Tree Book

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To the trees

Introduction 1

Trees and science 3

Sacred trees 16

The roots 38

Resonance with the trees 41

Shamanic rituals with trees 44

Healing with trees 49

Bibliography 81

To the trees

Trying to offer the possibility of putting more heart into

our daily lives and less brain dedicated to competing is not

easy in today's modern world. However, if we consider

trees like a big heart full of life giving, it is imperative to

be more connected with nature and trees. Trees represent

our ancestral union of 3500 million years ago with planet

earth. Meanwhile, through water our relationship with

plants and our cells is manifested in the memory of the life

we share together.

The present book shows off a work developed with

different trees in Costa Rica, Cuba and other countries is

described as a form of vibrational therapy containing the

corresponding mandalas.


For me it is the first work developed with the living forces

of nature that are manifested in trees and that indicate the

interrelation with everything created as a living organism

and as human beings we are not strangers to it. This

implies that quantum physics and biology plus Eastern

philosophical conceptions are described in this book as

the evidence of the work done with trees. Even more,

there are mentioned myths and archetypes of different

cultures that had as the center of their magical world the

tree as a sacred being.

Finally, you can create your own ritual to connect with the

healing energies of different trees. A sacred ritual to get in

touch with the magic of the trees.

The author.


Quantum physics show us the components of life and the

cosmos do exist linked. Nature is not shown with separate

and self-sufficient elements, it is more expressive and

developed in its forms of relation with its own elements

forming an integrated whole. It also tells us that we can

find equivalent reflections of the cosmos within each of its

elements. By ways of the interconnection between trees

and humans.

In fact, this is what happens when we observe nature.

Specifically, the network of relationships between roots,

trunk, branches and leaves, we know it as a tree. In a

tropical forest, for example, the roots of all the trees are

intertwined, producing a thick underground network in


which we do not perceive defined borders between the


The interrelation of the components of nature provides a

system of organization that can be measured and

calculated in quantities. However, they constitute a pattern

of organization with a number of interrelations that

characterize a system that cannot be measured and to

which we can add ecological values. Cooperation,

integration, conservation, association and quality.

Recent discoveries of science describe patterns in nature

that tend to form networks, their characteristics are in that

they are not linear and go in all directions. As is the case

with synaptic neural networks. In addition, the pattern for

life is a pattern capable of self-organization. Systems that

are independently organized according to Prigogine can

maintain vital processes outside the balance and in turn be

stable. It was based on the thermal convection of Henri

Bérnard, which showed that a system moves away from

equilibrium, in a state of uniform temperature of heating

on a liquid, it reaches a point of instability, in which


appears a hexagonal pattern ordered. In classical

thermodynamics, energy dissipation in heat transfer,

friction, and so forth was always associated with loss.

However, it was shown that dissipation is a source of

order. These are self-organized systems, open and non-

linear, that allow order and creativity in the forms of

organization and balance.

On the other hand, living systems are dynamic and turn

out to be self-organized networks, whose components are

interconnected in a non-linear way, forming networks and

responding to interdependencies. From the point of view

of science, mathematics explains it with the theory of

fractals. Fractal comes from fractus, break, undo the

pattern create it or change it.

Fractals are mathematics of relationships and patterns.

They are qualitative rather than quantitative, from quantity

to quality, from substance to pattern. With the help of

non-linear equations, results can be represented in curves

and diagrams. In this way they have been able to discover

new qualitative behavior patterns of these complex


systems, a new order in apparent chaos. Even the chaotic

behavior of living systems and trees is not random and

presents an underlying order or pattern.

Already then, the French Benoit Mandelbrot in the late

fifties, created fractal theory, to describe and analyze the

complexity of the world around us. Thus, each part

resembles the tree and the leaf. The form of the whole is

similar to itself from the micro to the macro. The rocks

resemble small mountains.

The branch of a tree shows similar patterns that it is

difficult to differentiate from one another. In addition, the

fractal system predicts the qualitative characteristics of the

behavior of a system but not the exact quantity, length,

depth ... of a system.

The transposition of the complex theory of living systems

is precisely in the study of pattern, form, order and quality,

and of structure, substance, matter, and quantity.

According to Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela,

the configuration of the relationships between its


components determines what is recognizable as a tree or

what is the pattern. To determine if a system is alive, it

must be established whether the system is capable of

being composed in a process of its own construction. The

structure defines the composition, of what is made.

On the other hand, Gregory Bateson wondered what

pattern connected the orchid with spring, even say, the

tree with nature and all of them with me. He believed that

the language of nature had to be spoken. When I watched

in the living world I saw the organizing activity as

essentially mental or intelligent. He united the process of

knowing with the process of living. We can think that

intelligence is linked to the brain. However, the brain is

not necessary for intelligence to exist. Accordingly, plants

can perceive changes in temperature, light, chemical

composition, music, etc.

Now we have to introduce a couple of questions to what

Bateson said:

Is the brain the only structure through which the process


of cognition operates? And what about the heart with cells

that are recognized in processes of intelligence and the

intelligence of the belly? Peptides that are secreted in the

brain are also located in the belly. There is no doubt that

the molecular interactions between enzymes and

neuropeptides are involved in cellular memory and there is

an energy involved in the way these substances do their

work. The structure of life participates in the process

regardless of whether or not the organism has a brain.

However, the nervous, immune and endocrine system

constitutes a cognitive network and not separate or

isolated from the structure that composes it. What we call

mind, consciousness, intelligence, turn out to be

manifestations of information and energy as such

contains. Modern physics accepts the fact that information

and intelligence appear to be one and the same. In

conclusion, the interdependence between pattern and

structure and process allows us to overcome the paradigm

between intelligence and matter, trees and life.


According to Paul Pearsall we can consider and even

affirm that the heart constitutes a structure that emits and

transmits the energy in the form of information to the rest

of the organism where the cells store all the information.

