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The document discusses emotional intelligence and its importance for teachers. It provides details of 5 workshops to help teachers develop their emotional intelligence.

The purpose of the document is to provide teachers with alternative pedagogic approaches, shift their general attitude and provide positive safe places of learning regardless of the age group, socio-economic context or type of school.

The 5 workshops cover: 1) What is Emotional Intelligence and why would teachers want it? 2) EQ and the Curriculum 3) Self-regulation 4) Multiple Intelligences 5) Collaborative learning and EQ

0 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Emotional Intelligence
for Teachers
Workshop series

Giulietta D. Harrison (PhD)

Centre for Social Development
Rhodes University

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

1 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers


Introduction 2

Workshop 1: What is Emotional Intelligence and why would teachers want it? 3

Workshop 2: EQ and the Curriculum 13

Workshop 3: Self-regulation 27

Workshop 4: Multiple Intelligences 39

Workshop 5: Collaborative learning and EQ 67

References 81

Teaching Resources: Worksheets, activities, posters, poems 82

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

2 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

‘Educating the mind without educating the heart, is no education at all.’
- Aristotle

Emotional intelligence was popularized by Daniel Goleman (1995, 2007) in the early 2000s and
has spread from the corporate domain into that of education, largely as a result of teachers
wanting to address the challenges of discipline in teaching contexts. Personal experience of
using EQ in my own preschool classroom has been extremely positive. This, coupled with some
academic research during my Masters degree, confirmed its efficacy and motivated me to train
other teachers so that they could reap the benefits.

The purpose of this manual is to provide teachers with alternative pedagogic approaches, shift
their general attitude and provide positive safe places of learning regardless of the age group,
socio-economic context or type of school.

The Centre for Social Development has been at the forefront of education in the Early Childhood
Development (ECD) sector for 35 years. Because of our links to Rhodes University, we have
been in a position to conduct research and to work with incumbent teachers, both at NQF and
degree levels. We have been exposed to many of the challenges that our teachers face when
working in classrooms with high numbers, limited space and learners with difficulties. It is with
this in mind that CSD applied for funding to develop a series of workshop materials that could
empower teachers and improve learning. In addition, through our Parent Programme, it became
evident that parents needed to be informed on how to support learners on the home front, work
with educators in schools and provide their children with skills for holistic development. The
EQ section that formed part of our Parent Programme was well received and we were requested
to expand on this type of knowledge. We are grateful to Anglo American Chairman’s Fund for
seeing value in this type of capacity building and for providing the funding for this programme.

The manuals, which will comprise two sets of five workshops, one for teachers and one for
parents, will be piloted in the Grahamstown townships and in collaboration with another NPO,
namely the Lebone Centre. In light of the pilot programme, materials will be amended and then
placed on our respective websites as open-source documents. The nature of ‘open-source’
documents is that they are available to whoever wishes to use them and they can be adapted to
different contexts. It is hoped that in this way teachers will become empowered and classrooms
will progress from being places of stress to ones of joyous learning.

Giulietta D. Harrison (Director, CSD)

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

3 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Workshop 1: 
What is Emotional Intelligence 
and why would teachers want it? 

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

4 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

By Meish Goldish

There are things I have that I can’t see,

Things that change inside of me.
What, oh what, can those things be?
My feelings!

When a friend calls and says, “Let’s Play”,

When I work in school and get an ‘A’,
When my favourite dinner is on its way,
I’m happy!

When I can’t go out because of rain,

When my tummy hurts and I’m in pain,
When my favourite toy goes down the drain,
I’m sad!

When thunder booms, and the lights go out,

When suddenly I hear a shout,
When an ugly bug will crawl about,
I’m afraid!

At times I’m happy; at times I’m sad,

At times I’m scared; at times I’m glad,
I know I’m me, because I’ve had
My feelings!

Teachers to close eyes and notice how they are feeling today.  Are your eyes burning, is your 
body sore anywhere, is your mind racing, are you worrying about anything?  Ask if anyone 
would like to share how they are feeling. Briefly discuss what sort of day the teacher 
anticipates having now that they know how they are feeling.

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

5 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

What is EI and why would teachers want it? 
Emotional Intelligence (E.I.) is the "ability to recognise, understand and manage our own
feelings as well as the feelings of others. It is the ability to show understanding and empathy, and
it involves the ability to see things from other points of view "(Henig). Studies show that almost
all children who do not do well in school, lack one or more elements of emotional intelligence.

Recently on TV you may have seen an interesting snippet about research done originally by a
psychologist, Walter Mischel in the 60s. He gave four year olds marshmallows and asked them
to wait until he returned before eating them. If they could wait, he promised them an additional
two marshmallows. The children did all sorts of things to try to stop themselves from eating the
marshmallows. Some were able to wait while many could not control themselves.

When the same group of children finished their schooling, they were tested again. Those that had
been able to wait until Mr Mischel returned received higher measures of positive behaviour and
mental health and their SAT scores were 200 points higher than their marshmallow eating peers.
This experiment shows that there is a link between the ability to delay immediate gratification
and academic performance. This experiment clearly demonstrates the importance of helping
children develop better self-control and emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) was a term first used by Mayer and Salvoey who described it as:
‘the ability to perceive accurately, appraise and express emotions; the ability to access and or
generate feelings when they facilitate thought; the ability to understand emotion and emotional
knowledge; and the ability to regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth’
(Mayer & Salovey, 2001)

Reuben Bar-on (2003) coined the term EQ for ‘Emotional Quotient hence the acronym of EQ for
Emotional Intelligence as opposed to EI. At the heart of EQ is the awareness of one’s own
behavior in order to self-regulate and to understand other people’s behaviour. This might sound
like a very indulgent way of behaving as a person constantly reflects on their own behaviour but
it is only by noticing one’s own feelings that a person can stop and respond appropriately.

When working in classrooms in the South African contexts, many of our teachers are faced with
large classroom numbers, limited space, language challenges and behavioural issues. This
makes for stressful teaching and limited learning. Often teachers find themselves doing little
more than ‘crowd control’ and ending the day exhausted. The teacher knows that she has not
achieved her goals and that the learners have not absorbed much of what was being taught. The
end result is teachers suffer burnout and leave our profession.

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

6 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

EQ offers a solution to much of this dilemma by shifting the attitude towards the problem and by
providing the teacher with positive strategies to work around any classroom situation. In a class
of 30 students:
 2–3 will suffer from depression;
 6 have diagnosable developmental, behavioural and/or emotional problems that will
cause them to become victims or perpetrators of violence;
 2 will have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD);
 6 will be growing up in alcoholic families;
 4 will suffer eating disorders in their teen years;
 2 will describe themselves as homosexual or bisexual;
 4 will be unsure of their sexual orientation;
 4–7 will suffer from mental, emotional or behavioural disorders, and few receive any
 12 students risk failure because of serious problems outside of school.

As the cartoon illustrates one of the biggest dangers we face when not addressing the emotional
needs of our learners is to prevent them from realizing their potential. With an EQ approach to
teaching the learner is constantly validated, feels that they have been heard and is prepared to co-
operate. All of this results in the learner being open to learning and a productive relationship is
established between teacher and child. This will result in the learner realising their potential and
the teacher fulfilling the purpose of her profession.

Emotional intelligence consists of four attributes according to Daniel Goleman:

 Self-awareness – You recognize your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts
and behaviour, know your strengths and weaknesses, and have self-confidence.
 Self-management – You’re able to control impulsive feelings and behaviours, manage
your emotions in healthy ways, take initiative, follow through on commitments, and
adapt to changing circumstances.
 Social awareness – You can understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of other
people, pick up on emotional cues, feel comfortable socially, and recognize the power
dynamics in a group or organization.
 Relationship management – You know how to develop and maintain good
relationships, communicate clearly, inspire and influence others, work well in a team, and
manage conflict.

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

7 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

A Case of Connectedness! 
A CRUCIAL FACT: School may be the only place where the needs of many children facing
extreme challenges are addressed!

What do we need to do?

 Build relationships with our learners.
 Appreciate the uniqueness of each learner.
 Be interested in them as people – future leaders.
 Find opportunities for them to succeed.

Critical criteria for feeling connected:

 Combination of “high academic expectations” with “support for learning”
 Positive adult/learner relationships
 Physical and emotional safety.

High levels of student connectedness result in:

 Better academic performance
 Lower incidents of fighting, bullying or vandalism
 Improved school completion rates
 High level of student motivation
 Good classroom management.

Students who feel connected are less likely to exhibit:

 Disruptive behaviour
 School violence
 Substance and tobacco use
 Emotional distress
 Early age of first sex.

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

8 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Levels of Emotional Awareness in Children 
(Steiner & Perry, 1997: 36) 
Level 1:
Numbness: The child does not experience any emotion.

Level 2:
Physical sensations: The child experiences emotions as physical sensations such as stomach
aches or headaches.

Level 3:
Primal experience: The child is aware of emotions, but experiences them as enhanced energy
and cannot verbalise them.

Level 4:
Verbal barrier: The child is aware of emotions, but does not have the emotional vocabulary to
express emotions.

Level 5:
Differentiation: The child is aware of the difference between basic emotions and can understand
different intensities of emotions.

Level 6:
Causality: The child understands emotions and can link specific causes to emotions.

Level 7:
Empathy and interactivity: The child is aware of emotions in herself and others, and can
manage emotions in herself and others.

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

9 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers


Include the abilities to:

 Empathise with others
 Control impulsive behaviour
 Manage moods
 Solve problems / conflict resolution
 Develop good interpersonal relationships at home, school and work environment (Henig).

Why is EQ important?
 Emotionally intelligent people have self-knowledge
 They are motivated and able to set goals
 They are able to understand and communicate with others as well as maintain good
interpersonal relationships (Henig).

Characteristics of emotionally intelligent children:

 Confident, secure and independent
 Optimistic
 Sociable, friendly
 Display empathy towards others and able to maintain peace
 Able to work well both in a group and individually
 Express emotions appropriately
 Able to show affection
 Control their own behaviour, including impulsivity
 Manage their moods appropriately
 Able to set achievable goals, self-motivated
 Excellent problem-solving and conflict management skills resulting in less violence
 Able to understand others’ points of view
 Able to achieve better academic results (Henig).

How do we achieve this?

