Reinforcemet Limits - ACI 14

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In accordance with ACI318-05 incorporating Errata as of April 10, 2012

Tedds calculation version 3.0.04

Length of foundation; Lx = 5 ft

Width of foundation; Ly = 5 ft

Foundation area; A = Lx  Ly = 25 ft2

Depth of foundation; h = 12 in

Depth of soil over foundation; hsoil = 1 in

Density of concrete; conc = 150.0 lb/ft3

Column no.1 details

Length of column; lx1 = 12.00 in

Width of column; ly1 = 12.00 in

position in x-axis; x1 = 30.00 in

position in y-axis; y1 = 30.00 in

Soil properties 

Gross allowable bearing pressure;  qallow_Gross = 2.204 ksf 

Density of soil;  soil = 120.0 lb/ft3 

Angle of internal friction;  b = 30.0 deg 

Design base friction angle;  bb = 30.0 deg 
Coefficient of base friction;  tan(bb) = 0.577 
Foundation loads
Self weight; Fswt = h  conc = 150 psf

Soil weight; Fsoil = hsoil  soil = 10 psf

Column no.1 loads

Dead load in z; FDz1 = 38.0 kips

Live load in z; FLz1 = 6.0 kips

Footing analysis for soil and stability

Load combinations per ASCE 7-10
1.0D (0.762)

1.0D + 1.0L (0.871)

Combination 2 results: 1.0D + 1.0L

Forces on foundation
Force in z-axis; Fdz = D  A  (Fswt + Fsoil) + D  FDz1 + L  FLz1 = 48.0


Moments on foundation
Moment in x-axis, about x is 0; Mdx = D  (A  (Fswt + Fsoil)  Lx / 2) + D  (FDz1  x1) +

L  (FLz1  x1) = 120.0 kip_ft

Moment in y-axis, about y is 0; Mdy = D  (A  (Fswt + Fsoil)  Ly / 2) + D  (FDz1  y1) +

L  (FLz1  y1) = 120.0 kip_ft

Uplift verification
Vertical force; Fdz = 48 kips
PASS - Foundation is not subject to uplift
Bearing resistance
Eccentricity of base reaction
Eccentricity of base reaction in x-axis; edx = Mdx / Fdz - Lx / 2 = 0 in

Eccentricity of base reaction in y-axis; edy = Mdy / Fdz - Ly / 2 = 0 in

Pad base pressures

q1 = Fdz  (1 - 6  edx / Lx - 6  edy / Ly) / (Lx  Ly) = 1.92


q2 = Fdz  (1 - 6  edx / Lx + 6  edy / Ly) / (Lx  Ly) = 1.92


q3 = Fdz  (1 + 6  edx / Lx - 6  edy / Ly) / (Lx  Ly) = 1.92


q4 = Fdz  (1 + 6  edx / Lx + 6  edy / Ly) / (Lx  Ly) = 1.92


Minimum base pressure; qmin = min(q1,q2,q3,q4) = 1.92 ksf

Maximum base pressure; qmax = max(q1,q2,q3,q4) = 1.92 ksf

Allowable bearing capacity 

Allowable bearing capacity;  qallow = qallow_Gross = 2.204 ksf 

  qmax / qallow = 0.871 
PASS - Allowable bearing capacity exceeds design base pressure


In accordance with ACI318-05 incorporating Errata as of April 10, 2012
Material details
Compressive strength of concrete; f’c = 2500 psi

Yield strength of reinforcement; fy = 40000 psi

Cover to reinforcement; cnom = 3 in

Concrete type; Normal weight

Concrete modification factor;  = 1.00

Column type; Concrete

Analysis and design of concrete footing

Load combinations per ASCE 7-10
1.4D (0.491)

1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5Lr (0.509)

Combination 2 results: 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5Lr

Forces on foundation
Ultimate force in z-axis; Fuz = D  A  (Fswt + Fsoil) + D  FDz1 + L  FLz1 = 60.0


Moments on foundation
Ultimate moment in x-axis, about x is 0; Mux = D  (A  (Fswt + Fsoil)  Lx / 2) + D  (FDz1  x1) +