This energy or force moves atoms, molecules, cellular

processes, living systems even planets. It moves systems

because they contain information about how a living

system has to move. The cells and their organization, exist

only because the energy maintains them. Just think about a

tree like a pulsating big heart with energy and information

of life.

A well-known feature of living systems and plants,

according to Prigogine, is that as we move away from

equilibrium, from universal laws, we approach the wealth,

diversity, beauty, and variety of life. Other characteristics

that we can add have to do with the fact that the processes

are indeterminate and irreversible and not deterministic

and reversible, giving change growth and development.

When we are at a point of instability the behavior of the

living system is unpredictable, so that new structures of


higher order and complexity can arise, such as so many

kinds of trees.

To facilitate the understanding of the living system of the

earth, Lovelock suggests the analogy with the tree. When

the tree grows there is only a thin layer of living cells in its

contour, just below the bark. All the wood of its interior is

dead matter. Similarly, the earth is covered with a thin film

of living organisms.

We are thus able to describe the earth system and trees

according to Gail Fleischaker's three criteria. Self-limited

and self-defined: The atmosphere surrounds the earth as

the membrane of a cell.

Self-generating and self-regenerating: Reconstitution and

transformation of organic and inorganic substances from

the soil, to the oceans and air that create a network.

Self-perpetuating: The components of the oceans, soil and

air, as well as organisms of the biosphere, are continually

replaced by planetary processes of production and

transformation. Why not include trees within these three



From another perspective we observe that a living system,

plant or tree will be determined by its pattern and

structure of the system and formed by a series of cycles of

intact changes. However, the process of change that is

structurally determined does not imply to be predictable.

According to Prigogine, living structures, including trees,

result in creative processes with places of non-linear

branching, from cell division to sexual reproduction. Even

trees when forked in their branches can be taken as an

analogy to the binary code, or the human genetic code

because it can be split from the trunk to any leaf of the

tree by only taking one or two decisions at each point of

the branch that will develop the leaves.

Although mutation and natural selection continue to be

considered important envelopes of biological evolution,

curiosity focuses on creativity, it is the immutable advance

of the living to improvisation. The branches of creativity

do not go by random mutations, but by the creation of

new elements that integrate nature. It is the spontaneous


appearance of other labyrinths or lianas and a new and

growing organization.

To conclude, we find that the beliefs of the human being

insert in modern society it is dissociate or separate from

the natural being of which we belong to. However,

Buddhist philosophy enclosures the idea that there is no

isolated being. In addition, the tao that means the way, is

the unity with the supreme and the responsible principle

of all things. So that the absorbent idea that we are

isolated beings separated from the totality is mere illusion.

I can support the idea of a connective tissue of the

universe that flows at high frequencies of light and love.

Thus, through water we perceive these vibrations in our

nervous, endocrine and immune system. The 99% of our

cells are made up of water. Water transfer all the

information and vibration of high frequencies, like love,

connecting all.

Also, the water in the cells is that collect all the

information of the universe and it has been shown that


there is a cellular memory. Let us find out the memories

of trees!!!

It would be beneficial to consider other alternatives to

destruction that is currently living on the planet now.

From the Eastern philosophies perspective, I can consider

human suffering coming from beliefs created by the mind

that only fit in the condition of human conquest. The

conquest of the world, the earth and its elements. The

immediate looting without seeing the consequences. I

think it would be easier to accept the mutable and

transient nature of all things. From our ignorance, we

divide the world into separate objects that we believe to be

authentic and permanent, but which are actually transient

and changing. Trying to hold on to our severe beliefs and

not to understand the fluidity of life, with which we move

in a circle of dissatisfaction.

Wisdom of science has reached the same conclusion.

According to Santiago's theory, we give power to a being

as we give it to an object. Our being or essence does not

exist independently and is nothing more than the result of


our change.

We have even broadened the divided and separated

perspective towards human society, manifesting itself in

different nations, races, religions and political groups.

Moreover, human beings take seriously the placed in these

representations of reality fragmented in ourselves, in

nature and in our society.

Overcoming our paradigm dwells in the fact of creating

relationships. Consequently, we come to understand that

identity, particularity and emancipation do not mean

fragmentation, dissociation and independence. As Lynn

Margulis says: "Independence is a political term, not a

scientific one".

To extend the arguments, we can find in the actual

century, a human being fragmented and divided between

the body and the soul. The soul can be identified as the

spiritual essence or the totality in the human being. It is

the heart energy that connects us with the universal energy

and love, and with our complete being our soul.


Therefore, we can learn so much from trees to be a whole

being again.


Recently Suzanne Simard show us how the trees of the same family

are interdependent. She found that not only carbon is sent, but also

- when needed - nitrogen, phosphorus, water; and that the stems of

fungi (mycelium), by colonizing all the roots of the trees, work to

allow a web more complex than you can see. "The mycelium

connects different trees in the forest, not only of the same species

but among different species, and functions like a network of

nutrients and information"

She also discovered something that stunned me: the mother trees,

the oldest trees, never finished to sustain the young, and that only

an old tree connected hundreds of the less old.


As I see, trees are the beings of nature that connect, sustain each

other and makes a link with the earth and the cosmos, this results

in the living experience of the spiritual. When the concept of spirit

is understood as the mode of consciousness in which one

experiences a feeling of belonging and connection with the cosmos

as a whole. Even in cultural traditions the tree is represented as a

sacred symbol. Trees are a universal symbol. The tree in its multiple

symbology, reveals an ancient and novel experience of the vision of

the entire cosmos.

Like human beings, trees exist in the vertical dimension. As living

creatures, the trees provide us with protection, medicine, fuel and

roof. In addition, trees are offering beauty, hope, comfort, and

inspiration to humanity from the beginning. Many cultures believed

in a cosmic or mythical tree as the center of the universe, while

others believed that humans were born from trees.

In the Mayan culture is Ceiba the sacred tree.