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

10 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Characteristics of a Positive Learning Environment 
 Safe: The learning environment should be free from any comparisons to others,
abuse/misuse, manipulation, humiliation, and invalidation. Children should feel secure and
relaxed and experience unconditional love from their educator.
 Free: Children have choices (with responsibilities).
 Respectful: Feelings and uniqueness are respected.
 Supportive: The individuality, needs and talents of children are recognised and supported.
Focus on positive self-talk.
 Purposeful: The information is appropriate for life outside school as well. Transferable life
skills are taught.
 Empathetic: Children and educators care for each other’s feelings.
 Stimulating: The environment and information should stimulate and encourage the child’s
natural curiosity and desire to learn.
 Flexible: Changes can be brought about frequently, easily and without hiccups. They must
be viewed as challenges. Routines and patterns are changed, but the educator needs to
remain positively firm.
 Emotionally intelligent: Feelings are validated and discussed. EQ should be part of the
total curriculum and be integrated into all areas, such as the playground, in class and in
sports (de Klerk & le Roux, 2007).

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

11 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Working in groups, discuss which of the points listed above are achievable and give 
examples of how you might achieve them.  Share your ideas in a feedback session.  If there 
are any that are not achievable, state why not. 

Ask teachers to close their eyes and notice how they are feeling at the end of the 
workshop.  Has anything changed and why? 

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

12 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Outcomes of this workshop:

 The teacher should have some idea of what EQ is and why it is important in her classroom.
 The teacher should appreciate her own emotions.
 The teacher should appreciate the impact of her emotions on her learners.
 The teacher should begin to understand how she can incorporate EQ in her classroom.


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13 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Workshop 2: 
EQ and the Curriculum 

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14 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

EQ and the Curriculum 
Studies have shown that effective curricula have five characteristics:

1) Focus on helping the child to calm down.

2) Increase awareness of emotions in others (those other than the child): How are others

3) An outward discussion of feelings needs to occur.

4) Assist the child to plan ahead to avoid a similar situation happening again / learn how to
deal with the situation appropriately should it happen again.

5) Assist the child in considering how her behaviour affects others.

I would suggest a sixth point of emphasis, namely:

6) Increase the child’s self-awareness: How am I feeling?

THIS MUST FORM A PART OF ALL ACTIVITIES (in the classroom, in sports
and on the playground) WHERE APPROPRIATE AND POSSIBLE.

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

15 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

EQ and the CAPS curriculum 
Goleman notes that how may be more important than what we teach: "Whether or not there is a
class explicitly devoted to emotional literacy may matter far less than how these lessons are
taught.” (Goleman, 1995, p. 279). Many teachers will feel negatively towards the idea that yet
again they must add another thing to their already overcrowded day, especially when they are
struggling to deal with the perceived demands of the CAPS curriculum. What is key to realise
when creating an EQ-rich classroom, is that it is not an addition to your day, but rather a
different approach to existing problems. It is about your instructional strategies. It is not about
the content, but about how you teach that content. This approach can be used across all grades
with the teacher delivering the existing curriculum using EQ principles.

No matter how the teacher structures the interaction in the classroom, the teacher delivers two
types of curricula: (1) the explicit academic curriculum and (2) an implicit curriculum which is
embedded in the approaches selected by the teacher. We can never deliver an academic
curriculum in isolation, we are always impacting on EQ in one way or another. Because there is
always an approach to an activity on the part of the teacher in the classroom, and because every
approach includes an embedded curriculum, we are always delivering an implicit EQ curriculum.
The question becomes, are we choosing approaches which promote EQ, or ones that undermine
it? It is the embedded curriculum that most determines the development of EQ among students!

If we have to find an official base for EQ, it would fall into our Life-skills curriculum and it
forms the foundation of the development of a holistic child. One of the obvious ways to begin
with integrating EQ into the work teachers do, is to look at the themes for the term. Because
CSD focuses on Early Childhood Development, we have looked at the Grade R CAPS
curriculum. Across the terms the following themes allow for EQ integration:
 Me
 At school
 In the Classroom
 My Body
 Healthy environment
 My Family
 Home
 Safety
 Senses.

Theme: Healthy living

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16 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Explain to the learners that part of living a healthy life includes eating properly, getting enough
exercise and managing our emotions. We are going to bring our favourite stuffed animal to
school and have a picnic. Teacher to provide paper plates, cups and healthy food, e.g. fruit,
juice, crackers, cheese. Spread a blanket in the classroom or outside (depending on your
facilities) give each learner a paper plate and cup and share out the food. Encourage them to say
‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and to feed their stuffed toy. When the picnic is finished ask them to
help pack up (promoting being responsible and respectful of the environment) and then ask them
how bunny’s hop. Suggest doing a bunny hop back to the classroom/jumping jack/snake
dance/etc. Do a series of movement activities to remind them that part of being healthy includes

Using one of the themes above, in groups discuss how the EQ approach could be used in the 
classroom to cover work that forms part of CAPS.  Come up with at least three ideas and 
then share them with the rest of the group. Remember Goleman’s four principles for 
promoting EQ. 
 Self‐awareness: You recognize your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts 
and behaviour, know your strengths and weaknesses, and have self‐confidence. 
 Self‐management: You’re able to control impulsive feelings and behaviours, manage 
your emotions in healthy ways, take initiative, follow through on commitments, and 
adapt to changing circumstances. 
 Social awareness: You can understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of other 
people, pick up on emotional cues, feel comfortable socially, and recognize the power 
dynamics in a group or organization. 
 Relationship management: You know how to develop and maintain good relationships, 
communicate clearly, inspire and influence others, work well in a team, and manage 

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17 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Where can I start?

Below are some basic strategies that will develop EQ but not add to the daily programme. One
of the basic principles of EQ is to connect to the child. This is achieved through what is referred
to as EXCEL.

The E in EXCEL stands for ‘Engage’ or ‘Engagement’. As your learners enter the classroom,
make eye contact and greet them individually and by name. The X stands for ‘Explore’. Request
that each learner show you on a scale of 1-4, on their fingers, how they are feeling today. One
would be ‘not a good day’ and four would be ‘an extremely good day’. The learner can simply
flash this to the teacher and you take note particularly of the learners who are showing extremes,
e.g. a one or a four. These are the learners you need to find a moment to talk to in order to
ascertain what the issue might be. For example a learner might be a four because it is their
birthday and they are therefore likely to be hyped-up in their behaviour. The teacher needs to
make allowances for this. Equally, a learner might show a one because they are feeling ill or
have had a fight with their mom; just knowing that the teacher is aware of this issue might be
enough for the learner to cope for the day.

Everyone is aware, however, that despite how we are feeling, our world requires us to cope as
best we can. The C of EXCEL stands for Challenge and is the message we convey that we
expect our learners to cope despite their difficulties. This message can be stated through stories,
class discussions or individual discussion. When a learner does cope despite difficulties, she
should receive praise for her efforts. This is the second ‘E’ in EXCEL and stands for the
‘Encouragement’ the teacher gives the learner.

The L of EXCEL is the empathy or ‘Love’ we display toward our learners. As teachers we are in
a privileged position of power which all too frequently is abused. We need to be sure to display
unconditional love towards our learners and strive to meet their emotional needs. If the learner
feels that they are accepted despite their difficulties, they are far more likely to co-operate and
learning will take place.

The use of EXCEL is a simple strategy that can be done at the beginning and end of the day,
affording learners the opportunity to state how they are feeling and the teacher the chance to
acknowledge or note feelings so as to best serve the needs of her learners.

The teacher does not need to make a big production of this strategy. On the contrary, it is best
done as a simple, low-key activity, coupled with greeting at the beginning and end of the day.

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18 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Note that the teacher herself can share how she is feeling at any of these points and it will remind
the learners that the teacher also has feelings and might be having a difficult day.

Form a circle with the teachers and go round the circle with each teacher stating how they are 
feeling using the finger method.  Ask teachers to share why they are feeling a particular way.  
Repeat this exercise at the end of the session and note if anyone’s rating has changed.  If it 
has, ask them why this might be the case. 

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19 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Greet; eye contact; name

Show fingers

“Despite how you are feeling, we are here to
work and get through the day.” OR “I‘m sorry
that you’re feeling like that. I will follow up
after the lesson, but now there is a job to do.”



In 90% of cases, just allowing the learners time and space to verbalise
how they feel, is enough:
 Connectedness to teacher
 Not needing to rely on ‘therapy’.

Centre for Social Development project, funded by AACF

20 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Developing learners who are: good citizens, respectful, thinkers, successful,

sensitive, good humoured, and who give out a positive message.

Looking for peaceable solutions in the classroom 

Process of the Care Circle 
A Care Circle is an effective way of addressing contentious issues as well as validating learners
who need support. It does not, however, have to be a time-consuming process. It can form part
of a story time, morning ring, or be a special space that is called once a week. It may be
necessary, initially, to have this more frequently while learners begin to manage their behaviour
and become more familiar with how a Care Circle works. This type of activity can be used to
develop other learning skills such as vocabulary, collaborative learning skills, descriptive words,

Another useful technique, building on the Care Circle, is the use of ‘feelings faces’ or a ‘feelings
fan’ (see following page for example). The teacher can use a fan with different faces and
feelings words on it to assist learners to show how they feel. This is particularly useful for
second language learners who may not yet have the vocabulary to describe how they are feeling.
The learners each have a chance to choose a feeling on the fan and to show it to their peers. The
teacher can elect to ask a learner why he is feeling a particular way, or she can simply
acknowledge how he is feeling.

Again, she would need to note the learners who are at the extreme ends of the emotional scale
and be prepared to monitor their behaviour for the day as well as speak to the learner if there is a

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21 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

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22 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

The Care Circle targets every child in the classroom and teaches every child skills, rather than
simply targeting one or two.

1. Each classroom should have an agenda book where the learners can record I-messages.
2. The entire class then sits in a circle and deals with the issues.
3. Teacher poses the issue from the agenda book.
4. Each class has a ‘talking stick’ (dependent on the identity of each classroom, e.g. a Winnie
the Pooh Bear).
5. The talking stick gets passed to the first person in the circle for comment or discussion.
When finished, pass to the person seated next to them. Whoever holds the stick has the
right to speak. This trains learners in waiting for their turn and how to be respectful and
listen to their peers.

6. Summarise the discussion and record key discussions – older grades could have a scribe.

Teachers each make a talking stick using recyclable materials.  Leave these to dry and at the 
end of the day the teachers can collect them and start using them in their classrooms. 

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23 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

More Specifics of the Care Circle. 
Peaceable refers to collaboration, as opposed to conflict. A collaborative classroom encourages:
 Active listening
 I-statements
 Win/win relationships
 Give/receive feedback environment.

 Talk about feelings, but be sure to listen first!

