Physio Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Physiological Principles 1

ALVIAR 4B1 © 2018

 Intertidal Zone - a central discipline in biology linking the underlying molecular &
- area that is covered & uncovered by the tides each day teeming cellular mechanisms to characteristics of whole organisms such as
with life performance & fitness
- most challenging habitat on Earth  Phenotype
o Cycle of Tides - physiological properties of an animal
o Hot Days - temperature can double (Desiccation) - includes all of the observable traits of an organism at all levels of
o Cold Winter Days - temp can drop almost to freezing point biological organization
o Day - high oxygen due to photosynthesizing algae - to produce it both the genotype of an organism and its environment
o Night - low oxygen due to respiration interact through development are needed
o Change in H2O pH - influences the animal’s reproductive success
- due to photosynthesis & respiration  Genotype
- can be slightly acidic to very alkaline - the genes that determines a large part of an animal’s characteristics
o Salinity - an individual genotype have the capacity to produce more than one
- can increase as water evaporate and decreases on rainy day phenotype
- Common Inhabitants include the Porcelain Crabs - controls the way animals can alter their phenotype in response to
o Genus Petrolisthes (over 100 species) physiological & environmental conditions
o can live both in high intertidal & nearby subtidal zones
 Identical twins raised in diff places, one may be taller due to
o strong correlation between the maximum temp. of the habit
difference in external conditions
in which a species is found & the highest temp. the which
 Physiological Process
the heart can beat
- product of the activities of complex tissues, organs & systems that
- Species found in the high intertidal in the hot tropics
can arise through complex patterns of genetic regulation of countless
= able to maintain cardiac function at substantially higher
temp than species at cooler or constant temp  shows that
 Evolutionary Change - ultimate cause of the enormous
physiology of cardiovascular system may play a role in
diversity of animal species
setting the geographical distribution of the Porcelain crabs
= despite high tolerance for habitat with high temp, species
found in it have high risk of fatality than species at cooler
A. Integration in Physiology
temp  shows the responses to environmental changes
- biologists often organize the living world by dividing it into what
are termed levels of biological organization
 Animal Physiology
Atom  Molecules  Cells  Tissues  Organs  Organ
- Kurt Schmidt: the study of how animals work
System  Organisms  Populations  Communities 
- the study of structure and function of various parts of an animal,
Ecosystems  Biosphere
and how these parts work together to allow animals to perform their
- processes at each level of organization interact to produce the
normal behaviors and to respond to their environments
processes at the next level of organization
- Reductionism: assumes that we can learn about a system by
studying the function of its parts
Chapter 1: Introduction to Physiological Principles 2
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- Emergence: feature of complex systems shows that the whole is B. Physics & Chemistry: The Basics of Physiology
often more than the sum of its parts - Animals are constructed from natural materials & thus obey the
- Emergent Properties: properties that can be observed at one level same physical and chemical laws that apply to everything
of biological organization & that are due to the interactions of the - Physiology is a quantitative science
component parts of the system  Adolf Fick’s Law of diffusion
- Basic Research: provides profound insights into how animals work = 1 Law: substances diffuse from areas of high concentration
& the evolutionary cause & consequences of variation in (potential energy) to areas of low concentration (potential energy)
physiological processes ~ movement is a consequence of the 2nd law of thermodynamic =
- Physiology can be applied in conservation biology, ecology, isolated systems spontaneously move toward a state of maximum
agriculture, human health, disease & veterinary medicine entropy
 over time, differences in concentration, charge, temperature,
 RA 8485 - “Animal Welfare Act of 1998” or pressure will tend to equalize within the system, unless energy is
- laboratory animals are protected under this act, registered and added to maintain this difference
prescribed proper care, handling & testing of animals are also o Concentration Gradient
included - source of potential energy use to drive diffusion
- Animal Welfare: humane treatment of animals with respect to their o Voltage Gradient
comfort & well-being - source of electrical potential gradient which can drive movement of
- Animal Rights: idea that animals have intrinsic & unassailable charged molecules
rights - used in (1) signaling in neurons & (2) active transport of material
into cells, involve the movement of charged molecules like sodium
- Model Organisms: across membrane
= species that are chosen because they have features that make them - together with concentration gradient, both are used to determine the
particularly suitable for specific experiments extent and rate of diffusion
= used because (1) they have features that are conductive to o Conduction of Heat
experimentation & (2) understanding a process in the model provides - use the same principle that apply to diffusion od substances
insight into how the process works in other species of interest - heat flows form areas of high temperature to areas of low
- August Krogh Principle: “For every biological problem there is an temperature
organism on which it can be most conveniently studied.” - form and function are shaped by the need to regulate heat loss or
o Squid: have some specialized neurons that are large enough to gain
be easily seen & readily manipulated; use in understanding of o Pressure Gradient
how neurons work in all animals - source of potential energy from areas of high pressure to areas of
o D. melanogaster: giant salivary glands for locating polytene low pressure
chromosomes - used in understanding the function of (1) circulatory and (2)
o African Clawed Frog: oocytes have numerous nuclei for respiratory systems
o Sea Raven: possess a large heart
Chapter 1: Introduction to Physiological Principles 3
ALVIAR 4B1 © 2018