The Ceiba tree is associated with the archetypal image of the Tree

as Axis Mundi: symbolically takes the place of the figure of a god

placed in the center of an altar, as if it were in the navel or "Center


of the World". That archetypal sacred Tree is the first symbol

linked to the origin of rituals with flora, inseparable from the vision

of biocosmic life. The symbol of the cosmic tree is accompanied by

animals and symbols of gods.

In the Popol Vuh, when Ixquic has a reconciliation with the Tree,

reaches a new state of higher consciousness. Even the Mayan

Indian identifies with his brother Sacred Tree, and calls him

Yaxche, this Yaxche is Ceiba tree. Ceiba tree, has bifurcated

branches, representing the inherent dualism of cosmic beings. In

various forms, in the lower part, the Ceiba resembles a swollen

belly, like a pregnant woman, sometimes in its trunk a root rises

which represents life, the tree is planted in a receptacle, which

constitutes the divine essence. Then the tree and its receptacle

make importance to the natives do to joining of heaven and earth,

condensing the cosmic divinity and its creative principle on earth.

There is a very similar parallelism in Hindu culture, where the

cosmos incarnates in the form of a giant tree. The roots are

branched and linked to human acts, their leaves and flowers are

good and evil, pleasure and suffering. In Hindu symbology, the tree


is the step of a condition of ignorance and a condition of ritual


Trees in Jewish culture symbolize life, development, immortality,

strength and majesty. Like humans, they grow slowly and mature

after many years, with steady growth of branches. It is as a source

of shade and protection. Their nutrients for human life, their fruit

full of seeds and their tenacity make them suitable as symbols of

motherhood and fatherhood. They stay stout longer than people,

so they represent wisdom. They survive freely of human

generations, they also symbolize regeneration and eternity. Even a

cut tree come to represent death on Jewish tombstones.

The Tree of Druids

The word druid comes from the term "driedads" priest of the oaks.

The Celtic Druids or shamans conveyed the metaphysical teachings

in relation to nature. Its power was extended in such a way that

they developed the Celtic calendar where each month was

represented with a tree. The four main seasons of the Celtic year

correspond to the celebrations known as Samhain, Beltaine, Imbolc

and Lugnasad.


The new year begin on November first, the Samhain feast. This

feast presumed the moment of communication with the afterlife,

the world of the dead, the fairies, sylphs, undines, nereids and gods.

Today this feast remains within Christianity on the day of all saints.

The characteristic tree is birch, the tree that grew at the entrance of

paradise. On the eve of Samhain, the night of Halloween was

celebrated, or the return of the dead with birch leaves in their hats.

On the feast of Beltaine, on May first, bonfires were lit at the top

of the hills to celebrate the triumphant return of the sun with the

beginning of spring. Oak tree, the sacred tree most revered by

druids, symbolizes the prominent moment of the annual cycle.

The feast of Imbolc, February first, adopted as the feast of saint

Bridgit was incarnated by a willow tree. Lastly, the feast of the first

of August was performed venerating the god Lug, called Lugnasad

when the sun intensifies its heat on the dry and arid land, with the

representative species of the vines. Celts were located in natural

places to revive their ceremonies and cults, constituting a sanctuary

near springs, rivers, lakes, waterfalls. the oldest sanctuaries and

places of worship were always natural, clear places


of the forest, often located near springs, rivers or lakes. The oldest

trees were venerated and became oracles to communicate to man

his purpose in life in relation to the signs indicated by nature. Celts

felt in the tree the essence of life besides the knowledge necessary

to predict the future.

Even the tree embodied the protection of all material and spiritual


The tree is alluded to the idea of the cosmos in being in a

continuous regeneration and transmutation. In it, Druids

discovered the representation of the verticality of life in continual

perfection, at a steady rise to heaven.

On the other hand, the tree opened a communication and a way

with three levels of the universe. The deep level constituted by its

roots, did not cease to remove the depths that peregrinated in the

necessity to find water, the treasures of the earth. The surface of

the earth, however, through its trunk and branches reached the

upper areas. And the heights were universalized as a whole by the

crown and the upper branches. Even more, all the elements

constituted by water, air, earth and fire, flowed within, integrated


and unified in his body, fed the leaves and sprouted from the

friction of their branches and roots.

As the roots of the tree deepened in the ground and its branches

were enlarged towards the sky, druids imagined it as the emblem of

the union of earth and sky. In addition, it turned out to be the rune

or distinctive of the essence of the world. The tree came to signify

to Druids the shaft or trunk with heavenly sap and whose fruits

provided immortality to reach paradise on earth. The astral essence

of life on earth. The Celtic trees of Druids in many countries are

now being cultivated because they offer protection and great

magical powers.

The anthropomorphic tree

Anthropologists have investigated the idea that the tree could be

thought of as a mythical ancestor of a clan, as it is closely related to

lunar worship in various cultures.

The tree also interposes in the anthropomorphic interpretations,

the metamorphosis of the human being in tree and vice versa. We

see this in the creeds of the Altaic and Turcomongol tribes of

Siberia, as well as in Celts.


The tree in cultures

There are numerous ancient civilizations that have fixed their

essential tree, like that which represented the axis of the world. The

olive tree of the Arabs, the oak of the Celts, the linden of the

Germans, the ash tree of the Scandinavians, the birch of the

Siberians, the fig tree of the Hindus, etc.

The tree is a distinctive related to the psychic and spiritual growth

of the human being, it expresses itself as an icon of the vital

processes, each one of its parts is distinguished in a special way.

The seeds create the germ of any form of life and possess the

particularities in the form of pattern of the being that evolves from

them. The roots provide the genetic basis of the same evolutionary

trunk from which human and plant nature departs.

The devotion and adherence to the trees as living beings was

emphasized in the religious history of European culture before the

arrival of Christianity, although at present it is maintained in

multitude of celebrations and popular celebrations. Trees are

related to deities or protective deities of nature. It is in the Celtic

traditions of Great Britain and indigenous peoples of Latin


America, where are not shown easily as a consequence of the

indiscriminate use of the trees by the human being. Though

Christianity has done a lot of harm to the natural world, which

shows a form of control over the earth to be conquered by

repressing earthly pleasure rather than being naturally recognized

with humility and respect.

