The Women's March 2019 Women's Agenda

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AGENDA | 2019


Historically, protest movements are difficult to sustain. The raw energy of the
people dissipates over time without an ideological frame to continue building
power. In this moment of U.S. history, one that will likely be written books as
among the darkest, we have lost the judicial and executive branches of
government along with the Senate. Social movements are the only bulwark
against the rising tide of authoritarianism, misogyny, white nationalism, racism,
anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, ableism,
classism, and ageism.

Intersectionality is a way to describe the experiences of identity that cross lines of
gender, such as race, class, ability and sexual orientation, and come together to
impact one’s experiences of moving through the world. The concept originates in
black feminist theory and the word itself was coined by Dr. Kimberlé Williams
Crenshaw to describe the ways that black women are uniquely impacted by
discrimination in the workplace, the criminal justice system, education and more.
Today, we advocate for an expansive understanding of intersectionality when we
fight for social and policy change. This means, for instance, understanding that
the problem of access to health care looks different for black women, trans
women, disabled women and Indigenous women, and thus policies that address
health care must take into account these different impacts and experiences.   

We believe the Women’s Agenda is the first intersectional feminist policy
platform. Women’s March convened a group of 70 movement leaders to create
this set of 24 essential federal policy priorities that form the foundation of the
2019 Women’s March on Washington and will establish the priorities of our
movement over the next two years.

This Women’s Agenda was authored by women who work directly with impacted
communities because we believe those closest to the problem are closest to the
solution. This is a continuation of our work of the past two years to lift up the
voices of the most vulnerable and directly impacted women in our communities.

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Building upon the Unity Principles established in 2017, Women's March
expanded the process to include dozens of additional organizations
representing women in marginalized communities, who have collaborated
in committees to identify one to two urgent policy priorities under each of
the following areas:
• Ending Violence Against Women & Femmes
• Ending State Violence
• Reproductive Rights & Justice
• Racial Justice
• LGBTQIA+ Rights
• Immigrant Rights
• Economic Justice & Worker’s Rights
• Civil Rights & Liberties
• Disability Rights
• Environmental Justice

The policies identified under each area are specific, tangible, and able to be
acted upon and supported in 2019 and 2020, potentially even passed with
the support of activists nationwide. In addition, Women's March calls for
three policy priorities that intersect with all committees and affect the
rights of all women:
• Universal Health Care / Medicare for All
• Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution
• Ending War

The Women’s Agenda is a tangible declaration of how we will protect and
defend our rights, safety, health and communities. Our Agenda will serve as
a work plan to Congress and will create the roadmap we will use to mobilize
our constituents into 2020 and beyond.

This document was published on January 19, 2019.

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Overarching Rights for All | 7

Universal Healthcare / Medicare for All | 8
Equal Rights Amendment | 11
Ending War | 13

Disability Rights | 16
Policy Goal One: Fair inclusion, independence, and opportunity for 

disabled women | 18

Policy Goal Two: Independent and Community Living | 19

Civil Rights & Liberties | 20

Policy Goal One: Expansion of voting rights, campaign finance & 

redistricting reform | 22
Policy Goal Two: Protect our First Amendment rights | 24

Reproductive Rights, Health, and Justice | 26

Policy Goal One:  Reducing racial health disparities in maternal health | 28
Policy Goal Two: The EACH Woman Act 1 | 30

Ending Violence Against Women and Femmes | 32

Policy Goal One: Permanent federal funding to end gender-based violence | 33
Policy Goal Two: Ending workplace harassment and expanding Title VII

of the 1964 Civil  Rights Act | 35

Ending State Violence | 38

Policy Goal One: Sexual violence by law enforcement is a civil rights violation | 39
Policy Goal Two: Protecting trans women, girls and nonbinary adults and youth from
discrimination in school | 42

Economic Justice and Workers’ Rights | 44

Policy Goal One: Ending the student debt crisis | 45
Policy Goal Two: The right to organize and join a union | 47
Policy Goal Three: Paycheck Fairness | 48

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Immigrant Rights | 50
Policy Goal One: Reining in the enforcement state and defunding hate | 51
Policy Goal Two: Proactive short term solutions | 53

LGBTQIA+ Rights | 55
Policy Goal One: Equality Act | 56
Policy Goal Two: On the intersection of LGBTQIA+ lives and criminal justice | 57

Racial Justice | 59
Policy Goal One: End all forms of family separation | 60
Policy Goal Two: End Racial and Religious Profiling and the NO HATE Act | 63

Environmental Justice | 65
Policy Goal One: Achieve a just transition to clean, renewable resources | 66
Policy Goal Two: Promote the responsible use of resources and affirm the 

rights of local communities to autonomy over their health and environment | 68

Endorsing Organizations | 70

Acknowledgments | 71

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Overarching Rights

for All
The following policies are listed independently from the ten
committee focus areas, because these are universal rights that
apply to all people. Women’s March calls on our government to
recognize and ensure access to these rights by passing the
following pieces of legislation and amending the Constitution
to enshrine equal rights for all.

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Universal Healthcare /
Medicare for All
Healthcare is a human right. It affects every facet of life, from
waking up in the morning to going to bed at night. Healthcare
should be inclusive, appropriate, and affordable, addressing the
mental and physical wellbeing of all people across the United States.

Twenty-nine million Americans today still do not have health
insurance, and millions more are underinsured and cannot afford
the high copayments and deductibles charged by private health
insurance companies. The U.S. spends more on healthcare per
person, and as a percentage of gross domestic product, than any
other advanced nation in the world. This policy will create a
universal, single-payer healthcare system by expanding Medicare to
be accessible for all.  

An inclusive healthcare system must focus on the most vulnerable:
poor people, disabled people, people with chronic illnesses and
seniors. This means demolishing financial, physical and cultural
barriers to obtaining adequate healthcare.

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Universal Healthcare / 

Medicare for All
Policy One Specifics:
• The Medicare for All Program will
provide all individuals residing in the
United States and U.S. territories with
free healthcare. That includes all
necessary medical care, such as
primary care and prevention, inpatient
care, dietary and nutritional therapies,
prescription drugs, emergency care,
long-term care, mental health services,
all reproductive health services,
including abortion, dental services and
vision care.
• Transform our market-driven
healthcare system to a system based on
human need.
• Patients may choose from participating
physicians and institutions.
• The bill sets forth methods to pay
institutional providers and health
professionals for services.
• It replaces healthcare premiums,
deductibles and copayments with
modest, progressive tax increases.
Amounts that would have been
appropriated for federal public
healthcare programs, including
Medicare, Medicaid and the Children's
Health Insurance Program (CHIP), are
transferred and appropriated to carry
out this bill.

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Universal Healthcare / 


Medicare for All

Policy One Specifics (cont’d):
• Currently, Medicare limits coverage of
Long Term Support Services (LTSS) to
institutionalization. Medicare for All
must include LTSS in communities and
homes, helping deinstitutionalize
thousands of disabled people and
people with chronic illnesses.
• Women’s March supports the U.S.
Access Board’s rulemaking on
Standards of Accessible Medical
Diagnostic Equipment (36 CFR Part
1195) under section 510 of the
Rehabilitation Act in order to decrease
the physical barriers to obtaining
preventative care and treatment.
• The program must give employment
transition benefits and first priority in
retraining and job placement to
individuals whose jobs are eliminated
due to reduced clerical and
administrative work under this bill.
• The program establishes strong
protections for quality, access and
• Native Americans and Veterans remain
eligible for the medical benefits and
services they currently receive.
Congress must fully fund the Indian
Health Service and no changes shall be
undertaken without consultation with
tribal leaders and stakeholders.

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Universal Healthcare / 

Medicare for All

Theory of Change:
This policy will create an option for
comprehensive, affordable healthcare
through a single-payer healthcare system
leading to universal healthcare coverage.
By ensuring that healthcare is accessible,
appropriate and inclusive to disabled
women, we will better serve the disability
community and decrease negative health

The Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act (

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Equal Rights

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a proposed amendment to the
United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal legal rights for
all American citizens regardless of sex and gender identity. Since it was
first introduced in Congress in 1923, the ERA has been an issue with both
rabid support and fervid opposition.

The Equal Rights Amendment would provide a fundamental legal
remedy against gender discrimination. It would guarantee that the rights
affirmed by the U.S. Constitution are held equally by all citizens without
regard to their sex and gender identity. The ERA would clarify the legal
status of gender discrimination for the courts, where decisions still deal
inconsistently with such claims. For the first time, sex and gender identity
would be considered a suspect classification, as race currently is.  It
would end the legal distinctions between men and women, and
governmental actions that treat males or females differently as a class
would be subject to strict judicial scrutiny and would thus have to meet
the highest level of justification – a necessary relation to a compelling
state interest – to be upheld as constitutional.

