Previous Paper HPSC AE Civil Civil Engineering Paper I Short Answer Type

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al I

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6. J'here are FIVE options to each question.

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8. For l{ougir rr\/ork, Blank Sheet is provided at the end of the questiou - booklel

9. Write tire BOOKLIIT SERIES given at the TOP RIGIIT HAND SIDE of the qucstion
booklet in the space provide in tlie answer sheet, b), darkening the corresponding circies.

cnaw/03 Series -A P.T.O.

1. If a syste m of forces A, B and C are in equilibriurn, then magnitude of their resuitant is equal to
(a) A]B+C (b)A'z+82+C2
(c) ./1,t'z+ 82 + c2) (d) zero
(c) None of the above

2. The maxintum number of unknor,vn forces that can be deteimined in a concunent force system under equilibrium is
(a) Zero (b) 2
(") 3 (d) 6
(e) None of tlie above

3. The pnnciple of superposition states that the total deflection of a structure under different sets of oads is equal to the
sum ofdeflections under each set ofloads acting separately on the structure ifthe loads are nithin,
(a) Elastic limit (b) Limit State
(c) Proporlionaiity limit without buckling (d) Elastic limit including buckling
(e) None of the above

4. The cuvature at anl,point along the cun'e representing the detonrred shape of a bean is given by
g'.. , it J,
I *T 1
tur--- -tll?
't | ::rl , '5 -
.r.,tl :
1---+l il-,-*i I

':: .r'
*:-: :.\
1 I :;
: lttr:-
- "'1
" i,*tt::.1"
' - I

(e) None of tire above

5. Ifacantileverbean:rofspanLandfleruralrigidityElcaniesamomenlMconcentrateclatrhefieeenci,the
deflection at tire end rviil be.
\tt ItI
(r) ;{ri; (r)l;::.,
(c) (o) *
(e) None of the above

6. Ilj a beant of length L and flexur-al rigidity fll is carryrng a conceutrated load P at tlie fi'e e end, the total
strain energy u,ill be,
ra rf, tr {:
(a) {D} *
(") {t ,,t (d)
'' 6E: 1?gj
(e) None of the above

7. A unjtbnn srrnpiy supporled beam is subjected to a clock-u,ise r.nonieut M at tlie left end. 'fhe moureut recluired at
the riglrt end of the beant so that the rotation of the right end is zero is equal to
(a) (b)M
(c)MtT (d) N{/3
(e) None of the above

c/2010/03 Series -A
B. The fixed end mornent Mrrr for the bearn shorvn below is


(a) Zero (b)Mt2

@)M/a (d)MiS
(e) None of the above

9. The moment required to rotate the tiear end of a prismatic beam through unit angle, u,ithout translation.
tlte far-
end being fixed is
(a)EUL (b) 2EvL
(c) 3EI/L (d)4Eyr,
(e) None of the above

10 The fl exibil ity coeffi cient for shaft of length I- and torsionai rigidity GJ under torsion at mid-poini is
(a)Lzl6GJ (h) Lr2GJ
(c) L/3Gi (d) L/cJ
(e) None of the above

11. Generalll'tlte actions in a grid member ar-e,

(a) Axial force, ttvisting moment and bending momeltl (b) Shear force, twisting moment and bending ntoineni
(c) Axial force, shear force and bending rrornent (d) Shear force and bi-axial bending moment
(e) None of the above

12. The nurnbet'of utrl<rtowns to be determined in the stiffness method is eqi-ral to

(a) Static indeterminacy (b) Kinematic indeterminacl'
(c) SurI of static and kittentatic jtldetermitrac (d) Iv{aximum of static indeterminacy and kineniatic indeterminac'
(e) None of the above

I3, The force recluired to produce a unit translation displacement (r.vitirout rotation) of one-t|ircl poinl of-a ilxecl beant
of span L and of uniform l1cxural rieiditv EJ is
(a) 729E1/2L3 (b) 7298t/L3
(c) 724EIIL3 (d) 124F.\BL3
(e) None o1'the above

14' fhe assumption that plane sectiotr rentaitrs plane uncler pure bending which is yalid for lilear eiastic material is
not exactly true for plastic bending
(a) frue (b) False
(c) True if the material is nonlinear elastic (d) True if the deforrnations are corrtinuous
(e) None of the above

