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Intermediate Unit test 2

2 Complete the sentences with the correct past
1 Underline the correct answer, a), b) or c). form of the verb in brackets.
1I b in a plane before so I am feeling a bit 1 It was the most beautiful beach he ’d ever seen
nervous about my flight. and the perfect place to spend their honeymoon.
a) have never flied (see)
b) have never flown 2 As soon as she closed the door, she she
c) didn’t fly her house keys on the table. (remember /
2 Sue in a jazz band when she was 21. leave)
a) sang 3 While we for the taxi to arrive, we
b) has sung all the windows were closed.
c) hasn’t sung (wait / check)
3 We first Tamara at university in 2010. We 4 By the time they to the station, the train
were on the same degree programme. . (get / go)
a) have met 5 As she over the bridge, the car in front
b) meeted swerved and nearly into the river.
c) met (drive / fall)
4 James in the national hockey team for five 6 While I the joke, I suddenly realised I
years but stopped after he hurt his back. the ending! (tell / forget)
a) has played
b) played 10
c) hasn’t played
5 They a four-bedroom house in Wales.
a) have just bought Vocabulary
b) have bought recently
3 Complete the types of film stories in the
c) already bought
6 Who the match on Saturday? Do you
know? 1 Liz enjoys romantic comedies because she thinks
a) has won they are fun to watch and likes films about people
b) did win falling in love.
c) won 2 I love watching p d . I’m very
7 Can we watch something else? I this film interested in history and I love old-fashioned
twice. costumes.
a) saw already 3 Did you see the b on Gandhi’s life? It
b) ’ve already seen was really interesting. I had no idea he had studied
c) just seen at university in London.
8 You said you’ve been to South America. How 4 Lee says his favourite films are p
interesting! Where ? t because they focus on the mental and
a) did you go emotional states of the characters so you never
b) have you gone know what is going to happen.
c) have you been yet 5 Tim never watches d movies as he thinks
9 They on a cruise before so they’re really there are already too many stories of terrible
excited about their holiday things that have happened, like earthquakes and
a) already went plane crashes, on the news.
b) never went 6 Pru often watches m . She likes to try and
c) ’ve never been solve the murders before the detectives do.
10 When I first saw Coldplay, they weren’t famous.
They a long way since then. 5
a) came
b) have come
c) didn’t come
11 I’m sorry, I . I’ll do that later when I have
some free time.
a) have already contacted him
b) haven’t contacted him yet
c) just contacted him


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Intermediate Unit test 2

4 Complete the text with the correct prepositions. Function

I was in France on business last year when I met an 7 Put the sentences of the story (a–k) into the
old school friend, Pierre, 2 chance. It was correct order.
great to see him but I was 3 a bit of a hurry so
we swapped numbers and arranged to meet up the a) The people in my carriage were really friendly so
next day. The meeting I was going to was 4 I started talking with them.
the afternoon but I was running late so I called a b) I had quite an adventure when I was travelling in
taxi. While I was waiting, I spotted a Dutch Italy for work last summer.
colleague, Suus. She was also staying at the hotel c) He also called the school I was visiting and spoke
her own and was going to the same meeting. to the headteacher to explain what had happened.
She kindly offered me a lift and we both arrived d) Before long, I found out that the train didn’t stop
time. During the journey we had a lovely at the place I was going to.
chat and 7 the end, we arranged to have e) Anyway, I had no idea that there was a delay with
dinner together. the previous train that was due at the same
6 f) She introduced herself with a big smile and we
laughed about my little adventure before getting
into her car.
5 Complete the sentences using one word from g) When I finally arrived at my destination, the
box A and one from box B. headteacher was already there waiting for me at
A the station.
demonstration earthquake floods h) Fortunately, another passenger told me where to
fugitive hostages pay get off and what train to catch from there.
i) So, when a train arrived at my platform a minute
early I thought it was the one I wanted and I got
armed destroyed hit released
on it.
strike violent
j) I was in a new town so I checked on the train and
waited at the platform I needed.
1 The big earthquake that hit California lasted five
k) Well, you can imagine that this was quite
2 Thousands of homes were by
after days of heavy rain.
1 b 5 9
3 Police are telling people to be cautious because an
2 6 10
is on the run.
3 7 11
4 The anti-war turned when it
4 8
reached the city centre.
5 Ten have now been from the 10
plane by the terrorists.
6 10,000 workers have gone on over Total: 50

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of say or tell.
1 When you say ‘hello’ you should smile.
2 If Dad starts us the same joke he told us
last week, please stop him.
3 The best time to a scary story is at night,
sitting around a campfire with friends.
4 When he sorry I knew he meant it.
5 Please just what you mean! I don’t
understand what is going on.

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