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The document discusses Primark's marketing plan to expand into sports clothing. It analyzes Primark's strategies, marketing mix, and how the new plan supports its strategic objectives.

The document is a case study about the clothing retailer Primark and its marketing plan to launch a new line of sports clothing. It discusses Primark's strategies, marketing mix, components of a marketing plan, and how to promote the new plan.

Primark employs a strategy of low prices, wide availability through its high street stores, and basic/fast fashion designs and products to appeal to customers of all ages. Its goal is to boost revenue while maintaining its image as an affordable clothing brand.

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LO1. How the marketing plan supports strategic objectives.....................................................4
1.1 Explain how the strategy of the organization impacts on the marketing plan..................4
What is strategy and why it is important:...........................................................................4
Vision of Primark:..............................................................................................................4
Mission Statement...............................................................................................................4
Importance of Marketing Planning at Product Level & Business Level:...........................5
Marketing Planning Process:..............................................................................................5
SWOT Analysis:.................................................................................................................6
Difference between Marketing Planning & Strategy:.........................................................7
Marketing Planning:...........................................................................................................7
1.2 Identify the component parts of a marketing plan............................................................7
Components of a Marketing Plan:..........................................................................................7
LO2. Understand the construction of a marketing plan.............................................................8
2.1 Identify the levels of importance of each component of the plan....................................8
Marketing Mix of Primark:.................................................................................................8
Brand Names:.....................................................................................................................9
Packing & Sizes:.................................................................................................................9
2.3 Produce a marketing plan...............................................................................................10
2.2 Identify mitigation strategies for high risk components of the plan...............................16
Careful analysis of internal and external environment:....................................................16
Importance of Budgeting in Marketing Plan....................................................................16
LO3. Understand how to promote the marketing plan in support of strategic objectives.......17

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3.1 Discuss how the plan support strategic objectives.........................................................17
Marketing plan and the Strategic objectives of Primark:.................................................17
Publicity & Promotion Strategy in this Marketing Plan:..................................................17
3.3 Identify an evaluation and review measure for the agreed plan.....................................18


Marketing strategy is vital for any business as it gives the business a direction towards the
profitability and stability. Any good marketing plan can be a source of success for the

There are 3 main divisions of the following assignment. At first the basics or strategic
marketing and planning are discussed, and then process of marketing plan is discussed. Then
I have made a marketing plan for the company myself and applied it to show how it can be
produced and implemented. And all this happens in the second part of the assignment. Third
part of the assignment is shows that how strategic marketing plan is helpful in gaining the
strategic objectives of the organization.


Primark is one of those few companies which are not affected too much by recession which
started at the end of 2009 and still has its affects. It is a popular cloth retailer which is selling
clothes to customers on cheaper prices. It started from Ireland but now has extended its
horizon in different European markets. Mostly placed in UK, Primark has more than 150
outlets including its Irish and Spanish stores. It started its business in 1970s and now thinking
to expand it over many countries. Now within UK Primark has got hold of many important
places on the high street and getting more attention of customers and having greater revenue

(Source: www.primark.co.uk)

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LO1. How the marketing plan supports strategic objectives

It is important to have a good knowledge of how important is the strategy and how it can help
formulate and marketing plan. First it is important to know and differentiate both of these things and
then discussing the difference between them.

1.1 How the strategy of the organization impacts on the marketing plan

What is strategy and why it is important:

A collection of all those activities which are important to get specific objectives is known as a
“strategy.” Strategy comprises of all those viable deeds and advancements taken to move the
organization forward. It is also the aim of administration to increase the market share of the

Vision of Primark:
Primark wants to become a leading organization by encouraging the fair business and also
aims to satisfy the stakeholders related with the organization directly or indirectly or either
they are the workforce within the organization or customers outside the organization.

Mission Statement
Primark aims to be a value retailer in clothing industry by selling its products on cheap prices
with no compromise on quality. It also wants to stay in competition by keeping its focus on
price and quality.

