Air Force Institute of Technology: An Automated Method of Predicting Clear-Air Turbulence
Air Force Institute of Technology: An Automated Method of Predicting Clear-Air Turbulence
Air Force Institute of Technology: An Automated Method of Predicting Clear-Air Turbulence
Air University
Brian L. Belson, BS
Captain, USAF
March 2004
Brian L. Belson, BS
Captain, USAF
the successful completion of Department of Defense (DoD) operations such as air to air
refueling and new national defensive weapon systems such as directed energy platforms.
The unique mission requirements of military aircraft often require strict avoidance of
predict CAT. In order to forecast regions where CAT might occur, forecasters must first
The United States Air Force (USAF) 15th Operational Weather Squadron (15th OWS)
requested an updated method of predicting CAT and this request was ranked as one of the
highest priority research needs by the HQ USAF Director of Weather, Deputy Chief of
A new method of forecasting turbulence was developed in this work and the
operational model was delivered to the 15th OWS for immediate inclusion into their
operations. This method combines output from the Knapp-Ellrod index and the Naval
Research Laboratory’s Mountain Wave Forecast Model (MWFM) onto a single chart.
Displaying these tools together allows forecasters to view both causes of CAT
forecaster to view several layers at the same time as well as a composite chart to greatly
reduce the time required to produce turbulence charts by OWS forecasting centers
worldwide. Tests of forecast accuracy, as determined by pilot reports (PIREPS), between
charts currently produced by USAF OWSs and this new method were compared, with the
new method producing far superior forecast results. This method revolutionizes the way
USAF OWSs produce turbulence charts to help the Air Force satisfy each of its core
I would like to thank those people who most helped me complete this research.
First and foremost, I thank my thesis advisor Lt Col Michael Walters for his guidance and
solutions to the problems I encountered. Also, I would like to thank the other members
of my committee, Lt Col Ron Lowther and Maj Robin Benton, for the guidance in their
In addition, I appreciate the help in implementing the Ellrod-2 index from David
Knapp and Gordon Brooks at AFWA. I owe a special thanks to Earl Barker for taking
his personal time to provide me with the bulk of the model data I used, without which the
research would not have gone so smoothly. I also owe thanks to Dr. Steve Eckermann at
Lastly, I wanted to thank my family for their help in editing this paper. To my
classmates, thanks for the laughs and pretending to being interested in my thesis topic
when you had your own to worry about. Thanks Capt Scott Miller, for your assistance in
figuring out the MWFM. And finally, to my wife, thank you for the support and always
Brian L. Belson
Table of Contents
Abstract .............................................................................................................................. iv
Acknowledgements............................................................................................................ vi
I. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Overview................................................................................................................. 24
3.2 Data ......................................................................................................................... 25
3.2.1 Model Input Data ............................................................................................. 25
3.2.2 MWFM Input Data .......................................................................................... 26
3.2.3 Ellrod 2 Input Data........................................................................................... 27
3.2.4 PIREP Input Data............................................................................................. 27
3.3 Index Configuration ................................................................................................ 28
3.3.1 MWFM Configuration ..................................................................................... 28
3.3.2 Ellrod 2 Index Configuration ........................................................................... 31
3.4 Implementation ....................................................................................................... 32
3.4.1 Index Implementation ...................................................................................... 32
3.4.2 PIREP Index Assignment Implementation ...................................................... 34
3.4.3 Composite Index Implementation.................................................................... 35
3.4.4 GrADS Implementation ................................................................................... 35
3.4.5 Turbulence Layer Viewer Implementation ...................................................... 37
3.6 Statistical Methods.................................................................................................. 42
3.6.1 Threshold Determination ................................................................................. 42
3.6.2 PIREP Verification .......................................................................................... 44
IV. Results......................................................................................................................... 46
4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 46
4.2 Threshold Determination ........................................................................................ 46
4.3 Forecast Comparison .............................................................................................. 49
5.1 Conclusions............................................................................................................. 54
5.2 Recommendations................................................................................................... 56
5.2.1 Recommendations to AFWA ........................................................................... 56
5.2.2 Future Research Recommendations................................................................. 57
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 94
Glossary ............................................................................................................................ 98
Vita.................................................................................................................................. 100
List of Figures
Figure Page
List of Tables
Table Page
I. Introduction
Over the history of aviation, atmospheric turbulence has had a huge impact on
flight cost and safety. For example, turbulence cost United States commercial and
military aircraft over $25 million annually from 1963 to 1965 (Hopkins 1977). More
recently, turbulence related incidents accounted for over half of all the commercial carrier
accident and incident reports between the years 1990 and 2000, according to the National
Transportation Safety Board (Sharman et al. 2000). Generally, there are two categories
clouds and turbulence that occurs outside of convective clouds. Pilots and weather
found in cirrus clouds not in or adjacent to visible convective activity (Hopkins 1977).
There are two widely accepted causes of CAT; either standing waves in the lee of a
mountain barrier (mountain waves) or vertical wind shear in a stably stratified layer
difficult time accurately forecasting CAT. This forecast challenge exists in part because
forecasters must use synoptic scale analysis techniques and coarse resolution numerical
1.1 Statement of Problem
time and effort predicting CAT. For example, USAF weather personnel make turbulence
charts for 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, and 48 hour forecasts once per day to support United States
Army and Air Force aviation. These charts should include regions of light, moderate,
severe, and extreme turbulence time phased for three hours before and after the forecast
hour between 10,000 and 50,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) (Air Force Manual 15-129
2001). However, in practice, most weather squadrons only forecast for moderate or
greater (MOG) turbulence. The range between 10,000 and 50,000 feet is also represented
as FL100-FL500. Past experience has shown these charts take significant time to
USAF weather forecasters use numerous methods, some of which are subjective,
to predict CAT (15 OWS 2003). Subjective methods, such as conceptual models and
rules of thumb, rely heavily on individual forecaster skill and experience, both of which
vary greatly between USAF weather forecasters. Since USAF weather centers predict
turbulence for large, geographically diverse portions of the earth, subjective methods are
largely responsible for the substantial length of time required in building these charts.
Further increasing the time required to build turbulence charts, different methods
of CAT prediction capture one cause of turbulence or the other, but not both. This
limitation forces forecasters to use multiple tools while building their products. The
method developed here provides a tool that displays indices representing both causes of
CAT on the same graphic, allowing the forecaster to quickly determine regions where
The primary goal of this research is to provide Air Force weather squadrons with
an invaluable tool for timely and accurate prediction of CAT. Specifically, the objectives
The Ellrod-2 index, as described by Ellrod and Knapp (1991), was chosen to
horizontal deformation, and convergence. This index is built within the Operational
Production System Version 2 (OPS II) software used by most OWSs. Further
substantiating its use, this index compared favorably with other indices in a study by
The MWFM version 1 and 2 were chosen to predict mountain waves in this study.
These models were developed at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) to predict regions
computed from atmospheric modeled data and a global ridge database. Application of
the model to two case studies of tropospheric turbulence suggested it might apply there as
well (Eckermann et al. 2000). In this study, both versions of the model were tested to
The indices were calculated over the continental United States (CONUS) using
the National Center for Environmental Prediction’s (NCEP) Global Forecast System
(GFS) model, formerly known as the Aviation model (AVN). The MWFM retrieved the
data using file transfer protocol (FTP) and stored the data locally for access by a program
that computes the Ellrod-2 index. To facilitate timely completion of this research, only
Initially, the output from the indices were compared with pilot reports (PIREPS),
as provided by the Air Force Combat Climatology Center (AFCCC), to determine the
threshold for each index. After determining the thresholds, the indices were combined
into a single graphic for each 50 mb layer of the atmosphere that contained FL100-FL500
and integrated into a multiple layer viewer for forecasting. Additionally, a chart was
made containing a composite view of all layers. Finally, 14 days of forecasts using these
charts were developed. The accuracy of these forecasts and forecasts produced by the
15th Operational Weather Squadron (OWS) were verified against PIREPS data.
The remainder of this thesis provides details on the indices chosen and the
the causes of CAT and the chosen indices. Then, chapter three describes the
implementation of the forecast method. Chapter four discusses the results of the
threshold determination and the forecast comparison. Finally, chapter five provides
II. Literature Review
Helmholtz instabilities occur in regions of strong vertical wind shear (VWS) in stably
stratified air (Hopkins 1977). Vertical wind shear is simply the change in wind speed
modified form of the ideal gas law relates pressure, temperature, and density to each
other by:
P = ρ RT (1)
where P is the pressure, ρ is density, R is the dry air gas constant 287.04 J ⋅ Kg −1 ⋅ K −1 ,
and T is the temperature. Typically, atmospheric pressure and temperature decrease with
height. Equation 1 suggests that changing pressure or temperature while holding the
other constant changes the density. The equation suggests decreasing pressure causes
density to decrease while decreasing temperature causes density to increase. Because the
effects from decreasing pressure outweigh the effects from decreasing temperature
(pressure decreases more rapidly with height), the overall effect is that density decreases
with height. However, the more rapidly the temperature decreases for a given pressure
decrease, the more gradual the decrease in density. Essentially, the more rapidly the
temperature decreases with height the greater the stable stratification of the air.
To simplify the mathematics involved in determining the stability, potential
would have if it were compressed or expanded adiabatically from its existing pressure
and temperature to a reference pressure level (Wallace and Hobbs 1977). Basing
Mathematically, the Richardson number (Ri) relates the two necessary conditions
g ∂θ
Ri = θ v∂z 2 (2)
where g is the acceleration due to gravity, θ is the potential temperature, is the
change in potential temperature with height (representing the stability of the layer), and
is the vertical wind shear. In order for turbulence to occur, the Richardson number
must be less than a critical value of 0.25 (Thorpe 1969), which requires some
combination of low static stability and high vertical wind shear. It is hypothesized that a
minimum value of wind shear is required for these instabilities to form regardless of the
value of the Richardson number. This implies that meeting the 0.25 threshold is a
necessary, not a sufficient, condition for CAT not associated with mountain waves
It is also important to note that Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities are possible for
small wavelengths, regardless of the wind shear and static stability (Ray 1986).
According to Sharman et al. (2000), these waves need to be on the scale of 100 m long to
Often these waves occur in air with insufficient moisture for clouds to form.
When this happens they do not have any visible billow clouds associated with them. If
sufficient moisture is present these waves look similar to breaking ocean waves. Like an
ocean wave, the larger the amplitude of the wave prior to it breaking, the more intense the
resulting turbulence.
numerical model indices to predict these instabilities, with limited success. Both of these
approaches attempt to use large scale features to determine regions that are likely to
contain these relatively small scale events (Ellrod 1989). Based on the 100 m wavelength
accurately predict these waves (Sharman et al. 2000). Further limiting the effectiveness
of these indices is the poor temporal resolution of both synoptic and model data. Kelvin-
Helmholtz waves are short-lived (often less than 30 minutes) while synoptic and model
usefulness of indicators other than the Richardson number to predict CAT associated with
theoretically a good indicator of turbulent conditions, it is not well-suited to computer
3. Values of Richardson less than 0.25 occur in both turbulent and smooth
Yes No
No C D
(Colson and Panofsky 1965), DTF3, DTF4, DTF5 (Marroquin 1985, 1998), Empirical
Dutton (Dutton 1980), Ellrod-1, Ellrod-2 (Ellrod and Knapp 1991), Endlich (Endlich
1964), ITFA (Sharman et al. 2000), and the Richardson number (Drazin and Reid 1981;
Kronebach 1964). In Brown et al. (2000), contingency tables such as the one depicted in
Figure 1 were produced for each index. In Figure 1, observed values are based on
forces, as reported by United Airlines flights, as observed values and index thresholds as
forecasted values, contingency tables were produced for each index in the study. The
contingency tables were used to compute the statistics described in Table 1. For reasons
discussed in detail in Section 2.3, several statistics such as false alarm rate (FAR), bias,
and critical skill index (CSI) can be somewhat misleading. When considering these
statistics, the probability of detection, yes and no (PODy and PODn) and the true skill
Essentially, the reports were broken into two categories: one concerned with any
turbulence and another with turbulence of moderate or greater (MOG) intensity. The
results are listed in Table 2. The data used in Table 2 was adapted from Brown et al.
