Hrs of Work Labor

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TERMINATION OF CONTRACT OF MIGRANT WORKER requirement of a hearing must be complied with by

WITHOUT JUST OR VALID CAUSE giving the worker an opportunity to be heard. It is not
necessary that an actual hearing be conducted.57
Can an OFW acquire regularity of employment?
Substantive due process, on the other hand, requires
No. The prevailing rule is that OFWs are contractual
that dismissal by the employer be made under a just
(fixed-term only), not regular, employees. In fact, they
or authorized cause under Articles 282 to 284 of the
can never attain regularity of employment. Theirs is
Labor Code. (Skippers United)
always fixed-term in nature.
In this case, there was no written notice furnished to
 1. Indefinite period of employment of OFWs is
De Gracia, et al. regarding the cause of their dismissal.
not valid as it contravenes the explicit
Cosmoship furnished a written notice (telex) to
provision of the POEA Rules and Regulations
Skippers, the local manning agency, claiming that De
on fixed-period employment.
Gracia, et al. were repatriated because the latter
 2. OFWs do not become regular employees by voluntarily pre-terminated their contracts. This telex
reason of nature of work, that is, that they are was given credibility and weight by the Labor Arbiter
made to perform work that is usually necessary and NLRC in deciding that there was pre-termination
and desirable in the usual business or trade of of the employment contract akin to resignation and no
the employer. The exigencies of their work illegal dismissal.
necessitate that they be employed on a
However, as correctly ruled by the CA, the telex
contractual basis. This notwithstanding the
message is a biased and self-serving document that
fact that they have rendered more than twenty
does not satisfy the requirement of substantial
(20) years of service.
evidence. If, indeed, De Gracia, et al. voluntarily pre-
 3. Regular employment does not result from terminated their contracts, then De Gracia, et al.
the series of re-hiring of OFWs. should have submitted their written resignations.
 4. The fixed-period employment of OFWs is not (Skippers )
discriminatory against them nor does it favor What is the effect of hiring a seafarer for overseas
foreign employers. It is for the mutual interest employment but assigning him to local vessel?
of both the seafarer and the employer why the
An employment contract, like any other contract, is
employment status must be contractual only
perfected at the moment (1) the parties come to agree
or for a certain period of time. Seafarers spend
upon its terms; and (2) concur in the essential
most of their time at sea and understandably,
elements thereof: (a) consent of the contracting
they cannot stay for a long and an indefinite
parties, (b) object certain which is the subject matter
period of time at sea. Limited access to shore
of the contract and (c) cause of the obligation.
society during the employment will have an
adverse impact on the seafarer. The national, Based on the perfected contract, Private Respondent
cultural and lingual diversity among the crew Guerrero complied with his obligations thereunder
during the contract of employment is a reality and rendered his services on board the vessel.
that necessitates the limitation of its period. Contrary to petitioners contention, the contract had
an object, which was the rendition of service by
 5. The expiration of the employment contracts
private respondent on board the vessel. The non-
of OFWs marks its ending.
deployment of the ship overseas did not affect the
Due Process for Seafarers /OFWs? validity of the perfected employment contract. After
For a workers dismissal to be considered valid, it must all, the decision to use the vessel for coastwise
comply with both procedural and substantive due shipping was made by petitioner only and did not bear
process. The legality of the manner of dismissal the written conformity of private respondent. A
constitutes procedural due process, while the legality contract cannot be novated by the will of only one
of the act of dismissal constitutes substantive due party.
process. Petitioner, as manning agent, is jointly and severally
Procedural due process in dismissal cases consists of liable with its principal,PC-SASCO, for private
the twin requirements of notice and hearing. The respondents claim
employer must furnish the employee with two written This must be so, because the obligations covenanted
notices before the termination of employment can be in the [manning] agreement between the local agent
effected: (1) the first notice apprises the employee of and its foreign principal are not coterminus with the
the particular acts or omissions for which his dismissal term of such agreement so that if either or both of the
is sought; and (2) the second notice informs the parties decide to end the agreement, the
employee of the employers decision to dismiss him. responsibilities of such parties towards the contracted
Before the issuance of the second notice, the employees under the agreement do not at all end, but
the same extends up to and until the expiration of the, exemplary and other forms of damages. x x x
employment contracts of the employees recruited and [Emphasis supplied]
employed pursuant to the said recruitment Since the present petition involves the employment
agreement. Otherwise, this will render nugatory the contract entered into by petitioner for overseas
very purpose for which the law governing the employment, his claims are cognizable by the labor
employment of workers for foreign jobs abroad was arbiters of the NLRC. (supra)
enacted (OSM Shipping).
• What is the doctrine of processual presumption?
What is the effect of non-deployment of OFW to
overseas employment? “Presumed-identity approach” or “processual
presumption” is an International Law doctrine which
Whether the seafarer, who was prevented from dictates that where a foreign law is not pleaded or,
leaving the port of Manila and refused deployment even if pleaded, is not proved, the presumption is that
without valid reason but whose POEA-approved foreign law
employment contract provides that the employer-
employee relationship shall commence only upon the is the same as Philippine law. Thus, under this
seafarer’s actual departure from the port in the point situation, Philippine labor laws should apply in
of hire, is entitled to relief? (Santiago v CF sharp) determining the issues presented in a case.
However, a distinction must be made between the • Is due process under Philippine law applicable to
perfection of the employment contract and the termination of employment of OFWs?
commencement of the employer-employee Yes. In the absence of proof of applicable foreign law,
relationship. The perfection of the contract, which in OFWs are entitled to due process in accordance with
this case coincided with the date of execution thereof, Philippine laws.
occurred when petitioner and respondent agreed on
the object and the cause, as well as the rest of the • Is the Agabon doctrine applicable to OFWs who are
terms and conditions therein. The commencement of dismissed for cause but without due process?
the employer-employee relationship, as earlier Yes. The Agabon doctrine of awarding indemnity in the
discussed, would have taken place had petitioner been form of nominal damages in cases of valid termination
actually deployed from the point of hire. Thus, even for just or authorized cause but without procedural
before the start of any employer-employee due process also applies to termination of OFWs.
relationship, contemporaneous with the perfection of
• Who has the burden of proof to show that the
the employment contract was the birth of certain
dismissal of the OFW is legal?
rights and obligations, the breach of which may give
rise to a cause of action against the erring party. Burden of proof devolves on both recruitment agency
(santiago v CF sharp) and its foreign principal.