The simplicity of the mission statement of the Primark can be judged on the basis of
“SMART analysis.”

Specific: The organization does not deviate from its main goals at all.

Measurable: The constraint of certain timing lacks in its main objectives.

Achievable: The goals set by the organization seem to be gettable.

Realistic: The organization has it objectives which are practical.

Timely: it looks the company does not give importance to the time constraint in its mission

(Source www.primark.co.uk)
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Importance of Marketing Planning at Product Level & Business Level:

The organization makes it marketing plan in order to promote its products or services in the
market in order get the market share and make its entities accessible to customers. It needs to
focus on 4Ps in order to get successful which mean product, price, place, and promotion. First
of all we will start from “product.”

Normally product is often taken as a touchable thing which has a specific design,
measurement or flush but in real it can be untouchable known as service. Product or service
is the main thing which introduces the company to customers.

(International Marketing Analysis & Strategy P-275)

It is also important to know that any organization which makes a marketing plan needs to
consider it process in detail.

Marketing Planning Process:

(Kotler et al, 2010) describes the marketing plan as an in-print manuscript which has all the
aspects related to an entity or organization and the actions which are related to that product or

Furthermore the organization makes a formal planning process to make it clear that how the
upcoming goals will be achieved. In this planning process it is important for the company to
consider the present and future prospects in the marketplace, have a good knowledge of what
abilities it has to cope with these prospects and also needs to know those forces which affect
it and the organization cannot respond to them at some levels.

The planning process helps the organization to get response of following:

1. The position of the company.

2. The aim of its direction.
3. The ways and means to go towards a particular direction.

A good marketing planning process consists of following 5 steps.

It is important for the organization to consider the different stages of the marketing planning
process given below:

1. It should clearly shape its goals.

2. Must consider its reserves to achieve those goals.

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3. Keep a track of what dangers and prospects can be in the way. Should make a clear
marketing strategy.
4. Should apply it plans gradually and carefully and keep a track of them on the way.
(Source Doowle & Lowe 2004)


First of all we have to clear out the main purposes of the marketing plan and it will be the
start of any marketing plan. It is the first step in finding out what will be the target and how
that target is going to be achieved. The evaluation of the assets of the organization is done at
this stage when its funding is checked, the individuals, its manufacturing capability and
technology required.

SWOT Analysis:

A brief and comprehensive way of checking what is the situation inside and outside of the
organization is to do its SWOT analysis. The organization can assess what is going on inside
and what can be useful for it by judging its internal strengths which give an idea of how the
organization can compete with the rivals. Weaknesses of the organization cannot be ignored
as they help the organization in order to avoid going beyond the desired targets and wastage
of resources.

The organization has to keep an eye of its external environment as it helps the organization to
remain in competition and avoid any catastrophic situation arising around it. It gives the
organization a good view of how it can gain advantage over its rivals by taking any
opportunity arising and keeps it aware of any type of dangers which can affect it badly if any
wrong steps taken.

There are many other ways that can be helpful in getting a good idea of success and failure of
any marketing plan of any organization including the “PEST analysis” and “Porter’s Five
Forces Model.” Both of these are helpful for the organization to judge its current position in
the market and are helpful to get a good idea of how it can achieve its targets. .

Difference between Marketing Planning & Strategy:

The organization makes its strategy in order to fulfil its general intentions and goals. By
making a strategy the organization keeps a track of its activities in order to gain advantage
over it rivals. Any strategy which is made in helpful in telling the current status of the
organization, its main objectives from a specific starting point and the ways and means to go
in a certain direction to achieve its goals. On the basis of strategy, the organization puts its
targets in place and then makes a plan to achieve those targets.

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Marketing Planning:
The procedure of upholding a merchandize of the organization or the promotion of
organization on the foundation of the strategy is known as marketing planning. Marketing
plan is made by checking the position of the company in the market, the judgement of the
inside and outside environment of the organization by using the accurate Ps in order to give
the organization competitive advantage over its rival within a specific period of time.

