional. The average level of
ic oil type is approximately 35% lower than
the average for the mineral oils collected
by IOM in the Americas region in 2016.
The extensive data in the IOM database
makes it easy for the subscriber to make
comparisons between oil types on most of
the important performance parameters for
engine oils of today.

Your report was completed in plenty of time
Figure 3. An example of a chart created from IOM data to monitor an engine oil formulation changes for presentation at the executive meeting
over time. and sparked a very productive discussion
within that team. The fact that the data used
for the oil comparisons came from an un-
VSHFLƁFDWLRQV7KH,20GDWDGLVSOD\HGLQ mineral, synthetic blend, and synthetic to biased, blind-coded and consistent testing
Figure 3VHHPWRFRQƁUPWKDWWKLVEUDQG populate the X-axis. The average result in source really helped your Boss’ credibility, a
formulation has reduced the sulfur content mg of deposits for the Thermo-oxidation fact that won’t be forgotten at your next per-
over the last six years. The IOM database Engine Oil Simulation Test, (ASTM D7097 formance evaluation. The IOM data con-
includes demographic information like the RU7(2670+7 LVSORWWHGRQ<D[LVIRU tinues to be useful whenever a data-driven
VSHFLƁFDWLRQVWKDWDUHFODLPHGRQWKHERWWOH HDFKRIWKHRLOW\SHV7KH7(2670+7 analysis of engine oils in the global market-
and includes pictures of the front and back test models the piston ring-belt deposit place is needed. Investigate the possibilities
of the original package. Such demographic formation and was developed to correlate at
information combined with the testing data
would be crucial to determining if a given
brand formulation indeed met the bench
test requirements for the service categories
claimed on the package.

Comparing Oil Types

Comparing the properties of convention-
al mineral oils to synthetic engine oils is
complex. A recent study by the AAA Au-
tomotive Engineering Group used sever-
al bench tests to compare the properties
engine oil in both conventional and full
synthetic formulations. A similar compar-
ison could be performed using the data
reported within the IOM database, either
across a geographic region or country with
dozens of oils selected or at the supplier
or brand level with only a few oils. An ex-
ample of performing a property analysis
at a regional level is shown in Figure 4.
30 oils collected in 2016 in the Americas Figure 4. An example of a chart created from IOM data to compare oil types for an important engine
Region and then subdivided by oil type, oil property.


Just a click away
• easy to access
• easy to use
• reliable
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I N S T I T U T E O F M A T E R I A L S . C O M

Global Engine Oil Data – Now Available Online

With over 7,000 engine oils in the The IOM engine oil data has numerous uses:
database, IOM has done all the work of • Comparing crucial competitor properties
collecting oil from the global market, • Monitoring formulation changes
conducting the physical and chemical • Assessing oil quality in the marketplace
tests, and providing a convenient • Discovering trends in technology
website for users to easily and quickly • Using the data for technical presentations
select, obtain and analyze the data in a
useful format. Multiple devices such Please tour our new site and learn more about
as phones and tablets can now be used IOM by visiting:
to access and order IOM data from
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T H E W O R L D ’ S S O U R C E F O R E N G I N E O I L D A T A
King Industries, Inc.

NA-SUL® 450 & KX455 Water-Based Rust

Preventives Provide a Useful Tool to Reduce VOC
By Bill Kingston, Technical Marketing Manager - Rust Preventives, King Industries, Inc.

Corrosion is a serious problem result- Until recently, water-based rust pre- DGGLWLRQWRH[FHOOHQWUHVXOWVLQ+XPLGLW\
ing in billions of dollars of damage per year. ventive formulations could not match the Cabinet testing (ASTM D1748), NA-SUL®
In addition to permanent coatings such as performance of oil/solvent rust preventive 450 passes Iron Chip rust preventive testing
paints, temporary corrosion preventives formulations, particularly in harsh condi- (ASTM D4627) at 0.5% treat level.
provide an important tool for prevention tions. NA-SUL®450 and KX455 are two new
of rust on metal parts and surfaces during additives from King Industries designed to ASTM D1748 Humidity Cabinet test-
transportation and storage. Many tradition- JLYHFRUURVLRQSURWHFWLRQIURPDWKLQƁOP ing is a 100% humidity environment at a
al high performance temporary rust preven- removable coating that is as good or better WHPSHUDWXUHRIDERXWq&6SHFLƁHGWHVW
tive formulations use a combination of oil than protection available from formulations panels are coated with the test formulation
and petroleum derived solvents as carriers based on petroleum derived solvents. Both and suspended from a rotating carousel
for corrosion preventive additives. These DGGLWLYHVDUHHƢHFWLYHRQVWHHODOXPLQXP after drying. (Figure 1) The failure criteria
solvents are usually 30% to 95% of the en- and galvanized steel. DUHVSHFLƁHGLQWKH$670'PHWKRG
tire formulation. Upon evaporation, these
solvents can react with sunlight to form NA-SUL® 450 Humidity Cabinet (ASTM D1748)
ground level ozone. While this is a minor Results on Steel:
source of ozone pollution compared to fuel NA-SUL® 450 is designed to be added to The following results were obtained for
evaporation, the smog problem is so serious water to provide long term protection in NA-SUL® 450 on 1010 cold rolled steel test
in various parts of the world that this source high humidity environments. NA-SUL® 450 panels run in duplicate.
is now coming under regulatory control. emulsions typically use 1% to 5% NA-SUL®
Using water in place of petroleum derived 450 in local city water and have very good 2% NA-SUL® 450 in 98% City Water (Nor-
VROYHQWVLVDYHU\HƢHFWLYHZD\WRPHHWHYHQ stability. Films from emulsions made from walk, CT, 50 ppm to 64 ppm as CaCO3):
the most stringent Volatile Organic Com- <3% NA-SUL® 450 are dry to the touch and There was no rust at 440 hours exposure.
pound (VOC) requirements. are removable with detergent cleaning. In (Figure 2)7KHƁUVWUXVWVSRWDSSHDUHGDW


630 hours exposure. (Figure 3) Humidity Cabinet (ASTM D1748) Results on Aluminum:
The following results were obtained for NA-SUL® 450 on aluminum
5% NA-SUL® 450 in 95% City Water: test panels run in duplicate.
The 2nd panel had no rust for more than 1400 hours. (Figure 5) 5% NA-SUL® 450 in 95% City Water:
There was no corrosion at 1272 hours exposure. (Figure 6)
The panels failed at about 1450 hours exposure. (Figure 7)


bility but may need some occasional mild stirring to restore emul-
sion homogeneity. KX455 is tolerant of hard water that might be
typically encountered. The resulting emulsions give exceptional salt
fog (ASTM B117) protection as well as excellent acid atmosphere
protection. The performance is comparable with the best oil/solvent

ASTM B117 Salt Fog testing is a “practice” and not a method.

(Figure 8 on Page 66) Only the internal conditions of the chamber
• Collection Rate: 1ml – 2ml per hour (salt solution)
Figure 1. Humidity Cabinet (ASTM D1748) • Temperature: 35°C

Figure 2. 2% NA-SUL 450 on Steel (Humidity Figure 3. 2% NA-SUL 450 on Steel (Humidity Figure 4. 5% NA-SUL 450 on Steel (Humidity
Cabinet, 440 hrs.) Cabinet, 630 hrs.) Cabinet, 630 hrs.)

Figure 5. 5% NA-SUL 450 on Steel (Humidity Figure 6. 5% NA-SUL 450 on Aluminum (Hu- Figure 7. 5% NA-SUL 450 on Aluminum (Hu-
Cabinet, 1464 hrs.) midity Cabinet, 1272 hrs.) midity Cabinet, 1464 hrs.)



Formulation A Formulation B Formulation A Formulation B

10% KX455 10% KX455

Figure 8. Salt Fog (ASTM B117) Figure 9. 10% KX455 vs SB Formulations on Figure 10. 10% KX455 vs SB Formulations on
Steel (Salt Fog, 26 hrs.) Steel (Salt Fog, 72 hrs.)

tending more than 1.5 cm from the top edge
or more than 0.5 cm from either side edge
of the test panels. Formulation A Formulation B

The test panels used were:

• 1010 cold rolled steel with one test
panel surface polished and the 2nd
• Aluminum 2024 alloy duplicate
duplicate panels

Figure 11. 10% KX455 vs SB Formulations on Figure 12. 15% KX455 (Salt Fog, 480 hrs.)
The formulations tested were:
Steel (Salt Fog, 192 hrs.)
• KX455 formulation (water-based)
• Commercial formulation A (oil/
Salt Fog (ASTM B117) Results on Practical Considerations
solvent based)
Galvanized Steel:
• Commercial formulation B (oil/ At 48 hours exposure both formulations A Advantages and disadvantages of water-
solvent based) and B have failed badly. The KX455 pro- based formulations
Salt Fog (ASTM B117) Results on Steel: corrosion. (Figure 14) Water-Based Formulations
At 26 hours formulation B has failed. (Figure (Advantages):
9) At 72 hours exposure both formulations Humidity Cabinet (ASTM D1748) • Very low VOC emissions
A and B have failed. (Figure 10) At 192 Results on Cast Iron: contribute little to air pollution
hours the KX455 matte surface panel shows In addition to protecting steel, aluminum
ƁUVWUXVW(Figure 11) Using 15% KX455 test and galvanized steel, KX455 has been found
(Improved Plant Safety)
panels went almost 500 hours before any to provide remarkable protection for cast
rusting. (Figure 12) iron in 100% humidity. Cast iron is particu- • Solvent vapors are greatly reduced
Salt Fog (ASTM B117) Results on its comparatively porous structure. A for-
Aluminum: mulation of 10% KX455 with 10% Group Water-Based Formulations
At 118 hours formulations A and B have I, ISO VG 32 oil and 80% tap water gave (Disadvantages):
failed. KX455 shows no corrosion. (Figure over 700 hours of rust protection in 100% • Slower drying than solvent
13) humidity. (Figure 15) formulations


in solvent-based dewatering formulations
where the formulation is expected to dis-
place water and provide a rust preventive
Formulation A Formulation B Formulation A Formulation B
be used to replace petroleum solvents.
Coating parts as well as dewatering will
tend to reduce the concentration of KX455
with usage. This will require tank side mon-
itoring of the concentration of KX455. One
way that this can be done is by adapting a
ates. Known concentrations of KX455 are
10% KX455 10% KX455 prepared that bracket the desired concen-
tration of KX455 in the tank that is being
used. Titrant is added dropwise to the known
Figure 13. 10% KX455 vs SB Formulations on Figure 14. 10% KX455 vs SB Formulations on concentrations of KX455 with indicator solu-
Aluminum (Salt Fog, 54 hrs.) Galv. Steel (Salt Fog, 48 hrs.) tions until the endpoint color change occurs.
The number of drops until color change
for the known concentrations is recorded.
The sample from the tank is then titrated
dropwise until the endpoint color change is
reached. The concentration of KX455 is then
determined by interpolation.
In typical dip tank applications, a bio-
cide will be needed to prevent bacterial and
fungal degradation of KX455 emulsions.
Mergal® K12N, available worldwide from
Troy Corporation, was found to be very
Front Back


• The use of water-based rust and

Figure 15. 10% KX455 on Cast Iron (Salt Fog, 720 hrs.)
corrosion inhibitors is a very useful
way of reducing solvent evaporation
that results in ground level ozone air
• Parts must be dry before ing. The panels dried very quickly but were pollution.
packaging or stacking left in the oven at 90°C for 1.5 hours to see • New NA-SUL® 450 and KX455 from
• Fluid must be treated before if the coating would deteriorate over time .LQJ,QGXVWULHVDUHKLJKO\HƢHFWLYH
disposal (Not Burned) from heating. The heated test panels were for protection of steel, aluminum
tested in the salt fog cabinet and achieved and galvanized steel and cast iron.
• Formulations are more complex;
rust protection approaching 200 hours as
biocides may be required • NA-SUL® 450 provides superior cor-
was the case for unheated panels.
rosion protection in high humidity
2QHRIWKHPDMRUGLVDGYDQWDJHVRIZD- We have found that salt fog protection
ter-based rust preventives is the additional was equivalent for test panels dipped in a
drying time compared with solvent-based KX455 emulsion formulation whether the • KX455 is superior to most commer-
rust preventives. Before stacking or pack- panels were wet or dry when dipped. This cial rust and corrosion preventive ad-
aging parts coated with water-based rust opens up the possibility for using KX455 ditives designed for oil/solvent sys-
preventives, the coating must be completely emulsions to replace solvent formulations tems as measured by salt fog testing.
dried. Any residual water will result in con- for dewatering applications. Dewatering has • Both NA-SUL® 450 and KX455 are
siderable rusting. traditionally used formulations with a very excellent alternatives to additives
To determine if the heating of parts high solvent content. Machined parts are designed for oil/solvent formulations
coated with KX455 formulations was prac- often cleaned with detergent based clean- giving exceptional performance with
tical, we heated coated test panels to 90°C ers and then water rinsed before further DVLJQLƁFDQWUHGXFWLRQLQSROOXWLRQ
DQGPHDVXUHGWKHHƢHFWLYHQHVVRIWKHFRDW- processing. These wet parts are dipped caused by VOC evaporation.



Introducing a Hydrolytically Stable, Low Toxicity

Fire-Resistant Hydraulic Fluid for Power Stations
By Mary Moon, Presque Isle Innovations, LLC

7UXO\ɠUHUHVLVWDQWɡXLGV can prevent Americas and Asia. LANXESS is the leading

the accidental loss of many lives each year global supplier of organic phosphorus de-
DQGVLJQLƁFDQWO\UHGXFHGDPDJHXQVFKHG- rivatives for various applications.
uled downtime and unexpected costs asso- According to David Stonecipher, Di-
worldwide. Additives Business, LANXESS Solutions
The culprit is steam. 90% of electric 86,QFŠ/$1;(66RƢHUVWKHLUFXVWRPHUV
power worldwide is generated by steam a choice of Reolube®7XUERƂXLG;&IRU- Figure 2. The FM insignia appears on labels of
WXUELQHVŜJLDQW YHUVLRQV RI MHW DLUFUDIW mulated from TXP (trixylylphosphate) and FM Global Group-approved fluids.
engines—whose blades rotate under the 7XUERƂXLG%EDVHGRQ7%33 WEXW\ODWHG
IRUFHRISUHVVXUL]HGVWHDP(ƣFLHQF\RU triphenylphosphate), which provides com-
the amount of electricity produced per unit parable performance with lower toxicity, ids, evaluates the ignitability characteristics
of fuel depends on the temperature of the biodegradability and safer handling. Turbo- RIDƂXLGLQWHUPVRILWV6SUD\)ODPPDELOL-
steam. The hotter, the better. That is, until ƂXLG;&DQG%DUHWUXO\ƁUHUHVLVWDQW ty Parameter or SFP. The SFP is calculated
a droplet of lubricant escapes through a K\GUDXOLFƂXLGVIRUHOHFWURK\GUDXOLFFRQWURO from laboratory data for the rate at which a
pinhole in a pressurized line and atomizes (+& V\VWHPVFRPSUHVVRUVSXPSVDQG sample releases heat when sprayed through
into a mist-like spray. If tiny microdroplets generators at power stations. They also have a ring burner and the ability of its vapors
land on steam pipes or other hot surfaces, excellent lubrication properties and thermal, WRVXVWDLQLJQLWLRQ+RZHYHUDVGLVFXVVHG
LRFDXVHGDQHVWLPDWHGƁUHVLQSRZHU Fluids formulated with polyol ester, are created equal. (Figure 2)
plants between 1991 and 2005. polyalkylene glycol (PAG) and phosphate Turbofluids from LANXESS meet or
Phosphate ester-based lubricants help ester base stocks have received FM Global H[FHHGPXOWLSOHVWDQGDUGVVSHFLƁFDWLRQV
prevent this scenario. These fluids have Standard 6930 approval and are promoted IRUƁUHUHVLVWDQWƂXLGVEHFDXVHWKH\KDYH
the best possible resistance to ignition and DVEHLQJƁUHUHVLVWDQW)0*OREDODSURS- exceptionally high ignition temperatures
FRPEXVWLRQ7KH\WHQGQRWWRFDWFKRQƁUH erty insurance company, develops its own and unique self-extinguishing properties:
because they have high ignition tempera- engineering standards to evaluate (and help • FM Global Standard 6930
tures, resist reactions with oxygen and have organizations reduce) risks for catastroph- Approved
very low vapor pressures. If phosphate es- ic losses. Their Approval Standard 6930,
ters ignite under extreme conditions, they )ODPPDEOH&ODVVLƁFDWLRQRI,QGXVWULDO)OX-
have the unique ability to self-extinguish
because their heat of combustion is ex- • ISO 10050 and ASTM D4293 for
ceptionally low. Phosphate esters are the SKRVSKDWHHVWHUƂXLGVLQSRZHU
preferred choice for lubricant applications VWDWLRQ(+&DSSOLFDWLRQV
ZLWKKLJKULVNRIƁUH • OEM approvals from General
Electric, Siemens, Alstom,
LANXESS Reolube®7XUERƂXLGV Mitsubishi, Chinese National, etc.
LANXESS (Cologne, Germany) is a leading
global supplier of phosphate esters. The Lu- Fire-Resistance Comparisons
bricant Additives Business supplies more LANXESS compared the performance of
fully-formulated lubricants to over 800 cus- base stocks in three laboratory tests from
tomers. Phosphate esters are manufactured VSHFLƁFDWLRQVIRUƁUHUHVLVWDQW(+&ƂXLGV
Figure 1. Reolube® Turbofluid phosphate ester
at a dedicated facility in Manchester, Great 2QO\7XUERƂXLG%DQG;&SDVVHGDOO
base stock chemistries TXP (trixylylphosphate,
Britain with over 75 years of experience and left) and TBPP (t-butylated triphenylphosphate, three tests of ignition and combustion re-
distributed from regional stock points in the right) sistance. (Figure 3)


Figure 3. EHC fluid fire resistance tests

Figure 4. Reolube® Turbofluid 46XC phosphate ester fluid does not ignite below 700°C (left) while PAG ignites at approximately 450°C (right). © LANXESS

)LUVWLQWKH,62+RW0DQLIROG,J- q& DW\SLFDOVSHFLƁFDWLRQOLPLW ZLWKRXW to an exposed edge of the board. The per-
nition Test, a sample drops vertically onto a igniting, a critical threshold because steam VLVWHQFHWLPHLVPHDVXUHGDIWHUWKHƂDPHLV
heated tube. The test is repeated at higher temperatures can range from 300 to 600°C removed and the board continues to burn.
tube temperatures until ignition occurs, and in power plants. All samples except 46B and Six trials are performed and averaged for
a tray. (Figure 4) DQGLQWKHWUD\7KHVHUHVXOWVFOHDUO\GLƢHU- 20 and 30 s).
The ignition temperatures of 46B and entiated phosphate esters from other less 7XUERƂXLGV%DQG;&SDVVHGWKH
46XC (726 and 741°C, respectively) were ƁUHUHVLVWDQWƂXLGV(Figure 5) Wick Flame Persistence Test with average
more than 200°C higher than for polyol es- Second, the ISO 14935 Wick Flame Per- SHUVLVWHQFHWLPHVVZKLOHDOORWKHUƂX-
ter, PAG, PAO/ester blend and Group I min- VLVWHQFH7HVWLQYROYHVVRDNLQJDQRQƂDP- ids failed to meet the 60 s maximum burn
eral oil. Both phosphate esters surpassed PDEOHERDUGLQWHVWƂXLG$ƂDPHLVDSSOLHG time requirement. Thanks to the self-extin-

Figure 5. Phosphate esters are the most difficult to burn in the Hot Manifold Ignition Test.