15. which of the following sections will have the maximum srrape factor
(a) Square (b) Circuiar
(c) Diarnond (d) Triangle
(e) None of the above

c/2010/03 Series - A
16. The moment capacity of a section at plastic hinge is
(a) Zero (b) Yield moinent
(c) Tu'ice of y'ie ld nrot'ttent (d) Fully plastic moment
(e) None of the above

\1 . The variation of influence iine for the stress function in a statically determinate structure is
(a) Linear (b) Parabolic
(c) Circular (d) Rectangular
(e) Noue of the abor,e

18. Tlie area of the influence line diagram for the fixed end momellt of a fixed beam of span L is
1a1l-'?/8 (b)L'?tn
(c) r,2 t16 (d) L'z 124
(e) None of the above

i 9. A threeiinged parrbolic arch rs subjected to a uniform load lv per unit horizontal length, the maximum bendtng
nrorrLen{ rs
(a) ivl-2i.i (b) \\,L'?l8
(c) u'Lri iz (d) Zero
(e) None o1'the above

1,.r. 'Ihe maxirnum design stress and lhe arca of the concrete stress block at Ultimatc Lirnit State of flexurc in a srngly
reinfbr ceci rectirngular seclion are
(a) 0.441 f.1anc10.362i;1bx,, (b) 0.362 fct and 0.447f"pbx,
(c) 0.{r7 {.p and 0.4,171,1.bx,, (d) 0.87 f.r and 0.362llebx,,
(e) None of the above

: i 1'he concept of locatrng neutral axis as a ccntloidal axis (in a reinforced coucrete section under flexure) is
(a) Tr ue for WSN,I ancl not I-Slv{ (b) Tme for both linear and nonliuear material behaviors
(c) I\ue {br both eiastic and plastic uraterials (d) True for elastic materials only
(e) None of tlte abor.'e

'fhe trininmnt l'lexural reinlbrcenrcnl o1'Fe 250 steel in the slabs according to IS 456: 2000 is
(a) 0.00 12 tinres gross Llrea of concrete (b) 0.85/f, tirnes the gross area of concrcte
(c) 0..1/(0..S7fr) timcs tlre gross alca of concrete {d) 0.{r% of the gross area of concrete
(e) None of tlte above

1. 'fhe nraxiururl pc:rnrissiblc shear stress in a steel structural rnember as per IS 800-1984 is
(a) 0.6 1, (b) 0 66 f;
(c) l, (d) 0 75 r,
(e) None of tire above

--. The efi-ective length of the con'rpressron flange of cantilever beam u4rich is built-in at the support and free at the
end is
(a)L (b)085L
(c) C.5L &) 2L
(e) Nonc of the above

c/2o1o/03 Series -A
25. The maximlgr slendemess ratio of a member of a steel structure, subjected to compressive forces resulting frorn
rvind/earlhquake forces ts
(a) lB0 (b) 250
(c) 300 (d) 350
(e) None of the above

ZO Granite is an
(a) Igreous rock (b) Metamorphic rock
(c) Sedimentary rock (d) All the above
(e) None of the above

27. Refractory bricks resist

(a) High temperature (b) Chernical action
(c) dampness (d) allthe above
(e) None of the above

LO. Seasoning of timber is clotle for
(a) Increasing moistttre co1-Itent (b) Decreastng t-uotstute content
(c) Increasrng stteugtir of timbet (d) Decreming strength of timber
(e) None of the above

29 Cast irou is used lbr

(a) Srructural rvorl<s in beants (b) Srnali sizcd u'ater PtPes
(c) Colunns and sttuts 1cl)a&c
(e) None olthe above

r. 30. Rapid harclening cemetlt conlalns

(b) Tri-calcittm alutrlnate
(a) Tri-calciuu siltcate
f-: (c) Tetra-caiciunr alunlno ferrite (d) Di-calciun silicate
(e) None of the above