(2000) and was collected between 21 December 1988 and 31 March 1999 for flights
above 20,000 ft. Table 2 shows that DTF3, Ellrod-1 and -2 and ITFA performed the best
overall. However, it is apparent the difference between PODy values for most of the
indices used in this study was relatively small. This result may be attributable to the
strong similarity in the terms involved in the underlying equations for the various indices.
Additionally, this table highlights the measurable improvement in skill every index
2.1.1. Knapp-Ellrod Index. To predict turbulence caused by Kelvin-Helmholtz
instabilities, Knapp and Ellrod developed two indices known as Ellrod-1 and Ellrod-2
(Ellrod and Knapp 1991). These indices are almost identical; however, because the
convergence term tends to be an order of magnitude smaller than the other terms, Ellrod-
1 scales it out. The indices are found by computing the product of the sum of
deformation and convergence at a pressure level with vertical shear (Ellrod and Knapp
1991). The indices are derived from a version of Petterson’s (1956) equation for
frontogenic intensity:
AT = 0.5 ( DEF (cos 2 β ) + CVG ) (3)
∂u ∂v
DST = − (5)
∂x ∂y
∂v ∂u
DSH = + (6)
∂x ∂y
∂u ∂v
CVG = − + (7)
∂x ∂y
where AT is the time rate of change of the temperature gradient on a constant pressure
surface, is the magnitude of the temperature gradient normal to the isotherms, DEF is
the square root of the sum of the squares of the stretching (DST) and shear (DSH)
deformation, β is the angle between the isotherms and the axis of dilatation (stretching
axis in deformation flow), and CVG is convergence. The temperature gradient term is
dT fT ∂V
= (8)
dn g ∂z
simplifies to:
To determine the thresholds for the indices, Ellrod and Knapp (1991) compared
forecasted events of turbulence to PIREPS. Table 3 lists the resulting thresholds. Air
Force Global Weather Central (AFGWC), now known as the Air Force Weather Agency
(AFWA), calculated TI 2 , or Ellrod-2, from the AFGWC global spectral model (GSM)
(NMC) calculated TI1 , or Ellrod-1, from the National Meteorological Center Nested Grid
The contingency table (see Figure 1) verification statistics at both AFGWC and
NMC showed some statistical skill for several criteria. For this study, the probability of
detection (POD) is the PC as outlined in Table 1. The POD was above 70% for both
AFGWC and NMC. The FAR (as described in Table 1) was 22% for the aviation model
(AVN), 36% for the nested grid model (NGM) and 30-48% for AFGWC.
relatively poor pilot report sampling of CAT identified regions when considering the high
probability of false alarms. These indices predict regions where conditions are favorable
for CAT to develop and not where it is actually occurring. The problem with PIREP
Ellrod Index compared well with the Empirical Dutton Index, both having similar POD
and FAR (Ellrod and Knapp 1991). The Dutton index was determined using linear
regression software from the University of California Los Angeles (Dutton 1980).
Dutton compared PIREP data to several potential indicators of CAT including the rate of
change of Richardson number (following the flow), horizontal wind shear, vertical wind
shear, wind speed, vertical velocity, horizontal gradient of vertical velocity, vorticity, and
deformation. Using the regression software, it determined an equation using the sum of
the square of vertical wind shear and horizontal wind shear as the best predictor of
Mountain waves have long been recognized as a cause for CAT. They typically
form when the normal component of the wind to the mountain is 10 m/s or more. They
are known to propagate 200km downstream of the mountain that causes them and their
intensity is usually maximized 1300m above and below the tropopause (Hopkins 1977).
Figure 2 shows a classic model of a mountain wave and areas of turbulence produced by
it (Chandler 1987).
Mountain waves are a type of internal gravity wave. An internal gravity wave is
caused by the combined force of gravity and buoyancy on a parcel of air displaced
vertically (NRL 2003). When displaced, the forces of gravity and buoyancy are typically
no longer in balance. This imbalance causes the parcel to accelerate vertically until it
reaches a level where the forces are again in balance. In an unstable environment, an
upward displaced air parcel is warmer than its surroundings. This parcel will continue to
accelerate upward away from the original layer. In a stable environment, an upward
displaced air parcel is cooler than its surroundings. In this case the force of gravity is
greater than buoyancy and the parcel accelerates downward toward (and beyond) its
original level. This acceleration past its original level leaves it warmer than its
surroundings and now the buoyancy force overcomes gravity. This causes the parcel to
accelerate upward towards its original level. The situation repeats itself causing the
parcel to oscillate vertically and laterally about some point in the horizontal plane (NRL
2003). In the case of mountain waves, this motion is continually forced by a mountain
The frequency with which the air parcel oscillates vertically is known as the
g ∂θ
N2 = (11)
θ ∂z
environment. N2 also makes up the numerator in computing the Richardson number for
Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities.
Based on the discussion in Holton (1992), the dispersion relation relates the
frequency of oscillation to the wave number. This relationship determines whether the
phase speed is a function of wavenumber and whether the wave pattern changes shape
(disperses). In the case of topographically forced gravity waves which are stationary with
m2 = 2
− k2 (12)
where m is the vertical wavenumber, u is the mean wind flow perpendicular to the
In equation 12, it is possible for m2 to be less than zero. In this case, the waves
are vertically trapped. Typically, flow over narrow ridges produces vertically trapped
waves. Narrow ridges tend to cause smaller wavelengths and thus larger values of
of the wind might cause vertically trapped waves. In either case, vertically trapped waves
When m2 is greater than or equal to zero, the waves are vertically propagating.
Vertically propagating waves occur with some combination of small mean perpendicular
flow, large stability, and large horizontal wavelength. Vertically propagating waves must
transport energy upward because the ground prevents downward propagation. Vertically
trapped waves also propagate energy upward but the energy decays with height. Also, it
is possible for both wave types to exist simultaneously (Neiman and Shaw 2003). In any
case, wave energy propagates upward away from the ground, although vertically trapped
In the vertically propagating case, the amplitude of the wave grows with height as
the air becomes less dense (NRL 2003). Occasionally, the wave breaks and turbulence
results. The severity of the turbulence depends on the amplitude of the wave when it
breaks. The amplitude growth with height explains why mountain wave turbulence tends
observation (RAOB) data to predict the occurrence of mountain waves. When using
RAOB data, they assessed the likelihood of turbulence based on software such as the
HiCAT (High Altitude CAT) analysis module which looks for “S” shaped temperature
patterns in three adjacent, distinct layers and computes the parameter based on the lapse
rate, mixing layer, depth of the “S” layer and the “S” layer vertical temperature difference
(Sinclair and Kuhn 1991). Recently, numerical model algorithms such as the Mountain
Wave Forecast Model (MWFM) have been developed and show potential for predicting
2.2.1 Mountain Wave Forecast Model V1.1. Dr. Bacmeister (1993) of the Naval
Research Laboratory introduced MWFM V1.1. MWFM V1.1 calculates the distribution
of mountain waves forced by air flow over a set of ridges contained in a ridge database.
The ridge database was generated using a global topography dataset, compiled by the
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). This dataset was used to determine
ridge latitude, longitude, height, width, and orientation. MWFM V1.1 combines this
severity and extent of the waves generated by each ridge. For a detailed description of
the algorithm used in determining the ridge database, refer to Bacmeister et al. (1993).
using the following method. First, the following assumptions are made: wave crests
generated by a ridge remain parallel to the ridge, the waves generated by the flow over
the ridge are hydrostatic, and the average momentum flux of the waves remains constant
with height until the wave breaks. The first calculation uses the perpendicular component
of the wind to each ridge to determine the stratification frequency profile over that ridge.
Next, the first guess wave displacement at each level is calculated using the following
ρ ( z ) N k ( z )U ⊥;k ( z )
δ k* ( z + ∆z ) = δ k ( z ) (13)
ρ ( z + ∆z ) N k ( z + ∆z )U ⊥;k ( z + ∆z )
perpendicular component of the wind U ⊥;k at two adjacent levels. If this value exceeds
the saturation limit, it is reduced to equal the saturation limit. To compute the wave
displacement at the surface, the minimum of the saturation limit at the surface and a
multiple of the ridge height parameter is determined. The ridge height parameter is based
on the deviation of the ridge height from the surrounding topography. That value is
Whenever the wave amplitude approaches or exceeds the saturation limit, some of
the energy is assumed to contribute to convective and shear instability. This results in
turbulence. Turbulence intensity is the difference between momentum flux computed for
two adjacent levels. Momentum flux is proportional to the terms in equation 13. Due to
the relatively simple, inexpensive calculations required, MWFM V1.1 is able to produce
timely, world-wide forecasts for altitudes up to the mesosphere (Eckerman et al. 2000).
For a more detailed look at the equations involved in calculating MWFM V1.1, refer to
Appendix A.
2.2.2. Mountain Wave Forecast Model V2.1. MWFM V2.1 addressed some of the
accurately model mountain wave dynamics. The primary changes included the
conversion from two to three dimensions and from hydrostatic to non-hydrostatic
calculations. Although, the model was primarily designed for stratospheric turbulence, it
has shown promise for use in the middle and upper portions of the troposphere
ray tracing model. The ray tracing model tracks the trajectory and amplitude deviations
defined number of rays are launched from each ridge with a pattern that depends on the
ratio of ridge width to length (Eckermann et al. 2001). In the case of a wide ridge, the
rays are launched at equidistant angles from 0-180° on the downwind side of the ridge.
The closer a ray is to the 90° angle, the higher the initial magnitude it is given. In the
case of an isolated peak, the rays take on a pattern similar to one created by a ship’s wake
and the rays are assigned similar initial amplitudes. Typically, 18 rays are launched from
Additionally, the horizontal wavenumber, ground-based frequency and other terms are
chosen such that the vertical group velocity is positive (Marks and Eckermann 1995).