Figure 6. Phosphate esters are the only fluids able to pass the Wick Flame Persistence Test.

guishing property of these two phosphate id applications. Low values for air entrain- in the development of a new product, 46B,
esters, combustion ceased 1.2 and 2.2 s ment and foam formation/stability prevent with premium performance characteris-
DIWHUDƂDPHZDVDSSOLHGIRUVWRERDUGV erratic operation of servo valves and cav- tics identical to those of 46XC. LANXESS
immersed in 46B and 46XC, respectively. itation of pumps. Relatively high volume H[SHFWVWKDW(85($&+PLJKWEDQXVHRI
(Figure 6) resistivity avoids electrokinetic erosion of 7;3EDVHGƂXLGVVRPHWLPHLQWKHQHDUIX-
Third, the ISO 15029-1 Spray Ignition servo valve metering edges. (Figure 8) WXUH7XUERƂXLG%SURYLGHVDQH[FHOOHQW
Flame Persistence Test entails pressurizing, Water content is low to minimize hydro- low-toxicity alternative to 46XC.
KHDWLQJDQGDWRPL]LQJƂXLGWKURXJKDQR]- lysis, i.e., reversal of reactions between acids TBPP and 46B (but not TXP and 46XC)
]OH7KHVSUD\LVLJQLWHGZLWKDWHVWƂDPHDW and alcohols used to synthesize esters. Acid are biodegradable, i.e., broken down read-
a series of positions along the spray pattern. numbers are low to enhance stability and ily by naturally-occurring microbes in soil
$IWHUWKHVSUD\LJQLWHVWKHWHVWƂDPHLVUH- service life and control risk of corrosion. and water. Biodegradable lubricants may be
moved, and the persistence time is mea- Low pour point facilitates storage and preferred or required for applications near
sured while the sample burns. use at low temperatures. Water separation bodies of water and other environmentally
7\SLFDOVSHFLƁFDWLRQVUHTXLUHWKDWWKH facilitates removal of water contamination sensitive locations. Lubricant biodegrad-
tinguishing phosphate esters 46B and 46XC ity limits production of acid from chemical or thermal stability in applications.
ZHUHWKHRQO\ƂXLGVWKDWSDVVHGWKH6SUD\ reactions with oxygen known to reduce lu-
Ignition Flame Persistence Test. Maximum bricity and produce precursors to varnish Hydrolytic Stability
burn times were 2 and 8 s for 46XC and 46B, and sludge that can interfere with operation +\GURO\WLF VWDELOLW\ WKH WHQGHQF\ QRW WR
respectively. (Figure 7) of servo valves and other devices. undergo hydrolysis reactions with water, is
Properties of 46B and 46XC DUWSURGXFWIRUGHFDGHV+RZHYHUEDVHGRQ power generation applications. LANXESS
LANXESS optimized Reolube®7XUERƂXLGV QHZUHVHDUFK7;3EDVHƂXLGZDVFODVVLƁHG used the standard test DIN 14833 Deter-
%DQG;& ,629* IRUK\GUDXOLFƂX- as a reproductive toxin. LANXESS invested PLQDWLRQ RI WKH +\GURO\WLF 6WDELOLW\ RI

Figure 7. Only self-extinguishing phosphate esters pass the Spray Ignition Flame Persistence Test.


Figure 8. Reolube® Turbofluid 46B and 46XC properties are optimum for hydraulic fluid applications.

Fire-resistant Phosphate Ester Fluids to number) is measured to evaluate the acidity two batches of competitive product met this
compare Reolube®7XUERƂXLG%ZLWKD of each sample. Samples from two batches challenge. (Figure 9)
FRPPHUFLDO7%33EDVHG(+&ƂXLGIURP of each product were tested. The superiority of 46B became obvious
another supplier. This procedure entails Reolube ® Turbofluid 46B exhibited after 144 h; TAN values for the competitive
heating a 300 g sample with 100 g water superior hydrolytic stability compared to product were more than double those for
at 85°C. Samples are collected after 96 h; the competitive product. Both samples of 46B. After 192 h, the average TAN for 46B
LANXESS additionally collected samples %VDWLVƁHGWKH,62OLPLW PJ was 175% lower than for the alternative
after 144 and 192 h. The TAN (total acid .2+JVDPSOHDIWHUK RQO\RQHRIWKH product.
According to Dana Kupenova, Global
Product Manager for Phosphate Esters,
Lubricant Additives Business, LANXESS
especially nuclear, are hesitant to change
plied by LANXESS to the power generation
industry have decades of positive user ex-
perience and a proven record of exceptional
quality and longevity. For example, a satis-
two General Electric steam turbines, each
986 MW gross. Ten years later, that Tur-
LANXESS Reolube® Turbof luids are sold
under standard sales specifications and un-
der LANXESS standard terms and conditions
of sale. Specific recommended usage, safe-
ty and health guidelines are available from
Figure 9. Reolube® Turbofluid 46B exhibits superior hydrolytic stability compared to an alternative fluid. LANXESS.


The Dow Chemical Co.

UCON™ WaterGuard Stabilizers

Improving Hydrolytic Stability of Esters
By Andrew Larson, Market Manager

Dow Performance Lubricants is one of user and the lubricants industry is included. In the U.S. EPA’s 2013 VGP, environ-
the most collaborative partners for lubricant These macro trends include digitalization mentally acceptable lubricants (EALs) were
formulators and marketers at the intersec- (Industry 4.0), electric mobility, and sus- GHƁQHGDQGRQHRIWKHFKHPLVWULHVWKDWƁW
tion of chemistry and tribology, providing tainability. the requirements were organic esters. This
raw materials that help formulate solutions Sustainability has been impactful espe- includes natural esters (e.g. vegetable oils),
and meet the performance and regulatory cially as it has moved the industry to ex- chemically modified vegetable oils (e.g.
challenges encountered by end-users. As DPLQHWKHHƢHFWVRIOXEULFDQWVRQWKHHQ- high oleic vegetable oils), and synthetic es-
ues to expand its product portfolio to meet eliminate waste, and examining renewable perature properties and oxidative stability
the needs of the industry. When hydrolytic base stock chemistries. but some hydrolytic stability issues persist.
stability is a concern for esters, the inclusion The trend of sustainability has also
of a UCON™ WaterGuard (WG) Stabilizer driven regulatory change to help protect Made for a Life at Sea
into the formulation can reduce their rate our waterways in the form of the U.S. EPA’s At sea, the importance of machinery lu-
of hydrolysis. 2013 Vessel General Permit (VGP)1. Along brication reliability cannot be overstated.
with regulatory change there has also been UCON™ WG Stabilizers can extend the life
Macro Trends Driving Change the advent of voluntary programs including of lubricants used in marine applications,
Across many industries macro trends are EU Ecolabel2, Germany’s Blue Angel3, and including deck equipment, by improving
shaping the products delivered to the end Korea’s Eco-label4. the hydrolytic stability of a fluid formu-


Figure 1. Hydrolysis of Esters

Figure 2. Traditional PAG, EO/PO (50/50 w/w) Figure 3. Tri-block copolymer of EO & PO

lated with esters. With variants available ,QWKHƁHOGVRXUFHVRI+RUDFDWDO\VW product. The biodegradability of the PAG
for use in vegetable oils (natural esters or can drive a faster rate of hydrolysis for the molecule is also dependent on the polymer
triglycerides) or synthetic esters, UCON™ ester (Figure 1)6RXUFHVRI+LQFOXGHDFLG- structure.
WG Stabilizers do more than enable lon- ic anti-wear or extreme pressure additives The traditional PAG chemistry is based
ger-lasting lubricants – they can also help (e.g. amine phosphates), free organic acid on the random copolymerization of eth-
to control deposit and varnish formation as IURPWKHRULJLQDOHVWHULƁFDWLRQSURFHVVDQG ylene oxide (EO) and propylene oxide (PO).
the lubricant ages. acidic gas intake from air into the lubricant When water is added to this chemistry it
Esters used in lubricants are prone to (e.g. CO2 +2S, SO2). Sources of catalyst typically results in a decrease in viscosity
hydrolysis when exposed to moisture or wa- include metals from wear or corrosion in (Figure 2). By changing the PAG’s architec-
ter—a likely possibility on a ship—which equipment (e.g. Cu, Cr, Fe). ture and moving to a tri-block copolymer of
FDQOHDGWRDFLGJHQHUDWLRQDQGƂXLGGHJ- EO and PO, the resulting product now acts
radation. UCON™ WG Stabilizers act like a Hydrolytic Stability of Esters Using like a polymeric sponge in the presence of
sponge, soaking up the free water to render Polyalkylene Glycols water (Figure 3).
it less active and kinetically slowing down Polyalkylene glycol (PAG) technology pres-
the rate of hydrolysis. UCON™ WG Stabiliz- ents a large variety of possible polymer ar- UCON WG-1: Versatility Expands
ers also can help meet legislation requiring FKLWHFWXUHV7KHGHVLJQRIWKHSRO\PHULQƂX- Possibilities
that maritime lubricants be biodegradable, ences the viscosity index, low temperature The UCON™ WG-1 Stabilizer can be used
minimally toxic, and not bio-accumulative. properties, and many more aspects of the with most natural and synthetic esters, in-



cluding unsaturated and saturated esters.

As shown in Figure 4, the UCON™ WG-1
lytic stability of a polyol ester resulting in
extended lubricant life. The UCON™ WG-1
Stabilizer is readily biodegradable (OECD
301F) and is based on an ISO-32 viscosity
grade. It is also accredited as a component
for use in food-grade lubricants.5 It features
a high viscosity index and excellent low
temperature performance.

UCON WG-2: Focus on Saturated

Figure 4. Hydrolytic stability improvement with UCON™ WG-1 Stabilizer7,8 Synthetic Esters
The UCON™ WG-2 Stabilizer is a tri-block
copolymer and is intended for use primarily
with saturated synthetic esters. As shown in
Figure 5, when UCON™ WG-2 Stabilizer is
added to a fully saturated trimethylolpro-
pane (TMP) ester, even at quantities as low
as 5 percent, hydrolytic stability improves.
Polyol esters are inherently more resilient
than vegetable oils, making the hydrolytic
stability improvement smaller under these
test conditions. It is readily biodegradable
Table 1. Typical properties of UCON™ WG-1 Stabilizer9 (OECD 301F), approved for direct and indi-
rect food additive use6 and features a high
viscosity index.

5. UCON™ WG-1 Stabilizer complies with US
for indirect food contact.
6. UCON™ WG-2 Stabilizer complies with US
7,8 FDA 21 CFR 172.808Ib)3, 173.340(a)(2)1,
Figure 5. Hydrolytic stability improvement of estolide (TMP) with UCON™ WG-2 Stabilizer
175.105, 176.180(b)(2), 176.200(d)(3),
176.210(d)(3), 177.1200(c) and 177.1390(c)
7. The graphic representations are presented
here for illustrative purposes only and
should not be construed as product
accelerate aging and the experiment is
conducted with 10 wt% water in place of
25 wt% water.
9. These are typical properties, not to be
Table 2. Typical properties of UCON™ WG-2 Stability9 FRQVWUXHGDVVSHFLƁFDWLRQV


The Lubrizol Corp.

Not all Industrial Gear oils are

Formulated the Same
A next generation Industrial Gear oil with enhanced bearing and
micropitting performance
By Seth Crawley, Technology Manager

© Can Stock Photo / maxuser

Many of today’s industrial processes involve a gearbox as a critical element of a linear

production line. This means that a single part failure in this gearbox can result in a number
of costly scenarios, such as total shutdown of production, lost output or revenue, cancelled
contracts and additional servicing costs. Furthermore, malfunctioning equipment can be
a potential health and safety issue. In order to help prevent these scenarios from happen-
ing, a properly balanced industrial gear lubricant and a regular maintenance program are
necessary to prevent the economic losses resulting from unplanned downtime.
It is common for industrial gear oil marketers to focus on delivering robust gear


number of factors. Industrial gear oils are
formulated using a variety of components,
many of which are surface active and can
potentially compete amongst themselves
as they seek to bind to metal surfaces. Anti-
wear and extreme pressure additives often
formulations and, to ensure proper bearing
and gear protection, a proper balance must
be struck between these components if all
performance parameters are to be met. To
demonstrate the importance of the requi-
and organophos antiwear were evaluated
in the FE-8 bearing test as single compo-
Figure 1. FE-8 Rolling element weight loss of single components nents in base oil to get a better sense of
(see Figure 1). The test oils were all run in
ures are due to bearing failures—conse- foam and provide oxidative and thermal ISO VG 68 for greater severity. The graph
quently strong bearing protection must stability. represents the MW50 of the rolling element
also be considered in the development ,QGXVWULDOJHDURLOVSHFLƁFDWLRQVKDYH weight loss, or 50% of the bearings run will
of a robust industrial gear lubricant. En- evolved over the years to include more lose that much weight or less.
JLQHHULQJWUHQGVDUHDOVRLQƂXHQFLQJWKH stringent bench and mechanical testing to To start, a baseline was run with no
possible conditions under which industrial assess an oil’s ability to provide robust gear DGGLWLYHGLVSOD\LQJVRPHSLWWLQJDQGVFXƢ-
gear systems can operate. These trends, and bearing protection, perform satisfac- ing. It could be concluded that, when used
and ultimately the conditions under which torily under a variety of harsh conditions DVVROLWDU\FRPSRQHQWVVXOIXUL]HGROHƁQV
gearboxes operate, are also dictating the and be compatible with ancillary system are harmful to bearing performance with
For example, industrial gear systems on corrosion, oxidation, EP tests such as LQVXƣFLHQWVFXƣQJSURWHFWLRQIRUJHDUV
are getting smaller, translating to smaller )=*VFXƣQJDQGZDWHUWROHUDQFH,QWKH (see Table 1).
oil sumps with less lubricant to provide the HDUO\VJHDUER[2(0VSHFLƁFDWLRQV In contrast, certain organophosphorus
essential system protection and cooling. started to introduce FE-8 bearing, FVA-54 DQWLZHDUFRPSRQHQWVFDQEHKLJKO\EHQHƁ-
Gear manufacturers are also using new micropitting as well as system component cial to FE-8 performance especially organo-
higher loads for gear teeth and bearings, uations of industrial gear oils, such as mi- is that individual chemical components can
resulting in higher gearbox temperatures. cropitting tests under varied temperatures register highly positive or highly negative
This requires modern industrial gear oils and bearing tests under even more extreme responses in FE-8 testing.
to possess robust fatigue resistance, be FRQGLWLRQVOLNHWKH6FKDHƤHU6WHS)( The next investigation conducted was to
balanced to provide reliable bearing pro- bearing tests. FRQƁUPLIRUJDQRSKRVSKRUXV $: FRXOG
tection and be capable of operating in In order to formulate industrial gear DWWHQXDWHVXOIXUL]HGROHƁQSHUIRUPDQFHLQ
many varied environments, where they oils capable of meeting these stringent re- the FE-8 bearing test in a fully formulated
must readily separate water, collapse quirements, formulators must consider a additive package while still delivering a

Baseline Sulfurized Sulfurized Sulfurized Organophos Organophos Organophos New

(no additive) Olefin 1 Olefin 2 Olefin 3 AW 1 AW 2 AW 3

Table 1. FE-8 parts for single components.



As mentioned earlier, step 1-4 FE8

bearing tests are now being used to as-
sess bearing protection under a variety of
bearing types. These tests were originally
sess bearing performance under a variety
of conditions but are now being included
in more mineral based industrial gearbox
been evaluated in a group I base oil under
these Step 1-4 conditions and has demon-
strated robust passing performance in all of
these tests (see Figure 2).
Previously, it was demonstrated that
balancing extreme pressure and antiwear
Table 2. FE-8 performance of IGO candidates with different organophos AW. all components in industrial gear oils is re-
quired for overall gearbox protection.
As stated above, industrial gear oil
proper balance with gear performance. To brizol IG93MB, the visual appearance of the testing has evolved to include both FZG
answer that question, complete additive parts help to reinforce that this is only one VFXƣQJ DQG )9$ PLFURSLWWLQJ HYDOX-
packages in industrial gear oil formulations snapshot of additive A’s performance. In or- ations. To demonstrate the superior gear
ZHUHHYDOXDWHGLQWKH)(WHVWDIWHUƁUVW der to guarantee robust performance and protection of Lubrizol IG93MB under stan-
WLYH)=*JHDUVFXƣQJSURWHFWLRQPHDQLQJ IG93MB is the top performer. stopping the test at the standard FLS 12,
FLS > 12 was obtained. In this case, three Collectively, these results reinforce that our testing was extended to the mechanical
additive packages in a group II ISO VG 150 a properly balanced industrial gear oil can limit of the equipment (FLS > 14). Table 3
base oil, all containing the same compo- deliver robust gearbox protection by en- VKRZVWKHH[FHSWLRQDOVFXƣQJSURWHFWLRQ
nentry except for the organophosphorus suring both solid bearing performance and which ensured only minimal damage even
antiwear component, were tested. Group gear protection. under these most extreme test conditions.
II base oil was chosen because it We have shown that strong
DFWLYHFKHPLVWU\IRUPLQJDQHƢHF- guarantee robust bearing protec-
WLYHWULERƁOPRQPHWDOVXUIDFHV tion and that robust bearing pro-
Each formulation with varying tection does not guarantee gear
organophosphorus antiwear was VFXƣQJSHUIRUPDQFH+RZHYHU
evaluated in the FE8 bearing test there is yet another parameter
(as a reminder, AW 1 was the top critical for modern industrial
performer in the FE-8 test as a gearbox protection: micropit-
single component). ting resistance. This fatigue phe-
As demonstrated in Table 2, a nomenon is important because
new product, Lubrizol® IG93MB, it can eventually lead to noise,
which contains organophospho- vibration and sometimes mac-
rus AW1 is again the top per- ropitting with subsequent failure
former in the FE-8 bearing test. of the gear tooth. Furthermore,
which is the formulation with AW are reported to be increasing,
MXVWEDUHO\PHHWVWKHOLPLWVIRU meaning that micropitting can
WKH',1VSHFLƁFDWLRQRI also result in costly downtime
30mg roller bearing weight loss. for industrial processes. Again,
While the numbers may not nec- there is a very delicate balance
HVVDULO\LPSO\DFOHDUGLƢHUHQFH Figure 2. Step 1-4 FE8 bearing performance of Lubrizol required to design a robust in-
between formulation A and Lu- IG93MB in group I base oil. dustrial gear oil able to deliver


formulations were evaluated in the FVA-54 to investigate how to consistently deliver
micropitting test. Figures 3 and 4 show two the highest level of protection to all critical
of the test parameters that the FVA-54 test gearbox components and has developed
DVVHVVHVJHDUSURƁOHGHYLDWLRQDQGSHUFHQW additive technology which can enable the
micropitting of the gear tooth. Many of the highest level of gearbox bearing perfor-
LQGXVWU\DQG2(0VSHFLƁFDWLRQVUHTXLUH mance. This technology has now been in-
industrial gear oils to have a FLS 10 high corporated into our new product, Lubrizol
Lubrizol® New gear
rating, which Lubrizol IG93MB comfortably IG93MB. And, through our extensive and
(and repeatedly) meets because is it below rigorous testing protocols, we have demon-
the limits for each test parameter—see the strated that Lubrizol IG93MB based formu-
Table 3. Gear teeth from FZG. areas highlighted in blue in Figures 3 and 4. lations provide the right balance of best
In conclusion, since gearbox failures in class bearing performance, robust gear
occur at the weakest point, it is important protection, along with superior micropit-
robust all-around performance. to deliver a consistent level of protection WLQJUHVLVWDQFHZKLOHRƢHULQJFRPSDWLELOLW\
In order to assess Lubrizol IG93MB’s mi- to all parts of the system including both with ancillary system componentry to en-
cropitting performance, a variety of group I gear teeth and bearings. Lubrizol continues sure complete gearbox protection.


Figure 3. Profile
Deviation from
Lubrizol IG93MB


Figure 4.
percentage of
Lubrizol IG93MB
in FVA-54.


Vanderbilt Chemicals

Esters for Engine Oils

By C. Esche, G. Mazzamaro, K. Delaney, J. Jurs of Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC
R. Butler and G. Pollock of Teknor Apex

© Can Stock Photo / Apriori

Esters have been widely used in a variety of lubricants, especially aerospace, since WWII.
At the time, esters were favored because of their stability over a wide temperature range and
used in passenger car engine oils because of changes in technology and performance. Due
to government legislation requiring OEMs to develop vehicles with improved fuel economy
and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, there has been a lot of interest in the possibility of
using esters to formulate low viscosity passenger car engine oils because of their inherent low
volatility and high viscosity index (VI). Esters are also known to exhibit good deposit control
because of their oxidative stability and detergency. Esters are also used in the more conven-
tional viscosity grades because of their ability to induce seal swell and solubilize additives.