3i Black cotton soil is rtnsuitable 1'or faundatiotls becausc

(a) Its bearing capacitY is lolr'
(b) Its Pcrn-rcability is uncertatn
(cJ lls Prrliclcs al'.' coltesir c
(d) It Lurdergoes volumetric cltaltges due to chatrges ln nlo1stufe content
(e) None of the above

32. A cavity rvall is gencrally provicled ibr'

(a) I{eat insulatton (b) Sound insulation
(c) Prevention of dampness (d) A1l tiie above
(e) None of the above

-)-t. \\/eep holes are pror.'ided llr retainittg u'alls and breast u'alls
(a) To drain olT the s'ater ir-om the filling (b) To ventiiate the stone nasonry
(c) To reduce the u'eight of the earth rctatued (d) 1'o iucrease tire compaction of the ealth retaitled
(e) None of the above

c12A10/03 Series - A
34. If all the dirnensions of a bar are increased irr the proportion n: 1 , the proporlion r.vith rvhich tire maximum stress
producecl in the prismatic bar by its r.veight, u'ill increase in tlte ratio
(a) r: n (b) n: 1
(c) .l;; :1
(d) 1:1rn
(e) None of the above

35. If Z and I are the section moduius and moment of inertia of tir.e section, the shear force F and the bending
momelrt M at a section are related by
(a) F=::':
- (b) f =; j

(c) r- : jJ Aa"
(d) J- : j .,rl a.r

(e) None of tire above

lb. Srmpie Denolng equatlolt is

,^, .': _;
tat _ .'
(c)::::". :NJ

, r \r -. ..'-)ubute
\cJ i\uilf ur tilc duu\L

17. Tire shear stress at any section of a siraft is maximuu.t

(a) At the cenler of the seclion (b) At a distance rl2 frotnthe center
{ct At rlre ron of thc surfrcc (d) At a dislance 3/, r from the center
(e) None of tlie above

iE. IfasolidshaftissubjectedtoatorqueTatitsendsucirthatthemaxirnumshearstressdoesnotexceed f,,the

diatneter of the shaft rviil be
1i:' [;
(a)::- (b) ,*:'
rc) =,i.-
: 1--
(d) -:
' ' !'1i i(:-
(e) None of the above

19. In a tepsion test, tire yield stress is 30 Nimm2 , the octahedral shear stress at the point is
(a) 10., l N,,nn,' (b) l5r l N nttn'
(c) J*,"TNAmt' (d) l$r:JN/mm2
(e) None of tlte above

-ijj. For a chaunel section the sltear ceirter iies at a distance of

,t-, ct l:
IAI _ tu.f
... d.i:-;
(d) *;*"
(e) None of the above
(.r1, b andl are the total depth of the section. u'jdth of the flange and conlnou thickness of flange and u'ell
Clz}rc/ffi 5 Series-A
41. For a given materiai Young's rnoduius is 200 GN/rn2 and moduius of rigidity is 80 GN/rn2. l'he r.alue of Poisson's
ratio is
(a) 0.1s (b) 0.20
(c) 0.3s (d) 0.40
(e) None of the abor.e

42. A rectangular log of wood is floating in."vater rvith a load of 100 N at its centre. Tire maximum shear force in the
u'ooden log is
(a) 50 N at each end (b) 50 N at the centre
(c) 100 N at tire centre (cl) Zero
(e) None of the above

43. Tire rvidth of a beam of uniform strength/ha'r,ing a constaut depth d and length L, simply supported at the ends
rvith a centrai load !V is
, 3ii't
{D}- ,-
\ / !t.l'. ' , :{,1.
- :, i 3,, j:
' . (d)
:a: i' r:' I I','.:
(e) None of the above

41. Bearls of uniform strength are prefcned to those of uniform section because these are economicai far
(a) Large spans (b) llearry rveights
(c) Light rveights (d) Shorl spans
(e) None of the above

15. The ratio of the flexrrral strengths of trvo square bcar.ns one placed with its two sicles holizontal and the other
placed rvith one diagonai verlical is
(a) r/2 (b; rr3
(c; {5 tdt .'l
(e) None of the above

46. Abar L rneter long and having its area of cross seclior.r A, is subiected to a gr-adually applied terlsile ioad \\/. The
strain energy stored in the bar is
i-- , ::l
(a)- (D)
' ' :.j.:: jlz-
- il:t ! , ,.. t",'t
., --- (,1 )---
(e) None of the above

