A Study On Consumers Satisfaction Towards Himalaya Products With Special Reference To Dharapuram Town

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International Journal of Commerce and Management Research 

International Journal of Commerce and Management Research

ISSN: 2455-1627, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22
Volume 2; Issue 7; July 2016; Page No. 54-55

A study on consumers satisfaction towards Himalaya products with special reference to Dharapuram town
Nithya L, 2 Durai Eswari S
Assistant Professor Department of B.Com (CA) & M.Com, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
2 Research scholar, Department of Commerce, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

This study is to identify the consumer satisfaction level and the problems faced by the respondents while using Himalaya products.
The data has been collected from 50 consumers in Dharapuram by applying convenient sampling technique. Statistical tools such
as percentage analysis, chi-square analysis and weighted score analysis have been used to analyse the data. Finding of the study
reveals that there is no significant relationship between age, gender, educational qualification, monthly income, marital status and
level of satisfaction of Himalaya product.The study has attempted to cast light on the preference of the consumers also this study
has necessitated the Himalaya manufacturing company to increase the awareness about its different products which are high in
quality then their competitors.

Keywords: Himalaya, Consumer satisfaction, Awareness, Preference

Introduction  To identify the factors influencing the preference towards

The Essence of marketing is an exchange or a transaction, Himalaya products by the respondents while using
intended to satisfy human needs or wants. That is, marketing is Himalaya products.
a human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants,  To identify the problems faced by the respondents while
through an exchange process. A demand is a want for which using Himalaya products.
the consumer is prepared to pay a price. A want is anything or
a service the consumer desires or seeks. Wants become Review of Literature
demands when backed by purchasing power. Abhiji Bhandari, (2000) [1] “Making loyalty pay” retention
A need is anything the consumer feels to keep himself alive done through a loyalty programme can help building a direct
and healthy. A transaction consists of a value between two marketing database. The cost of retaining a customer is just one
parties. A transaction differs from a transfer. A transfer may tenth of the cost acquiring new states new states ABHIJIT
receive nothing in return. The aim of marketing is to make sales Bhandari chairman of royal images direct marketing limited.
in order to earn reasonable profit for the producer. Bass Frank M., (2001) [2] “A non rational buyer does not plan
Himalaya product has its wealth of knowledge and research, in his buying, it is equally logical to assume that this buying the
natural herbal remedies, to formulate a range of personal care product and especially a specific brand is random or
products that cater to our daily health needs. This range offers probabilistic this means that the buyer is not looking for a
the goodness of natural solutions for daily use, with no side particular brand but picks up the brand available. This is
effects. Personal care products is one of the very essential and probabilistic switching behavior.
common use consumer products for every individual in their Deepallsingh (2001) [3] in his study’s enticed “entitled,
day to day life irrespective of rich and poor, caste & religion, “consumer behavior and banking retail product and analysis”.
etc., in order to facilitate the present study first of all it will be Stresses that the borrower’s attitude is an important factor for
benefit for us to have a birds eye in view of Himalaya a herbal the improvement of housing loan schemes.
market in Dharapuram town. Dr. Raja sekar N. (2002) [4] conducted a fairness creams a study
on market trend and product preference of the study has reveled
Statement of the problem very significant finding like a skin care product showed brand
Different varieties of the products are available in the market equity should also be developed to sustain in the market.
consumers prefer the variety of products for high quality, low
price and attractive wrappers.Most of the consumers are Methodology
satisfied with quality products and some of the consumers The data has been collected from 50 Consumers in
prefer other factors each product differs from one another in Dharapuram by applying convenient sampling technique.
terms of price, quality, quantity, offers, advertisement etc., Secondary data for the study have been collected from various
The competition is severe and the manufacturer has to consider publications in journals, magazines, website and books.
the opinion of the consumers. In this context, the researcher is Statistical tool Such as Percentage analysis, Chi-square
interested in studying the consumer preference and satisfaction analysis and Weighted score analysis have been used to
towards the Himalaya products. analyse the data.