 Do not preach.
 Do not blame.
 I-statements, e.g. “I feel sad when …”
 The ultimate goal must be win/win, so that no person is to leave the circle feeling that
he/she has lost, or is seen in a negative light.
 Focus on wisdom learning: when we talk about an event to make sure that we know how
to handle it if it ever happens to us, and thereby learn from the
mistakes/challenges/behaviours of others.
 Highlight strengths in each child.
 Teach boomerang skills: What you give out is what you get back.
 Teach about thinking before acting (see STOPLIGHT on page 36).

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24 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

More ideas for Care Circles 
The purpose of the Care Circle is to provide a space to develop learners’ knowledge,
understanding and skills in three key aspects of social and emotional growth: self-awareness,
social skills and motivation to learn. This can be done in a variety of ways.

Self-awareness: the ability to know oneself.

 I know I am unique and special.
 I know I am able to do some things better than others.
 I know what I feel and that it is okay to feel what I feel.
 I know how to manage my emotions.
 I understand my learning style and use it to my advantage.

Roll/throw a ball to each of the workshop participants and ask them to tell you something that 
is special about them and how they have used that ‘specialness’ in their teaching. Teachers can 
adapt this for their class Care Circle with their learners. 

Social skills: Understanding other people’s feelings and learning to co-operate.

 I know that everybody in the world has feelings.
 I must acknowledge other people’s feelings.
 I must wait my turn.
 I must share.
 I must participate.
 I must remember my manners because they make other people feel comfortable and

Using a ‘talking stick/stuffed toy’ go around the circle with each person saying something 
about a favourite activity they like to do.  Once everyone has had a chance to share, play 
some music while everyone passes the talking stick around.  When the music stops, the 
person holding the stick is ‘it’ and the rest of the group must try to recall what she does that is 
her favourite activity.  This teaches listening skills when in a social context. 

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25 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Motivation: This links to understanding self-discipline and the need to work on areas that I find
 I have a desire to do my best.
 I will set myself personal goals.
 I will find strategies to achieve my goals.
 I will discuss my goals with my teachers and parents.
 I will persevere even when something is challenging.

Pass around the talking stick with each person saying what her goal is for the day.  The 
teacher can write similar goals on large sheets of paper and suggest that learners who share 
goals help each other out and keep one another motivated. At the end of the day, check 
who feels they achieved their daily goal.  This can be done with a simple show of hands or a 
thumbs up/down. 

Useful questions teachers can use to promote discussion and problem solving:
 What happened in class today?
 I wonder what made you feel this way?
 Why was that?
 How does that make you feel?
 I wonder why ….. did that? What do you think?
 If you did …., what do you think might happen?
 What happened when …. did that yesterday?
 What do you think will happen next?
 How do you know?
 How did you learn that?

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26 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Outcomes of this workshop.

 The teacher should have ideas on how to apply EQ principles in her classroom.
 The teacher should understand and be able to use a Care Circle.
 The teacher should be able to use the language of emotion and provide key phrases for her
 The teacher should understand the benefits of the ‘talking stick’.


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27 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Workshop 3: 

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28 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Perhaps one of the most important reasons for adopting an EQ rich classroom is to develop the
skills of self-regulation in the learner. Many studies have shown that if a learner is able to self-
regulate, they are able to maximize their potential. Equally so, a learner who struggles in this
regard will not achieve his potential. A lack of self-regulation can be manifest in the following
types of activities:
 Loss of possessions
 Struggling to resolve conflict
 Poor social skills
 Impulsive responses
 Lack of motivation to attempt or complete a task
 Inability to plan a task
 Poor time management skills.

This is by no means a comprehensive list, but certainly covers many of the behaviours that
teachers have to deal with in the average school day. Moving learners from any of these
behaviours to where they are able to improve their outcomes, can only be a positive thing. As
suggested in earlier workshops, connecting with the learner is the starting point as this sets them
up to be willing to learn and change, but it is not the whole solution. Additional steps are
necessary if the teacher is going to build on that connection. These steps include the following:
 Setting realistic goals
 Recognising behaviours
 Managing behaviours
 Validating progress.

Setting realistic goals

In order to learn something new, the learner needs to understand why she is learning something
and to have both an academic and a behavioural goal. Many teachers may set goals for their
problem learners, but forget to set goals for the rest of the class. All children need to have goals
that they can strive for. In this way they recognize what their areas of development may be and
then work out strategies to achieve their goals. At the beginning of every year the teacher should
ask the learners to identify five global goals for the year. They should write those down and pin
them in the front of their school diaries. The learner can continue to refer back to those goals at
intervals during the year, such as at the beginning and end of each term. Next, the teacher should
set the leaners the task of breaking each goal down into specific mini-goals. Make sure to stress
to the learners that goals are individual and while it is a good idea to discuss your goals with
your peers, they may not all be the same. Learners can work in groups to identify their

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29 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

respective goals and discuss ways in which they need to achieve them. The teacher needs to give
the learners ways of breaking their goals down. For example:
 Identify a weekly goal.
 The goal must be achievable.
 Ask the question: ‘What steps must I take to achieve my goals?’
 Make sure the steps are achievable.
 How do my steps fit into my daily plans for the week?
 Write the steps into my daily diary.
 Reflect on my progress at the end of every day.
 Tick off the steps as I achieve them.

It would be advisable for each learner to practise this in the first week of term and for the teacher
to get feedback from learners to see how they are managing. As part of daily homework, all
learners should be encouraged to reflect on their progress and possibly write one sentence in
their diaries. The teacher needs to stress to learners that achieving a goal is about a journey and
that means it does not necessarily run smoothly. This means that they should not get
disheartened if they do not achieve their goals for the week/day; they must simply reflect and
adjust the goals before trying again. Checking on how realistic the goals are, is key to the
learner’s success. Perhaps most important of all is to revisit goals and to not simply do this task
at the beginning of the year and then leave it. That is the same as setting New Year’s goals and
then only revisiting them the following New Year!

Using the worksheet provided (see end of the manual for resources), ask teachers to 
complete their Goals Worksheet.  Discuss ways in which you as an educator could 
incorporate goal‐setting into your school programme. Share ideas with the group and 
draw up a list of ideas including the challenges involved and why teachers tend to shy 
away from this. 

Recognising behaviours

As stated earlier, perhaps one of the most important aspects of EQ is the ability to recognize or
‘notice’ an emotion in order to temper one’s behaviour before acting. If the learner is able to
notice that they are feeling frustrated they may elect to take steps such as breathing deeply or
taking a break from a task until they feel calmer. These are the types of strategies that a teacher
can share with the class as ways of calming down when a situation is problematic. In EQ, the
strategy that is adopted to recognize and manage emotions is often referred to as RURU. This
is unpacked in the following pages.

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30 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers


RURU enables you to be creative and have loads of fun

with your learners!


(Use all 8 families of feelings)

Assist the child to recognize his own emotions: How is he feeling?

Often children have difficulty even knowing the word that describes how they are feeling – you
will need to assist children with this at a very concrete level to start with, and then progress from

 Picture faces – keep them up permanently in the classroom – the more exposure that the
children have, the better they will be able to recognise and name their own emotions.
 Word Charts
 Self-Assessments.


Once the learners have learnt to recognise and name an emotion, they then need to understand:
 Why they are then feeling this emotion?
 What causes this feeling?
 What the consequences could be?

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31 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Teach the child to ask the question: “WHY am I feeling this way?”
As they think about this, this will create the necessary pause or thinking gap, before the child

In order to really understand emotions, one needs the ability and the willingness to look outside
oneself as well. In this case the question needs to be altered to: “How would I feel if I were in
that situation?”

In other words, the child needs to learn to see things from the other person’s perspective. This
understanding lays the ground work for developing empathy. In order for this to happen,
continuous asking of the above question needs to occur in order for ‘perspective taking’ to occur.


Once the child has learnt to recognise her own emotions as well as the emotions in others, and
has learnt to understand these emotions, the next step is to regulate these emotions. Recognising
and understanding emotions are passive activities, while regulating emotions is an active

Regulating emotions involves being able to control one’s desires, wishes, impulses and emotions
rather than being controlled by them. People who are unable to do this are often referred to as
irrational, impulsive or short-sighted.

This also refers to being able to control one’s arousal level. Performance seems to be at its peak
at an intermediate arousal level. Very high or very low levels of arousal tend to result in poor
performance. It is therefore vital to learn the necessary skills to control one’s arousal levels
(think about soldiers going into battle or paramedics in their daily work). Learners need to master
this skill before writing exams or doing an oral presentation.

This skill involves being able to persist despite frustration and temptation. This also refers to
inhibiting destructive responses to provocation. Here, students need to learn to control the
urge to match insult with insult and sarcasm with sarcasm. Retaliatory responses often lead to
further escalation of conflict. Children (and adults!) often turn minor disagreements into major
conflicts when they cannot regulate their responses.

This skill of regulating also refers to the ability to act correctly despite pressure to do
otherwise. This often leads to considerable disapproval from peers. This is often why teenagers
conform to peer pressure – they do not have the ability to regulate the negative emotion caused
by social disapproval.

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32 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers


1. Use Cognitive Re-appraisal:

Attempt to mentally change the situation to produce a more desirable emotional state. For
example, when facing an exam, the child needs to tell herself that it is only a test and that she has
written many tests before. Initially the educator will need to verbalize these re-appraisals to the
child. With continuous verbalizing, the child will learn to complete this process on their own.

2. Shift Attention:
Handle one’s negative emotions by turning attention away from the distress-producing stimulus
and towards something less arousing. In a way this is a form of planned distraction. For example,
a patient sitting in a dentist waiting room may call up visuals of a recent holiday in order to cope
with the unpleasant experience.

3. Use Active Planning: (second nature for educators!)

Deal with the emotional reaction by formulating a specific plan for dealing with the cause of the
emotions. For example, a child with organizational difficulties will become highly frustrated in
class when she is continually picked out for not having her books at school. The educator can
assist to reduce this high level of arousal by using active planning such as: using a daily chart
attached to her desk; correct use of homework check, etc.


(This section refers to very logical solutions. Refer to the section on ‘Altering States’)

1. Soothe or comfort:
Calm someone down who is in a state of anger or anxiety.

2. Cheer them up:

Depressed people tend to be calm. Here, one would need to “move up” the mood, spirit or energy
level. This would be achieved by changing the state.

3. Create motivation and enthusiasm:

This is used to increase the child’s eagerness to work well and tackle challenges.

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33 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers


As was the case with regulating emotions, the use of emotions is also an active process.
Emotions can be used to:
 Enhance a child’s performance.
 Enhance a child’s general well-being.

