100 TOP COMPUTER NETWORKS Multiple Choice Questions and Answers COMPUTER NETWORKS Questions and Answers PDF
100 TOP COMPUTER NETWORKS Multiple Choice Questions and Answers COMPUTER NETWORKS Questions and Answers PDF
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Questions and Answers :
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1. If a datagram router goes down then …………..
(A) all packets will suffer 100 TOP OPERATING SYSTEMS
Multiple Choice Questions and Ans
(B) only those packets which are queued in the router at that
time will suffer engineeringinterviewquestions.com
(C) only those packets which are not queued in the router at Metamako Layer 1 Switches
that time will suffer
(D) no packets will suffer Ad metamako.com
2. In datagram subnet new route is chosen ………………… engineeringinterviewquestions.com
(A) for every packet sent 100 TOP DATA STRUCTURES an
(B) for all the packet sent ALGORITHMS Multiple Choice...
(C) only for the first packet engineeringinterviewquestions.com
(D) for the packet which is not transmitted
SYSTEM Questions and Answers.
Answer: A
3. The PSTN is an example of a ………………… network. Choice Questions and Answers W
(A) packet switched (B) circuit switched
(C) message switched (D) None of these
Answer: B Multiple Choice Questions and Ans
4. Each packet is routed independently in ……………….
(A) virtual circuit subnet (B) short circuit subnet 100 TOP COMPUTER FUNDAME
Questions and Answers COMPUT
(C) datagram subnet (D) ATM subnet
Answer: C engineeringinterviewquestions.com
Choice Questions and Answers...
5. For a connection oriented service, we need a ……………
(A) virtual circuit subnet (B) short circuit subnet engineeringinterviewquestions.com
(C) datagram subnet (D) wireless subnet 200 TOP Computer Organization a
Answer: C Architecture Multiple Choice Quest
6. Which type of switching uses the entire capacity of a 2017 [UPDATED] GATE EXAM
dedicated link? SYLLABUS 2017 PDF free Downlo
(A) circuit switching engineeringinterviewquestions.com
(B) datagram packet switching
(C) virtual circuit packet switching
(D) message switching
Answer: D Engineering
7. In …………… circuit switching, delivery of data is delayed Questions
because data must be stored and retrieved from RAM.
Engineering Questions
(A) space division (B) time division 2,315 likes
(C) virtual (D) None of these
Answer: B
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8. In ……………., each packet of a message need not follow the
same path from sender to receiver. Be the first of your friends to like this
(A) circuit switching
(B) message switching
(C) virtual approach to packet switching
(D) datagram approach to packet switching
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Answer: D
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9. In ………………, each packet of a message follows the same
Engineering interv
path from sender to receiver.
(A) circuit switching Follow
10. A permanent virtual circuit involves ……………..
(A) Connection establishment (B) Data transfer
(C) Connection release (D) Connection check
Answer: B
1. The set of optimal routes from all sources to a given
destination from a tree rooted to the destination is known as
(A) Binary tree (B) Sparse tree
(C) Sink tree (D) AVL tree
Answer: C
2. Adaptive routing algorithms get their information from
(A) only from local environment
(B) only from adjacent routers
(C) from locally, adjacent, external routers
(D) only from external routers
Answer: C
3. If the route from I to J is computed in advance, off line, and
downloaded to the routers when the network is booted is
called as ……………….
(A) Dynamic routing (B) Session routing
(C) Temporary routing (D) Static routing
Answer: D
4. In Hierarchical routing for N router subnet, the optimal
number of levels is …………..
(A) logN (B) log(N 1)
(C) lnN (D) ln(N1)
Answer: C
5. The router algorithm takes the decision to changes the
route when ……………..
(A) router changes
(B) topology changes
(C) user changes
(D) transmission time does not change
Answer: B
6. If route from router I to router J is computed on line based
on the current statistics, then it is called as ………………..
(A) Dynamic routing (B) Session routing
(C) Temporary routing (D) None of these
Answer: A
7. If the subnet uses virtual circuits internally, routing
decisions are made only when a new virtual circuit is being
setup. This is called as……………..
(A) Session routing (B) Circuit routing
(C) Datagram routing (D) Forwarding
Answer: A
8. …………….. change their routing decisions to reflect changes
in the topology.
(A) Nonadaptive algorithms
(B) Adaptive algorithms
(C) Static algorithms
(D) Recursive algorithms
Answer: B
9. If router J is on the optimal path from router I to router K,
then the path from J to K along the same route is ………………
(A) does not exist (B) optimal
(C) maximum (D) constant
Answer: B
10. If router J is on the optimal path from router I to router K,
then the optimal path from J to K also falls along the same
route is known as ………………..
