What Is Matter

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1. What is matter?

Answer: Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass

2. What are matter made of?

Answer: Matter are made of very tiny and discrete particles.

3. What are the three type of particles?

Answer: atom, molecules, and ions.

4. What are atoms?

Answer: It is the smallest particle of an element.

5. What are molecules?

Answer: Molecules are made of a group of two or more atoms which are
chemically bonded together.

6. What are ions?

Answer: Ions are an atom or a group of atoms carrying an electri charge.
Positively charged ion are called cation, negatively charged ions are called

7. What are the three state of matters?

Answer: Solid, liquid and gas.

8. Draw the particle arrangement of solid liquid and gas

Solid Liquid Gas

9. Fill in the following table:

Property Solid Liquid Gas
Arrangement of Very closely Closely packed, Very far apart,
particles packed and in but not in orderly and move
orderly arrangement randomly
Forces of Very strong force Strong force but Weak force of
attraction between weaker than in attraction
particles solid
Motion of Vibrate at fixed Can move Can move freely
particles position throughout the
Energy content low moderate high

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