The pre-Christian human being perceived the world as lively,

animated, and plants and trees are not the exception. He thinks

that they have a soul, a spirit similar to his own and appreciates

them equally in the enjoyment, pleasure of life and pain they

experience together.

Most religious traditions attain a universal sense of existence, in

which the universe is seen as an organic and living whole in which

the human being is included in an integrated manner. In Eastern

religions such as Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism and Zen, the

inseparable sense of the human being, it is developing with nature.

Buddha is born under a fig tree and under a tree is reincarnated.

However, it turns out that Judeo-Christian monotheism confers the

idea, because it is only an idea, of a God all powerful creator of the


world. A world for the use of the human being. This Christian

mentality is by far the most anthropocentric or egocentric and over

masculine religion, which imposes the dualism that we live today

between man and nature, as opposed to the principle of harmony

that belonged to pre-Christian traditional religions. Being a

Christian is not synonymous with being natural and complete. In

addition, Christianity has little to do with the real life of Christ,

who actually died in Kashmir.

The news we receive from the environment is not encouraging

today. Increases the number of forest fires, and desertification and

even indiscriminate cutting of trees as in the Amazon for soybean

cultivation or other purposes.

However, a greater ecological awareness is being given as a result

of the fragility of the balance of life provided by forests and trees

with the contribution of oxygen. Without trees there is no life.

What is the desire to control nature for the benefit of the human

being when we are getting farther away from it? It turns out that

we are an integral part and understanding the balance that we are

breaking and can it become a conscious suicide.


Cultural and religious traditions have influenced the way of relating

to nature and trees. What we really lack is an ecological and

religious culture of religere or rooted as the trees in the very

essence of the earth.

The Prophecy of Native Americans

It originated from a council of elders and indigenous leaders from

all over North America held recently in Canada and comes to say

the following:

The human being when it turns against the tree and destroys it,

desolation will become prey to it. You will stop imagining and

seeing beyond your own reality. They will become liars and cease to

be worthy of mother earth. They also expressed that the tree would

not succumb at any time. During the existence of the tree, the

human race will live. One day he will awaken the human race from

his reverie and resume his contact with the sacred nature of the


The place of the Tree and its fruits will be safeguarded with

clairvoyance and a wise heart by the elders and the superiors. These

new meek human beings will direct those who earnestly and


truthfully seek the path that leads to the preservation of the fruits

of the sacred tree. Allegorically you will come to understand that

every seed can become a tree. What is represented as the four

aspects of our nature: the physical, the affective, the mental and

spiritual that are like seeds with the ability to develop powerful


The tree as the center of the world and center of the life of


Axis mundi, the axis of the world, is the tree the center of the

sacred. The mythologist Joseph Campbel refers to the awakening

of the Buddha, it is the most important moment in Eastern

mythology, with the counterpart of the crucifixion in the West.

They are analogous figures, incorporating the archetype of the

savior of the world, the motif of the tree of the world, are of an

immemorial antiquity.

Why a tree. The iconography is not strictly Asian. Every year

hundreds of millions of Christians when the winter solstice

approaches, they place a pine symbolically in their houses and

cover it with ornamental motifs. What is surprising is that the


tradition is pre-Christian and comes from the Druids of Brittany.

The Chinese represent the peach tree with its fruits of immortality.

The visual representation of the branches of a tree at both ends is a

model of the universe as a living organism. Metaphorically it results

in a map that serves the outer cosmos of the individual and the

spectrum of inner consciousness. With branches in the heavens

and roots in the underworld.

Are we drawn to trees because the structure of our minds

resembles the shape of a tree? Our nervous system has the shape of

a tree, as well as a river, capillaries, worlds of probability, chess

games, chain reactions. Our ancestors lived in trees.

Trees are talismans of holiness and wholeness both for

psychotherapists and for Eastern mystics. According to Jungian

psychoanalysis, the dream with trees represents empowerment and

movement towards the totality of the personality.

The physical landscape is even imagined by a dimension made up

of trees. Since the description of the transformation of

electromagnetic energy can be represented as a universe that is


formed by infinite branches.

Trees are disappearing because of human activity, and are known

as the lungs of the biosphere. Which means that the act of planting

a tree acquires a psychological and spiritual meaning.

The cosmic tree, the connection with the cosmos

Trees expand on the three levels of the cosmos. The underworld

through roots. The surface of the earth with the trunk and the

lower branches. The sky that penetrates with the upper branches

approaching the light and the astral vibrations and out of the

planets. And what is it about the flowers and fruits? It brings all the

elements together. The earth is part of the tree by its roots, the

water that circulates in the form of sap. The air that feeds the

leaves and the fire produced by the movement of the branches.

The cosmic tree, which connects the worlds, is also known as the

tree of life. Like the evergreen laurel tree that symbolizes

immortality. Or those who regenerate each season. As an

expression of the cycle of death and rebirth, in addition to the

dynamism of life and the transmutation of energies to a higher



The union of heaven and hell

The roots connect the earth with the underworld, dark, cold and

unknown. They penetrate the earth where the vital energy reaches

the nutrients. Trees connect to the trunk the surface of the earth,

representing consciousness. Trees acquire their strength through

earth, water, air and fire. They absorb the mysteries, secrets,

wisdom and knowledge of the humus and the depths.

The metamorphosis of the cosmic tree. The tree as dorje

It is the indestructible and eternal according to the Tibetans. In the

tao or emptiness, we find the trees. They are the ones who sustain

and harmonize life, the earth and the cosmos. In Chinese Qi Gong,

to remain like a tree is the natural state of being and immortality.