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Policy Specifics:
Section One: Women shall have equal
rights in the United States and every
place subject to its jurisdiction. Equality
of rights under the law shall not be
denied or abridged by the United States
or by any State on account of gender.
Section Two: Congress and the several
States shall have the power to enforce,
by appropriate legislation, the provisions
of this article.
Section Three: This amendment shall
take effect two years after the date of

Theory of Change
Without the ERA in the Constitution, the statutes
and case law that have produced major
advances in women's rights since the middle of
the twentieth century are vulnerable to being
ignored, weakened or reversed. Congress can
amend or repeal anti-discrimination laws by a
simple majority, the Presidential administration
can negligently enforce such laws, and the
Supreme Court can use the intermediate
standard of review to permit certain regressive
forms of gender discrimination. The ERA is
necessary to make our own Constitution conform
with the promise engraved over the entrance to
the Supreme Court – "Equal Justice Under Law."


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Ending War

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Ending War
Relevant Unity Principle
We recognize that to achieve any of the goals outlined within this
statement, we must work together to end war and live in peace with our
siblings around the world. Ending war means a cessation to the direct and
indirect aggression caused by the war economy and the concentration of
power in the hands of a wealthy elite who use political, social and
economic systems to safeguard and expand their power.

Policy Prescription and Goals:

Living in peace with the global community requires first that we, as
Americans, cease directly contributing to the wars and militarism that are
devastating communities overseas, causing the gravest harm to women
and children, and instead promote the human rights of all people across
the globe.

For example, the U.S. support for the Saudi-led war on Yemen — including
military intelligence support, refueling of Saudi warplanes and millions of
dollars in weapons sales — has enabled the worst humanitarian
catastrophe of modern times. The war has killed tens of thousands of
Yemeni civilians and led to epidemics of malnutrition and disease. The
most severely affected have been children: around 85,000 children under
the age of five have died of malnutrition in Yemen since the start of the
war in 2015.

Thanks to tremendous grassroots support, 2018 saw enormous progress in
ending U.S. support for the Saudi-led war on Yemen. Votes to cut off
military support will be introduced again in 2019. After that, the next most
important change is to end U.S. weapons sales to Saudi Arabia on the basis
that such weapons are being supplied to a repressive regime guilty of
human rights abuses. Polls show this idea is very popular, with 75 percent
of Americans supporting a halt to weapons sales.

Along with affecting the situation in Yemen, this would set a precedent
that the U.S. should cease allowing U.S. companies to sell weapons to any
regimes known for severe human rights abuses.

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Policy One Specifics:

On December 13, 2018 historic legislation was passed in the Senate to
invoke the War Powers Act and require an end U.S. support for the
Saudi-led war on Yemen based on the fact that Congress has never
provided authorization for military involvement.

There is every reason to believe this legislation will quickly pass the
Senate and House in the early days of 2019. However, override of a
presidential veto will likely be needed, requiring additional
mobilization in Congress.

Along with ensuring the important passage of legislation to invoke
the War Powers Act to end U.S. military involvement in the war on
Yemen, we call upon Congress to pass legislation like the Saudi
Arabia Accountability and Yemen Act of 2018 that halts U.S. weapons
sales to Saudi Arabia based on their repressive policies internally —
the jailing and murder of journalists and dissidents, including the
murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi and
repressive Saudi policies towards women.

Theory of Change:
Ending U.S. support for and weapons sales
to Saudi Arabia will provide much needed
relief for the people of Yemen and set a
standard that the U.S. should not provide
support or weapons to repressive regimes.
Human rights must come before the profits
of weapons producers.

Yemen: Conflict is Fueling Humanitarian Crisis (Doctors Without Borders)
Americans agree—it's time to stop fueling the war in Yemen (International Rescue Committee)

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Relevant Unity Principle:

We believe that all women’s issues are issues faced by women with
disabilities and Deaf women. As mothers, sisters, daughters and
contributing members of this great nation, we seek to break barriers
to access, inclusion, independence and the full enjoyment of
citizenship at home and around the world. We strive to be fully
included in and contribute to all aspects of American life, economy
and culture.

Policy ONE Prescription and Goals:

Fair inclusion, independence and opportunity for disabled women
through full access to meaningful, inclusive and competitive work,
fair wages and the right to community living. 

We reject any policies that uphold the idea that disability hinders
individuals from being stably housed or employable. Our policies
should enable economic empowerment within underrepresented
communities. To do this, we call for the full repeal of antiquated and
discriminatory laws that allow disabled people to be paid
subminimum wages for equal work. We must be granted a fair chance
at success. This includes the right to financially plan without the risk of
losing necessary benefits that help keep disabled people employed.

Disabled women have the right to self-determination, as we are the
experts on our own needs. In order to enable fair inclusion, we must
strip the policies and regulations that forcefully institutionalize
disabled individuals against their wishes. This inhumane practice has
historically and continues to take place through psychiatric hospitals,
nursing homes and other unnecessarily restrictive environments.
Disabled women are criminalized at disproportionate rates,
particularly women of color. Disabled women have the right to dignity
and personal autonomy.  Therefore, we require that disabled women
are afforded the opportunity to live in their communities.

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• We call for the full repeal Section 14C
of the Fair Labor Standards Act,
which allows disabled people to be
paid sub-minimum wages for equal
• We call on Congress to amend the
Stephen Beck, Jr. Achieving a Better
Life Experience (ABLE) Act (codified
at 26 U.S.C. §529A) to remove the age
provision to qualify as an eligible

By ensuring full access to meaningful, inclusive
and competitive work, fair wages and the right
to community living, we ensure fair inclusion,
independence and equal opportunity for
disabled women.

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Policy Goal Two Prescription and Goals:

Independent and Community Living
• People with disabilities deserve to live in the communities and in
their homes. Too many disabled people, people with chronic
illnesses, and seniors are languishing in group homes, nursing
homes, and hospitals because they have no other option. Much of
this is due to the lack of support for caretakers, family members,
and accessible housing. We call on Congress to pass policies that
will help disabled people live independently in the least restrictive
environments as possible.
• We support passage of the Disability Integration Act (DIA) to
address the fundamental issue that people who need Long Term
Services and Supports (LTSS) are forced into institutions and
losing their basic civil rights.
• We support the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act (S. 337/
H.R. 947) to provide workers with up to 12 weeks of partial income
when they take time for their own serious health conditions,
including pregnancy and childbirth recovery; serious health
condition of a child, parent, spouse or domestic partner; the birth
or adoption of a child; and/or for particular military caregiving
and leave purposes. We also encourage an addition to provide
leave for disabled people who need time to train or care for
service and emotional support animals.
• We support a new bill to increase the number of affordable and
accessible housing units in both urban and rural communities.

Theory of Change:
These policies will make it easier for disabled people to exercise their right to live in
community settings and provide the economic security needed to remain stable during
illness, pregnancy and family medical events.

The FAMILY Act (National Partnership for Women and Families)
The Disability Integration Act (DIA)

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Civil Rights & 

Liberties Committee

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Relevant Unity Principle: 

We believe Civil Rights are our birthright. Our Constitutional
government establishes a framework to provide and expand rights
and freedoms – not restrict them. To this end, we must protect and
restore all the Constitutionally mandated rights to all our citizens,
including voting rights, freedom to worship without fear of
intimidation or harassment, freedom of speech and protections for
all citizens regardless of race, gender, age or disability. We honor and
respect tribal laws and jurisdictions.

We support Indigenous women’s right to access, own, develop and
control land and its resources. We affirm that now is the time for the
U.S. implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples and to honor existing treaty rights and fulfill
promises made.

We believe it is time for an all-inclusive Equal Rights Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution.  Most Americans believe the Constitution
guarantees equal rights, but it does not. The 14th Amendment has
been undermined by courts and cannot produce real equity on the
basis of race and/or sex. And in a true democracy, each citizen’s vote
should count equally. All Americans deserve equality guarantees in
the Constitution that cannot be taken away or disregarded,
recognizing the reality that inequalities intersect, interconnect and

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Policy One Prescription and Goals: Ensuring

full protection of our democracy through the
expansion of voting rights, campaign finance and
redistricting reform.
To secure our democracy, we call for automatic voter registration,
allowing voters to register at any time up to and including Election
Day, expanded access to absentee ballots, early voting, ballots and
polling places accessible to disabled people and different language
needs. We call for federal protections against the requirements for
photo IDs in order to vote, which limit and suppress the ability of
voters to exercise their constitutional right.

We demand Congress pass legislation that fully restores the intention

of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Furthermore, we call for
the restoration of voting rights to the millions of Americans who have
been disenfranchised of their right to vote due to their criminal
record. Lastly, we call for federal reforms on redistricting that
accounts for the size of a district’s population and its racial and ethnic
diversity. Due to the impact of the 2020 Census on funding,
redistricting and representation, Congress must reject the Trump
administration's attempt to add a citizenship question to the Census.

In recognition of the role that big money plays in our democracy and
the ways that it keeps women, people of color, youth and public
servants without access to major donors, we demand a 21st-century
campaign finance system to increase and multiply the power of small
donors, and reaffirm Congress’ authority to push back on Citizens
United and regulate money in politics. Our democracy requires
transparency, and we call for all political organizations to disclose
their donors so that the American people know who is paying to
influence their elected officials.

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Policy Specifics:
The restoration of Section 5 of the Voting
Rights Act of 1965  reinstates the
requirement that jurisdictions with
significant histories of voter
discrimination must pre-clear any new or
modified voting practices or procedures
with the federal government before

Theory of Change:
By expanding voting rights, and reforming
campaign finance and redistricting, we are ensuring
fair and accessible elections that are the
cornerstone of our democracy.