Both of these aspects can be achieved by making use of our ability to alter mood states. Please
refer to this section. Using emotion can also be used to deal with conflictual issues within the
classroom as well as in dealing with common-place issues in a classroom setting. Please refer to
the section on Care Classrooms.

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34 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Managing behaviours 

As already shown with RURU behaviour management is at the heart of EQ. One of the most
useful techniques is the Robot. This is used to manage whole class and individual behaviours.
At whole class level it is useful to make a large robot (see template on page 34) and put this up in
a prominent place in the classroom. Explain to the class how the robot works. Cut out discs of
red, yellow and green and place them on a stick so that you can hold them up to show the class.
When the class is starting to get out of hand simply hold up the yellow disc as a warning. The
teacher should not need to say anything but can prompt the class for attention by saying ‘Notice
what I am holding up’. If the class is completely out of hand then the teacher would display the
red disc and keep holding it up until she was sure that all the leaners had notices. She would
then use a changing state exercise (still to be discussed) to bring the class back under control.

All too often we forget to validate the positive behaviour and it is in this regard that the green
disc is so important. If the teacher notices that the learners are working well, she should hold up
the green disc, draw learner’s attention to this and compliment them on getting it right. By
validating the appropriate behaviour the teacher is encouraging the learners to continue to get it

Using the robot system with an individual learner can consist of having the three discs displayed
in a corner of the class near the learner’s desk. Make use of pegs to identify the behaviours. For
example if a learner is struggling to behave appropriately, place a peg on the red disc. If they are
beginning to get out of hand, then make use of the yellow disc and if they are getting it right then
use the green disc. At the end of the week the teacher can count up how many pegs are on each
disc and new goals can be set. Don’t forget however to reward the pegs on the green disc as this
is the part that encourages the leaner to persevere. Note that the robot and discs can be
downloaded from www.sparklebox.com

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35 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

STOPLIGHT (Self‐Control) 

 Stop.
 Calm down.
 Think before you act.

 State the problem and how you are feeling.

 Set a positive goal.
 Think of solutions.
 Think ahead of the consequences.

 Go ahead.
 Try the best plan.

Enlarge this for the classroom – younger children often learn better from visible stimuli.

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36 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Validating behaviour 
Sadly in many of our classrooms teachers forget to validate the appropriate behaviour shown by
pupils and to focus on the learners that are problematic. This means that learners who are
‘getting it right’ can feel demotivated because they are seen to be able to ‘simply get on with it’.
This can mean that the learner either stops behaving correctly because they will get more
attention for being naughty or they may not develop their full potential because individual goals
that may stretch them, are not being set. For this reason it is so important to validate the
behaviour we would like to see in learners.

Share with your partner what you do in your classroom to validate your learners. Secondly 
discuss why you think this is important. 

In foundation phase classes are frequently arranged with desks/tables in groups. This is a
potentially powerful physical arrangement because it can encourage collaborative learning and
team effort. The teacher needs to use this to her advantage. For example the teacher could place
a container in the middle of the groups table and every time a learner gets something right a
popcorn could be placed in the container. At the end of the week the group with the most
popcorns can then pop them and eat popcorn. Each group could have a reward chart that can be
filled with stickers, stars, dots, etc., to acknowledge appropriate behaviour.

On the individual basis and apart from the obvious reward charts there is the ‘star of the week’ in
which a learner is highlighted in a specially designated part of the class notice board. This can
be take a step further in a Care Circle. If the teacher particularly wants to boost the morale of a
learner who is vulnerable or who has made a particular effort in the week she can place that
learner in the middle of the care circle and encourage the other leaners to ‘celebrate’ what they
have achieved.

At Grade R level, a ‘Good Deeds’ morning ring is a wonderful way of acknowledging learners.  
Here the teacher and or the parent can write a good deed in the learner’s message book.  The 
good deeds are then read out to the rest of the class and a sticker is placed in the message 
book.  This is a wonderful way of demonstrating to fellow learners what good behaviour looks 
like and to encourage them all to ‘try out’ a particular behaviour.  Generally it is essential that 
all teachers find ways to acknowledge the good and move away from focusing on the negative.  
This makes for a positive learning environment. 

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37 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Teacher Self‐evaluation 
Constant and ongoing evaluation should be part of every effective teacher’s work. This is how
they make sure they are achieving their own goals and regulating their own behaviour. The
teacher is the primary ‘tool’ of any classroom. The children learn from what is modelled by the
teacher; this places a huge responsibility on the teacher to make sure that she is projecting
positive ways of behaving. One of the ways of achieving this is to reflect on a regular basis:

 Do I acknowledge and remember the things that I did that worked today?
 Do I ask questions that allow the children to do most of the talking, rather than me?
 Do I bring much laughter and happiness into the classroom?
 Do I have to be right all the time?
 Do I acknowledge my strengths?
 Do I provide ways of recognizing progress in the classroom?
 Do I acknowledge that my mistakes are useful and something to be learnt from?
 Do I model purposeful and inquisitive behaviour in my classroom?
 Do I enjoy my time in the classroom with the children?
 Do I express my feelings adequately and appropriately?
 Do I think positively of myself in the classroom?
 Do I reward myself for a job well done?

Working in groups discuss the questions on this page and reflect on your behaviour in the 
last week.  Share your reflections with one another and how you might improve on your 

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38 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Outcomes of this workshop:

 The teacher should understand why self-regulation is important.
 The teacher should understand what is meant by self-regulation.
 The teacher should be able to set personal goals.
 The teacher should be able to assist learners to set goals.


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39 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Workshop 4: 
Multiple Intelligences 

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40 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Multiple Intelligences 

Administer and mark the multiple intelligence test for teachers.  Discuss what they found. 

The Multiple Intelligence theory suggests that no one set of teaching strategies will work best for
all students at all times. Howard Gardner claims that all human beings have multiple
intelligences. These multiple intelligences can be nurtured and strengthened, or ignored and
weakened. He believes each individual has nine intelligences:
1) Linguistic Intelligence: well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the sounds,
meanings and rhythms of words.
2) Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and
capacity to discern logical or numerical patterns.
3) Musical Intelligence: ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timbre.
4) Visual-Spatial Intelligence: capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualise
accurately and abstractly.
5) Body-kinaesthetic Intelligence: ability to control one's body movements and to handle
objects skilfully.
6) Interpersonal Intelligence: capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods,
motivations and desires of others.
7) Intrapersonal Intelligence: capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings,
values, beliefs and thinking processes.
8) Naturalist Intelligence: ability to recognise and categorise plants, animals and other
objects in nature.

All human beings possess each of these intelligences in

varying amounts.
 Each person has a different intellectual composition.
 We can improve education by addressing the multiple
intelligences of our students.
 These intelligences are located in different areas of
the brain and can either work independently or together.

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41 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Traditional View of “Intelligence”  ‘Multiple Intelligences’ Theory 
 Intelligence can be measured by short‐  Assessment of an individual's multiple 
answer tests: Stanford‐Binet Intelligence  intelligences can foster learning and 
Quotient, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for  problem‐solving styles. Short‐answer tests 
Children (WISCIV), Woodcock Johnson test  are not used because they do not measure 
of Cognitive Ability, Scholastic Aptitude Test  disciplinary mastery or deep understanding. 
They only measure rote memorization skills 
and one's ability to do well on short‐answer 
tests. Some departments have developed 
tests that value process over the final 
answer, such as PAM (Performance 
Assessment in Math) and PAL (Performance 
Assessment in Language) 
 People are born with a fixed amount of   Human beings have all of the 
intelligence.  intelligences, but each person has a unique 
combination of strengths, or profile. 
 Intelligence level does not change over a   We can all improve each of the 
lifetime.  intelligences, though some people will 
improve more readily in one intelligence 
area than in others. 
 Intelligence consists of ability in logic and   There are many more types of 
language.  intelligence which reflect different ways of 
interacting with the world. 
 In traditional practice, teachers teach   Multiple Intelligences pedagogy implies 
the same material to everyone.  that teachers teach and assess differently 
based on individual intellectual strengths 
and weaknesses. 
 Teachers teach a topic or "subject."  Teachers structure learning activities 
around an issue or question and connect 
subjects. Teachers develop strategies that 
allow for students to demonstrate multiple 
ways of understanding and valuing their 

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42 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Children who  
are strongly: ↓ 
Think…  Love…  Need… 
Linguistic: In words.  Reading, writing, telling  Books, CDs, writing tools, paper diaries, dialogues, 
stories, playing with words  discussion, debate, stories. 
Logical‐ By reasoning.  Experimenting, questioning,  Things to explore and think about, science materials, 
figuring out puzzles,  manipulatives, trips to the planetarium and science 
mathematical:  calculating.  museum. 
Spatial: In images and  Designing, drawing,  Art, lego, DVDs, movies, slide shows, imaginative 
pictures.  visualizing, doodling.  games, puzzles, illustrative books, art exhibitions. 
Bodily‐ Through  Dancing, running, jumping,  Role play, drama, movement, things to build, sports 
movement.  building, touching, gesturing.  and physical games, tactile experiences, hands‐on 
kinesthetic:    learning. 
Musical: Via rhythms &  Singing, whistling, humming,  Sing‐along time, trips to concerts, music playing at 
melodies.  tapping feet and hands,  home and school, musical instruments. 
Inter‐personal:  By bouncing ideas  Leading, organizing, relating,  Friends, group games, social gatherings, community 
off other people.  manipulating, mediating,  events, clubs, mentors/apprenticeships. 
Intra‐personal:  Deeply inside  Setting goals, mediating,  Secret places, time alone, self‐paced projects, 
themselves.  dreaming, being quiet.  choices. 

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43 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

What are the benefits of using multiple intelligences in my


Benefit 1: You may come to regard intellectual ability more broadly.

Drawing a picture, composing, or listening to music, watching a performance - these activities
can be a vital door to learning, and as important as writing and mathematics. Studies show that
many students who perform poorly on traditional tests are turned on to learning when classroom
experiences incorporate artistic, athletic, and musical activities.

Take music, for example. As educator, David Thornburg of the Thornburg Institute notes,
"The mood of a piece of music might communicate, clearer than words, the feeling of an era
being studied in history. The exploration of rhythm can help some students understand fractions.
The exploration of the sounds of an organ can lead to an understanding of vibrational modes in
physics. What caused the great scientist Kepler to think of the motions of planets in musical
terms? Astronomy students could program a synthesizer to play Kepler's 'music of the spheres'
and explore history, science, math and music all at once."

