Techstars Startup Weekend - Judging Rubric1

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T ec hs tars S tartup W eekend Cirta    

T eam: ______________ Tota l: __________ / 12 pts.  
J udge: _____________   

4 - S urpas s ing  3 - Meeting  2 - Approac hing  1 - Minimal 

E xpec tations    E xpec tations    E xpec tations   E xpec tations  
“S tunning job, w ell  “Great job!”  “N ic e job!”   “Good s tart!” 
done!” Answered every  Hit on every c ategory  Hit on every c ategory  One c ategory needs 
question very thoroughly,  very thoroughly and  fairly well. A few  more work. S everal 
and provided evidenc e to  c learly. Answered all  unresolved questions  unresolved questions. 
support their c laims. Great  questions to the best of  in at least one of the  Great start and great 
Q&A. S urpassed my  their ability. Nicely  c ategories. Grea t  idea! N eeds some 
expec tations of what c an  done.”  sta rt.”  more time is all.” 
be done in 54 hours. 

V alidation   Notes for tea m:       

Did the tea m get out a nd ta lk to         
W ha t is the va lue proposition to   
How well does the tea m         
understa nd their customer a nd 
their customer’s needs? 
___4 pts.  ___3 pts.  ___2 pts.  ___1 pt. 

E xec ution & Des ign   Notes for tea m:       

Ha ve they esta blished a          
“Minima l Via ble Product” for the         
weekend? *Note: a n MVP is the         
minimum set of fea tures to be         
a ble to sta rt collecting da ta .          
Is the MVP designed well? 
Did the group ha ve a solution or 
working demo?         
___4 pts.  ___3 pts.  ___2 pts.  ___1 pt. 

B us ines s Model   Notes for tea m:       
Does the solution solve a core         
Is the wa y they’ll ma ke money   
via ble a nd unique?   
Ha ve they demonstra ted a go to         
ma rket stra tegy?       
___4 pts.  ___3 pts.  ___2 pts.  ___1 pt. 

Questions for Q&A time:  

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