Russian Alphabet

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Russian alphabet

The Russian language uses the Cyrillic letters which are similar to the Roman alphabet, but
are pronounced a bit different and sometimes the similar way of writing is even confusing.
You can see the Russian alphabet with transliteration below.
Capital Small Pronunciation Example
À à [a] a in ask
Á á [b] b in bike
 â [v] v in vote
à ã [g] g in get
Ä ä [d] d in deck
Å å [ye] ye in yes
¨ ¸ [yo] yo in yogurt
Æ æ [zh] s in measure
Ç ç [z] z in zed
È è [i] i in mister
É é [y] y in yes
Ê ê [k] k in key
Ë ë [l] l in land
Ì ì [m] m in make
Í í [n] n in no
Î î [o] o in clock
Ï ï [p] p in pack
Ð ð [r] r in rate
Ñ ñ [s] s in small
Ò ò [t] t in take
Ó ó [u] u in full
Ô ô [f] f in fact
Õ õ [kh] h in house
Ö ö [ts] ts in gifts
× ÷ [tsh] ch in chalk
Ø ø [sh] sh in shake
Ù ù [sh'] sh in sheep
Ú ú - not pronounced, means no palatalization for the previous consonant
Û û [i] i in still
Ü ü - not pronounced, means palatalization of the previous consonant
Ý ý [e] e in let
Þ þ [yu] u in user
ß ÿ [ya] ya in yahoo
The good part of Russian language is that the words are written in the way they are
pronounced and one character is always read in the same way. Meanwhile, in English
language the characters are pronounced in different way, depending on the syllables, etc.
So, once you learn the Russian letters, you can read any Russian text correctly yourself.

Basic Russian words with transliteration:

Äà - Da - means Yes
Íåò- Nyet- means No
Ïðèâåò - Privet - means Hello
Ïîêà - Poka - means Bye-bye
Õîðîøî - Khorosho - means Good, Ok
Ïëîõî - Plokho - means Bad
Èìÿ - Imya - Name
Ôàìèëèÿ - Familiya -Family name
Äåíü - Den - means Day
Çàâòðà - Zavtra - means Tomorrow
Â÷åðà - Vchera - means Yesterday
Äîì - Dom - means Home
Âîäà - Voda - means Water
Äåíüãè - Dengi - means Money
Êîôå - Kofe - Coffee
Òåïëî - Teplo - Warm
Õîëîäíî - Kholodno - Cold
Ñíåã - Sneg - Snow
Âõîä - Vhod - Entrance
Âûõîä - Vyhod- Exit
Also there are many international words that are pronounced in the same or similar way in
Russian language:
Ìåòðî - Metro
Òðàíñïîðò - Transport
Ñïîðò - Sport
Òåàòð - Teatr - means Theater
Ìóçåé - Muzey - means Museum
Îòåëü - Otel - means Hotel
Ðåñòîðàí - Restoran - Restaurant
Áàíê - Bank
Áàð - Bar
Ãîñïèòàëü - Gospital - Hospital
Ïðîñïåêò - Prospect - means Street
Ïàñïîðò - Pasport - means Passport
Àäðåñ - Adres- means Address
Ñòóäåíò - Student
Äîêòîð - Doctor
Èíæåíåð - Ingener- means Engineer
Ðàäèî - Radio
Òåëåâèçîð - Televisor - means Television
Òåëåôîí - Telephon - Telephone
Äîëëàð - Dolar - means Dollar
Ðóáëü - Rubl - Ruble
Áàãàæ - Bagazh - Baggage
Òóàëåò - Tualet - Toilet
Ñåðâèñ - Servis -Service

Russian personal pronouns:

ß - Ya - means I
Òû - Ty - means You, informal
Âû - Vy - means You, polite
Îí - On - means He
Îíà - Ona - means She
Îíè - Oni - means They
Ìû - My - means We

Common Russian phrases

Äîáðûé äåíü - Dobriy den - Good day!
Ðàä âñòðå÷è - Rad vstrechi- Glad to meet you!
ß ... - Ya ... - My name is ... (For example, "Ya James Bond")
Êàê äåëà? - Kak dela? - How are you?
Âñ¸ õîðîøî - Vsyo khorosho - Everything is fine
ß èç ÑØÀ - Ya iz Se-She-A - I am from the USA
Ñïàñèáî - Spasibo - means Thank you
Ïîæàëóéñòà - Pozhalusta - means Please
Èçâèíèòå - Izvinite - means Excuse me
Ïîìîãèòå ìíå - Pomogite mne - Help me
Äî çàâòðà - Do zavtra - See you tomorrow!
Äî âñòðå÷è - Do vstrechi - See you!
Ïîçâîíè ìíå - Pozvoni mne - Phone me
Ïîòîì - Potom- Later
ß íå ïîíèìàþ ïî-ðóññêè - Ya ne ponimayu po-russki - I don't understand Russian language
ß íå ïîíÿë - Ya ne ponyal - I did not understand
Ìíå íóæåí ïåðåâîä÷èê - Mne nuzhen perevodchik - I need an interpreter
ß õî÷ó...- Ya khochu... - I want ...
- ïèòü - pit - to drink
- åñòü- est - to eat
- ñïàòü - spat - to sleep
ß õî÷ó â îòåëü - Ya khochu v otel - I want to come back in the hotel
Russian question words:
Êàê - Kak - means How?
Êòî - Kto - means Who?
Êîãäà - Kogda -means When?
×òî - Shto - means What?
Ãäå - Gde - means Where? (e.g. Ãäå îòåëü? - Gde otel? - Where is the hotel?)
Ïî÷åìó - Pochemu -means Why?
Ñêîëüêî - Skolko - means How much?
Óæå - Uge - means Yet?

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