Respondent’s act of preventing petitioner from • Are OFWs entitled to the reliefs under the Labor
departing the port of Manila and boarding "MSV Code?
Seaspread" constitutes a breach of contract, giving No. They are not entitled to such reliefs under Article
rise to petitioner’s cause of action. Respondent 279(?) as reinstatement or separation pay in lieu of
unilaterally and unreasonably reneged on its reinstatement or full backwages.
obligation to deploy petitioner and must therefore
answer for the actual damages he suffered. (Santiago) • What are the reliefs to which OFWs are entitled?

Despite the absence of an employer-employee They are entitled to the reliefs provided under Section
relationship between petitioner and respondent, the 10 of R.A. No. 8042, as amended, to wit:
Court rules that the NLRC has jurisdiction over (1) All salaries for the unexpired portion of the
petitioner’s complaint. The jurisdiction of labor contract;
arbiters is not limited to claims arising from
(2) Full reimbursement of placement fees and
employer-employee relationships. Section 10 of R.A.
deductions made with interest at 12% per annum.
No. 8042 (Migrant Workers Act), provides that:
All the reliefs available to an illegally dismissed OFW
Sec. 10. Money Claims. – Notwithstanding any
are always monetary in nature.
provision of law to the contrary, the Labor Arbiters of
the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) shall It must be noted that under the 2009 Serrano
have the original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and doctrine, (Serrano v. Gallant Maritime Services, Inc.,),1
decide, within ninety (90) calendar days after the filing an illegally dismissed OFW is now entitled to all the
of the complaint, the claims arising out of an salaries for the entire unexpired portion of their
employer-employee relationship or by virtue of any employment contracts, irrespective of the stipulated
law or contract involving Filipino workers for overseas term or duration thereof.
deployment including claims for actual, moral,
However, R.A. No. 10022 (March 8, 2010), which allowances are not included. However, this rule on
amended R.A. No. 8042 (Migrant Workers and exclusion of allowance does not apply in case it is
Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995), has replicated and re- encapsulated in the basic salary clause.
enacted the same unconstitutional provision exactly 3. Entitlement to overtime pay of OFWs. - As far as
as above quoted. entitlement to overtime pay is concerned, the correct
RE: Sameer Overseas Placement Agency, Inc. v. Joy C. criterion in determining whether or not sailors are
Cabiles entitled to overtime pay is not whether they were on
board and cannot leave ship beyond the regular eight
Sameer Overseas Placement Agency failed to show
(8) working hours a day, but whether they actually
that there was just cause for causing Joy’s dismissal.
rendered service in excess of said number of hours.
The employer, Wacoal, also failed to accord her due
An OFW is not entitled to overtime pay, even if
process of law.
guaranteed, if he failed to present any evidence to
Employees are not stripped of their security of tenure prove that he rendered service in excess of the regular
when they move to work in a different jurisdiction. eight (8) working hours a day.
With respect to the rights of overseas Filipino workers,
4. In case of unauthorized deductions from OFW’s
we follow the principle of lex loci contractus.
salary, he shall be entitled to the full reimbursement
The provisions of the Constitution as well as the Labor of the deductions made with interest at 12% per
Code which afford protection to labor apply to Filipino annum. This is in addition to the full reimbursement of
employees whether working within the Philippines or his placement fee with the same interest of 12% per
abroad. Moreover, the principle of lex loci contractus annum plus his salaries for the unexpired portion of
(the law of the place where the contract is made) his employment contract if he is terminated without
governs in this jurisdiction just, valid or authorized cause as defined by law or
In case of termination of overseas employment contract.
without just, valid or authorized cause as defined by CLAIMS FOR DISABILITY AND DEATH BENEFITS OF
law or contract, the workers shall be entitled to the full OFW’S
reimbursement of his placement fee with interest of
In this respect and in the context of the present case,
twelve (12%) per annum, plus his salaries for the
Article 192(c)(1) of the Labor Code provides that:
unexpired portion of his employment contract or for
three (3) months for every year of the unexpired term, The rule referred to – Rule X, Section 2 of the Rules
whichever is less. and Regulations implementing Book IV of the Labor
Code – states:
In Serrano v. Gallant Maritime Services, Inc. and
Marlow Navigation Co., Inc., this court ruled that the These provisions are to be read hand in hand with the
clause "or for three (3) months for every year of the POEA Standard Employment Contract whose Section
unexpired term, whichever is less" is unconstitutional 20 (3) states:
for violating the equal protection clause and As these provisions operate, the seafarer, upon sign-
substantive due process. off from his vessel, must report to the company-
In the hierarchy of laws, the Constitution is supreme. designated physician within three (3) days from arrival
No branch or office of the government may exercise for diagnosis and treatment. For the duration of the
its powers in any manner inconsistent with the treatment but in no case to exceed 120 days, the
Constitution, regardless of the existence of any law seaman is on temporary total disability as he is
that supports such exercise. The Constitution cannot totally unable to work. He receives his basic wage
be trumped by any other law. All laws must be read in during this period until he is declared fit to work or his
light of the Constitution. Any law that is inconsistent temporary disability is acknowledged by the company
with it is a nullity. to be permanent, either partially or totally, as his
condition is defined under the POEA Standard
We observe that the reinstated clause, this time as
Employment Contract and by applicable Philippine
provided in Republic Act. No. 10022, violates the
constitutional rights to equal protection and due
process. (Sameer) If the 120 days initial period is exceeded and no such
declaration is made because the seafarer requires
Some principles in regard to monetary awards to
further medical attention, then the temporary total
disability period may be extended up to a maximum of
1. Monetary award to OFW is not in the nature of 240 days, subject to the right of the employer to
separation pay or backwages but a form of indemnity. declare within this period that a permanent partial or
2. Only salaries are to be included in the computation total disability already exists. The seaman may of
of the amount due for the unexpired portion of the course also be declared fit to work at any time such
contract. Overtime, holiday and leave pay and declaration is justified by his medical condition.