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Policy TWO Prescription

and Goals: Protect our
First Amendment rights by
opposing attempts to silence
free speech and expression.

Freedom of speech is one of our

fundamental rights in America,
protected by the First Amendment of
the Constitution. We call for Members
of Congress to oppose legislation or
policy that penalizes people for
engaging in political boycott or dissent,
and any attempts to curb peaceable
assembly. Members of Congress and
state and local officials must ensure
that the First Amendment rights of all
communities and viewpoints are
protected by opposing any laws that
violate or chill free speech and ensuring
that all people can exercise these
constitutional rights.

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Policy Two Specifics:

There have been increasing legislative attacks on free speech from
both the left and the right in recent years. Whether it is protesting
pipelines, kneeling during the National Anthem or engaging in a
political boycott, the right to speak, protest and dissent has long been
a part of our history in the movement toward equality. Legislative
attacks against free speech include so-called critical infrastructure
bills, which increase penalties for protesting pipelines and other
“critical infrastructure,” bills that restrict the right to engage in
political boycotts, campus “free speech” bills that actually suppress
the ability to organize and assemble and bills that force protesters to
pay for policing. One of the biggest threats to speech today are the
attempts to silence social movements, including those advocating for
Palestinian rights, Black liberation in the United States, Indigenous
rights and environmental progress. Whether it’s the attempts to
create federal or state laws banning political boycotts or criticism of
Israel (including the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions tactic), targeting
environmental protest or preventing students and faculty on college
campuses from expressing their views or engaging in peaceable
assembly, the silencing of one side of the debate is precisely what our
First Amendment protects against.

Theory of Change:
By opposing threats to free speech, we are protecting our constitutional rights and
protecting the ability to organize, assemble, dissent and engage in social

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Reproductive Rights,
Health, and Justice

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Relevant Unity Principle:

We believe all people should have
access to safe, legal, affordable,
comprehensive reproductive
healthcare, including birth control and
abortion. We do not accept any
federal, state or local rollbacks, cuts or
restrictions on our ability to access
quality reproductive healthcare
services, (including but not limited to
birth control, HIV/AIDS care and
prevention, abortion and maternity
care) or medically accurate sexuality
education.  We understand that we
can only have reproductive justice
when people have the ability to
control their own bodies, their
sexuality, their gender, their work and
their reproduction. To that end, all
people, regardless of income, race,
ethnicity, immigration status, gender
identity, sexual orientation, age and
disability, must have access — and not
just the right — to reproductive

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Policy One Prescription and Goals:

Reducing racial health disparities

in maternal health

The United States is one of only 13 countries in the world where the
rate of maternal mortality is now worse than it was 25 years ago. For
Black women, the risk of death from pregnancy-related causes is
three to four times higher than for white women, and Black women
are twice as likely to suffer from life-threatening pregnancy

A focus on doula and midwife access are a key part of the solution to
addressing maternal mortality and morbidity, and the racial
disparities present. Evidence shows that Certified Professional
Midwives (CPMs) improve outcomes while utilizing fewer and less
costly interventions, and doulas reduce the occurrences of C-sections.
Doulas can also help alleviate racial stress and fears of implicit bias,
which has been proven to be one of the causes of racial disparities in
maternal deaths and injury.

The Maternal Care Access and Reducing Emergencies (CARE) Act
aims to ensure that all women have access to culturally competent,
holistic care, and to address the implicit biases in our healthcare
system. The MOMS Act would provide new funding to hospitals with
obstetrics and gynecology practices that want to improve their
response to pregnancy-related and pregnancy-associated
complications by implementing standardized best practices that
could save lives.

Policy ONE Specifics:

• Create two new grant programs focused on reducing racial health
disparities in maternal health:
• Implicit Bias Training Grants: Addresses implicit bias — bias in
judgment or behavior resulting from implicit attitudes and
stereotypes — by establishing competitive grants directed to
medical schools, nursing schools and other health professional
training programs to support implicit bias training. Priority is given
for training in obstetrics and gynecology.

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Policy ONE Specifics (CONT’D):

• Pregnancy Medical Home Demonstration Project: Assists up to 10
states with implementing and sustaining pregnancy medical home
(PMH) programs to incentivize maternal healthcare providers to
deliver integrated healthcare services to pregnant women and new
mothers and reduce adverse maternal health outcomes, maternal
deaths and racial health disparities in maternal mortality and
• Direct the National Academy of Medicine to study and make
recommendations for incorporating bias recognition in clinical skills
testing for U.S. medical schools.
• Help our hospitals monitor all mothers before, during, and after they
give birth, for preventable but potentially fatal conditions like
hemorrhage and preeclampsia, and it would provide them with the
federal funding they need to purchase supplies to implement new
procedures and effectively treat patients.
• Support state efforts to enable doula and midwife birth to be more
accessible to all people giving birth. Expand medicaid to cover doula

Theory of Change:
This policy will create trainings for medical professionals and improve care services
by addressing implicit biases in our healthcare system leading to a reduction in
maternal mortality disparities.

Sen. Harris Introduces Bill Aimed at Reducing Racial Disparities in Maternal Mortality (Kamala D. Harris, U.S. Senator for
New Legislation To Help Reduce Maternal Deaths, Help Hospitals Implement Best Practices To Prevent Women From Dying
Before, During And After Childbirth
Black doulas, midwives and reproductive health advocates step up in response to rising black maternal deaths
Midwifery care at hospitals is associated with fewer medical interventions

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The EACH Woman Act
Reproductive freedom is truly at stake in this country with over 57
percent of people in America living in a state that is hostile to their
reproductive health. With an anti-choice Supreme Court poised to
overturn Roe v. Wade as soon as this spring, we must enact proactive
policies that protect and expand reproductive healthcare and look to
protect freedom of bodily autonomy wherever we can.

Since the Hyde Amendment was passed in 1976, anti-abortion federal
politicians have added abortion coverage and funding bans to
programs affecting: Medicaid, Medicare and Children’s Health
Insurance Program enrollees; Federal employees and their
dependents; Peace Corps volunteers; Native Americans; Women in
federal prisons and detention centers, including those detained for
immigration purposes; Military servicewomen, veterans and their
dependents; and low-income women in the District of Columbia.
When federal funding for abortion care is restricted, women of color
suffer a disproportionate lack of access to care.

Currently, 35 states do not cover abortion within their state Medicaid
programs. Additionally, anti-abortion politicians in 26 states have
enacted restrictions that interfere with abortion as a covered health
service in health plans offered by health insurance exchanges, 22
states restrict abortion coverage in insurance plans available for
public employees, and 10 states have laws restricting insurance
coverage of abortion in all private insurance plans written in the state.
The EACH Woman Act is bold legislation to reverse the Hyde
Amendment and related abortion funding restrictions.

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• Sets up the federal government as a standard-bearer, ensuring that
every woman who receives care or insurance through the federal
government will have coverage for abortion services. The EACH
Woman Act restores abortion coverage to those:
• enrolled in a government health insurance plan (i.e., Medicaid,
Medicare), including those who live in the District of Columbia;
• enrolled in a government-managed health insurance program (i.e.,
FEHBP, TRICARE) due to an employment relationship; or
• receiving healthcare from a government provider or program (i.e.,
Indian Health Services, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the Veterans
• Limits political interference with decisions by private health insurance
companies to offer coverage for abortion care.  

Theory of Change:
This policy will create and expand access to abortion care by reversing the Hyde
Amendment and related abortion funding restrictions leading to more equitable
access to abortion care.

The Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance (EACH Woman) Act (All Above All)

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Ending Violence Against

Women and Femmes

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Relevant Unity Principle:

Women, girls and people across the gender spectrum have the right to live full
and healthy lives, free of all forms of violence against our bodies. One in three
women have been victims of some form of physical violence by an intimate
partner within their lifetime; one in five women have been raped. Further, each
year, thousands of women and girls, particularly Black, Indigenous and
transgender women and girls, are kidnapped, trafficked or murdered. We
honor the lives of those women who were taken before their time and we
affirm that we work for a day when all forms of violence against women are
eliminated. We believe that gun violence is a women's issue and that guns are
not how we keep our communities free from violence.