By remaining still, the energies of the earth and the cosmos are

unleashed in perfect balance for our health and in harmony with

nature, it is the stillness here and now. Everything is relative

according to the space and time in which we are, nevertheless,

Chinese exercises of the trees give us the experience of the absolute

and the totality. They lead us to the present moment with which we

count for the true conscious transformation of reality and a change


for our existence. On the other hand, through the movement of

the breath it activates the creative and regenerating forces. The

breath of the trees represents the consciousness of life.

The Christian Tree of Life

It is identified as a manifestation of the head of God, so there is an

analogy between the tree of genesis and the tree of the cross that

renews humanity. Christ becomes the new tree of the world, the

transformed tree of life, a stepping stone to the heavens.

The inverted tree

An inverted tree appears in the Jewish Zohar, where the tree of life

extends from the top towards the lower regions in the light of the

sun. The same tradition appears in Iceland and Finland.

The idea of an inverted tree produces a notion of reciprocity,

which produces a union between the continuous and discontinuous

and the unique and the dual. From the tree of life and the tree of

knowledge of good and evil. In the garden of Eden, the tree was

the instrument of the fall of Adam. As the tree of life also means

the redemption of Christ at the crucifixion.


The tree as a symbol of fertility

The transformation of the trees during the seasons suggests the

idea of a metamorphosis, a biological development of the tree as a

symbol of fertility. The tree is the source of all life. The trunk

symbolizes solar strength and power, a phallic symbol. The

branches, the foliage and the fruits with the nests of the birds,

symbolizes the supporting and protective mother. Sometimes a tree

brings us closer to the idea of man and sometimes to the idea of

woman. However, the idea of a double tree symbolizes the process

in which the internal opposites unite.

The Tree in Greek mythology

The Greeks suggested the idea of elements such as air, fire, water

were objects of religious worship, and so they personified them as

deities of the forces of nature. They were similarly identified with

several types of trees.

Zeus, known by the Romans as Jupiter, possibly the most powerful

god of the Olympus, is represented with the oak tree.

Pallas Athena, known by the Romans as Minerva, created the olive



Apollo, is represented with the laurel tree.

The tree in Norse mythology

The tree is extremely important in Norse mythology.

In Nordic mythology, Yggdrassil, the wild ash, is the axis of the

world, the tree that holds and contains in itself all the forces of the

universe. Without it, the world would collapse. Odin, the one-eyed

God, comes to his feet to receive the fountain of wisdom. Its three

branches support the sky and its fruits are the stars. The tree of ash

was the one that supported the universe, the trunk of Ymir had

three immense roots extending one in Asgard, the kingdom of the

gods. The other in Jotunheim the land of the giants and the third in

Niffleheim, the region of darkness and cold. Asgard's roots were

cared for by the gods of fate. Urdur the past, Verdandi the present

and Skuld the future.

In Nordic mythology, for example it is taught that the first human

was born from the ash tree, while the first woman was born from

the elm tree.


The tree in Hindu thought

The fig tree turns out to be the sacred tree of the Hindus,

Ashawatha, in addition to the Fig of Bengal Bat and the wild Apple

Bel, which seems to be the oldest. Since ancient times these three

trees were widely known by one property or another, and still

occupy a prominent place both by their sanctity and by their utility.

The Fig tree:

Also named as Ashwatha in the Vedas. The Atharva Veda will refer

to it as the permanent seat of the gods. In the Bhagwat Gita it says

that the tree is the incarnation of the god Krishna, considered the

benefactor of humanity.

The Fig of Bengal:

It is probably the most prolific tree in leaves and fruits. Where

Buddha reached perfection becoming the sacred tree of the


Bodi Tree of Buddha:

Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodi tree. It also


becomes a mixture of the tree of life and the tree of the world. In

Hinduism the roots are identified with Brahma, the trunk with

Shiva and the branches with Vishnu. Another connection between

the disparate worlds of the tree.

The Wild Apple Tree:

Its leaves are offered in the temples of Lord Shiva while its

branches are used in ceremonies and festivals. The trunk and wood

are not burned as a sacred tree. The tree also has a great medicinal

value used in evils of all kinds.

We can add that Indian gooseberry is considered to be a

particularly sacred tree. On February eleventh, drinks are poured at

the foot of it, linking red or yellow strings around its trunk and

delivering prayers for the fecundity of women, animals and


The Inverted Tree of the Vedas

The tree of life invested in the religions of east and west. The

Vedas suggest the concept of the role of dawn and dusk in the

growth of all life forms. Life comes from the heavens and settles


on the earth. Where the roots play the role of branches and


The tree of the Aztecs

The Aztecs performed rituals with a tree in the center

surrounded by four other trees, symbolizing the four

directions of the world, or cardinal points.

The central tree or Tota, our father, was taken from the

center and planted in the center of a lake, where usually a

young woman was sacrificed in honor of Tlaloc the

supreme creator.

The tree in the Polynesians

His people believed in the spirits of nature. In Hawaii the

kahunas, healers and shamans considered the trees to have

their own aumakua. To which the kahunas asked for

permission before cutting it or asking for help and advice

for the rituals of healing required for the community to

which they belonged.


The puches tree of the Ma

In the region of Patagonia of Chile and Argentina, they

believed that the sacred spirit pehuen of the pine tree of

the araucaria, provided them with food during the periods

of scarcity. In addition, this tree was considered connected

with the God Axes of Pillan, the creator of the storms and

the thunder.


In the origins of humanity, humans lived much more in

contact with the natural environment. We actually lived in

the trees. Which gave us a state of fusion with the earth on

a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. As a result

of being connected to the land, one enjoyed a state of

harmony with nature and a strong sense of internal

security. It was possible to learn mystical experiences and

the only way to access the subtle laws of the universe. In

addition to providing sustenance and protection, wisdom

was acquired and inspiration received.