Benefit 2: You will provide opportunities for authentic learning based on your students'
needs, interests and talents.
The multiple intelligence classroom acts like the "real" world: the author and the illustrator of a
book are equally valuable creators. Students become more active, involved learners.

Benefit 3: Parent and community involvement in your school may increase.

This happens as students demonstrate work before panels and audiences. Activities involving
apprenticeship learning bring members of the community into the learning process.

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44 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Benefit 4: Students will be able to demonstrate and share their strengths.

Building strengths gives a student the motivation to be a "specialist." This can in turn lead to
increased self-esteem.

Benefit 5: Students accumulate positive educational experiences and the ability to create
solutions to problems in life, when you "teach for understanding".

How can applying M.I. theory help students learn better?

Students begin to understand how they are intelligent. In Gardner's view, learning is both a social
and psychological process. When students understand the balance of their own multiple
intelligences they begin:
 to manage their own learning
 to value their individual strengths.

Teachers understand how students are intelligent as well as how intelligent they are. Knowing
which students have the potential for strong interpersonal intelligence, for example, will help you
create opportunities where this strength can be fostered in others. However, multiple intelligence
theory is not intended to provide teachers with new IQ-like labels for their students. Students
approach understanding from different angles. The problem, "What is sand?" has scientific,
poetic, artistic, musical, and geographic points of entry.

Students that exhibit comprehension through rubrics, portfolios or demonstrations come to have
an authentic understanding of achievement. The accomplishment of the lawyer is in winning her
case through research and persuasive argument, more than in having passed the bar exam.

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45 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers



Humans can influence their own heartbeat, brain chemistry and

stress levels.

There is firm evidence that any single neuron / population of

neurons in your brain can be voluntarily controlled (with practice)
in about ten minutes.

This suggests that: What goes on inside the heads of our learners
is not totally inaccessible!

States are like the weather inside your brain. In our brain, the
weather changes every few seconds. But unlike the weather
outside, humans can control the states in their brains.

States combine our emotional, cognitive and physical interaction to

make all our decisions.

States prepare us to act in a certain way.

Therefore, educators have to learn to evoke a great variety of states

to get students to optimize their ability to learn better.

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46 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

All states precede behaviours – change the state so

that the behaviour can follow.
Educators influence the brain chemistry when they:
 Stress out the class
 Relax the class
 Calm the class
 Initiate a classroom celebration of success
 Create a sense of urgency to take action
 Build confidence about an upcoming assignment or examination.

There is no such thing as an unmotivated student.

There are, however, students in unmotivated states.

Our purpose as educators is to make students aware of their states so that they
can self-regulate.

In the process, we must teach them the factors that can influence their states.
We are going to highlight six states that occur within the brain and what you can
do to help your learners to achieve these states:

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47 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Our brains work in such a way that they are constantly in some state of learning, but in the
educational environment, it is the teacher who helps to control that state. Most people need some
initial support to manage their own states. When we are concentrating, we are trying to control
our neural networks and keep them constant. The aim of the teacher is to keep the learner
focused long enough to absorb the relevant information. This is done by maintaining useful
learnt states, but also by having sufficient flexibility to make important adjustments. This comes
from a combination of inherited abilities, environment, maturity and personal will.

Learning requires ATTRACTOR STATES for receptivity to occur. We are attracted to these
states by our internal environment. For example some people are attracted to humour, some
anger, some depression and some pick a fight to feel that they are in a familiar environment. Our
attractor states are part of our personality and are our easiest state to enter into.

For many children, school and learning states are REPELLOR STATES because of their
experiences which are often that of boredom, anxiety and stress. We as teachers need to create
an emotional environment that is positive.

Our brains are designed to learn by repetition, but they also get bored easily so we need to create
opportunities for repetition to occur without the child realizing it. This can be done through:
 Peer teaching
 Brainstorming
 Class or group discussion
 Checking work against a model
 Competition
 Games
 Assignments
 Peer editing.

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The State of Wellbeing

This is a state of contentment and is the best state to elicit learning. It is a state of calm energy. It
can be maintained longer. This state can be achieved by turning your classroom into a social arena
where positive social contacts can be orchestrated.

Tips and Ideas

 Music is very helpful for creating a calm environment.

 Positive affirmations by the teacher and the peer group maintain high spirits. Brain gym
keeps the mind active.

 Having a “spotlight” day where a pupil is highlighted in a positive way by her peers can help
to build self-esteem and empathy. An extension of this is the “joy seat” whereby a pupil sits
in the middle of a circle and the class spends 60 seconds complimenting her.

 A grateful journal is a way to foster feelings of gratitude and to shift the mind onto positive
things in our lives. Ask the girls to work with a partner for the day and to discuss throughout
the day things they are grateful for and then transfer this into a diary.

 Allow down time to relax the mind. Do meditation and deep breathing.

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This is a short state lasting only a few minutes. It occurs after a child has mastered a section of work
and realizes they have “got it”.

This state is only achieved through repetition; a reasonable passage of time must be allowed for new
information and preferably allowing for an individual learner’s modality.

Tips and Ideas

 For the visual learner, designing an advertisement for a new product, possibly even acting it
out and producing a poster.

 Writing a summary or statement on the new learning helps to repeat new info.

 Standing in a circle using a bean bag tossed to each girl helps to focus the answers.

 Mix and match groups of children and ask them to exchange their understanding of the same
information. This leads to repetition but also a different view point which helps the learner to
benefit from other children’s learning modalities.

 The learners can also create a large mind map, working in groups and then putting it up in
the class and appointing a spokesperson to explain the group’s thinking.

 Have a reassessment of the work covered and compile a list of Wacky words on the board to
describe the experience of learning this particular section. Then re-group into partners.
Using a couple of the descriptive words recap to your partner what the experience was like
for you as an individual. The wacky words must be used as frequently as possible. This will
help them to remember what they taught each other.

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50 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

The State of Healthy Concern

Educators have to master the art of triggering interest in subjects where most learners have very little
desire to go. The usual (and negative) reaction is ‘Oh @#$%!’

People in this state show a measurable increase in the release of stress hormones in their brain.
Cortisol is the energy releasing hormone for the ‘Uh Oh’ state. Its levels vary in all of us – lowest at
night, highest in the morning and moderate in the afternoon. We are also more stressed when we are

Exposure to cortisol for short periods of time is fine. However, prolonged exposure (4–6 weeks) to
elevated levels of stress is a serious health risk. Educators must therefore use this method for short
term strategies, rather than as a consistent method of getting results.

 Increases focus
 Mobilises energy
 Dulls pain
 Increases sharpness of mind
 Improves memory.


 Increase mistakes
 Reduce spatial memory
 Deplete energy
 Kill brain cells.

Body Language:
The stressed body may tighten in areas that show stress like the NECK, SHOULDERS and BACK.
The body may bend slightly forward and breathing may be shorter and shallower in this state.

Food for this state:

There are no known foods for this state. However, many people consume comfort foods while in this
state. These foods are usually high in fats and contain simple carbohydrates with little nutritional
value. The body craves a sense of calm because eating a particular food is considered a reward.

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Tips and Ideas

Circle run – on sentences
When you have finished a section of work, the co – operative group stands up. The first member
begins, “In our lesson on evaporation today, we learnt a number of things. The first thing we learnt
was….” and passes on to the next person who must pick up the sentence, continue and stop short for
the next person to pick up.

Group quizzes
After a section of work, the group designs a quiz. One member of the group moves to another group
and tests them and awards a mark.

Check your partner’s work

“Look at your partner’s work. If they have written down all three points that we have just mentioned,
congratulate them!”
“Look at your partner’s work. If they haven’t written down all three points raise your hand so that I
can assist them”

Think – Pair – Share

Stand up and mentally reflect on your topic for a moment. Move around the room and find a partner.
Share with each other your prior learning. Thank your partner and return to your seat.

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52 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Anticipation, Curiosity and Confusion

This is the “What’s up?” state. It is driven by the discovery of WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY
or HOW elements.

Anticipation: Wanting or waiting with positive expectancy.

Curiosity: A state of wanting something which is temporarily unfinished or unanswered.
Confusion: It is better to have your learners hooked and confused, than not interested at all.

1. Provide learners with an expectation of a clear, perceived benefit. This is the ‘What’s in it for
me?’ state.
2. Establish a sense of immediacy for a positive, expected outcome within the next few minutes.
3. Display strong emotions in yourself to arouse a learner’s attention or wonder.
4. Tease or reveal only a part of something so that a learner wants the other part.
5. Leave movements, gestures or activities unfinished or abruptly and visibly halt them.
6. Purposefully leave the students in a state of confusion before the class is over and ask them to
resolve the problem as part of a homework task.
7. Provide a change or contrast in existing sounds, visuals or touch.

Food for use in the ‘Huh’ state:

Amines are the brain’s uppers and they support a state of positive vigilance or a readiness to learn.
The most popular amine by far is caffeine. One cup of coffee enhances attention, problem
solving and delayed recall. For general arousal, glucose is the primary fuel. It can be metabolised
from nearly all energy sources – fructose, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Hydration can
support alert states.

A sweet snack may increase a learner’s energy, but is likely to dissipate within an hour. You will
need strategies other than food to keep an audience’s attention over a long haul.

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Tips and Ideas

Involve and engage your learners – don’t preach!

Anticipatory rituals: “If you can hear me clap once. If you can hear me clap twice. If you can hear
me clap thrice.”

Breathing: Whole group breathing engages curiosity. “Let’s pause for a moment. Take a deep
breath. Inhale and hold it. Exhale.” The educator should model it. Vary the activity. “Everyone stand
up and take a breath.”

Stretching: Start by saying, “We are going to do something very interesting in just a minute.” Get
them to stand up – this raises heart rates.

Musical deadlines: Use a piece of music as a cue signal or call back song.

Ask universal questions: “How many of you have seen a bad movie in the last six months? How
many of you feel physically exhausted by the end of the day?” Use universal questions to create
anticipation specific to your topic.

Vote on a topic: Offer the group two or more options allow them to vote. Have learners vote with
their feet. If they agree with Position 1, they must walk to a specific place in the classroom. Position
2 is in another corner of the room.

Write it down: Create anticipation by telling learners to quickly write something down.

Written questions: Work with a partner and write three questions about what they think might be
important in the upcoming topic.

Give directions clearly and concisely:

 Announce the time that the group will start an activity. (In just 30 seconds we are going to…)
 Select a trigger word: When I say the word…Go!
 Give the actual directions: Walk ten steps and find a partner.
 Check for readiness of the group by noting body language and chit-chat.
 Give trigger word: Get set. GO.