This ensures the wave energy is propagated upward. Next, the wave amplitude is
determined by calculating the vertical flux of wave action. This flux is determined by
multiplying the vertical group velocity and the wave action density together. The wave
action density is simply the wave energy density divided by the intrinsic (Lagrangian)
frequency of the wave. The vertical flux of wave action is then integrated to find the
change in the vertical flux of wave action, which is used to find the wave amplitude
(Allen 2003). Once the wave amplitude is known, the calculations discussed in section
2.2.1 are applied to determine the turbulence intensity. For a detailed description of
According to Eckermann as cited in Allen (2003), the MWFM V2.1 also accounts
for the effects of friction and blocking using an arbitrary scaling factor and the local
Froude number respectively. An arbitrary scaling factor accounts for friction by reducing
the wind speed in the calculations. The local Froude number is the ratio of kinetic energy
to potential energy. When the Froude number is on the order of one, the effective height
of the terrain and the wave amplitude are reduced to account for blocking effects.
PIREPS are commonly considered the best method available for verifying
turbulence forecasts. These reports are typically reported by the aircrew over the radio,
but some aircraft have equipment which automatically records weather information.
Aircrews typically base the intensity of the turbulence they report on their subjective
measuring the center of gravity acceleration peaks. Different sources have related
Meteorological Organization (WMO) standards use the following thresholds: light (0.15
g ≤ g* <0.5 g), moderate (0.5 g ≤ g* ≤ 1.0g), and severe (g* > 1.0 g) to quantify CAT
(WMO-No. 958 2003). These values are based on g* being the acceleration deviations
from the standard 1.0 g acceleration. The system reports turbulence measurements from
PIREPS of turbulence (or lack of turbulence) are typically entered into a 2X2
contingency table with forecasts of turbulence (or lack of turbulence) as in Figure 1. The
values in these tables are then used with equations such as those listed in Table 1 to
Despite being the best verification tool available, using PIREPS does pose several
objective, quantitative value. This may lead to inconsistencies in the reporting of CAT
definitively determine the presence of CAT (Brown and Young 2000). Essentially, an
aircraft usually flies a fairly direct route between two points instead of flying a grid
pattern over a region. A simulation study conducted by Brown and Young (2000)
demonstrates the inaccuracy in computing quantities such as FAR, bias, and other
statistics when using PIREPS for CAT verification. In that study, various percentages
of “yes”, “no”, or “yes” and “no” PIREPS were removed from a sample of 10,000
PIREPS and the various indices were recomputed. As larger percentages of PIREPS
were removed, the PODy and PODn values remained relatively constant. However, the
FAR, bias, and CSI changed significantly when a portion of either the “yes” or “no”
PIREPS were removed (not both). Removal of “yes” PIREPS resulted in increased FAR,
bias, and CSI while removal of “no” PIREPS resulted in decreased FAR, bias, and CSI.
This suggests a strong dependence on the relative frequency of “yes” or “no” PIREPS to
the FAR (resulting from PIREP sample having different probability distribution function
than the actual turbulence) and that high FAR is less significant than it might initially
There are several potential problems with accelerometer data although they are
more objective than PIREPS. First, depending on the size, altitude, and airspeed of the
aircraft or the nature of the turbulence, the accelerometer may read different values on the
accelerometer for the same turbulence encounter. Furthermore, the pilot may take actions
that modify the attitude of the aircraft and cause the accelerometer value to change.
These two effects limit the application of AVAR data as a tool in determining turbulence
III. Methodology
3.1 Overview
The primary goal of this research was to provide the weather forecaster with a
quick, accurate method of developing turbulence charts that incorporate both primary
causes of CAT. To best achieve that goal, the needs for accuracy and speed were
addressed separately. This provided one distinct advantage. The speed with which the
turbulence charts get developed is independent of the quality of the underlying indices.
Clearly, the forecaster aids must be as skillful as possible to produce the most accurate
charts. Over time, the quality and resolution of the model might improve or a superior
new index might be developed. Regardless, the actual method of developing the charts
index was chosen. This index was chosen for two reasons. First, past research has
identified the Ellrod-2 index as being relatively skillful in predicting turbulence (Brown
et al. 2000). Second, the Ellrod-2 index is built into the software currently used by USAF
weather squadrons. This allows for easy integration of this method into OWS operations.
The Mountain Wave Forecast Model was chosen to identify turbulence caused by
mountain waves. As discussed previously, there are two versions of the model and for
this study both versions were tested. The MWFM was chosen for two reasons also.
Primarily, this model has shown some potential in predicting turbulence in the
troposphere caused by mountain waves (Eckermann et al. 2000). Additionally, the
The Ellrod-2 index and MWFM indices were calculated in a window from 20N-
60N and 140W-30W. All but 29 of the analyses from May 20, 2003 to October 15, 2003
were used, along with PIREPS, to determine the thresholds. Additionally, the 12-hour
and 24-hour forecast data were used to make forecasts from October 21, 2003 to October
27, 2003 and from November 5, 2003 to November 12, 2003. These forecasts were
verified against PIREPS. Finally, 12-hour and 24-hour operational forecasts produced by
USAF weather squadrons from October 21, 2003 to October 27, 2003 and from
November 5, 2003 to November 12, 2003 were also verified with PIREPS.
3.2 Data
3.2.1 Model Input Data. The GFS model data were downloaded from the NCEP FTP
site. The GFS model is run four times daily although this research only used the 00Z and
12Z model runs. The model also forecasts out to 120 hours. This research only looked at
the analysis, 12-hour forecast, and 24-hour forecast. Horizontally, the GFS model uses
spectral basis functions with resolution T254. This amounts to approximately 0.5° x 0.5°
grid point spacing in the horizontal. Vertically, the GFS model is composed of 64 sigma
layers with emphasis below 800 mb and above 100 mb. This research used the layers
between 800 mb and 100 mb. The data files used in this study consisted of 1°x1° global,
gridded model data in the gridded binary (GRIB) format. More detail on the GFS model
is available at the NCEP web site (NCEP 2003). The FTP was performed by either the
MWFM software or by other methods that stored the data locally. The MWFM was
called from a script which first determined if the data were available locally before
The retrieved data were stored on a 36 gigabyte hard drive. To reduce the storage
space required by these large data files, the data was compressed by GNU zip software
available for download on-line. Compression reduced the file sizes to about 80% of their
26 MB file retrieved from AFWA. The data stored in a local archive was retrieved from
the same FTP site but the files were trimmed to include only 0-90N latitude and 180W-0
longitude instead of the entire earth. Compression on these files resulted in a savings of
about 1 MB on a 5.5 MB file. Using the 5.5 MB data files required modification of the
MWFM and Ellrod-2 index code to account for the different starting and ending latitude
and longitude associated with those files. Finally, a third set of data files only included
the necessary model fields for the necessary levels on the global grid. These files were
3.2.2 MWFM Input Data. The MWFM contains a variable that determines the source of
the model data. Based on data availability, the “ftpoption” variable was used with either
a “0” option or a “2” option. The “0” option causes the model to retrieve its data locally
and not to erase the data after the model run is complete. The “2” option causes the
model to retrieve the data from the NCEP FTP site and not to erase the data after the
model run is complete. The MWFM used four fields from the GFS model. These
include the absolute temperature, geopotential height, U wind component, and V wind
component. These fields were used by the MWFM equations to calculate turbulence for
every 50 millibar (mb) layer between 100 mb and 750 mb with the highest layer being the
100-150 mb layer and the lowest being the 700-750 mb layer. These layers encompass
the entire section of the atmosphere necessary to produce turbulence charts from FL100
to FL500.
3.2.3 Ellrod-2 Input Data. The Ellrod-2 index was calculated using the same GFS model
files used by the MWFM. The GRIB files were converted to binary files by a UNIX shell
script to allow a formula translation (FORTRAN) program to read them. The shell script
extracted the U wind component, V wind component, and geopotential height every 50
mb from 50-800 mb and saved each as an individual binary file. These binary files were
used to calculate the Ellrod-2 index from the 750 mb level to the 150 mb level and to
determine the average height over the same layers as the MWFM.
3.2.4 PIREP Input Data. A large database of military and civilian PIREPS covering the
available data was received from the Air Force Combat Climatology Center (AFCCC).
This database included the latitude, longitude, year, month, day, hour, altitude, and
turbulence intensity fields. Unfortunately, the category (or type) of aircraft was not
available in this database. As a result, all pilot report turbulence intensities were treated
forecasts are geared towards that category of aircraft. For each model run time, any
PIREPS within a 6 hour window centered on the valid time was saved in a text file. This
text file was passed to the FORTRAN program for further analysis.
AFMAN 15-124 (2001) and WMO-No. 306 (1995) code table 0300, the number 0
corresponds to none, 1 to light, 2-5 to moderate, 6-9 to severe, and “X” to extreme.
Occasional turbulence suggests turbulence occurring less than 1/3 of the time. Table 4
details the turbulence intensities as outlined in AFMAN 15-124 and WMO standards.
These intensities were later scaled so that values of 0 were assigned 0, 1 were assigned 1,
2-5 were assigned 2, and 6-9 were assigned 3. All told, a sample of 18,165 PIREPS were
used in this research study, of which 15,745 (May 20, 2003 – October 15, 2003) were
used to set the thresholds and 2,420 (October 21, 2003 – October 27, 2003, November 5,
3.3.1 MWFM Configuration. For this experiment, both versions of the MWFM were
tested. For both versions, the MWFM program suite is set up in modules making it easy
to modify experiments for different models, locations on the earth, and regions of the
atmosphere. In this study the model was run over the entire continental United States
(CONUS) from a window including 20N-60N latitude and 140W-30W longitude. This
window provided diverse topography and a variety of weather conditions to test the
This study initiated the MWFM from a shell script which passed the necessary
date information to start the program, moved the local archive files to the appropriate
MWFM data directories, chose whether to run “ftpoption” 0 or 2, moved the output to the
appropriate output directory, and ensured all the necessary files were stored in the proper
location. When initiated, the MWFM starts the Interactive Data Language (IDL)
interface. It then immediately calls the IDL script. This script controls the
depending on several input parameters. Most notably, the script calls the
what2do file which outlines the experiment and which calls the actual
forecast routines.
The what2do file determines where and how the MWFM will run an experiment.
It also outlines how any output will look and what parameters the program should
provide to the user. It is one of several files that must be manipulated to set up a new
experiment. For this experiment, the what2do file,, was set up
to run the model over the continental United States (CONUS) for all pressure levels that
comprise the 10,000 ft to 50,000 ft MSL altitude range. The levels and field keyword
were set up to reflect the desire to view the turbulence intensity variable for all the 50
millibar layers between the 800-850 mb layer and the 100-150 mb layer. The latitude and
longitude limits variable was set up to cover 140W to 30W longitude and 20N to 60N
latitude. Furthermore, the what2do file was set up to run both V1.1 and V2.1 with GFS
model data as input. For a copy of the what2do file used in this experiment, refer to
Appendix B.
