Dated: 02-01-2019 TIME: 3 Hours M.M.: 360 (Full Test - 8) (Jee-Main)

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Dated : 02-01-2019

TIME : 3 Hours M.M. : 360

[ FULL TEST - 8 ] [ JEE-MAIN ]
General instructions :
• The question paper consists of 3 parts (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics). Each Part contains 30 questions. Overall
90 Questions.
• For each question you will be awarded 4 marks if you have darkened only the bubble corresponding to the correct
answer and zero mark if no bubbles are darkened. In all other cases, minus one (–1) will be awarded.

1. A sample of ammonia phosphate (NH4 )3 PO4 contains 3.18 moles of H atoms. The number of moles of O
atoms in the sample is
(a) 0.265 (b) 0.795 (c) 1.06 (d) 3.18
2. Consider following compounds
I : K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ], II : NH4Cl, III : H2 SO4
Ionic, covalent and coordinate bonds are present in
(a) I, II and III (b) I and III (c) II and III (d) I and II
3. PCl 5 has a shape of trigonal bipyramid whereas IF5 has the shape of a square pyramid. It is due to
(a) presence of unshared electron pair I which is oriented so as to minimise repulsion while P in PCl 5 has
no unshared pair
(b) octet of P is complete while that of I is incomplete
(c) P and I are of different groups
(d) F and Cl have different extent of repulsion
4. The electron affinities of N, O, S and Cl are such that
(a) N < O < S < Cl (b) O < N < Cl < S (c) O  Cl  N  S (d) O < S < Cl < N
5. Permanent hardness is due to SO24 and Cl  of Ca2 and Mg 2 and is removed by the addition of
Na2 CO3
NaSO4  Na2 CO3 
CaCO3  Na2 SO4
CaCl 2  Na2CO3  CaCO3  2NaCl
If hardness is 100 ppm CaCO3 , amount of Na2 CO3 required to soften 10 L of hard water is
(a) 2.12 g (b) 0.106 g (c) 10.6 g (d) 1.06 g
6. Molality of 18MH2 SO4 (d  1.8g mL ) is
(a) 36mol kg 1 (b) 200mol kg 1 (c) 500mol kg 1 (d) 18mol kg 1
7. Given :
(i) MnO4  8H  5e 
Mn 2  4H2O E0  x 1 V
(ii) MnO2  4H  2e 
Mn 2  2H2O E0  x 2 V
Find E0 for the following reaction :
MnO4  4H  3e  MnO2  2H2O
5x1  2x2 2x1  5x2
(a) x2  x1 (b) x1  x2 (c) (d)
3 3
8. Ionisation constant of each HA (weak acid) and BOH (weak base) are 3.0  107 each at 298K. The
percentage degree of hydrolysis of BA at the dilution of 10L is:
(a) 25 (b) 50 (c) 75 (d) 40
9. In a gaseous phase reaction, A 2 (g) 
 B(g)  C(g) . The increase in pressure from 100 mm to 110 mm is
observed in 5 minute. The rate of disappearance of A 2 in mm min 1 is:
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 16 (d) 2
10. A crystal is made of particle X, Y & Z. X forms FCC packing, Y occupies all octahedral voids of X and Z
occupies all tetrahedral voids of X, if all the particles along one body diagonal are removed then the
formula of the crystal would be:
(a) XYZ2 (b) X 2 YZ2 (c) X8 Y4 Z5 (d) X 5 Y4 Z8
11. Alkali metals dissolve in liquid NH3 , then which of the following observation are true?
(a) H2 gas is liberated
(b) Solution is blue due to the presence of solvated electrons
(c) Solution is conducting
(d) All of the above are correct
12. A metal M readily forms water soluble MSO4 . It also forms oxide MO which becomes inert on heating.
Hydroxide M  OH 2 is insoluble in water but soluble in NaOH solution. What is M ?
(a) Mg (b) Ba (c) Ca (d) Be
13. H2 O2 can be obtained when following reacts with H2 SO 4 except with
(a) PbO2 (b) BaO2 (c) Na2 O2 (d) SrO2
14. Borax Na2 Ba4O7·10H2O is actually
(a) Na2 [B4O5 (OH)2 ]·8H2O (b) Na2 [B4O4 (OH)6 ]·7H2O
(c) Na2 [B4O3 (OH)8 ]·6H2O (d) Na2 [B4O2 (OH)10 ]·5H2O
15. Holme’s signals can be given by using
(a) CaC2  CaCN2 (b) CaC2  Ca3P2 (c) CaC2  CaCO3 (d) Ca3P2  CaCN2
16. NH3 can’t be obtained by
(a) heating NH4NO3 or NH4NO2
(b) heating of NH4Cl or (NH4 )2 CO3
(c) heating of NH4NO3 with NaOH
(d) reaction of AlN or Mg 3N2 or CaCN2 with H2 O
17. Which of the following statements concerning lanthanides elements is false?
(a) Lanthanides are separated from one another by ion-exchange method
(b) Ionic radii of trivalent lanthanides steadily increase with increase in the atomic number
(c) All lanthanides are highly dense metals
(d) More characteristic oxidation state of lanthanides elements is +3
18. Among Ni(CO)4 ,[Ni(CN)4 ]2 and NiCl 24
(a) Ni(CO)4 and [Ni(CN)4 ]2 are diamagnetic and NiCl 24 is paramagnetic
(b) Ni(CO)4 and NiCl 24 are diamagnetic and [Ni(CN)4 ]2 is paramagnetic
(c) Ni(CO)4 is diamagnetic and [Ni(CN)4 ]2 and NiCl 24 are paramagnetic
(d) NiCl 24 and [Ni(CN)4 ]2 are diamagnetic and Ni(CO)4 is paramagnetic