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54 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

States Of Transition
This is about creating physical, emotional and cognitive breaks from a prior activity.

Humans do not change states easily.

They need to be assisted. It is the task of the educator to assist the class to make the transition from
one learning programme to the next.

Transition states do not have to last long – we want the learners to stay in this state until we have
moved them onto the next activity.

Brain changes such as these are perfect preparations for new learning.

KEY CONCEPT: Do not rush the learners out of one activity and into another.

Avoid: “Class, you are all to sit down. No one is to get up so that we can move onto something

Rather: “Oops I have just checked the clock and we are running a bit short of time. Let’s shift gear
so that we can finish up when we are supposed to. Everyone take a slow deep breath. Inhale and
hold. Good! Now exhale. Good! Let’s get ready for the last thing today. Everyone please stand up.
Pick up your notes and find a partner.”

Deep breathing allows the learners to mentally wrap up what they have been doing before moving on
to the next state.

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Tips and Ideas

Agree and Disagree: Draw up summary statements and ask the audience if they Agree or Disagree.
In this way they can close off statements that they have
been working on.

Brain Breaks: Pair up with a partner and go for a short walk. During the walk they perform a task
completely unrelated to the previous assignment – thereby closing the section.

Cars in Motion: Grab a partner and put your chairs next to each other. Number 1 and 2. Announce
that number 1 is the driver and number 2 is the passenger. When the music starts the driver drives
like a maniac. The passenger has to copy all the movements. After 45 seconds have the driver pull
over and give the passenger a chance to drive.

Clapping Games: Clap out a rhythm and get the students to clap it back to you.

Creative Handshakes: Put on some upbeat music. Students must walk around the room. When the
music stops, students must invent a brand new creative and funky handshake. As soon as the music
starts they move on until it stops. Then another handshake must be invented.

Finger Maths: Break up into groups of three or four. Face each other in a tight circle. Put your hands
behind your back and mentally choose a number from zero (closed fist) to 5 (all fingers showing).
Presenter calls out a number – let’s say 11 and says GO! Everyone shows their hand. The group
totals the number. If they hit the target they shout out loudly – GOT IT! The group that never ‘got it’
continues until they have 11.

Pass the Imaginary Object: Sit in groups from 5 to 8 people. One person begins by describing the
object that they are going to pass like a canary with a broken wing or a greased piglet or a hot plate
of pancakes. The group passes the object around the circle to the right. Play some upbeat music.
After a few seconds, stop the activity reminding the person holding the object to keep it. Now
instruct the person opposite the current object holder to begin passing another object to the left. Now
there are two objects moving around the table crossing each other every few seconds. Add some
Interesting variations. Every time that someone receives an object she must compliment the person
who passed it. When the two objects hit one person at the same time, that person can call out
“Opposite!” in order to change the direction of the passing.

Pass a Face: Stand in a circle of 6 to 8. First person makes a face and ‘passes’ it to the left. That
person matches the face and passes it on. The leader shouts “Switch!” Whoever has the face at that
moment makes a new face to pass on. Play upbeat music during this activity.

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Stretching: Stretching is a very good transition activity. Walk five steps and touch your toes. Walk
three steps and reach for the ceiling. Perform a stretching routine to music with a Stretching

Vote on a Topic: Before leaving a topic and moving to a new subject get the class to vote on how
confident they are concerning the material just learnt. Vote using a thumbs-up, down or side-ways.
Use verbal voting Yea, Nay or GQ (Got Questions).

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57 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

High Energy State! The state of go, go, go!

This is a rush of energy felt when you are racing against the clock. This High Energy State of
excitement is the positive aspect of the fight or flight defence mechanism – a burst of extra energy!

Well organised physical activities within the class can boost academic achievement. Movement
solves the binding problem in learning.

Young learners learn mostly through non-conscious acquisition and binding. Binding is the
integration of emotions, body and mind. Binding ensures that learning is meaningful and can be

Such examples could include:

 Charades
 Manipulatives
 Role-playing
 Learning by doing
 Games
 Kinaesthetic learning
 Teacher-directed content links.

Too much chair time equals postural stress, poor circulation and poor breathing. This leads to
musculoskeletal problems and limits procedural learning.

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Tips and Ideas

Call and Response: This is an auditory-kinaesthetic routine that you set up with your class as
preparation for learning. The Call and Response routine gets the whole group aligned in a common
excited state. They should be simple and quick. Teaches need to model it with lots of energy and
Call  Response 
Who’s here today?  I’m here! 
Here for what?  To learn and have fun! 
When do we start?  Right now! 
How now?  Work hard! Be smart! 

Commercial Breaks: After completing a section of work, assign a topic to a team and ask them to
prepare in just five minutes a quick review of what they have learnt. The group must broadcast a
quick 30 second commercial to the rest of the class covering that information. They must make it fun,
bizarre, cute or creative. They must capture the attention of the audience and make them want to buy
their service or product.

Deadlines: These increase the surge of epinephrine – but they also incite panic and feelings of
hopelessness. The educator must demonstrate excitement and urgency before the audience will do the
same. Tips: Before you set them working – get them to repeat the instructions to a partner. Let
students know you will give them a signal when half the time is over so that they can pace

Go Marching: Put on some cheery music and have students march around the classroom and back to
their seats before the music stops.

Massage: ‘Road-building’ on the back of a partner. Teacher tells the story while one partner builds
the road on the back of a fellow partner: “The diggers move in and break up all the rocks … then
come the steamrollers and they move up and down the road … water is sprayed lightly on the road
and then the steamrollers move in again … etc.”

Switch Seats: Give students a timed deadline to find another seat in the classroom. If they are
working in co-op groups get each group to stand up, pick up their equipment and books and the entire
group must move to another table.

Mixer Walks: Put on music which is age-appropriate and up-beat. Give clear instructions. “When
the music starts, touch seven chairs and then stop!” OR “Take as many steps as your birthday month
(April = 4) plus 10!” OR “Circle the room one and a half times!” OR “Shake hands with 10 different

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60 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Outcomes of this workshop:

 The teacher should have an understanding of what multiple intelligences are.
 The teacher should understand how to cater for her learners’ ways of learning.
 The teacher should be able to understand how to apply changing of states.


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61 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Workshop 5: 
Collaborative learning and EQ 

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Collaborative learning and EQ 
In our first workshop we identified the four primary attributes of EQ. These are further
developed through the use of collaborative learning.

Emotional intelligence consists of four attributes according to Goleman:

 Self-awareness – You recognize your own emotions and how they affect your thoughts
and behaviour, know your strengths and weaknesses, and have self-confidence.
 Self-management – You are able to control impulsive feelings and behaviours, manage
your emotions in healthy ways, take initiative, follow through on commitments, and
adapt to changing circumstances.
 Social awareness – You can understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of other
people, pick up on emotional cues, feel comfortable socially, and recognize the power
dynamics in a group or organization.
 Relationship management – You know how to develop and maintain good
relationships, communicate clearly, inspire and influence others, work well in a team, and
manage conflict.

Another term for collaborative learning is ‘cooperative learning’, which suggests the primary
quality that is needed when working in a group. Teachers have long used some form of group
work in order to make their lessons more dynamic. Unfortunately, this is a style of teaching that
is frequently feared by teachers because of the noise level and the perceived chaos. When done
correctly, however, it is not a chaotic style of learning, but in fact a very productive one. What is
key is to make sure that each member of the team knows what his/her role in the group is.

One of the most important means of learning is through language. Studies have shown that
learners relate better to the language of their peers than to that of their educator. It has also been
shown that if you have to teach something to someone else, in other words, put it into your own
words, you are better able to grasp the new concept and to memorize it. For this reason it starts
with setting up a classroom situation in which learners work in groups to grasp a new concept,
but then have to teach that concept to another group.

Each group is assigned a style of collaborative learning and has to master it before 
explaining it to another group. 

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The principles underlying co‐operative learning 

Principle One: Positive interdependence

Positive independence is the perception that you are linked with others in a way that you cannot
succeed unless they do, and vice versa. Their work benefits you and your work benefits them.
Learners must come to an understanding that they need each other to complete the group’s task.
They have to learn that it is a case of ‘sink or swim together’. The teacher needs to structure an
environment that teaches mastery of positive interdependence. This is achieved in several ways:
 Assign roles to a group: Give each learner a role to play in the group. Teach them very
carefully what is expected in the role. The learner needs to be given guidance on how to
act in the assigned role.
 Establish mutual goals: The group should be encouraged to establish goals for an
assignment or activity. The goal might be to master a section of mathematics or reading.
The goal is recorded and the group is held accountable to teach those members who are
battling with a concept.
 Shared resources: The group is put into situations where they have to divide the
resource material and be accountable to teach their information to the rest of the group.

Principle Two: Face-to-face promotive interaction

Promotive interaction refers to the actions that assist, help, encourage and support achievement
of each other’s goals. Students promote each other’s learning by helping, guiding, sharing ideas
and encouraging efforts to learn. The student may explain, discuss and teach what they know to
a classmate. Many of our classrooms resemble a lecture hall. By placing our desks in straight
rows we switch off the possibility for promotive interaction. In order to ensure discipline, the
educator designs a lesson to allow interaction to happen only between teacher and individual
learner. Teachers need to structure the groups so that the students sit knee-to-knee and talk
through each aspect of the assignment. They therefore interact effectively. In a class of 40
learners, face-to-face interaction is noisy. The co-operative classroom in not a silent zone. Strict
classroom management rules should be set in place to keep the noise level down and to attract
learners’ attention when the teacher wants to talk.

Heterogeneity (variety of backgrounds and abilities) is the key to successful grouping. Not only
heterogeneity by ability, but heterogeneity by gender, social status, ethnic or economic
background, learning styles and content preferences. In this way all the learners can benefit from
the varied abilities that each learner brings to a group.

Principle three: Individual accountability

Individual accountability is the measurement of whether or not each group member has achieved
the group’s goal. The quantity and quality of each member’s contribution to the group must be

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64 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

assessed. Co-operative learning is often criticized as doing away with individual gifts and
talents. This is not the case. Each pupil holds personal responsibility within the group to learn
effectively. Each individual brings his or her own unique gifts to the group. It is how their
unique gifts benefit the group that is important. Each student’s performance is frequently
assessed and the results are given to the group and the individual. Teachers may structure
individual accountability by giving an individual test to each student or randomly selecting one
group member to give the answer.

