On Saturn
On Saturn
On Saturn
Ancient-Forums.com 1 JoyOfSatan.org
This is extended further in the statements that aliens are using Saturn (which is prob-
able) but what is key here is that WE have sunk on this level of Saturn, not the other way
Saturn also has been associated with Kingship as Saturn rules the immovable and the
firmly founded, like the base chakra. But also restrain, imprisonment, full stagnation, and
death. For this reason, we can and should take in consideration a limited amount of this
As a last note (I will write more on this on a part two explaining the enemy’s use of
Saturn as well) we have to understand that Jupiter, however helpful, and however fun
and benefic, can also cause disasters. A typical disaster here is for example growth of
getting fat, or an inflation of confidence to the point of total ignorance.
Saturn, on the other hand, requires you actually do something to gain something, and
shows you an extreme amount of functionality and experience. These planets work in
conjunction naturally, and one is not morally bad from the other.
SOURCE: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=16501
Ancient-Forums.com 2 JoyOfSatan.org