19. KCl  concH2 SO4  K2Cr2O7  ( X)  NaOH
(Y ) .
( X ) is reddish brown coloured gas soluble in NaOH forming (Y ),( X ) and (Y ) are
(a) Cr2OCl 2 ,Na2CrO3 (b) Cr2 O2 Cl 2 ,Na2 CrO3 (c) CrO2 Cl,Na2CrO4 (d) CrO2 Cl 2 ,Na2CrO4
20. IUPAC name of the following compound is

(a) 3-hydroxy-5-chlorobenzonitrile (b) 3-chloro-5-hydroxybenzonitrile

(c) 3-chloro-5cyanophenol (d) 3-cyno-5-chlorophenol
21. What is the number of possible stereoisomer having the structure below?

(a) Two optically active and one meso (b) One optically active and one meso
(c) Four optically active (d) Two optically active and two meso
22. Identify the major species in solution for reaction.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
23. What is the final product of the reaction?
(CH3 )2 C  CHCH2 CH3 (i)BH3 /THF
(ii)H O /OH
 
CH2 Cl 2
(ii)H O

2 2 3

(a) 2,3-dimethyl-3-pentanol (b) 2,4-dimethyl-3-pentanol

(c) 2,3-dimethyl-2-pentanol (d) 2,2-dimethyl-3-pentanol
24. The reagent which could distinguish between 1-hexyne and 1-hexene is
(a) Ag(NH2 )2 (b) KMnO4 (c) Br2 in CCl 4 (d) H2 SO 4
25. Predict the major product of the reaction.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

26. Which alkenes would you except to the major product of the following dehydration?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

27. The compound showing below is cyclic hemiacetal of

(a) 5-Hydroxyheptanal (b) 6-Hydroxy-3-heptanone

(c) 5-Hydroxy-2-heptanone (d) 6-Hydroxy heptanal
28. The major, final product in the following reaction is:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