Table 1. Color Coded Viscometric Comparisons between TruVis™ Esters and Other Base Oils.

Base oil oxidative stability plays a sig-

and engine cleanliness. Base oils with poor
form more sludge and varnish deposits in-
side an engine which has a negative impact
that as a base oil oxidizes, the finished
oil viscosity becomes more viscous and
forming tendencies of ester base oil in an
experimental fully formulated engine oil.
The baseline 0W-20 formulation contains
100% Group II base oil, 750 ppm phospho-
rus, 2,200 ppm calcium, and no molybde-
num. This formulation serves as the “poor”
* 90% Group II base oil
control. The “good” control is the same for-
mulation but with 100% Group III instead
of Group II base oil. The test formulations
Figure 1. TEOST™ MHT-4 Deposit Test Results In Experimental 0W-20 Oils with 10 wt. % Ester
are based on the “poor” control, but contain
10 wt.% ester in place of an equal amount
of Group II base oil. The deposit data in
Base oils with high VI and good oxida- TruVis™ P3121 in a fully formulated engine Figure 1 demonstrates that 10% TruVis™
tive stability allow formulators to use less oil are summarized below. A130 and TruVis™ P3020 in Group II de-
VI improver and dispersant in the formula- Three color coded comparisons be- livers better deposit performance than the
tion. Both of these additives are polymers tween an ester and the appropriate ref- 100% Group III “good” control, with Tru-
which can increase the viscosity of the erence oil (commercial PAO or Group III Vis™ P3121 performing equivalently to the
ƁQLVKHGRLO7KHPRUHYLVFRXVWKHRLOWKH base oil) are shown in Table 1. The vis- “good” control.
OHVVOLNHO\LWZLOOEHIXHOHƣFLHQW/RZYROD- cometric comparisons are between base Friction reduction and fuel economy
These are important factors in preserving The viscosity index data indicates that ment Manufacturers (OEM) around the
fuel economy performance of the oil as it all three esters have directionally higher world. TruVis™ P3121 was selected for
ages in an engine. VI than their color-coded reference base friction comparison using a baseline test oil
Diesters and polyol esters are two class- oils. In addition, two of the three esters similar to the baseline formulation used in
Key viscometric, deposit and friction bench reference (Gp. III & PAO 4) oil. As an add- except that 40 wt% of the overbased cal-
ing diesters TruVis™ A130 and TruVis™ comparisons show two of the three com- weight percent of overbased magnesium
D2020 or polyol esters TruVis™ P3020 and parisons favoring esters. sulfonate. The various test oils were formu-



lated by replacing a percentage of Group

II base oil with an equivalent amount of
ester in the baseline oil. At all treat rates,
TruVis™ P3121 demonstrated friction re-
friction in the SRV (see test conditions and
results in Figure 2). It is also important to
mention that the other three esters are also
known to reduce friction.
Many of today’s top tier engine oil ad-
to solubilize in modern engine oil. This is
because of the poor solvency/low polarity
of Group II, Group III and polyalpha ole-
ern engine oils. Esters are well known for
their ability to solubilize complex organo-
metallic additives such as molybdenum
dithiocarbamate (MoDTC). For example,
350 ppm molybdenum from a commerical
MoDTC was added to Group III base oil
(Figure 3). The vial on the left shows the
MoDTC was mostly insolubile in the Group
Figure 2. TruVis™ P3121 SRV® Friction Evaluation in an Experimental 0W-20 Engine Oil
dissolve when 1.0 wt.% of TruVis™ A130,
TruVis™ D2020, TruVis™ P3020 or Tru-
Vis™ P3121 was added to the blend. The conventional as well as new generation low RIƁQLVKHGHQJLQHRLOV)LQDOO\HVWHUVKHOS
MoDTC was completely dissolved when viscosity engine oils. Esters typically have solubilize new, advanced technology addi-
2.0 wt.% ester was added to the blend. higher VI and lower volatility compared to tives being developed to help OEMs meet
In summary, driven by government reg- the more traditional base oils used in to- tougher greenhouse gas emission and fuel
ulation and higher performance require- day’s formulations. They also exhibit good economy standards being mandated by
ments, esters can be useful in formulating deposit control and can reduce the friction governments around the world.

0 wt.% 1.0 wt.% 2.0 wt.% 3.0 wt.%

Figure 3. Solubility Study for 350 ppm Molybdenum in Group III Base Oil With TruVis™ P3121



Distributed by:

High & low temperature stability

Long life and extended drain intervals

Low volatility at low viscosities :::9$1'(5%,/7&+(0,&$/6&20

Resist oxidation & formation of deposits

Seal swell agent

Additive solubility
[email protected]
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Global distributor of fuels, lubricants and base oils needs a
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Modeling Wear State Evolution

Using Real-Time Wear Debris Features
Shuo Wanga, Tonghai Wua, Hongkun Wub, and Ngaiming Kwokb
a KeyLaboratory of Education Ministry for Modern Design and Rotor–Bearing System, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, P. R. China;
b School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia


Because wear is one of the most typical causes of decreasing performance in running machines,
monitoring wear is regarded as a crucial technology in maintaining the health of machines. Howev- Received Mar. 17, 2016
er, monitoring wear is not a fully mature process because quantifying the development of wear in Accepted Sept. 27, 2016
real time is a challenging task because there is no universal indicator. To meet this need, wear-ori- Review led by Cyril Migdal
© 2017 STLE
ented dynamic modeling with online ferrographic images was used to investigate and then de-
scribe a real-time wear state. This investigation was carried out by combining three wear indices
to describe the wear rate, the wear mechanism, and the severity of wear. A binary classifier meth-
od is also proposed to classify these wear stages in the three extracted indices. A strategy to iden-
tify the dynamic transition of wear states with adaptive parameters is also developed and then a Dynamic modeling;
four-ball wear test is carried out to verify the method. The results indicate that this modeling strat- equipment wear tests;
egy can accurately identify a developing wear state that is characterized by stages. This proposed wear particle analysis;
method is better at monitoring the health evolution of a machine system than just detecting faults. oil condition monitoring


This month’s Editor’s Choice
paper on filter debris analysis Wear-induced failure is a principle fault of running machines. It is mostly introduced
shows the importance of by deterioration of wear performance and therefore can be reflected by their service
analyzing wear particles using condition indicators and general monitoring. In essence, the wear of mechanical tri-
more in-depth techniques than boparts is a dynamic and gradual process that passes through distinct stages from nor-
simply elemental spectroscopy. mal to failure. Good evidence for this general wear principle can be seen in a bath-
A natural progression to this tub-shaped curve that shows how a typical wear process proceeds from a mild stage to
type of analysis would be to a normal stage and then to a severe stage during the life span of a machine (Kothamasu,
reduce the need to wait for the et al. (1)). Because these transitions in wear states are induced by alternating microwear
filter to be removed in order mechanisms, a deteriorating wear performance can be inferred by investigating the
to obtain the wear debris. This transitions of mechanism related information. However, considering that online mon-
selected paper investigates itoring is mostly conducted without human activity, it is crucial to have reliable and
a method for performing quantitative wear states in order to conduct a lifetime and real-time evaluation of ma-
similar analysis in real-time, chine health, as well as a failure diagnosis and prognosis.
seeing to identify correlation Condition monitoring based on wear is a practical way of obtaining information on
against known wear debris. wear but, unlike vibration-based monitoring, online monitoring based on wear debris
One limitation to this analysis is a primary method for acquiring real-time knowledge of a dynamic wear process as a
is particle size, but that same direct indication of the wear condition. According to Dempsey and Afjeh (2), the fea-
limitation exists with filter tures of wear debris are more robust than vibration signals for operational influences
debris analysis. and the ability to describe damage initiation and progression, especially in the early
period. Therefore, approaches that adopt wear features are attracting more attention in
Evan Zabawski, CLS machine monitoring (Roylance, et al. (3)). Various online methods for extracting in-
Editor formation about wear have been proposed and they can be classified into three catego-



Ai = Particle coverage area in an image L = Height of the object area

D = Average distance of all newly emerging samples Ne = Number of newly emerging data
DL = Concentration of large wear particles Rd = d-Dimensional space
DS = Concentration of small particles Sh = Initial spherical space with fixed center and radius h
G(·) = Kernel function W = Width of the object area
H = Bandwidth matrix WS = Function of wear state
h = Band width value w(·) = Weighting coefficients for each sample
I = Unit matrix b = Threshold

ries according to the different physical principles they use (Wu, threshold-based trend prediction and fuzzy modeling have ad-
et al. (4); Miller and Kitaljevich (5); Kwon, et al. (6)). Although vantages in modeling lifelong wear in off-line wear monitoring
these methods have been applied widely, our knowledge of wear (Garcıa, et al. (14); Zhang, et al. (15); Peng and Zirk (16)). These
particle characteristics is limited because they only use electrical methods extract the changes and trends from a large amount
signals to represent information pertaining to wear. However, of data by clustering the salient features. The threshold meth-
the recently developed direct approaches that use imagery can od is the simplest and is mostly used for generating precaution
provide more comprehensive information related to wear in or- alerts for ongoing faults. The trend method relies on gray theory
der to characterize this information (Wu, et al. (7)). and time series averaging and is also a popular choice in many
Wear stages can be inferred from various parameters such as applications. However, with all of these data-based models, the
the wear rate, wear mechanism, and severity of wear. Of these accuracy of the prediction is a primary problem in monitoring
possibilities, the wear rate using particle counting is one of the because they only rely on the mathematical features of data, and
most frequently used indicators in many applications because the wear deterioration mechanism is rarely included.
the wear rate can be obtained from sensors such as the MetalS- Intelligent methods have been developed to improve the
can sensor (Becker, et al. (8)). However, other indicators such qualities of the wear model. For instance, a model of a nonlin-
as the size of debris also play a key role in determining the wear ear system can be constructed by using machine learning tech-
status, but they cannot be obtained from particle counting. niques (Jian, et al. (17)), as well as artificial neural networks,
In fact, wear is such a complicated process that it must be de- but these methods require an indispensable training phase to
scribed collectively using the wear rate, wear mechanism, and make the model capable and vast reference samples that may
wear severity (Peng and Kessisoglou (9); Ludema (10)). An at- be expensive or not available for a friction system in industry.
tempt to satisfy this need using online images of wear debris to In an effort to break the limitation of sample requirements, a
determine the wear state from particle dimensions (Wu, et al. support vector data description algorithm has proved that it
(11)) has recently been reported, but to characterize particles can perform wear data clustering with less demand on samples,
with only information such as the coverage area may pose diffi- but it still requires normal data to construct the primary cluster
culties when the number and dimensions of the particles vary. model (Wu, et al. (11)). As a result, considering the absence of
For example, two pictures with the same particle coverage area prior knowledge of wear progress for an unknown friction sys-
may have different numbers of particles and dimensions, which tem, which is very general in industry, these methods are con-
may indicate different wear conditions. Later research solved fined to online monitoring. To this end, free training samples
this problem by extracting the individual features of particles and intelligent adaptabilities are deemed necessary to model
using a statistical description and additional parameters (Wu, et and identify online wear states. Generally, the modeling strategy
al. (12)). This finding has enabled a more comprehensive char- used to identify and describe the wear state should also include
acterization of wear debris and wear states. the following characteristics: (1) the wear mechanism should
When reliable information about the wear process has been be included in the modeling strategy because it directly induces
acquired, a mathematical model of wear through the time do- the development of failure and (2) because wear is regular over
main can be constructed. Modeling the dynamic wear process a long period but random over a short time, the model should
is essential for online wear trend analysis. Analytical mod- not only identify data from different stages but should also ad-
els based on the principle of asperity and Archard equations just itself continuously throughout its full lifetime.
are widely used for such purposes (Meng and Ludema (13)). Aiming at a reliable characterization of the evolution of wear
However, models that use contact mechanics focus on a transit states, a new procedure that uses online wear particle imaging
time span and are referred to as microscales, so they are not is formulated in this research. Firstly, to incorporate wear-re-
directly applicable to machine wear processes at full life scale. lated information with a description of the wear state, a static
Alternative approaches such as data-based methods that include wear state is characterized quantitatively via the three features



extracted from wear debris images. Secondly, a static binaryclass al. (20)) to represent the statistical coverage of wear debris in
model is developed with a machine learning algorithm to dif- a defined area. The index of the particle coverage area (IPCA),
ferentiate the wear datum from different stages. Thirdly, an im- denoted as I, is given by
proved adaptive dynamic method is built to identify and model
the wear state transitions. Finally, the modeling strategy is ver- Ai
ID £ 100%; [1]
ified via a four-ball machine wear test. This proposed method W £L
can identify the stages in a dynamic wear process that reveal the
development of the wear state. This work provides a new and where Ai is the particle coverage area in an image, and W and
practical method for modeling the wear process with greater L are the width and height of the object area, respectively (Wu,
accuracy and also pushes the wear-based monitoring approach et al. (7)).
further in a condition-based monitoring application.
The rest of this article is organized as follows. The imaging Percentage of large particles
system and the process for extracting information on wear are According to conventional ferrography, the dimensions of the
described in the following section. The definitions of the wear wear particles are primary indicators of the severity of wear,
process indices are also given from a review of background where variations in this index often indicate the severity of
works. The principle of the mean shift algorithm specialized the wear process. Generally, wear debris in the captured image
for wear state modeling, including the procedures used to dy- contains both large wear debris and small debris. However, the
namically conduct and identify the wear state development, are quantity of small debris increases continuously with operat-
presented in the next section. Finally, a conclusion to this work ing time. A sharp rise in the quantity of large debris indicates
is drawn in the last section. abnormal wear. In addition, the existence of large wear debris
will also lead to imminence of catastrophic failure due to the
CHARACTERIZING ONLINE WEAR INFORMATION phenomenon of threebody wear. Therefore, another important
BASED ON WEAR DEBRIS IMAGE indicator of the wear process, the percentage of large particles
(PLP), denoted as P, is also used in this work (Goncalves and
Only after the sensed information has been quantified can an Campos (21)). We have
intelligent technique be used to reduce the human influence in
condition monitoring. Various mathematical indicators of wear PD £100%; [2]
have been proposed and applied, but most online wear mon- DL C DS
itoring techniques use particle counting to indicate the wear
state for diagnostic and predictive purposes (Wu, et al. (4)). where DL is the number of large wear particles in the captured
However, previous experience from analytical ferrography has image (i.e., >30 +m) and DS is the number of small particles in
revealed that describing a wear state using only the wear rate is the captured image (i.e., <30 +m). Experiments revealed that if
not comprehensive, so other parameters such as the associated two images have the same IPCA, their corresponding PLP can
wear mechanism are used for a more profound characteriza- be very different, so it can be stated that these two parameters
tion of wear (Wu, et al. (11)). On the other hand, severe wear have decoupled in describing the wear process, and their inte-
that is used in traditional ferrography to indicate the degree of gration improves the reliability of this characterization.
deterioration can also be used to characterize wear states. An
improved method has been developed by integrating three in- Number of particles
dicators obtained from online images of wear particles (Wu, et The number of wear particles (NUM), denoted as N, is another
al. (12); Wu, et al. (18)); these include the wear rate, percentage important index that is widely used to monitor the wear con-
of large particles, and number of particles. dition of running machines (Goncalves and Campos (21)); in-
deed, it is often used to indicate the wear rate and the accom-
Features of debris from online images of wear debris panying particle size. In this proposed wear characterization
In online ferrograph images, the agglomeration of wear parti- system, the indices IPCA and NUM are used in conjunction and
cles will hamper the extraction of individual particle features. are obtained from the image particle separation method sug-
Therefore, the particle chains in the images were separated ac- gested in Wu, et al. (18).
cording to a segmentation strategy published previously (Wu,
et al. (12)), allowing the extraction of individual wear particle Wear state characterization
features. Using the three indices described above, a comprehensive mod-
el to characterize the wear state is developed. This model, denot-
Wear rate ed as WS, is given by
The wear rate is a basic parameter for characterizing wear that
has traditionally been used in many ferrography-based evalu- WS D f ðI; N; PÞ: [3]
ations of the wear process (Lim, et al. (19)). An index of wear
rate was formulated from images of online wear debris (Wu, et Unlike the current counterparts, it will describe the wear mech-


manufactured of carbon chromium bearing steel (GCr15), with
surface roughness of 0.025 mm and hardness in the range 58–63
HRC. Wear particles are collected by the oil cup and circulate
with the lubricant driven by a digital pump. An online visual
ferrograph (OLVF) sensor is placed in the oil circulation path
to collect wear debris for imaging. After being captured and im-
aged, all of the particles are removed from the flow. These par-
ticles are filtered with a magnetic tube and thus would not cir-
culate with oil, which ensures that each wear particle analyzed
by the OLVF sensor is freshly produced from the wear process.
An experiment was carried out for 20 h at a constant speed of
500 rpm. To simulate a degrading wear process, a load of 1,500
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the four-ball test rig with online wear par- N was applied for the first 800 min and a load of 2,000 N was
ticle monitoring. applied for the remaining time. Some typical images of wear
debris at different time instances are shown in Figure 2; these
images revealed that the amount of wear debris varied with the
anism more accurately because it contains more information test duration. According to this information, a developing trend
about the wear debris. of wear state, including severe wear, normal wear, and further
The wear state can thus be described quantitatively by a severe wear, can be roughly identified manually, but there are
function of the three parameters. Furthermore, by extracting explicit differences in the size of particles in the two cases of
these indices from the online images of wear debris, the wear severe wear. The wear particles in initial running wear are gen-
performance at different states can be identified and a lifelong erally larger than those in the final one, so there are generally,
wear process can be characterized. but not necessarily, three typical stages in a full wear process.
These stages are running-in, normal, and severe (Kothamasu,
Experimental application of wear state characterization et al. (1)), and they can be clearly seen in the test results shown
To examine the proposed method, an experimental application in Figure 2.
is carried out with a four-ball wear test rig, as shown in Figure 1. By adopting the techniques used in previous works (Wu,
As Figure 1 shows, a four-ball tribosystem is used to gener- et al. (12); Wu, et al. (18)), three indices for characterizing the
ate wear particles under specific loads and rotation speeds. The wear rate, degree of wear, and severity of wear were extracted
test ball utilized in this experiment is bearing steel ball that is from each image. The time history of each indicator is shown in

Figure 2. Images of wear debris from a four-ball wear test taken at different times: (a) 10 min, (b) 50 min, (c) 150 min, (d) 250 min, (e) 450 min, (f) 600 min,
(g) 800 min, (h) 1,000 min, (i) 1,100 min, (j) 1,150 min, (k) 1,200 min, and (l) 1,250 min.



Figure 3. Variations in different indicators in the wear process of a four-ball test: (a) IPCA, (b) NUM, and (c) PLP.