The POEA Standard Employment Contract and the CBA No. Salazar v. Achacoso, declared that the exercise by
clearly provide that when a seafarer sustains a work- the DOLE Secretary of his twin powers to issue arrest
related illness or injury while on board the vessel, his warrant and search and seizure orders provided under
fitness or unfitness for work shall be determined by Article 38[c] of the Labor Code is unconstitutional.
the company-designated physician. If the physician Only regular courts can issue such orders.
appointed by the seafarer disagrees with the
company-designated physician’s assessment, the Remittance of foreign exchange earnings by OFWs
opinion of a third doctor may be agreed jointly mandatory:
between the employer and the seafarer to be the Requirement: All overseas Filipino workers are
decision final and binding on them. required to remit a portion of their foreign exchange
• Which/Who has jurisdiction over an OFW’s claims earnings ranging from 50% to 80%, depending on the
for disability and death benefits? worker’s kind of job, to their families, dependents
and/or beneficiaries (Rule VIII, Book III, POEA Rules)
a) The Labor Arbiter/s, NOT the SSS, have jurisdiction
over claims for disability, death and other benefits of Seamen or Merchants – 80%
OFWs. Workers for Filipino Contractors and Construction
b) Labor Arbiters have jurisdiction even if the case is companies – 70%
filed by the heirs of the deceased OFW. Professionals whose Employment Contract provided
• Is the Labor Code’s concept of permanent total for Lodging Facilities- 70%
disability similar to that of OFWs? Professional without Board and Lodging- 50%
Yes. The concept of this kind of disability under Article Domestic and other Service Workers- 50%
192 of the Labor Code is applicable to them as
reiterated lately in the 2013 case of Kestrel Shipping All other workers- 50%
• What are the requisites for compensability of injury What is an ALIEN EMPLOYMENT PERMIT (AEP)?
or illness of seafarers?
AEP - a document issued by the DOLE Secretary
1. It should be work-related; and through the DOLE-Regional Director who has
2. The injury or illness existed during the term of the jurisdiction over the intended place of work of the
seafarer’s employment contract. foreign national, authorizing the foreign national to
work in the Philippines.
Who are required to procure AEP?
What is direct hiring?
All foreign nationals who intend to engage in gainful
“Direct Hiring” refers to the process of directly hiring employment in the Philippines are required to apply
workers by employers for overseas employment as for AEP.
authorized by the DOLE Secretary and processed by
the POEA, including: “Gainful employment” refers to a state or condition
that creates an employer-employee relationship
1. Those hired by international organizations; between the Philippine-based company and the
2. Those hired by members of the diplomatic corps; foreign national where the former has the power to
hire or dismiss the foreign national from employment,
3. Name hires or workers who are able to secure
pays the salaries or wages thereof and has authority
overseas employment opportunity with an employer to control the performance or conduct of the tasks and
without the assistance or participation of any agency. duties.
Does the POEA Administrator or the DOLE Secretary or What are the categories of foreign nationals
DOLE Regional Director have the power to issue EXEMPTED from securing AEP?
closure order?
a) All members of the diplomatic service and foreign
Yes. If upon preliminary examination or surveillance, government officials accredited by and with
the DOLE Secretary, the POEA Administrator or DOLE reciprocity arrangement with the Philippine
Regional Director is satisfied that such danger or government;
exploitation exists, a written order may be issued for
the closure of the establishment being used for illegal b) Officers and staff of international organizations of
recruitment activity. which the Philippine government is a member, and
their legitimate spouses desiring to work in the
Does the DOLE Secretary have the power to issue
warrant of arrest and search and seizure orders?
c) All foreign nationals granted exemption by law;
d) Owners and representatives of foreign principals advanced level of expertise essential to the
whose companies are accredited by the POEA, who establishment/provision of the service and/or
come to the Philippines for a limited period and solely possesses proprietary knowledge of the organization's
for the purpose of interviewing Filipino applicants for service, research equipment, techniques or
employment abroad; management; may include, but is not limited to,
members of a licensed profession.
e) Foreign nationals who come to the Philippines to
teach, present and/or conduct research studies in e) Contractual service supplier who is a manager,
universities and colleges as visiting, exchange or executive or specialist and an employee of a foreign
adjunct professors under formal agreements between service supplier which has no commercial presence in
the universities or colleges in the Philippines and the Philippines:
foreign universities or colleges; or between the (i) who enters the Philippines temporarily to supply a
Philippine government and foreign government: service pursuant to a contract between his/her
provided that the exemption is on a reciprocal basis; employer and a service consumer in the Philippines;
(ii) must possess the appropriate educational and
f) Permanent resident foreign nationals and professional qualifications; and
probationary or temporary resident visa holders under
Section 13 of the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940. (iii) must be employed by the foreign service supplier
for at least one (1) year prior to the supply of service
What are the categories of foreign nationals in the Philippines.
EXCLUDED from securing AEP?
What is the validity of an AEP?
a) Members of the governing board with voting rights
only and do not intervene in the management of the One (1) year is the validity of an AEP.
corporation or in the day-to-day operation of the Exception: When employment contract provides
enterprise. otherwise but not to exceed three (3) years.
b) Corporate officers as provided under the The AEP may be renewed subject to the conditions
Corporation Code of the Philippines, Articles of imposed by law.
Incorporation, and By-laws of the Corporation such as

c) Those providing consultancy services who do not APPRENTICES AND LEARNERS

have employers in the Philippines. • What are the distinctions between learnership and
d) Intra-corporate transferee who is a manager, apprenticeship?
executive or specialist as defined below in accordance The following are the distinctions:
with Trade Agreements and an employee of the
1. Practical training. Both learnership and
foreign service supplier for at least one (1) year prior
apprenticeship involve practical training on-the-job.
to deployment to a branch, subsidiary, affiliate or
representative office in the Philippines: 2. Training agreement. Learnership is governed by a
learnership agreement; while apprenticeship is
(i) an EXECUTIVE: a natural person within the
governed by an apprenticeship agreement.