L  (FLz1  x1) = 150.0 kip_ft

Ultimate moment in y-axis, about y is 0; Muy = D  (A  (Fswt + Fsoil)  Ly / 2) + D  (FDz1  y1) +

L  (FLz1  y1) = 150.0 kip_ft

Eccentricity of base reaction

Eccentricity of base reaction in x-axis; eux = Mux / Fuz - Lx / 2 = 0 in

Eccentricity of base reaction in y-axis; euy = Muy / Fuz - Ly / 2 = 0 in

Pad base pressures

qu1 = Fuz  (1 - 6  eux / Lx - 6  euy / Ly) / (Lx  Ly) = 2.4


qu2 = Fuz  (1 - 6  eux / Lx + 6  euy / Ly) / (Lx  Ly) = 2.4

qu3 = Fuz  (1 + 6  eux / Lx - 6  euy / Ly) / (Lx  Ly) = 2.4


qu4 = Fuz  (1 + 6  eux / Lx + 6  euy / Ly) / (Lx  Ly) = 2.4


Minimum ultimate base pressure; qumin = min(qu1,qu2,qu3,qu4) = 2.4 ksf

Maximum ultimate base pressure; qumax = max(qu1,qu2,qu3,qu4) = 2.4 ksf

Shear diagram, x axis (kips)

Moment diagram, x axis (kip_ft)

Moment design, x direction, positive moment

Ultimate bending moment; Mu.x.max = 22.08 kip_ft

Tension reinforcement provided; 6 No.5 bottom bars (10.6 in c/c)

Area of tension reinforcement provided; = 1.86 in2

Minimum area of reinforcement (10.5.4); As.min = 0.0020  Ly  h = 1.44 in2

PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinforcement (10.5.4); smax = min(3  h, 18 in) = 18 in
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Depth to tension reinforcement; d = h - cnom -  / 2 = 8.688 in

Depth of compression block; a =  fy / (0.85  f'c  Ly) = 0.584 in

Neutral axis factor; 1 = 0.85

Depth to neutral axis; c = a / 1 = 0.687 in

Strain in tensile reinforcement (10.3.5); t = 0.003  d / c - 0.003 = 0.03496

PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn =  fy  (d - a / 2) = 52.054 kip_ft

Flexural strength reduction factor; f = min(max(0.65 + (t - 0.002)  (250 / 3), 0.65), 0.9) =
Design moment capacity; Mn = f  Mn = 46.848 kip_ft
Mu.x.max / Mn = 0.471
PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design, x direction
Ultimate shear force; Vu.x = 14.663 kips

Depth to reinforcement; dv = h - cnom -  / 2 = 8.688 in

Shear strength reduction factor; v = 0.75

Nominal shear capacity (Eq. 11-3); Vn = 2    (f'c  1 psi)  Ly  dv = 52.125 kips

Design shear capacity; Vn = v  Vn = 39.094 kips

Vu.x / Vn = 0.375

PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Two-way shear design at column 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 8.375 in

Shear perimeter length (; lxp = 20.375 in

Shear perimeter width (; lyp = 20.375 in

Shear perimeter (; bo = 2  lxp + 2  lyp = 81.500 in

Shear area; Ap = lxp  lyp = 415.141 in2

Surcharge loaded area; Asur = Ap - lx1  ly1 = 271.141 in2

Ultimate bearing pressure at center of shear area; qup.avg = 2.400 ksf

Ultimate shear load; Fup = D  FDz1 + L  FLz1 + D  Ap  Fswt + D  Asur 

Fsoil - qup.avg  Ap = 48.823 kips

Ultimate shear stress from vertical load; vug = max(Fup / (bo  dv2),0 psi) = 71.528 psi