29. What is the product of the reaction sequence?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

30. Predict the product of the following reaction.
(a) (b) (c) (d)

 
31. A function f()  sin 2   3sin  cos   5cos2  is defined  R . Another function g()  f     at the
2 
point  , where f() is minimum then value of is
1 11 2
(a) (b) (c) (d) 2
2 2 11
32. Let position vectors of points A, B and C of triangle ABC respectively be i  j  2k,i  2j  k and 2i  j  k .
Let l1 , l2 and l3 be the lengths of perpendiculars drawn from the orthocentre ‘O’ on the sides AB, BC and
CA, then (l1  l2  l3 ) equals
2 3 6 6
(a) (b) (c) (d)
6 6 2 3
x y -1 z -1 x y -1 z -1
33. If the projection of the line   on a plane P is   . Then the distance of plane P
2 2 1 1 1 1
from origin is
6 2
(a) 3 (b) (c) 6 (d)
2 3
x1 y 1 z1
34. The centroid of the triangle formed by (0, 0, 0) and the point of intersection of   with x =
1 2 1
0 and y = 0 is
1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1 1
(a) (1, 1, 1) (b)  ,  ,  (c)   , ,   (d)  , , 
6 3 6  6 3 6 3 3 3
35. A class has three teachers, Mr X, Ms Y and Mrs Z and six students A, B , C, D, E, F. Number of ways in
which they can be seated in a line of 9 chairs, if between any two teachers there are exactly two students is
(a)18 × 6! (b) 12 × 6! (c) 24 × 6! (d) 6 × 6!
36. The sum of first 25 terms of an A.P., whose all the terms are natural numbers, lies between 1900 and 2000
and its 9th term is 55. Then the first term of the A.P. is
(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8
1 1 1
4 4
37. If a  cos  i sin , then 1 a a 2 is
3 3
1 a2 a
(a) Purely real (b) purely imaginary (c) zero complex number (d) none of these
38. A number is selected at random from the first twenty five natural numbers, if it is a composite number,
then it is divided by 5. But if it is not a composite number, it is divided by 2. The probability that there will
be no remainder in the division is
11 2 3 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
30 5 5 5
3 tan 3x  4 tan 2x  tan x
39. lim is equal to
x 0 4x 2 tan x
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 4

40. The value of I   x(sin 2 (sin x)  cos 2 (cos x))dx is equal to

2 2
(a)  2
(b) (c) (d) 
2 4
41. The following figure shows the graph of a continuous function y  f (x) on the interval [1, 3]. The point
A, B and C have coordinates (1, 1), (3, 2), (2, 3), respectively, and the lines L1 and L2 are parallel, with L1
being tangent to the curve at C . If the area under the graph of y  f (x) from x  1 to x  3 is 4 square
units, then the area of the shaded region is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

42. If y(t ) satisfies the differential equation y '(t )  2 y(t )  2 e , y(0)  2 then y(1) equals
2 t

3 3 4 4
(a) (b) 2 (c) (d) 2
e e e e
(2 x  3)dx 1
43. If  C  where f ( x ) is of the form of ax  bx  c , then the value of f (1) is

x( x  1)( x  2)( x  3)  1 f (x)

(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 3
44. The perimeter of a sector is p . The area of the sector is maximum when its radius is
1 p p
(a) p (b) (c) (d)
p 2 4
45. If c  and f (x)  2x  x 2 , then interval of x in which LMVT is applicable, is
(a) (1, 2) (b) (–1, 1) (c) (0, 1) (d) (2, 1)
1t 3 2  dy  dy
46. If x  3
, y  2  satisfy f ( x )    1  , then f ( x ) equals
t 2t t  dx  dx
x2 1 1
(a) x (b) (c) x  (d) x 
1x 2
x x
47. Which of the following statements are incorrect?
I. If f ( x ) and g( x ) are one-one then f (x)  g(x) is also one-one.
II. If f ( x ) and g( x ) are one-one then f (x)· g(x) is also one-one.
III. If f ( x ) is odd then it is necessarily one-one.
(a) I and II only (b) II and III only (c) III and I only (d) I, II and III
48. The equations (  1)x  (3  1)y  2z  0, (  1)x  (4  2)y  (  3)z  0 and
2x  (3  1)y  3(  1)z  0 gives non-trivial solution for some values of  , then the ratio x : y : z when 
has the smallest of these values:
(a) 3 : 2 : 1 (b) 3 : 3 : 2 (c) 1 : 3 : 1 (d) 1 : 1 : 1
49. Let P  {x|x  (m  1)x  2(m  1)  0, x  R} and Q  {x|(m  1)x  mx  1  0, x  R}
2 2