organization who primarily directs the management of
the organization and exercises wide latitude in 2. Occupation. Learnership involves learnable
decision making and receives only general supervision occupations consisting of semi-skilled and other
or direction from higher level executives, the board of industrial occupations which are non-apprenticeable;
directors or stockholders of the business; an executive while apprenticeship concerns apprenticeable
would not directly perform tasks related to the actual occupations or any trade, form of employment or
provision of the service or services of he organization; occupation approved for apprenticeship by the DOLE
(ii) a MANAGER: a natural person within the
organization who primarily directs the organization/ 3. Theoretical instructions. Learnership may or may
department/ subdivision and exercises supervisory not be supplemented by related theoretical
and control functions over other supervisory, instructions; while apprenticeship should always be
managerial or professional staff; does not include first- supplemented by related theoretical instructions.
line supervisors unless employees supervised are 4. Ratio of theoretical instructions and on-the-job
professionals; does not include employees who training. For both learnership and apprenticeship, the
primarily perform tasks necessary for the provision of normal ratio is one hundred (100) hours of theoretical
the service; or instructions for every two thousand (2,000) hours of
(iii) a SPECIALIST: a natural person within the practical or on-the-job training. Theoretical instruction
organization who possesses knowledge at an time for occupations requiring less than twothousand
(2,000) hours for proficiency should be computed on It should be 15 years of age but the more appropriate
the basis of such ratio. basis is not the Labor Code’s Implementing Rules
(which cannot amend the Labor Code) but another
5. Competency-based system. Unlike in
law, R.A. No. 9231, (“AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE
apprenticeship, it is required in learnership that it be
implemented based on the TESDA-approved
competency-based system.
WORKING CHILD“) where it is provided that:
6. Duration of training. Learnership involves practical
(1) All persons under eighteen (18) years of age shall
training on the job for a period not exceeding three (3)
be considered as a “child”; and
months; while apprenticeship requires for proficiency,
more than three (3) months but not over six (6) (2) Children below fifteen (15) years of age shall not be
months of practical training on the job. employed EXCEPT if he/she falls under any of the
exceptions mentioned and enumerated in the law.
7. Qualifications. The law does not expressly mention
any qualifications for learners; while the following DISABLED WORKERS
qualifications are required to be met by apprentices (PERSONS WITH DISABILITY)
under Article 59 of the Labor Code: (R.A. No. 7277, as Amended by R.A. No. 9442)
(a) Be at least fourteen (14) years of age; • Who are persons with disability (PWDs)?
(b) Possess vocational aptitude and capacity for “Persons with Disability” are those suffering from
appropriate tests; and restriction or different abilities, as a result of a mental,
physical or sensory impairment, to perform an activity
(c) Possess the ability to comprehend and follow oral
in the manner or within the range considered normal
and written instructions.
for a human being.
8. Circumstances justifying hiring of trainees. Unlike in
• What is impairment?
apprenticeship, in learnership, the law, Article 74 of
the Labor Code, expressly prescribes the pre- “Impairment” refers to any loss, diminution or
requisites before learners may be validly employed, to aberration of psychological, physiological, or
wit: anatomical structure or function.
(a) When no experienced workers are available; (b) • What is disability?
The employment of learners is necessary to prevent “Disability” means (1) a physical or mental impairment
curtailment of employment opportunities; and (c) The that substantially limits one or more psychological,
employment does not create unfair competition in physiological or anatomical functions of an individual
terms of labor costs or impair or lower working or activities of such individual; (2) a record of such an
standards. impairment; or (3) being regarded as having such an
9. Limitation on the number of trainees. In learnership, impairment.
a participating enterprise is allowed to take in learners What is handicap?
only up to a maximum of twenty percent (20%) of its
total regular workforce. No similar cap is imposed in “Handicap” refers to a disadvantage for a given
the case of apprenticeship. individual, resulting from an impairment or a disability
that limits or prevents the function or activity that is
10. Option to employ. In learnership, the enterprise is considered normal given the age and sex of the
obliged to hire the learner after the lapse of the individual.
learnership period; while in apprenticeship, the
enterprise is given only an “option” to hire the What are the rights of PWDs?
apprentice as an employee. Under the law, PWDs are entitled to equal opportunity
11. Wage rate. The wage rate of a learner or an for employment. Consequently, no PWD shall be
apprentice is set at seventy-five percent (75%) of the denied access to opportunities for suitable
statutory minimum wage. employment. A qualified employee with disability shall
be subject to the same terms and conditions of
CONFLICT IN THE AGE REQUIREMENT FOR employment and the same compensation, privileges,
APPRENTICES: benefits, fringe benefits, incentives or allowances as a
Under the Labor Code as stated above – 14 years of qualified able-bodied person.
age What is the wage rate of PWDs?
Under the Labor Code’s Implementing Rules – “Be at The wage rate of PWDs is 100% of the applicable
least 15 years of age, provided those who are at least
minimum wage.
15 years of age but less than 18 may be eligible for
apprenticeship only in non-hazardous CONFLICT, • What is the wage rate of PWD if hired as apprentice
HOW RESOLVED: or learner?
A PWD hired as an apprentice or learner shall be paid SEC. 35. Discrimination in the Workplace. –
not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the Discrimination in any form from pre-employment to
applicable minimum wage. post-employment, including hiring, promotion or
assignment, based on the actual, perceived or
What is the rule on discrimination against
suspected HIV status of an individual is prohibited.
employment of PWDs?
Termination from work on the sole basis of actual,
No entity, whether public or private, shall discriminate perceived or suspected HIV status is deemed unlawful.
against a qualified PWD by reason of disability in (RA 8504)
regard to job application procedures, the hiring,
Section 7.Employment of women. —
promotion, or discharge of employees, employee
compensation, job training, and other terms, (a) No women shall be employed in any shop
conditions and privileges of employment. The factory, commercial or industrial establishment or
following constitute acts of discrimination: other place of labor —
(a) Limiting, segregating or classifying a job applicant (1) to perform work which requires the
with disability in such a manner that adversely affects employee to work always standing or which involves
his work opportunities; the lifting of heavy objects; or
(b) Using qualification standards, employment tests or (2) to work between ten o'clock at night and
other selection criteria that screen out or tend to six o'clock in the morning of the following day.