41. hr case ofprincipal axes ofa section

(a) Sunt of moment of inerlia is zero (b) Difference of moment of ineltia is zcro
(c) Product of monrent of inertia is zero (d) Al1 tlie above
{c) Norte of the ahor e

48. The ratio of maxrntun shear stress to avelage shear stress on a rectangular sectjon is
(a) 1 (b) i.2s
(c) 1 5 (d)2
(e) None of the above

c/2010/03 Series -A
49. The ratio of the maxintr-ur deflections of a sirnply supported beam u'ith central load W and of a cantilever of same
length and u,ith a load W at its free end, rs
(a) 1/8 (b) 1/10
(c) 1t12 (d) 1/16
(e) None of the above

50. The equivalent length of a coiumn of length L liaving one eud fixed and the other end free, is
(a) 2L (b) L
(c) Lt2 @) Lttrz
(e) None of the above

J] Expansion joints are provided if the length of concrete structure exceeds

(a) 10nr (b) 15 nt
(c) 35 nr (d) 45 nt
(e) None of the above

)2. The aggregate impact value of aggle gate used in

(a) Building coucrete is less than 45 (b) Road pavement coucrete ts less than 30
(cJ Run\\r\ cor)crel( is l,:ss than J0 (d) Al1the above
(e) Nonc of the above

53 Workabilrty of concrete nray be itnpt'ovecl by adding

(a) Fll.ash (b) Il;'drated linre
(c) Caicium chloride (d) above
1el Ntrne o1-1he 3fore

<,4 I1 a singly reirrforced beant, the ellective depth is rleasttred frorr its extretlte courpressiotr edge to
(a) Tensile ectge (b) Tensile rcinlbrccurent
(c) NeLrtrai axis of the bealn (d) Longituciinal cetrtral axis
(e) None of tltc abovc

'f6e anclorage yalue ot a hooli is assr.u.necl 16 times the cliaueter of tlie bat'if the angle of the llend is
(a) 30Lr (b) 40 l
(c) 45il (d) Allthe abole
(e) None of tlte above

56 'fhe stresses developcd in conorele and stecl in re intbrced colrcrcte bcarrr of 250 tritn r'r'idth and 700 mm effective
depth, are 6.25 Ml,a and 25 IvIPa respectively. If nr:15. the depth oi'it neutral axis is
(a) 200 nun (b) 250 tttut
(c) 300 nur (d) 400 tnm
(e) None of the abor.'e

5i A is t'egarded as a long colunu if ihe ratio of its cffective lengttr and lateral dimension, exceeds
(r) 10 (b) 12
(c) 2i) (d) 30
(e) None of the above

j8. -l'lie
ratio of titc ciiameter of reinlbrcing bats ancl tltc slab thickncss is
(a)'/o (b) ii5
(c) 1/6 (d) 1r S
(e) None of the above
Series - A
59. Diagonal tension in beam
(a) Is riiaxirnutn at neutral axis
it-,1 l""t"ut"s belou'neutral
axis and increases above the neutrai axls
i.i In"r.ur", below the neutral axis aud decreases abo'e the neutral axis
(d) Rernains same
(e) None of the above

60. High carbon content in steel causes

(aiDecrease in tensile strength but increase in ductility
ibi In"t"ut" irr tensile strength but decrease in ductility
("j D""t"ut" in both tensiie strengtir and ductility
id) In"t"ut" in both tensile strength and ductility
(e) None of thc above

are respectively
ol. Prestressing losses in post-tensioned and pre-tensioned beams
(a) 15% andL}o/o (b) 20% and 15o/n

ld) zOYo anA 20Yo

(c) 75o/o and 15%
(e) None of the above
that the cottcrete cracks r'r'hen the
62 At lintit of collapse in shear ln case of u'eb-shear cracks, it is assumed
maximum principal tensile stress exceeds a value of f' equal
(a) 0.i5.. .,'* (b) o'?o\ -j.':,
(d) *'30.r i. r
(c) s.16+"il
(e) None of the above