Figure 3, where these indicators will be normalized to facilitate wear state model for online monitoring can be constructed
comparisons in the following part. Figures 3a and 3b show that from a series of wear states identified from online images. Final-
the IPCA and NUM indices are positively correlated in their ly, the method is verified with the data sampled from the bench
general trend. Both indices also show three stages in the testing test, as shown in Figure 1.
duration of 1,250 min, which is consistent with the state fea-
tures observed from Figure 2. Moreover, both indicators have Principle of mean shift–based modeling
higher values in the final stage than in the initial stage, and the A mean shift is a nonparametric approach to modeling that uses
debris in Figures 2j–2k indicates more severe wear than that in the probability of density but not previous samples. The objec-
Figures 2a–2c. This observation also agrees with a generally re- tive of a mean shift algorithm is to cluster a set of input samples
ported phenomenon that wear in the severe stage is greater than into different categories with identified centers where data from
that in the running-in stage, although both stages exhibit high the same category share the same convergence center. The fun-
wear rates (Kothamasu, et al. (1)). Furthermore, the change in damentals of mean shift–based identification modeling can be
load at 800 min is intuitively identifiable from both indicators, explained as follows.
though the variations in the two indices are not identical. At 800 Suppose a d-dimensional space contains n variables; that is,
min, a dramatic change occurs in IPCA but only a slight fluctu- [x1,…, xn] D Rdn, we can define a vector Mh as
ation can be identified from NUM. However, a corresponding
increase is found from PLP, which means that there is an in- 1X
crease in the amount of large particles at this time. Mh ðxÞ D ðxi ¡ xÞ; i D 1; ; n; [4]
k xi 2S
The above comparison between the proposed method and h

the intuitive observation indicates that wear states with various

mechanisms can be represented by the proposed indicators, and where xi is a set of the points chosen from an initial spherical
with such a mathematical representation, a promising prospect space Rd centered at x with radius h. The vector Mh(x) is the
can be expected for an automatic online identification of a wear mean distance of all of the k samples falling within Sh(x) to the
process. Based on this motivation, a model has been developed center x.
to automatically identify the wear states, and it is described in A kernel function G(x) is introduced by allowing a weighted
the following section. coefficient for each sample on the basis of its distance from the
center, so a mean shift function can be written as
Wear is a process with continuous and gradual features, as de- Xn
scribed by a bathtub-shaped curve in which several “stages” ex- G ðx ¡ xÞwðxi Þðxi ¡ xÞ
D1 H i
ist. The data samples show similar features in the same stage Mh ðx Þ D n ; [5]
G ðx ¡ xÞwðxi Þ
iD1 H i
due to similar wear mechanisms. Identifying the wear state is
actually a process of assembling data with similar features. To
overcome the problem encountered by the current modeling, where
as mentioned in the Introduction, a basic clustering method is
used to categorize wear states by referring to the three proposed  
GH ðxi ¡ xÞ D j H j ¡ 16 2 G H ¡ 16 2 ðxi ¡ xÞ : [6]
indices. Firstly, a static model to identify wear data would be
used to prove the effectiveness of the model, followed by online
monitoring to identify the wear data dynamically. A dynamic Here, H is the matrix of the bandwidth, which represents
self-adapting strategy that focuses on determining the transi- the initial radius of the spherical space, and w(xi) are weighting
tion between the two states is investigated so that a dynamic coefficients for each sample xi.


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For simplicity, the bandwidth matrix H is often defined as Mean shift–based modeling
a diagonal matrix that takes the form H =h2I where I is a unit for identifying the static wear state
matrix. Therefore, Eq. [5] can be transformed into
The key of themean shift model for categorizing static wear
Xn x ¡ x states has two aspects: kernel function construction and band-
iD1 H
wðxi Þxi
x h¡ x   ¡ x; width selection.
Mh ð x Þ D X n [7]
iD1 H
w xi i
h Choice of kernel function
The kernel function provides the weights for different data sam-
which can be simplified as ples. There are several candidates for kernel functions such as
uniform function and Gaussian function (Comaniciu and Meer
(22)). Gaussian functions perform well on both the convergence
Mh ðxÞ D mh ðxÞ ¡ x; [8]
rate and weight assignment of distributed sample points (Guo,
et al. (23)), so the Gaussian kernel function is used in the wear
where mh(x) is modeling system because it adapts very well to sample numbers
and dimensions. It takes the form of
Xn x ¡ x
G H wðxi Þxi  
mh ðxÞ D Xn x h¡ x : [9] ¡ j xi ¡ x j 2
wð x Þ K ðxi ; xÞ D exp : [10]
iD1 H
i 2h2

Given an arbitrary starting point x, a kernel function G(x), Determination of bandwidth

and a threshold b, a three-step iteration can be implemented as A smaller bandwidth will introduce more clusters and vice ver-
follows: sa (Comaniciu (24)). The effects of bandwidth on the category
1. Calculate the value of mh(x) with Eq. [9]. results are shown in Figure 4.
2. Terminate if |mh(x) – x| < b; else repeat step 1. A total of 100 wear data points from an engine bench test
3. Update x = mh(x). (Wu, et al. (11)) are clustered by the mean shift algorithm
After completing this process, all of the simple data will with different bandwidths. This bench test was conducted on
converge into a final center where data sharing the same center a four-cylinder gasoline engine. Magnetic synthetic engine oil
would be identified as samples from the same stage. was utilized for lubrication. The temperature of lubrication was
Determined as the clustering principle of the mean shift– controlled around 95°C with a thermostat. The images of wear
based method, effective identification theory varies when the debris were captured via an OLVF that was installed in the by-
data sample changes, so for static samples, only one iteration pass of the lubrication circulation. Two statistical indicators, the
is needed to finish the clustering but for the dynamical sam- equivalent diameter of large wear debris (Wu, et al. (11)) and
ples where typically a set of sampleswith continuous data is IPCA, are used to describe the wear data. Figures 4b–4c show
involved, anewroundof clustering should be conducted if the that the number of clusters is enhanced when the bandwidth
new samples are joined. These two clustering approaches will is reduced.
be explained.

Figure 4. Effects of the choice of bandwidth on state identification: (a) initial 100 wear data from monitoring an engine, (b) clustering result with bandwidth = 0.3,
and (c) clustering result with a bandwidth = 0.2.


Figure 5. Images of representative wear debris in different stages: (a)–(c) running-in stage, (d)–(f) normal wear stage, and (g)–(i) severe wear stage.

Static wear state identification the imaging subsystem were normalized and plotted in a threed-
A static identification of distinct types of wear data is the key imensional coordinate system, as shown in Figure 6a. The mean
requirement for a dynamic identification of the wear state, so to shift model was constructed to obtain clusters of the example
help with presentation, nine representative images were chosen samples. Here, the bandwidth was set at 0.5, and a uniform ker-
from the wear process, as shown in Figure 5. nel function was used to calculate the mean shift vector. After
By referring to a typical bathtub-shaped curve of the wear the iterations, three converging centers were located and marked
process, the images in Figures 5a–5c are from the running-in in Figure 6b with red circles. Each center represents a cluster of
stage, those shown in Figures 5d–5f are from the stable stage, data with statistically identical features for the three indicators.
and images in Figures 5g–5i are from the severe stage. Data sharing the same converging center are grouped as one
The three indicators IPCA, NUM, and PLP extracted from cluster. The final clustering result is shown in Figure 6c.

Figure 6. Wear state clustering by mean shift–based modeling method: (a) normalized wear data, (b) mean shift clustering, and (c) state identification.



Table 1. State categories of the object images in Fig. 5 identified by the mean but this method means that a calculation must be carried out
shift. whenever a new data center is formed, and that would waste a
Images in Fig. 5 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) large amount of computational resources. A simplified method
is therefore proposed to identify the wear stages online.
Categories 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
The criterion for determining the bandwidth of a newly
identified stage is such that when a data category transits to a
new state, the average distance of these samples is calculated
Three clusters were identified from the wear data provided, with the following equation by using the newly emerged data,
which agreed with the result from a qualitative inspection. The such that
categories of each initial image data are shown in Table 1.
1 PNe PNe 
As a probability-based nonparametric method of estima-
tion, the mean shift algorithm shows its superiority in robust- DD i D 1 j D 1 j xi ¡ x j j ; [11]
ness while dealing with highly random wear process data, but CN2 e
its reliability still depends on the choice of bandwidth. For a
given static process data, a predefined bandwidth can be accom- where D denotes the average distance of all newly emerging
plished by tentative measurements. In summary, this method samples. The variable Ne denotes the number of emerged data.
can identify wear samples from different states, but for dynam- Accordingly, a new and incoming sparse distribution would in-
ic modeling such as online monitoring, a constant predefined troduce a large bandwidth and vice versa. The adaptive band-
bandwidth is not suitable. width would change automatically according to the distribution
density of the samples obtained initially and would then remain
Dynamically modeling wear state evolution constant until another state is identified.
by adaptive mean shift method A sketch of an adaptive loop of the dynamic model is shown
in Figure 7. This loop is designed to determine when a new state
During real-time monitoring, the data set changes constantly has come and where all data in online sampling generally fall
due to continuous incoming samples, so a dynamic modeling into either normal or abnormal states. The loop is stopped until
approach to identify the wear state is needed. A dynamic wear an increasing trend of abnormal samples is suddenly identified,
process consists of several stages with relatively steady features and this indicates that a new state can be determined by all of
in narrow time slots where being able to identify these wear the candidates. In each loop, a static mean shift algo-
stage transitions is necessary in order to model the wear pro-
cess. Consequently, a dynamic adaptive mean shift identifica-
tion model has been developed.

Adaptive mean shift method

Practically speaking, dynamically modeling a wear process is
used to identify the current stage and determine a new stage,
so a binary-class method is needed here. Though online sam-
ples appear randomly, wear state samples under a dominant
wear mechanism are essentially similar, which means that wear
state samples can be categorized into different stages according
to their similar mechanisms. With regards to the diversity of
wear stages in the whole process, an adaptive model is needed to
identify each stage by automatically adapting the model param-
eters to cope with the incoming samples.
In a typical wear process, the wear rate and particle size are
very diverse in the running-in and severe wear stages but have a
relatively serried distribution in the normal state. Accordingly,
when modeling the dynamic wear state process, the sparseness
of data at different stages varies and a fixed bandwidth will cre-
ate large errors in the results. Therefore, an adaptive bandwidth
is needed to identify the developing wear processes; this means
that the model should adjust its parameters and bandwidth
dynamically to cope with fluctuations in the wear data. A data
distribution–based adaptive bandwidth method was proposed
by using a small bandwidth in dense distribution and a large
bandwidth in sparse distribution (Comaniciu and Meer (22)), Figure 7. Flowchart of a dynamic mean shift clustering process.


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Figure 8. Identifying the wear stage with dynamic mean shift modeling: (a) initial stage, (b) second stage, (c) third stage, (d) fourth stage, (e) last stage, and
(f) overall stages.

rithm is used to categorize all of the candidate samples into two three-dimensional space composed of PLP, NUM, and IPCA. As
types; this categorization is repeated when the candidates are the number of input data increases continuously, adjacent wear
renewed by a new incoming sample. A transition in the wear states are identified.
state is regarded as occurring once a loop has stopped. Figure 8 shows that the state center and sparseness of sam-
Specifically, the number of candidate samples is recorded as ples vary as the states develop. At the beginning of the monitor-
Num_data and normal and abnormal samples are denoted as ing period, after five samples are categorized as the normal state,
Num_1 and Num_2, respectively. At the beginning of the loop a new state emerges, as shown in Figures 8a–8b. These catego-
the variables Num_data, Num_1, and Num_2 are initiated to rized samples are then removed and the identification process
zero, and the value of Num_data increases by one in the case of continues, as shown in Figures 8b–8c. A new state transition is
a new sample. The initial point is the first sample in a sequence identified and a new data cluster emerges. Similarly, state tran-
and it is set as a normal sample. Then the mean shift model sitions also appear in the following groups as Figures 8c–8d and
with a fixed bandwidth h starts to categorize all of the candidate Figures 8d–8e. To summarize, transitions in the wear state are
samples and the numbers of abnormal and normal categories identified dynamically as the samples are continuously incom-
are counted. If the condition where Num_2 > 10 is satisfied, a ing but note that the bandwidth adapts to cope with different
new wear state is identified with all normal samples and those states because it first experiences a decrement and then increas-
abnormal samples are carried into the next loop as initial can- es, as shown in Figure 9 on Page 98; this coincides with a typical
didates. A new bandwidth is then calculated and these initial sequence of severe wear, normal wear, and severe wear.
candidates are adapted to the new wear state. To illustrate the overall development of wear stages over its
life span, the stage transitions are plotted together with varia-
Monitoring the wear state with the adaptive mean shift model tions in the bandwidth against the time axis as the value of b
Having completed the dynamic modeling strategy for iden- shown in Figure 9. Intuitively, the whole process consists of four
tifying the wear state, the wear data obtained in the four-ball wear states with the transition times and corresponding band-
wear test are processed to perform an online simulation. All of widths. More detailed information can be extracted as follows.
the wear data contained in the three indictors are input into In this figure where the first state is marked with a red circle,
the model one by one to imitate the online sampling process. it is very transitory, so it is combined with the adjacent state as
The mean shift model starts its calculation loop when each state 1, which is the initial wear state. During the 1,250 min of
new sample appears and determines a new wear state once the running time, the running-in state accounts for about 200 min,
condition is satisfied. Each wear state identified is marked as a with 20 min in the initial stage and 180 min in the transition
cluster, and with the increasing number of wear states in time, to a new state. At around 800 min, the load changes from 1,500
the development of wear can be inferred. Figure 8 illustrates to 2,000 N and, correspondingly, a new wear state transition is
the overall dynamic process of wear state identification with a identified as a response to further wear; after 1,200 min,


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Figure 9. Overall development of

wear stages in a full wear process.

a severe wear state is reached. This observation reveals that more As mentioned before, four wear states were identified and
wear states have been identified as well as the typical threephase the wear debris showed distinct features in different wear states;
wear process. The reason is that a wear state transition is not accordingly, the wear surfaces will show different characteris-
only an indicator of natural wear but is also the result of oper- tics. For the purpose of verification, four friction tests on the
ating conditions. same four-ball machine and same load condition were conduct-
Wear debris is generated directly from friction between the ed to obtain specific information about the surfaces of the four
two tribopair surfaces, features that can indicate that wear has corresponding wear states with specific test times. Moreover,
accumulated in the machine. On this basis, surface information experiments conducted over 2, 10, 15, and 21 h were repeated.
of the tribopair can be utilized as a parallel indicator and as Information regarding the surfaces of the upper and lower balls
debris information to describe the wear state. The mean shift– was collected by laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM),
based modeling strategy has proved capable of identifying the as shown in Figure 10. For simplification, only pictures of one
wear state transition over a full lifetime, including information lower ball among each three were utilized. Figures 10a–10d are
on wear debris. However, the transition state is the result of LSCM images of the wear scar from the upper ball, and Figures
mathematical modeling, so to make this method more convinc- 10e–10h are images of the lower ball.
ing, a repetitive experiment is necessary. As Figure 10 shows, the scars on the upper and lower balls

Figure 10. LSCM images of the surfaces of balls from different states: (a) surface of upper ball after 2 h, (b) surface of upper ball after 10 h, (c) surface of
upper ball after 15 h, (d) surface of upper ball after 21 h, (e) surface of lower ball after 2 h, (f) surface of lower ball after 10 h, (g) surface of lower ball after
15 h, and (h) surface of lower ball after 21 h.


due to wear have distinct features at different stages; in the first to changes in the working conditions. When this online debris
stage, which refers to Figures 10a and 10e, the diameter of the data are acquired, the wear mechanism transition can be auto-
wear area is only 1 mm, and there is an unworn area in the wear matically described as being in a mathematical format, which
area and the width of the scratch is remarkable; these are typi- makes the use of artificial intelligence applicable. As a result,
cal features of the running-in stage. In the second stage, which there will be less dependence on human experience and tech-
refers to Figures 10b and 10f, the diameter of the wear area has niques and therefore this can be regarded as a practical and reli-
increased to 1.2 mm, there is no unworn area, and the scratches able approach for monitoring wear-based conditions.
are thinner than in the first stage, which means that the run-
ning-in stage is over and a new normal stage is beginning. In CONCLUSIONS
the third stage after the load has increased (Figures 10c and Wear states consisting of a full wear process and the develop-
10g), the diameter of wear area has increased to 1.6 mm, and ment of these wear states were reflected by the gradual degrada-
the scratch is more serried than the former one. In the fourth tion of machine performance. A mathematical characterization
stage, which refers to Figures 10d and 10h, the diameter of wear of these dynamic variations was investigated for monitoring the
has increased to 2.4 mm and the scratches are sparse but deeper health of machines online. This article has focused on charac-
and wider than in the former stage. terizing the health of machines based on their wear mechanism
According to the LSCM images from four-ball tests carried and then constructing a strategy to dynamically identify and
out with different time lengths and workloads, the surfaces of monitor wear states in real time. Three wear indicators, includ-
the four balls were identified by mean shift modeling at differ- ing the percentage of area covered, number of particles, and
ent stages and indicated distinct features and distinguishing larger particle ratio of wear debris, were utilized to digitalize the
wear mechanisms. Therefore, the mean shift–based modeling wear state. Additionally, a mean shift–based identification mod-
method can identify different wear states over the full lifetime el was constructed to quantitatively classify and determine par-
of a machine. ticular wear state transitions over the full lifetime of a machine.
In summary, dynamic identification modeling can monitor Finally, the model was verified with a set of wear debris images
the natural transition of wear states and the transition states due acquired from a four-ball wear experiment. By imitating

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an online sampling process with the wear data, a detailed wear Semiconductor (CMOS), the performance of the debris sen-
state transition and development was dynamically identified. sor is still unsatisfactory when the size of the wear debris is too
The corresponding distinct wear mechanism was also verified small. For a precision tribopair or mild wear, it is hard to extract
via LSCM images. This modeling method can provide a new precise condition information. Therefore, hardware ameliora-
method to monitor wear online based on evaluating the devel- tion should be conducted in future work.
opment of wear over the life span of a machine.
However, this method cannot be regarded as a versatile ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
strategy for wear monitoring of machinery systems due to its The author acknowledges all of the members of the Tribology
limitation in mechanism interpretation. Further work will be Research Group in the School of Mechanical & Manufacturing
conducted to make this work more industrially applicable. Engineering, the University of New South Wales, for very help-
Online monitoring requires all of the calculations to be ful discussions.
manually independent. However, adaptive as the bandwidth is
in this article, a manual initialization of bandwidth toward spe- FUNDING
cific monitored machines is necessary to start iteration. Intelli- Financial support for the present research was provided by the
gent theory can be involved to make this method more robust National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51275381,
in different situations. 50905135) and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Because debris images are a source of the origin of wear in- Universities of China.
formation, accurate extraction of wear debris features is critical
for reliable monitoring of the wear condition. However, due ORCID
to the limited resolution of the Complementary Metal Oxide Ngaiming Kwok

REFERENCES (13) Meng, H. C. and Ludema, K. C. (1995), “Wear Models and Predictive
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tion Gear Damage Detection Technologies Using Fuzzy Logic,” Journal of
the American Helicopter Society, 49(2), pp 109–116. (15) Zhang, H., Li, Z., and Chen, Z. (2003), “Application of Grey Modeling
Method to Fitting and Forecasting Wear Trend of Marine Diesel Engines,”
(3) Roylance, B. J., Williams, J. A., and Dwyer-Joyce, R. (2000), “Wear Debris
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and Associated Wear Phenomena Fundamental Research and Practice,”
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part J: Journal of (16) Peng, Z. and Kirk, T. B. (1999), “Wear Particle Classification in a Fuzzy
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logical Sciences, 56(12), pp 2914–2926. sis,” 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation and Measurement,
Sensor Network and Automation (IMSNA), Toronto, Canada, 23–24 De-
(5) Miller, J. L. and Kitaljevich, D. (2000), “In-Line Oil Debris Monitor for
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ceedings, 25 March, Montana, US. (18) Wu, H. K., Wu, T. H., Peng, Y. P., and Peng, Z. X. (2014), “Watershed-Based
Morphological Separation of Wear Debris Chains for On-Line Ferrograph
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L. V., and Semeniouk, M. S. (2000), “On-Line Measurement of Contami-
nant Level in Lubricating Oil,” U.S. Patent 6,151,108. (19) Lim, S. C., Ashby, M. F., and Brunton, J. H. (1987), “Wear-Rate Transitions
and Their Relationship to Wear Mechanisms,” Acta Metallurgica, 35(6), pp
(7) Wu, T. H., Mao, J. H., Wang, J. T., Wu, J. Y., and Xie, Y. B. (2009), “A New
On-Line Visual Ferrograph,” Tribology Transactions, 52(5), pp 623–631.
(20) Wu, T. H., Wang, J. Q., Wu, J. Y., Xie, Y. B., and Mao, J. H. (2011), “Wear
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Characterization by an On-Line Ferrograph Image,” Proceedings of the In-
tive Sensor Wear Debris Limits for Rolling Contact Fatigue of Bearings,”
stitution of Mechanical Engineers - Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology,
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part J: Journal of
225(1), pp 23–34.
Engineering Tribology, 229(6), pp 698–711.
(21) Goncalves, A. C. and Campos, J. B. (2011), “Predictive Maintenance of a
(9) Peng, Z. and Kessisoglou, N. (2003), “An Integrated Approach to Fault Di-
Reducer with Contaminated Oil under an Excentrical Load through Vi-
agnosis of Machinery Using Wear Debris and Vibration Analysis,” Wear,
bration and Oil Analysis,” Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical
255(7), pp 1221–1232.
Sciences and Engineering, 33(1), pp 1–7.
(10) Ludema, K. C. (1996), “Mechanism-Based Modeling of Friction and
(22) Comaniciu, D. and Meer, P. (2002), “Mean Shift: A Robust Approach to-
Wear,” Wear, 200(1), pp 1–7.
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(11) Wu, T. H., Peng, Y. P., Wu, H. K., Zhang, X. G., and Wang, J. Q. (2014), Machine Intelligence, 24(5), pp 603–619.
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(12) Wu, T. H., Wu, H. K., Du, Y., Kwok, N., and Peng, Z. X. (2014), “Imaged
(24) Comaniciu, D. (2003), “An Algorithm for Data-Driven Bandwidth Se-
Wear Debris Separation for On-Line Monitoring Using Gray Level and
lection,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Integrated Morphological Features,” Wear, 316(1), pp 19–29.
25(2), pp 281–288.