screen out a PWD unless such standards, tests or other An employer may be exempted from the requirement
selection criteria are shown to be job-related for the of paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of this section —
position in question and are consistent with business
necessity; (1) in case of force majeure causing an
interruption in the work which was not foreseen and
(c) Utilizing standards, criteria, or methods of which is not of a recurring character; or
administration that: (1) have the effect of
discrimination on the basis of disability; or (2) (2) by the Secretary of Labor, if he finds,
perpetuate the discrimination of others who are after proper investigation, that the work has to do
subject to common administrative control. with raw materials or materials in the course of
treatment which are subject to rapid deterioration
(d) Providing less compensation, such as salary, wage and night work is necessary to preserve such materials
or other forms of remuneration and fringe benefits, to from loss.
a qualified employee with disability, by reason of his
disability, than the amount to which a nondisabled (b) In any shop, factory, commercial, industrial, or
person performing the same work is entitled;(e) agricultural establishment or other place of labor
Favoring a non-disabled employee over a qualified where men and women are employed, the employer
employee with disability with respect to promotion, shall not discriminate against any woman in respect to
training opportunities, study and scholarship grants, terms and conditions of employment on account of
solely on account of the latter’s disability; her sex, and shall pay equal remuneration for work of
equal value for both men and women employees.
(f) Re-assigning or transferring an employee with a (Republic Act 679, AN ACT TO REGULATE THE
disability to a job or position he cannot perform by EMPLOYMENT OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN)
reason of his disability;
(g) Dismissing or terminating the services of an Republic Act 6725
employee with disability by reason of his disability AN ACT STRENGTHENING THE PROHIBITION ON
unless the employer can prove that he impairs the DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN WITH RESPECT
satisfactory performance of the work involved to the TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT (see
prejudice of the business entity; provided, however, :Art 135 (133) LC)
that the employer first sought to provide reasonable
accommodations for persons with disability; CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT
(h) Failing to select or administer in the most effective Who are covered by the labor standards provisions of
manner employment tests which accurately reflect the Labor Code?
the skills, aptitude or other factor of the applicant or Employees in ALL establishments, whether operated
employee with disability that such tests purports to for profit or not, are covered by the law on labor
measure, rather than the impaired sensory, manual or standards.
speaking skills of such applicant or employee, if any;
and(i) Excluding PWD from membership in labor • Who are excluded?
unions or similar organizations. The following are excluded from the coverage of the
a. Government employees; 8. National heroes day - Last Monday of August
b. Managerial employees; 9. Bonifacio day - Monday nearest November
c. Other officers or members of a managerial staff;
10. Christmas day - December 25
d. Domestic workers or kasambahay and persons in
the personal service of another; 11. Rizal day - Monday nearest December
e. Workers paid by results;
Nationwide Special Holidays
f. Non-agricultural field personnel; and
1. All Saints Day - November 1
g. Members of the family of the employer.
2. Last Day of the Year - December 31
3. Ninoy Aquino Day - Monday nearest August 21
• If required to work on reg. holidays = regular rate x
Refers to the minimum requirements prescribed by
existing laws, rules and regulations and other • To receive holiday pay, the EE should not have been
issuances relating wages, hours of work, cost of living absent without pay on the working day preceding the
allowances and other monetary and welfare benefits, regular holiday. (Azucena)
including those set by occupational safety and health • A legal holiday falling on a Sunday creates no legal
standards. obligation for the ER to pay extra to the EE who does
not work on that day, aside from the usual holiday pay,
1. 8 Hour Work (shall not exceed) to its monthly-paid employee. (Wellington vs. Trajano)
Hours worked shall include: 4. Premium Pay
Is additional compensation for work rendered by the
1. All time during which an employee is required to employee on days normally he should not be working.
be on duty to be at a prescribed workplace and
2. All time during which an employee is suffered or 5. Weekly Rest Period
permitted to work. • It shall be for the duty of every employer, whether
operating for profit or not, to provide employee a rest
“Fair day’s wage for a fair day’s labor,” remains the period of not less than 24 consecutive hours after
basic factor in determining the employees’ every 6 consecutive normal working days.
wages and backwages.
• The employer shall determine and schedule the
weekly rest day of his employees, however, the
• Rest periods of short duration during working hours employer shall respect the preference of employees as
shall be counted as hours worked. to their weekly rest day when such preference is based
2. Meal Pay on religion grounds.

3. Holiday Pay Where however the choice of the employees as to

their rest day based on religious grounds will
Except: Retail and service establishments regularly inevitably result in serious prejudice or obstruction to
employing less than 10 workers the operation of the undertaking, the employer may
Includes: Employee who is paid by results and she so schedule the weekday rest day of their choice at
works in a service establishment employing more than least 2 days in a month. (Sec. 4, Rule III, Book III, IRR’s)
10 persons shall be paid holiday pay. (Sec. 8(b), Rule When ER may require Work on rest day [D U A - P N A]
IV, Book III, IRR’s) (Art. 92)
Regular Holidays a. In case of actual or impending emergency caused
1. New Years day - January 1 by serious accident, fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake,
epidemic, or other Disaster or calamity to prevent loss
2. Maundy Thursday - Movable Date of life, or imminent danger to public safety.
3. Good Friday - Movable Date b. In case of Urgent work, to avoid serious loss which
4. Eidul Fitr - Movable Date the ER would otherwise suffer;
5. Araw ng Kagitingan - Movable Date nearest April c. In the event of Abnormal pressure of work due to
9 special circumstances, where the ER cannot ordinarily
be expected to resort to other measures;
6. Labor day - Monday nearest May 1
d. To prevent or damage to Perishable goods;
7. Independence day - Monday nearest June 12
e. Where the Nature of work requires continuous a. When the country is at War
operations and stoppage of the work may result in b. When any other national or local Emergency has
irreparable injury or loss to the ER; and been declared
f. Analogous (avail of favorable weather) or similar d. When it is necessary to prevent loss of life or
circumstances property or in case of imminent Danger to the public
How much is a worker entitled if he works on a rest safety due to an actual or impending emergency in the
day? locality caused by serious accidents, fire, flood,
typhoon, earthquake, epidemic or other Disaster or
§ Scheduled rest day – additional compensation of
at least 30% of his regular wage.
e. When there is Urgent work to be performed on
§ Scheduled rest day which is a non-working holiday
machines and installations in order to avoid serious
– entitled to additional compensation of at least 50%
loss or damage to the ER or some other cause of
of his regular wage.
similar nature.
