Learning Laws

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TEACHERS: Teachers & the Seven Laws of Teaching 1

Teachers & the Seven Laws of Teaching

1. Law #1: The law of PREPARATION.
a. The teacher must know the content of the lesson to be taught.
b. The teacher must prepare to communicate the content and message of the
c. Methodical lesson preparation:
1. Personal study of the lesson content.
2. Thorough planning of the teaching process.
3. Careful selection of teaching materials.
4. Adept selection of teaching methods.
5. Thorough development of teaching procedures
d. The teacher should utilize proper tools for his/her preparation. (Bibles,
dictionary, commentaries, Bible atlas, etc.) This is where the teacher’s
library can be helpful.
e. Five practical questions the teacher should ask himself/herself.
1. What do I want my pupils to know?
2. What do I want my pupils to feel?
3. What do I want my pupils to do?
4. What choices do I want my pupils to make?
5. What kind of character should my pupils manifest?
f. Prepare your materials.
1. Pictures
2. Objects
3. Flannel graph
4. Projected aids
5. Clippings
6. Etc.
g. Prepare your methods.
1. Lecture
2. Storytelling
3. Recitation
4. Discussion
5. Question & Answer
6. Etc.

2. Law #2: The Law of the PUPIL.

a. Formally stated, the law is: the pupil must attend with interest to the
material being taught.

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TEACHERS: Teachers & the Seven Laws of Teaching 2
b. Three types of attention:
1. The attention may be VOLUNTARY.
2. The attention may be COERCED.
3. The attention may be ABSORBING (oblivious to his surroundings)

3. Law #3: The Law of the LANGUAGE.

a. The language used in teaching must be common to both teacher and pupil.
b. The same meaning must be evident to both before good communication is
c. The vocabulary of the teacher just be adapted to that of the pupil.
Otherwise, the use of words foreign to the pupil’s understanding will
prohibit the pupil from receiving the message of the lesson.

4. Law #4: The Law of the LESSON.

a. Truth to be taught must be learned through truth already known.
b. Jesus utilized this approach.
1. Parables.
2. He compared spiritual water with physical water.
3. He compared doors with Himself as the way to Heaven.
c. Remember the KISS principle: Keep It Simple Stupid. I think that was
developed just for me.

5. Law #5: The Law of the TEACHING PROCESS.

a. The teacher must motivate and guide the student.
b. The teacher must help the student be a discoverer of truth. Although you
already know where it is hidden, lead the student to discover the golden
c. The teaching process demands student participation.

6. Law #6: The Law of the LEARNING PROCESS.

a. There are at least five steps in the learning process:
1. Memorization
2. Understanding
3. Expressing the thought
4. Giving evidence of beliefs
5. Application of knowledge in daily life
b. It is useful for the student to bear five questions in mind during the period
of study.
1. What does the lesson say? (Facts to be memorized)
2. What does the lesson mean? (Understanding)

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TEACHERS: Teachers & the Seven Laws of Teaching 3
3. How can I express the lesson in my own words? (Expressing thought)
4. Do I believe what I read? If so, Why? If not, why not? (Giving
evidence of beliefs)
5. How can I use this knowledge? (Application)

7. Law #7: The Law of REVIEW & APPLICATION.

a. This law is based on the demands of the mind for frequent reviews of the
lessons learned.
b. Frequent reviews are practical for both student and teacher.

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