Policy One Prescription and Goals: Permanent

federal funding to end gender-based violence
We demand full federal funding to do the work of ending gender-
based violence. Funds distributed must prioritize community-based
organizations outside of law enforcement and be focused on survivors
to prevent further state violence/state-sanctioned violence on
communities of color, immigrant communities, indigenous people, and
LGBTQIA+ communities, especially trans people of color. Also included
is the imperative that tribal communities have access to national
databases. This funding will include: investing in community-based
interventions which center survivors, educate communities about
consent and shift the social and political conditions which lead to
gender based violence; passing Savanna’s Act into federal legislation to
track, document and annually report on Missing and Murdered
Indigenous People; demanding increased federal funding to end
gender-based violence to prevent the protection of women and
femmes from being a political token that is bargained every couple of

Currently, we are calling for the reauthorization of the Violence Against
Women Act (VAWA), including the Special Domestic Violence Criminal
Jurisdiction (SDVCJ) program and the recognition of  tribal protection
orders. We are calling for the reauthorization of VAWA at full funding
while recognizing that it is not a perfect law, and does not ultimately
cure the pervasive and entrenched ideas which create cultures of

  AGENDA © 2019

Policy One Specifics:

• Expansion of the crimes that are covered
under SDVCJ. SDVCJ currently covers crimes
against children, crimes involving drugs and
alcohol and crimes that occur within the
criminal justice system. There needs to be
clarification of the federal definition of
domestic violence.
• Tribal access to the national criminal
database addresses the severe
underreporting of missing and murdered
indigenous women
• Funding must prioritize survivor-focused
decision-making and community-based
interventions, which are safer and more
integrative for black and brown people,
LGBTQIA+ communities, low-income people
and all people targeted by police violence.
 Law enforcement should be aware of and
utilize community-based alternatives to the
criminal justice system whenever the
survivor chooses them.
• Policies should include inclusive language.
Prioritizing inclusivity, expanded language
concerning definitions of relationships.
• Sexual Assault survivors Bill of Rights passed
in all 50 states

Theory of Change:
This policy will provide community-based
interventions and much needed resources by
allocating permanent federal funding for
community organizations and tribal
communities, leading to increased reporting and
data to confront the gender-based violence
facing all women, prioritizing women of color,
Indigenous women and LGBTQIA+ people.
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (Urban Indian Health
Police in Many Cities Fail to Track Murdered, Missing Indigenous Women
VAWA 2013’s Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction Five-Year
Report (National Congress of American Indians)
Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights
AGENDA © 2019

Policy Two Prescription

and Goals: Ending
workplace harassment
and Expanding Title VII 

of the Civil Rights Act 

of 1964
We must ensure that workplaces are
safe and that all workers are covered
against harassment at work, including
sexual assault, regardless of the size of
employer or workforce. We recognize
that protecting worker organizing to
address and end workplace sexual
violence is necessary to support
workers who speak out.

We call for expanding Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, protecting
Obama-era Title IX provisions for
survivors who are students on college
campuses, and creating a durable,
enforceable workplace sexual
harassment and assault social
responsibility programs. We also call for
the strengthening protections against
workplace harassment and
discrimination by demanding
protections outlined in “A Call for
Legislative Action to Eliminate
Workplace Harassment” a coalition
resource organized  by the National
Women’s Law Center, ACLU, and the
Leadership Conference on Civil and
Human Rights.

AGENDA © 2019

Policy Two Specifics:

• Bring to full fruition the demands of
the TIME’S UP movement by
creating durable, enforceable
workplace sexual harassment and
assault social responsibility
programs that emphasis on the
experiences of survivors for all
• Support the replication of the model
of Worker-driven Social
Responsibility, which has had
unprecedented success in ending
and preventing sexual assault and
harassment by both supervisors and
co-workers for tens of thousands of
farmworkers in U.S. agriculture.  Here
is a link to information on how
Worker-driven Social Responsibility
is preventing sexual assault and
dramatically diminishing
harassment in US agriculture
through the Fair Food Program. The
model is already being translated
into other industries and workplaces
as well. This market-based model
would complement Title VII
expansion and reform with a set of
enforcement mechanisms that
demand private sector
accountability in industries ranging
from farm labor to entertainment.

AGENDA © 2019

Theory of Change:
This policy will increase protections for all
women and femmes in the workplace by
demanding implementation of the
comprehensive outline of reforms that
prioritize prevention of workplace
harassment and discrimination, leading to
strengthened workplace protections.

A Call to Legislative Action to Eliminate Workplace Harassment
(ACLU et al)
Fair Food Program 2017 Report
Now the Fear is Gone: Advancing Gender Justice through
Worker-driven Social Responsibility (Worker-Driven Social
Responsibility Network)

AGENDA © 2019

Ending State Violence

AGENDA © 2019

Relevant Unity Principle:

We believe in accountability and justice for police brutality, addressing our
national mass incarceration crisis, and ending racial profiling and targeting of
communities of color and Indigenous peoples. Women of color and Indigenous
women are killed in police custody at greater rates and are more likely to be
sexually assaulted by police. Women of color, especially Black women, are
grossly over-represented in the criminal justice system, and women with
disabilities are disproportionately likely to experience use of force at the hands of
police and sexual assault in general. Immigrant women and girls and
transgender people are put at increased risk of sexual violence while
incarcerated in federal immigration detention camps. We also call for an
immediate end to arming police with the military grade weapons and tactics
that are wreaking havoc on communities of color and tribal treaty territory. No
woman or mother should have to fear that she or her loved ones will be harmed
at the hands of those sworn to protect.

Policy One Prescription and Goals:

Promoting law enforcement policy that
sexual violence is a civil rights violation
Currently, there is no recourse for survivors of sexual violence
perpetrated by law enforcement. There is no explicit policy that bars law
enforcement officers from engaging in sexual activity with individuals
in their custody. And even a policy barring such activity would not be
able to comprehensively take into account the power dynamics, threat
of arrest and incarceration or simply the fear born from over-
criminalization. This is a thoroughly documented but under-addressed
issue, often left out of the conversation on police violence. Therefore,
this policy priority seeks to establish a department policy that creates
accountability for officers engaging in sexual contact while operating
under the color of law while creating recourse for survivors of police
sexual violence. Knowing that, in many instances, reports of sexual
violence go to the same officers and institutions which enact that
violence, this includes a recommendation for states to develop non-law
enforcement mechanisms where individuals can report sexual violence,
prioritizing community-based interventions.

AGENDA © 2019

Policy One Specifics:

• Demand that Congress pass a
resolution that declares sexual activity
while operating under the color of law
or with an individual in their custody a
violation of a person's civil rights for
which the survivor could access
• Demand a congressional hearing in
2019 on the pervasiveness of sexual
violence perpetrated by federal law
enforcement officers
• Request a report from the Government
Accountability Office (GAO) on all
regulations and Department policies on
sexual conduct while operating under
the color of law
• Withhold departmental funding from
enforcement agencies until they offer
and implement a directive which bars
and ensures accountability for sexual
conduct while operating under the
color of law
• Encourage states to pass similar laws
through grant prioritization
• Encourage states to develop non-law
enforcement reporting bodies for
investigations and accountability of
sexual violence by law enforcement
through either grant prioritization or
allocation of funding through the
federal Office of Victims of Crime
• Ensure that victims can access
supportive services and compensation

AGENDA © 2019

Theory of Change:
This policy will contribute to the safety and
wellbeing of women in interactions with the
state in myriad ways, including creating a
public dialogue and elevating the issue of
sexual violence and law enforcement
misconduct that it will be a significant
expansion of the discussion of police violence,
which often lacks a gender-informed lens. This
policy would, for the first time, also explicitly
demand prohibition of a form of state violence
which is currently ignored, and it would
encourage states to invest in community-
based reporting systems and solutions,
thereby expanding an understanding of justice
from exclusively criminal-legal-centered
models and uplifting the possibility of
community accountability and oversight for
law enforcement.

This policy will create safer interactions with

law enforcement by increasing accountability
and visibility of sexually abusive officers and
discouraging the behavior.

How some cops use the badge to commit sex crimes
(Washington Post)
Police Sexual Abuse of Teen Girls (University of
Nebraska report)

AGENDA © 2019

Policy Two Prescription

and Goals: Protecting
trans women, girls and
nonbinary adults and
youth from discrimination
in school
Policy at the federal level that ensures the
safety and protection of  lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex,
asexual, gender non-conforming and
non-binary (LGBTQIA+) youth, young
women and girls from discrimination in

Policy Two Specifics:

• Prioritizing and centering the
experiences of women and girls,
including LGBTQIA+, disabled, and
nonbinary youth of color, in initiatives
aimed at ending the school to prison
pipeline and disparate discipline within
• Ensuring that women and girls,
including LGBTQIA+, disabled, and
nonbinary youth of color, enjoy explicit
protections from discrimination and
harassment under Title IX of the
Education Amendments Act of 1972

AGENDA © 2019

Theory of Change:
This policy establishes protections at the
federal level for LGBTQIA+ youth and
young women and girls that prioritizes
LGBTQIA+ youth, girls with disabilities and
girls of color to disrupt the school-to-prison
pipeline that leads to disproportionate
discipline, criminalization and expulsion.

“Like Walking Through a Hailstorm”: Discrimination Against LGBT
Youth in U.S. Schools (Human Rights Watch)
On A Mission for Girls of Color: Injustice and the Justice System

AGENDA © 2019

Economic Justice and

Workers’ Rights
Relevant Unity Principle 

We believe in an economy powered by transparency, accountability,
security and equity. We believe that creating workforce
opportunities that reduce discrimination against women and
mothers allow economies to thrive. Nations and industries that
support and invest in caregiving and basic workplace protections—
including benefits like paid family leave, access to affordable
childcare, sick days, healthcare, fair pay, vacation time, and healthy
work environments—have shown growth and increased capacity.

