ICIS Fertilizers (S&D Outlooks) Jan 2019

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Sulphuric acid

S&D Outlooks - Fertilizers


Q4 2018 - Market Review



Ammonia exports from the Black Sea were severely A strong performance by the new Panca Amara Utama Several weeks of increased natural gas curtailments in Increase
disrupted by weeks of bad weather in the Dardanelles (PAU) in Indonesia saw exclusive offtake partner Trinidad mid-quarter eventually had little impact on the
and a new tug boat regime in the Bosphorus, with Mitsubishi sell several spot cargoes on a FOB and CFR ammonia market in the Americas, with soft demand
vessels suffering major delays to/from the Black Sea. basis. Mitsui and Trammo were among the traders to from the US agricultural sector offsetting most of that Constant
With uncertainty over loading schedules, Russian load their vessels at Luwuk, while Mitsubishi also lost capacity. In addition, several Venezuelan cargoes
producers reduced pipeline pumping rates, meaning shipped volume to Taiwan and China. A turnaround at from Pequiven were sold on a FOB and CFR basis to the
Ameropa was reluctant to commit to spot sales. the Kaltim V plant in Indonesia from late November/ear- likes of Koch, meaning the deeper feedstock cuts failed
Trammo and Fertiberia agreed a freight partnership that ly December reduced that producer’s export volume, to provide any support to prices in the short term.
will see the former use its fleet to deliver Algerian but the impact was negligible given global oversupply.
volume to Spain and Portugal.



Few spot deals were seen as the vast majority of buyers Spot buyers in Korea and Taiwan concluded very little Bad weather in many key crop growing areas impacted
in northwest Europe were covered by contract spot business for late 2018 arrival, although Chinese ammonia demand significantly and meant the fall refill
deliveries. Global bearish conditions also deterred spot buyers secured volume for discharge at Zhanjiang and application season was one of the worst on record. This
business, as buyers knew the longer they waited, the Caojing. India’s FACT was very active as it issued and was reflected in the Tampa contract price which jumped
better the price. Yara’s operations in Scandinavia awarded several purchase tenders to suppliers $25/tonne for October loadings, before rolling over into
received a pair of 25,000 tonne spot cargoes from BASF. including CIFC and Muntajat. At least one spot cargo November and then falling sharply for December and
The material came from Trinidad via Mitsui as was delivered to Japan amid talk of domestic January. Robust spot demand from Mexico saw traders
maintenance at one of the Norwegian group’s European production issues, and spot parcels were also conclude deals with PEMEX, including a rare delivery to
plants reduced output for several weeks. discharged for CJ in Indonesia and for Philphos in the Coatzacoalcos.

Q1 2019 - Market Outlook



Disruption to Yuzhny loadings saw some players swap With no shortage of spot volume either side of the Suez, Given the bearish conditions forecast by market
cargoes to cover their requirements for early 2019. Soft manufacturers are expected to launch plant participants for January and February, it would be no
demand in the US meant Caribbean volume helped turnarounds or cut capacity. Saudi giant SAFCO will surprise to see capacity cuts implemented or plant
offset some of the loss from the Black Sea. The Baltic perform several such shutdowns over the next few turnarounds launched. CF Industries will shortly export
contract price fell 10% for January loadings from months and Indonesia’s Kaltim V unit will not exit a its inaugural cargo from Portland, Oregon. Ammonia
December, while Yuzhny prices also slumped amid turnaround until mid-March. producers in the US and Trinidad have yet to outline
global overcapacity. their production plans and maintenance schedule for



Given the strong downward pressure on prices, spot Suppliers have been heard struggling to place cargoes In Mexico, PEMEX’s import requirements are expected
buyers appeared in no rush to secure cargoes for in early 2019. This was illustrated by the favourable price to surge as domestic production is instead consumed
January or February arrival. Little business was seen in of $330/tonne CFR secured by TFC Taiwan and BASF by restarted urea units. The $40/tonne slide in the
the Black Sea, Baltic, or Algeria, with contract cargoes China for Indonesian volume from Mitsubishi for Tampa contract price for January loadings was far
continuing to flow into Antwerp, and Yara moving January discharge. steeper than expected, and while the market is bearish
material between sites in northwest Europe and both regionally and globally, a repeat for February’s
Scandinavia. contract settlement is currently considered unlikely.