Technical Education. Career Development.
International Networking.


• 2D Materials - Materials Tribology

and Nanotribology Joint Session
• Biotribology
• Commercial Marketing Forum
(purchased time slots)
• Condition Monitoring
• Engine and Drivetrain
• Engine and Drivetrain Electric
• Environmentally Friendly Fluids
• Fluid Film Bearings
• Gears
• Grease
• Lubrication Fundamentals
• Materials Tribology
(including Solid Lubricants)
• Metalworking Fluids
74th STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition • Nanotribology
May 19-23, 2019 • Nonferrous Metals
Omni Nashville Hotel • Power Generation
Nashville, Tennessee (USA) • Rolling Element Bearings
• Seals
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specifically for you. Please join 1,600 of your peers from around
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the globe for five unique days of technical training and industry Lubricants
education that could change your career.
• Testing in Soft Tribology -
Program Highlights: Tribotesting and Biotribology
Joint Session
500 Technical Presentations • 12 Lubrication-specific Education
• Tribochemistry - Materials
Courses • 120-exhibitor Trade Show • Commercial Marketing Forum
Tribology and Nanotribology
• Business Networking • International Audience Joint Session
Register now! • Tribology of Biomaterials -
Biotribology and Materials
Log on to to register for the meeting and make
© Can Stock Photo / kasto

Joint Session
your sleeping room reservation at the Omni Nashville Hotel.
• Tribotesting
Early Birds! Register by April 18 and save $100 on your meeting fee. • Wear
• Wind Turbine Tribology.

Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, 840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068
[email protected],, 847-825-5536 • Follow us on #STLE2019

TOP STORIES in precision drives used in diverse markets sion and high-quality acquisitions in both
including solar, automation, aerial platforms core and new markets, and we have made
ExxonMobil Adds Spain Hub Terminal and food and beverage. excellent progress on this strategy since be-
Cone Drive is headquartered in Traverse coming an independent company,” says Sam
ExxonMobil plans to open a new hub termi- City, Mich., and has manufacturing opera- Mitchell, chief executive officer. “The acquisi-
nal for vessel and truck loading in Valencia, tions in the U.S. and China. The company tion of Great Canadian Oil Change provides
Spain, in the first quarter of 2019, support- has a global customer base and employs us with the perfect opportunity to expand our
ing the expansion of its global base stocks approximately 500 people. The business pro- quick-lube footprint outside the U.S. Now,
supply network. The expansion is part of duces a broad range of highly customizable with the acquisition of Oil Changers, we look
ExxonMobil’s continued investment in its precision drive products that include Cone forward to increasing our scale and brand
supply logistics readiness to support a ro- Drive® and H-Fang® branded high-torque presence in Canada by broadening our retail
bust Group I and II offer from its European worm gears, harmonic solutions and preci- footprint in Ontario.”
refineries. sion slew drives. Tom Marin, owner and president of Oil
“The addition of the Valencia hub termi- Also, The Timken Co. has completed Changers Inc., says, “Oil Changers has been
nal represents our ongoing commitment to the acquisition of Rollon Group, a leader in a part of my family since 1996 when our fa-
growing our Group I and II supply reliability,” engineered linear motion products. Rollon ther started the business. My sister, brother
says Julia Ruessmann, base stocks & spe- specializes in the design and manufacture and I are proud that we could continue to
cialties sales manager, EAME. “This major of engineered linear guides, telescopic rails build Oil Changers into a business known for
step in the Rotterdam expansion journey and linear actuators used in a wide range outstanding service to our customers in On-
will provide our valued customers with an of industries such as passenger rail, aero- tario. We have a lot of respect for the Valvo-
efficient supply offer as well as the highest space, packaging and logistics, medical and line Instant Oil Change name in the U.S., as
standards in customer service and product automation. well as the Great Canadian Oil Change brand
integrity.” Rollon is headquartered near Milan, that Valvoline acquired in July. We’re excited
ExxonMobil’s complete supply offer will Italy, and has manufacturing operations in to join the Valvoline family as franchisees
be available from various hub terminals by Italy, Germany and the U.S. The company and look forward to the longer-term growth
vessel, truck or rail. Group II products will be employs approximately 600 people and opportunities that Valvoline can provide.”
available from Valencia in the first quarter of boasts an extensive sales and engineering
2019, as well as from the Rotterdam, Vado network around the world to serve its global Univar to Acquire Nexeo
and Liverpool supply hubs and distributors customer base.
in Dubai and Durban. Downers Grove, Ill.-based, Univar Inc., a
Leveraging the regional presence and Valvoline Acquires Oil Changers global chemical and ingredient distribu-
expertise of ExxonMobil Marine chartering, tor and provider of value-added services,
ExxonMobil will have the capacity to opti- Lexington, Ky.-based, Valvoline Inc., a lead- and The Woodlands, Texas-based, Nexeo
mize shipments and deliveries between ing worldwide supplier of premium-brand- Solutions, Inc., a leading global chemicals
products and locations, providing the high- ed lubricants and automotive services, and plastics distributor, announce they
est quality of service and an enhanced cus- announces it has signed a definitive agree- have entered into a definitive agreement
tomer experience. ment to acquire the business assets of Oil for Univar to acquire Nexeo valued at ap-
ExxonMobil will begin EHC™ production Changers Inc., which has 31 franchised proximately $2.0 billion.
at its Rotterdam refinery following the com- quick-lube centers in Ontario. The acquisi- Univar’s president and CEO David Jukes
pletion of its hydrocracker expansion project tion is expected to be complete during the says, “This transformational combination is
at the end of 2018, with full commercializa- first quarter of fiscal 2019. designed to create the premier global chem-
tion of EHC™50 and EHC™120 targeted for Oil Changers Inc., based in Ottawa, On- ical and ingredients distributor, with exciting
the first quarter of 2019. ExxonMobil contin- tario, was founded in 1996 by Dan Marin opportunities for our customers, suppliers,
ues to increase storage capacity and supply and is now owned by his three children, employees and investors. Together we will
reliability and to collaborate with additive who currently operate five locations and drive growth and shareholder value with the
companies to provide maximum product plan to remain in the quick-lube business largest North American sales force in chem-
coverage. as franchisees. All Oil Changers quick-lube ical and ingredients distribution, the broad-
centers will be rebranded as Great Canadian est product offering and most efficient supply
Timken Completes Acquisition Oil Change. This acquisition expands Valvo- chain network in the industry. We expect the
of Cone Drive, Rollon Group line’s existing quick-lube network to more transaction to be accretive to earnings and
than 1,250 company-owned and franchised cash flow beginning in the first full year post
North Canton, Ohio-based, The Timken Co., locations across Canada and the U.S. closing and to generate $100 million of annual
a global leader in engineered bearings and “One of our key business strategies is run rate cost savings by the third year follow-
power transmission products, has complet- to grow and strengthen Valvoline’s quick- ing close and reduce annual capital expendi-
ed the acquisition of Cone Drive, a leader lube network through organic store expan- tures by $15 million immediately.”


Nexeo’s CEO David Bradley adds: “We Afton operates as a wholly owned ing, “Our Jurong Island plant now has the
share Univar’s confidence in the future of subsidiary of NewMarket. It started its full capability to produce core engine oil
our combined enterprise, given the strong Singapore operations in May 2016 when it additives that we need for the Asia-Pacific
strategic alignment across our business opened a manufacturing facility at Jurong region.”
models, go-to-market strategies, superior Island. Singapore Minister for Trade and Indus-
product offerings and digital capabilities. Afton Chemical president Regina Harm try Chan Chun Sing says this investment is
This combination represents a logical and was quoted by The Straits Times as say- significant and will create jobs for the Sin-
compelling step forward, consistent with our
focus on accelerating growth for the benefit
of our customers, employees and suppliers.
We are especially pleased that Nexeo’s em-
ployees are highly valued by Univar, and that
our shareholders will be able to participate
in the company’s future success through
ongoing equity ownership.”

P2 Science Manufacturing Plant

Woodbridge, Conn.-based, P2 Science Inc., ,·LL BE PREPARED FOR

a venture-backed, bio-renewable chemis-
try company, held the ribbon cutting for its
green chemistry advanced manufacturing
plant in Naugatuck, Conn. The plant is the
first of its kind in the world, and the U.S.
patent covering the core technology was
issued in September.
Commercial production at the plant
started in October and focuses on renewable
intermediates and ingredients for fragranc-
es, flavors and cosmetics. Customers will
use many of the novel and high-performing
ingredients produced from the Naugatuck
plant. The plant is designed to be expand-
ed easily at the current site, which also can
accommodate additional production units.
Neil Burns, CEO, cites the building of the
plant as evidence that the “American dream
of advanced manufacturing, highly skilled
jobs and entrepreneurial vigor is thriving
today in Connecticut.” Patrick Foley, CSO,
says, “We couldn’t have done it without the
state of Connecticut.”

Afton Chemical Completes Expansion

in Singapore

Richmond, Va.-based, Afton Chemical com-

pleted a second-phase expansion of its
chemical additive manufacturing facility in
Jurong Island, Singapore.
With an investment of S$222 million
($162.5 million), the upgrade enables the
company to produce advanced ashless dis-
persants and antiwear components that en-
able vehicles to meet performance standards.



gapore people. formation needs in this fast-growing area. PROMOTIONS & TRANSITIONS
Afton Chemical Asia vice president Sean “We are very fortunate to work with such
Spencer was quoted by The Straits Times as renowned organizations to leverage their Pilot Chemical Names Wanda Gonzalez
saying, “We continue to invest in Singapore expertise toward standardization in additive Plant Manager
because we see it as a central hub of the manufacturing,” says Matthew Donovan who
region. It has a strong record of safety, se- chairs the research and innovation group Wanda I. Gonzalez has been named plant
curity and integration, which are conditions under ASTM International’s additive manu- manager for Cincinnati, Ohio-based, Pilot
we value.” facturing technology committee. Donovan is Chemical Co.’s Houston plant. She will
a principal engineer at Oerlikon. oversee all manu-
ASTM International’s First Round The initial round of projects approved by facturing and logis-
of R&D Projects the committee target four main areas: feed- tics processes at
stock, process qualification, post-processing the plant and lead
Global standards developer ASTM Interna- and testing. a team of about 30
tional (based in West Conshohocken, Pa.) an- In addition to these projects, the Na- employees.
nounces its first round of funding to support tional Institute for Aviation Research, the Gonzalez brings
research to help catalyze the development of center’s first strategic partner, will focus more than 30 years
needed standards in additive manufacturing, on mechanical testing issues surrounding of experience in
also known as 3D printing. polymers (plastics) used in additive man- specialty chemical
This investment of $300,000 and in-kind ufacturing. They will look to create guide- plant management Wanda I. Gonzalez
contributions will help partners in the ASTM lines and best practices aimed at applying and most recently
International Additive Manufacturing Center existing mechanical testing methods to this served as site manager at ISP Freetown
of Excellence address pressing technical in- fast-growing area. Fine Chemicals Inc. in Freetown, Mass. She

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earned a bachelor’s degree in chemical en- industry,” says Teri Crosby, global product European passenger car OEMs, enabling him
gineering from the University of Puerto Rico line manager, automotive, Chevron Oronite. to develop a detailed understanding of cur-
at Mayaguez. Van den Bulk joined Chevron Oronite rent and future lubricant requirements for
Technology B.V. in Rotterdam in 2005 as the PCMOs in Europe and around the globe. In
Chevron Oronite Names Richard van den Europe-Africa-Middle East (EAME) passen- 2017 van den Bulk became a market manag-
Bulk Industry Liaison Manager ger car motor oil (PCMO) OEM liaison. In er for EAME where he has been leading the
that role he built a strong network among qualification of Oronite’s first EAME 0W-20
Gary Parsons, manager, global OEM and
industry liaison, elected to retire from San
Ramon, Calif.-based Chevron Oronite Co.
LLC after 37 years of outstanding service
at Chevron. He is replaced by Richard van
den Bulk.
“Throughout his career, Parsons con-
tributed significantly to the additives in-
dustry through both technical and business
acumen, exhibit-
ing strong leader-
ship capabilities
all along the way,”
says Bruce Chinn,
Chevron Oronite
president. “Thanks
to his efforts, Chev-
ron Oronite’s global
original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) Gary Parsons
team is well recog-
nized in the industry,
at OEMs themselves, and within Chevron
for their high level of professionalism and
deep knowledge of the key drivers, which
impact our business today and into the fu-
ture. Please join me in wishing him well in
his retirement.”
During his career at Chevron, Parsons
was involved in fuels research, consum-
er and commercial
lubricants, product
development, strate-
gic account manage-
ment and business
development. He
held assignments in
North America, Eu-
rope and Asia.
“The selection of
Richard van den Bulk
as manager, global
Richard van den
OEM and industry Bulk
liaison, will help
ensure the continu-
ation of our strong relationship with OEMs
and maintain our important and enduring
partnerships in the automotive engine oil



market general product. Van den Bulk received his bachelor’s degree STLE LOCAL SECTION SCHOLARSHIPS
in automotive engineering from HTS Autotechniek in the Netherlands.
STLE Philadelphia Section
Palmer Holland Names Drew Ursic Midwest Sales Manager Awards Scholarships

North Olmsted, Ohio-based, Palmer Holland, a national specialty The STLE Philadelphia Section has awarded scholarships to 11 de-
chemical and ingredient distributor, announces it has named Drew serving students doing research in nearby universities.
Ursic as Midwest region sales manager. Parth Desai, a doctoral student in mechanical engineering at the
Ursic joined the Palmer Holland team in University of Maryland (UMD), joined the master’s of science program
2011 as an account manager-in-training and at UMD under the supervision of Dr. Siddhartha Das in August 2015.
moved to the Midwest region as an account The focus of his research was to develop, for the first time in the Soft
manager in 2012. He will relocate to the Matter Interfaces and Energy Laboratory, a framework to simulate
Chicago area sometime in the next several biopolymers and other soft materials. He developed molecular dy-
months in order to be more centrally acces- namics simulations for soft matter in less than a year. The project
sible to his team. involved characterizing the interaction of polymer grafted onto two
A few of his main responsibilities include opposing plates. Desai’s research also includes the study of funda-
communicating with senior executives to es- mental aspects of DNA, one of the most important biopolymers. He is
tablish and execute sales goals for the region, Drew Ursic currently working on simulating a DNA with mismatched base pair.
collaborating with principals to implement Nikolay Garabedian is a doctoral student in mechanical engineer-
growth strategies, assisting in the profession- ing at the University of Delaware. Garabedian’s research objective is
al growth of his team and ensuring the Palmer Holland team provides to systematically study friction of model tribomaterials from 1 nN to
customers with the technical knowledge needed for success. 1 N. By mounting colloids at mid-span on commercial atomic force


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From left to right: Dr. Siddhartha Das, scholarship winner Parth Desai and
STLE Philadelphia Section chair Rick Nachenberg. and pH stability.

Learn more at

From left to right: STLE Scholarship Committee member Salvatore Rea,

STLE-member professor David Burris, scholarship winner Nikolay Garabe-
dian and STLE Scholarship Committee member Thomas O’Brien.

microscopy (AFM) cantilevers, he has successfully performed AFM

friction experiments at loads from 1 nN to 1 mN. Using established
methods in his lab, he designed and built a custom microtribometer
capable of friction measurements at loads down to 10 μN. Garabedian
has mapped the friction response of single crystal MoS2, a model
solid lubricant, from 100 nN to 10 mN with the same steel colloid at
a slip speed of 5 μm/s. He is using these methods to systematically
study and elucidate the interdependent effects of load, contact area
and pressure on scale-dependent friction.
Abhiram Karuppur is an undergraduate at Princeton University.
He is entering his senior year majoring in chemical and biological
engineering with a focus on energy and the environment. Karuppur
has participated in the industry during the last two summers, first at
AkzoNobel developing and synthesizing polymers for use as



STLE Philadelphia Section member Bill Tuszynski (left) and scholarship From left to right: Dr. Michael Azarian, scholarship winner Lovlesh Kaushik
winner Abhiram Karuppur. and STLE Philadelphia Section chair Rick Nachenberg.

rheology modifiers in diesel fuel and other applications. When used on optimizing reaction conditions to maximize monomer conversion
in diesel fuel, these polymers effect the fluid dynamics at the fuel to the desired polymer. More recently he interned for a business
injector, increasing combustion and fuel efficiency. His work focused strategy advisory arm of PricewaterhouseCoopers advising two



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STLE Scholarship Committee member Bill Tuszynski (left) and scholarship From left to right: Scholarship winner Lisa Mariani, professor Kevin Turner
winner Sankalp Kota. and STLE Scholarship Committee member Salvatore Rea.

merging utility companies on how best to optimize their electricity

generation portfolio.
Lovlesh Kaushik is a graduate student at the University of Mary-
land. Kaushik’s master’s thesis research aims to compare selected
lubricants and determine whether certain physical or chemical prop-
erties of the lubricant are correlated with the observed performance
of gold-plated electrical contacts. It involves identifying the effects of
unaged and aged lubricants on the performance of contacts through
the study of electrical contact resistance (ECR) as a function of normal
contact force under stationary conditions—and the study of ECR and
friction coefficient over fretting cycles under sliding conditions. The
outcomes of this project will guide selection of lubricant for the giv-
en application and also establish principles for systematic lubricant
selection for electrical contact applications in general.
Sankalp Kota is a doctorate candidate in Drexel University’s de-
partment of materials science and engineering. Working under the di-
rection of professor Michel Barsoum, Kota is studying the manufacture STLE Scholarship Committee member Salvatore Rea (left) and scholarship
and properties of atomically layered MAX-phase-like transition metal winner Maria Natalia Noriega.
boride ceramics. The most promising is MoAlB, which is stable for over
200 hours at 1,300 C. This represents the first known oxidation-resis- Lisa Mariani is a doctoral student in mechanical engineering
tant transition metal boride. This work was featured in the November and applied mechanics at the University of Pennsylvania. Mariani’s
2016 issue of TLT. Since 2016 Kota has published four peer-reviewed research investigates additive manufacturing (3D printing) and me-
papers as first or co-first author and has been a co-author on 20 other chanics of nanocellulose materials, which have applications in thin
publications. In addition to conducting his own research, Kota also has films, laminates, coatings and as composite fillers. Additionally, Mariani
mentored six undergraduate students in the Barsoum lab. aims to characterize and understand the interlayer adhesion between
Ji Lang is a doctoral student in mechanical engineering at Vil- cellulose nanofibrils and polymers using fracture-based specimens
lanova University. Thomas O’Brien, former STLE chair and account and colloidal-probe atomic force microscopy. Mariani also has been
manager for Lubrizol, presented Lang with a check during a visit investigating the mechanical properties of nanocellulose surfaces via
to the College of Engineering. Lang’s doctoral research is applying nanoindentation. This includes assessing the uniformity of properties
lessons from biological systems to develop a new type of soft porous across individual printed line passes and the effect of varying the sub-
damper (a thin porous material, which could be made of polymer or strate temperature during printing. Ultimately the goal is to construct
fibers) with superior damping and lubrication performance. He has neat and composite materials in which the incorporation of cellulose
performed extensive analytical, numerical and experimental studies nanofibrils leads to improved mechanical properties.
on a novel experimental setup he designed and constructed to simu- Maria Natalia Noriega is an undergraduate student studying ma-
late the fluid response during the sudden impact on the joint cartilage. terials science and engineering at Drexel University. As part of Drexel