The output from MWFM V1.1 and V2.1 was set to save graphical and raw data. The
graphical output was saved in postscript format. It was only used to test the accuracy of
the FORTRAN code which converts the MWFM output to gridded output for display
with the Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) software and was not configured
for ideal viewing. An example of the graphical output used for testing is provided in
Figure 3. In Figure 3, the dark region along the California/Nevada border indicates
turbulence. Additionally, two scripts saved the raw data with latitude, longitude, and
3.3.2 Ellrod-2 Index Configuration. The Ellrod-2 index was implemented with the same
equations used in calculating the index at the Air Force Weather Agency. The equations
used 2nd order centered finite differencing to compute the vertical wind shear (VWS),
convergence (CVG), and deformation (DEF) terms. Using centered differencing when
computing VWS introduces some error since the difference in height between pressure
levels is not constant and the center pressure level is not in the geometric center. This
height was substituted for geometric height in the computations. According to Holton
(1992), the geometric height and geopotential height are almost identical in the regions of
interest for this study. Computing the index for a level requires the U and V wind data
for three adjacent levels, centered on the desired level. It also required the geopotential
height for the levels directly above and below the desired level. Distances were
calculated using the haversine method, as described by Sinnott (1984). The equations
used in the haversine method are provided in Appendix A and the FORTRAN subroutine
3.4 Implementation
The indices were combined using a series of shell scripts and a FORTRAN
program. The controlling script retrieved the necessary analysis, 12-hour forecast, and
24-hour forecast data files (GFS U, V, and GPH fields, MWFM V1.1 and V2.1 raw data
files, and PIREPS based on the date) required for the FORTRAN program. For each
level, the FORTRAN program computed the Ellrod-2 index with the GFS data fields, the
MWFM with the raw data, the average layer height, and the index value for each pilot
report with the truncated PIREPS text file. The indices were saved to a data file for
display using GrADS software while the PIREPS data was saved to a text file for
statistical study.
The FORTRAN program also created another chart that provided a composite
view of the indices. This chart was designed to provide the forecaster with a snapshot of
the atmosphere from above that would allow them to quickly determine the horizontal
location of the turbulent regions. This information was stored in the same data file as the
3.4.1 Index Implementation. The Ellrod-2 index was computed at every available level
between 100 mb and 750 mb. This amounted to 14 levels separated by 50mb each.
Since this computed the index for a specific level and the MWFM computed the index for
a 50 mb layer, it was impossible to make the indices represent the exact same region of
the atmosphere. This problem was addressed by assigning the bottom of the MWFM
layer and the corresponding Ellrod-2 index to the same chart. For example, the 500-550
mb MWFM layer and the 550 mb Ellrod-2 level were displayed on the same chart. The
choice was made to display the Ellrod-2 index from 150 mb to 750 mb instead of from
100 mb to 700 mb since the winds at the top of the column are above the troposphere and
Additionally, the average geopotential height for each layer was computed. This
computation was performed for each grid point in the model by averaging the height for
two adjacent levels. The results were used as the heights to assign values of each index
to the PIREPS for the MWFM indices. The Ellrod-2 index levels were determined using
the height of the actual level for which the Ellrod-2 index was computed. The PIREPS
The MWFM indices were computed for each grid point in the region of interest.
The raw data only contained a subset of latitudes and longitudes for the region that
matched ridges as contained in the MWFM database. This raw data included turbulence
intensities greater than 0.0. A representative graphic on the grid was made using the
largest value of the index in a 1° X 1° box centered on each grid point. This ensured that
the maximum value was assigned to every point in the array, guaranteeing the worst-case
is always chosen (a desirable trait where flight safety is concerned). If there were no
values of raw data within that box, the grid point was assigned a value of zero. This
method provided accurate results when compared to the postscript files produced by the
MWFM. Figure 4 provides an example of the comparative output from the MWFM and
the FORTRAN code with MWFM output on the left. The peak magnitudes for the two
images in Figure 4 are located in the same place. Subroutine Mwfm_grid in Appendix E
provides the FORTRAN code used to compute the grid point’s mountain wave values.
turbulence intensity, pilot report data and the model analyses were used. The PIREPS
were provided by AFCCC for the period of May 20, 2003 to October 15, 2003. A large
file containing all the PIREPS from this period was parsed by a shell script to only
include the PIREPS in a six hour window centered on the valid time of the forecast.
Then, for each pilot report, the levels above and below the PIREPS were determined
based on the level height for the Ellrod-2 index. Finally, the maximum of each index of
the eight grid points surrounding the location of the pilot report were assigned to each
PIREP. This method matched the method used in the Brown et al. (2000) study. Refer to
Appendix E subroutine PR_int for the FORTRAN code used to assign index values to
3.4.3 Composite Index Implementation. The composite index was computed for all the
levels and layers in the study. To determine it, the FORTRAN program computed a
value of 0, 1, 2, or 3 for none, light, moderate, or severe turbulence for each grid point in
the array. Turbulence values were assigned by comparing each index to each threshold,
as described in Section 4.2, for every layer or level. When three adjacent layers or levels
exceeded an index’s threshold, and that grid point had not already been assigned a greater
turbulence value, that grid point was assigned the corresponding turbulence value. For
example, if the 450 mb, 500 mb, and 550 mb Ellrod-2 index values all exceeded the
moderate threshold for a grid point and the grid point had previously been assigned a 0
(none) or 1 (light), the grid point was reassigned a 2 (moderate). If the same grid point
had already been assigned a 3 (severe), it would have remained a 3. Refer to Appendix
E, subroutine Comp_make for the FORTRAN code used to create this chart.
Additionally, the maximum value for each index for each grid point was also computed
and stored in an array. Finally, these four additional fields (composite, max Ellrod-2,
max MWFM V1.1, and max MWFM V2.1) were stored at the end of the data file with
3.4.4 GrADS Implementation. GrADS software was used to make the necessary image
files for the forecaster graphics. GrADS works with unformatted FORTRAN data stored
in four dimensions very easily (longitude, latitude, height, time). The data files created
by this FORTRAN program saved the index values in three dimensions (longitude,
latitude, height). The longitude array elements were stored from 140W-30W and the
latitude array elements were stored from 20N-60N. The height elements were stored
such that the layers from 100-150 mb to 700-750 mb of the MWFM indices corresponded
to the levels from 150 mb to 750 mb for the Ellrod-2 index. The composite layer was
stored as an additional height layer after the bottom layer in the array. GrADS relies on
metadata files to tell it how to interpret the data it reads. GrADS also has a scripting
feature to string together a sequence of commands. The metadata file and script used to
generate the imagery are provided in Appendix C. Information on using GrADS was
For viewing the data, the indices were contoured on a map of the CONUS. The
contours were determined by the thresholds as determined by the PIREP data. The
threshold values, as determined in Section 4.2, were 2.16, 3.00, and 8.37 for the Ellrod-2
index, 0.00033, 0.00140, and undefined for MWFM V1.1 index, and 0.012, 0.020, and
0.036 for the MWFM V2.1 index. The charts developed by GrADS were saved in “Joint
To reduce the work required by the forecaster, a composite image was created
from the composite index. This image shaded each respective threshold with values of 2
turbulence are shaded lighter than regions of severe turbulence and are described in
Section 3.4.3. The intent was to allow the forecaster to trace the regions outlined by the
composite chart and use the layer viewer to determine the levels of the atmosphere that
indicate the potential for CAT. This image was saved in JPEG format also.
3.4.5 Turbulence Layer Viewer Implementation. The turbulence layer viewer provided a
quick method of interrogating the atmosphere and determining the turbulent levels.
Because of the relatively large size an image must be to properly interrogate it with a
computer, forecasters are ordinarily limited to examining each layer individually. The
layer viewer circumvents that problem by allowing forecasters to view the same portion
The layer viewer requires frames and javascript to work and was designed to
work with the Microsoft® Internet Explorer V6.0 web browser. It is composed of two
primary areas. The first area holds the layers. To speed up the transition between layers,
the viewer immediately loads all the available layers into memory despite only displaying
a few of them. In this study, four layers of the 14 were displayed in the first area but that
number could be easily modified. The second primary area holds the two tools needed
to control the layers. The first tool is the up/down buttons. Clicking on either of these
buttons shifts the four displayed layers up or down by one layer. The other tool is a
vertical scrollbar. Because of the viewing size of the four images, only a portion of each
image in the first area display region is viewable at a time. Adjusting the scrollbar shifts
the viewable region in each window of the first area display region to the same place.
This feature may not work properly with a Netscape® browser or older Internet Explorer
versions. The images used in this study did not require a horizontal scrollbar. If a
horizontal scrollbar were required, a few simple modifications of the javascript used by
the vertical scrollbar are all that would be required. Refer to Figure 6 for an example of
the layer viewer and Appendix D for a summary of the html and javascript code used in
Aside from the two primary areas, additional areas provide an approximate flight
level for each layer and a title. The approximate flight level was calculated for layers
Rd Γ
p g
z= 1− (14)
Γ p0
zlayer1 + zlayer 2
zavg = (15)
the dry air gas constant 287.04 J ⋅ kg −1 ⋅ K −1 , T is the average temperature 288.15 K, g is
the acceleration due to gravity 9.80665 m ⋅ s −2 , p0 is the reference pressure 1000 mb, and
p is the pressure at the level of interest. Equation 15 averages the height for the top and
For each of the layers, the height was verified with a sample of the model output.
Additional comparison was performed visually with a skew-T of the U.S. standard
atmosphere. It is important to remember these heights are estimates of the heights in the
atmosphere and are to be used as a guide. The values determined using these methods
The region of the atmosphere chosen for the upper level turbulence charts poses a
concern to this method of height determination. When flying at or above FL180, aviators
set their altimeter to the standard surface pressure, 29.92 inches Hg. When flying below
FL180, aviators use a nearby station pressure (FAA 2003). This difference in altimeter
settings can produce differences in indicated altitude of several hundred feet. For the
purpose of this study, the potential difference in altitude was considered as a possible
source for error but no efforts were made to account for it since the charts assign a region
The data file containing the three index values and composite data was used to
populate the turbulence layer viewer. The images were generated using GrADS scripts as
After determining the thresholds, the test method was verified using PIREPS.
Producing the turbulence charts with the test method required two steps. First, depending
on the desired minimum turbulence, the contour indicating the desired turbulence
intensity was outlined. For this study, MOG turbulence intensity was chosen since as a
turbulence. When two or more areas suggesting MOG turbulence were very close
together, one circle encompassing all the areas was drawn. Second, using the layer
viewer, the altitudes where turbulence was present were located and the circled regions
on the map were labeled with the estimated base and top of suspected turbulence. This
occasionally required dividing large outlined regions into parts to make a more
representative visualization.
Despite every attempt to make a purely objective forecast tool, several aspects of
this method required forecaster subjectivity. First, when two or more areas on the
composite chart suggesting MOG turbulence were very close together, one circle
encompassing all the areas was drawn. This improved the appearance of the charts but
required the forecaster to determine when two regions were close enough to be joined.
Second, there were several situations that often arose when using the layer viewer which
required some interpretation. First, within a layer, different intensities were present
within one of the highlighted regions. In general, the level was included if more than half
of the layer contained any indication of turbulence with at least some of that meeting the
moderate or greater threshold. The other situation involved interpreting between two or
more levels. Occasionally, two levels which obviously needed to be included were
divided by a layer that appeared less likely to contain turbulence. In this instance, any
that altitude. Furthermore, the top or bottom of the turbulent region rarely stopped on a
layer exactly. Determining the actual heights of the top and bottom required some
interpretation by the forecaster. All of the subjective decisions were made as a matter of
practicality and are similar in practice to steps used by USAF weather forecasters to
estimate heights and regions of turbulence. These simplifications allow the aviators and
Verification of charts produced by the test method and the weather squadrons
were also done using the same PIREPS database. The results of both methods using the
The statistical analysis performed during this research can be divided into two
primary parts. First, the thresholds for each of the three indices needed to be determined.