= 2nd Law: amount of substance that diffuses across a surface is - rate of most chemical reactions increases as temperature increases
proportional to the area of that surface & inversely proportional to  increasing temperature increases the energy of molecules & causes
the distances across which the substance must diffuse an increases in the number of collisions between molecules in a
~ critical for understanding the form & function of epithelia such closed system
as the lungs and the gut that are involved in the exchange of - high temperature that stabilize proteins begin to break down down
substances by diffusion (must have as large surface are as possible & protein function declines
and be as thin as possible to maximize material exchange) - Catalysts: when these break down, the rate of reaction falls
~ this explains why gas exchange surfaces such as lungs & gills  PHYSICAL LAWS: Scaling Relationship
are extremely thin and why animals that are larger than a few - the relationship between anatomical or physiological traits and
millimeters in diameter must have circulatory systems to move body size
substances around their bodies 1. Isometric: morphology or physiology change in direct proportion
o Brownian Motion to body mass
- random movement of particles in a solution, that the time needed 2. Allometric: body shape or physiology changes disproportionately
for a particle to diffuse across a given distance is proportional to the as body size increases
square of the distances - Galileo Galilei (1638), disapproves the isometric concept through
his description on how the bones of larger animals are proportionately
 Molecular Properties: determine the physiochemical characteristics thicker than the bones of small animals  relationship between area
of biomaterials & volume
1. Collagen  volume of a cube is equal to the length of the side of the cube to
- high level of this structural protein helps the aorta withstand the the third power (L3)
high pressure generated by the heart  surface area of each side of the cube is equal to the length of the
- low level of it allows small blood vessels like capillaries to be side squared (L2)
thin to maximize the material exchange by diffusion  cubes have six sides (6L2)
2. Keratin  surface area increases by a power of 2 while volume by a power of
- network of proteins that can be made more rigid by the addition 3
of bonds that cross-link multiple keratin proteins together  the ratio of surface area to volume decreases as length of the
- heavily cross-linked keratins helps fingernails to be stronger and side increases
less likely to bend  surface: exchange of materials with the environment
- fewer cross-linked keratins allows hair to be more flexible  volume: processing & use of exchanged materials
 ELECTRICAL LAWS: Membrane Potential  volume increases more than does surface area as radius
- potential difference that drives processes needed for survival such increases, the surface available for exchange of materials quickly
as movement of essential molecules across membranes becomes limiting
- Electrical Potential: send signals within & between cells, helping
to coordinate the complex processes of the body like how (1) neuron
and (2) muscle cells work
 CHEMICAL LAWS: Temperature
Chapter 1: Introduction to Physiological Principles 4
ALVIAR 4B1 © 2018

y = aMb where y = surface area show that SA-to-Volume ratios cannot explain metabolic scaling
M = body mass (or volume) relationships
a = constant - suggested the value of scaling coefficient was closer to 0.75 (3/4) rather
b = scaling coefficient than the value of 0.67 (2/3)

Scalling Coefficient (b) C. Form, Function & Evolution

- 2/3: for cube or a sphere  surface area increases as the square of Coyote (Canis latrans) Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)
the radius, while volume increases as the cube of the radius same mammals & similar size
1. b = 0 omnivores obligate herbivores
- the process is unaffected by body size strong preference for meat strong preference for
2. b = 1 & Eucalyptus leaves - toxic,
- the physiological variable increases proportionately with the body can’t eat tough or fibrous extremely fibrous, low
mass  process scales isometrically (e.g. mass of the heart) leaves like leaves and grass nutritional quality
 Negative (b) longer intestinal tract - fibrous
shorter intestinal tract diet takes much longer to digest
~ the variable decreases with body size (e.g. mammal’s heart rate)
 Positive (b) larger cecum - contains
smaller cecum
cellulose-digesting bacteria
~ the variable increases with body size (e.g. fiddler crab’s claws)