§ Scheduled rest day which is a regular holiday –
f. When the work is necessary to prevent loss or
entitled to additional compensation of at least 30% of
damage to Perishable goods.
his regular holiday rate of 200% based on his regular
wage rate. (Sec. 4, Rule III, Book I, IRR’s) g. Where the completion or continuation of the work
started before the 8th hour is necessary to prevent
6. Service Incentive Leave
Serious obstruction or prejudice to the business
Except : operations of the ER.
a. Those enjoying vacation leave with pay of at least 5 The EE’s refusal to obey the order of the EE constitutes
days. insubordination for which he may be subjected to
b. Those employed in establishments regularly disciplinary action. (Alcantara)
employing less than 10 workers • Undertime work in any particular day shall not be
c. Exempt establishments. offset by overtime work on another day BUT not on
• can be converted to cash
§ Permission given to the EE to go on leave on some
• 5 days incentive leaves with pay for at least 1 year other day of the week shall not exempt the ER from
of service. paying the additional compensation required. (Art. 88)
The term ‘at least 1 year of service’ shall mean service • For purposes of computing overtime and other
within 12 months, whether continuous or broken, additional remuneration as required by this Chapter
reckoned from the date the EE started working, the “regular wage” of an EE shall include the cash
including authorized absences and paid regular wage only, without deduction on account of facilities
holidays unless the working days in the establishment provided by the ER. (Art. 90)
as a matter of practice or policy, or that provided in
the employment contract are less than 12 months, in COVERAGE OF LABOR STANDARD
which case said period shall be considered as 1 year. Applies to ALL employees in all establishments and
(Sec. 3, Rule V, Book III, IRR’s) undertakings whether for profit or not.
7. Night Shift Deferential Except the following: (MOM –GF – WPD)
Every EE shall be paid night shift differential of not less M – Managerial Employees
than 10% of his regular wage for each hour of work
a. Their primary duty consists of the management of
performed between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. (Art. 86)
the establishment in which they are employed or of a
Except: Employer with not more than 5 employees department or sub-division thereof;
8. Overtime Pay b. Customarily or regularly direct the work of 2 or
• Is additional compensation for work done beyond more employees therein;
the normal work hours on ordinary working days. c. Has the authority to hire or fire other employees of
• Regular work day – plus 25% basic hourly rate lower rank; or their suggestions and
recommendations as to the hiring and firing and as to
• Special days, holiday or rest day – plus 30% of the the promotion or any change of status of other
regular hourly rate on said days. employees are given particular weight. [Sec 2(b), Rule
Emergency Overtime Work - Any EE may be required I, Book III]
by the ER to perform overtime work in any of the O – Other Offices or Members of a Managerial Staff
following cases: [WED-UPS]
a. Primary duty consists of the performance of work a. In the ER’s home which are usually necessary or
directly related to management policies of the desirable for the maintenance or enjoyment thereof;
employer; b. Or minister to the personal comfort, convenience,
b. Customarily and regularly, exercise discretion and or safety of the ER as well as the members of his ER’s
independent judgment; household (Sec. 2, Rule I, Book III, IRR’s)
c. Regularly directly assist a proprietor or managerial However, house personnel hired by a ranking
employee or execute under general supervision work company official, but paid for by the company itself, to
along specialized or technical lines requiring special maintain a staff house provided for the official, are not
training, experience or knowledge; or execute under the latter’s domestic helpers but regular EE’s of the
general supervision special assignment and tasks; and company. (Cadiz vs. Philippine Sinter)
d. Do not devote more than 20% of their hours 13TH MONTH PAY
worked to activities which are not directly and closely All land-based employers are required to pay all their
related to the performance of the work described in rank-and- file employees a 13th month pay not later
the preceding paragraphs. than December 24 of every year.
M – Members of the Family of the Employer who are
o 1/12 of the total basic salary earned by an EE within
dependent of him for support a calendar year.
It refers not only to the real “immediate” members of o To be paid only to rank-and file employees
he family of the employer but also to those who are regardless of the amount of their basic salary.
considered as family members in its loose sense, that
is, those who are living with the employer and o Paid not later than December 24.
dependent on him for support § To be entitled to the 13th month pay benefit, it is
G – Government Employee imposed as a minimum service requirement that
employees, regardless of their designation or
Whether employed by the National Government or employment status and irrespective of the method by
any of its political subdivisions, including those which their wages are paid, should have worked r at
employed in GOCC’s with original charters. (Sec. 2, for least one (1) month during the calendar year.
Rule I, Book III, IRR’s)
§ It is possible that ½ of the payment of 13th month
F – Field Employee pay be given to employees before the opening of the
Non-agricultural EE’s who regularly perform their regular school year and the other half on or before
duties away from the principal place of business or 24th day of December of every year. The frequency of
branch office of the ER whose actual hours of work in the payment of this monetary benefit may be subject
the field cannot be determined with reasonable of agreement between the employer and the
certainty (Art. 82) recognized CBA of the employees.
W – Workers Paid by Result § OFW is no entitled to 13th month pay in the
absence of any provision in his employment contract
Compensation computed on the basis of work
granting the payment thereof (Petroleum Shipping
accomplished and not on time spent in accomplishing
Limited v. NLRC, G.R. No. 148130, June 16, 2006)
the work.
§ An employee who has resigned or whose services
a. Paid by Task (wholesale) – those who are
were terminated at any time before the time for
compensated on the basis of the completion or
payment of the 13th month pay is entitled to this
accomplishment of a certain specified task.
monetary benefit proportion to the length of time he
b. Paid by Piece – those who are compensated on the worked during the year, reckoned from the time he
basis of units or piece of work they produced and started working during the calendar year up to the
accomplished. The work process involved is usually time of his resignation or termination of service.
repetitive and the compensation is uniform per unit or
(Monthly Salary x # of months he worked during he
per piece.
year) / 12
c. Paid Purely on Commission
Basic Salary (For purposes of computing the 13th
P – Persons in the personal service of another month pay)
Same as the Domestic Helper but includes not only Ø include remuneration or earnings paid by this ER for
domestic servants or house helpers but drivers, valets services rendered
and bodyguards as well.