63. I)eep beams are designed for

(b) Bending tnotnetlt onll'
(a) Shear force onlY
(c) Both shear force and ber"rding moment id)Bcating
(e) None of the above

Design of one-rvay RC slabs for concentrated load is

done b1'
(a) Using Pigeaud's motnenl coefficients .
containing the load
ifrj fuhng siab strip of unit width
in resistir-rg the load
i.jfuU"i slab strip of r'r'idth effective the load
ioi rur"ni orthogonal slab strips of unit u,idth containing
(e) None of tlre above
of temperature, creep and shrinhage and tneasured
65. The final deflection due to ai1 loads including the effects
tlembers should not exccecl
the as-cast level o1'rrfionr, roofs and all other horizontai
(a) Span/350 (b) SPan/300

icj spanlzso (d) SPan/2oo

(e)Notre of the above

benciing renaiu nonlal after bending ls used

66. The assumption that the piaue sectious ilormal befbre
(a) Only in r,vorking stress method of design
it ) Onty in iiu.rit state method of design
i"j tn Uottt u'orking stress and limit state methods of design
(d) Oniy in ultin-rate load method of de sign
(e) None of the above

Series - A
The state of tite tu,o dimensional stresses acting on a concrete lamina consists of a direct tetlsile stress, '6, 7 .5
N/nnn2, and shear stress r : | .20 N/nrrn2, which causes crackng of concrete. Then tire tensile strength of coucrete
in N/mm2, is
(a) 1.50 (b) 2.08
(c) 2.r7 (d) 2.2e
(e) Norre of the above

68 Tlie follorvilg two statements are n-iade rvith referenceto a simply supported under-reinforced RCC beam:
I. Failure takes place by crushing ofconcrete before the steel has yielded
Ii- The neutral axis noves up as the load is increased beyond yielding of steel

With reference to the above statements, which of tl-re follorving applies?

(a) Botir the statements are lalse (b) i': is true but 2"o is false
(c) Both the statements are true (d) 1" is false but 2'd is true
(e) None of the above

is 600 mlu' It is
69 A simply supported prestressed concrete beani is 6 rn long and 300 mm wide. Its gross depth
prestresiecl by horizontal cable tenclons at a uniform eccentricity of 100 mm. The prestressitlg tctlsile force in the
cable tenclons is 1000 kN. Neglect the self-weight of the beam. The maximum nonnal
compressive stress in tlte
beam at transfel is
(a) Zero (b) 5.55 N/mtl2.
(c) 11.11N/mnt' (d) 15.68 N/mm'
(e) None of the above

to flexure aloue
-0 \Vhicl-i of the follorving deformations are irnpodant in case of deep beams u4ren courpared
(a) Shear (b) Axial
Tortion"l (d) Bearing
(e) None of the abovc

'fhe losses itr prestress in pre-tensiouing systern are drie to
i. F.lastic defonnatiolt of concrete
2. Fricttou
3. Shrirlkage atrd creep of concrete
Select the corrcct alls\Yer ttsing 1he codes, given belorv'
(a) 1, 2 anci 3 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 alone (d) 1 and 3
(e) None of the abor.'e

J'he critical sectiott for trvo-rvav shear of footrng is at the

(a) Face ol'tlte colrrrtul (b) Distance r/ from the coiurln face
(c) Drstance tl/2 frorll'tile colrtmu face (d) Distance 2d fromthe column face
(e) None of the above
(u,here r/ is tlie effective depth of the footing)

at the tinre of-

- j . A rcintbrccd concrete am is to be post-tensioned in such a way that no tensile slress develops
post-tensiot-ung. The distance o1'the tendon from the nearest face rlust be:
ia) Betr.r'eeu dl5 and rll4 b) < dl6
ic) Between dl4 andtllS ld)> dl3
fe) None of tite above
(rvhere r/ is the depth of the beant)

