Certificate: Food Products" Is A Bonafide Piece of Work Conducted Under My Direct Supervision and

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This is to certify that the project report entitled “Consumer Attitude Towards Ready-To-Eat
Food Products” is a bonafide piece of work conducted under my direct supervision and
guidance. No part of this work has been submitted for any other degree of any other university.
The data sources have been duly acknowledged. It may be considered for evaluation in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Masters of Business Adminstration.

Mr. Lalit Arora
Assistant Professor


An MBA course requires equal attention towards practical as well as theoretical aspects of
business, various problems are to be dealt with in that course .That’s why research programs are
there to give deep as well as thorough knowledge of subjects and problems which are practical
whenever one entered in the profession.

Research programs are included in the curriculum of various management courses so as to

provide students with practicalknowledge and exposure to professional life.

Our project entitled ‘Consumer Perception Towards Ready-To-Eat Food Products’. A

sincere effort has been made to bring about clear facts and we hope that this report meets the
given expectations and various requirements of the research.


The accomplishment of this project was not being possible individually without the
encouragement, assistance and valuable support from various sources. Thus my whole hearted
thanks to “Almighty”. Knowledge and Co-operation are essential for success in any project field.

No creative work can be done in isolation. I got guidance, motivation at every step of our
progress. I would like to add a few heartfelt words for the people who were the part of this
project in numerous ways.

My heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Rajesh Bagga, Director, Apeejay Institute of Management

Technical Campus, Jalandhar who has given me the opportunity to emerge as professionals in
the field of management.

I owe a great debt of gratitude to Mr. Lalit Arora, Assistant Professor in Management, my
project guide for his support. He guided to bring the project to its completion.

In the end I would like to thank my Parents who helped me directly or indirectly in the
completion of this project and the Respondents who gave their time to fill the questionnaires to
complete the study.



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