This was done to provide a basis for the forecast tools. The primary goal of this stage
was to determine usable values of each index that correspond with light, moderate, and
severe turbulence. These thresholds were then used to create the images used by the
turbulence viewer software to assist the forecaster in turbulence chart development. The
second stage of the statistical analysis involved verifying forecasts produced using the
test method with PIREPS and comparing it to verification of actual forecasts produced by
program which processed every possible combination of indices looking for the ideal
different criterion were compared to determine the thresholds including the PODy
maximum, closest BIAS score to one, the first instance when PODy was less than or
The HSS and GSS are statistics developed to determine the actual skill of a
forecast relative to random forecasts. According to Wilks (1995), the HSS is the most
compares the forecasts to a generic reference forecast, using the equation in Table 1, with
the same marginal distributions of forecasts and observations as the actual contingency
table. The HSS returns a value less than or equal to one. A score of one signifies a
perfect forecast while forecasts worse than the generic reference forecast receive scores
less than zero. Schaefer (1990), describes the GSS as the CSI corrected for the number of
hits expected by chance. A perfect forecast receives a score of one. The closer a
forecast is to being purely random, the closer the GSS will be to zero (Stephenson 2000).
The equations used in calculating the HSS and GSS are listed in Table 1.
The FORTRAN program contained four nested loops. The loops cycled through
every combination of the three indices over user-determined ranges of values at user-
lengths of time centered on the forecast hour for the same statistics. After computing the
statistics, the FORTRAN program saved the results to an output file for review.
Runger (2003), was performed on the contingency tables to test for independence. In this
test, the null hypothesis was that forecasts were independent of observations. An alpha of
0.05 was used to reject the null hypothesis and determine whether forecasts and
observations of turbulence were dependent on each other. The test statistic in a χ2 test is
(Oij − Eij ) 2
χ = ∑∑
i j Eij
where Oij is the observed contingency table values, Eij is the expected table values, and i
and j are the rows and columns. The observed contingency table is the contingency table
calculated from the data while the expected contingency table is computed using:
toti (tot j )
Eij = (17)
where toti represents the total of row i in the observed contingency table, tot j is the total
of column j in the observed contingency table, and total is the sum of all the cells in the
observed contingency table. After determining the χ2 value for the data, it was compared
to the table value of χ2 for an alpha of 0.05 with 1 degree of freedom or 3.84. If the
3.6.2 PIREP Verification. After the thresholds were determined, the layer viewer
software was configured with the thresholds to allow for forecasts to be developed.
These forecasts were made over the CONUS from October 21, 2003 to October 27, 2003
and from November 5, 2003 to November 11, 2003. Contingency tables combining
PIREPS and forecasts were used to compute the same statistics discussed in section 3.6.1.
Additionally, forecasts produced by USAF weather squadrons over the CONUS for the
same dates were verified using the same methods. The USAF weather squadron forecasts
originated from stitched charts produced by the 26th OWS at Barksdale AFB. These
stitched charts represented the combined forecasts of turbulence charts produced by the
15th OWS at Scott AFB, 25th OWS at Davis-Monthan AFB, 26th OWS at Barksdale AFB,
IV. Results
4.1. Introduction
This chapter summarizes the results from the various contingency table analyses
performed using the PIREPS and the various forecasts. It begins with a discussion of the
various analyses performed on the data to determine the different thresholds. This
includes testing for whether the thresholds vary by altitude or geographic region. It also
includes testing the thresholds for turbulence greater than or equal to light, greater than or
equal to moderate, and greater than or equal to severe. After completing the threshold
determination, the established thresholds were entered into the FORTRAN program that
computed the indices and the program was rerun to generate the products used by the test
forecast method. The second section describes the results of the forecast comparison
between the test method and operational forecasts. It focuses on the relative accuracy of
the test method to the forecasts currently produced by the various weather squadrons.
Thresholds were determined using the subset of PIREPS within six hours of the
model analysis runs from May 20, 2003 to October 15,2003. For example, for a model
forecast valid at 12Z, any PIREP between 0900 and 1459 were used. Using this subset of
PIREPS provided a sample size of 15,745. In determining the thresholds, the Ellrod-2
index threshold was found for each intensity level first. This was done by setting the
ranges for the MWFM indices with a value of 99.0. This value was well outside of
maximum value of either MWFM index. After determining this threshold, the MWFM
V2.1 threshold was found with the Ellrod-2 index set to its already determined threshold.
Finally, the MWFM V1.1 threshold was found with the other two indices set to their
established thresholds. This order of threshold determination was chosen because the
MWFM V1.1 threshold tends to contain output for the region directly above a ridge while
MWFM V2.1 propagates energy downstream making it provide output over larger
regions of the map. The order intended to ensure the best chance that each index
contributed to finding positive reports of turbulence the other indices, covering larger
areas, missed. The criteria most often used to set the thresholds included the skill scores
and the point where PODy crossed PODn. The results of threshold determination are
provided in Table 6.
From Table 6, the light and moderate thresholds were quite close to each other for
each of the indices. This would make separating regions of light and moderate
turbulence difficult. Since Air Force weather squadrons only predict regions of moderate
or greater turbulence in practice, this problem should not have significantly affected the
Table 6. First, there were only 24 instances of severe turbulence in this sample making
determination of the thresholds for that intensity unreliable. This led to the establishment
of an almost arbitrary value for the severe turbulence thresholds and no value being
determined for the MWFM V1.1 index severe threshold. As such, any indication of
severe turbulence by the forecast method was ignored for this study and only moderate
regions were highlighted for the verification study of Section 4.3. Additionally, the χ2
test was performed on the contingency table produced by the combined thresholds for
moderate turbulence. The resulting value of 193.5323 suggested there was a 5.39x10-42%
chance of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis with this χ2 value. This provided
strong evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude the index values offer some
skill in predicting turbulence. Another interesting fact of this test was that FAR did not
increase with the addition of MWFM indices to the forecast. In fact FAR decreased from
0.8394 to 0.8339 to 0.8338 as the MWFM indices were added to Ellrod-2 index when
computing the moderate layer threshold. This provides another indication that the
MWFM indices improve the forecast. Additionally, the MWFM indices provide a larger
improvement in the PODy than the degradation in the PODn, suggesting they add value
to the forecast.
significantly for different geographic regions or altitudes. This test was performed by
setting the indices to the established thresholds and calculating the statistics over different
regions or altitudes. For this test, there were nine different regions tested for moderate
turbulence. The regions included the following areas: A) Entire region, B) FL100-
40N, G) 110W-70W and 40N-60N, H) 70W-30W and 20N-40N, and I) 70W-30W and
40N-60N. The resulting statistics are listed in Table 7. The statistics varied considerably
for different regions and levels in the atmosphere suggesting different thresholds based
several of these samples failed the χ2 test for independence. Those tests include E, H, and
I with χ2 values of 2.00, 1.38, and 3.44 respectively. Each of these χ2 values, with an α of
0.05, fail to reject the null hypothesis. In test H, the “yes/yes” cell only expected 1.62
occurrences. According to Wilks (1995), cells containing less than five instances of an
expected event should be avoided. Also, in tests H and I, there were only 13 and 35
positive reports of moderate or greater turbulence. This lack of positive reports decreased
the credibility of the statistics listed for those rows. Despite the lack of validity regarding
these two regions, there does appear to be some regional variation in the thresholds.
To compare forecast skill, 12-hour and 24-hour forecasts were made using the test
method and verified with PIREPS. Additionally, 12-hour and 24-hour operational
forecasts produced by the Air Force were also verified with PIREPS. When initially
attempting to implement the test method as an operational forecast tool, the indices
produced output that was very confusing and that would have been difficult to use
operationally. The composite images produced with these thresholds were very
congested with contours, as depicted by the image on the left in Figure 7. As a result, the
composite image only depicted regions with turbulence when three adjacent layers
produced the image on the right in Figure 7 which was much easier to contour.
After adjusting the method for computing the composite chart, forecasts were
made using the test method. Typically, these hand-plotted forecasts took less than five
minutes to produce. Next, these test forecasts and actual forecasts produced by
operational weather squadrons were verified for accuracy with PIREPS from October 21,
2003 to October 27, 2003 and from November 5, 2003 to November 12, 2003. To verify,
PIREPS were compared by location and height to the forecasts. In order to be counted,
PIREPS needed to be above the CONUS since the weather squadrons did not forecast
outside the CONUS. When a PIREP fell within a region highlighted to suggest
The PIREPS were plotted using GrADS on a chart that contained the test method
forecast regions so the comparison was quite accurate for the test method. Operational
forecasts were compared with PIREPS using estimation. To ensure the weather squadron
forecast skill was maximized, PIREPS appearing very close to a region of forecasted
turbulence were given the benefit of the doubt. In general, these events were scored as
either “yes/yes” or “no/no”. Furthermore, this study only predicted regions of moderate
“yes” but observed “no” or “yes/no”. The test method and operational forecast
contingency tables are provided in tables 8 and 9. The χ2 test scores of 189.9 for the test
method and 35.97 for the operational forecasts are sufficient to reject the null hypothesis
leading to the conclusion that forecasts and observations are not independent.
Table 8. Test method contingency table Table 9. OWS forecast contingency table
Observed Observed
Yes No Yes No
Forecasted Forecasted
325 478 87 130
Yes Yes
These tables suggest significant differences exist in the two methods. In general,
the operational forecasts tend to significantly under forecast turbulence event relative to
the test method, as evidenced by the large number in the “no/yes” cell. At the same time,
the test method appears to significantly over forecast turbulence. This apparent weakness
is tempered by the short-lived nature of CAT and the low reliability of the “yes/no” cell
appear very close to positive reports of turbulence in time and location further validating
the claim that CAT is short-lived and localized. Also, the operational forecasts did not
appear to consider turbulence caused by mountain waves. There was not one region
depicted on the charts over these two weeks where the weather squadrons used solid blue
lines to depict mountain wave turbulence. This may be due to mislabeling since there
were several regions which suggested the forecaster considered the turbulence to be
mountain wave turbulence although they used the general CAT line style to circle them.
Test Method 0.569 0.741 0.595 0.310 0.701 1.406 0.311 0.272 0.231
Forecasts 0.152 0.930 0.599 0.124 0.746 0.380 0.082 0.104 0.114
Instances where the test method did not forecast regions that observed turbulence
were explored further to determine the cause. There were several possible reasons the
test method did not highlight these regions of turbulence. Several observed instances of
turbulence appear to have been caused by convection. These instances would not meet
the definition of CAT but were left in the tables since this is a comparative study of
forecast methods and, in general, neither method forecasted those regions. The most
common cause of missed regions of turbulence was near misses where the turbulence
appeared just outside of the highlighted areas. Many of these near misses were captured
with the actual layer viewer. Table 10 provides the detailed breakdown of the statistics
produced from the contingency tables for the test method and operational forecasts.