1.2 Identify the component parts of a marketing plan

Components of a Marketing Plan:

First and foremost in these components of the marketing plan is “marketing mix.” The
company divides the market into different sections and then puts the most appropriate of
marketing mix to target those sections.

(Kotler, Managing Markets p-19) describes marketing mix as a sequence of right fits used
for getting the marketing targets of the organization. These tools are further elaborates as 4 Ps
by different marketing experts as:

“Marketing mix is defined as a set of tools a company or a firm may use to achieve its
marketing goals”. (Kottler, Managing Markets P-19).

McCarthy divided these tools into 4 broad groups, which he called as “4P’s”

 Product
 Price
 Place
 Promotion

Some other authors include 7P’s as the complete version of marketing mix. Those remaining
3P’s are as under:

Moreover, there are 3 more Ps important for the success of any marketing plan and they are
given below:

 People
 Processes
 Physical Evidence

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By judging the marketing mix of Primark it is not tough to decide how they did attained the
satisfaction of customers.

LO2. Understand the construction of a marketing plan

2.1 Identify the levels of importance of each component of the plan

Marketing Mix of Primark:

Primark is one of the leading value companies in the garments industry which is giving its
competitors a hard time in the market. Their marketing strategy is unique and is very useful
for them as they are growing their influence with the changing time.


Primark not only give more preference to price but also provide a wide range of quality
products for different segments of the society. They sell a wide range of products to
customers of all age and gender keeping in view the latest fashion and consumer demand in
the wide clothing market.


Keeping in view the price of the products, the quality should not be that good as that of other
competitors but it is surprising that quality of their products is sound.


Latest changing fashion demands a higher level of designing from all producers in the
markets and Primark keeps it in mind. It brings the newest designs at low price for the

Brand Names:

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For a low-price retailer it is not easy to set up new brand names but Primark has done this job
with excellence. They have brought these brand names in the market and made them a part of
everyday life for example,

 “Rebel Active
 Early Days ( For babies)
 Cedar wood State ( For Gents)
 Active
 Atmosphere
 CS Active
 Young Dimensions”

(Source: www.Primark.co.uk)

Packing & Sizes:

In the clothing industry it is important to keep the packaging standard high and provide all
kinds of sizes of every product because the every customer has different size and Primark
does this job properly. The company also provides with great services in terms of customer
service. Also it has an excellent policy of return of product in case of any type of fault for
twenty one days.


Primark are a value retailer and want to supply superior products on lower prices. Especially
at the time of recession when the consumer is giving more importance to saving, then
Primark becomes the most important and successful retailer in the high street as it believes
and make the customer believe that “Look good, pay Less.”


Although company is considering promotion as an important factor for its future aspirations,
but so far it is lacking in this aspect. Now a days companies are focusing on providing more
and more products on their website and doing online business.


Place is one of the most influential factor in the success of any marketing plan and Primark
realizes this fact. There are big and accessible outlets of Primark in all the shopping centres
and markets. These stores with big signs are visible and accessible to the consumers which
give it advantage and big business.

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This aspect of marketing mix becomes significant if the product is intangible that means it is
a service. Both inside and outside the organization there are either staffs or consumers and are
important for the business.

From start to finish of any marketing plan, there are different processes which should be
considered important by the organization. For example, the organization should keep “CRM”
as an important factor as it gives the feedback by the consumer and makes the company alert
if any kind of problem occurs during the course of a marketing plan.

2.3 Produce a marketing plan

In this section I have produced a marketing plan for Primark and is given below:

Primark introduces its branded sports range

Website: www.primark.co.uk

Email: [email protected]

Service name: “Primark value sports range”

Slogan: “your best value company brings you sports range now”

Selling “Primark sports range” to the Customers:

“Primark sports range’ is the first value sports range of clothes for the young customers all
around UK who wants sports clothing at cheaper rates.

“primark sports range” has major reimbursements as follows.