Number of values of m such that P  Q has exactly 3 distinct elements is

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8

50. The complex number, z 

 
3  3i  1  i 

3  3i   i   3  3i 
(a) lies on real axis (b) lies on imaginary axis
(c) lies in first quadrant (d) lies in second quadrant
51. The Boolean expression ( p ~ q)  q  (~ p  q) is equivalent to
(a) ~ p  q (b) p  q (c) p  q (d) p ~ q
52. The first three terms of a geometric sequence are x , y , z and these have the sum equal to 42. If the middle
term y is multiplied by 5/4, the numbers x , , z now form an arithmetic sequence. The largest possible
value of x is
(a) 6 (b) 12 (c) 25 (d) 20
53. If f (x  6x  6)  f (x  4x  4)  2xx  R then f (3)  f (9)  5 f (1) 
2 2

(a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10

1/3 n
54. In the binomial (2  3 ) , if the ratio of the seventh term from the beginning of the expansion to the

seventh term from its end is 1/6 then n 

(a) 6 (b) 9 (c) 12 (d) 15
55. Triangle ABC is right angled at A . The points P and Q are on hypotenuse BC such that BP  PQ  QC .
If AP  3 and AQ  4 , then length BC is equal to
(a) 3 5 (b) 5 3 (c) 4 5 (d) 7
56. Let P be the point (–3, 0) and Q be a moving point (0, 3t ) . Let PQ be trisected at R so that R is nearer to
Q . RN is drawn perpendicular to PQ meeting the x  axis at N . The locus of the mid-point of RN is
(a) (x  3)2  3y  0 (b) ( y  3)2  3x  0 (c) x 2  y  1 (d) y 2  x  1
57. ABC is an equilateral triangle whose centroid is origin and base BC is along the line 11x  60y  122 .
(a) Area of the triangle is numerically equal to the perimeter
(b) Area of triangle is numerically double the perimeter
(c) Area of triangle is numerically three times the perimeter
(d) Area of triangle is numerically half of the perimeter
x2 y2
58. The line y  mx  c will be tangent to the ellipse   1, if c is equal to
9 4
(a) (b) 9m 2  4 (c) 1 m2 (d) 4m 2  9
59. Tangents drawn from P(1,8) to the circle x2  y 2  6x  4y  11  0 touches the circle at the points A and
B , respectively. The radius of the circle which passes through the points of intersection of circles
x2  y 2  2x  6  0 and x2  y 2  2x  6y  6  0 and intersects the circumcircle of the PAB orthogonally is
equal to
73 71
(a) (b) (c) 3 (d) 2
4 2
60. The variance of first 50 even natural numbers is
833 437
(a) (b) 833 (c) 437 (d)
4 4

61. A block of mass m is at rest on the another block of same mass as shown in figure. Lower block is
attached to the spring then the maximum amplitude of motion so that both that block will remain in
contact is

mg mg 2mg 3mg
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2k k k 2k
62. The work done in moving an electron of charge e and mass m from A to B along the circular path
shown by arrow in the vertical plane in the field of charge Q is:

(a) 2mgr (b) 2Qe / r (c) 2mgr  (d) zero
63. A police car moving at 22 m/s, chases a motorcyclist. The police man sounds his horn at 176 Hz, while
both of them move towards a stationary siren of frequency 165 Hz. Calculate the speed of the motorcycle,
if it is given that he does not observes any beats
(a) 33 m/s (b) 22 m/s (c) Zero (d) 11 m/s
64. A rod of glass (  1.5) and of square cross section is bent into the shape shown in figure. A parallel beam
of light falls on the plane flat surface A as shown in the figure. If d is the width of a side and R is the
radius circular arc then for what maximum value of light entering the glass slab through surface A
emerges from the glass through B

(a) 1.5 (b) 0.5 (c) 1.3 (d) none of these

65. The refractive index of the material of the prism and liquid are 1.56 and 1.32 respectively. What will be the
value of  for the following refraction?

