3.PSOC - Economic Load Despatch

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Economic Dispatch Control

By: Prof. Ajay Balar

Assistant Professor
Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajkot
Load Frequency Control and Economic
Dispatch Control

• Load frequency control with integral controller

achieves zero steady state frequency error and a fast
dynamic response, but it exercises no control over the
relative loadings of various generating stations (i.e.
economic despatch) of the control area.
Load Frequency Control and Economic
Dispatch Control
• For example,
• If a sudden small increase in load (say, 1%) occurs in
the control area, the load frequency control, changes
the speed changer setting of the governors of all
generating units of the area so that, together these
units match the load and the frequency returns to the
scheduled value (this action takes place in a few
Load Frequency Control and Economic
Dispatch Control
• In the process of this change the loadings of various
generating units change in a manner independent of
economic loading considerations.
• Some units in the process may even get overloaded.
• Some control over loading of individual units can be
exercised by adjusting the gain factors (Ki) included in
the signal representing integral of the area control
error as fed to individual units. However, this is not
Load Frequency Control and Economic
Dispatch Control
• A satisfactory solution is achieved by using
independent controls for load frequency and
economic dispatch.

• While the load frequency controller is a fast acting

control (a few seconds) and regulates the system
around an operating point.
Load Frequency Control and Economic
Dispatch Control
• The economic despatch controller is a slow acting
control which adjusts the speed changer setting every
minute (or half a minute) in accordance with a
command signal generated by the central economic
despatch computer.

• Below Figure gives the schematic diagram of both

these control for two typical units of a control area.
Load Frequency Control and Economic
Dispatch Control
• The signal to change the speed changer setting is
constructed in accordance with economic despatch
error, [PG(desired) – PG(actual)], suitably modified by
the signal representing integral ACE at that instant of
• The signal PG(desired) is computed by the central
economic despatch computer (CEDC) and is
transmitted to the local economic despatch controller
(EDC) installed at each station.
Load Frequency Control and Economic
Dispatch Control
• The system thus operates with economic despatch
error only for very short periods of time before it is
Thank You

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