 It gives a variety of different types of marked clothing of different clubs and counties
and different sports stars which the youth of the country seek as ideal.
 It is cheaper in price and durable.
 It is available and all shapes and sizes.

The Markets for “Primark”:

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Macro-Environmental Analysis

 Sports loving fans can get the products of their liking without any restriction imposed
by market of higher prices.
 The consumers loyal to Primark do not have to go to other stores like JD Sports to
buy their products as they get it here on cheaper prices.

Micro-Environmental Analysis

The Market:

Now a days there are few licensed retailers who can sell the sports clothing to customers and
they are well established but there is still a lot of market potential for the Primark is it is
willing to providing the best value of its products to the customers.

The Competition:

Primark faces stiff competition from its rival brands like JD Sports, Lillywhites other
manufacturers in sports clothing range. Also these rivals provide shoes and other gifts as well
which can be an issue to be considered by Primark while introducing its range in the market.

The Customers:

The expectation of the consumer is high in this clothing range as they want wide range of the
products including all kinds of sports and players, so it will not be that easy for Primark to
bring its clothing range and make it successful.

(SWOT) Analysis

Key Strengths Implications for Marketing

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 Primark is a trusted brand name so it can get success if it works on this clothing range
 A bigger network of Primark stores and convenience to reach the customers can be a
greater strength for the company.
 As the brand prices of Primark are considered cheaper so it can attract more
consumers to its stores to buy sports clothing range.

Key Weaknesses Implications for Marketing

 There can be licensing problems for the Primark in getting the bigger brand names
like adidas, nike etc.
 Primark needs more money to advertise its products in the market.
 The training provided to the customer services is necessary because the consumers
will feel hectic in case of any query at the stores.
 Primark lack expertise in this clothing range before so it will need more experience
staff in this department.

Key Opportunities Implications for Marketing

 Cheaper products tag for the company can be helpful for it to bring the sports range
cheaply for the consumer.
 Customers can buy other clothing range with the sports range at the same place so it
can be a good opportunity to promote other products.
 Younger customers are attracted more to the company as company lacks in this
department before.

Key Threats Implications for Marketing

 In sports world there is a trend of growing uncertainty of the market so Primark might
not be able to cope with the changing trends.
 Other sports clothing manufactures already have captured big market so for Primark
to enter in this market can be a tough job.
 Cheaper brands tag has a lower quality thinking in the consumer mind so it can be a

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Strategic Goal:

The main purpose behind the introduction of “Primark sports range” is to capture bigger
market in clothing industry and gain the confidence of the teen age generation in the UK

Core Strategies:

The company aims to focus on the Cost Leadership strategy in this field of clothing range as well.

Brand Name
“Primark Sports Clothing Range”

“your best value company brings you sports range now”

Unique Selling Proposition

“providing the cheaper sports clothing range to the consumers.”

Benefit Statement

The Primark sports clothing range has many reimbursements

 It is cheaper
 It gives the customer more variety
 It is available in all stores across UK

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Positioning Statement

It shows that company is in a strong position to put its efforts in this clothing range and beat
its rivals.

Target Market Segments and Strategies

Target Market Strategy

 The current customers who are loyal customers of Primark

 Younger customers
 Smaller clubs and counties
 Visitors to the country

Pull policy:

The organization can advertise its new sports clothing range through different sources
although it does not need to spend much money on advertising because the customers who
come to the stores will find the products and it is a natural advertisement. Other sources can
be Radio, television, papers and most importantly internet.

Key Product Policies:


The customers can get the products in-store and in every store.

The same lower price strategy is applied on the prices of this clothing range.

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All kinds of resources available for the advertising will be used for the promotion of the

All small and big Primark stores will have a specific area in its stores especially dedicated for
these products.


Vision Primark: “it’s your sports”.

Sports clothing range has its main aim behind it to bring the younger consumers in its stores
to get better market.

2.2 Identify improvement strategies for high risk components of the plan

Careful analysis of internal and external environment:

Any marketing plan is successful if the marketing mix is taken care of during the
implementation of the plan. It is always taken after the careful analysis of inside and outside
environment of the organization.