13 11 3 1
(a) sin   (b) sin   (c) sin   (d) sin  
11 13 2 2
66. The radiation force experienced by body exposed to radiation of intensity I , assuming surface of body to
be perfectly absorbing is:

R 2 I R 2 I IRH IRH
(a) (b) (c) (d)
c 2c 2c c
67. The field at the centre of a loop of radius R due to the current of I ampere in the loop as shown in figure
will be:

0 2 I  2 I  2I
(a) zero (b) (c) 0 (d) 0 [   1]
4 R 4 R 4 R
68. If light of wavelength  1 is allowed to fall on a metal, then kinetic energy of photoelectrons emitted is E1 .
If wavelength of light changes to  2 , then kinetic energy of electrons changes to E2 . Then work function
of the metal is
E E (   2 ) E   E2  2 E   E2  2  EE
(a) 1 2 1 (b) 1 1 (c) 1 1 (d) 1 2 1 2
 1 2 ( 1   2 ) ( 2   1 ) ( 2   1 )
69. When one of the slits of Young’s experiment is covered with a transparent sheet of thickness 4.8 mm, the
central fringe shifts to a position originally occupied by the 30th bright fringe. What should be the
thickness of the sheet if the central fringe has to shift to the position occupied by 20th bright fringe?
(a) 3.8 mm (b) 1.6 mm (c) 7.6 mm (d) 3.2 mm
70. If the wavelength of the first line of the Balmer series of hydrogen is 6561 Å, the wavelength of the second
line of the series should be
(a) 13122 Å (b) 3280 Å (c) 4860 Å (d) 2187 Å
71. A nucleus of 82 210
Po originally at rest emits  -particle with speed v . What will be the recoil speed of the
daughter nucleus?
(a) 4v /206 (b) 4v /214 (c) v /206 (d) v /214
72. In hydrogen atom, the electron is revolving about the nucleus in a circular orbit of radius ‘ a ’ and at
angular frequency ‘  ’ . The ratio of magnetic moment due to orbital motion and the orbital angular
momentum is:
e e e e
(a) (b) (c) (d)
m 2m 2 ma ma
73. A radioactive sample of U 238 decay to Pb through a process for which half-life is 4.5  109 years. The ratio
of number of nuclei of Pb to U-238 after a time of 1.5  109 years. is (given 21/3  1.26 )
(a) 0.12 (b) 0.26 (c) 1.2 (d) 0.37
74. A glass flask of volume one litre at 0ºC is filled, level full of mercury at this temperature. The flask and
mercury are now heated to 100ºC. How much mercury will spill out if the coefficient of volume expansion
of mercury is 1.8  104 /ºC and linear expansion of glass is 1.0  104 /ºC , respectively?
(a) 21.2 cc (b) 15.2 cc (c) 1.52 cc (d) 2.12 cc
75. Figure shows a square conducting loop of side 8 cm being taken out of a uniform magnetic field of B = 1.5
T which is directed perpendicular and into the plane of the loop. The loop is connected to a circuit as
shown in the figure. Resistance of loop is 2 and that of the wires which connect the loop with the
network of resistances is negligible. Speed of the loop such that current through it has a steady value
2mA, is:

(a) 18 cm/s (b) 12 cm/s (c) 10 cm/s (d) 8 cm/s

76. N moles of an ideal diatomic gas are in a cylinder at temperature T . Suppose on supplying heat to the
gas, its temperature remains constant but n moles get dissociated into atoms. Heat supplied to the gas is
1 3 3
(a) Zero (b) nRT (c) nRT (d) ( N  n)RT
2 2 2
77. The position vector of a particle is given as r  (t 2  4t  6)i  (t 2 ) j . The time after which the velocity vector
and acceleration vector becomes perpendicular to each other is equal to
(a) 1 sec (b) 2 sec (c) 1.5 sec (d) not possible
78. A body is moving from rest under constant acceleration and let S1 be the displacement in the first ( p  1)
sec and S2 be the displacement in the first p sec. The displacement in ( p2  p  1)th sec will be
(a) S1  S2 (b) S1S2 (c) S1  S2 (d) S1 / S2
79. Figure shows four paths for a kicked football. Ignoring the effects of air on the flight, rank the paths
according to initial horizontal velocity component, highest first