Ø but does not include allowances and monetary
D – Domestic Helpers benefits which are not considered or integrated as
Perform such services: part of the regular or basic salary, such as the cash
equivalent or unused vacation and sick leave credits, A distressed ER may qualify for exemption for the 13th
overtime, premium, night-differential and holiday pay, month pay if there is prior authorization from the
and cost-of-living allowances. DOLE. (Dentech vs. NLRC)
• However, these salary-related benefits should be 5. Weekly Rest Period
included as part of the basic salary in the computation • It shall be for the duty of every employer, whether
of the 13th month pay if the individual or collective operating for profit or not, to provide employee a rest
agreement, company practice or policy, the same are period of not less than 24 consecutive hours after
treated as part of the basic salary of the EE’s. every 6 consecutive normal working days.
The following are not entitled to 13th month pay: • The employer shall determine and schedule the
(WPD – G – MES) weekly rest day of his employees, however, the
employer shall respect the preference of employees as
W – Workers Paid by Result
to their weekly rest day when such preference is based
Except: Paid by Piece Employee on religion grounds.
D – Domestic Helpers Where however the choice of the employees as to
P – Persons in the personal service of another their rest day based on religious grounds will
inevitably result in serious prejudice or obstruction to
G – Government Employee the operation of the undertaking, the employer may
The government and any of its political subdivisions, so schedule the weekday rest day of their choice at
including GOCC’s, except those corporations operating least 2 days in a month. (Sec. 4, Rule III, Book III, IRR’s)
essentially as private subsidiaries of the government. When ER may require Work on rest day [D U A - P N A]
M – Managerial Employees (Art. 92)
E – Employee being paid equivalent of 13th month pay a. In case of actual or impending emergency caused
by serious accident, fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake,
ER’s already paying their EE’s a 13th month pay or
epidemic, or other Disaster or calamity to prevent loss
more in a calendar year or its equivalent at the time of
of life, or imminent danger to public safety.
this issuance.
b. In case of Urgent work, to avoid serious loss which
The term “its equivalent” … shall include Christmas
the ER would otherwise suffer;
bonus, mid-year bonus, cash bonuses and other
payments but shall not include cash and stock c. In the event of Abnormal pressure of work due to
dividends, cost of living allowances and other special circumstances, where the ER cannot ordinarily
allowances regularly enjoyed by the EE, as well as non- be expected to resort to other measures;
monetary benefits. Where an ER pays less than d. To prevent or damage to Perishable goods;
required 1/12th of the EE’s basic salary, the ER shall
pay the differences. e. Where the Nature of work requires continuous
operations and stoppage of the work may result in
S – Supervisory Employee irreparable injury or loss to the ER; and
Have the following duties and functions: f. Analogous (avail of favorable weather) or similar
a. Assist the department superintendent in various circumstances
aspects of management such as in the planning of How much is a worker entitled if he works on a rest
systems and procedures; day?
b. Recommends disciplinary action against erring § Scheduled rest day – additional compensation of
subordinates or promotion of deserving personnel, at least 30% of his regular wage.
train and guide subordinates;
§ Scheduled rest day which is a non-working holiday
c. Communicate and coordinate with other – entitled to additional compensation of at least 50%
supervisors; of his regular wage.
d. Recommend measures to improve work method; § Scheduled rest day which is a regular holiday –
and entitled to additional compensation of at least 30% of
e. Other related tasks as may be assigned by his his regular holiday rate of 200% based on his regular
immediate superior. wage rate. (Sec. 4, Rule III, Book I, IRR’s)
They discharge duties and responsibilities which 6. Service Incentive Leave
qualify them as members of the managerial staff. Except :
a. Those enjoying vacation leave with pay of at least 5
b. Those employed in establishments regularly • Undertime work in any particular day shall not be
employing less than 10 workers offset by overtime work on another day BUT not on
c. Exempt establishments.
§ Permission given to the EE to go on leave on some
• can be converted to cash
other day of the week shall not exempt the ER from
• 5 days incentive leaves with pay for at least 1 year paying the additional compensation required. (Art. 88)
of service.
• For purposes of computing overtime and other
The term ‘at least 1 year of service’ shall mean service additional remuneration as required by this Chapter
within 12 months, whether continuous or broken, the “regular wage” of an EE shall include the cash
reckoned from the date the EE started working, wage only, without deduction on account of facilities
including authorized absences and paid regular provided by the ER. (Art. 90)
holidays unless the working days in the establishment
as a matter of practice or policy, or that provided in
the employment contract are less than 12 months, in Applies to ALL employees in all establishments and
which case said period shall be considered as 1 year. undertakings whether for profit or not.
(Sec. 3, Rule V, Book III, IRR’s)
Except the following: (MOM –GF – WPD)
7. Night Shift Deferential M – Managerial Employees
Every EE shall be paid night shift differential of not less a. Their primary duty consists of the management of
than 10% of his regular wage for each hour of work the establishment in which they are employed or of a
performed between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. (Art. 86) department or sub-division thereof;
Except: Employer with not more than 5 employees b. Customarily or regularly direct the work of 2 or
8. Overtime Pay more employees therein;
• Is additional compensation for work done beyond c. Has the authority to hire or fire other employees of
the normal work hours on ordinary working days. lower rank; or their suggestions and
recommendations as to the hiring and firing and as to
• Regular work day – plus 25% basic hourly rate
the promotion or any change of status of other
• Special days, holiday or rest day – plus 30% of the employees are given particular weight. [Sec 2(b), Rule
regular hourly rate on said days. I, Book III]
Emergency Overtime Work - Any EE may be required O – Other Offices or Members of a Managerial Staff
by the ER to perform overtime work in any of the
a. Primary duty consists of the performance of work
following cases: [WED-UPS]
directly related to management policies of the
a. When the country is at War employer;
b. When any other national or local Emergency has b. Customarily and regularly, exercise discretion and
been declared independent judgment;
d. When it is necessary to prevent loss of life or c. Regularly directly assist a proprietor or managerial
property or in case of imminent Danger to the public employee or execute under general supervision work
safety due to an actual or impending emergency in the along specialized or technical lines requiring special
locality caused by serious accidents, fire, flood, training, experience or knowledge; or execute under
typhoon, earthquake, epidemic or other Disaster or general supervision special assignment and tasks; and
d. Do not devote more than 20% of their hours
e. When there is Urgent work to be performed on worked to activities which are not directly and closely
machines and installations in order to avoid serious related to the performance of the work described in
loss or damage to the ER or some other cause of the preceding paragraphs.
similar nature.