The greater competition in the market forces every organization to put the right kind of
products at reasonable prices and promote them in order to make the marketing plan
successful. It also needs to consider the proper placement of the product/services in order to
make it accessible for the consumer. So the marketing plan is successful if the marketing mix
is given more importance. In this plan there is risk of high level of competition from different
market retailers like JD Sports, Lillywhites who already hold most of the market share in this
area. So the company has to work hard to beat these competitors and attract younger
customers by doing aggressive marketing strategy.

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Importance of Budgeting in Marketing Plan
The position of the organization is important to be considered at all levels and also the
direction of its position should be clear and in this regards finances of the company are one
on the most important factors while making any kind of marketing plan. The organization
should allocate finance to the marketing plan keeping in view it current position and should
predict the outcome of the plan on the basis of its finances. It should also keep finances if any
kind of contingency plan is needed in case of failure of the original plan. At the start of any
marketing plan the financial resources of the organization must be considered and what more
is needed at the time of promotion should also be allocated while making a plan. Here in case
of this plan the company will have to allocate a big budget based on the diversification of the
range of the products.

LO3. Understand how to promote the marketing plan in support of

strategic objectives

3.1 Discuss how the plan support strategic objectives

Marketing plan and the Strategic objectives of Primark:

Low price quality clothes company Primark can provide the sports clothing range at lower
prices as well which can be beneficial for its future aspirations. The only strategic objective
of the company is to boost the revenue by targeting customers of all ages and genders will
still keeping its reflection of a low price clothing market.

Primark is an easy to access company in every corner of the high street so the consumer can
get reach it everywhere. So this plan should be successful as the modern day consumer does
not want to go too far to buy his/her products.

The company will get boost towards its strategic aims as it is bringing the younger customers
to its outlets. So the marketing plan will focus its advertising on it.

Publicity & Promotion Strategy in this Marketing Plan:

Not all of the marketing plan needs the same kind of promotion techniques but still are
important. It seems that company is content with what it is achieving but still if any kind of
promotional policy is considered in this plan, it can be helpful for the organization in order to
attract the attention of more and more consumers towards its products. “Integrated marketing
communication”(IMC) can be the best advertising policy in this plan.

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3.3 Identify an evaluation and review measure for the agreed plan.

This plan is actually focused on the younger generation which is the future of the society. So
Primark has not given any time frame to get the target in this plan seems understandable.
Sports products are very famous in the younger generation and Primark seemed to be lacking
in this respect. Now it has got a chance to boost its sales and get a competitive advantage
over the consumers. I do not see any kind of threats involved in this plan because even if it
fails Primark has not reserved any special stores for this plan, so this plan can be easily
reversed or any contingency plan can be applied if needed by the top management.

Strategic marketing is a great source of achievement of goals for any kind of organization. In
order to reveal the importance of strategic marketing “Primark Stores Plc” was taken in this
assignment as an example. Any kind of marketing strategy is successful if the marketing plan
made for it is crafted in a way that suits the organization’s internal and external environment.
If this kind of plan is efficient and affective and meets the demands of the markets, it can be a
great source for the organization to get lead over its adversaries.


Alan Chapman 2005, based on Michael Porter's Five Forces of Competitive Position Model
Web addresses www.businessballs.com. Alan Chapman accepts no date accessed

Doole Isabel and Robin Lowe ,International marketing strategy,4th Edition,2004,Reprinted

2005,Copy right Thomson Learning ,London, Printed in China by C&C offset printing Co.

Grant, R. (1991) The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage. Implications for

Strategy Formulation. California Management Review, 33(3).

Philip Kottler and Kevin Lane Keller, Managing Markets, 12 th Edition, 2006, copy right
Pearson Education Inc, New Jersey.

Peter.J, (2008), Marketing Management, 9th edition, NYC; Mc-Graw Hill

Primark’s history, www.Primark.co.uk

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