Q4 2018 - Market Review



European phosphates supply in the fourth quarter was Supply for phosphates in Asia in the fourth quarter has Domestic supply levels were fairly constant for the
stable, as producers targeted the continent on its high been steady, as Chinese plants mainly retained their typically slower winter season seen across most of the
demand season. Producers from North Africa and the operating rates. However, those rates are reduced as the crop regions. Although supply was at hand, this was
Middle East mainly continued to supply the region, as Chinese government continues to crack down on met with very little buying interest because the supply
they can get better netbacks than other regions where environmental pollution in the country. Also, cargoes pull at the farm gate was seasonally lower. There was
demand had died down. Also, freight was favourable for from the US, Saudi Arabia and Morocco kept the supply also less pressure for importers who did not squeeze
producers from Africa but also from Russia. The latter scenario stable, as producers targeted this region. The the market with extra volumes given that farming
continued to ship cargoes to domestic and regional lack of major demand from Brazil has focused the activities were mostly sidelined.
markets where demand for phosphates has not slowed producers’ attention to Asia for this quarter.



Phosphates demand in Europe in Q4 was stable, as Demand for phosphates in Asia was increased in the last Overall demand was decreased during Q4 but this is
buyers were looking for cargoes following the summer quarter of 2018, as main demand region India kept typical in the US following harvest and with onset of
lull. Cargoes from Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and Russia buying DAP. Phosphoric acid contract prices in India winter. There was also a reduced window in many of the
were sold as buyers did not want to finish the year with kept increasing since Q1 2018 which meant that the key states as harvest was delayed with unfavourable
excess product. Moreover, adverse weather towards the appetite for imported DAP was stronger during the year. weather conditions persisting in many regions. This left
end of the year made shipments to Europe more Also, there was demand for NPK in India and Ethiopia phosphate applications diminished and deferred until
difficult. that were mainly covered by Russian and Moroccan the spring. Whatever movement was seen was generally
producers. There was also stable phosphates demand in driven by the restocking of retail inventory during the
Pakistan and Australia in the fourth quarter. quarter but new buying was mostly vacant.

Q1 2019 - Market Outlook



Phosphates supply in Europe is expected to be constant The first quarter of the year started on a slow mood, as With spring unfolding during the Q1 period it is
for the first quarter, as producers are focusing on the Chinese producers are out of the phosphate market and anticipated that levels will rise steadily to meet the
region. Buyers continue to make purchases for spring focusing on their domestic season. They are expected to forthcoming buying needs as warehouse inventory will
and the next season, as buying had been slow in 2018. stay away from the market at least after Lunar New Year meet some of the early demand but is not stockpiled
Russian and Moroccan producers will be focusing on in early February. This coincides with low demand in enough to cover the full season. Supply upticks will Increase
Europe this quarter where netbacks and demand are southeast Asia and since the only active region is in likely be pushed by both domestic output and by
better than other regions. Australia, Chinese cargoes are continuously being importers looking to hit the Nola market in time to
shipped there. meet the spring season needs. Constant




Phosphates demand in Europe is expected to be strong Asian demand is slowing down for the beginning of With the start of spring demand levels will rise quickly
in the first quarter, as buyers return to the market. They 2019, with Australia mainly driving the market. India with early buying and applications anticipated to be
will need to make enough purchases for the next and Pakistan have bought enough DAP in 2018 to cover more pronounced due to the shortened post-harvest
season, as demand for spring application has been their needs and further purchases are expected to be period, which saw inputs either cut short or deferred
fulfilled already. Demand is expected to increase, as minimal in the first quarter. However, it will all depend especially for phosphates. There will also be the start of
phosphates buying in 2018 was minimal. on the settlement of the phosphoric acid contracts for spring in many states which will further enhance
Q1 and whether it will be cheaper to import DAP or demand levels.
produce it domestically using phosphoric acid.