 Metabolic Rate: A Positive Scaling Coefficient o Proximate Cause: immediate physiological/biochemical basis of traits
 Max Rubner o Ultimate Cause: evolution as an advantage to the ancestors
- reported that metabolic rate of dogs of various sizes was constant when
body surface area was taken into account  Species that are closely related to each other are likely to share more
- suggested that metabolism has scaling coefficient of 0.67 features and species that are distantly related are likely to share fewer
 metabolic rate of one gram of tissue from a large dog is lower than features
the metabolic rate of one gram of tissue from a small dog
- he developed a hypothesis about Heat Dissipation to explain his  Adaptation
observation on dogs’ metabolic rate - can be described as:
- Endotherms: mammals like dogs maintain relatively constant body (1) synonym for “remodeling”
temperature by generating metabolic rate (2) evolutionary adaptation
- If metabolism scaled isometrically with body size, he suggested that large - product or process of evolution by natural selection
dogs would generate too much heat to dissipate across the relatively small - change in a population or group of organism over evolutionary time
surface area, and thus the must have lower metabolic rate - trait that arose via process such as NS that conveys an increase in
 Max Kleiber reproductive success
- disapproved Rubner and assembled a much larger date set relating body - Evolution of Insecticide Resistance
size and metabolic rate in a variety of species of birds and mammals to = excellent example of the principle of adaptive evolution
= Organophosphates
Chapter 1: Introduction to Physiological Principles 5
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~ kills insects inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme vital for Llamas & Vicunas Dromedary (1-humped camel)
neuronal transmission member of the family Camelidae
= over time insecticides with organophosphates showed a decreased on both have hemoglobin with very high oxygen affinity 
its affectivity resulting to insects with beneficial mutations to survive & preadaptation or exaptation and not adaptation
reproduce like mosquito (Culex pipiens) high altitude habitants lowland habitants
~ have mutations in the acetylcholinesterase genes  Phenotypic traits can be similar among organisms due to:
~ extra copies of the esterase gene - which encodes an enzyme that 1. Homology
converts the organophosphates into a less toxic form - inheritance from a shared ancestor
= however, this mutation is only vital in the presence of insecticides - e.g. limbs of vertebrates  different shapes but have similar
~ overproduction of esterase protein use energy that serve other bones due to an ancestral similarity
functions 2. Analogy
- for adaptive evolution to occur: - share a similar function but do not share a common
1. the must be variation among individuals in the trait under evolutionary history
consideration - e.g. wings of birds & bats  for flight but one is a mammal
2. the trait must be heritable - genetically determined & passed on to the other not
offspring - falls within the broader concept of Homoplasy
3. the trait must increase fitness (reproductive success) if the = independent evolution of similar traits
individual that have the trait = due to either:
4. the relative fitness of the different genotypes depend on the a. Convergent Evolution
environment  if the envi changes, the trait may not be beneficial ~ unrelated taxa toward similar phenotypes can occur due to
 Non-adaptive Evolution: Genetic Drift particular shapes or functions are favored in a specific environment
- random changes in the frequency of particular genotypes in a ~ e.g. wings of birds & bats; eyes of cephalopods & vertebrates
population over time b. Parallel Evolution
- result in substantial differences in the phenotypes of 2 populations, ~ shared underlying trait evolves in the same way independently
independent of any adaptive evolution ~ e.g. threespine stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
- mostly likely to occur in small populations & result to happenstance, - Freshwater species
not of differences in fitness = lost most of the armor & have smaller spines
- can act in opposition with selection - Marine species
- includes the following concepts: = heavily armored & larger spines
a. Founder Effect = perform better in terms of ability to swim aerobically for long
= the derived populations may differ from the ancestral periods  larger swimming muscles & it contains more aerobic fibers
populations, but not for any reason related to natural selection or  Deep Homology
fitness - arises from shared molecular traits among all animals & may
b. Neutral Adaption underlie many examples of convergent evolution like:
= changes in populations that are not due to differences in fitness
Chapter 1: Introduction to Physiological Principles 6
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1. Eye Development  Homeostasis

