2013 Engleză Etapa Pe Scoala Rezultate 0

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Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test B

Name: ___________________________________________

1 Choose the correct answers.
1 Your friend Bronek works really ___________!
a hard b harder c hardly
2 You _________ drive so fast! It's dangerous!
a couldn't b shouldn't c have to
3 Could you answer the phone? _____________ lunch!
a I'm cooking b I cook c I cooked
4 _________________ apples on the table?
a Is there some b How much c Are there any
5 _________________ the new Stephanie Meyer book during the summer holidays?
a Have you read b Did you read c Do you read
6 I think economics is _______ than history!
a interesting b most interesting c more interesting
7 That's ______________ park in the city!
a the dirtiest b more dirty c dirtier
8 Ana's sick, so she ______________ play tennis.
a doesn't b isn't going to c hasn't
9 It's Halloween tomorrow! ____________ at the disco?
a Will you be b Are you c Have you been
10 You look really sleepy! ________________________?
a Do you just get up? b Could you just get up? c Have you just got up?

Mark: ___ /10

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 1

Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test B

2 Complete the sentences and questions. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Sean Hi, Phil! How are you?
Phil Fine thanks. How's your summer job at the swimming pool?
Sean It's not bad. I start at 8 o'clock, so I 1______________ (not / can) get up 2____________ (late)!
But that's OK.
Phil And what are the people like?
Sean Some of them are 3____________ (nice) than others!
Phil What about the café? 4______________ (you / clean) it yet?
Sean I do that every evening! But I have more problems with the children.
Phil Really?
Sean There was a five-year-old boy the other day. He 5___________ (fall) and cut his head. And
another boy pushed him into the water!
Phil Wow!
Sean I was so angry I 6____________ (not / can) speak!
Phil So what 7_____________ (you / do)?
Sean I jumped into the water and rescued the first boy.
Phil And what happened to the other boy?
Sean I had to speak to his parents, but they didn't believe me. Eventually, the manager asked them to
leave. But that's 8_______________ (difficult) situation I've ever been in!
Phil So 9__________________ (you / choose) a career as a swimming pool assistant?
Sean I don't think so! I think I 10_____________ (apply) for a job as a factory worker!

Mark: ___ /10

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 2

Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test B

3 Choose the correct answer.
1 Your brother's daughter is your __________.
a cousin b nephew c niece
2 Have you got your trainers with you? We're going to go _____________ in the park.
a diving b jogging c bowling
3 We couldn't see her eyes because her _________ was so long.
a head b hand c hair
4 I found your bag on _______________between the first and second floor.
a the hall b the stairs c the library
5 It's very hot today! I'm going to wear ___________ instead of trousers.
a shoes b shorts c socks
6 She doesn't eat meat! She'd rather have a ____________ sandwich!
a pork b tuna c chicken
7 The best way to cross the ___________ is by the bridge.
a river b ocean c desert
8 It's easy for me to study in the __________, because nobody makes any noise!
a library b cinema c theatre

Mark: ___ /8

4 Complete the text. Write the words in brackets correctly.

I don't really have a special 1_________ (nobimati) in life. It's difficult to decide, with so many possibilities. I'm
2___________ (drupo) of my marks at school, because they're often very good, but I'm also a bit
3____________ (drewiro) about the future. I love geography, but how can I earn money with geography? My
girlfriend is going to be a doctor; but for me, that's an 4_____________ (mounrose) responsibility. I don't think
I could do that! And sometimes I get a real 5____________ (aaeehhcd) just thinking about what career I
should choose! But I suppose that one day something will 6____________ (braylbop) happen to show me the
way. Well, that's what my parents say...

Mark: ___ /6

5 Complete the sentences with the words below.

fossils guests parties spirit lifestyle tourist industry
1 She believes the __________ of her dead grandfather appears in the house at night!
2 There are seven different political ___________ preparing for this month’s elections.
3 My sister says eating fresh food is an important part of her _________.
4 Our local history museum has a famous collection of ___________.
5 Our country earns a lot of money through the ______________.
6 How many _____________ have you invited to the wedding?

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 3

Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test B
Mark: ___ /6

Use of English
6 Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 __________ (RECENT), in these hard economic times, more people than before are competing for fewer
jobs, so it’s important to have good 2 __________ (QUALIFY) when you leave school. To get these, you have
to do 3 __________ (GOOD) at school, because most people find a job related to the school subject that they
like or are good at. For example, if you are good at chemistry or physics, you can become an 4 __________
(ENGINE). Alternatively, if you are keen on English and history, you can become a 5 __________

However, nowadays, even a good university degree isn’t always enough to get the job that you want, so
having good job interview skills has become 6 __________ (EQUAL) important. Many places offer 7
__________ (TRAIN) courses to help you improve your interview skills. Of course, most people feel 8
__________ (COMFORT) at job interviews, but it’s important to try and relax. Many of these courses will try
and help you to stop feeling 9 __________ (NERVE). But don’t forget, even if you have all the right
qualifications and interview skills, you 10 __________ (SHOULD) arrive late for your job interview!

Mark: ___ /10

7 Listen to the telephone conversation between Ben and Hayley. Are the sentences true (T) or false
1 Ben studied for his exams last night. ___
2 Ana had to go to the hospital. ___
3 Hayley doesn't know Grigor. ___
4 Hayley thinks Ben should talk to his parents. ___
5 Ben is going to the dentist's tomorrow at 4.30. ___

Mark: ___ /5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 4

Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test B

8 Read the letter.

Dear Everyone,
Sorry for writing to you all at the same time, but we don't have time to write to everyone one by one! Bali is
one of the most exciting places in the world, and we don't want to miss anything!
Regina and I are fine. The weather's hotter and wetter than at home, of course, but it only rains some days.
1_________________________. Some Russians, some Japanese and a Spanish couple who have just got
married – on a Balinese beach! How romantic!
2_______________________. On Monday, we took a boat trip on Lake Batur, which is inside an old
volcano. Fantastic! On Tuesday, we visited a famous cave temple in the middle of the island. We saw lots of
rice fields and coconut trees on the way! And then yesterday, Regina went diving off the north coast.
3_______________________. But I'm not so keen on diving, so I went shopping for souvenirs instead.
There are so many wonderful things to choose from: clothes, paintings, woodwork. People here are very
artistic, you know!
4 ____________________. But there’s a lot that we haven't done yet! Tomorrow, we're going to do a day
trip to see an enormous volcano on Java, which is ten kilometres wide! And the day after tomorrow, we're
going to see a dance festival at one of the island's temples. 5____________________.
We'll write again soon,
Cillian and Regina

Match sentences A–E with gaps 1–5 in the text.

A So that's what we've done already. ____
B We're really looking forward to that. ____
C We've been on three different trips this week. ____
D We're staying in a big hotel, and we've met lots of interesting people. ____
E She says it was amazing. ____

Mark: ___ /5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 5

Cumulative Test Units 1–10 Test B

9 Write an application letter (90–120 words) applying for a summer job as a waiter in a restaurant.

 Say where you saw the advertisement.

 Give information about your age, experience and skills.
 Explain why you want the job.
 Say when you can start work.

Mark: ___ /10

Total: ___ /70

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions 2nd edition Elementary 6

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