The New Islamophobia in France - Jawzi Lardjane

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The New Islamophobia in France

By Jawzi Belkacem Lardjane

(Algerian Researcher and Translator)

Muslims in France face a new anti-Islam known to have Islamophobic tendencies.

campaign aiming at gathering signatures This campaign was described by the Grand
of politicians and thought leaders for a pe- Mosque of Paris as “Sheer madness and an
tition demanding that Muslims should omit unfair trial” against Muslims of France.
some verses from the Holy Qur’an which Mr. Dalil Boubekeur, the rector of the
- according to them - incite jihad and vio- Grand Mosque, said in an official state-
lence. Launched by the former Director ment that French-Muslim citizens fight an-
of the Charlie Hebdo magazine, the cam- ti-semitism, racism, and Islamophobia, and
paign garnered support of a former French work hard to eliminate causes detrimental
president as well as a famous public figure, to national unity.

l Dhul-Qadah1439/August 2018 l
The Perils of Islamophobia calls to change the French national anthem
Islamophobia analysts warn against the con- that has often been described as a hymn of
sequences of Islamophobia and how cul- war contradicting the French national motto.
tural and religious diversity is targeted by Those who demand to distort our Revelation
extreme-right groups who incite racism and ignore the contributions of Islamic civili-
Islamophobia. zation to humanity, thanks to the teachings
They noticed that anti-Islam campaigns are of the Holy Qur’an, revealed as mercy and
not so different from the campaigns of anti- guidance to the universe. They ignore the
semitism. For example, the Jewish anti-Zi- meanings of the verses they want to remove
onist activist Norman Finkelstein views Is- from the Book of Allah. They do not un-
lamophobia in the media as a similar version derstand the linguistic, jurisprudential and
to historical anti-semitism in Europe. Mean- historical contexts as in the verses about
while, the British orientalist and historian fighting (contemptuously called the verses
Karen Armstrong believes that Islamphobia of the sword) in Surat Al-Baqara and Surat
pushes Muslim youth into extremism and Al-Tawbah. They often quote them to incite
encourages them to join terrorist organiza- hatred against Islam without referring to the
tions by providing Islamophobia as a perfect preceding and next verses. Allah Almighty
argument for the war on Islam. said in Surat Al-Baqara:
“Fight in the way of Allah those who fight
The Power of Media and Knowledge you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does
Modern means of communication can have not like transgressors” (190) “and fight them
a negative impact on critical thinking and wherever you overtake them and expel them
objective research leading to the loss of sci- from wherever they have expelled you, and
entific honesty and authority on the subject fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight
of Islam. Media has become a means for ex- them at Al-Masjid Al-Haram until they fight
changing hate and racism instead of being you there. But if they fight you, then fight them.
a vehicle for promoting understanding and Such is the recompense of the disbelievers”
positive dialogue. The menace of racism and (191) “And if they cease, then indeed, Allah
Islamophobia gets to the worst stage when is Forgiving and Merciful”. (192)
media becomes the only go-to reference to
learn about Islam and Muslims. It also plays Allah Almighty said in Surat al-Tawbah:
a crucial role in encouraging crimes moti- Excepted are those with whom you made a
vated by Islamophobia. These campaigns treaty among the polytheists and then they
are a two-edged sword. It can lead to many have not been deficient toward you in any-
successes and victories for Muslims if the thing or supported anyone against you; so
circumstances are used appropriately to rein- complete for them their treaty until their
force the innocence of Muslims and the truth term [has ended]. Indeed, Allah loves the
about Islam. Some of the politicians use Is- righteous [who fear Him].(4) And when the
lamophobia to divert public attention from sacred months have passed, then fight the
real issues facing the French society such as polytheists wherever you find them and cap-
the national calls to apologize for the colonial ture them and besiege them and sit in wait
crimes in France’s former colonies, and the for them at every place of ambush. But if