University’s Cooperative Program, Noriega worked at INSA’s

Materials Laboratory where she designed silicone formula-
tions for additive manufacturing and analyzed and identified
tendencies of materials’ mechanical properties due to changes
in formulation. She also optimized rheological properties and
curing characteristics of the specific material to match the man-
ufacturing process requirements for 3D printing. As a research
assistant in the Interfacial Engineering and Materials Science
Laboratory of the Fraunhofer Institute, Noriega analyzed and
characterized nanoparticles using different analytical meth-
ods such as dynamic light scattering and fluorescence reader
to quantify functional groups available in the surface and to
synthesize and hydrolyze nanoparticles via a mini-emulsion
Mark Petrovic is a bachelor’s of science and master’s of sci-
ence student in Drexel University’s materials science and engi-
neering department. Working under the direction of Dr. Michele STLE Scholarship Committee member Bill Tuszynski (left) and scholarship
winner Mark Petrovic.
Marcolongo, Petrovic is studying novel materials for bone scaf-
folding known as nanofiber shish-kababs. These materials are
synthesized by electrospinning (poly)caprolactone and modify-
ing the fiber surface with (poly)caprolactone-(poly)acrylic acid
block copolymers. Petrovic has been awarded the A. W. Grosen-
ver Scholarship by the Philadelphia Liberty Bell ASM Chapter.
Petrovic is a member of Drexel’s Pennoni Honors College and
was selected as an undergraduate research leader by the Office of
Undergraduate Research. He also has been admitted to the Drexel
Aspire Scholar program for exceptional undergraduate students.
Valerie Stephens is a research and development chemist at
CRC Industries. She also is pursuing a master’s of science de-
gree in engineering management at Drexel University special-
izing in system design. Stephens’ graduate studies are focused
on learning the management skills needed to lead and moti-
vate multi-disciplinary technical teams in collaborative problem
solving. Her studies also include developing skills in hiring and
personnel management. At CRC Industries, Stephens’ work is
in product development, product optimization and raw material Scholarship winner Valerie Stephens (left) and STLE Scholarship Commit-
tee member Bill Tuszynski.
qualification. Joining the company in 2016, she holds bachelor’s
of science degrees in chemistry and faith studies from Saint
Joseph’s University.
Jing Yang is a doctorate student at the University of Penn-
sylvania. Yang completed her studies under the direction of
Blanchard chemistry professor Andrew Rappe with STLE-mem-
ber Dr. Robert Carpick serving on her dissertation committee.
She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher working
with professor Helen Kulik. Yang’s thesis work focused on the-
oretical studies on the mechanism of formation tribopolymers
when organic molecules are subjected to frictional stresses
on surfaces. Yang’s work provided important insights into the
conditions and processes by which tribopolymers form, thereby
advancing the development of practical and scalable micro-
and nano-elctromechanical devices. Yang’s work has yielded 10
peer-reviewed publications in the Journal of Chemical Physics
Letters and Physics Reviews.
The Philadelphia Section received STLE’s Outstanding Sec-
tion of the Year award in 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2017. Scholarship winner Jing Yang (left) and professor Andrew Rappe.


Each year, in a program administered by its Presidential Council, STLE grants
academic scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students. These scholarships are

designed to encourage students to pursue an advanced degree or a career in tribology
or lubrication engineering by subsidizing a research project related to the field.

Qualified students will be considered for the E. Richard Booser Scholarship (for
undergraduate students), the Elmer E. Klaus Fellowship (for graduate students) or

PROGRAM the Jeanie S. McCoy Scholarship (for female undergraduate or graduate students).
Students must apply separately using the application forms.

For more information about the STLE Presidential Awards Program, visit to
download applications. Applications are due Dec. 1, 2018.

Questions? Contact Karl Phipps at (847) 825-5536 or email [email protected].


The E. Richard Booser Scholarship The Elmer E. Klaus Fellowship The Jeanie S. McCoy Scholarship
for Undergraduate Students for Graduate Students for Women Students

The purpose of the E. Richard Booser The purpose of the Elmer E. Klaus The purpose of the Jeanie S. McCoy
Scholarship is to encourage under- Fellowship is to encourage graduate Scholarship is to recognize a
graduate students to pursue graduate students to pursue graduate degrees deserving woman pursuing an
degrees or a career in tribology by or a career in tribology by providing education in tribology in preparation
providing an opportunity for them the opportunity for them to participate for a future career in the field. The
to participate in tribology research. in tribology research. The student must applicant must be a female student
The student must be enrolled in an be enrolled in a graduate engineering who is enrolled in an undergraduate
engineering or science curriculum. or science curriculum at the time the or graduate degree program and is
research is started. pursuing an engineering or science
The Booser Scholarship provides degree that will be applicable to a
$4,000 to the student and $500 to The Klaus Fellowship provides $5,000 career in the field of tribology.
the department in which the student to the student and $500 to the
will perform the research. Students department in which the student will The McCoy Scholarship provides
are selected on the basis of grade perform the research. Students are $5,000 to the student. Students are
point average or equivalent, letter of selected on the basis of grade point selected on the basis of grade point
recommendation from faculty advisor, average or equivalent, letter of average or equivalent, letter of
relevance of the research to tribology, recommendation from faculty advisor, recommendation from faculty advisor
and quality of the proposed research relevance of the research to tribology, or educator, and quality of a submitted
experience. and quality of the proposed research essay for publication.

Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, 840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068 (USA), P: (847) 825-5536, F: (847) 825-1456,

IN MEMORIAM Along with writing her seminal book from active duty as a major but stayed
Hydrostatic Pumps and Motors, published in the active Army Reserves, eventually
Monika Ivantysynova in German and English, she founded and retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel.
With great sadness, TLT reports the pass- was editor-in-chief of the Internation- After the war he returned to civil-
ing of professor Monika Ivantysynova on al Journal of Fluid Power published by ian life as an engineer. He served as
Aug. 11. Taylor & Francis—the only international vice president and chief engineer for
Ivantysynova was a Maha named journal dedicated to fluid power. She was Waukesha Bearings Corp. in Wisconsin
professor in fluid power systems for a pivotal figure in the multi-university and, with six patents for shaft bearings,
mechanical engineering and agricultur- Centre for Compact and Efficient Fluid became a well-known worldwide expert
al and biological engineering at Purdue Power, creating a renaissance in fluid in shipboard propulsion equipment,
University in West Lafayette, Ind. power research and education in the U.S. much of it for the U.S. Navy. He also
Ivantysynova was born in 1955 in She has published more than 200 papers was a life member of both The Amer-
Polenz, Germany. in technical journals and at internation- ican Society of Mechanical Engineers
After completing al conferences. She also participated in and The Society of Naval Architects and
her doctorate at STLE Annual Meetings. Marine Engineers.
the Slovak Tech- Ivantysynova received sever-
nical University al awards, including the 2016 Morrill Stephen Paul Radasevich
of Bratislava in Award, ASME 2015 Robert E. Koski Medal STLE Life Member Stephen Paul Radase-
1983, she worked and Backe Medal in 2012. She also was vich, resident of Woodridge, Ill., passed
for seven years an ASME Fellow, SAE Fellow and was in away in September.
in the industry, the Purdue Innovator Hall of Fame. She Radasevich graduated from Illinois
gaining expertise received honorary doctorates from the College with a major in chemistry. After
Monika Ivantysynova seven years in service of our country
in hydraulic sys- Slovak Technical University of Bratislava
tems and com- and the Lappeenranta University of Tech- in WWII and Korea, he briefly worked
ponent design, modeling and system nology in Finland. as a medical lab
simulation and in the development of technician at St.
hydraulic pumps and motors. Jerome M. Gruber Anne’s Hospital
In 1990 she returned to academia STLE Life Member Jerome Martin Gruber, in Chicago (now
where she researched hydraulic actu- 98, passed away Jan. 26. He graduated closed). Radasev-
ation systems and control for aircraft from the University of Wisconsin in 1941 ich then began his
applications at the Technical University with a degree in mechanical engineering. lengthy career as
of Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH). In 1996 Through ROTC, he was commissioned an a research chem-
she became the chair in hydraulic sys- officer in the U.S. Army. With the U.S. en- ist with Cities
tems and control at the University of trance into WWII, he was called to active Service and lat-
Duisburg-Essen, returning to TUHH as duty on Dec. 8, 1941. er International Stephen Paul
professor of mechatronic system design In mid-June 1944, two weeks af- Harvester Co. He
three years later, establishing a compre- ter D-Day, he landed on Normandy and also worked at
hensive fluid power research laboratory. raced across Falex Corp. from 1982-1984 managing
In 2004 Ivantysynova was appointed Europe with its contract testing lab.
Maha professor of fluid power systems Patton’s Third Radasevich became an STLE member
at Purdue University where she pushed Army, Combat in 1966. He was the Chicago Section chair
ahead with her many research passions, Engineers, par- in 1980. Radasevich retired from his ca-
including comprehensive simulation and ticipating in the reer in 1984 and became an STLE Life
optimization methods for hydraulic pis- Battle of the Member in 1987.
ton pumps, and energy-efficient mobile Bulge, where Radasevich loved to fish and golf and
hydraulic machines using pump-con- he earned a was loyal to all Chicago sports teams. Be-
trolled actuation. She led the Maha Fluid Bronze Star. He fore the age of computers, Radasevich
Power Research Center. was discharged Jerome M. Gruber could fix almost anything.

Want to be recognized in TLT? If you have news about a new employee or if someone in your company has been recognized with an award or any other interesting items, let us know. Please
send us your news releases and photos for publication in Newsmakers to TLT Magazine, Attn: Rachel Fowler, 840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068, [email protected].


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Synthesis of DMTD Derivatives These chemicals are added to lubricants as additives and are initially used as corrosion
multifunctional additives. The production protection for lubricants in contact with steel
Specialty chemicals company LANXESS has line doubles the annual production capacity alloys containing so-called nonferrous metals
commissioned a new production line at its of these specialty additives. The investment such as copper, nickel or cobalt. They prevent
Mannheim, Germany, site for the synthesis of volume is in the single-digit-million-euro the leaching of nonferrous metal ions from
dimercaptothiadiazole (DMTD) derivatives. range. DMTD derivatives are multifunctional the alloy, protect the metal surface from ag-
gressive chemicals and, thus, guarantee the
integrity and longevity of steel alloys. Thanks
to their metal-surface bond, they also act as
lubricants; even when under extreme con-
ditions and high pressures metal surfaces
start contacting each other. These additives
interact with and absorb aggressive chemical
breakdown products in the lubricant, which
could otherwise cause material damage in the
long term. The main areas of application for
these versatile products are industrial oils,
greases and metalworking fluids. Under the
Additin brand name, ADD supplies customers
worldwide with DMTD derivatives, which are
also used in additive packages at LANXESS.

Cologne, Germany
+49 221 8885 0
Photo courtesy of LANXESS.

OLOA® 54720 Additive Package

Chevron Oronite introduces the OLOA® 54720, its

new top-tier additive package that combines mul-
tiple ACEA, API, ILSAC and OEM SAE 0W-20 claims
as well as low-speed pre-ignition protection into
one product. OLOA 54720 addresses the need for
an additive package that meets the new ACEA C5-
based segment. OLOA 54720 also offers logistics
advantages in that it combines several key SAE
0W-20 OEM approvals, which can reduce complex-
ity. The product is compatible with after-treatment
operation over its life span, including use in en-
gines equipped with gasoline particulate filters.
This product is another example of PCFlex AD-
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Dvantage™, Oronite’s commitment to deliver per-

formance and flexibility to its passenger car motor
oil customers.

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Executive Summary

TLT asked readers: If you could create a new tribological test, what would you make?
• A test that accurately replicates real-world environments.
• A test that measures coefficient of friction in a number of modes and conditions.
• A test that provides instantaneous and accurate oil analysis data with no wait time.

What are the greatest benefits and significances from tribological testing?
• Optimizing machine life, reducing downtime and accidents.
• Obtaining performance information faster and less expensively than testing under operating
• Creating more efficient lubricants, increasing efficiency in every way, generating energy savings,
monitoring environmental impact, reducing costs.


Q.1 If you could create a new tribological test, what would
you make that would most benefit lubrication engineers
in their work?

Shorten time of test and quality It’s not a new test, but I
results. would like to see improved How do you normally conduct a tribological study?
compatibility testing.
Accelerated lab tests only 15%
Bearing grease test under Simulative lab tests only 6%
A single-step field test that shock-loaded conditions.
operations could use to In-field tests only 8%
quickly diagnose a lubricant’s Current observation of rising
remaining life and contaminant wear particles and surface Lab tests and in-field tests 31%
level. Needs to be quick, changes during the test to
Accelerated lab tests, simulative lab tests and in-field
repeatable and accurate. determine the existing wear 40%
mechanism. Also, I’d develop a
I’d create a test that accurately test strategy to show how the
Based on responses sent to 15,000 TLT readers.
replicated problems in the change in the lubricant applied
field. Most tribotesters don’t to the movement friction
correlate to field tests. For and the wear of cooperating
example, you might have a gear surfaces under certain
test that simulates micropitting conditions is possible (it also is A flexible and affordable Something fast, accurate and
observed in the field. possible to introduce a specific bearing test, as today tests inexpensive.
dynamic change of one of for grease life and bearing
A test that measures film these conditions). lubricity are few and Operating conditions need
thickness and friction at the expensive. to be understood and
same time under different Something that can measure evaluated to give accurate
pressures. coefficient of friction in Lubrication condition test. recommendations. A
a number of modes and questionnaire that is specific
Improved reciprocating tester conditions so that the values Being involved in to the system being tested
for accelerated testing. could be more easily made to fit metalworking, it is critical that would give enough data to
with simulation models. bench scale testing involve understand the fluid samples.
Test equipment should be as actual metal cutting that
robust and flexible to simulate Develop tests that have simulates as nearly as possible Something to measure film
as many practical applications relevance in reality and the in-plant conditions. thickness instantaneously and
as possible to provide useful, correctly simulate the accurately and something to
repeatable results. Ideally phenomena. Functional boundary layer measure tribochemistry during
it would be monitored using thickness in application or rubbing.
multiple methods to gain as I would minimize sample measurement of load-carrying
much information as possible volumes in most tribological ability. A trifecta test for energy
from each test. tests. Many standards require efficiency, environmental
excessive quantities of Connect and piece together a impact and cost balance.
Tackiness measurement. lubricants. picture of tribology at work.
A one-check test that would tell
One that requires a small Obviously a debris sensor that Instant, real-time in-field you if you have the oil you think
amount of lubricant, can be run can classify the debris in size tests that eliminate the need you have. Something beyond
quickly and accurately predicts correlation between debris and time delay in sending to viscosity and elements that
in-use performance. analysis and vibration analysis. remote labs. would be available in one test.



I would like to know in real Tests for accelerated life Something to estimate product I would create a test to recreate
time the metallic wear particles testing for the specific life under various conditions. real operation condition to
present in the equipment at lubricant. better reveal lubrication issues.
the time that I need to know it An instrument that mimics the
instead of sending a sample to A run-to-failure test. For field application inexpensively, A test to identify whether the
a laboratory that can take five example, for hydraulics heat doesn’t use large amounts of lubrication fluid is doing what it
to 10 days. the oil to 200 F and run the fluid and provides a lot of data is supposed to do.
system at maximum capacity in a relatively short amount
A scale that relates rotor unfiltered until it can no longer of time. A uni-directional setup
dynamic performance, do the work. The longer the run in which the contact is
including lubricants. time, the better the hydraulic An instrument that allows repetitively made only in
oil is at preventing wear and the most common machining one direction during the
A five-star test: viscosity, resisting oxidation. conditions, including tool and test. This could be
acid number, FTIR, water, workpiece materials, to be potentially useful in
particulate count. A lubricity tester that helped accurately reproduced. testing surfaces having
with viscosity selection. directional texture.
An inexpensive test to A machine with
more accurately check for A universal database into interchangeable parts to A better method for
compatibility between two which all test conditions and simulate different real-world determining tool wear for
greases. results data could be fed. applications more accurately. metal-removal operations.

Q.2 What do you think are the greatest benefits and

significances from tribological testing?

We can monitor equipment to Probably the best way to The greatest benefit in my
avoid breakdown maintenance. model tribological behavior How often do you use mind is that it gives you
and friction apart from the accelerated lab tests confidence of success going
It adds value on the asset. OEM devices. to make a decision on into a field evaluation.
tribology-related matters?
Learning how to reduce wear. Improved lubricant Industry cost savings due
All the time 9%
formulations, better to reduced wear of machine
The greatest benefit I see is understanding of surface Often 54% components. Reduced
the ability to move rotating interactions. downtime due to failure of
equipment fault detection Not often 28% mechanical parts.
further up the P-F curve Performance, differentiation.
to reduce/lessen process Never 9% Proper evaluation of
downtime. If done correctly, tribotesting tribological properties for
can cost-effectively screen Based on responses sent to 15,000 TLT different cases.
Prediction of real-world lubricants and/or aid in
performance. selecting materials and Standard methods can
surface treatments. Also it be generated that can be
Learning new ways to extend can isolate wear mechanisms Tribological tests help performed on globally
component life. in fundamental work and us better understand the available equipment so
provide a data resource for operation of the machinery repeatability monitoring and
Reduced need for bench and future applications (if tests and increase the reliability cross referencing of results
field-test screening. are done properly). of the machine. can be conducted.


Basic Handbook of Lubrication
Third Edition
The only reference you need to
understand tribology fundamentals!
Edited by STLE’s Alberta Section, the Basic Handbook of
Lubrication (Third Edition) is a comprehensive text authored
by more than 25 contributors. At 360 pages, this technical
reference thoroughly covers some 30 topics with material
edited to help newcomers and veterans to the lubricants
industry. This reference is included in the recommended
study material for STLE’s Certified Lubrication Specialist©
and Oil Monitoring Analyst© (I&II) certifications.


• Oil viscosity & selecting correct grade • Turbine oils

depending on temperature • Refrigeration system lubrication
• Friction and lubrication regimes • Grease, an introduction
• Mineral base oils • Solid film lubricants
• Synthetic base oils and finished lubricants • Metalworking & preservative fluids
• Used oil re-refining to create base oils • Environmentally friendly lubricants
• Additives used in formulating lubricants • Solvents & cleaners
• New lubricants – analysis & testing • Aftermarket additives
• Bearing lubrication • Centralized lubrication systems
• Engine oils • Pneumatics
• (Stationary) natural gas engine lubrication • Filtration
• Enclosed gear oils: Classifications and • Introduction to seals
additives • Wear types
• Hydraulics fluids & related properties • Degradation and analysis of oils
• Hydraulic system components in service
• Hydraulic system components – sample • Condition monitoring & industrial
calculation machinery
• Hydraulic system components – sample • Effective bearing failure analysis
calculation appendix • A guide to purchasing lubricants
• Air compressor lubrication • Storage of new lubricants (health, safety
• Reciprocating natural gas compressor and environmental considerations)
lubrication • Used oil collection
• Lubrication of electric motor bearings • Glossary of lubrication terms

Price: $155 to STLE members, $189 to others (includes shipping).

Comes in spiral-bound and perfect-bound editions.
Available only through STLE! Order at, or call 847-825-5536.

Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers

840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
P: 847-825-5536 F: 847-825-1456 [email protected]

Proof of concept before

advancing to field testing.