However, by cutting off our connection with nature and

trees, we have cut off our natural instinct or consciousness,

depriving us of the wisdom and inner security possessed


by earlier generations of humanity. As a result, we live in

uprooted societies with fear and insecurity with which to

some extent we remain indifferent to the natural world

around us. Nature has been seen as an adversary who is

feared to be exploited, controlled and abused. More than a

benign, benefactor, nutrient and sustaining medium.

When we as society lose our roots with nature and our

energy of compassion centered on the heart, turn us into a

cool and calculating beings using our rational mind. Even

feelings of pride and superiority over other forms of life,

the desire to dominate them, greed and the pursuit of

status, prestige, lead us to a great uprooting of nature. We

cling to unnecessary and unreal beliefs and subtract

ourselves from the wisdom of nature. Humility means

surrendering to the greatness of nature and contemplating

new possibilities and perspectives of reality. It requires

giving up mind control and prioritizing heart-centered

feelings, as well as following natural instincts. Open to the

possibility to what they have taught us may not be true. Be

nothing and at the same time be one with the whole and


participate in its secrets and its power.

The connection with the trees teaches us to align our

beliefs with the will of God and the wisdom of the earth.

When we are not aligned with the physical, mental,

emotional and spiritual part, we become ill.



Water is the primordial element of creation, without water there is

no life. Without it as a fluid that interconnects all life forms

including ours, it would be impossible to understand what happens.

The transformation of the nutrients into sap, the constant flow

between the dense elements of the earth through the roots and the

air enriched with oxygen by the leaves and the flowers of the trees,

would be impossible without the water. The purifying and sacred

element of water has been used since ancient times by mankind.

The fountains, rivers, streams, springs were considered places

where they inhabited supernatural beings, originating legends and


myths about them. Water was often believed to heal the wounded

and heal the sick.

In India the sacred river of the Ganges brings the water of life.

Bathing in the Ganges frees the person from sin as a symbol of

inner purification. The source of the Ganges is born in the

Himalayas, the mountains of the gods, and descends towards the

plains of India as if it were of the sky. Even the water of the Jordan

River is sacred because Jesus Christ was baptized in it by St. John

the Baptist.

One can understand the purifying effect of the trees in the making

of the sap that nourishes it, thus giving a sacred character to the

tree. Our body is made up of about 70% water, so we see that our

relationship with trees has a component in common abundance.

However, what is our healing and purifying value. Can we learn

more about trees by being in contact with them?

In many cultures water appears as a reflection or image of the soul.

The human soul is like the brook of lotus of Buddha that rises

from the waters of the soul and the spirit, illuminated by the

knowledge to free oneself from a passive existence.


Are trees the soul of the earth?

In Japan water represents the purity and simplicity of life.

However, the Celts venerated the spring waters for their sacred and

medicinal value. They erected altars dedicated to the goddess of

sacred water, Sulis, where later the Romans built a temple to the

goddess Minerva.

The water molecules fluctuate between the hexagonal shape and

the round shape. At temperatures below zero degrees it behaves

like a hexagon. Although in liquid state with certain type of

vibrations or classical music forms hexagons also.

Water under natural conditions is receptive to temperature and

when it is above zero degrees forms a sphere or what is like a

mandala. Not only does it absorb heat, mineral substances and air,

it is also permeable to light and affected by astral constellations and



In order to have access to the qualities and to make direct contact

with trees, the following is the procedure that I use as a

communion to access the healing power of the trees.


We make a meeting with ourselves on a physical level for which we

can fast, drink only water or eat fruits, in this way we refine our

senses to perceive more clearly the energies of the cosmos and the

higher beings of nature. We can take a previous bath and clean

ourselves with incense. In addition, we perform deep and

continuous breaths to sensitize us with the inner and outer

consciousness. We try to clear the mind and get in touch with the

heart. Observe what we feel and if there is a particular tree with


which we recognize ourselves.

Breathing Connection

In the place where we meet the chosen tree, we breathe in a

habitual way focusing attention in our interior. Then we rub our

hands and touch the trunk with the palms trying to feel the breath

with the tree.


If it is possible we try to embrace the tree with the whole of our

body and if not with some part. Later we asked the tree for

permission to enter into its more personal being, always with

respect as if it invited us to its "house" and wish to share the best

of us in that intimate encounter.

In this stage we facilitate the connection between the energies of

the body and mind with those of the ancestral nature of the tree.

The movement of the cosmos

If we divided the tree into four quadrants we would have a part

oriented towards the north associated to the element of the air,


another towards the south associated with the element of the earth,

the one of the east with the fire and the one of the west with the

water. In an attitude of prayer, we ask the pure beings of nature to

guide us in our work to cleanse and create a sacred space in which

we are working with the tree. We make three turns around the tree

in the opposite direction to the clock handles. Subsequently we ask

the pure beings of nature to bring us all the wisdom and healing

power that is available to us for the good of humanity and ours at

this time. We walk with three turns clockwise. Finally, we open our

arms and visualize the energy of the cosmos as a symbol of the

higher divine and that of the deepest source of the earth as a

symbol of the lower divine so that they harmonize and form one

with the tree.


A reabsorption of the forces of the cosmos is formed with a new

sense of order in which consciousness expands. There is a state of

unity with nature and in particular with the tree in question.


A balance of the tree forces in us in an integrated way with each


one of the parts. The physical nature is in harmony with the

emotional, mental and spiritual. The tree teaches us that the healing

potential is in us by transforming us as a whole by adding the parts

into an adequate proportion.


As total beings we understand that our nature is linked to the

cosmos and the earth. We remember our origins and with humility

we give thanks to the tree for the work done.


Meditation with the tree. The beautiful thing we see and appreciate

in the tree is also in us. Close and touch the tree with your hands,

pay attention for a while, discover different colors, shapes, textures.

What attracts you to that tree?

Perhaps its fragility, strength, proportion, temporality ... Do you

reflect on it? It seems as if there was something to keep us in that

instant ... That cosmic spirit dwelling in all living things of nature;

the source of inspiration, creation ... Like a crystalline light that

arrives silently, leading us to be one without time or end.