M – Members of the Family of the Employer who are
f. When the work is necessary to prevent loss or dependent of him for support
damage to Perishable goods.
It refers not only to the real “immediate” members of
g. Where the completion or continuation of the work he family of the employer but also to those who are
started before the 8th hour is necessary to prevent considered as family members in its loose sense, that
Serious obstruction or prejudice to the business is, those who are living with the employer and
operations of the ER. dependent on him for support
The EE’s refusal to obey the order of the EE constitutes G – Government Employee
insubordination for which he may be subjected to
disciplinary action. (Alcantara)
Whether employed by the National Government or employees, regardless of their designation or
any of its political subdivisions, including those employment status and irrespective of the method by
employed in GOCC’s with original charters. (Sec. 2, which their wages are paid, should have worked r at
Rule I, Book III, IRR’s) for least one (1) month during the calendar year.
F – Field Employee § It is possible that ½ of the payment of 13th month
pay be given to employees before the opening of the
Non-agricultural EE’s who regularly perform their
regular school year and the other half on or before
duties away from the principal place of business or
24th day of December of every year. The frequency of
branch office of the ER whose actual hours of work in
the payment of this monetary benefit may be subject
the field cannot be determined with reasonable
of agreement between the employer and the
certainty (Art. 82)
recognized CBA of the employees.
W – Workers Paid by Result
§ OFW is no entitled to 13th month pay in the
Compensation computed on the basis of work absence of any provision in his employment contract
accomplished and not on time spent in accomplishing granting the payment thereof (Petroleum Shipping
the work. Limited v. NLRC, G.R. No. 148130, June 16, 2006)
a. Paid by Task (wholesale) – those who are § An employee who has resigned or whose services
compensated on the basis of the completion or were terminated at any time before the time for
accomplishment of a certain specified task. payment of the 13th month pay is entitled to this
b. Paid by Piece – those who are compensated on the monetary benefit proportion to the length of time he
basis of units or piece of work they produced and worked during the year, reckoned from the time he
accomplished. The work process involved is usually started working during the calendar year up to the
repetitive and the compensation is uniform per unit or time of his resignation or termination of service.
per piece. (Monthly Salary x # of months he worked during he
c. Paid Purely on Commission year) / 12

P – Persons in the personal service of another Basic Salary (For purposes of computing the 13th
month pay)
Same as the Domestic Helper but includes not only
domestic servants or house helpers but drivers, valets Ø include remuneration or earnings paid by this ER for
and bodyguards as well. services rendered

D – Domestic Helpers Ø but does not include allowances and monetary

benefits which are not considered or integrated as
Perform such services: part of the regular or basic salary, such as the cash
a. In the ER’s home which are usually necessary or equivalent or unused vacation and sick leave credits,
desirable for the maintenance or enjoyment thereof; overtime, premium, night-differential and holiday pay,
and cost-of-living allowances.
b. Or minister to the personal comfort, convenience,
or safety of the ER as well as the members of his ER’s • However, these salary-related benefits should be
household (Sec. 2, Rule I, Book III, IRR’s) included as part of the basic salary in the computation
of the 13th month pay if the individual or collective
However, house personnel hired by a ranking
agreement, company practice or policy, the same are
company official, but paid for by the company itself, to
treated as part of the basic salary of the EE’s.
maintain a staff house provided for the official, are not
the latter’s domestic helpers but regular EE’s of the The following are not entitled to 13th month pay:
company. (Cadiz vs. Philippine Sinter) (WPD – G – MES)
13TH MONTH PAY W – Workers Paid by Result
All land-based employers are required to pay all their Except: Paid by Piece Employee
rank-and- file employees a 13th month pay not later
than December 24 of every year. D – Domestic Helpers

o 1/12 of the total basic salary earned by an EE within P – Persons in the personal service of another
a calendar year. G – Government Employee
o To be paid only to rank-and file employees The government and any of its political subdivisions,
regardless of the amount of their basic salary. including GOCC’s, except those corporations operating
o Paid not later than December 24. essentially as private subsidiaries of the government.

§ To be entitled to the 13th month pay benefit, it is M – Managerial Employees

imposed as a minimum service requirement that E – Employee being paid equivalent of 13th month pay
ER’s already paying their EE’s a 13th month pay or
more in a calendar year or its equivalent at the time of
this issuance.
The term “its equivalent” … shall include Christmas
bonus, mid-year bonus, cash bonuses and other
payments but shall not include cash and stock
dividends, cost of living allowances and other
allowances regularly enjoyed by the EE, as well as non-
monetary benefits. Where an ER pays less than
required 1/12th of the EE’s basic salary, the ER shall
pay the differences.
S – Supervisory Employee
Have the following duties and functions:
a. Assist the department superintendent in various
aspects of management such as in the planning of
systems and procedures;
b. Recommends disciplinary action against erring
subordinates or promotion of deserving personnel,
train and guide subordinates;
c. Communicate and coordinate with other
d. Recommend measures to improve work method;
e. Other related tasks as may be assigned by his
immediate superior.
They discharge duties and responsibilities which
qualify them as members of the managerial staff.
A distressed ER may qualify for exemption for the 13th
month pay if there is prior authorization from the
DOLE. (Dentech vs. NLRC)
Regional Updates
New Wage Order for workers in CALABARZON
Minimum wage earners in private establishments in
CALABARZON received a basic wage increase of P9.00
to P24.50 upon effectivity of Wage Order No. IVA-18
on April 28, 2018. This brings the new minimum wage
to a range of P317 to P400 in non-agriculture; P303 to
P372 in agriculture sector; and P303 in retail/service
establishments regularly employing not more than 10
The new wage order brought all the minimum wage
rates to levels not lower than the region’s 2015
poverty threshold. Further, there will only be one rate
for the agriculture sector in each area and the
remaining tranches under Wage Order IVA-17 will also
be given to minimum wage earners by 2020.
Wage Order No. RB IVA-18, which was published on
April 15, 2018 in The Philippine Star, allows exemption
for distressed establishments and establishments
adversely affected by natural and human-induced

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