Principle four: Interpersonal and social skills

Groups cannot function effectively if students do not have and use the needed social skills. Co-
operative learning forces teachers to teach social skills and to assess their implementation within
the group.

Essential small group social skills:

 Listening
 Respect and sensitivity
 Empathy
 Consensus
 Personal neatness and personal hygiene
 Time on task
 Taking positive risks
 Manners
 Meeting deadlines
 Conflict management.

Teachers need to teach these skills as purposefully and precisely as they would any academic
skills. Collaborative skills include leadership, decision-making, trust-building, communication
and conflict management.

Principle five: Group processing

Group processing is reflecting on a group session in order to describe what member actions were
helpful or unhelpful and to make decisions about what actions to continue or change. Groups
need specific time to discuss how well they are achieving their goals and maintaining effective
working relationships among members. Teachers structure group processing by assigning such
tasks as:
 List at least three member actions that helped the group be successful.
 List one action that could be added to make the group even more successful tomorrow.

The class teacher can also monitor the group and give feedback on how well the groups are
working together, with the various groups and with the whole class.

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Application of cooperative learning principles in my class: 
Positive Interdependence 
Face‐to‐face Interaction 
Individual Accountability 
Interpersonal & Social skills 
Group Processing

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This section unpacks four styles of co-operative/collaborative learning that can be

used effectively to assist learners to develop the four principles of EQ behaviour.

1: Jigsaw 
The children are grouped in their home groups of four to six heterogeneous learners. The teacher
prepares the material before the lessons and decides to make use of the jigsaw model of effective
Each person in the home group is numbered and issued with the material that must be mastered.
Each member of the group soon discovers that they have different material. The teacher explains
that they are going to leave their home group and move into Expert groups. They are
accountable (individual accountability) to master the material with the support of the other
members of the expert group and return to the home group and teach the material to them.

The teacher then calls all the number ones from the Home group. They become Expert group
one. If there are ten home groups of four in your class, you will now have four expert groups of
ten pupils. This is too big for effective collaborative learning. Split these expert groups into two
groups of five.
The expert groups now work through the material highlighting the most important information
and deciding how best to teach the material to their different home-groups.

The expert group members teach each other to make sure that they have mastered the material.
The facilitator then instructs them to return to their home group. The sequence in which the
various sections are taught is given by the teacher. Random questions are asked to various
members in the group to make sure that mastery of the material has occurred. If necessary
remediation can be given by asking another expert to re-teach the material to the group that is
The only way that the peer can learn this section of work is to listen carefully to each expert and
to make brief notes. Each person is responsible to ensure that there is group mastery of the
material. The expert has the responsibility not only to teach effectively, but also to deal with
queries and to check that all in the group have learnt well.

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2: Co‐op, Co‐op 
Here learners work together in groups which they choose to join in order to produce a product on
a topic.

 Identify the topic to be investigated and establish the groups: The teacher states a broad
topic in the form of a question or problem. This should give an idea of the scope of the
investigation and set the tone for the study. It should be multifaceted so that it triggers a
variety of responses from the learners. The learners brainstorm various aspects of the
question or problem that interests them. They are expected to say what they would like
to know about it and not what they already know about the topic. This could include
some brief research in a library or from another source which enables them to clarify
aspects that interest them. The whole class examines these aspects and classifies them
into categories which will become the topics which different groups will investigate.
Learners choose to join the group which will investigate the topic which interests them
most. While group sizes will differ, the facilitator must intervene if any group is
 Plan the group investigation: Each group draws up its research question and plans its
course of action. Participants decide who will do what and how. The group considers
these plans and contributes further ideas. The facilitator is invited to do the same.
 Carry out the investigation and prepare the report/presentation: The group sets about to
complete their tasks. They keep their focus on the main question or problem. They
decide how to present their findings.
 Present the report: The whole group should take part in the presentation and be as
creative as possible. Their main aim should be to teach their knowledge, skill and
findings to everyone.
 Present the report: The whole group should take part in the presentation and be as
creative as possible. Their main aim should be to teach their knowledge, skill and
findings to everyone.
 Evaluate the process, the product and their learning: The method and criteria for
evaluating group products, their presentations or demonstrations and the learning of all
must be determined early in the process with participants sharing these decisions. They
must also assess their personal skills and their group’s effectiveness in the process of
planning, investigating and presenting their topic.

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3: Pairs 
There are creative ways for learners to work together as pairs so that they are fully engaged with
the learning, engaged with each other, assist one another, check each other’s progress and
consolidate their own learning. This is achieved by using pairs.


The teacher asks the participants to think on their own about a given topic, respond to a question
or brainstorm an idea. The individual then jots down personal ideas or comments.


The pair then share their ideas with each other, clarifying, synthesizing or crystallizing them.
One of them is invited to share their finding with the whole class.

Pairs check

Within a group of four people, participants work in pairs. One is the investigator or detective
whose task it is to solve the problem. The other plays devil’s advocate, prompts or coaches.
They exchange roles for the next problem or question. Then as a pair they compare their
answers with the other pair in their group to ensure that they are correct, and sort out any

Three step interview

Step one: In an even numbered group, one member of the pair interviews the other.
Step two: The other partner now interviews his/her partner.
Step three: Each person in the group shares his/her partner’s information/insight/news with the
entire group.

Study buddies

A partner is identified who is not in your home group, but who is responsible for your studying.
The facilitator encourages participants to meet regularly with their study buddies to learn
material for assessment. Buddies are held accountable for performance.

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4: Numbered heads 
This is used by the teacher to assess what learning is taking place within a co-operative group. It
ensures the involvement of the entire group and promotes interdependence and co-operative
action. Numbered heads avoids any chance of one child not focusing on the task. In a traditional
classroom, the teacher asks a question and the bright, alert children respond. The rest avoid
involvement because they know someone else will answer the question. Using numbered heads
compels the entire class to remain focused at all times. Individual accountability and positive
interdependence are fostered, both of which promote co-operative interaction among the

Numbered heads involves four steps:

 Every learner in each group is given a number: 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on, depending on the size
of the groups.

 The teacher poses a question or problem or asks for a skill to be performed.

 The teacher asks participants to ‘put their heads together’ in their group, to work out the
answer and to ensure that everyone in the group understands and knows how to respond
appropriately when questioned by the teacher.

 The teacher then arbitrarily calls a number. The learner with that number must respond
on behalf of his or her group. A correct or appropriate response is affirmed and praised
for the whole group, but an incorrect answer also becomes the responsibility of the entire
group. The teacher holds the whole group responsible for not clarifying the answer and
ensuring that each member understands and can present it.

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70 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Outcomes of this workshop:

 The teacher should have an idea of what collaborative learning is.
 The teacher should understand what the different types of learning look like.
 The teacher should be able to apply the different forms of collaborative learning.


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71 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Bar-on, R. (2003). How important is it to educate people to be emotionally and socially
intelligent, and can it be done? Perspectives in Education, 21 (4), 3-13.
Cardoza Griffith, S. (1999). Multiple Intelligences Grade 1: Teaching kids the way they learn.
Frank Schaffer Publications: C.A.
De Klerk, R. & Le Roux, R. (2007). Emotional Intelligence for children and teens. Human and
Dvorak, J. & Dvorak, M. (2000). Back to school Idea Book Grades K-1. Trend Enterprises: St
Pauls USA.
Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. New York:
Bantam Books.
Goleman, D. (2007). Social Intelligence: The new science of human relationships. London:
Arrow Books.
Gust, J. (1994). Enhancing Self-Esteem: a whole language approach. Paramount publishers:
Hannaford, C. (2007). Smart moves, why learning is all in your head.
Harrison, G.D. (2011). Mediating Self-regulation in a Kindergarten Class: an exploratory case
study. M.Ed thesis.
Harrison, G.D. (2014). Tools for learning: mediating early reading competencies. PhD
Henig, L (1997). Raising Emotionally Intelligent children: A guide for parents, teachers and
caregivers. SMILE : Florida Hills S.A.
Larsen, G., (1989). The Far Side.
Mayer, J. D.; Salovey, P.; Caruso, D R. & Sitarenios, G. (2001). Emotional intelligence as a
standard intelligence. Education 1 (3) 232-242.
Steiner, C. with Perry, P. (1997). Achieving Emotional Literacy. London: Bloomsbury.
Watterson, B. (2015). The Complete Calvin and Hobbes. Andrews McMeel Publisher Smart

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72 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Teaching Resources 

Worksheets, activities, posters, poems 

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73 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

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74 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers


 Phone at least one parent a week and give some form of positive feedback about their


 Involve the learners in opportunities to do charitable work. For example, each class could
adopt a charity as part of their life-skills programme. Each term, the class could visit this
charity and look at creative ways to be involved (not on a financial basis, but on an
empathetic or practical basis). Focus on the plight of others.

Academic / classroom:

 Look at the ‘Multiple Intelligences’ and using a modified test to help the learners to
identify how they learn best. Then create opportunities to allow each learner to learn in
his strongest modality. Should they not succeed in one of the weaker modalities, help
them to understand where their strengths lie.

 Use the weekly feelings diary to discover how each child feels. This helps them to stop
and ‘notice’ their emotions rather than just act on them impulsively. Also helps the child
to ‘track’ his/her feelings from one day to the next.

 For the younger grades, each child makes paper-bag puppets with a happy face on one
side and a sad face on the other. These can be displayed on each child’s desk with the
relevant feeling/face visible to indicate to the teacher how the child is feeling.

 Also, those in the younger grades could make a laminated self-portrait or face with the
mouth as a separate piece. Each child could make three or four different mouths to
indicate different emotions. The relevant mouth piece can be affixed to the face to show
how the child feels.

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75 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

 Colours also affect our moods. Have a rainbow in the classroom and assign different
emotions to each colour. Each class/grade could have a rainbow day in which the child
comes to school wearing the colour that best fits how they feel most of the time. The
educator could use this as a launching pad to discuss emotions and what causes us to feel
these feelings.

 Have an EQ poster on the door of the classroom to remind parents, learners and visitors
that they are entering an EQ-rich environment.

 Have a Good Deeds Morning once a week whereby the parent writes in the diary to state
what good or positive things the child has accomplished over the past week. Develops
self-appreciation and a sense of confidence in the child.

 Use ‘Brain Gym’ and ‘Altering the States’ activities daily.

 Go for a walk once a week around the school grounds. One could incorporate silly walks
or dances (humour). Encourage the learners to walk with a partner and discuss how each
person is feeling or how their day/week is going. End by sitting in a scenic spot. When
the class returns to their classroom ask them to write or draw something about how this
exercise made them feel.