Did you find your connection to the tree? Watch it with the

watchful eye of your heart.

Open up and expand your fragrance for the universe!!!

Finally, we can write our experience to remember the common

destiny, the wisdom, the teachings and the healing that the tree has

shared with us.


Trees are considered the most spiritually advanced plant on Earth

because of their constant stand still meditation with subtle energy.

You can establish a relationship with trees so long as you

understand their language. And they can help you open up your

energy channels to cultivate calm, presence and vitality.

They also can benefit from you when you help them eliminate their

blocks and devitalized parts. Like any other relationships, you

benefit from each other by the constant cultivation of your


Allow the tree to guide you to your healing. It might remedy your

issue or it might give you intuitive guidance as how to find

additional help.




Cacti grow in places with arid climatic conditions,

which are difficult for other plant species. Although

the cactus can even develop in tropical areas. The

large number of hours of exposure to the sun in

addition to the high temperatures. It results in a

diffraction of the light in colors that are received by

the spines to maintain the humidity of the interior and

the store of the nutrients elaborated like nectar.

Because of their survivability, they help us to develop

inner strength and take advantage of available

resources without loss of space or time to grow.

This cactus tree reaches 10 meters in height. With

branches up to 3 meters. The flowers are abundant in

the month of May as they appear in the photo above.

As cactus reveals resistance to extreme external

conditions facilitating the development of our inner

wisdom, protecting the gifts and virtues of those who

join his presence. Mental limitations disappear to

open to new projects connected with cosmic or

universal intelligence to take root with a new vision of


life. It is useful for people with a rich inner life who

need to open up and expand into other levels of


The mandala as a pattern of the tree. It opens us to a

deeper and higher dimension of life with the harmony

and intelligence of the heart. It is a remembering of

the movement of our feelings from the most sublime

to the most passionate being in our soul. We find the

peace of being through our lived feelings.




Dialium grows at a height of approximately 60

meters, in Costa Rica it is commonly located in the

tropical forest of Corcovado. It germinates between 50

and 700 meters of elevation. It is located from

Guatemala to Brazil. It grows in flat places and

extend on soft slopes. The fruit is used to prepare

refreshing drinks.

It extends its roots from an approximate height of one

meter, starting from the trunk and opening in prawns

until touching the ground in ample ramifications.

This allows you to traverse the sinusoidal contours of

the trunk, giving a feeling of recollection, protection

and embrace.

The embrace gives us back the confidence to feel

loved and protected, provides us with security and

well-being that reminds us that happiness is our

authentic nature. We break down the barriers or

armor that away from our heart and the deepest

bodily sensations. There is a sense of liberation and


connection with the other person on the earthly and

heavenly planes.

The mandala as a tree pattern. It brings us closer to

the center of who we are, providing stillness and

protection. We are one with the inner and outer

nature of the tree and we heal each other. We discover

that our body is a temple just like the tree. The blood

and the sap unite in harmony. It provides vitality to

live with enthusiasm.




This tree goes up to 50 meters high in the canopy

forest. It is located from Costa Rica to Brazil in the

humid tropical forest. It blooms between November

and January. It grows in reddish and clayey soils on

slopes between 20 and 600 meters elevation. The

inflorescences are unisexual, it begins with female

flowers to develop male flowers when it reaches

several years of maturity. Its fruits are used in the

manufacture of edible flours.

The tree reminds us that the paths to travel in life,

start from a center as a vital impulse and awakens in

the senses a new way of perceiving reality. By

listening to the inside of our soul we can reach other

forms of expression of reality that we know.


The mandala as tree pattern. It balances in us the two

forces of the universe; sensitive, intuitive and rational

that defines us in the way we want to perform in our

life. It provides quality, essence and substance to the

dynamic movement of our emotions. We recover our

emotional balance with the values we inherit naturally

in correspondence to living beings on the planet.





This tree goes up to 30 meters. It grows in low and

warm lands and climates with tropical dry season. It

is located from Mexico to the north of South America.

It blossons between January and March. The fruits

resemble human ears or what is Guanacaste in the

Nahuatl language. Gum and bark have been

popularly used for lung conditions and as a substitute

for soap.

The Guanacaste tree embraces us with a sense of

sustenance and protection of the vital energy. It

infuses a calm enjoyment and opens our hearts in a

stable rhythm cosmos.


The mandala as a tree pattern. It tells us that the

harmony of the heart is healed with joy. Discover the

light in us like a seven-pointed star transcending the

limits of the ordinary. A physical touch and trace the

subtle parts of being. We reach balance by moving

towards the light of life.





These trees are species of extensive distribution of

open forests. It receives its particular name because

the tree loses its reddish or orange bark, which it is

replaces with a new one. Since the reddish bark is

similar to the color of the skin of the natives and when

losing it the tree seems naked.

This tree during dry season, it has removed its leaves

and continues the photosynthesis through its bark. Its

leaves are born in early May before the beginning of

the rains and blossoms in both sexes at the end of

April to May.

It is located from Florida to the north of South


This leafy species is found in land areas up to 1000

metres in altitude. The bark is used by the native ones

as a habitual insecticide to rub the parasites of the



The naked Indian tree usually appears accompanied

by the tree of Guanacaste and represent the most

feminine part made of essential love. It awakens fresh

love and alive to the fullest. It rises towards the sun. It

represents the union of the sacred with the earth. Its

smooth bark that peels easily naturally teach us to be

exposed and vulnerable. In surrendering is my

strength. Although it is cold and flexible, its strength

is interior. Life is a dance. I express myself as I am.