- uses the Pax6 transcription factor - coined by Walter Cannon
= controls eye development for all animals - importance was explained by Claude Bernard
= gene associated with photoreceptors - maintenance of internal conditions in the face of environmental
= homologous & shared among all organisms but the camera type perturbations
eyes of vertebarates and cephalopods are independently derived from - animal initiates specific responses to control and or regulate a
the non-camera type eyes of their ancestors & are thus homoplastic particular vital variable
2. Heart Development - e.g. Human Body Temperature
= In Drosophila, Tinman controls this development = Shivering to produce heat when you stand in cold air
= a gene similar to Tinman is also used by Cnidarians to expressed = Sweating to release heat
around the base of the gastrovascular cavity, a region involved in - Physiological responses can solve either:
pumping fluids throughout the body Situation  dogs response to temperature
= In Mice, Nkx is needed for this development a. Short Term Challenges: when hot, move to a cooler location or
= both genes have very similar proteins & share the same pant to shed heat in its breath
evolutionary origin b. Long Term Challenges: in seasonal cycles, grow fur in autumn &
= Similarly, these genes have been discovered in Lancelet, an shed it in spring
invertebrate chordate expressed in the developing tubelike heart  Allostasis
- the process of achieving homeostasis through change
D. Regulation & Homeostasis - e.g. (1) Norther Mammals shed their brown summer fur & grow a
 Confomers thicker white winter fur (2) Female Mammal Lactation
- allow internal conditions to change when faced with variation in  Principles that govern physiological changes:
external conditions I. Some physiological strategies are effective in the short term but less
- e.g. body temperature of fish  low in cold & high in warm water useful for the long term.
- less expensive in terms of demand of metabolic energy for processes  Holding your breath: effective in swimming but not on high altitude
 Regulators location with low levels of oxygen
- maintain relatively constant internal conditions regardless of the II. Some strategies require a significant investment in resources and need
conditions in the external environment long to take effect.
- e.g. human body temperature  likely to be approximately 37°C  Hair Growth: relatively slow process that require metabolic energy
- provides a more stable internal environment due to environmental III. Some stressor are sufficiently predictable that animals remodel
changes’ deleterious effects physiology in anticipation of the stress & often in predictable cycles.
 Some may be regulators with respect to one internal parameter, but  Daily: Circadian rhythm
conformers with respect to another parameter  Seasonal: Growth & Shedding of Fur
 Lizards conform to external temperature but regulate their  Lunar Cycle: Coral Reef Spawning
internal salt concentrations within a narrow range  Specific Environmental Cues: Temperature or Photoperiod
Chapter 1: Introduction to Physiological Principles 7
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 Feedback Loops - e.g. take a fish from water at 15°C and transfer it to water at 5°C
- used by the Endocrine & Nervous System  Acclimatization - process of change in response to natural
- to maintain homeostasis, animals must: environmental variation
(1) detect external conditions, (2) if necessary initiate compensatory - may be the result of temperature change, changes in day length,
responses and (3) keep vital areas buffered against unfavorable change food availability, any other environmental parameters that vary
- most often animals use a Reflex Control Pathway  a change in the between summer and winter
internal & external environment provides a stimulus which causes a - e.g. take a fish in the summer (15°C) vs. a fish in winter (5°C)
- Antagonistic Controls o IRREVERSIBLE
= independent regulators that exert opposite effects on a step or  Reaction Norm
pathway which fine-tune physiological responses - the change when the phenotypes are part of a continuum
= e.g. Regulating Body Temperature through Heat Production &  Polyphenism
Dissipation - the change when a particular phenotype exists in 2 or more
- Set Point discrete forms
= preferred physiological state defended through feedback loops - the most common type of polyphenism is due to developmental
= e.g. 37°C Body Temperature  may vary between individuals and plasticity  development under different conditions results in
changes throughout the day alternative phenotypes in the adult organism that can’t be reversed
 Negative Feedback Loop by subsequent changes in the environment
- response send a signal back to the stimulus, reducing the intensity - e.g. Water Fleas (Daphnia pulex)
of the stimulus = Presence of Predators: develop large armored, helmet shaped
- e.g. Early Digestion heads & an elongated spiny tail
eat  stomach swelling  change in stomach volume and early = Absence of Predators: develop small heads & a shorter and less
digestion trigger NFL  sends signals to brain  reduce appetite spiky tail
 Positive Feedback Loop  retain these morphologies even if the predator extracts are
- unlike NFL which minimizes changes in the regulated variable, subseqently removed from or added to the water
PFL maximizes changes  Epigenetic Inheritance
- e.g. Vomiting - some acquire traits can even be passed on to subsequent
= When toxin is detected in Stomach, a PFL is triggered to generations through this mechanism
induce forceful contractions that propel the food back up the - e.g. Killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus)
esophagus to induce vomiting = when offsprings of killifish (which live in highly polluted sites
 Phenotypic Plasticity: ability of an organism to alter its phenotype in & have high tolerance of pollutants such as PCBs) are reared in the
response to environmental conditions and its phenotypic changes lab, it also have high tolerance.
could be: = however, an F2 generation reared in lab, showed low tolerance
o REVERSIBLE  suggest that the parent killfish is the result of E.I. that can
 Acclimation - process of change in response to a controlled be inherited (F1) across one generation, but are then reset (F2)
environmental variable (usually in laboratory setting)

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