Greeting Time: Other Memory Game

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Level: 3/II/2 Teacher: Ms.

Sukma Date: January 4 2019

Greeting Time
Teacher:  Grammar  Word building  Debating Process:
Ms. Sukma  Discussion  Journal  Math Problem Teacher and students greet each other and
Classrooms  Vocabulary  Modeling  Presentation play memory game
group:  Pronunciation  Comprehension Other How to play:
3/II/2  Video  Study Case memory game 1. Teacher Divides the class into pairs and
place different sets of flashcards on the table.
2. Each student takes three flash cards from
the table and counts to ten, as he or she
shows it to the partner. He then places them
face down.
3. The partners have to recall what the three
cards are. If they succeed, they get to keep the
cards. The student with the highest number of
cards wins the game. This game can also be
played at home, with two or more people.
Class Group Time
Techniques of Teaching: Spider map
Focus:  Grammar,  speaking,  reading,  vocabulary,  listening
Process: - Teacher along with the students brainstorm all adjectives and create a word
map on the board.
- Students work individually, each student take turns to write the
adjective that they think of.
- Students make a sentence to describe the adjective that they’ve

Workshop Time
Techniques of Teaching: Words building, Reading alod, free writing
Techniques of ACI: offer comfort and contact
Opening Middle Ending
- teacher puts two - Students look at the first picture in the students’ - students choose
objects on the desk, book, then they metion what they see in the picturesn and talk with a
then says look at picture. friend, they use some
these two pencils. Teacher plays the recording of CD2 45 words provided to help
They are different. - students listen to the song and write Tom or them.
This pencil is longer Sue under the picture - Student read and write
than this one. - Teacher plays the recording again and check the children’s names.
- Teacher writes the the answer with the class. - Students complete the
sentence on the board - Teacher plays the karaoke version of the song dialogues with their own
- Teacher repeat for for students to repeat. ideas.
other classroom - students recall the song again and correct the
objects and adjectives. sentences

What Will I Do What Do I Do What Did I Do
Teacher and students students draw four pictures of pairs objects in a Students present their
make their own poster piece of paper then write the sentences to poster in front of the
about comparative compare them, teacher guides them to write the class
degree comparison
Time To Go Home: Message to parents:
Students clean up the classroom and line up Please encourage your children to speak English.
before going home. Thank you 
Level: six/2/3 Teacher: Ms. Sukma Date: January 4 2019
Greeting Time
Teacher:  Grammar  Word building  Debating Process:
Ms. Sukma  Discussion  Journal  Math Problem Teacher and students greet each
 Vocabulary  Modeling  Presentation other and play Pass The Secret
Classrooms  Pronunciation  Comprehension Other Teacher asks the students sit in a
group:  Video  Study Case Pass The Secret circle. Teacher Shows them that
they have to whisper to the person
next to them. Teacher Starts the
secret by whispering it to the student
next to you, e.g. "It's Windy."
Teacher asks the students pass the
secret around the circle. The last
student says the secret out loud.
Compare how close it is to the
original secret. If necessary, write
the original secret on the board.
Vocabulary Time
- Students look at their students book, then they choose one word they consider as a difficult word
-Students look up the meaning and the phonetic symbols on the dictionary
- Students write down the words, the meaning and they make the example of using the word they have chosen.
Class Group Time
Techniques of Teaching: Oral drill, vocabulary builder, speaking
Focus:  Grammar,  speaking,  reading,  vocabulary,  listening
Process: - Teacher and students review the lesson about present perfect tense in form of
interrogative sentences.
- Teacher divides students into some pairs
- Teacher writes some imaginary situations on the whiteboard, for instance; Visit MARS,
Swim with dolphins, etc.
- Students work in pairs, students take turn to answer the questions on the board

Workshop Time
Techniques of Teaching: Words building, Reading aloud, comprehension, free writing
Techniques of ACI: offer comfort and contact
Opening Middle Ending
- Teacher gives students - Teacher plays the recording again and check the students - Students look at the
time to look at the picture understanding of the students about the recording. painting, then they identify
and read the passage. - Students answer the questions based on the story they the painting.
- Students look at the listen. - Students circle the
pictures and story in their - Teacher check their comprehension y asking them to re- adjective that describes it
students’ book. tell the story that they have listened before. best.
- Students read the - Students look at the paintings and write impressionism or - Students work in pair and
passage aloud in turns realism check the answer along with
- Teacher plays the - Students write the phrases from the box in correct form. their partner.
recording of CD3 15, - Students read the definitions of different types of writing. - Students do the exercises
- Students listen to the - Students identify whether the words are similar or not. in their workbook.
recording carefully - Students read the text again and answer the questions.
- Teacher along with the students check the answer

What Will I Do What Do I Do What Did I Do
Teacher and students plan Teacher provides the pictures to students talking about famous Students recall the
to make a postcard to their building around Indonesia, then students make a postcard to activity they did
imaginary friend from their imaginary friend from another country
another country

Time To Go Home: Message to parents:

Students clean up the classroom and line up before going Please encourage your children to speak English. Thank
home. you 

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