Internship Report Trenchless Pipe Laying

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Internship Report

Mapua, University
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+63 927 4697 505
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Table of Contents

Chapter 1.Introduction .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1. Introduction ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.2. Project Background............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.3. Goals and Objectives .......................................................................... 4

Chapter 2. Review of Related Literature ................................................................... 4

2.1. Introduction ......................................................................................... 5
2.2. Tunnels ............................................................................................... 7
2.2.1. Definition of Tunnels ................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.2. History of Tunnels....................................................................... 6
2.3. Underground Tunnelling Technologies ............................................... 7
2.4. Open-Cut Method ............................................................................... 8
2.4.1. Advantages................................................................................. 8
2.4.2. Disadvantages ............................................................................ 9

Chapter 3. Pipe Jacking ............................................................................................ 9

3.1. Introduction to Pipe Jacking ................................................................ 9
3.2. Description of Pipe Jacking Method .................................................... 9

Chapter 4. Pipe Ramming....................................................................................... 11

4.1. Introduction to Pipe Ramming........................................................... 11
4.2. Description of Pipe Ramming Method............................................... 11

Chapter 5. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Field Evaluation ........................... 14

5.1. Horizontal Directional Drilling Introduction ........................................ 15
5.2. Description of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Method ............. 16

References ............................................................................................................. 17

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1.1 Introduction
Demand for water supply in congested areas under Maynilad Water Services Inc. has
increased the necessity for innovative and economical systems to go underneath and
alongside in-place facilities. Environmental concerns, social (indirect) costs, new and
more stringent safety regulations, difficult underground conditions (containing natural or
artificial obstructions, high water table, etc.) and new developments in equipment have
increased demand for trenchless technology. Trenchless technology methods include all
methods of installing or renewing underground utility systems with minimum disruption of
the surface or subsurface.

1.2 Project Background

Trenchless technology has become popular for underground utility construction road
crossings. In recent years, there has been remarkable progress in development of new
trenchless technology equipment and methods. These developments have produced
improvement in jacking force capacity and increased drive length, improvements in
steering and tracking systems, availability of new and different types of pipe and other
advancements. Preparation of design guidelines, construction specifications, process
inspection, materials testing, and the training of engineers, construction and permit
inspectors in contracts and bid documents, has not kept pace with new developments.
Most all governmental agencies, with a few notable exceptions, are not current with
capabilities and limitations of the new methods, materials, and equipment. To better
protect pavement integrity, experimental research on ground movement during and after
various trenchless constructions becomes vital. Such research may prove or deny the
hypothesis that trenchless technologies are the preferred minimum-damage methods for
utility installation. This can aid Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) in
making better-informed decisions regarding trenchless construction. Through
quantitative measurements and analysis, if ground movements are discovered,
comparing pre-construction ground conditions to these movements establishes a
baseline for quantification of possible movement and damages.

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According to Najafi (2010), he stressed that the most costly item in trenchless installation
method is pipe installation; usually being estimated on a linear foot basis while open-cut
method spend major cost on excavation, backfilling, pavement replacement, and
shielding or shoring; estimated on a cubic yard or square foot basis. Although trenchless
technology being considered as higher short-term direct costs and remain as barrier to
adopt, Hunt et al. (2012) stated that there would be lack of research to show where the
economic tipping point between the two methods occurs and how it might be influenced
by utility type, pipe number, pipe diameter, number of excavation and reinstatement
procedures avoided, location and the choice of method of installation used.

1.3 Goals and Objectives

The original goals for this research study included six primary goals. These goals were:
(1) Observation of construction operations at the City of Pasay pipe jacking
installation associated with contract number OP-17-SPM-04
(2) Soil Testing
(3) Surveying of the roads in order to match the plan to the actual site.
(4) Determination of underground utilities in between Entry and Exit Pits through
excavation which is call Test Pit.
(5) Construction of Entry and Exit Pits.
(6) Field testing and observation of three major trenchless construction methods
(namely, guided boring, pipe
ramming, and horizontal directional drilling) with evaluation of the following
a. Effects of drilling fluids used during boring,
b. Accuracy,
c. Identifying possible effects on embankments and road structures,
d. Identifying possible soil deformations and effects on adjacent
structures and utilities,
e. Suggesting possible improvements in safety and productivity,
f. Determining potential pitfalls for individual methods, and
g. Use of different types of pipe materials.