(A) Routing principle (B) Optimality principle
(C) Sink tree principle (D) Network principle
Answer: B
1. ……………. do not base their routing decisions on
measurements or estimates of the current traffic and
(A) Non adaptive algorithms
(B) Adaptive algorithms
(C) Static algorithms
(D) Recursive algorithms
Answer: A
2. The method of network routing where every possible path
between transmitting and receiving DTE is used is called
(A) Random Routing (B) Packet Flooding
(C) Directory Routing (D) Message Switching
Answer: B
3. In Hierarchical routing, the routers are divided into what is
called as ……………..
(A) zones (B) Cells
(C) Regions (D) None of these
Answer: C
4. The regions in Hierarchical routing are grouped in to
(A) Clusters (B) Zones
(C) Blocks (D) Cells
Answer: A
5. The Clusters in Hierarchical routing are grouped in to
(A) Clusters (B) Zones
(C) Blocks (D) Cells
Answer: B
6. If a router sends every incoming packet out only on those
lines that are going approximately in the right direction is
known as ……………..
(A) Random flooding (B) Static flooding
(C) Selective flooding (D) Early flooding
Answer: C
7. In shortest path routing algorithm, the path length is
measured based on ……………..
(A) time delay (B) number of hops
(C) size of the routers (D) routing table
Answer: B
8. Flooding always choose the ………………..
(A) Shortest path (B) First path
(C) Last path (D) Largest path
Answer: A
9. In military applications where large number of routers may
be blown to bits at any instant, we use ……………….
(A) Shortest path first (B) First come first serve
(C) Forwarding (D) Flooding
Answer: D
10. In distributed applications, it is sometimes necessary to
update all the databases concurrently, we use …………………..
(A) Shortest path first
(B) First come first serve
(C) Forwarding
(D) Flooding
Answer: D
1. In multicast routing with spanning tree method, a network
with n groups, each with an average of m members, for each
group we require ………………..
(A) n pruned spanning trees must be stored for a total of mn
(B) m pruned spanning trees must be stored for a total of m
(C) n pruned spanning trees must be stored for a total of n
(D) m pruned spanning trees must be stored for a total of mn
Answer: D
2. To do multicast routing, each router computes a
(A) Binary tree (B) AVL tree
(C) Spanning tree (D) None of these
Answer: C
3. A well defined groups that are numerically large in size but
small compared to the network as a whole are used in
(A) Unicast routing (B) Multicast routing
(C) Broadcast routing (D) Telecast routing
Answer: B
4. The processes that keep track of hosts whose home is in the
area, but who currently visiting another area is ……………..
(A) Home agent (B) Mobile agent
(C) Foreign agent (D) User agent
Answer: A
5. In ………………. to send a multicast message a host sends it
to the core, which then does the multicast along the spanning
(A) Core based Trees (B) AVL trees
(C) Binary trees (D) Sparse trees
Answer: A
6. Sending a packet to all destinations simultaneously is called
(A) Multicasting (B) Unicasting
(C) Telecasting (D) Broadcasting
Answer: D
7. A normal Flooding technique is an example of ………………
(A) Multicasting (B) Unicasting
(C) Telecasting (D) Broadcasting
Answer: D
8. In Broadcast routing, if the router does not know anything
all about spanning tree, ………………. method is preferred.
(A) Reverse Path forwarding (B) Multidestination
(C) Flooding (D) spanning tree
Answer: A
9. The method of Broadcast routing in which each packet
contains either a list of destinations or a bit map indicating
the desired destinations is ……………….
(A) Reverse Path forwarding (B) Spanning tree
(C) Multidestination (D) Flooding
Answer: C
10. Sending a message to a well defined group that are
numerically large in size but small compared to the network
as a whole is called ……………….
(A) Unicasting (B) Multicasting
(C) Broadcasting (D) None of these
Answer: B
COMPUTER NETWORKS Interview Questions and
Answers :
1. In link state routing, after the construction of link state
packets new routes are computed using …………………
(A) Bellman Ford algorithm (B) DES algorithm
(C) Dijkstra’s algorithm (D) Leaky bucket algorithm
Answer: C
2. CounttoInfinity problem occurs in …………………
(A) distance vector routing (B) short path first
(C) link state routing (D) hierarchical routing
Answer: A
3. In distance vector routing algorithm, each router maintains
a separate routing table with the following entries.
(A) preferred input line , estimated time
(B) preferred input line, estimated distance
(C) preferred output line, estimated time
(D) preferred output line, router
Answer: C
4. Link state packets are built in ………………..
(A) short path first (B) distance vector routing
(C) link state routing (D) hierarchical routing
Answer: B
5. In which routing method do all the routers have a common
(A) Distance Vector (B) Link Vector
(C) Shortest path (D) Link State
Answer: D
6. In distance vector routing algorithm, the routing tables are
updated …………………
(A) by exchanging information with the neighbours
(B) automatically
(C) using the backup database
(D) by the server
Answer: A
7. Distance vector routing algorithm is implemented in
Internet as ……………………
Answer: B
8. Which of the following routing algorithm takes into account
the current network load.