We believe in equal pay for equal work and the right of all women to
be paid equitably. We must end the pay and hiring discrimination
that women, particularly mothers, women of color, Indigenous
women, lesbian, queer and trans women still face each day in our
nation, as well as discrimination against workers with disabilities,
who can currently legally be paid less than federal minimum wage.
Many mothers have always worked in our modern labor force; and
women are now 50% of all family breadwinners. We stand for the
82% of women who become moms, particularly moms of color,
being paid, judged, and treated fairly. Equal pay for equal work will
lift families out of poverty and boost our nation’s economy.

AGENDA © 2019

Policy One Prescription and Goals:

Ending the student debt crisis

U.S. student loan debt has reached $1.53 trillion. Though median
household incomes in the United States have risen only 21 percent
since 1976, the median price of college attendance has risen by 148
percent due to widespread disinvestment from higher education at
the state level. The gap between stagnant household incomes and the
price of attendance is filled by student loans, which are readily
available to almost all college students but also nearly impossible to
discharge in bankruptcy, meaning they become a lifelong burden for
many students who rely on them to attend college.
Between 1976 and 2016, the portion of enrolled college students who
were not white more than doubled, from 16 percent to 43 percent. This
increased diversity within colleges and universities has occurred
alongside the increased price of attendance, and as a result women —
and particularly women of color — are more likely to take on debt (41
percent of female undergraduates took on debt in 2015–16 compared
to 35 percent of male undergraduates). On average women take on
more debt than men at almost every degree level and type.
Student debt exacerbates income and wealth inequality, and creates a
drag not only on the economic futures of debtors and their families,
but on the entire economy. Student loan debt is the only kind of debt
that cannot be discharged in bankruptcy; the federal government
issues/owns 90 percent of it.

Policy One Specifics:
• Federal government cancels all of the student debt it owns
• State governments cancel all the student debt they own
• Federal government incentivizes expansion of state and local programs
to make public higher education free of charge at the point of service
• Establish a regulatory system to address abusive servicing practices by
private lenders
• Create tax incentives for employers  to relieve student debt taken on
through private providers by passing Itchoak’s Student Loan Debt
Purchasing Corporate Tax Relief Act of 2019.

AGENDA © 2019

Theory of Change:
This policy will eliminate existing student debt
through loan cancellation and the regulation of
loan providers, leading to expanded economic
opportunity for college graduates and creating
salutary effects for the economy as a whole.

U.S. Student Loan Debt Reaches a Staggering $1.53 trillion
(Washington Post)
Women’s Student Debt Crisis in the United States (AAUW)
The Student Debt Crisis, Labor Market Credentialization and Racial
Inequality (Roosevelt Institute)
The Macroeconomic Effects of Student Loan Cancellation (Levy
Economics Institute)

AGENDA © 2019

Policy Two Prescription and Goals: 

The right to organize and form a union

• The right to organize and join a union is essential for giving workers
the power to earn fair wages, create more equitable workplaces, and
exercise their right to have a voice on the job. However, the National
Labor Relations Act (NLRA) is weak, badly outdated and excludes
domestic workers and farm workers.
• In addition to increased earning power for workers, unions are
instrumental in closing the wage gap for women. Unionized workers
are more likely to have access to healthcare that meets their needs,
paid family leave, and paid sick time. Labor unions also offer
resources and the power of a collective voice that are essential in
fighting harassment, discrimination and power for workers who are
generally underrepresented.
• This legislation would address challenges faced by workers in right-
to-work states as well as protect against any potential executive
orders that could affect the right to organize.

Policy Two Specifics:

• Affirm that workers in every state, Washington, D.C., and territories
have the right to form and join a union.
• This right is extended to workers left out of previous legislation,
including farm workers, domestic workers, immigrant workers,
graduate students, and other precarious forms of employment.
• Pass H.R. 6080, the Workers Freedom to Negotiate Act, which will
modernize the NLRA, increase penalties on recalcitrant employers,
and protect workers’ right to strike.

Theory of Change:
This policy will expand and protect workers’ right to collectively bargain by
overriding right-to-work legislation leading to more equitable workplaces, fair
wages, and a voice on the job. Raising wages will move more women and their
families out of poverty.

Unions help narrow the gender wage gap (EPI)
Women, Working Families & Unions (CEPR)

AGENDA © 2019

Policy Three Prescription and Goals:

Paycheck Fairness Act
• The landmark Equal Pay Act of 1963 made it illegal for employers to
pay unequal wages to men and women who perform substantially
equal work. The Equal Pay Act and the civil rights laws that followed
helped change the workplace and began to combat wage
inequality, but these laws have not closed the persistent gap
between women’s and men’s wages.
• Today, women who work full time, year-round are paid, on average,
only 80 cents for every dollar paid to men, resulting in a gap of
$10,169 each year. The gap is worse for women of color: on average,
Latinas are typically paid 53 cents, Native American women 58 cents
and Black women just 61 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-
Hispanic men. This disparity exists in every state, regardless of
geography, occupation, education or work patterns.
• The Paycheck Fairness Act would help to close these punishing
gaps by eliminating loopholes in the Equal Pay Act, helping to break
harmful patterns of pay discrimination and strengthening
workplace protections for women. It is a reasonable and
comprehensive bill that would combat the wage discrimination that
has plagued the nation for decades.


For employees, the Paycheck Fairness Act would:  
• Protect against retaliation for discussing salaries with colleagues
• Prohibit employers from screening job applicants based on their salary
history or requiring salary history during the interview and hiring process
• Require employers to prove that pay disparities exist for legitimate, job-
related reasons  
• Provide plaintiffs who file sex-based wage discrimination claims under
the Equal Pay Act with the same remedies as are available to plaintiffs
who file race- or ethnicity-based wage discrimination claims under the
Civil Rights Act  
• Remove obstacles in the Equal Pay Act to facilitate plaintiffs’ participation
in class action lawsuits that challenge systemic pay discrimination  
• Create a negotiation skills training program for women and girls

AGENDA © 2019

Policy Three SPECIFICS (CONT’D):

For employers, the Paycheck Fairness Act would:  
• Recognize excellence in pay practices  
• Provide assistance to businesses of all sizes that need help with
their equal pay practices

For enforcement agencies, the Paycheck Fairness Act would:  

• Help ensure the Department of Labor (DOL) uses the full range of
investigatory tools to uncover wage discrimination, including
collecting federal contractors’ wage data  
• Direct the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to conduct
a survey of available wage information to assist federal agencies in
enforcing wage discrimination laws and creating a system to collect
wage data
• Instruct the DOL to conduct studies and review available research
and data to provide information on how to identify, correct and
eliminate illegal wage disparities

Theory of Change:
Women’s wages are key to their families’ economic security. Mothers are primary or
sole breadwinners in half of U.S. households with children, and just over one-quarter
of female-headed households have incomes that fall below the poverty level. As a
group, the wage gap costs women who are employed full time in the United States
more than $900 billion every year. These lost wages mean families have less money
to spend on goods and services that help drive economic growth and less money to
save for education, home ownership and retirement.

Paycheck Fairness Act (National Partnership for Women and Families)

AGENDA © 2019

Immigrant Rights
Relevant Unity Principle
Rooted in the promise of America’s call for huddled masses
yearning to breathe free, we believe in immigrant and refugee
rights regardless of status or country of origin. It is our moral duty
to keep families together and empower all aspiring Americans to
fully participate in, and contribute to, our economy and society.
We reject mass deportation and incarceration, family detention,
violations of due process and violence against queer and trans
migrants. Immigration reform must establish a roadmap to
citizenship and provide equal opportunities and workplace
protections for all. We recognize that the call to action to love our
neighbor is not limited to the United States, because there is a
global migration crisis. We believe migration is a human right
and that no human being is illegal.

AGENDA © 2019

Policy One Prescription and Goals: Reining in

the enforcement state and defunding hate
We believe in a radical transformation of the current immigration
enforcement regime that is devastating the lives of immigrants, their
families and communities across the country. We call on Congress to enact
policies that respect the basic human rights of immigrants, the sanctity of
families and that creates a common-sense and humane immigration
process to build a brighter future for the United States.

We demand the shutdown of all forms of immigrant detention and the
private prison industry, which profits off of the incarceration of millions of
immigrants and Black and brown people throughout the country.
Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was created in 2003 under
the guise of counterterrorism, and now terrorizes immigrant communities
with impunity under the Trump administration. While we call for
accountability for all government agencies interfacing with immigrants, we
recognize that ICE is an unconstitutional and ultimately needs to be

Policy One Specifics:
We are calling for an end to the violence and human rights abuses toward
immigrants and their families in two main areas:
1. Border Enforcement: We demand Congress immediately stop allocating
taxpayer dollars to fund the violent actions of Border Patrol, including
harassing, detaining, killing and terrorizing migrants and border
communities, and the building of any border wall or fencing along the
southern border.
• We call for a complete end to family separation at the U.S. /Mexico
border and the full restoration of rights for those seeking asylum.
• We call for the fundamental right of due process to be honored,
including fair, credible and reasonable fear interviews and access to
free, high-quality immigration legal representation.
• We call for a complete de-escalation and de-militarization of the
country’s borders, including an end to the use of military-grade
weaponry, stringent oversight of Border Patrol and accountability for
xenophobic paramilitary groups.  