c/2010/o3 9 Series -A
4 number of
made of N420 concrete and has
rvith 300 mrn x 300 nxn square cross section is
14. An RC shorl column
rrur. orr" +i! , . It is under the action of a
concentric axial compressi'e 10ad'
20 mm drameter l0ngitudi'al load carry'g capacity of the
co'"r"t" due to ,t""1 b;;; ;" titi*"t" axiai
Ig'o'ng tir" ,J*tio', in the area of
coiumn is (b) 1548 kN
(a) 1659 kN (d) i069 kN
(c) 1i9B kN
(e) None of the above
load combinations
t'e safety of Rc structures is checked for.appropriate
15. For avoidingrhe limir state of collaqse, ioud (EL)' which of tire
or r,ulJoaa pi;, '"ita toJlilniu'''J "uttnquake
of dead ioad (DL), imposed iouo
iotto*ing load combinations is NOT
(a) 0.9 DL + 1.5 wL
&) 1'5 DL + 1'5 WL
EL r' Z DL+1'2 tr-+ 1'2WL
(c) 1.5 DL + 1.-5 WL + 1'5
(e) None of the above
.d' is the dianreter of ril,et . then tlre efficiency ot a riveted ioint having
76. I|,b, is the u-,iclth rf plate ar-rd

riveting is given bY .. . l'*€

,,h*d (b)
ta);* -

(d)- .-
talv/ E
\ l.

(e) None of the above

permissible stress as specified
in rivets may
of u'ind or earlhquake road is taken lnto account, the
11. When the effect
be increased bY (b) 50%
(a) 33.33%
(d) 25%
(c) 10%
(e) None of the above
equal to strcss due
intensit)' of bearing pressure due to axial load is
moment' If the
7E. A coiumn base is subjectecl to
(a) Unifonl compression lhrough
at othel eud
(b) Zero at one end ancl compressiou
other enii
(cl Tenstou at one end and conrpressjtlu at the
lil Unilbnn tension through ottl
(e) None of tire above

,.., i..r +l _ 3:j:.
=:. I (b)ff -:;1 = '
L?". :.:' 'til :;i -' t

i: 6:t,. -
, "*i.ri *;il,li ,:. l,,l
::i '-:: . ':r': i t" :. I 't
r.\ t*'c;*; tr'i)
t"'ca-... Ji>ft
(e) None of the above

' , -iY
,. i6 {d) :*
(c) None of tlte above Series * A
81. The value of the collapse load for a fixed beam of span l, plastic ntomeitt I\{,,, subjected to a conceutrated load W
at the mid-span. tvili be

., *;*
i).!z: /, ,
it- " "*3'r"
t.) ' T d)
(e) None of the above

E2. A caltileyer stee I beam of 3 m span carries a r-rniformly distributed ioad of 20 kN-rn (inclusive of self $'eight)- .
f.he bearn conprises ISLB 200 @l98 N/m, flange 100 mm x 7.3 mm, vreb thiclcress 5.4 tnm, I^- 1696. 6
: ntnto,

1", : 11-5.4 cma. Bencling and shear stresses in the beam, respectively

(a) -s30.42 N/mm2 and 55.55 (b) 3899.48 N/mm2 and 82.19 Nhm#
(c) t32.62N/;;' uiazl ftN/nun2 @;194g;4N/rnm2 and 41.10 N/mm2
{e) }'Ione cf the abo'.'e

g3. The proble rn of lateral buckling can arise only tn those steel ireatns rvhich has
(a) N4ornent of inertia about the bending aris iarger than the otirer
(b) N,Ionrent of inefiia about the benduig axis sr-naller than tlre other
(c) Fully supported con-tpression flange
(d) Lioncentric axial force
(e) None of tire above

34. For a standarcl ,15" fillet u,eid, the ratio of fil1et to throat thickrless ls
(a) 1:1 (b) 1:!2
(c) ^lz:1 1a; z:t
(c) None of tirc above

iror.a co'rpressior-r riith doubie :urglc sectron, u,irich of the follorving

section will give largcr value of nlirlin]urn
Lacltus of gyration'?
(a) i:qLral angles bacli to back (b) Unequal leggcd augles u'ith long legs back to back
i.1 uir.qunt iegged angles s.ith sl-rorr lcgs back
ro back (d) Both (b) or (c)
(e) Norte of the above
prcferably be bel'"r'een
.i(r. Augle urcli'ation of the lacing bar ll,ith rhe longitr-rdiuai axis of the colutru' should
(a)10'to 30" (b) 30'to 40"
(c) ;+O'to 70" (d) 90'
(e) None of the above