The test method appears superior to operational forecasts. The test method scored
significantly higher PODy, TSS, HSS, and GSS over the operational forecasts. The
higher PODn of the operational forecasts is due in large part to the significantly lower
volume coverage of the forecasts. The bias scores suggest the test method tends to over-
However, the test method bias is closer to one suggesting it tends to over-forecast less
V. Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1 Conclusions
turbulence. In recent years, various numerical indices have been developed and tested to
quantitatively predict CAT. It had been shown that numerical models outperform
conceptual models when forecasting CAT (Dutton 1980). This study seems to back up
that assertion. This research focused on developing a new technique for predicting CAT
that incorporated three numerical model indices, the Ellrod-2 index and the two MWFM
indices. Including tools for predicting both primary causes of CAT provided a
comprehensive prediction method. The technique was developed to meet the needs of
automated forecast method. Furthermore, the technique is adaptable to indices other than
The mountain wave forecast model indices showed promise in predicting CAT
regions in the troposphere. The V2.1 index provides more comprehensive coverage than
the V1.1 index. However, MWFM V2.1 does not appear to capture every region of
mountain wave turbulence, and the V1.1 index appears to add some value to the overall
depicting Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities, there were several instances that the MWFM
captured but that the Ellrod-2 index missed. In this study, the mountain wave indices
appeared to capture about one in every ten correctly forecasted moderate or greater
turbulence encounters throughout the column, not just near the tropopause.
The test method appears to provide superior forecasts to those currently produced
by the operational weather squadrons who appear to primarily use conceptual models in
their turbulence chart development. This is most likely the cause of the significant under-
forecasting and inaccuracy in the weather squadron products used for this research.
While the test method provided a large number of near misses on occurrences of
turbulence, PIREPS of turbulence were often quite far from the nearest turbulent region
indicated by the weather squadron forecasts. However, the test method charts tend to
encompass a large portion of the atmosphere making turbulent conditions appear quite
widespread. Furthermore, the test method appears to miss quite a few instances of
turbulence despite the layer viewer depicting those regions as turbulent. These misses are
caused by the implementation of the composite chart as described in Section 3.4.3. Also,
because of the significant coverage of turbulent regions by the test method, using the test
method is not as straightforward as initially thought. This was especially true over the
Rocky Mountains as they often have numerous levels and layers where the mountain
This study only focused on moderate or greater turbulence. The length of time
used in this study did not provide an adequate number of severe PIREPS (due to their
limited availability) to properly threshold severe turbulence events. The few instances of
severe turbulence actually depicted in this study did allow for some degree of threshold
determination; however, the results are unreliable and, therefore, deemed inconclusive.
Properly thresholding severe turbulence would require a much longer test period,
encompassing many more severe turbulence encounters than identified in the sample
Overall, the test method appears to offer promise as a tool that simplifies an
otherwise complex process. The time required to develop forecasts for the CONUS using
this new tool should be less than five minutes per forecast hour shortly after the
forecaster masters the technique and the OPS II drawing features. Furthermore, the
largely objective nature of the method will reduce the inconsistency between forecasters
Although this method was developed for turbulence, similar techniques using a
composite chart and layer viewer may provide additional benefits in other areas of
forecasting such as for aircraft icing. Additionally, the layer viewer can be used to aid
5.2 Recommendations
5.2.1 Recommendations to AFWA and 15th OWS. This method appears to offer a
large portion of the globe to be quickly analyzed for turbulence. Furthermore, a method
very similar to the test method has been used operationally at the 17th OWS for over two
years. The OPS II script employed by the 17th OWS generates a composite chart and
layer viewer charts very similar to those developed for this study. However, the script
used at the 17th OWS does not include mountain wave turbulence and only used output
from two adjacent layers instead of the three layers used in this study.
It is strongly recommended AFWA run the mountain wave forecast model V1.1
and V2.1 for the troposphere and converts that output into a format suitable for use by
OPS II. If it is necessary to make the data match gridded output, it is suggested AFWA
use the same approach employed in this study. Furthermore, the layer viewer html and
javascript code should be provided to the operational weather squadrons for their
immediate implementation. The code developed for this method can be easily modified
by the weather squadron web masters and used to supplement or replace current
packages include the traditional turbulence chart, as generated by the test method, along
with several layer-specific charts based on unanalyzed model output near the flight level
of the aircraft. This provides the pilot with a general idea of the turbulent regions, as well
as, the areas of potential turbulence at the levels they are flying. Providing both charts
will offer the most complete picture of where the aircrew might experience turbulence
and what their best course of action might be to avoid the turbulence if necessary.
studies that may be performed to further test the methods developed here. The test
performed in Table 7 suggests the indices’ thresholds may vary based on levels of the
the thresholds vary based on those criteria might be performed. Furthermore, this study
used GFS model data to determine the Ellrod-2 index and initialize the mountain wave
forecast model. Using higher resolution model data might provide more accurate results
This study focused on determining regions of moderate turbulence using data over
a five month period to calibrate the indices. Additionally, the study only verified
forecasts for two weeks in the fall. This limited study was adequate to demonstrate the
relative skill of the test method to operational forecasts but further studies using a larger
dataset might allow accurate calibration of severe turbulence thresholds and it might
provide insight into how the index thresholds change with different seasons. Future
studies might also use PIREPS that include aircraft type to more accurately assess
intensity reports. Also, no steps were taken to initialize or verify the GFS model using to
compute the indices before making the forecasts. Taking those steps might further
This study only tested three indices in predicting CAT, using the Ellrod-2
instabilities. There are many other indices developed to predict CAT caused by Kelvin-
Helmholtz instabilities. Future studies might consider using a different index or using an
ensemble forecast of sorts with several different indices to determine if they provide
more accurate results. These ensembles might rely on several indices on a layer
depicting turbulence to mark an area with turbulence. Additionally, future versions of the
MWFM or other mountain wave models might become available that would require
Finally, this method is a step towards completely automating the CAT product
produced by weather squadrons. It seems a similar method using sets of rules could be
developed to produce a chart without any forecaster involvement at all. This method
might reduce the forecaster’s role to quality control checking the chart and adjusting
regions based on model error in initialization or verification purposes only. This would
further simplify the CAT forecast process and essentially eliminate the forecaster from
Appendix A: Detailed Computations
If this value is more than the saturation limit, it is reduced to the saturation limit.
To compute the value at the surface, use the minimum of saturation value at the
surface and 4ak where ak is a ridge height parameter. Now, the momentum flux is
approximated by
δ ( z )2
φk ( z ) ≈ αρ ( z ) N k ( z )U ⊥;k ( z ) k
and this is used to compute turbulence by
KETurbulence z + ∝ φ k ( z ) − φk ( z + ∆z )
The definition of the terms:
δ sat ;k local saturation limit of wave-induced vertical displacement
U ⊥;k perpendicular wind component to the ridge based on height
Nk Brünt-Väisala frequency
δ k* first guess of wave-induced vertical displacement at a level
ρ density of the air at a level
α dimensionless ridge-shape factor
L horizontal length representing extent of wave disturbance
φk average momentum flux at level k
KETurbulence The turbulence produced by waves from lost momentum flux
2. Haversine method used to calculate distances on this sphere. Method as presented in
Sinnott (1984) used extensively to calculate distances. Function passes two sets of
latitude and longitudes and returns the distance between them.
dlat = lat2 − lat1 dlon = lon2 − lon1
2 2
d d
a = sin lat + cos(lat1 ) cos(lat2 ) sin lon
2 2
c = 2 arctan
1− a
dist = earth _ radius × c
Appendix B: CONUS what2do Script
This is the what2do script used by this research to run the MWFM V1.1 and V2.1.
The what2do files are located in the /MWFM/source/jobs/what2do/ directory. Its primary
function is to set up the variables which control how the experiment runs. To run a new
PRO WHAT2DO_BELSONTEST,date=date,pole=pole,xrang=xrang $
,field=field,levels=levels,latlonlims=latlonlims $
,what=what,source=source,grid=grid $
,sequence=sequence,special=special $
,psfile=psfile,mwfmversion=mwfmversion $
,srcplane=srcplane,strict18=strict18,map_ann=map_ann $ $
; =================================
; | ( ) ( |
; | M ) W ( F ) M |
; | ( ) ( |
; | _____/^\_____/^\_____/^\_____ |
; | Mountain Wave Forecast Model |
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; -------------------
; -------------------
; template routine to set up a new MWFM experiment: replace
; "xxxx" with your experiment name and change various what.* values below to
; tune to your specific experiment, then set up your own
; (MWFM 1.*) or specialcase in (MWFM 2.*).
; -------------------
; MWFM USAGE e.g., (source/jobs/what2do)
; LOCATION source/jobs/what2do
; -------------------
; 20020811 SDE: created as a standardized what2do template from cleaned,
; commented, and documented
; -------------------
; date input of standard character date in YYMMDD or YYMMDDZZ
; format: gets plugged into You should always
; pass a date, otherwise you'll get an unsatsifactory
; default
; pole 2-element vector of the "map pole" or center of the map,
; in the format [longitude,latitude]. If not input, uses a
; default value set below: gets plugged into what.pole
; xrang 2-element x range vector for GSFC map sizing, used
; explicitly only for map_source=0. For new IDL maps it
; is only used unless the (much preferred) explicit sizing
; option "platlonlims" in the pltrec structure (i.e.,
; pltrec.platlonlims) is not set. If not input, uses a
; default value set below: gets plugged into what.xrang
; field multi-element vector (# elements corresponding to the
; number of requested forecast plots), containing integer
; MWFM wave field indicies corresponding to various MWFM
; output fields that can be calculated. Type
; FIELD_STRINGS, /LIST within MWFM to see currently
; supported list of permitted wave field indices and what
; they correspond to. If not input, field is set to
; default values set below: field gets plugged into
; what.field
; levels a multi-element vector of exactly the same size as field
; that represents the integer index values of the pressure
; at which you wish to do this forecast. This is dependent
; on the pressure level array of your particular atmospheric
; data source: MWFM has pressures that go from largest
; (low altitude) to smallest (highest altitude), so that if
; the pressure level array is [1000.0,925.0,850.0,700.0....]
; then level=[0,1,3] tells MWFM to plot 3 forecasts: first
; on the 1000hPa surface, second on the 925hPa surface and
; the third on the 700hPa surface. The field plotted in
; each case is given by the field array above: e.g.,
; field=[0,0,0] will plot peak vertical displacements in
; each case. To find out allowable pressure surfaces, you
; will need to read your data in using and
; then print out the returned plev array. If not input,
; levels is set to default values set below: levels gets
; plugged into what.levels
; latlonlims a 4-element array that defines the regional
; longitude-latitude bounds [lonmin,lonmax,latmin,latmax]
; within which MWFM will do the forecast. For example,
; latlonlims=[-10.0,30.0,60.0,70.0] performs a forecast
; in the longitude range 10W to 30E and for latitudes
; between 60N and 70N, which corresponds roughly to
; Scandinavia. See for more
; information/context. If not input, latlonlims is set to
; default values set below: latlonlims gets plugged into
; what.latlonlims
; what the output "what2do" structure that this routine returns,
; containing all the information and swtiches needed to
; run this particular MWFM forecast/analysis run just the
; way the user wants. See the structure assignment
; statement below for all the information within it and
; what it all means, or else type HELP, what, /STRUCTURES
; after calling this routine using what=what
; source specify the source string: type GET_GLBDATA,/LIST to get
; listing of currently supported atmospheric data sources.
