The Criticism of The Victorian Society

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The criticism of the Victorian Society in

“Great Expectations”
Great Expectations reveals Dickens’s dark attitudes toward Victorian society such as its
inherent class structure, flaw of judicial system, contrast between rural and urban England and
immorality of high class. In Great Expectations, he also depicts several educational opportunities
that highlights the lack of quality education available to the lower classes
Throughout Great Expectations, Dickens explores the class system of Victorian England,
ranging from the most wretched criminals (Magwitch) to the poor peasants of the marsh country
(Joe and Biddy) to the middle class (Pumblechook) to the very rich (Miss Havisham). It is not
only that there were several classes, but there also existed class distinction or class
consciousness. The people of the upper class, so called gentleman did not mix with the people of
the lower class. It is seen through Pip’s uneasiness on Joe’s arrival at London.
This is Dicken’s sharp criticism that a fake Victorian gentleman Pip becomes ashamed of
his old childhood friend Joe’s presence at his lodging in London. When Biddy, by writing a
letter, informs Pip that Joe is coming at London, Pip cannot be happy: rather a growing
discomfort seizes him. Inwardly, he does not hope Joe’s coming to meet him at London where
Pip lives with a sophisticated society. Pip’s snobbishness rises to such an extent that he once
thinks that if it would be possible, he could bid Joe away offering him some money. When Joe
meets him, Pip shows a cold and disinterested attitude to him. He feels a sense embarrassment
for Joe’s clumsy behavior, loose coat, and old hat. However, Joe clearly recognizes Pip’s
treatment of him, and decides not to settle down in his room for the night. Similarly, Pip’s
snobbery is obvious when he, on visiting his home town, does not settle down on the smithy with
Joe, rather takes a room at an inn.
The shocking fact was that the people of the higher class or gentlemen also got the
different treatment from the judicial system. They were highly punished, while the people of the
lower class got the comparatively harsh punishment. Magwitch fell a victim to injustice and
ruthlessness of law enforcing agency. They passed a harsher punishment (14 years
imprisonment) for Magwitch than the original villain Compeyson (7 years’ imprisonment)
simply because Magwitch had previous records of criminal activities while Compeyson seemed a
gentleman with good and upper social lineage.
A marked difference existed between the rural and urban England. The lives of the rural
people were still very simple. They were honest and caring. But the people of the city like
London became complicated as well as complex. For example, pip has arrived in the metropolis
and has taken a look around. He is not much impressed by the locality in which Mr. Jaggers has
his office. He finds this locality called “Little Britain,” to be full of filth. Mr. Jaggers office is
itself a most dismal place.
The housekeeper, a woman of about forty, kept her eyes attentively on her master all the
time that she was in the dining-room. Pip also noticed that, during the dinner. Jaggers kept
everything under his own hand and distributed everything himself. In the course of the dinner,
Jaggers, a shrewd lawyer as he was, extracted whatever information he wanted from each of his
The picture of rural England, is given through the Joe’s family. In the opening chapter we
find, an orphan boy, named Pip who lives with his sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery, who is married to the
blacksmith, Joe Gargery. The family, consisting of the blacksmith, his wife, ad the latter’s little
brother Pip, lives in the marsh country, down by the river, within twenty miles of the sea.

People specially the members of the upper class became immoral. A number of
characters in Great Expectation are dominated by a greed for money. When Pip goes o Miss
Havisham’s house for the second time, he finds a number of Miss Havisham’s relatives there. He
calls those relatives “toadies and humbugs”.
Through his portrayals of teachers in Great Expectations, Dickens symbolized the varied
educational opportunities and what they offered. Mr. Wopsle’s great aunt illustrates the lack of
education available to the working class. Like the education she offers, this old dame is
"ridiculous," "of limited means," "and unlimited infirmity". She is so insignificant, that she has
no name. This emphasizes the insignificant amount of knowledge she offers her students. Just as
she is a distant relative of a church clerk, her school is a distant relative of the church’s attempts
at educating the poorer class.
Other educational options existed in Victorian England but were reserved for those who
could afford it. Pip is elevated to one such opportunity when a mysterious benefactor pays for his
"gentleman’s education." Matthew Pocket illustrates this type of education. As indicated by its
tutor’s name, this genre of education was reserved for those who had "full pockets."
Unfortunately, it was bestowed upon many who would find little use for it. These "gentlemen"
were not expected to work. Mr. Pocket, a Cambridge graduate, provides a scholarly education
that like his own pursuits leads to "loftier hopes" that often fail (185; ch. 23). This type of
education produced self-serving individuals who offered no benefit to society. It costs a great
deal of money for Pip to "contract expensive habits" (197; ch. 25). His expensive habits put him
in debt, yet his scholarly education leaves him "fit for nothing" (316; ch. 41). Almost a comical
situation, if you are not living it. Even an expensive education yields very little benefit for Pip
and society.
Great Expectations was a magic mirror for England’s Victorian society. In Great
Expectations, Dickens provides a vivid picture of the working-class struggles with the existing
educational opportunities.

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