AGENDA © 2019

Policy One Specifics (CONT’D):

2. Interior Enforcement: We demand that Congress immediately stop re-
allocating taxpayer dollars to fund the arrest, detention and deportation
of immigrant members of our communities.  
• Congress must engage in aggressive oversight of  immigration
enforcement agencies, including the Department of Homeland
Security, ICE, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and must be
held accountable to the U.S. Constitution for any human or civil rights
abuses perpetrated by their agents. In addition to aggressive
Congressional oversight of these agencies, immigration enforcement
agencies require an independent oversight body that has the power to
make real change at the agencies.
• We demand the repeal of outdated federal laws from 1996 (8 U.S. Code
§ 1325 and 1326) that criminalize migration and are used to target,
incarcerate and deport immigrants. We demand the cessation of
immigration check-in and record review appointments as an avenue to
capture and deport immigrants.
• We demand that all immigrants facing deportation are afforded true
due process and a fair day in Immigration Court, including access to
free, high-quality legal representation, in addition to interpretation in
the language spoken and understood by the impacted individuals.
• We call for the freedom and protection of all state and local
jurisdictions that have sanctuary and community-trust policies.

This policy will create a safer, more welcoming, and more just America by granting
immigrants their rights.

New American Dreams Platform (National Partnership for New Americans)
Sanctuary City Toolkit (National Immigration Law Center)
Border Manifesto (Southern Border Communities Coalition)
2016 Hispanic Public Policy Agenda (National Hispanic Leadership Agenda)


AGENDA © 2019

Policy Two Prescription and Goals:

Proactive short-term solutions
We live in a complex world and need responsive immigration systems
to address the global impact of U.S. intervention and action. Therefore,
we call for a comprehensive re-envisioning of our immigration system.
But until then, we must take action to create a road to citizenship for
immigrant youth and recipients of Temporary Protected Status and
Deferred Enforced Departure (TPS and DED). We must maintain the
country’s commitment to future generations of immigrants — family
reunification, diversity visas, refugee resettlement.


• Congress must immediately pass clean, stand-alone legislation that
would provide a road to citizenship for immigrant youth and
recipients of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred
Enforced Departure (DED). In the 115th Congress, this was embodied
through the Dream Act of 2017 (H.R. 3440) and the American
Promise Act (H.R. 4253).
• No changes should be made that undermine the country’s long-
standing commitment to the family reunification immigration
system, existing asylum law, protections against indefinite detention
or the diversity visa lottery program.
• We call on Congress to rescind the discriminatory Muslim ban and
pass legislation to prevent future bans which separate families,
prevent individuals from receiving life-saving health care, and keep
people from pursuing educational opportunities among other
• The country must recommit to providing humanitarian protections
for individuals seeking refuge in the United States by increasing the
country’s refugee resettlement numbers to at least 75,000 per year.

AGENDA © 2019


• Resource the effective and efficient administration of the screening
and processing of protection requests made at our borders by
funding ports of entry, immigration courts and asylum officers so
that asylum seekers can be efficiently and effectively processed
when they arrive at our border seeking protection.
• Ensure that Border Patrol stations and ports of entry are staffed with
child welfare workers, mental health specialists and medical
professionals qualified to assist with the short-term custody of
unaccompanied children, family units and other vulnerable
• End any practice of “metering” or “queue management” that illegally
forces those seeking asylum to wait in Mexico, often for days or
weeks, to present themselves at a port of entry. Even the DHS Office
of Inspector General (OIG) recently found evidence that these
practices may force asylum seekers to instead try to cross between
• Respect the rule of law and right to apply for asylum by rescinding
policies and plans for policies that illegally deny access to the U.S.
asylum process. These include the “Asylum Ban” the administration
announced in November 2018 and the “Remain in Mexico” plan
announced in December 2018.
• Maintain critical legal protections governing the treatment, custody
and access to asylum for all unaccompanied children, including as
found in the TVPRA and in the Flores Settlement Agreement.
• Expand and use proven, cost-effective case management support
programs that facilitate the immigration process while someone
resides in the community rather than in an immigration jail. The
administration ended one such government program in 2017 despite
compliance rates of over 99 percent at a fraction of the cost of

Women and Children Seeking Protection are Not ‘Loopholes’ (Women’s Refugee Commission) 

AGENDA © 2019


AGENDA © 2019

Relevant Unity Principle:

We firmly declare that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex,
Asexual, Gender Non-Conforming, and Non-Binary (LGBTQIA+) rights are human
rights and that it is our obligation to uplift, expand and protect the rights of our
gay, lesbian, bi, queer, trans, two-spirit or gender non-conforming siblings.  This
includes access to non-judgmental, comprehensive healthcare with no exceptions
or limitations; access to name and gender changes on identity documents; full
anti-discrimination protections; access to education, employment, housing and
benefits; and an end to police and state violence.   

Policy One Prescription and Goals: 

Equality Act
We call for the full support and passage of the Equality Act, which
formally codifies what case law decisions have already confirmed: that
LGBTQIA+ persons enjoy broad protection under federal anti-
discrimination law. This legislation has existed in Congress in many
different iterations for nearly four decades, and will grant the
LGBTQIA+ community comprehensive and explicit federal protections
in key areas of life such as employment, housing, credit, education,
public accommodations and all federal programs.

Policy One Specifics:

We call upon the 116th Congress to adopt legislation that follows the
latest template for the Equality Act from the 115th Congress
(2017-2018), H.R. 2282, and ensures that sexual orientation and gender
identity be included in all areas of the amendment to the Civil Right
Act of 1964. (See this Rewire article for more.)

Theory of Change:
The passage of the Equality Act will strengthen existing protections for the LGBTQIA+
community under federal anti-discrimination laws by codifying them in comprehensive
federal non-discrimination legislation that enables LGBTQIA+ persons to live full lives and
participate in society without fear of being discriminated and excluded based on their

The Equality Act (
New Congress Opens Door for Renewed Push for LGBTQ Equality Act (Rewire)
LGBTQ Elected Officials’ Letter to the 116th Congress (Victory Institute)
152 LGBT Elected Officials Sign List of Priorities for Incoming Congress (The Hill)
The Equality Act Primer (Human Rights Campaign)

AGENDA © 2019

Policy Two Prescription and Goals: End the

Criminalization of LGBTQIA+ Persons
LGBTQIA+ people, and especially trans women of color, are overrepresented in
our criminal justice system. This system disproportionately targets people of
color, immigrants, people with mental illnesses and low-income people.
LGBTQIA+ people are disproportionately represented in all of these
communities and often face discrimination and harsher-than-normal
punishment in their interactions with the criminal justice system. While the
criminal justice system must be rebuilt to eliminate discriminatory police
practices, the criminalization of LGBTQIA+ people and the heavy reliance on
incarceration, there are three priority areas that we demand be addressed in
the next two years: reform of the treatment of trans people behind bars; an
end to overrepresentation of LGBTQIA+ people in the juvenile justice system
and an end to criminalization of voluntary adult sex workers.

Policy Two Specifics:

• We call for the passage and continued support for the resolution initially
introduced in the 115th Congress which recognizes the violence and
discriminatory policing that trans women of color face in America and
calls for the adoption of remedial measures.
• We demand that trans people who are incarcerated be housed in prison
facilities according to their gender when requested; are not placed in
solitary confinement under the auspices of safety and have access to
comprehensive medical care, commissary items and grooming
conventions supportive of social transition behind bars.
• We call for an end to the over-representation of LGBTQIA+ people in the
juvenile justice system and behind bars. With respect to youth, we call for
the government to invest in social services programs that provide
LGBTQIA+ youth peer support, provide technical assistance to their
caregivers and offer cultural and early childhood development
competency training for social workers and foster parents caring for out of
home youth.
• We call for an end to the criminalization of voluntary sex work by adults
under federal law, including repeal of  the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers
Act (SESTA) and the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) in
recognition of the fact that sex work offers an important means of survival
for some within the LGBTQIA+ community.

AGENDA © 2019

Theory of Change:
Adopting this policy proposal will enable
LGBTQIA+ people to lead safer, more
fulfilling lives by reducing the extent they
are targeted within the criminal justice
system and brutalized within the system of
mass incarceration.

Unjust: How the Broken Criminal Justice System Fails LGBT People
(Center for American Progress)
Recognizing the Violence and Other Challenges Faced by
Transgender Women of Color in America (
Hormone Therapy for Inmates: A Metonym for Transgender Rights
(Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy)
HIV Criminalization in the United States (The Center for HIV Law
and Policy)

AGENDA © 2019


AGENDA © 2019

Relevant Unity Principle:

We believe gender justice is racial justice is economic justice. We must
create a society in which all women — including Black women, Indigenous
women, poor women, immigrant women, disabled women, Jewish women,
Muslim women, Sikh women, Latinx women, Asian and Pacific Islander
women, lesbian, bi, queer and trans women — are free and able to care for
and nurture themselves and their families, however they are formed, in
safe and healthy environments free from structural impediments.

Policy One Prescription and Goals: 

End all forms of family separation
Families should be together. Recent conversation around family
separation has been in the context of immigration: the “zero-
tolerance” prosecution policy led to thousands of children being taken
from their parents’ arms and detained in facilities compared to
internment camps, and the rescission of the Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which immediately placed
800,000 young people at risk of deportation and potentially being
separated from their families.

