Particle Posters

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Basic Particle

Particle を

In this expression Noun を Verb, を (wo) is

used to indicate the direct object of a verb.

 ジョンさんは あさごはん を たべます

Meaning: John eats breakfast.
Particle に
Particle に (ni) indicates the point in time
when the action takes place.
 七じ に コンサートをみます。
Meaning: I am going to watch a
concert at 7pm.
Particle に (ni) indicates the exact point in time.
Particle へ
In the expression Place へ いきます, the Japanese particle へ
(e) is used to mark the direction of an action. It can only be
used with verbs that indicate movement from one place to
another -いきます (ikimasu), きます (kimasu) and かえります

チンさんは がっこう へ いきます。

Meaning: Mr Chin goes to school.
Particle と

When you do something with a person, that

person is marked with the particle と (to).

 ともだち と アメリカへ いきます。

Meaning: I go to America with my friend.
The question marker

Placing か at the end of a sentence changes a

statement into a question.
Origin and limit から
and まで
These particles indicate the starting point or border
of an action. This may be a location as well as a time
and corresponds roughly with "from" and "until".
The topic and subject
markers は and が

The particle "は" (pronounced as "わ" when used as a

particle) is the topic marker denoting topic of
discussion、 while "が" is the subject marker and
marks a noun that performs an action.
Particle に
The particle に marks the place where something is,
or direction.

 つくえ の した に あります。
It’s under the table.
 せんしゅう おおさか に いきました。
I went to Osaka last week.

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