It’s a cheaper alternative to

finding solutions and screening
between solutions.

It enables us to keep a
sharp eye on lube-quality
degradation and also to
see the wearing element
trend for proactive decisions.
By this we increase drain
interval of lubricant.

© Can Stock Photo / buhanovskiy

Tribological tests tell
what happen to surfaces
and lubricants in friction
zone conditions. It is up to
engineers and researchers
to determine whether those
conditions simulate field
application properly.
Create more efficient It helps you keep current with Product stewardship and
The ability to simulate lubricants, increase efficiency new technology. integrity.
conditions in applications in every way, generate
before field testing new energy savings, monitor Material durability. Evaluating the performance
lubricants. environmental impact, of lubricant formulas.
reduce costs. For us product development is
Optimize the machine life. where testing benefits most. Testing can provide
Avoid an accident with the Reduced power consumption. comparison data of like
machine. Speeding up development, additives, provide confidence
Be proactive instead of screening. Also good for cross- before going into a field trial
These bench type tests often reactive. functional, interdisciplinary, and provide insight into
give critical information about exploratory studies. additive behavior in different
performance in a shortened Discover an issue before it formulations.
period of time at less expense leads to damage/failure. Predictive maintenance.
compared to testing under Relative comparison of
actual operating conditions. Understanding the life Discover new concepts. lubricity during product
of a lubricant in a given Rapid assessment of new development or competitive
It detects failures before they environment. components and materials product replacement.
happen and identifies areas before scaling up into end use
for lubricant improvement to Getting a comprehensive look applications. I think it provides a good
extend component life. at what the oil is minimally short-term testing and analysis
capable of. Objective data. for simulating and studying
The insights to plan for performance of lubricants,
servicing and extend machine Predict equipment failure Reduction in harm to coatings and materials.
or plant uptime and return on and determine the life of the equipment from needless
investment. lubricating fluid. full-scale testing. Improved reliability.

Editor’s Note: Sounding Board is based on an informal poll of 15,000 TLT readers. Views expressed are those of the respondents and do not reflect the
opinions of the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers. STLE does not vouch for the technical accuracy of opinions expressed in Sounding Board,
nor does inclusion of a comment represent an endorsement of the technology by STLE.


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NOVEMBER 2018 • VOL. 74, NO.11

Next in TLT:
Company Page
Ad close: Oct. 25
Acme-Hardesty Co. 9
Materials: Nov. 1
Afton Chemical Corp. 48
• Additives
• Oil Analysis
Basic Handbook of Lubrication, Third Edition Book 119 • Computer-Aided Tribology

© Can Stock Photo / hKuprevich

Cannon Instrument Co. 104 • Automotive Tribology
Chevron Oronite Co., LLC 3
Colonial Chemical 115
CRC Press - Taylor & Francis Group 121 January 2019
Ad close: Nov. 20
Croda, Inc. 52
Materials: Nov. 27
Eastman Chemical Co. 107
Elco/Italmatch Chemicals 37 (Includes 2019 STLE Annual
Meeting Advance Program.
Evonik Oil Additives 5, 56
Special recognition for
ExxonMobil Chemical Co. 7
exhibitors, CMF presenters
Faith-Full MWF Consulting 125 and sponsor ads!)
Fluid Line Products 126
• Synthetic Lubricants
© Can Stock Photo / nikkytok

Huntsman Petrochemical Corp. 41

• Metalworking Fluids
Ingevity 91 • Engine & Drivetrain
Institute of Materials 60 • Gear Lubrication
Invista IFC • Lube Fundamentals
J.A.M. Distributing Co. 99
Kao Chemicals OBC
King Industries, Inc. 11, 64 February 2019
Ad close: Dec. 21
LANXESS Corp. 68
Materials: Dec. 28
MJ Tribology 130
Monson, An Azelis Company 20 • Oil Analysis
• Synthetic Lubricants
Münzing 97
• Base Oils
© Can Stock Photo / Fahroni

Napoleon Engineering Services 106

• Environmentally Friendly
OilDoc Conference & Exhibition 2019 131 Fluids
Pelichem Associates 85 • Automotive Tribology
Pilot Chemical 23
Pittcon 2019 113
Sasol North America 46 March 2019
Sea-Land Chemical Co. 108 Ad close: Jan. 25
Materials: Feb. 1
Soltex, Inc. 29
SONGWON Industrial Group 95 (STLE 75th Anniversary issue!
STLE 2019 Annual Meeting & Exhibition 101 Bonus Distribution: PittCon,
March 17-21, Philadelphia, Pa.)
STLE 2019 Awards Program Call for Nominations 123
© Can Stock Photo / nd3000

STLE Learning Pathways 127 • Metalworking Fluids

• Grease
STLE Membership 84
• Condition Monitoring
STLE 2019 Presidential Awards Program 111
• Aerospace
STLE 2019 STEM Program 133 • Lube Fundamentals
TH Hilson, A Ravago Chemicals Co. 105
The Dow Chemical Co. 72
The Lubrizol Corp. 76
For information on how to customize a multi-media marketing program
UL Prospector IBC
that reaches 15,000 lubricant-industry decision-makers, contact:
Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC 44, 80 National Sales Manager, Tracy Nicholas VanEe
Zschimmer & Schwarz, Inc. 103 (630) 922-3459 • [email protected]


Nominations now being accepted for
2019 STLE Awards Program

Each year STLE honors individuals for outstanding achievements in the field of tribology
and lubrication engineering. The Society is now accepting nominations for its two prestigious
honors: The STLE International and P.M. Ku Awards, which will be presented during the
74th STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Nashville, Tennessee (USA), May 19-23, 2019.

The STLE International Award is the The P.M. Ku Award recognizes outstanding
Society’s highest technical honor and and selfless achievements on behalf of the
bestows lifetime honorary membership on Society. It is given to an STLE member who
the recipient, who need not have been a most typifies the dedicated spirit of the late
member of STLE. It is given in recognition P.M. Ku, who worked tirelessly to promote
of the recipient’s outstanding contributions and advance the mission of STLE.
in tribology, lubrication engineering or
allied fields. Criteria:
• To qualify for the honor, the recipient
Nomination requirements:
must have been a member of the
• Include three letters of support Society for at least 15 consecutive
emphasizing the candidate’s technical years and performed extensive, active,
achievements in tribology and dedicated service for STLE.
lubrication engineering.
Nomination requirements:
• Biographical information (including
• Include three letters of support
a detailed Curriculum Vitae) also
emphasizing the candidate’s volunteer
work on behalf of STLE.

Nominations deadline is Nov. 30, 2018.

Nominations must include all required letters and documentation for consideration.

For more information about the STLE Awards program, visit or contact
Karl Phipps at (847) 825-5536 or email [email protected].

Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, 840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068
[email protected],, 847-825-5536 • Follow us on #STLE2019

Technical Books STLE Local Section Meeting Calendar

Physical Chemistry for Engineering and Applied Sciences: Events listed here are local section programs.
Theoretical and Methodological Implications For further details and a full listing of other up-
coming section events in your area, visit www.
Editors: A.K. Haghi, Cristobal Noé Aguilar Gonzalez, Meeting announcements can be sent
Sabu Thomas and Praveen K. M to TLT Magazine, Attn: Rachel Fowler, rfowl-
[email protected].
Publisher: CRC Press and Apple Academic Press

This new volume, Physical Chemistry for

Engineering and Applied Sciences: The-
oretical and Methodological Implications, November 2018
introduces readers to some of the latest
research applications of physical chem- STLE Houston Section Golf Outing, Nov.
istry. The compilation of this volume was 1, 10:30 a.m. (check in), 11:30 a.m. (lunch),
motived by the tremendous increase 1 p.m. (shotgun start), 5:30 p.m. (dinner),
RI XVHIXO UHVHDUFK ZRUN LQ WKH ƁHOG RI Augusta Pines Golf Club, 18 August Pines
physical chemistry and related subjects Dr., Spring, Texas. Contact: Ron Bertoldi,
in recent years, and the need for com- [email protected] or (281)
munication between physical chemists, 381-8505. For more information, visit www.
physicists and biophysicists. This volume
research and the applications in physical chemistry and physical chem-
istry techniques, providing case studies that are tailored to particular STLE Houston Section: Tools Used in the
research interests. It examines the industrial processes for emerging ma- Oil Reservoir (Speaker: Chris Haught,
terials, determines practical use under a wide range of conditions and Esco Products), Nov. 9, 11 a.m. (arrival, so-
establishes what is needed to produce a new generation of materials. cial), 11:30 a.m. (lunch), 12 p.m. (speaker pre-
Available at List Price: $159.95 (USD), hardcover. sentation), Maggiano’s Little Italy, 2019 Post
Oak Blvd., Houston, Texas. For more informa-
tion, visit

STLE Chicago Section: Quenchants: An

Beyond Oil and Gas: The Methanol Economy, 3rd Edition Overview (Speaker: David Morrison,
BP Castrol), Nov. 15, 5:15 p.m. (hospitality
Authors: George A. Olah, Alain Goeppert and G. K. Surya Prakash hour), 6:15 p.m. (dinner), 7:15 p.m. (speaker
Publisher: Wiley presentation), Ashton Place, 341 75th St.,
Willowbrook, Ill. Contact: Patrick Brutto,
Completely revised and updated, the [email protected], or register
third edition of this bestseller discusses at
the concept and ongoing development
of using methanol as a transportation STLE Alberta Section: Grease (Speaker:
fuel, energy storage medium and raw Darren Hall, Shell), Nov. 19, 6 p.m. (hos-
material to replace oil. The contents have pitality hour), 6:15 p.m. (dinner), 7:15 p.m.
been expanded by 35% with new chap- (speaker presentation). Woodvale Facility
ters on energy storage, methanol from & Golf Club, 4540 50 St. NW, Edmonton,
biomass and waste products, as well as Alberta, Canada. Contact: Peter Neufeld,
on carbon dioxide recycling. Written by [email protected].
the late Nobel laureate George Olah and
his team, this is an inspiring read for any- December 2018
one concerned with the major challenge
posed by tomorrow’s energy and environmental problems. Available at STLE Alberta Section: Arctic Mining List Price: $55.00 (USD), paperback. Equipment (Speaker: Yen Garcia, Do-


STLE Certification Exams


(hospitality hour), 6:15 p.m. (dinner), 7:15 information on each exam:
p.m. (speaker presentation). Hotel Blackfoot
(Blackfoot Inn), 5940 Blackfoot Trail SE, • Nov. 23 from 12-3 p.m. at Fluid Life, 4371 Savaryn Dr. SW, Edmonton,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Contact: Peter Alberta, Canada.
Neufeld, [email protected].
• Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Oildoc GmbH, Kerschelweg 29, 83098
Brannenburg, Germany (German language only).
STLE Houston Section: Rice Universi-
ty Mechanical Engineering Lab Tour For the online registration form, go to; click on the profes-
1 p.m. More information to come. Rice Uni- Online registration closes two weeks prior to the exam date. Onsite registra-
more information, visit www.stlehouston. and for other methods of registering, you may contact STLE headquarters
com/2HoustonSTLE/index.shtml. by emailing FHUWLƁFDWLRQ#VWOHRUJ or calling (847) 825-5536.

MWF Consulting
Patrick Brutto,
Technical Industry Specialist

Metalworking Fluid Expertise

• Additive technology (amines, biocides,
corrosion inhibitors, etc.)
• Formulating guidance
• Testing methods and strategies
• Troubleshooting of field problems
• Market factors influencing fluid selection and use.

Email: [email protected] • Mobile: (708) 220-4844



Industry Conferences and Courses

ELGI & STLE Tribology ICETAT 2018 TriboBR 2018 OilDoc Conference & Exhi-
Education Course bition
The International Conference The Third International Brazil-
This one-day ELGI & STLE on Engineering Tribology and ian Conference on Tribology The OilDoc Conference & Ex-
Tribology Education Course is Applied Technology 2018 (ICE- (TriboBR) is Dec. 3-5 at the hibition is Jan. 29-31, 2019,
Nov. 8 at the Crowne Plaza Am- TAT 2018) is Nov. 16-18 at the Majestic Palace Hotel in Flori- in Rosenheim, Germany. This
sterdam in Hoofddorp, Nether- Howard Civil Service Interna- anópolis, Brazil. Following the conference is the trend-setting
lands. This course focuses on tional House in Taipei, Taiwan. great success of the first and HYHQWLQWKHƁHOGVRIOXEULFDWLRQ
the multidisciplinary nature of The theme for this year is Engi- second conferences, the Third maintenance and condition
tribology and will provide in- neering Tribology Technology. TriboBR embraces state-of-the- monitoring. It also is a platform
depth knowledge on the linkage Topics include basic friction art and future trends in tribology for acknowledged experts in the
of friction, wear and lubrication and wear, lubrication, contact research and application. It also ƁHOGVRIUHVHDUFKGHYHORSPHQW
WRWKHWUDGLWLRQDOVFLHQWLƁFGLVFL- mechanics, surface engineering provides an international forum and science as well as for expe-
plines. Colleagues who are new and coating, biotribology and for researchers and practitioners rienced engineers. They present
WRWKHƁHOGRIWULERORJ\ZLWKD more. For more details on the to exchange information, pres- their latest academic insights
background in material sci- conference, visit ent new developments, establish and research results and provide
ence, mechanical engineering, tw/icetat2018. new international personal net- crucial impetus to practitioners.
chemistry, physics or related works and discuss the future di- The main topics include condi-
disciplines and those who wish rections and priorities of tribol- WLRQPRQLWRULQJƂXLGPDQDJH-
to gain a broad understand- ogy. The island of Florianópolis ment, lubricants, tribology, met-
ing on tribology should attend in Brazil is a perfect location to DOZRUNLQJIXQFWLRQDOƂXLGVDQG
this course. To register, visit discuss how research on tribol- more. For more information, vis- ogy can help reducing energy it https://conference.oildoc.
index.php?option=com_ consumption and improve sus- com/en/home.html.
profor ms&view=for m&- tainability. Registration deadline
jid=9&Itemid=168. is Nov. 9. For more information,


STLE has a well-known tradition of providing continuing education to industry
professionals ready to take their career to the next level and create value to their
employers, customers & peers. Now we’ve expanded our online offerings with the
launch of STLE’s Learning Pathways - a reorganization of all STLE content that
is more focused, easier to search & accessible in a variety of formats that is right
for you. This content is organized to allow individuals to continue developing skills
in two major vocational segments: Lubrication Specialists & Oil Analyst.

STLE is a trusted provider of education and a workforce development partner,

and the Learning Pathways is just one more valuable information-sharing service
STLE offers to benefit industry professionals in their career development.

More products & services to come from STLE Education. Please visit



Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers - 840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068 -

You’ve got 45 seconds—go!

Is your elevator pitch taking you down?
Try these seven situation-specific strategies.


© Can Stock Photo / 3pod

By Ken Pelczarski

When and where will you use your

oes a magic formula exist that will break the
ice and begin discussions in a powerful way when elevator pitch?
you are networking or interviewing? A good ar- Interviews:
gument can be made that your elevator pitch is 1. Scheduled job interviews with a
that formula. VSHFLƁFHPSOR\HU
3UHSDUHDVOLJKWO\GLƢHUHQWHOHYDWRUSLWFKIRU 2. Impromptu interviews at meetings and
each scenario you could encounter, and you will conferences
have gone a long way toward taking advantage 3. Career fairs
of the next career opportunity that comes along.  6HDUFKƁUPV

What is an elevator pitch? Networking:

An elevator pitch is a 15-45 second snapshot of 1. Meetings and conferences
your career, oral or written, that conveys as much 2. Technical presentations
as possible to others about who you are, what you 3. Trade shows
do and what you want to do. Your pitch will include 4. Business social events
information such as current employment, skills, 5. Academic settings.
strengths, accomplishments, interests and goals.


Prepare a slightly different elevator pitch
for each scenario you could encounter.

Written and online presentations: evator pitch. Below are examples of a pitch ZLWKWKHLUFDUHHUVLWXDWLRQRƢHUWRDVVLVWLQ
1. Resume for some of the most common scenarios: any way you can. Complete this conversa-
2. Cover letter tion before talking about yourself.
3. LinkedIn 1. Elevator pitch for a job interview. I love what I’m doing with my current em-
4. Twitter This pitch will be used early in the inter- ployer and am ready for more challenge and
5. Facebook. view, especially when the employer asks advancement into new responsibilities. I have
you to tell me about yourself. Your pitch will 20 years of experience in formulating high-per-
Who are recipients of your be tailored to the type of job for which you formance greases and have made millions of
elevator pitch? are interviewing (e.g., senior chemist versus dollars for my employers through development
1. Human resource managers laboratory manager). of new products. I have had minimal manage-
2. Hiring managers )RUWKHSDVW\HDUV,KDYHEHHQIXOƀOO- ment responsibilities up until now and would
3. Company executives ing my dream of utilizing creative skills in my like to work for a company that will provide
4. Search consultants/recruiters profession. I’m currently employed in applied more opportunities in this area. Do you have
5. Professors and placement advisors research with a manufacturer of high-perfor- any industry contacts that could help me or any
6. Industry colleagues mance specialty greases for the automotive, companies in mind that would value my skill set?
7. Fellow meeting attendees aerospace and electrical industries. I have been
8. Fellow STLE volunteers successful in creating over $5 million in revenue 4. Elevator pitch when beginning to
9. Competitors for my employer through product improvements work with a search consultant. When
10. Friends and family and commercialization of more than a dozen you are beginning to work with recruiters,
11. Strangers. new products. I would like to achieve similar your pitch should provide them with a good
results for your organization. In addition, I am understanding of what you do and what
What are goals for a successful now managing a recent chemist graduate and you have accomplished, as well as moti-
elevator pitch? would like the opportunity to continue mentor- vate them to actively represent you in your
 0DNHDSRVLWLYHƁUVWLPSUHVVLRQ ing, training and managing other chemists with career pursuits.
2. Leave others inspired a leading global organization such as yours. I’m an R&D chemist with 20 years of ex-
 0DNHSURJUHVVWRZDUGDMRERƢHU perience and many accomplishments in for-
4. Obtain assistance with your career 2. Elevator pitch for networking at a mulating high-performance specialty greases
goals business meeting, conference or social for the automotive, aerospace and electrical
5. Find a reason to stay in touch event. This pitch will be used at a sched- industries. I’ve been successful in creating over
6. Begin a long-term relationship. uled networking meeting or when a busi- $5 million in revenue for my current employer
QHVVSURIHVVLRQDOKDVRƢHUHGWRKHOSZLWK through product improvements and commer-
What are strategies for a successful your career goals. cialization of more than a dozen new prod-
elevator pitch? I’m an R&D chemist with 20 years of ex- XFWV,ZRXOGOLNHWRƀQGDODEPDQDJHPHQW
1. Tailor your pitch to the type of situ- perience and many accomplishments in for- or project management opportunity that will
ation, contact and job opportunity. mulating high-performance specialty greases utilize my skill set in R&D and my newfound
 ,QDQLQWHUYLHZHPSKDVL]H\RXUƁW for the automotive, aerospace and electrical passion for mentoring, training and managing
WRWKHMREDQGVSHFLƁFEHQHƁWV\RX industries. I’ve been successful in creating over other chemists.
bring. $5 million in revenue for my current employer
3. Create a short and engaging pitch. through product improvements and commer- 5. Elevator pitch for your resume and
4. Be ready to elaborate. cialization of more than a dozen new products. /LQNHG,QSURƁOH7KLVSLWFKLVHƢHFWLYH-
5. Show enthusiasm and passion. I recently started managing a fresh graduate ly the same as your executive summary
6. Have business cards handy. chemist and have discovered a passion for or summary of skills near the top of your
7. Exchange contact information. teaching what I know to others. I would like resume.
to join a global organization and continue my Twenty years of R&D and formulation
When attempting to reciprocate in a research with the opportunity to mentor, train leadership experience in high-performance
networking situation: and manage other chemists. Would you have specialty greases for the automotive, aerospace
1. Aim for equal exchange of any ideas or industry contacts that may help and electrical industries. Successful in creating
information. me achieve my career goals? over $5 million in revenue for my employers
2. Show interest in the other person. through product improvements and commer-
3. Ask what the person does for a living. 3. Elevator pitch for industry col- cialization of more than a dozen new prod-
 2ƢHULGHDVDQGFRQWDFWV leagues, peers and competitors. Pref- ucts. Experience in mentoring, hiring, training
ace your pitch with conversation about the and managing other chemists and technicians.
COMMON SCENARIOS other person including how they are doing Highly motivated to tackle new challenges and
As described above, numerous situations in achieving career goals with their current responsibilities in R&D and dramatically in-
will come up when you want to use your el- HPSOR\HU,IWKLVLQGLYLGXDOLVGLVVDWLVƁHG crease revenue for my employer.