(A) broadcast (B) shortest path
(C) flooding (D) distance vector routing
Answer: D
9. In distance vector routing the delay metric is ……………….
(A) number of hops (B) geographical distance
(C) number of neighbours (D) queue length
Answer: D
10. In AODV routing algorithm for MANETs, the route is
discovered at time
(A) only when the network is established
(B) in middle of the transmission
(C) when there is a need for route by the host
(D) when there is no need for route by the host
Answer: C
1. Military vehicles on a battlefield with no existing
infrastructure will deploy …………… network.
(A) MANET (B) Cell Network
(C) LAN (D) WiFi
Answer: A
2. The network in which all the nodes are symmetric and there
is no central control or hierarchy is ……………..
(A) MANET (B) Client Server Technology
(C) PeertoPeer (D) None of these
Answer: C
3. What is the type of network in which the topology change
from time to time?
(A) WiFi (B) Cell Network
Answer: D
4. The processes that keep track of all mobile hosts visiting the
area is ……………..
(A) Home agent (B) Mobile agent
(C) Foreign agent (D) User agent
Answer: C
5. The hosts which are basically stationary hosts who move
from one fixed site to another from time to time but use the
network only when they are physically connected to it are
called …………….
(A) Migratory hosts (B) Stationary hosts
(C) Mobile hosts (D) Random hosts
Answer: A
6. The hosts who compute on the run and want to maintain
their connections as they move around ……………
(A) Migratory hosts (B) Stationary hosts
(C) Mobile hosts (D) Random hosts
Answer: C
7. What is the type of network in which the routers themselves
are mobile?
(A) Wide Area Network (B) Mobile Ad hoc Network
(C) Mobile Network (D) Local Area Network
Answer: B
8. What is the routing algorithm used in MANETs?
(A) Shortest Path First
(B) Routing Information Protocol
(C) Distance Vector Protocol
(D) Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector Protocol
Answer: D
9. Why probe packets are transmitted in the network?
(A) to know about the capacity of the channel
(B) to count the number of host in the network
(C) to know about efficiency of the routing algorithm
(D) to know about the congestion
Answer: D
10. If the source deduces the existence of congestion by
making local observations, such as the time needed for
acknowledgements to come back is called as ……………..
(A) Explicit feedback algorithm (B) Implicit feedback
(C) Explicit forward algorithm (D) Implicit forward algorithm
Answer: B
1. Packet discard policy is implemented in ……………..
(A) Physical layer (B) Data link layer
(C) MAC layer (D) Network layer
Answer: D
2. The solution to decrease the load on the network when
congestion occurs is ……………..
(A) splitting the traffic over multiple routes
(B) increasing the transmission power
(C) usage of spare routers
(D) denying service to the users
Answer: D
3. While booting the system the IP address is …………….
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Answer: D
4. In open loop congestion control techniques, the decisions
are based on the ……………
(A) without regard to the current state of the network
(B) with regard to the current state of the network
(C) with regard to the choice of the host
(D) without regard to the choice of the host
Answer: A
5. In closed loop congestion control techniques, the decisions
are based on the ……………..
(A) concept of a feedback loop
(B) concept of a forward loop
(C) concept of current state of network
(D) None of these
Answer: A
6. ..………..is used to validate the identity of the message
sender to the recipient
(A) Encryption (B) Decryption
(C) Digital certificate (D) None of these
Answer: C
7. When too many packets are present in the subnet, and
performance degrades then it leads to ………………..
(A) Ingestion (B) Congestion
(C) Digestion (D) Diffusion
Answer: B
8. What is it goal of congestion control?
(A) making sure that subnet is not able to carry the offered
(B) making sure that subnet will allow more than the offered
(C) making sure that subnet is able to carry the offered traffic
(D) making sure that subnet will not allow any traffic
Answer: C
9. The service of open loop congestion control technique is
(A) monitor the system to detect when and where congestion
(B) when to accept new traffic
(C) pass the information to places where action can be taken
(D) adjusting the system to correct the problem
Answer: B
10. In …………… case higher bandwidth can be achieved.
(A) connectionless networks (B) connection oriented
(C) virtual circuit networks (D) optical networks
Answer: A
1. Time out determination policy is used in …………………..
(A) network layer (B) data link layer
(C) transport layer (D) application layer
Answer: C
2. In transport layer, End to End delivery is the movement of
data from ……………….