Q4 2018 - Market Review



European potash supply tightened in Q4 2018, notably In southeast Asia, weaker palm oil export prices gave In the US during Q4 period the domestic supply levels
on outages at Germany’s K+S and Belarus Potash importers a moment's pause in Q4 2018, leading to a were fairly constant for the typically slower winter
Company. Russia’s Uralkali repeatedly denied reduction in supply and availability. Buyers instead season seen across most of the crop regions. Part of the
production constraints. Expected new capacity also forecasted demand requirements for Q1 2019, and evenness to the inventory situation is due in part to Increase
failed to materialise – notably from EuroChem’s two approached producers in an attempt to secure cargoes widespread fill buying within the market. There were
massive Russian mines. K+S, which suffered numerous early. Many were turned away, as producers were also no production disruptions that had great impact
outages at three plants on the river Werra, owing to low unwilling to commit that far ahead. Legacy producers and importers were fairly reserved, owing to the lack of Constant
water levels, suffered a €10m hit to its fourth-quarter found themselves under threat from cheaper-priced interest from farmers at this point in the crop calendar.
earnings as a result of the stoppages. imports out of Laos, although some buyers rules
Laos-origin material as lower quality, and would not
consider purchasing, even for blending purposes.




Potash demand slowed in the fourth quarter, with the The southeast Asian potash market slowed in Q4,. Palm Overall demand decreased as new buying interest for
approach of winter, and festive holidays. What early oil exports remain a concern for plantation owners. potash was reduced during the quarter as farmers did
demand for spring granular volumes was heard centred Deforestation and environmental destruction at the not engage in additional purchases as market
on an increase of up to €15/tonne, although buyers hands of palm oil producers are increasingly a concern conditions remained unfavourable with crop prices still
appeared in no rush to settle prior to new year. amongst the European public. challenged by tariffs. Also with the early onset of winter,
coupled with a delayed harvest, applications rates were
left lower than usual. There was some favourable
movement for re-stocking retail inventory during the
quarter, which will help when spring demand appears.

Q1 2019 - Market Outlook



As Europe moves into the spring planting and Availability in Asia has been tight throughout Q4, and Q1 will see the start of US spring activities and as such
application season, supply to the region should increase this situation will likely continue into Q1. Several large US volumes will steadily rise to meet those needs, which
– although suggestions of production constraints at tenders are out to offer, although a lack of ready volume could also be on the increase if the amount of spring
Uralkali in Russia remain a concern, and other legacy and high fuel costs are likely to continue to prevent easy deferments was as large as forecasted. This will lead to
majors have admitted availability could be tighter than trade, and to drag out negotiations. Spot tonnes will an uptick in movement as volumes are bought and
usual, because of potentially higher netbacks to other likely remain limited, although legacy producers placed through the quarter. While imports will target
regions of the globe. Although global potash capacity is continue to find themselves under threat from the spring season, it is unclear whether New Orleans
statistically still in oversupply, buyers are unlikely to feel cheaper-priced imports out of Laos. becomes a favourable destination for even more
any such relief amid production control, and a slow vessels.
ramp-up period.



European muriate of potash (MOP) demand will steadily Tender activity was slowly building towards the end of During Q1 farmers will decide on which crops they are
increase throughout the first quarter, as buyers look to Q4 2018, and more business is expected throughout the planting, and with that comes early buying and
refill depleted stocks, in preparation to distribute to first quarter - notably from large plantations, and applications over the quarter. It is expected that crop
fertilizer-hungry end-users preparing their fields for the conglomerates of buyers looking for good-quality MOP prices will stay challenged through early 2019 and that
planting season. Downstream sulphate of potash at an agreeable price. Palm oil exports remain a concern due to its value and nutrient ratio, potash will be a
production will also be a key consumer of European for plantation-owners - notably to Europe, where preferred choice for more acreage. The rise could be
MOP, and has shown little sign of weakness. legislature is taking aim at the product, and public especially strong in areas that had recent application
opinion is souring. The extent to which the anti-palm oil efforts deferred to spring.
movement will lead to reduced MOP imports to
southeast Asia is as-yet unclear.

Q4 2018 - Market Review



Europe supply tightened in the fourth quarter on the Middle East availability remained restricted throughout Supply was steady in Canada during Q4 due to
back of logistic disruption indirectly resulting from low the year because Saudi Arabia increasingly used conflicting forces that balanced each other out. On the
Rhine river levels. This caused an overloading of the material domestically and ADNOC agreed to a new one hand, Shell Canada had a major outage during the
train system, resulting in difficulty finding train slots and supply agreement with OCP. In Q4, availability from quarter, which reduced production in Alberta. On the Increase
drivers. The low water levels also affected barges, Eastern Europe became increasingly restricted as winter other, demand for product softened as China kept out
because although most sulphur shipments do not travel weather froze Russian waterways and prevented of the market, so less tonnes were exported from
down the Rhine, the number of vessels going down the material from travelling through the Black Sea. Refinery Vancouver. In the US, there was no major impact on Constant
Rhine with low volumes meant occupancy rates were outages resulted in a greater pull on material from the supply during the quarter.
high and barges are in short supply. Sulphur supply was Mediterranean, further restricting global supply during
already tight in Europe because of refinery outages and the quarter. This was, however, counterbalanced by
problems at the Grossenkneten gas field. With winter weak demand.
water restrictions now in effect in Russia, there were few
areas locally that were able to find relief.