6. Elevator pitch for friends and fam- 7. Elevator pitch for strangers. You Be careful not to simply memorize all
ily. Begin by discussing employment sit- never know where the lead for your next variations of your elevator pitch. To sound
uations with friends or family members career opportunity will come from, so why genuine, it is crucial to appear natural and
including how they are doing with their not strike up a conversation with strangers conversational in your presentation as op-
with advice or contacts if they are look- they are doing and how their day is going. After presenting your elevator pitch in
ing for new employment or advancement Then begin to share a little bit about your- networking situations, it is important to fol-
with their current employer. Complete this self with enthusiasm. This is not always a low up with your original contact as well as
conversation before talking about yourself. comfortable thing to do, but you may be follow up on any referrals, ideas and recom-
In this pitch, it is assumed that these indi- surprised at the willingness of others to mendations you received.
YLGXDOVGRQRWKDYHVSHFLƁFNQRZOHGJHLQ share and try to help. I have experimented Advance to greater heights when you
\RXUƁHOG with talking to strangers more frequently ride your elevator pitch to a new oppor-
I have done well in my current job with this year and have been amazed at the many tunity.
many accomplishments and am ready to take positive responses.
on a new challenge and additional responsi- It may sound strange, but I have really
bilities. I have 20 years of experience in my loved my 20-year career as a grease chemist. Ken Pelczarski is owner and founder of
research career and am passionate about lead- If your career is even remotely related to what Pelichem Associates, a Chicago-based
ing others in product development of specialty I do, perhaps you would have some ideas on search firm established in 1985 and
greases. Do you have any contacts that could how I could achieve more management respon- specializing in the lubricants industry.
be helpful to me or any ideas that may help me sibilities than the limited amount I have had You can reach Ken at (630) 960-1940 or
advance in my career? up until now. at [email protected].


a ll r e c ent dev it ies and
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9 Get r e d fo r future o p e r ts a t one ev
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9 Be p e international k ies
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9 Mee t networking op k tober
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social e Munich
9 Top o m ber s
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9 J national airp , E LGI
inter o u n t f or S T L E
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9 Spe c e la n guage:
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9 Con

Register now!
Check out our presentation and event program!
90+ high-class presentations from well-known speakers in three parallel sessions
Practical-orientated panel discussion with international maintenance experts
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9 Fluid Management – Innovative & Sustainable
9 Lubricants – Latest developments
9 Tribology – Research targeting Experience
9 Lubricants – Design to Application GET THE APP!
9 Metal working and forming lubrication The OilDoc Conference and Exhibition 2019 is fast
approaching. Get ready by reviewing presentations
9 Lubrication in Special Environments and saving them to your personal schedule.

Supported by

Complexity in ISFA (in-service fluid analysis):

Part XLI
Holistic CM in the 21st Century: Part XIII

By Jack Poley

2-Phase Rule for Fe & Si Wear vs. Abrasives (?)

Continuing to fill in our expert system (EX-
SYS) two-phase Fe/Si rule, the macro rule
(objective) is shown in Figure 1, yet again, for
reference. We completed the lockstep part
of the rule, where Fe/Si colors are matched
and the initial conclusion, that Si is caus-
ing Fe wear, was fleshed out. Now we finish
the rule for the remaining 12* propositions,
those where coloration is not identical.
*There are actually 32 separate propo-
sitions linked by twos, because in any two-
phase rule, two datum pieces are being
matched up for a composite advisory—hav-
ing 16 possibilities, wherein the evaluator
should assess what influence each datum
exerts on the other for each combination of
colors (see Figure 2 on Page 134).
Some rules development posits:

1. We have already done the stats to deter-

mine the appropriate coloration of the
results based on table of boundaries
(TOB) numeric or other test results—so
we don’t need to deal with this complex-
ity in composing rules. We can always
Figure 1. Fe versus Si.
change the ranges of coloration to cre-
ate triggers at any data points to achieve
the desired urgency, based on any or all
combinations of:
a. Customer (usually the most precise f. Lubricant in use (if fully identified as Since Fe/Si add nuance when evalu-
point). to brand, not just Shell, ExxonMobil, ated jointly, any aspect of the individ-
b. Component type (a required feature etc.). ual rule can be rolled up, morphed or
in all EXSYS activity). 2. The example in Figure 1 is a generic rule ignored as suits the joint evaluation
c. Component manufacturer (MFR) that fires anytime both Fe and Si are not of Fe and Si, as would most likely
and model. MFR alone also is a valid White (SEV 0). occur since another data point was
stepping stone—model adds nuance, introduced, causing a dependency as
a. It operates independently of, say, Fe/
sometimes quite significant. dictated by the rule.
Cu or Al/Si.
d. Application or duty cycle (usually a c. Yes, if a three-phase rule, such as
b. If rules exist for Fe or Si by them-
very important consideration). Fe/Si/Cu were created, this would
selves—and they do, of course—the
trump our two-phase rule that
e. Special wild card (2) situations (e.g., two-phase composite rule trumps
trumped the single-phase Fe
ceramic components). both individual single-phase rules.




Photo courtesy of Robert Erck.

STLE is inviting members and their organizations to submit ideas for hands-on experiments focused
on important areas of research within the fields of tribology and lubrication engineering for the
society’s 7th Annual Tribology STEM Camp. The camp is to be held as part of STLE’s 74th Annual
Meeting & Exhibition at the Omni Nashville Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, May 19-23, 2019.
STLE’s goal is to expose high school students with an interest in STEM (science, technology,
engineering and math) disciplines to career opportunities in the fields of tribology and lubrication
STLE is looking for short hands-on experiments lasting about 15-20 minutes, which are safe
for high school students to run and, most important, are fun activities that will help students
understand the principles of friction, wear and lubrication. In addition, we’re asking for donated
supplies and volunteers to help conduct the experiments. Any ideas and write-ups of various
tribology or lubrication-related experiments would be greatly appreciated.
If you can help, please contact Karl Phipps, [email protected] at STLE Headquarters or visit for more information. Deadline for submission ideas is Jan. 18, 2019.

Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, 840 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068, [email protected],

Comments : Advisories Comments : Advisories Comments : Advisories Comments : Advisories

• Fe level is Severe • Fe level is Severe • Fe level is Severe

• Fe level is Severe
• Perform diagnostics tests • Perform diagnostics tests • Perform diagnostics tests
• Perform diagnostics tests
Fe 4 • Consider inspecting this component • Consider inspecting this component • Suggest inspecting this component
• Suggest inspecting this component
for abnormal wear, based on for abnormal wear, based on for abnormal wear, based on
for abnormal wear
diagnostics diagnostics diagnostics

• Si level is Abnormal • Si level is High • Si level is Severe

• Notable Si level
• Abrasives may y be causing Fe wear; • Abrasives likelyy causing Fe wear: • Abrasives likely
y causing Fe wear:
• Abrasives do not appear to be a
check for ingress source check for ingress source check for ingress source
significant contributor to wear; re-
• Drain lube; change filter as • Check lube storage/handling practice • Check lube storage/handling practice
evaluate at next sample to note trend
applicable • Flush
us lube system • Flush
us lube system

• Fe level is High • Fe level is High • Fe level is High

• Fe level is High
• Perform diagnostics tests • Perform diagnostics tests • Perform diagnostics tests
• Perform diagnostics tests
Fe 3 • Consider inspecting this component • Consider inspecting this component • Suggest inspecting this component
• Suggest inspecting this component
for abnormal wear, based on for abnormal wear, based on for abnormal wear, based on
for abnormal wear
diagnostics diagnostics diagnostics

• Si level is Abnormal • Si level is High • Si level is Severe

• Notable Si level
• Abrasives may be causing Fe wear; • Abrasives likelyy causing Fe wear: • Abrasives likely
y causing Fe wear:
• Abrasives do not appear to be a
check for ingress source check for ingress source check for ingress source
significant contributor to wear; re-
• Drain lube; change filter as • Check lube storage/handling practice • Check lube storage/handling practice
evaluate at next sample to note trend
applicable • Flush lube system • Flush lube system

• Fe level is Abnormal • Fe level is Abnormal • Fe level is Abnormal • Fe level is Abnormal

• Perform non-invasive diagnostics • Perform non-invasive diagnostics • Perform non-invasive diagnostics • Perform non-invasive diagnostics
Fe 2 tests; re-evaluate trend at next sample tests; re-evaluate trend at next sample tests; re-evaluate trend at next sample tests; re-evaluate trend at next sample
• Observe this component's operation • Observe this component's operation • Observe this component's operation • Observe this component's operation
closely closely closely closely

• Si level is Abnormal
• Notable Si level • Si level is High • Si level is Severe
• Abrasives may be causing Fe wear;
• Abrasives do not appear to be a • Abrasives likley causing Fe wear; • Abrasives likley causing Fe wear;
check for ingress source
significant contributor to wear; re- check for ingress source check for ingress source
• Drain lube; change filter as
evaluate at next sample to note trend • Flush lube system • Flush lube system

• Notable Fe - No significant wear • Notable Fe - No significant wear • Notable Fe - No significant wear • Notable Fe - No significant wear
indicated indicated indicated indicated
Fe 1 • No action recommended unless • No action recommended unless • No action recommended unless • No action recommended unless
onsite observation suggests otherwise; onsite observation suggests otherwise; onsite observation suggests otherwise; onsite observation suggests otherwise;
re-evaluate at next sample re-evaluate at next sample re-evaluate at next sample re-evaluate at next sample

• Si level Abnormal but not necessarily • Si level High but not necessarily
indicative of abrasives, though it is indicative of abrasives, though it is
• Notable Si level • Though Si is Severe, it may not be in
possible that an abrasives ingress possible that an abrasives ingress
• Abrasives do not appear to be a abrasive form, based on low Fe
event has only recently occurred; event has only recently occurred;
significant contributor to wear; re- • Suggest micropatch inspection
suggest diagnostics check
evaluate at next sample to note trend • Flush lube system
• Drain lube; change filter as • Suggest micropatch inspection
applicable • Flush lube system

Si 1 Si 2 Si 3 Si 4

Figure 2. Fleshed out 16-proposition, 32-combination phase-two rule for Fe/Si.

and Si rules. Trumping only occurs 3. What if a rule is good for some cus- created for certain situations (e.g., a
when the higher rule order (number tomers or component types or manu- specific entity’s component type and
of differentiated datum pieces, up to facturers but not adequate or accurate manufacturer, even though the same
four-phase) contains all datum type for others? rule was fired). This allows nearly un-
members in the lower-order rule, limited granularity to creating rules
thus, Fe/Si/Cu and Fe/Si/Al would The same differentiators that are used and the advisories that follow, based
co-exist but would both trump Fe/Si, for TOBs, in order to rate data, can be on unique constraints. This is a typical
and Fe/Si/Cu/Pb would only trump used for rules, and even advisory con- hierarchy info drill down—other orders
Fe/Si/Cu. tent, wherein a different comment is can readily be created:


Reasoning a. Customer
b. Component type
There should always be grave concern for the machine's health at SEV 4 Fe
• This is a generic comment about Fe Severity (SEV), applicable to any Component c. Manufacturer
• If this were a reciprocating internal combustion engine, then, e.g., "Cylinder or Valve
Train Region" would be noted; if a gearset, "Gears, Shafts, Bearings" would be noted • Model
• "Consider" is replaced with "Suggest
gg ", a stronger, more committed Advisory, when
SEV 4 levels, especially multiples thereof, are reached (One could have a 'super' SEV)
a. Customer
• IF the Component Type is known, specific machine areas will be noted, e.g., "Air
Intake System" for diesels, or "Vents/Breathers" for gearsets, etc.
b. Component type
• Abrasives likely causing Fe wear; note subtle tone for abrasives, using "may
y" at SEV
c. Manufacturer
2, but "likely
y" at SEV 3 or 4 Si
• Check for source: IF the component is known, specific problem areas will be noted that trumps
• Flush lube system (note tone for urgency: "drain" vs "flush")
a. Customer
• Droping the phrase, "… based on diagnostics" from the inspection Advisory adds a b. Component type
subtle added urgency to the evaluation - everything points to a serious wear problem,
even at 'only' SEV 3 Fe, likely from Si-based abrasives
c. (Manufacturer null)
d. Application
e. Wild card 1
• Again, usage of "may" and "likely" to present the right tone and urgency, as to the f. Wild card 2.
possibility of abrasives

Once the highest contiguous hierarchy

• Beginning at SEV 2 wear metals (Fe solo here), where action possibilities may/should order is breached by a void/null, additional
be condsidered, one will be well served to demur through the notion of 'observing' or fills after the breach still inform the compar-
waiting until next sample before making any firm decisions as to machine stoppage of
e any serious length, inspections in this mix, for sure, but even the notion of lengthy ison, enabling further drill down to complete
diagnostics types, however labeled, may be burdensome on production - the bigger
picture. Evaluators have always leaned toward deferral in these instances, subject to
the rule (or TOB) selection.
Customer Aggressiveness Once the hierarchy assigns a best fit
• Deferral in contamination assessment also occurs at SEV 2 (and 1 as evaluators may rule, the comments forming the advisory
• There is no particularly good reason to leave SEV 2-4 Si in the system unless one is can be selected using a different hierarchy
performing a research project with the Customner's blessing. That Fe is SEV 1-2 (or constraint as preferred.
more) definitely puts abrasives into play - one cannot know when the Si got to SEV 2 if
it was less than that at previous sample. Could have been months, or minutes, within What makes an EXSYS ultimately better
the last test than an unarmed evaluator is that advisories
• There is no evidence of significant wear in the sample, likewise there is no
justification for a mechanical inspection, and really not for basic diagnostics, unless (remember the purpose of ISFA) are abso-
something visible or audible is or has been observed by the machine operator or the lutely consistent. And when those things
maintenance team
• It is possible that trending from White (SEV 0) to Green (SEV 1) might warrant basic need correction, or upgrading, the EXSYS
diagnostics; this aspect should be factored into the Advisory dependent on Customer's only improves, sometimes geometrically
maintenance aggressiveness preferences
so. It only gets better at being an absolutely
consistent evaluator. Adding a collaborative
• One cannot know if possible Si ingress was recent or developmental, unless trending
is in place (multiple consecurive samples), where change from SEV 0 to SEV 1 may be capability allows expertise to be injected
alertable, based on Customer's maintenance aggressiveness practices/preferences
• Micropatch testing can be brought into play to possibly reveal the nature of the SEV 3
from any qualified source.
or 4 Si, but with seemingly no appreciable wear. Filter analysis may also be With all the (sudden) attention given
over the last couple years to AI, IIoT, Industry
4.0 (I doubt I need to translate these), one
can see that it’s inevitable that all condition
monitoring data will be increasingly mon-
itored and amalgamated into the most in-
formed machine status determination. More
a. Customer Each drill down trumps the preceding by on this next article.

b. Component type way of adding another attribute as a means

of best definition of the lube sample’s source; Jack Poley is managing partner of
c. Manufacturer (MFR)
however, a field gap, followed by a field fill in Condition Monitoring International (CMI),
• Model the attribute hierarchy, creates a lower (best Miami, consultants in fluid analysis.
d. Application definable) drill down, trumping the lesser You can reach him at
• e.g., off highway or mining content in terms of perceived importance, [email protected].
provided all the trumped list’s attributes For more information about CMI, visit
e. Wild cards (2).
also are accounted for. Thus:



Friction in fabrics

By R. David Whitby sional objects with different elasticity of the yarn. When de-
mechanical responses. How- formed, the fabric displays ex-
ever, the interplay between the tended avalanche-like stick-slip
It is well known that the feel of constitutive yarn properties events at inter-yarn contacts.
a woven fabric garment—such and local topological features They measured the size distri-
as a shirt, dress or jumper—de- of the stitches cannot be easily bution of these avalanches, at
pends on how it interacts with described by standard continu- the stitch level from the analy-

© Can Stock Photo / EdwBart

a person’s skin and other gar- um mechanics. sis of non-elastic displacement
ments, particularly in terms of Recently researchers at fields and globally from force
fit and stretch. Ėcole Normale Supérieure fluctuations. The two measure-
Fabric stretch is an import- have found that the ability of a ments yield consistent power
ant factor in determining pres- knitted jumper to stretch while law distributions compatible
sure comfort, which largely it is being pulled on is due to with similar analysis in other
depends on fabric elastic char- the way in which its stitches soft amorphous materials. Ad-
acteristics and elastic recovery the fabric. It has been found slip.3 They made a piece of ditionally, the elastic response
properties. Whether a garment that the cotton/spandex fabrics pullover-like fabric using ny- of the network to a single, local
slips or stretches depends on have higher dynamic work re- lon thread that doesn’t warp event allows it to retrieve the
the balance of the tensile forc- covery and lower stress values or twist. One edge of the fab- direction of propagation and
es in the fabric and the fric- than those of cotton fabrics for ric was clamped and the other intrinsic properties of the ava-
tional forces between the skin both wale-wise and course- edge pulled as far as it would lanches. The study introduces
and the fabric. A fabric that wise directions.1 stretch and then released be- knitted textile as an original
has a low resistance to stretch Also, many researchers fore being stretched again. example of soft amorphous ma-
and high friction against the have identified internal friction The fabric returned to its orig- terial that proves to be a handy
skin or another fabric tends to as the source of significant hys- inal shape. The researchers experimental tool to explore the
stretch rather than slip. Con- teresis in cloths, as indicated found that, when stretched, properties of these systems.
versely, a fabric that has lower by force-deformation measure- the threads experience stick- According to the research-
friction and high tensile resis- ments. A group of researchers slip motion, in which one stitch ers, friction in a knitted fabric
tance tends to slip rather than at the Massachusetts Institute sticks to its neighbor until the proceeds through stick-slip
stretch. A fabric that has high of Technology showed that an tension is sufficient to over- events and that the strong
friction resistance and high augmented reparameteriza- come the friction and slipping elastic recall forces bring the
stretch resistance tends to ex- tion of Dahl’s model provides a occurs. When the fabric is re- system back to its minimum
ert higher pressure on a per- good match to several import- leased, the stitches return to energy configuration in high
son’s body, possibly causing ant features of cloth hysteresis, their original position. frequency, collective relaxation
discomfort. even with a minimal set of pa- The researchers reported events of small amplitude.
For tight-fitting sportswear, rameters.2 experimental evidence that
the garment’s response to body Knitting, unlike weaving, knitted fabrics “exhibit mechan-
movements has been analysed can produce loose yet extreme- ical responses characterized by David Whitby is chief executive
by evaluating the dynamic elas- ly stretchable fabrics with al- a global elasticity perturbed by of Pathmaster Marketing Ltd.
tic behavior of the fabric, such most no rigidity. It also enables plastic events.” A knit consists in Surrey, England. You can
as dynamic work recovery and the engineering of arbitrarily of a regular network of fric- reach him at pathmaster.
stress at specific extensions of shaped two- and three-dimen- tional contacts, linked by the [email protected].

1. M. Senthilkumar and Anbumani, N. (2014), “Dynamic Elastic Behavior of Cotton and Cotton/Spandex Knitted Fabrics,” Journal of Engineered Fibers
and Fabrics, pp. 93-100.
2. E. Miguel et al. (2013), “Modeling and Estimation of Internal Friction in Cloth,” ACM Trans. Graph. 32 (6), Article 212.
3. F. Lechenault et al. (2018), “Knits: An Archetype of Soft Amorphous Materials.” Available at


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