(A) one station to the next station
(B) one network to the other network
(C) source to destination
(D) one router to another router
Answer: C
3. The service of closed loop congestion control technique is
(A) when to accept new traffic
(B) when to discard the packets
(C) monitor the system to detect when and where congestion
(D) which packets to discard
Answer: C
4. The solution to increase the capacity when congestion
occurs is …………………
(A) denying service to the users
(B) degrading the service to the users
(C) splitting traffic over multiple routes
(D) rescheduled the demands of the users
Answer: C
5. When routers are being inundated by packets that they
cannot handle, they just throw them away is known as
(A) Jitter control (B) Random early detection
(C) Choke packets (D) Load shedding
Answer: D
6. Upon receipt of a bad segment, UDP …………..
(A) It does flow control (B) It does error control
(C) Retransmission (D) It does not do flow and error control
Answer: D
7. When the source host receives the choke packet, then the
source ………………
(A) reduces the capacity of the line
(B) reduces the line utilization factor
(C) reduces the traffic generation
(D) rate reduces the threshold value
Answer: C
8. If the buffer fills and a packet segment is dropped, then
dropping all the rest of the segments from that packet, since
they will be useless anyway is called ………………..
(A) Priority dropping (B) Tail dropping
(C) Age based dropping (D) None of these
Answer: B
9. Flow control policy is implemented in ………………….
(A) network layer (B) transport layer
(C) application layer (D) physical layer
Answer: B
10. For applications such as audio and video streaming, the
variation in the packet arrival times is called ……………..
(A) Random early detection (B) Jitter
(C) Delay difference (D) Load shedding
Answer: B
1. Which of the following is required to communicate between
two computers?
(A) communications software
(B) protocol
(C) communication hardware
(D) all of above including access to transmission medium
Answer: D
2. Terminals are required for ……………..
(A) realtime, batch processing & timesharing
(B) real time, timesharing & distributed message processing
(C) real time, distributed processing & manager inquiry
(D) realtime, time sharing & message switching
Answer: D
3. The first collision free protocol is ……………….
(A) Binary countdown (B) Basic bitmap
(C) Reservation protocol (D) SAP
Answer: B
4. Sending of a IP packet from host 1 to host 2 where both are
of same LAN but the packet is transferred through different
intermediate LANs is called ………………
(A) Tunnelling (B) Routing
(C) Diverting (D) Forwarding
Answer: A
5. LANs can be connected by a device called ……………..
(A) Routers (B) Modems
(C) Ethernet card (D) Bridges
Answer: D
6. In ……………….. all frames are given to the computer, not to
those addressed.
(A) Promiscuous mode (B) Miscues mode
(C) Normal mode (D) Special Mode
Answer: A
7. ……………… Algorithm is used in transparent bridges.
(A) Forward Learning (B) Backward Learning
(C) Reverse Backward Learning (D) Reverse Forward
Answer: B
8. In ………………… each packet of a message need not follow
the same path From sender to receiver.
(A) Circuit switching
(B) message switching
(C) a virtual approach to packet switching
(D) The datagram approach to packet switching
Answer: D
89. FDDI is an acronym for ……………
(A) Fast data delivery interface (B) Fiber distributed data
(C) Fiber distributed digital interface (D) fast distributed data
Answer: B
90. ……………….. bridge operates in promiscuous mode.
(A) Transparent bridge (B) Selective flooding
(C) Source Routing (D) Remote Bridges
Answer: A
91. The address field of a frame in HDLC protocol contains the
address of the ……………… station.
(A) primary (B) secondary
(C) tertiary (D) a station
Answer: B
92. In ………………. transmission, the channel capacity is
shared by both communicating devices at all times.
(A) Simplex (B) halfduplex
(C) fullduplex (D) automatic
Answer: C
93. The DNS name space is divided into non overlapping
(A) regions (B) blocks
(C) divisions (D) zones
Answer: D
94. Source routing bridges in the same LANs must have
…………… bridge Number.
(A) Same (B) Different
(C) Source (D) Destination
Answer: B
95. Repeater function in the …………………. layer.
(A) Physical (B) Data link
(C) Network (D) None of these
Answer: A
96. A repeater takes a weakened or corrupted signal and
…………… it.
(A) Amplifies (B) Regenerates
(C) Resample (D) Reroute
Answer: B
97. The PSTN is an example of …………….. network.
(A) packetswitched (B) circuitswitched
(C) messageswitched (D) TSI
Answer: B
98. In a time division switch, a ……………… governs the
destination of a packet stored in RAM.
(A) TDM bus (B) cross bar
(C) cross point (D) control unit
Answer: D
99. How many cross points are needed in a single stage switch
with 40 inputs and 50 outputs.
(A) 40 (B) 50
(C) 90 (D) 2000
Answer: D
100. The …………….. of A TSI controls the order of delivering of
slot values that are stored in RAM.
(A) cross bar (B) cross point
(C) control unit (D) transceiver
Answer: D
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