l Dhul-Qadah1439/August 2018 l
they should repent, establish prayer, and give sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.
zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Al- Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted”
lah is Forgiving and Merciful.(5) And if any Verse 13.
one of the polytheists seeks your protection, Corrupted people intentionally attack the
then grant him protection so that he may hear Holy Qur’an, the core of Islam, with the in-
the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his tention to cause turmoil amongst Muslims
place of safety. That is because they are a and undermine the reasons of their existence,
people who do not know.(6) unity and duty to convey the message of Is-
lam. Nevertheless, they can never obliterate
Islam in the Eyes of the West the beauty of Islam because Prophet Mu-
Anti-Islam campaigns have dangerous objec- hammad (peace be upon him) foretold us
tives and can affect negatively the image of in a hadith : ‘Islam came as a stranger, and
the West in the world, its relation with Islam, will return as a stranger.’ Even the leaders
and the dialogue among civilizations. The and the wise of the West admit the fact that
actions of some racist politicians and intel- Islam is the only solution and alternative to
lectuals reflect a sense of desperation in their the human beings as it was speculated by Sir
personal careers and in their attempts to dis- George Bernard Shaw a century ago.
tort the message of the Holy Qur’an, which The false notions prevalent today about Is-
calls humanity to peaceful coexistence and lam in the West are totally different from true
brotherhood. Allah Almighty said in Surat Islam followed by around 1.6 billion Mus-
Al-Hujurat : lims. Islamophobia distorted the meaning of
“O mankind! Indeed We have created you important Islamic concepts such as Jihad (lit-
from a male a female and made you peoples eral meaning struggling or striving) into holy
and tribes that you may know each one an- war and killing, the meaning of Islam into
other. Indeed, the most noble of you in the subjugation and slavery, and the meaning of

l Dhul-Qadah1439/August 2018 l
hijab into oppression of women. They also tians was ultimately phenomenal; and such
invented new concepts such as Islamism or tolerance was unprecedented by the founders
political Islam, radical Islam, Islamic terror- of other religions such as Judaism and Chris-
ism, Wahhabism, etc. tianity in particular. We shall also see how
These distortions have always aimed at his successors followed in his footsteps…”
driving Muslims away from their spiritual “The world has not known more merciful
and material heritage, and to obliterate the conquerors than the Muslims, and a more
milestones and teachings of Islam which are tolerant religion than their religion. Force
founded on the Holy Qur’an, Sunnah, and was not a factor for spreading Islam.
Al-Salaf Salih (early Muslim generations) Muslims were not blinded by their victo-
whose humanity and legacy embodied in ries and did not behave with arrogance like
heroism, justice, peace, mercy, tolerance, conquerors in usual. They neither oppressed
and generosity still continue to impress non- the conquered countries nor forced them to
Muslims from the east to the west. convert to their religion or to give up their
Orientalist Joseph Van Hammer said in his belongings”
introduction to the German translation of the
meanings of the Qur’an : Former French Foreign Minister Gabriel
“The Qur’an is not only the legislation of Is- Hanotaux attested:
lam, but it is the pinnacle of Arabic literature. “There is not a place on earth where Islam
Its amazing style attests that it is a Revelation has not crossed its borders and spread. It is
from God. Muhammad (peace be upon him) the only religion that people tend strongly to
spread his power by the miraculous speech of choose more than any other religion”
the Qur’an. It is not possible for the Qur’an Napoleon Beaunaparte, the founder of the
to be mere product of a human skill”. French Empire and its first emperor said
Goethe, father of German literature and ori- about the Holy Qu’ran:
entalism, said : “I hope the time is not far off when I shall be
“I don’t question whether the Qur’an is of able to unite all the wise and educated men
eternity; it is the book of books. Qur’an is of all the countries and establish a uniform
not a human speech; if we deny it is a Divine regime based on the principles of Qur’an
Revelation, it means Muhammad is himself which alone are true and which alone can
a deity” lead men to happiness.”

He further attested: Dawah to face Islamophobia

“Muhammad is a Prophet and not a poet and Early generations of Muslims were fewer
therefore the Qur’an is to be seen as a divine in number than Muslims today and suffered
law and not as a book of a human creation more than them in entire history, but those
made for entertainment” tribulations did not affect them negatively.
French historian and physician Gustav Le- Because of the Qur’anic principle of mod-
bon describes the civilization of Islam: eration in Islam or the Middle Way, they suc-
“From the verses of the Qur’an we previ- ceeded to snatch humanity from darkness.
ously mentioned, we find that Muhammad’s This principle enabled the Ummah to be the
forgiveness towards the Jews and the Chris- dominant and most humanitarian superpower

l Dhul-Qadah1439/August 2018 l
“Faith consists of sixty to
seventy branches, the best
of which is to declare there
is no god worthy of worship
except Allah and the least of
which is to remove some-
thing harmful from the road,
and modesty is a branch of
faith.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari
and Sahih Muslim)