a tlansverse shear equal to

S7. Battens provtdccl for a comptcssi,rD ntertrber sha1l be clesignecl to carry
(a) 2.5%ot the arial force in the urenrber (b) 5% of the arial {brce in the member
(d) 20% of the axial force itr the tnember
i"j iO,X of tle arial force jn rhe member
(e) Nonc of the above
trot exceed
SE. As per IS: 800, fbr cotnpressioll flange , the outstattd of ilange plates shotrld
(a)12t ft) 16t
(c) 20 t id) 25 1

ie) Nonc oithe above

tl Series *A
89. The rveb crippling due to excessi'e bearing stresses can be a'oided
(a) Licreasi.g the rveb thickness (b) providing suitabre stiffbners
(c) increasing the length of the bearing plate (d) All the abovc
(c) rrorre of tlrc abor e

90 Inte'nediate stiffener:s are provided in piate girders to

(a) elirrunate 'erlical
u,eb bucklinS (b) eliminate local buckling
(c) translbr concentrated ioads (d) prevent excessive deflections
(e) None of tlre above

Q-I The static theorem of plastic anaiysis satisfies

(a) Equiiibriuni and mechanism conditions (b) Equilibrium and plastic moment conditions
(c) Mechanism and plastic moment conditions (d) Equilibrium condition only
(e) None of the above

92. Tire extemal u,ind pressure acting on a roof depends on

(a) Degree-of permeabiiitv of roof (b) Slope of roof
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Direction of slope of roof
(e) None of the above

93' In the design of lacrng systen for a built-up steel columr, the maxirnum allou,able slendemess ratio of
lacrns bar
(a) t20 (b) 14s
(c) 180 (d) 250
(e) Illone of the abo'u'e

94. \Vhich of the follorving loads are to be considered in the design of a gantry girder in an tndustriai building
I. Gravity loads
2. Laterai ioads
3. Longitudinal loads
4. \Arind loacls
Se iect tlre con-ect ans\\rer i"rsing the codes given belorv:
(a) 1 and 2 1b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3 1d) 2, 3 and 4
(e) None of the abovc

95. A structure has trvo cleglees of indeternrjnacy. The number of plastic hinges that r.vould be fonned at cornplete
(a) Zero (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) 3
{e) None of the above

96. A stcel coluir.u'r in a nrtrlti-storied building caries an axial load of i25 N. It is built Lrp of 2 ISMC 350 chamrels b
)acing. The lacing carries a load of
(a) 12-5 N (b) 12.5 N
(c) 3.12s N (d) Zero
(e) None of the above

c/zarc/a3 't2 Series - A

9t. A member is sLrbjected to axial compression. Effective length is 3000 nim. Size of the ansle ttsed is 100 x 100 x
10. What is the nraximum capacity (if q,- 250lt4Pa)
(a) 1 01.2 kN (b) 8l .7 KN
(c) -59.2 kN (d) e5 1 KN\

(e) None of the above

98 Figure given belor,v shou,s a fixed beam of steel. At the point of collapse, the value of the load W will be

Mp 2Mp

, L/2 Lt4 , tla

. -T*
;f ti,E" F_
. . ,'ilr-
(c)r !
(d) r*
(e) None of thc above

,19. A mourent M of nragrtitude 50 kN-nr is trattsilitted to a colutnn flange tllough a bracket by using four 20 mm
dianieter rivets as shou'l.t itt the figure. The shear force indtrced in eac'it rivet is


t ; *1
.,","i M)i

- .- Column

(a) 250 hN (b) 175 8 kN

(c) 125 kN (d) 88 -1 kN

(e) None o1'the above

,.r0. 'fhe tension meluber of a roof ttuss cousists of trt'o ttnecltral angles 70 x 45 x 8 u,ith the longer legs connected b1' l6
t.nm diameter rivets. If the arrgles are one on either side o1'the gusset piaie, then the safe
tension tbr the nlember
u'ill be (assurning pertnissible stress itl tension : 1 50 MPa)

(a) 205 kN (b)2rs4kN

(c) 310.a kN (d) 320 kN
(e) None of the above

c/2010/03 13 Series - A

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