Unlike other global regions where the bulk of buying Chinese buyers were largely absent from the market Chinese demand for Canadian tonnes fell significantly
interest comes from fertilizers, the major demand driver during the quarter, putting great downward pressure during the quarter. Other countries continued to
for sulphur in Europe is the petrochemical chain, and on global spot prices. China continues to act as the import, but because China was the largest consumer of
predominantly caprolactam (capro). Demand from the control valve for international spot values. Chinese tonnes out of Canada, overall demand in the region fell.
capro market remains broadly stable and contracts and demand was weak because of currency fluctation and Brazil steadily continued to import tonnes from the Gulf,
supply factors tend to dominate contract discussions. the end of the key Indian phosphates season. China had and OCP returned to the market for US sulphur after a
Nevertheless, with China demand volatile and driving been expected to return to the market at some point long stint on the sidelines.
sharp spikes and troughs in international prices during during the quarter in preparation for the domestic
2018, China consumption has become an increasingly phosphates season and stockpiling ahead of the Lunar
important talking point in contract discussions. China New Year, but the majority of buyers chose to work
demand slumped during the fourth quarter. down inventories and consumption remained muted.

Q1 2019 - Market Outlook



With Rhine water levels recovering significantly, the Although spot sulphur supply is structurally tight, China Sulphur supply will likely remain somewhat tight in the
resultant supply disruption seen during the fourth is expected to remain the control valve for the market in US throughout Q1, party because the sulphuric acid
quarter has dissipated. Coupled with this, the 2019, with the relative strength of Chinese demand market consumes as much as possible through sulphur
Grossenkneten gas field has recovered from its dictating global prices. burning facilities. In Canada, Suncor/Syncrude saw high
production problems and plants in the region are once Global spot sulphur supply is tight as a result of a shift production rates during Q4 that may continue into the
again operational. Nevertheless, Black Sea water to a sweeter crude mix, lower volumes out of Saudi beginning of 2019.
restrictions are expected to remain in force until the end Arabia due to increased domestic consumption and
of the quarter (inline with traditional seasonal patterns) because ADNOC contracted a larger portion of its
and there remain a number of refinery outages that sulphur supply to OCP. The first quarter typically sees
continue to restrict supply. limited tonnes through the Black Sea because of poor
weather condition on Russian waterways and a heavy
turnaround schedule at European refineries.
The approach of IMO 2020 regulations and how
shippers will comply with regulations has made supply
levels for the year difficult to forecast. If shippers choose
to use scrubbers – which extract sulphur from fuel – to
comply, this will result in a significant increase global
supply. If, however, shippers choose to switch to
blended fuels to comply, this will encourage a greater
and more permanent shift to a sweeter crude mix,
which will result in sharply lower sulphur production.


European demand is likely to remain stable, as is typical ICIS analysis reveals that China arrivals typically fall Demand in the US and Canada is expected to increase
in the market. Nevertheless, attention will remain on sharply in January before bottoming out in February. during Q1. China is likely to return to the market for
China, which continues to be the bellweather for global The first quarter is the weakest of the year, and imports Canadian tonnes after being on the sidelines and
market direction. China demand in across January historically remain weak throughout the first half of the consuming domestic inventories for several months.
remains difficult to predict as many players still have year. Chinese demand is not expected to follow a typical Brazil will be more active in the market now that the
open positions ahead of the Lunar New Year as buyers trading pattern in January. The majority of Chinese end-of-year holidays have passed. With global prices
have largely been absent from the market since buyers have not been active since the Golden Week softening, sulphur burners will have a strong incentive
October. February is likely to see demand tail off holiday last October as they have been unsure about to purchase sulphur for sulphuric acid production
because of the Lunar New Year holiday period. developments in the downstream phosphates market. because that market continues to see high prices.
As a result, most have yet to cover themselves for the
Lunar New Year holiday period in February. Sources
estimate that orders must be completed by mid-Janu- Increase

ary for volumes to arrive on time, and buyers are

expected to return to the market imminently as a result.