The U.S. government’s family separation policies find their roots in the
slave trade, forced boarding school assimilation of nearly 2/3 of all
Native American children in the 19th and 20th centuries. Now, it’s a
fundamental part of the juvenile and criminal legal systems: youth
incarceration, parents being transferred to prisons hundreds or
thousands of miles from their families unable to see their children
regularly, incarcerated new mothers being denied visitation with their
newborn children and children of color being disproportionately
placed into the foster care system. Family separation and removal is a
traumatic experience that requires a holistic approach in order to
come to an end. Government agencies must take steps to protect
families from separation and repair wounds caused by malfeasance. A
comprehensive federal policy to definitively end family separation
must address underlying issues that set conditions that increase the
likelihood of separation, reform the systems that perpetuate
separationary policies and address the irreparable damage caused
from separation.

AGENDA © 2019

Policy One Specifics:

• Provide trauma-informed care for refugees, asylum seekers, survivors of
domestic violence, sexual assault and abuse and for families currently
separated or recently reunited.
• Increase accessibility and information for low-income populations in areas
of Medicaid, after-school programs and childcare.
• Examine our relationship with child welfare, juvenile, and criminal legal
systems. Advocate for legislation which protects families and children as
they become known to or involved with government agencies, be they
immigration and homeland security, justice, child welfare, etc.
• Support current legislative protections, including upholding the Indian
Child Welfare Act, which has provided protections against the breakup of
Native American families since its passage into law in 1978.
• Develop evidence-based policies that honor decades of research
demonstrating that youth should not be incarcerated. Provide
community-based rehabilitation programs and outreach services as an
alternative to youth incarceration.
• Address disproportionality of children of color in our current child welfare
systems. Strengthen the efforts to support and stabilize families through
active efforts and services in communities.  
• Prioritize keeping families together. Ensure that incarcerated mothers are
granted visitation with newborn children, limit the transfer of incarcerated
parents and provide advanced notice before transferring individuals with
children between prisons.
• Federal immigration policy and practices should never involve separating
children and families of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and
• Commit to repairing the trauma and emotional loss caused by separating
• Expand the use of restorative practices, community-based treatment
and other alternatives to incarceration for trauma survivors who come
into contact with the juvenile justice and criminal justice systems.
• Scale up and fund professional development and training for
healthcare professionals, law enforcement officers, court personnel,
child protective services, correctional officers, teachers and other youth
serving personnel in cultural competence, implicit bias and trauma
informed practice.

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Theory of Change:
Ending family separation must begin by
affirming the universal right to having a
family and recognizing that families should
not be separated. We must then address
the underlying conditions that exacerbate
separation in the United States: access
and availability of childcare (particularly
among low-income families), inequalities
and unjust practices within the criminal
legal and immigration systems and racism
that pervades state institutions.  

Girls of Color and Trauma (YWCA)
How Incarcerated Parents are Losing Their Children Forever
(Marshall Project)
Foster Care as Punishment: The New Reality of ‘Jane Crow’ (The
New York Times)
For Women of Color, the Child Welfare System Functions Like the
Criminal Justice System (The Nation)
Prison, Foster Care and the Systemic Punishment of Black Mothers
(UCLA Law Review)
Disproportionality Rates for Children of Color in Foster Care
(National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges)
The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition
How New ICWA Guidelines, Regulations Support Native American
Children (The Chronicle of Social Change)
Youth Prisons Don’t Work. Here’s What Does (Time)
End the War on Black People (The Movement for Black Lives)

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Policy Two Prescription and Goals: 

End Racial and Religious Profiling 

and the NO HATE Act
The 2016 United States presidential election cycle and ultimately first
year of President Trump’s administration has caused a disturbing
surge in hate violence, fueling a palpable and unparalleled
atmosphere of hate and suspicion. While racism and hate violence is
not new to the American story, the prominence of a leader known for
increasingly toxic political rhetoric has been central to the rise in acts
of hate. A report released by SAALT found that one in five
perpetrators of hate violence incidents against Muslims referenced
President Trump, a Trump policy, or a Trump campaign slogan,
underlining a strong link between President Trump’s rhetoric and
hate violence post-election.

Continuing to characterize white perpetrators of hate violence as lone
actors ignores systemic racism, the long history of campaigns of
terror by white supremacists, and the danger of hate speech from
people in positions of power. Local government must be more
responsive to the reality that renewed boldness in white supremacist
violence creates. Law enforcement has largely ignored the
resurgence of white nationalism, while instead choosing to target
activists of color. The data is clear that certain groups of marginalized
people are particularly vulnerable to acts of hate. Law enforcement
agencies must make commitments to take reports of hate crimes
and bias incidents seriously, forge meaningful partnerships with
communities most affected by hate crimes, and increase
transparency in reporting of hate crimes. We recognize the
complexity of relying on law enforcement to prevent and respond to
hate crimes, due to overlap, both historically and currently, between
white terrorist groups and some members of law enforcement. There
must be an acknowledgement and deliberate action taken to
address this in a meaningful way.

AGENDA © 2019

Policy Two Specifics:

• Congress must pass affirmative anti-racial profiling legislation, such as
the End Racial and Religious Profiling Act, so that communities feel
protected instead of targeted by our government and law
• Congress must pass the NO HATE Act, the only comprehensive
legislation proposed to establish incentives for state and local law
enforcement to submit credible and complete hate crime reports,
create grants for state-run hate crime hotlines, create a federal private
right of action for victims of hate crimes, even those who live in states
without hate crimes laws, and allow for judges to require community
service or educational programming for individuals convicted under
the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.
• The Department of Justice must remain vigilant in addressing hate
crimes by acknowledging the growing problem of white supremacy.
Government programs dedicated to understanding violence
perpetrated by white supremacists are necessary.
• The Department of Justice must mandate the collection of hate
crimes data by local law enforcement. Federal funding should be
withheld from non-compliant local police departments. Federal
agencies must also contribute to the FBI’s hate crimes database and
they too should face consequences for failing to do so.

Theory of Change:
Viewing hate violence and xenophobic political rhetoric as part of a larger system of
racism and xenophobia is critical to addressing the root causes. Community data
collection is crucial to understanding the magnitude of hate violence and xenophobic
political rhetoric. By mandating the collection of hate crimes data on the local level,
our government can be more responsive to the reality marginalized communities face.

Communities on Fire: Confronting Hate Violence and Xenophobic Political Rhetoric (SAALT)
Living Histories of White Supremacist Policing: Towards Transformative Justice (Cambridge University Press)
FBI warned of white supremacists in law enforcement 10 years ago. Has anything changed? (PBS NewsHour)
FBI sets eyes on black freedom of speech (Baltimore Sun)
U.S. Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism. Now They Don’t Know How to Stop It. (New York Times
FBI Surveillance of Black Lives Matter (The Intercept)
We Deserve Safety: Ending the Criminalization of Women and Girls of Color (YWCA)

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Relevant Unity Principle:

We believe that every person, every community and Indigenous
peoples in our nation have the right to clean water, clean air, and
access to and enjoyment of public lands. We believe that our
environment and our climate must be protected, and that our land
and natural resources cannot be exploited for corporate gain or greed
— especially at the risk of public safety, health and cultural

Policy One Prescription and Goals: Achieve a

just transition to clean, renewable
Our environment’s finite resources have been extracted and exploited,
causing irreparable damage to our planet, climate, ecosystems and
communities. Climate change disproportionately impacts women and
low-income communities worldwide, but in the United States, we
witnessed the consequences of climate change firsthand: homes
flooded by hurricanes, blown apart by tornadoes and burned by
wildfires. Environmental changes threaten traditions and homelands
of Native American tribes, farming practices of rural agricultural
producers and the future of our national wildlife reserves.

To curb the effects of climate change and repair our planet, we must
achieve an equitable and just transition to 100% clean, renewable
energy for all. Not only will the transition to clean energy abate
pollution, improve air quality and preserve our environmental
resources, it will also serve to promote safer and healthier pregnancies,
physical wellbeing and will be instrumental in developing a sector of
environmentally driven, sustainable jobs.

AGENDA © 2019

Policy One Specifics:

Renewable energy must be non-extractive. Clean the grid by replacing
coal, oil, gas and nuclear plants with wind, solar, storage and other
renewable technologies. Sever the dependence on extractive industries
and infrastructure by prohibiting fossil fuel extraction on public lands
and stopping new coal, oil and gas projects.
A just transition for workers and communities most affected by climate
change must promote equity and justice
• Jobs created by a growing renewable energy sector must include
worker protections, including comprehensive paid family leave,
livable wages and healthy work environments. There must also be a
framework to provide training and education for workers
transitioning from pollution-creating industries to renewable 

energy jobs.
• Ensure under-served, low-income populations and rural indigenous
communities are provided priority access to affordable, renewable
energy and mass transportation.
• Halt infrastructure projects in wildlife reserves, protected
ecosystems, Indigenous ancestral lands lands and areas at risk for
climate disasters.
• Mitigation and reparation to tribal nations and impacted
communities for loss of homelands due to rising sea levels, and
damages for destruction of sacred sites and obliteration of cultural

Theory of Change:
Ensuring that the primary source of energy comes from clean, renewable resources will
reduce our country’s ecological footprint and slow environmental degradation, thereby
reducing the impacts of climate change, pollutants and toxins on communities across
the world. Providing a path for workers within the energy sector to be transitioned to
pollution-abating industries will give them a stake in the transition toward clean energy
and a healthier future for all.