The mandala as a tree pattern. It provides the

encounter with our center of love and radiates it in

perfect harmony and serenity. There are no limits of

space or time to be total in the present moment. I

become a fruitful and creative being with the





It is known as the white oak, with brown or grayish

bark. It is a slow-growing evergreen tree that reaches

55 meters in height, with a straight trunk, oval or

semi-cylindrical and grooved at the base with

abundant incrustations of green foliage. The upper

part is rounded wide and dense. It grows in forests of

volcanic soil and clayey silt. The bark is rich in


It is distributed in tropical forests from 1800 to 3000

meters high between Talamanca, Costa Rica and

northern Panama.

This 800-year-old oak teaches us that life is sanctified

by Mother Nature. Peace and serenity lie in the void.

Opposites and polarities are harmonized. Fears and

concerns are fleeting. Our strength lies in silence. The

inner wisdom awakens, we learn through our intuition

and sensitivity. We nurture in quiet listening of the

heartbeat and its intelligence.


The mandala as a tree pattern. It shows how to locate

a place on earth through our roots to settle in and

continue the way of the heart. It brings us new ideas

and inspires with tenderness. It purifies us in essence

to grow. The light of the way ahead is shown with




This tree is considered one of the oldest trees in the

world and is located in the African savannas, India

and around the equator. It can grow in height over 25

meters with a diameter of 10 meters and has an

expand of 2000 years of life. It spends nine months a

year without leaves whose white flowers with purple

are very large in proportion to the digital leaves.

Infusion of the bark is used as treatment for sickle cell

anemia and fever. The bark is also used to make

clothes and dresses. Even people come to live within

the huge trunk.

The baobab tree takes us direct to the contact with

our heart providing a great opening to receive the

light of intense pink that emanates from its interior.

His message is: “I am not afraid of the happiness that

love can give me, I feel welcomed and with joy I enjoy

what life offers me. A great mental serenity is

achieved by clearing the limits of our mind, focusing


on our luminous being. It also teaches us how to get

in touch with what really makes us happy in life”.


The mandala as a tree pattern. A new dimension

appears in the context of our existence everything is

interrelated as a tissue in our heart. We acquire more

depth without boundaries like a lake directing us

towards our most intimate being. We know the

wisdom derived from love and its reasons.


ARAUCARIA is an Australian native species that is

also found in South American forests. It grows

between 800 and 1600 meters of altitude. It reaches 50

meters in height with a cylindrical trunk of 2 meters

in diameter. The upper part is wide and pyramidal

and made of perennial leaves. It can live 1000 years.

Its edible fruits have proved to be an important

sustenance for the Mapuches of Chile.

Araucaria provides a feeling of freshness in the upper

part of the head, connects us with the cosmos and the

divine superior being in us. It releases the blocks that

we find in the subconscious about programs

associated with our emotions that we do not allow

ourselves to express and we commit ourselves to live

in fullness. Useful in problems related to the lungs

and nervous system facilitated a rhythm to the

heartbeat more in touch with our breathing.



The mandala as a tree pattern



It has been known for its help with the respiratory system,

fever and muscle aches as well as rheumatic pain.

The Fir tree and its beautiful shape is powerful in its benefits

to protect and connect. All trees bring us a sense of

connection and grounding to our generational roots.

Sometimes the things we have inherited from our ancestors

include beliefs and behaviors that are not healthy. White Fir

can help in revealing these unhealthy patterns and allow us

the choice to not be held back any longer by destructive

family patterns such as addictions, abuse, alcoholism,

tempers, codependency, eating disorders, the need to be


When moving beyond the unhealthy roots of our past, white

fir offers a refuge and protection to encourage you to stay true

to your path of healing, even when your family might oppose

your choice to leave unhealthy patterns behind.




While Kauri may generate huge original and artistic talents

on you, the likelihood is that Kauri will offer himself to shows

concern for the betterment of the home and of the community

at large.

Kauri has a very loving, friendly, and grateful energy. Kauri

has a depth of understanding that produces much

compassionate, kindness, and generosity.

The effect of kauri energy is called:

Kaipara meaning: Making feed while the sun outclasses

the harvest of light.

Kaipa is the resin of the tree, with the energy of the sun and

thousands of years memories tree.






• Like reiki

• Protect your aura

• Ground yourself

• Clean your aura

• Electromagnetic balance

And the properties above described



Vanaspati and Dragantians are devas or light beings from

nature with highly intelligent and loving energy that live

in a vibration plane - The deva's want to work directly

with us to bring great knowledge, healing, protection and

communication to earth.

Relax and call universal energy.

To activate, say mentally or aloud




say the tree name

and let the energy flow about 60 minutes each.



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Eason Cassandra Sabiduría Celta aplicada a la vida


Fleischaker Gail. Origins of Life: An Operational Definition. 1990.

Hamilton Edith. Mythology. 1969.

Hassnain Fida. La otra historia de Jesús. 1995.

Hollingsworth, P. RBGE - Research into Endemic

Conifers of New Caledonia. 2006.

Jiménez Quirico. Árboles maderables de Costa Rica, 2002.

Keynes Geoffrey. Introduction and Commentary.

Songs of Innocence and Experience. 1967.

King James Bible.1996.

Lovelock James. Gaia: una ciencia para curar el planeta.


Mandelbrot Benoit. The Fractal Geometry of Nature.


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Mutabari. Dinamics of Spatio-Temporal Celular

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Ostriker Alicia. Metrics: Pattern and Variation. Twentieth

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Paley Morton D. Tiger of Wrath. Twentieth Century

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Singer June. The Unholy Bible.1986.

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Disclaimer of responsibility:

For legal reasons, the systems for empowerments, attunements,

activations are a form of energy healing. As such, it always helps

and never harms. If you have any type of disease, see your doctor

immediately. The healing energy is a big appendix to medical

treatment but not made as a replacement for medical attention.

This report has been written to provide information on the systems

offered. If medical attention is needed a competent professional

should be sought. The purpose of the manuals and healing sessions

are to educate and help you in spiritual, mental, emotional and

physical evolution. The author or the therapist has no responsibility

if any person or entity alleged damage caused directly or indirectly

by this report.

These attunements are for personal use only and responsibly use is




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