Q4 2018 - Market Review



European sulphuric acid spot supply remained tight The Asia sulphuric acid spot market remains tight. The US sulphuric acid supply remained tight, with no major
throughout the fourth quarter of 2018. The majority of main reason behind low availability in 2018 was the outages heard. Two rounds of cargoes were heard
European sulphuric acid sellers remained sold out of unexpected closure of Vedanta-owned Sterlite Copper’s purchased into the US Gulf, one at the beginning of the
export material, and supply is expected to remain tight smelter in Tuticorin, India, in May 2018. The smelter – quarter and one toward the end. The influx of tonnes
until at least the second half of 2019. European which is India’s largest and has the capability to produce raised the price range each time.
producers heavily committed to contract markets 1.2m tonnes/year of sulphuric acid – was forced to close
during 2018, where margins were higher at the start of by the government for pollution breaches.
the year. Nevertheless, by the end of 2018, spot values
had risen significantly above contract values.



Demand for Europe export material rose sharply in the New sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions restrictions, which Demand remained stable, though a slight softening was
fourth quarter, driven by rising buying interest from came into force in Chile on 13 December curtailed heard toward the very end of the year ahead of the
South America. Buyers in Chile bought heavily during production at a number of domestic producers – holidays. Demand for sulphur-burned tonnes is strong
the fourth quarter, bucking traditional demand including Codelco and Anglo American. Chile is one of due to a global tightness that has made importing
patterns. This was ahead of new sulphur dioxide (SO2) the largest importers of sulphuric acid and expectations tonnes difficult due to sourcing and cost.
emissions legislation, which came in to force in of lower domestic production saw a jump in demand
December. A number of companies have reduced for overseas cargoes during Q4. This led to a spike in
production as a result of the legislation, increasing Chile import prices, with values increasing as much as
import demand. Brazil also returned to the market in 25% week on week at the end of October, when the
the fourth quarter, intensifying buying interest. extent of the compliance problem became clear.

Q1 2019 - Market Outlook



European spot supply is expected to remain tight “With a large amount of carry-over volumes once again Supply for the first half of 2019 is expected to be
throughout the first half of 2019, in line with global in Japan, and with heavy quantities of South Korean constrained in the US due to two separate Kennecott
supply patterns and ongoing strong demand. Global and Chinese material already tendered for 2019 free maintenances that are planned. In Canada, Teck’s
availability will in part depend on how quickly Chilean spot volumes are expected to remain scarce next year. replacement acid plant at its Trail operations is more
producers are able to adapt plants to comply with new Coupled with this, 2019 will mark a heavy-maintenance than 82% complete and should be commissioned
emissions legislation, and when Sterlite’s Tuticorin schedule in Japan/South Korea, in line with the typical during the second quarter of 2019. So while supply will
smelter in India comes back on stream. two-year cycle. likely be tight during Q1, additional tonnes may balance
things going forward.
On Saturday 15 December, the National Green Tribunal
(NGT) found in favour of Sterlite’s appeal against the Constant

closure. The NGT declared that decision “”unjustified””

and “”non-sustainable””.
Fresh tonnage from Tuticorin would help relieve supply
pressure in the market, although this is not expected to
become apparent until the second half of 2019. The Mixed
impact is expected to be significant enough across the
year that India buyers delayed contract discussions
while they were awaiting the outcome of the appeal.”


Chile is one of the largest importers of sulphuric acid “Global demand, meanwhile, remains strong – With no new major plants expected to come on line for
and the expectation of lower domestic production led predominantly driven by Chile. Buying interest is additional consumption during the quarter, demand
to a flurry of demand for overseas cargoes from Chilean expected to remain above spot availability throughout should remain mostly steady. Global fundamentals of
buyers during the fourth quarter of 2018, amid already 2019 because of the number of contract commitments tight supply and higher pricing has kept much of the US
tight global availability. Domestic availability is agreed in the market. market scrambling just to fill its current needs.
expected to remain low throughout the first quarter.
How long tight domestic supply continues beyond that Sulphuric acid export values were in negative territory –
is likely to depend on how quickly plants become signalling producers were offering money for the
compliant with the restrictions. removal of product rather than pay storage cost – as
recently as 2016, due to it being considered by many
manufacturers as a waste product. With sulphuric acid
export prices in Japan and South Korea at their highest Increase

level on record, Europe and China spot export prices at

their highest level since December 2011, it is
unsurprising that many producers have been Constant
attempting to maximise contract volumes and lock-in
material values at their current high levels – leaving
lower tonnage available to spot markets in 2019. Decrease