Objectives of the study Results and Discussions

 To study the socio-economic factors affecting the Analysis and Interpretation
consumer satisfaction of Himalaya products. Table 1 shows the classification of the respondents based on
their Age, Gender, Educational Qualification, Occupation,
International Journal of Commerce and Management Research 

Family Monthly Income, Marital status, Nature of Family and Weighted score ranking analysis
Residential Area.
Table 3: Problem facing himalaya product
Table 1: Personal profile of customer
S. No Factors Score Rank
No. of Per 1 High price 810 V
respondents cent 2 Inadequate advertisement 920 II
Up to 20 years 15 30 3 No offers are given 1060 I
Age 21 - 30 years 28 56 4 Less varieties 885 III
31 – 40 years 6 12 5 Lack of distributors 845 IV
Above 40 years 1 2 6 Less awareness 730 VI
Male 16 32 Source: Computed
Female 34 68
Illiterate 2 4 From the above table “No offers are given” has been ranked
Educational School level 7 14 first with the score of 1060 points, “Inadequate advertisement”
Qualification College level 29 58 has been ranked second with the score of 920 points, “Less
Professional 12 24 varieties” has been ranked third with the score of 885 points,
Occupational House wife 5 10 “Lack of distributors” has been ranked fourth with the score of
Employed 8 16 845 points, “High price” has been ranked fifth with the score
Business 12 24 of 810 points, “Less awareness” has been ranked six with the
Professional 25 50 score of 730 points.
Up to Rs.5000 3 6
11 22 Suggestions
Family monthly Rs.10000
Income Rs.10001-  Advertisements to be required for Himalaya products
8 16  Most of the respondents feel the Himalaya products price
Above Rs.15000 28 56 is very high. So the company can reduce the price.
Marital Status
Married 18 36  Demonstration of Himalaya products may be improved
Unmarried 32 64  Some of the respondents feel door delivery is the best
Nature of Joint family 24 48 promotional measures. So the company can concentrate by
Family Nuclear family 26 52 the above factor
Total 350 100
 The company provides more discount for their product.
Source: Computed
This should be increasing the customer the company can
provide more discount for their product
It is inferred from above table that 56 percent of the respondent
 Quantity of the Himalaya product to be increased with the
are in the age group of below 21 to 30 years, 68 percent of the
prevailing price rate
respondents are female, 58 percent of the respondents are in
college level, 50 percent of the respondents are professionals,  Retail selling is required to increasing the sales.
56 percent of the respondents are belong to the income group
of above Rs.15000, 64 percent of the respondents are Conclusion
unmarried and 52 percent of the respondents are in nuclear In the present scenario Himalaya products are one of the very
family. essential products for all walks of people. This research study
was conducted to increase our current understanding of
Chi-square Himalaya personal care market in general and analyse
consumer decision making in particular.
Table 2: Personal factors VS Level of Satisfaction The study has attempted to cast light on the preference of the
consumers also this study has necessitated the Himalaya
Personal factors
Hypothesis manufacturing company to increase the awareness about its
value value different products which are high in quality then their
Age 1.21 2 5.99 Accepted
competitors. The company must attract its consumers by
Gender 0.91 2 5.99 Accepted
providing many free gifts related to their products to maintain
8.95 6 12.6 Accepted a long run market. If the above suggestions are implemented,
Monthly income 7.85 6 12.6 Accepted the company will research a highest target in the near future.
Marital status 0.89 2 5.99 Accepted
Source: Computed References
1. Abhiji Bhandari, “making loyalty pay”, American
Since the calculated value of chi-square is less than table value. marketing journalese, 31, Dec, 2000, P.22.
So the hypothesis is accepted. There is no significant 2. Bass Frank M., the theory of stochastic preference and
relationship between age, gender, educational qualification, brand switching, journal of marketing research vol.11
monthly income, marital status and level of satisfaction of P.20.
Himalaya product. 3. Deepallsingh (2001)”consumer behaviour and banking
retail product analysis”, banking finance, May 2001.
4. Dr.N.Raja sekar,”the Indian journal of marketing” Mar


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