True Jihad in Islam

Whoever reads the works
of Tafseer (exegesis of the
for more than ten centuries. them are believers, but most Holy Qur’an) and Fiqh (Is-
Fighting Islamophobia be- of them are defiantly disobe- lamic Jurisprudence) will
gins by dispelling miscon- dient.” Verse 110. find that true Jihad (which
ceptions about Islam and Islamophobia is a disease literally means striving or
promoting knowledge and and its medicine is Dawah to struggling) has many mean-
learning for both Muslims Allah the Almighty. Dawah ings in the Book of Allah.
and non-Muslims. This has is an obligation to convey One of its most important
to be done through the noble to the world the truth about meanings is the self-strug-
ethics of Islam such as kind- the Holy Qur’an, Sunnah of gling against the evilness
ness, patience, and com- Prophet Muhammad (peace of the self. In other words,
munication with wisdom. be upon him), the virtues of there is a spiritual or psy-
The Middle Way prescribed Tawhid (oneness of Allah), chological jihad and there
in the Qur’an for the ideal the greatness of Islam, its is a physical jihad. It was re-
Ummah can save both Mus- history and civilization. This ported that the companions
lims and non-Muslims from has to be done with a good of the Prophet - may Allah
falling into the two sides of character and a noble behav- be pleased with them- said
darkness: sectarianism and ior to facilitate the reception in their return from the expe-
atheism. and the understanding of the dition of Tabuk : “We went
Allah said in Surat Al-Im- message of Islam. Such eth- for a lesser jihad and we re-
ran: ics were the silent words of turned for a greater jihad”
“You are the best nation pro- the early generations of Mus- The former refers to physi-
duced [as an example] for lims wherever they went. cal jihad, and the latter to
mankind. You enjoin what For example, speaking with jihad of the self, ego, heart,
is right and forbid what is gentleness, smiling with sin- and desires.
wrong and believe in Allah. If cerity, removing evils from Historically since the start of
only the People of the Book the roads...etc. The Prophet Islam, scholars classified ji-
had believed, it would have Muhammad (peace be upon had into four categories : Ji-
been better for them. Among him) said : had of the self, jihad against

l Dhul-Qadah1439/August 2018 l
you days that require pa-
tience.” (Sunan Abu Dawud)
“You must be kind. Verily,
kindness is not found in any-
thing except that it beautifies
it, and it is not removed from
anything except that it dis-
graces it.”(Musnad Ahmad)
And He advised his wife Ay-
sha, may Allah be pleased
with her, after she scorned a
Jew who insulted Him: “O
Aisha, Allah is kind and He
loves kindness in all matters.
hypocrites, jihad for defense revealed by Allah Almighty He rewards for it what is not
against invaders, and jihad in Surat Al-Nissa: “O you granted for harshness and He
of justice. who have believed, obey Al- does not reward anything else
There is no doubt that greater lah and obey the Messenger like it.” (Sahih Muslim).
jihad or al-jihad Al-Akbar is and those in authority among This greater struggle has been
an obligation upon all Mus- you. And if you disagree over preached by the Kingdom of
lims or Fardh ‘Ain (obliga- anything, refer it to Allah and Saudi Arabia, its rulers, and
tory and collective duty) that the Messenger, if you should scholars since its foundation.
leads to personal and social believe in Allah and the Last Former Mufti Sheikh Abdu-
reforms by preserving the Day. That is the best [way] laziz bin Baaz (may Allah
five faculties in Islamic leg- and best in result.” Verse 59. have mercy on his soul) used
islation (faith, being, intel- Lesser jihad has many condi- to say (source: Compilation
lect, progeny, and property). tions and criteria established of Fatwa and Articles, vol-
Greater Jihad is one of the and agreed by the consensus ume 8 page 375):
most discussed topics in Is- of scholars since centuries. “This era is an era of kind-
lamic literature and history. Scholars unanimously agree ness, patience, and wise
Lesser jihad is agreed by all that these conditions are not dialogue, and not an era of
scholars to be Fardh Kifaya realizable nowadays. They harshness. Most of people
(optional and individual duty) all endorse that this era is an are in ignorance, and in ne-
and that it is one of the topics era of greater jihad because glect of their religion for the
related to Fiqh Al-Nawazil this era requires patience, sake of the worldly affairs.
or the jurisprudence of con- kindness, and wise dialogue There must be softness and
temporary issues which re- as preached by Prophet Mu- kindness for Dawah to reach
quire an Ijtihad by a council hammad (peace be upon them, in order to convey
of scholars to issue a related him) in numerous hadiths to them and to teach them
fatwa (legal verdict) depend- about patience, kindness, (the teachings of Islam). We
ing on the circumstances and and dawah: ask Allah to guide us all”.
in accordance with the verse “There are indeed ahead of Ameen.

l Dhul-Qadah1439/August 2018 l

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