(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 2, 3, 4, 1 (c) 3, 4, 1, 2 (d) 4, 3, 2, 1

80. Two guns are mounted (fixed) on two vertical cliffs that are very high from the ground as shown in figure.
The muzzle velocity of the shell from G1 is u1 and that from G2 is u2 . The guns aim exactly towards each
other. The ratio u1 : u2 such that the shells collide with each other in air is (Assume that there is no
resistance of air)
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 4
(c) will not collide for any ratio (d) will collide for any ratio
81. A block of mass 2 kg slides down the face of a smooth 45º wedge of mass 9 kg as shown in figure. The
wedge is placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. Determine the acceleration of the wedge.

(a) 2m / s2 (b) m / s2 (c) 1m / s2 (d) none of these
82. In the system shown in the figure the friction coefficient between ground and bigger block is  . There is
no friction between both the blocks. The string connecting both the block is light; all three pulleys are light
and frictionless. Then the minimum limiting value of  so that the system remains in equilibrium is

1 1 2 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 3 3 2
83. A particle of mass m r
is moving in a horizontal circle of radius under a centripetal force equal to K / r 2
, where K is a constant. The total energy of the particle is
(a) (b)  (c)  (d)
2r 2r r r
84. A solid cube ABCD of side a and mass M is placed on a rough horizontal surface. A bullet of mass m
and speed V is shot at the top of the cube so that cube rotates about point D. The bullet sticks to the cube,
m  M . Find the angular velocity of the cube.

6mV 3 MV 2 MV 2mV
(a) (b) (c) (d)
5 Ma 2ma 3ma 3 Ma
85. A U-tube base length ‘ l ’ filled with same volume of two liquids of densities  and 2 is moving with an
acceleration ‘ a ’ on the horizontal plane. If the height difference between the two surfaces (open to
atmosphere) becomes zero, then the height h is given by

a 3a a 2a
(a) l (b) l (c) l (d) l
2g 2g g 3g
86. Three plates A, B and C are placed close to each other with Q charge given to the middle plate. The
inner surfaces of A and C can be connected to earth through plate D and keys K 1 and K 2 . The plates D
is a dielectric slab with dielectric constant K , then the charge that will flow through plate D when K 1 is
closed and K 2 is open is

 1 Q 1
(a) Q (b) Q /2 (c) Q  1   (d) 1 
 K 2 K
87. If each resistance in the figure is of 9 , then reading of ammeter is

(a) 5A (b) 8A (c) 2A (d) 9A

88. A resistance of 4 and a wire of length 5 metres and resistance 5 are joined in series to a cell of e.m.f.
10 V and internal resistance 1 . A parallel combination of two identical cells is balanced across 300 cm of
the wire. The e.m.f. E of each cell is

(a) 1.5 V (b) 3.0 V (c) 0.67 V (d) 1.33 V

89. A 2F capacitor is charged to 100 V. After disconnecting the battery, a 20 mH coil is then connected
across the charged capacitor. The capacitor discharges through the inductor and the current in the circuit
is oscillatory. Maximum current in the circuit, assuming zero resistance of the coil, is :
(a) 0.5 A (b) 0.75 A (c) 1 A (d) 1.5 A
90. In the circuit of figure after passing the key, final reading of ammeters A1 A2 and A3 are:

(a) 1 A, 1 A, zero (b) 0.5 A, 0.25 A, 0.25 A (c) 0.5 A, zero, 0.5 A (d) 1 A, zero, 1 A

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