Just Transition: A Framework for Change (Climate Justice Alliance)
Climate Change ‘Impacts Women More Than Men’ (BBC News)
Why Renewable Energy Is Not as Clean as You Think (Ozy)
Women and Climate Change: Impact and Agency in Human Rights, Security and Economic Development (Georgetown
Institute for Women, Peace and Security)
Native Americans Most At Risk From Impacts of Climate Change (Voice of America)
Native American Sovereignty: Should Indians Have More Control Over Their Land? (CQ Researcher)

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Policy Two Prescription and Goals:

Promote the responsible use of resources
and affirm the rights of local communities
to autonomy over their health and
Prevent the exploitation and pollution of natural resources, public and tribal
lands, and mitigate health and social issues and environmental degradation
caused by climate change and pollutive industry. We call for an affirmation of
the rights of sovereign nations to autonomy over their treaty territory,
environmental resources and energy usage, to assure thorough assessment
of public lands for industrial, residential, agricultural and infrastructural
development and to phase out the use of toxic-containing and omitting
chemicals in production, service and personal use. Development of land must
take into full account the cultural capital, environmental value and health
impact of land use, and reviewing agencies must diligently assess project
need on the basis of public interest, not corporate need. Further, industries
that produce chemicals that are harmful to the environment and human
health must promote transparency, education, and public information on safe
practices as they transition away from developing toxic-containing or
emitting products.

Policy TWO Specifics:

• Use of public, private and tribal lands must consider the cultural,
environmental and health impacts of development.
• Indigenous peoples must be guaranteed local autonomy over
environmental resources and tribal lands. Developers and government
agencies must receive free prior and informed consent before beginning
operations or extracting resources in tribal treaty territory.
• Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements
must be strengthened to include cultural assessments of lands for
archeological, cultural and antiquities significance.
• Large industries, factories and energy producers must make information
about pollution, toxic exposure and health risks publicly available to local
communities, particularly in relation to female reproductive health, fertility
and fetal development.

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Policy TWO Specifics (CONT’D):

• Hold pollutive industries responsible for negligence and promote
systemic changes toward equitable, health and environmentally
conscious practices.
• Production of toxin-containing or emitting substances must be
evaluated for adverse health and environmental outcomes,
particularly in relation to service-sector usage. Large industries
must provide training and education for safe handling, harm
reduction and illness prevention to individuals who are exposed

to toxins.
• Make environmentally conscious products accessible to small and
minority business leaders through incentives to transition toward
the use of products that contain or emit fewer toxins that put
consumers and employees at risk.
• Encourage and incentivize the development of small-scale and
subsistence farming as a means to reduce pesticide use, promote
food sovereignty and revitalize America’s agricultural landscape.

Theory of Change:
Stemming the direct causes of climate change and pollution in addition to
addressing its impacts on our planet and society will increase equity across the
population. In addition, increasing the level of autonomy local authorities are granted
over land use will promote community buy-in for industrial and energy development.

Cultural Heritage, Environmental Impact Assessment and People (Living Landscape Observer)
Native Americans Enjoy Autonomy, but Land Use, Sovereignty Questions Persist (Voice of America)
A Year in Review: Progress Getting Toxic Chemicals Out of Personal Care Products (U.S. PIRG)
Polluter Fines Drop 60 Percent Under Trump (Washington Post)
How Toxic Soil Has Become a Public Health Issue at Home and Abroad (Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN)

AGENDA © 2019

Endorsement of the Women's Agenda is an indication of solidarity within our movement

and a recognition of the urgency of these policies for marginalized and vulnerable

communities. Endorsement does not necessarily mean that organizations approve

of or are actively working towards each priority listed in the Agenda

Policy Committee & Advisory Council members

Chrissie Castro, Advance Native Political Leadership 
 National Coalition for Latinxs with Disabilities (CNLD)
& Native Voice Network Stacey Long Simmons, National LGBTQ Task Force 

Anathea Chino, Advance Native Political Leadership 
 Action Fund
& UltraViolet National Economic and Social Rights Initiative
American Federation of Teachers
National Nurses United
Asian Americans Advancing Justice-L.A. National Organization for Women (NOW)
Erricka Bridgeford, Baltimore Ceasefire 365 and Native Voice Network
Community Mediation Maryland
Prairie Rose Seminole, Native Vote / Voter Advocate
Asian Americans Advancing Justice
Anu Joshi, New York Immigration Coalition
Ginna Green, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action
Betsy Plum, New York Immigration Coalition
Center for Constitutional Rights
Rev. Noelle Damico, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public
Coalition of Immokalee Workers Service, NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
Zahra Billoo, Council on American-Islamic Relations, San (institution for identification purposes only) and Senior
Francisco Bay Area Office (CAIR-SFBA) Fellow, National Economic and Social Rights Initiative
Rebecca Cokley, Disability Rights activist Rev. Noelle Damico, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public
Keri Gray, Diversity and Inclusion consultant Service, NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
and and Senior Fellow, National Economic and Social
Liz La quen náay Medicine Crow (Haida/Tlingit), First Rights Initiative
Alaskans Institute
New York Immigration Coalition
Lori Pourier, Oglala Lakota, First Peoples Fund
Stacey Long Simmons, National LGBTQ Task Force 

Krea Gomez, The Freedom Center for Young Women Action Fund
The Gathering for Justice Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Girls for Gender Equity Jessica Raven, Prison Abolitionist
Kandi White, Indigenous Environmental Network Mariame Kaba, Project NIA
Indigenous Women Rising Julia Bernal, Co-Director Pueblo Action Alliance
Mónica Ramírez, Justice for Migrant Women Reframe Health and Justice
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) Jordan Marie Brings Three White Horses Daniel, Rising
Labor Project for Working Families, in partnership with Hearts Coalition, founder & organizer
Family Values@Work Sarah Eagle Heart, Indigenous activist
MPower Change SisterSong: National Women of Color Reproductive Justice
Monifa Bandele, MomsRising Collective
Sung Yeon Choimorrow, Executive Director, National Asian UFCW Women's Network
Pacific American Women's Forum (NAPAWF) UltraViolet
Katherine Perez, National Coalition for Latinxs with UndocuBlack Network (UBN)
Disabilities (CNLD)
Heidi Sieck, co-founder/CEO, #VOTEPROCHOICE
Qudsia Raja, Policy Director, National 

Domestic Violence Hotline YWCA USA

AGENDA © 2019

The Women’s Agenda was created by over 70 organizations working collaboratively to
identify policies. There are many people to thank but this project would have remained
an idea without the hard work and principled organizing of Cassady Fendlay, who was
also an original Women’s March on Washington 2017 organizer and contributor to the
Women’s March Unity Principles. Cassady was supported by five graduate students from
New York University’s Wagner School of Public Service: Rebecca Miller, Cameron King,
Lucas Lopes, Katie Hayden and Renee Vanamburgh. We thank them for their work and
This document is rooted in the framework of the Unity Principles, created under the
direction of Carmen Perez-Jordan, with the work of the original authors:

• J. Bob Alotta, Executive Director, Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice

• Monifa Bandele, Vice President, MomsRising
• Zahra Billoo, Council on American Islamic Relations - San Francisco Bay Area
• Gaylynn Burroughs, Director of Policy & Research, Feminist Majority Foundation
• Melanie L. Campbell, Convener, Black Women’s Roundtable, President & CEO, NCBCP
• Sung Yeon Choimorrow, Executive Director, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum
• Alida Garcia, Immigrant Rights & Diversity Advocate
• Alicia Garza, National Domestic Workers Alliance
• Indigenous Women Rise Collective
• Carol Jenkins, Board of Directors, ERA Coalition
• Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever, President, Incite Unlimited, LLC
• Carol Joyner, Director, Labor Project for Working Families, Family Values @ Work
• Janet Mock, Activist and author of Redefining Realness and Surpassing Certainty
• Jessica Neuwirth, President, ERA Coalition
• Terry O’Neill, President, National Organization for Women (NOW)
• Jody Rabhan, Director of Washington Operations, National Council of Jewish Women
• Kelley Robinson, Deputy National Organizing Director, Planned Parenthood Federation of America
• Kristin Rowe Finkbeiner, Executive Director and Co-Founder, MomsRising
• Heidi L. Sieck, Co-Founder/CEO, #VOTEPROCHOICE
• Emily Tisch Sussman, Campaign Director, Center for American Progress
• Jennifer Tucker, Senior Policy Advisor, Black Women’s Roundtable
• Winnie Wong, Activist, Organizer and Co-Founder, People for Bernie

Finally, none of our accomplishments would be possible without the visionary leadership
of our board of directors, Bob Bland, Breanne Butler, Carmen Perez-Jordan, Linda
Sarsour and Tamika Mallory. We thank them and our Chief Operating Officer Rachel
O’Leary Carmona for her vision in conceptualizing this policy platform and supporting

its creation.

AGENDA © 2019

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