Column geometry factor (;  = ly1 / lx1 = 1.00

Column location factor (; s =40

Concrete shear strength (; vcpa = (2 + 4 / )    (f'c  1 psi) = 300.000 psi

vcpb = (s  dv2 / bo + 2)    (f'c  1 psi) = 305.521 psi

vcpc = 4    (f'c  1 psi) = 200.000 psi

vcp = min(vcpa,vcpb,vcpc) = 200.000 psi

Shear strength reduction factor; v = 0.75

Nominal shear stress capacity (Eq. 11-2); vn = vcp = 200.000 psi

Design shear stress capacity (Eq. 11-1); vn = v  vn = 150.000 psi

vug / vn = 0.477

PASS - Design shear stress capacity exceeds ultimate shear stress load
Shear diagram, y axis (kips)

Moment diagram, y axis (kip_ft)

Moment design, y direction, positive moment

Ultimate bending moment; Mu.y.max = 22.08 kip_ft

Tension reinforcement provided; 6 No.5 bottom bars (10.6 in c/c)

Area of tension reinforcement provided; = 1.86 in2

Minimum area of reinforcement (10.5.4); As.min = 0.0020  Lx  h = 1.44 in2

PASS - Area of reinforcement provided exceeds minimum
Maximum spacing of reinforcement (10.5.4); smax = min(3  h, 18 in) = 18 in
PASS - Maximum permissible reinforcement spacing exceeds actual spacing
Depth to tension reinforcement; d = h - cnom -  -  / 2 = 8.062 in

Depth of compression block; a =  fy / (0.85  f'c  Lx) = 0.584 in

Neutral axis factor; 1 = 0.85

Depth to neutral axis; c = a / 1 = 0.687 in

Strain in tensile reinforcement (10.3.5); t = 0.003  d / c - 0.003 = 0.03223

PASS - Tensile strain exceeds minimum required, 0.004
Nominal moment capacity; Mn =  fy  (d - a / 2) = 48.179 kip_ft

Flexural strength reduction factor; f = min(max(0.65 + (t - 0.002)  (250 / 3), 0.65), 0.9) =
Design moment capacity; Mn = f  Mn = 43.361 kip_ft

Mu.y.max / Mn = 0.509

PASS - Design moment capacity exceeds ultimate moment load
One-way shear design, y direction
Ultimate shear force; Vu.y = 14.663 kips

Depth to reinforcement; dv = h - cnom -  -  / 2 = 8.062 in

Shear strength reduction factor; v = 0.75

Nominal shear capacity (Eq. 11-3); Vn = 2    (f'c  1 psi)  Lx  dv = 48.375 kips

Design shear capacity; Vn = v  Vn = 36.281 kips

Vu.y / Vn = 0.404

PASS - Design shear capacity exceeds ultimate shear load
Two-way shear design at column 1
Depth to reinforcement; dv2 = 8.375 in

Shear perimeter length (; lxp = 20.375 in

Shear perimeter width (; lyp = 20.375 in

Shear perimeter (; bo = 2  lxp + 2  lyp = 81.500 in

Shear area; Ap = lxp  lyp = 415.141 in2

Surcharge loaded area; Asur = Ap - lx1  ly1 = 271.141 in2

Ultimate bearing pressure at center of shear area; qup.avg = 2.400 ksf

Ultimate shear load; Fup = D  FDz1 + L  FLz1 + D  Ap  Fswt + D  Asur 

Fsoil - qup.avg  Ap = 48.823 kips

Ultimate shear stress from vertical load; vug = max(Fup / (bo  dv2),0 psi) = 71.528 psi

Column geometry factor (;  = ly1 / lx1 = 1.00

Column location factor (; s =40

Concrete shear strength (; vcpa = (2 + 4 / )    (f'c  1 psi) = 300.000 psi

vcpb = (s  dv2 / bo + 2)    (f'c  1 psi) = 305.521 psi

vcpc = 4    (f'c  1 psi) = 200.000 psi

vcp = min(vcpa,vcpb,vcpc) = 200.000 psi

Shear strength reduction factor; v = 0.75

Nominal shear stress capacity (Eq. 11-2); vn = vcp = 200.000 psi

Design shear stress capacity (Eq. 11-1); vn = v  vn = 150.000 psi

vug / vn = 0.477

PASS - Design shear stress capacity exceeds ultimate shear stress load
6 No.5 bottom bars (10.6 in c/c)

6 No.5 bottom bars (10.6 in c/c)

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