; e.g., source='NMC' specifies NCEP/NMC data. If not input,
; source is set to default values set below: source gets
; plugged into what.source
; grid the grid string in GSFC format: e.g., 'GG2%5X2%5' for 2.5x
; 2.5 degree lon-lat gridding in the file. Gets plugged into
; what.grid
; sequence the sequence data string in GSFC format, e.g., 'E01'
; special the special data string in GSFC format, again identifying
; the specfic kind of atmospheric data file we're reading
; psfile if set true, activates postscript output via what.psfile=1
; mwfmversion passes the MWFM version (1, 2, ....)
; srcplane string used to signify the source of aircraft data to be
; overplotted (e.g., 'ER2')
; strict18 older keyword in which atmospheric data at 18 standard
; pressure levels is strictly enforced. If press=-1
; then it requires data at all X levels (I think)
; map_ann older map annotation keyword
; plot_items another plot annotation device, this time a structure
; used to annote something to a plot. For a sample, see
; code in
;I hereby agree to the following terms governing the use and redistribution of
;The NRL Mountain Wave Forecast Model (MWFM), mountain wave forecasting
;and display software, written and developed by Stephen D. Eckermann and
;colleagues at Code 7646 at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC.
;Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
;modification, are permitted provided that: (1) source code distributions
;retain this paragraph in its entirety, (2) distributions including binary
;code include this paragraph in its entirety in the documentation or other
;materials provided with the distribution, and (3) all advertising materials
;mentioning features or use of this software display the following
;acknowledgment: "This product includes software written
;and developed by Stephen D. Eckermann and colleagues of the Naval
;Research Laboratory (NRL)." Neither the name of NRL or its contributors, nor
;any entity of the United States Government may be used to endorse or promote
;products derived from this software, nor does the inclusion of the NRL written
;and developed software directly or indirectly suggest NRL's or the United
;States Government's endorsement of this product.
PRINT, '******************************************************'
PRINT, '***************** what2do_belsontest *****************'
PRINT, '******************************************************'
PRINT, '******************************************************'
DATE2STRING, date, sdate=sdate, /cen, hour=hour
MESSAGE, ' **********WARNING********** ',/INFORMATIONAL
MESSAGE, 'Date string not input as keyword date=date', /INFORMATIONAL
MESSAGE, 'Choosing default of '+sdate+', '+hour+'Z', /INFORMATIONAL
MESSAGE, ' **********END WARNING**********
; set the atmospheric data source as defined in the GSFC-like method by 4
; character strings: source=major source of the data, sequence=basic type
; of forecast/analysis from this source, special is a special identifier
; associated with sequence variations, and grid is the latitude-longitude
; resolution of the atmospheric gridding (e.g., grid='GG2%5X2' means 2.5
; degrees longitude by 2 degrees latitude)
IF (NOT KEYWORD_SET(source)) THEN source='NMC' ELSE $
IF (NOT KEYWORD_SET(grid)) THEN grid='GG1X1'
IF (NOT KEYWORD_SET(sequence)) THEN sequence='pre'
IF (NOT KEYWORD_SET(special)) THEN special=''
; check/set up field and level arrays for all the necessary plots
; see FIELD_STRINGS, /LIST for permitted fields and their field code
; see plevs from for range of permitted level indices
; check field and level array lengths, then set number of plots (nplots)
; set map sizes and center/"pole" location
;map zones, originally created for east coast and
;west coast US zooms for USA MWFM forecasts
; mirror these values into pole, x range and data range values for each plot
; in the range 1...nplots
poles = FLTARR(2,nplots)
xrangs = FLTARR(2,nplots)
drangs = FLTARR(2,nplots)
; nominal data ranges for various MWFM fields: see FIELD_STRINGS, /LIST for
; details on the physical quantities and units
; store poles and ranges for each plot
; create the "what" (what2do) structure
what={ $
date:date, $ ;date string
source:source, $ ;atmospheric source string
grid:grid, $ ;grid string
sequence:sequence, $ ;sequence identifier for source
special:special, $ ;special identifier for source
GRIB:1, $ ;use GRIB format
; press:[1000.00,925.000,850.000,700.000, $
; 500.000,400.000,300.000,250.000,200.000,150.000,100.000,70.0000, $
; 50.0000,30.0000,20.0000,10.0000] , $
; press:-1 , $ ;set to -1 for non-18 levels (e.g., TRMM)
; ;comment out for 18 standard pressures
; ;set to whatever for GRIB picking of levs
nazimuths:18, $ ;# azimuths in ray forecasts
nkvals:2, $ ;# horiz. wavenumbers if rayfcst
; filter:0, $ ;filter MWFM data?
; minlz:5.0, $ ;min. vert wavlgth to filter (km)
; minlh:100.0, $ ;min. horz wavglth to filter (km)
; amp_crit:200.0, $ ;crit. vdisp for mak_rayini
latlonlims:latlonlims, $ ;latlonlims array
only:4, $ ;orig_wd tag for ridge database
; units:'', $ ;unit string
; label:'', $ ;label string
forecast:'0', $ ;forecast flag
zerohourforecast:1 , $ ;for fh=0 assumes fcst not anal
nplots:nplots, $ ;number of plots to do
; interact:0, $ ;interactively get vals
autoscale:1 , $ ;automatic color bar scale?
densscal:1 , $ ;1 -> dens-scaled momflux
colortable:0 , $ ;color table to use
metparam:'z' , $ ;overplot what form of data?
; metlevels:findgen(30)*2+180. , $ ;use these contour levels
met_charsize:0.2 , $ ;charsize contour met labels
; snatplot:0 , $ ;plot NAT supersaturation
; nometdata:0 , $ ;no met data on plot
boxes:1, $ ;plot ridges as ridge boxes
; vectors:0 , $ ;plot wind vectors?
field:field , $ ;field indices to plot
levels:levels , $ ;level indicies @which to plot
strict18:strict18 , $ ;strict 18 flag
; batch:0, $ ;older batch mode
; traj:0, $ ;older trajectory dump option
datadump:1, $ ;dump data offline or not
powerav:1, $ ;power index 4 offline average
xavint:0.5, $ ;averaging interval (longitude)
yavint:0.5, $ ;averaging interval (latitude)
poles:poles, $ ;map poles
drangs:drangs, $ ;data ranges (for autoscale=0)
xrangs:xrangs, $ ;x map ranges
giffile:0, $ ;export a GIF file?
; gifname:date+'.gif', $ ;specify gif file name
psfile:psfile, $ ;export a PS (postscript) file?
pstag:'temp'+date, $ ;character filename for psfile
colorps:1, $ ;color postscript?
; noreverse_pscols:1, $ ;forces nonreversal of color
towebsite:0, $ ;transfer plots to web?
; webscript:'ToWebSite_Glider', $ ;web transfer script to use
hardcopy:0, $ ;print out a hard copy
; no_flt_trk:1, $ ;do/don't plot flight track
srcplane:srcplane }
Appendix C: GrADS Scripts
There were three files necessary to use GrADS for this research. The first defines
the metadata file. It is called either test12.ctl or test24.ctl. The second uses the GrADS
scripting language to build the different layers used in the layer viewer. The third file
uses the GrADS scripting language to verify the forecasts by plotting PIREPS on the
DSET ^out12.dat
UNDEF 9999
TITLE Knapp Ellrod and Mountain Wave Indices
XDEF 111 LINEAR -140.0 1.0
YDEF 41 LINEAR 20.0 1
ZDEF 14 LINEAR 100 50
h 14 99 average height of layer
ke 14 99 Knapp Ellrod Index
mw1 14 99 Mountain Wave V1
mw2 14 99 Mountain Wave V2
* This program builds the desired files the way I want it to
prompt 'Enter the desired date: '
pull date1
'set annot 0'
'set background 1'
'set xlopts 0'
'set ylopts 0'
'set line 0'
'set grid on 5 0'
while (time <= 24)
'open 'date2'/test'time'.ctl'
say '*** Opened 'date2' test'time'.ctl for analysis ***'
while (level >= 100)
'set mproj nps'
'set mpvals -120.5 -75.5 25 52'
'set lev 'level
'set map 0 1 1'
'set mpdset mres'
'set gxout shaded'
'set clevs 3 6 8.37'
'set ccols 1 7 8 2'
'd ke'
'set gxout contour'
'set clab off'
'set clevs 0.0014 99.0'
'set ccolor 4'
'd mw1'
'set clab off'
'set clevs 0.0752 0.103'
'set ccolor 9'
'd mw2'
'draw title Initial_Date='date2', Fcst_time='time'Z, Layer='level'-'llevel'mb'
'draw xlab Shaded=Ellrod-2 Blue=MWFM V1.1 Purple=MWFM V2.1'
'wi 'date2'/'time'_level'level'.jpg'
'set lev 750'
'set gxout shaded'
'set clevs 1 2'
'set clab off'
'set ccols 1 3 2'
'd h'
'draw title Initial_Date='date2', Fcst_time='time'Z, COMPOSITE ANALYSIS'
'draw xlab Yellow=moderate turbulence Red=Severe turbulence (possible)'
'wi 'date2'/'time'_all.jpg'
'close 1'
* This program builds the desired files the way I want it to
* Variables to decipher PIREP location
say 'Hello. PIREP display program.'
* Sets up the basics of the map
'set xsize 880 680'
'set mproj scaled'
'set annot 0'
'set background 1'
'set xlopts 0'
'set ylopts 0'
'set line 0'
'set grid on 5 0'
'set background 1'
'set rgb 16 225 225 225'
'set rgb 17 200 200 200'
'set rgb 18 175 175 175'
'set line 0'
'set grid on 5 0'
'open 'date3
say ' Opened 'date2' test'tme'.ctl'
'draw title Date 'date2' file=test'tme'.ctl'
'set lev 'level
'set map 15 1 1'
'set mpdset mres'
'set clevs 1 2'
'set ccols 17 18'
'set gxout shaded'
'd h'
while (r1ec != 2)
if (r1ec != 2)
if (substr(r1,15,1) = ' ')
if ((lat >= 25) & (lat <= 50) & (lon >=-130) & (lon<=-60))
if (ti = 0)
if (ti = 1)
if (ti >= 2 & ti <= 5)
if (ti >= 6)
'set line 'ti2
'draw mark 'ms' 'x' 'y' 0.1'
'set string 'ti2
'set strsiz 0.2'
'draw string 'x+0.01' 'y-0.05' 'c1
say c1' 'hour' 'lat' 'lon' 'hgt' 'ti
if (c1=5)
prompt 'Press enter to see next batch'
pull temp
'set lev 'level
'set gxout contour'
'set mproj scaled'
'set mpdset mres'
'set annot 0'
'set background 1'
'set xlopts 0'
'set ylopts 0'
'set line 0'
'set grid on 5 0'
'set background 1'
'set map 15 1 1'
'set clevs 1 2'
'set ccolor 3 2'
'set clevs 1 2'
'set ccols 17 18'
'set gxout shaded'
'd h'
'draw title Date 'date2' file=test'tme'.ctl'
prompt 'Press enter to see next time!'
pull temp
Appendix D: Turbulence Viewer Code
The below html and javascript code makes up the layer viewer. The first segment
of this appendix lists the necessary directories and which files go in it and a brief
description of the files if the actual code is not included. This is followed by the code
<frameset cols="75%,12%,13%">
<frame src="layers.htm" name="layers" scrolling="yes">
<frame src="levels.htm" name="levels" scrolling="no">
<frame src="buttons1.htm" name="buttons" scrolling="auto">
<title>17 OWS Multi-layer evaluator</title>
<script language="Javascript1.1">
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// Configurable scrollable layer viewer with most manipulations housed between rows of
dollar signs
// List of the different levels available and their labels
// To add new levels/layers, add the next incremental pair and increase LEVELMAX
level = new Array()
labels = new Array()
var LEVELMAX=12;
// Pre-loads the array of images for use in scrollbar. You can change the folder path
// or add steps for scrollbar.