 Use humour in the classroom.

 Decide on a class mascot to be used as a ‘talking stick’ during CARE classroom

activities. This mascot could be used to create a class identity as well.

 Have a gratitude morning each week, where the children each look at what they have to
be grateful for (other than luxury material items).


 Assign each child in Grade 7 a teacher who they can go to for mentorship – preferably
someone other than their class teacher.

 In the lower grades, possibly link a Grade 7 learner with a younger learner to provide
companionship and mentorship. Regular meetings can be organised for the partners to
share experiences, possibly one break time per week.

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76 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers












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77 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

My Multiple Intelligences: a student & parent survey 
 Use this activity as a way to introduce the Theory of Multiple Intelligences to your learners. 
 Send the survey home for parent and child to complete together. 
 The survey can also be completed in small groups before teaching Multiple Intelligences to 
your children. 
 Students can complete the survey before and after the unit as pre and post assessments to 
compare how they feel about their learning styles and strengths. 
 Some children will tick everything.  Others will be able to identify their strengths. 
 The survey is a simple tool that can provide useful information to teachers about how 
children view themselves and their gifts.  Learners will realize that they have many different 
ways of showing they are smart. 
Adapted from April Guenzler (gwhizteacher.blogspot.com). 

Word smart
 I like to read books
 I like to write stories
 I like to tell stories and talk to
 I speak more than one language.

Music smart
 I play an instrument.
 I enjoy singing
 I like listening to music and know
lots of songs.
 I remember the melodies of songs.

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78 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Picture smart
 I have a good visual memory.
 I enjoy drawing and painting.
 I am good at computer games.
 I read maps and charts easily.

Body smart
 I am good at sports
 I like building things
 I enjoy acting and dancing
 I like to learn with my hands.

Self smart
 I feel good about myself
 I have hobbies.
 I know my likes and dislikes.
 I sometimes need a quiet place to
be alone and think.

Logic/math smart
 I enjoy math and numbers.
 I am curious about science.
 I enjoy brain teasers
 I like computers and calculators.

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79 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Nature smart
 I enjoy learning about rocks, plants,
and animals.
 I like to spend time outdoors.
 I hear and see links in nature.
 I like to write down observations
about nature.

People smart
 I have lots of friends.
 I enjoy socializing.
 I have feelings for other people.
 I problem solve with my friends.

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80 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers


* Verbal / linguistic
* Visual / spatial
* Mathematical / logical
* Musical / rhythmic
* Body kinaesthetic
* Inter-personal
* Intra-personal
* Naturalistic

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81 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Word Smart
Art Smart
Maths Smart
Music Smart

Body Smart
People Smart

Self Smart

Nature Smart

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82 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

How do you like to learn? 

1. I work best when it is quiet.  yes  no

2. I can work when there is noise in the classroom.  yes  no

3. I like to work at a table/desk.  yes  no

4. I like to work on the floor.  yes  no

5. I like to work on my bed.  yes  no

6. I like to work on an assignment until it is complete.  yes  no

7. Sometimes I get frustrated with my work and don’t finish.  yes  no

8. I like to work by myself.  yes  no

9. I like to work with a group/partner/as part of a team.  yes  no

10. I like to learn new things.  yes  no

Adapted from A. Brantley.

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83 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Multiple Intelligences Test 

Where does your true intelligence lie? This quiz will tell you where you stand and what to do
about it. Read each statement. If it expresses some characteristic of yours and sounds true for
the most part, jot down a ‘T’. If it doesn’t, mark an ‘F’. If the statement is sometimes true,
sometimes false, leave it blank.
1. I rather draw a map then give someone verbal directions. 
2. I can play (or used to play) a musical instrument. 
3. I can associate music with my moods. 
4. I can add or multiply in my head. 
5. I like to work with calculators and computers. 
6. I pick up new dance steps fast. 
7. It’s easy for me to say what I think in an argument or debate. 
8. I enjoy a good lecture, speech or sermon. 
9. I always know north from south no matter where I am. 
10. Life seems empty without music. 
11. I always understand the directions that come with new gadgets/appliances. 
12. I like to work puzzles and play games. 
13. Learning to ride a bike was easy. 
14. I am irritated when I hear an argument or statement that sounds illogical. 
15. My sense of balance and co-ordination is good. 
16. I often see patterns and relationships between numbers faster and easier than others. 
17. I enjoy building models (or sculpting). 
18. I am good at finding the fine points of word meanings. 
19. I can look at an object one way and see it sideways or backwards just as easily. 
20. I often connect a piece of music with some event in my life. 
21. I like to work with numbers and figures. 

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84 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

22. Just looking at shapes of buildings and structure is pleasurable to me. 

23. I like to hum, whistle and sing in the shower or when I’m alone. 
24. I’m good at athletics. 
25. I like to study the structure and logic of languages. 
26. I’m usually aware of the expression on my face. 
27. I’m sensitive to the expressions on other people’s faces. 
28. I stay ‘in touch’ with my moods. I have no trouble identifying them. 
29. I am sensitive to the moods of others. 
30. I have a good sense of what others think of me. 

Multiple Intelligence scoring sheet:

Place a check (√ ) mark by each item you marked as ‘true’. Add your totals. A total of four in
any of the categories A through E indicates strong ability. In categories F and G a score of one
or more means you have those abilities as well.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G 

Logical / 
Body  Intra‐  Inter‐ 
Linguistic  math‐ Musical  Spatial 
kinesthetic personal  personal 
7  4  2  1 6 26 27 

8  5  3  9 13 28 29 

14  12  10  11 15 30  

18  16  20  19 17  

25  21  23  22 24  

Total:  Total:  Total:  Total:  Total:  Total:  Total: 

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85 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Teacher Goal Worksheet 
If we are to teach goal-setting strategies and techniques, we must first know how to set our own
goals. Here is an opportunity for you, the teacher, to go through a goal-setting process for your
classroom. A teacher must know where he/she wants to lead the learners. If you’re not sure
where you’re going, you’re liable to end up someplace else!

Describe what your classroom climate is like right now.



Describe the ideal image of what your classroom would look, feel and sound like.List the
reasons why you would like your classroom climate to look, feel, and sound this way.


Write your own goals:

By (date)_____________________________________________________________________

My class room will be: __________________________________________________________

By (date): ____________________________________________________________________

I will ________________________________________________________________________

By (date) ____________________________________________________________________

I will ________________________________________________________________________

By (date) ____________________________________________________________________

I will ________________________________________________________________________

By (date) ____________________________________________________________________

I will ________________________________________________________________________

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86 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Identify the resources you will use to accomplish your goals:



Identify who might need to assist you to accomplish your goals.



Develop your plan: Use an intelligent sense of logical progression. Start with your ultimate
outcome and work backwards until you can find something that you can do today to support
your goals.

5.(ultimate outcome)_________________________________________________________





This information must get off the paper and actually be put into practice to be of any good.

“Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

The last step is to acknowledge yourself when you actually accomplish your goal. Celebrate if
you made it! Go out and treat yourself; maybe you’ll want to include the students too! Teachers
actually need to see that they have reached specific goals in the classroom. All too often it is
very difficult to see the results of our own work. Setting goals and achieving them is one way
teachers become rewarded and intrinsically motivated.

Adapted from Good Apple (1994)

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87 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

What kind of person are you? 

I’m a person who…….




Would never___________________________________________________________________

Loves to______________________________________________________________________

Wants to learn how to___________________________________________________________

Used to be afraid of_____________________________________________________________

Is really good at________________________________________________________________

Is really happy about____________________________________________________________

Gets really angry when__________________________________________________________

Has the good habit of___________________________________________________________

Has the bad habit of____________________________________________________________

Wishes I could change the way other people_________________________________________

Would like to change the way I___________________________________________________

Will someday_________________________________________________________________

I am unique! Adapted from Good Apple (1994)

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88 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Learner input on class rules 

Talk to your partner about what kind of classroom you would like to have. Write
six words that describe the way you want your classroom to be. Here are a few
examples: calm, orderly, peaceful.

1_____________________ 2___________________ 3___________________

4_____________________ 5___________________ 6___________________

Now write six rules or ways of behaving that you are willing to live by in our
classroom. For example, It is a good idea for everyone to take turns when
talking/everyone should put their message books on teachers desk in the morning.

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________________

Now work with your teacher to decide which of these rules will be accepted by
the class and become the rules you live by in your classroom.

Adapted from Good Apple 1994

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89 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Activities for promoting ‘connectedness’: 
 Five smiles a day!:  At five different times during the day just shout out: “It’s smile 
time!” Everybody looks around the room and watches everybody smiling.  Before you 
know it everyone is laughing. 
 Buddy balloon balance:  In this game one balloon is shared between two children.  
The two children will work together to discover different ways to hold the balloon 
between their bodies without using their hands. The children attempt to move 
around the classroom without dropping the balloon. 
 Jump for joy!:  Have your class get out of their seats and jump for joy for a few 
 Gold medalists:  Everyone while at his or her seat must stand up and act as if they 
have just received a gold medal. How would this look? How would the person stand?  
Show the teacher what this looks like. 
 Straws and tissues:  Working in groups, each learner gets a straw and one tissue.  The 
group must pass the tissue to one another using only the straw and by sucking up the 
tissue at the end of the straw. 

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90 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

Classroom rules 

Here are some rules for you and me

See how important they can be

Always be honest, kind and fair

Always be prepared and willing to share

These are rules we all should know

We follow these rules wherever we go.

Courtesy: Nancy Vandenberge

Adapted from www.classroom.co.za

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91 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

How to express my feelings 

Look at the faces. Tick the face that describes how you are feeling today
and state why you feel that way.

Happy Angry
______________________ ___________________________

Sleepy Worried
_____________________ ___________________________

Sad Proud
______________________ ________________________

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92 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

My Feelings Diary






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My Feelings Diary






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94 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

My Feelings Diary

Because …………………………………………………………………………………

Because …………………………………………………………………………………

Because …………………………………………………………………………………

Because …………………………………………………………………………………

Because …………………………………………………………………………………

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95 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

My School Pledge 


I pledge today to do my best

In reading, maths and all the rest
I promise to obey the rules
In my class and in my school
I’ll respect myself and others too
I’ll expect the best in all I do
I am here to learn all I can
To try my best and be all I am.

Courtesy: Nancy Vandenberge

Adapted from e-classroom 2010

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96 Emotional Intelligence for Teachers

My Family 

Who belongs in your family? Draw a picture of you and your family.

This is me

This is my family

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