Multiple sellers in Asia have committed spot volumes

tender, leaving little free tonnage available in 2019. Mixed
Buyers – particularly in Chile – have been purchasing
volume to be distributed throughout 2019 to avoid a
repeat of what occurred in 2018. “

Q4 2018 - Market Review



There were no problems with the supply of urea in the Chinese export availability came as a surprise for the In the US during the Q4 period the market saw
fourth quarter even though India came to the market market with producers keen to export to India and decreased supply primarily due to less imports into the
for a requirement in excess of 4.2m tonnes. Egyptian other markets given weak local prices. Chinese market as the current levels seen, especially for New
tonnes moved to India rather than typical homes such operating rates remained low but local demand was Orleans barges, were not attractive. This was due in part
as Turkey or northwest Europe, but this did not impact also thin., so more was available for export compared to to the market facing the winter period for agriculture,
on market dynamics. The fourth quarter is typically a previous quarters. Malaysia and Indonesia had and with less activity there was increased price pressure
slow time for demand in Europe, and this was more scheduled maintenance during the quarter while Indian which kept exports at bay, also some production shifted
pronounced because prices fell as the quarter domestic producer Nagarjuna was also down. lower domestically as the season typically sees reduced
progressed. activity overall.



Urea demand is typically at its lowest in the fourth Indian demand continues to be healthy and the only Demand has decreased quickly during the Q4 period as
quarter and this was more pronounced in 2018 because support for the market with over 2.5m tonnes is traditionally seen in the US during the winter season.
of falling prices. Turkey stepped back into the market for purchased by the country during the quarter. Southeast There was also a reduced window this year for farmers
tonnes, but buyers benefited from lower prices against Asian demand was met by contract commitments from in many of the key states as harvest ran later than
a backdrop of international weakness. As the quarter Malaysia, Arab Gulf and spot sales from Indonesia. With normal and was then followed by unfavourable weather
progressed, discussions centred on spring demand and the exception of India, where demand has been much conditions. This left many areas having to significantly
the reluctance of buyers to adopt a position before year better than expected, there was no major increase in reduce or defer applications that would usually be
end. demand anywhere else. applied post-harvest during the final part of the year
until the spring.

Q1 2019 - Market Outlook



There are no major concerns about the supply of urea in Chinese availability in the coming quarter is expected to As the market moves into the Q1 period it is anticipated
the first quarter, but there is speculation that there will increase as gas supply to urea plants is expected to that supply will increase as the market readies for the
be a spring surge as co-operatives and farmers will improve. Indian local production is also likely to be spring buying that will be forthcoming. As such
require volumes at the same time. If buyers wait until higher with a new 1.3m tonne/year starting up on 1 inventory will start to move as participants begin
the last minute, this could result in firmer European January while the Nagarjuna unit has also restarted acquiring and positioning further volumes. That supply
prices and logistical problems. production. In Indonesia, Kaltim is expected to continue comes from both domestic producers but also from
having some maintenance while Malaysia is due to run overseas, as importers are expected to be targeting
normally. their vessels into the Nola market to meet the spring
Demand season needs.


Demand is typically at its best during the first quarter Indian demand is expected to emerge in end January During Q1 farmer intentions will emerge and be
when Europe prepares for spring application. The while no major demand is likely further from coupled with selection of their nutrient inputs with Decrease

weather is a key factor as adverse conditions will Bangladesh and Pakistan during the quarter. Southeast early buying and applications anticipated to be more
prevent farmers from applying nutrients to the soil, Asian demand will continue to be met with contract pronounced due to the shortened post-harvest period,
particularly if there has been heavy snow. Because deliveries. which saw inputs either cut short or deferred. There will Mixed

prices dropped in the last few months of 2018, buyers also be the start of spring in many states which will
have been holding out in the hope that they will fall provide an immediate uptick . Due to its current
further. As a result, sellers are talking about the valuation urea usage could have an additional lift if crop
possibility of a ‘spring surge’ in demand, which could prices continue under pressure.
see logistical problems including storage at warehous-
es, offloading at ports and a lack of truck availability.

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