UDScrollImage = new Array()
for(xy=0; xy <= SCROLLMAX; xy++) {
UDScrollImage[xy] = new Image()
UDScrollImage[xy].src = "../Scrollbars/Scrollbar_" + xy + ".jpg"
// Pre-loads the levels and labels. You may have to change the filename path
Turbmaps = new Array()
for(xy=0;xy <= LEVELMAX; xy++) {
Turbmaps[xy] = new Image()
Turbmaps[xy].src = "../script_output/12_level" + level[xy] + ".jpg";
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
function ScrollIt(UD)
// Variables that will not be manipulated
var temp,temp2,temp3,temp4;
var changeIty,changeItx;
if (UD == 1) {
} else if (UD ==2) {
} else if (UD == 3) {
} else {
if (temp4 < 0) {
if (temp4 > SCROLLMAX) {
if (temp2 < 0) {
if (temp3 < 0) {
for (var i=0; i< FRAMESPERPAGE; i++) {
function ScrollJump(xy)
// Jumps to that point on the scrollbar
var changepoint=xy*CHANGEAMT;
for (var i=0; i<FRAMESPERPAGE; i++) {
function MajorScroll(ud)
var nextone=parseInt(document.myForm.UDVal.value);
if (ud == 1) {
} else {
if (nextone < 0) {
nextone = 0;
if (nextone > (LEVELMAX-3)) {
nextone = LEVELMAX-3;
var bullet;
for (var i=0; i < FRAMESPERPAGE; i++) {
with (parent.layers.frames[i].document) {
writeln("<img src="+Turbmaps[bullet].src+">");
with (parent.levels.frames[i].document) {
<map name="NSmap">
<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,15,14" onClick="ScrollIt(2)";>
<area shape="rect" coords="0,15,15,33" onClick="ScrollJump(0)";>
<area shape="rect" coords="0,34,15,53" onClick="ScrollJump(1)";>
<area shape="rect" coords="0,54,15,73" onClick="ScrollJump(2)";>
<area shape="rect" coords="0,74,15,93" onClick="ScrollJump(3)";>
<area shape="rect" coords="0,94,15,113" onClick="ScrollJump(4)";>
<area shape="rect" coords="0,114,15,132" onClick="ScrollJump(5)";>
<area shape="rect" coords="0,133,15,151" onClick="ScrollJump(6)";>
<area shape="rect" coords="0,152,15,166" onClick="ScrollIt(1)";>
Appendix E: FORTRAN Code Used in Computing Indices
The below is the FORTRAN code used to compute the indices and save the data
in the proper format. It consists of the functions called by a main program which simply
reads in the model data files and saves the indices for display using GrADS.
SUBROUTINE Haversine(lat1,lat2,lon1,lon2,dist)
! Executable portion
! Calculates the distance
lon=i-181 ! file sizes
IF (i .GT. 181) THEN
CALL Haversine((1.0*lat),(1.0*lat),(1.0*lon),(1.0*lon+BXSZ),dist)
IF (KE(b,a,(k-1)) < 0.0) THEN
PRINT *,' Level ',(k-1),' of ',(LVLS-1),' done...max=',kemx
! Local variables
INTEGER i,j,k,a,b,lat,lon,q2
! Execution portion
PRINT *,'Converting MWFM raw data into gridded format'
DO k=1,(LVLS-1)
IF (xsz .EQ. 181) THEN ! To account for two different
lon=i-181 ! file sizes
IF (i .GT. 181) THEN
IF ((a .EQ. 1) .AND. (b .EQ. 1) .AND. (k .EQ. 1)) THEN
PRINT *,'Bottom left lat,Lon: ',lat,',',lon
! V1.1 gridding
DO q2=1,endv1(k)
IF ((mwlat(q2,k) .GE. (lat-MWSZ)) .AND. (mwlat(q2,k) .LE. (lat+MWSZ)))
IF ((mwlon(q2,k) .GE. (lon-MWSZ)) .AND. (mwlon(q2,k) .LE.
(lon+MWSZ))) THEN
IF (MW1(b,a,k) .LT. mwflux(q2,k)) THEN
IF (MW1(b,a,k) .GT. MW1max(b,a)) THEN
! V2.1 gridding
DO q2=1,endv2(k)
IF ((raylat(q2,k) .GE. (lat-MWSZ)) .AND. (raylat(q2,k) .LE. (lat+MWSZ)))
IF ((raylon(q2,k) .GE. (lon-MWSZ)) .AND. (raylon(q2,k) .LE.
(lon+MWSZ))) THEN
IF (MW2(b,a,k) .LT. rayflux(q2,k)) THEN
IF (MW2(b,a,k) .GT. MW2max(b,a)) THEN
PRINT *,'Level ',k,' of ',(LVLS-1),' Done!'
! Executable
PRINT *,'Reading the PIREP data file'
101 FORMAT(F5.2,X,F7.2,X,I4,X,I2,X,I2,X,I2,X,I5,X,I1)
OPEN (UNIT=20, FILE='../../PIREPS/PIREP.txt', STATUS='old')
990 IF (eoff .EQ. 11.11) GOTO 991
READ (20,101) Plat(i), Plon(i), Pyear(i), Pmon(i), Pday(i), Phr(i), Palt(i), Pturb(i)
GO TO 990
991 CLOSE(20)
PRINT *,'There are ',numpir,' PIREPS available in the 3 hour window'
PRINT *,'Storing the indice values for each PIREP over the ',(LVLS-1),' levels.'
PRINT *,'Approximate Level height range ',HU(1,1,1),' to ',HU(1,1,(LVLS-1)),' meters.'
OPEN (UNIT=11, FILE='outfile.tmp', STATUS='old')
READ(11,*) fcst_hr
CLOSE (11)
OPEN (UNIT=20, FILE=outfn, STATUS='replace')
PRINT *,'Hr Lat Lon Date Hour Hght Turb KE MW1 MW2'
DO i=1,numpir
! Converts feet to meters
IF (IX .EQ. 181) THEN
IF (gridx .LT. 0) THEN
IF (gridy .LT. 0) THEN
IF ((H(ni,nj,k) .GT. Plvl) .OR. (k .EQ. LVLS)) THEN
IF (k .eq. LVLS) THEN
GOTO 805
GOTO 805
GOTO 805
ELSE IF (H(ni,nj,k) .EQ. Plvl) THEN
PRINT *,'PIREP on one level'
GOTO 805
805 IF (ew1 .LT. 0.5) THEN
IF (mww1 .LT. 0.5) THEN
CALL Haversine(Plat(i),lat2,Plon(i),lon2,dist)
CALL Haversine(Plat(i),lat2,Plon(i),(lon2+1),dist)
CALL Haversine(Plat(i),(lat2+1),Plon(i),lon2,dist)
CALL Haversine(Plat(i),(lat2+1),Plon(i),(lon2+1),dist)
IF (d1 .EQ. MIN(d1,d2,d3,d4)) THEN
ELSE IF (d2 .EQ. MIN(d1,d2,d3,d4)) THEN
ELSE IF (d3 .EQ. MIN(d1,d2,d3,d4)) THEN
WRITE (20,103)
WRITE (*,103)
CLOSE (20)
IF ((MW2(i,j,(k-1)) .GE. MW2M) .AND. (MW2(i,j,k) .GE. MW2M) .AND.
(MW2(i,j,(k+1)) .GE. MW2M)) THEN
IF (HF(i,j) .LT. 3.0) THEN
IF ((KE(i,j,(k-1)) .GE. KES) .AND. (KE(i,j,k) .GE. KES) .AND.
(KE(i,j,(k+1)) .GE. KES)) THEN
IF ((MW1(i,j,(k-1)) .GE. MW1S) .AND. (MW1(i,j,k) .GE. MW1S) .AND.
(MW1(i,j,(k+1)) .GE. MW1S)) THEN
IF ((MW2(i,j,(k-1)) .GE. MW2S) .AND. (MW2(i,j,k) .GE. MW2S) .AND.
(MW2(i,j,(k+1)) .GE. MW2S)) THEN
PRINT *,'Method 2'
Do i=1,usx
DO j=1,usy
IF (KEmax(i,j) .GE. KEL) THEN
IF (KEmax(i,j) .GE. KEM) THEN
IF (KEmax(i,j) .GE. KES) THEN
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Capt Brian Belson was born in Georgia in 1972. Upon completion of high school
in 1990, he enlisted in the United States Navy and received training to become a Nuclear
Reactor Operator. After completing training, he was awarded an ROTC scholarship and
Computer Science. After a brief stint at Undergraduate Pilot Training, he opted for the
His first assignment was Wing Weather Officer for the 15th Operational Support
Squadron, Hickam AFB, Hawaii. In 2000, Capt Belson was assigned to the Joint
Typhoon Warning Center as the Satellite Systems Officer at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. In
17th Operational Weather Squadron, Hickam AFB, Hawaii. Most recently, he was
selected to attend the Air Force Institute of Technology in 2002. Capt Belson is married
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05-03-2004 Master’s Thesis Jun 2003 – Mar 2004
Clear-air turbulence (CAT) prediction is vitally important to military aviation and the successful completion of Department of Defense (DoD)
operations such as air to air refueling and new national defensive weapon systems such as directed energy platforms. The unique mission
requirements of military aircraft often require strict avoidance of turbulent regions. Traditionally, weather forecasters have found it difficult to
accurately predict CAT. In order to forecast regions where CAT might occur, forecasters must first determine the location of breaking waves caused
by either Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities or topographically forced internal gravity waves (mountain waves) in the atmosphere. The United States Air
Force (USAF) 15th Operational Weather Squadron (15th OWS) requested an updated method of predicting CAT and this request was ranked as one of
the highest priority research needs by the HQ USAF Director of Weather, Deputy Chief of Staff for Air and Space Operations.
A new method of forecasting turbulence was developed in this work and the operational model was delivered to the 15th OWS for immediate
inclusion into their operations. This method combines output from the Knapp-Ellrod index and the Naval Research Laboratory’s Mountain Wave
Forecast Model (MWFM) onto a single chart. Displaying these tools together allows forecasters to view both causes of CAT simultaneously.
Furthermore, a new visualization tool is developed that allows a forecaster to view several layers at the same time as well as a composite chart to
greatly reduce the time required to produce turbulence charts by OWS forecasting centers worldwide. Tests of forecast accuracy, as determined by
pilot reports (PIREPS), between charts currently produced by USAF OWSs and this new method were compared, with the new method producing far
superior forecast results. This method revolutionizes the way USAF OWSs produce turbulence charts to help the Air Force satisfy each of its core
competencies; especially information superiority, rapid global mobility, and precision engagement.
OF: ABSTRACT OF Lt Col Michael K. Walters, ENP
U U U UU 112 (937) 255-3636, ext 4681
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