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1.1 Introduction
The chapter represents the past studies and literatures related to the area of this
research. Briefly, the contents from this chapter will guide the research for better
understanding on what information need to be achieved. This chapter will discuss on
option for installing the underground pipelines and utilities. Open-cut method one of the
common methods used in installing underground pipelines. This can be applied widely
but considerations need to be taken to avoid improvidence for the project cost such as
feasibility of the project under certain conditions. Trenchless technology may be an
option for road crossing or river crossing project which is more preferable method in not
only reduce the cost but also less impact on the surrounding environments. Trenchless
bring beneficial for tunnelling underground without caused major disturbance to the
surface. Throughout this chapter, brief explanations on the differences between these
types of installation method: open-cut method and trenchless technology will be

2.2 Tunnels
Tunnelling, especially tunnel excavation by tunnel boring machines (TBM) has increased
in the last three decades (Girmscheid and Schexnayder, 2002). Innovations on the
technology provide more efficiency in tunnelling. Tunnels are unlike other civil
engineering structures where building and bridge materials have defined and testable
properties whereas not in tunnelling which faces uncertainty with the ground and the
general inability to influence its properties. According to Kumar (2005), the development
of countries has affected the engineering design and innovation in engineering which
brought new technologies for tunnelling. Hence, those new technologies may be applied
either in urban areas without major disturbance. Canto-Perello and Curiel-Esparza
(2012b) stated the most comprehensive utility tunnel networks are located in city centre
where traffic congestion is critical, utilities are dense, and the total cost of utility cuts and
traffic interference is great.

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2.2.1 Definition of Tunnel

According to, tunnel means an artificial underground
passage, especially one built through a hill or under a building, road, or river. It also
can be described as an underground passageway, completely enclosed except for
openings for entrance and exit, commonly at each end.

2.2.2 History of Tunnels

Underground tunnels in early days are used especially in mining since beginning
of the industry (Kumar, 2005). Before mining, tunnels in ancient history were used
for water carriage in underground. According to Najafi (2010), the history of buried
pipes to delivered water started about 2500 B.C., when the Chinese used bamboo
as pipes (Najafi,2010). Najafi (2010) stated some Mediterranean countries; clay
pipes supplied water to villagers at a central well. While in cities such as ancient
Rome, tunnels were designed to carry water supply from aqueduct nearby (Kumar,

The technology of tunnelling advanced from ancient time days until now (Kumar,
2005). There has been considerable development in tunnelling construction
techniques in the last 200 years, especially since Marc Brunel‟s famous first use of
a tunnelling shield when constructing the first tunnel under the River Thames at
London in 1825 (David et al.,2010). Civil engineering as a profession was largely
created in the United Kingdom by the development of the canal system, which itself
was part of the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century (David et al., 2010).
Two significant tunnels of this era included the 2090m Harecastle Tunnel,
constructed using gunpowder as part of the Grand Trunk canal during the 1770s,
and the 5000m long tunnel at Standedge, constructed through millstone grit (David
et al., 2010). The first tunnel underneath a navigable waterway was a tunnel under
the River Thames in London, between Rotherine and Wapping (David et al., 2010).
This tunnel involved tunnelling shield known as „Brunel‟s shield‟, designed by Marc
Brunel. The key function of the shield was support the face and provides safety to
miners. The innovation of tunnelling construction technology brings the
development of rotary tunnelling machine in 1880s that being used at Channel
Tunnel, United Kingdom (David et al., 2010).

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2.3 Underground Tunnelling Technologies

Tunnelling can be constructed by using number of different techniques. Timer heading is
one of the oldest methods of tunnel construction without shield involving the use of
timbering to provide the temporary support for the ground during tunnelling (David et al.,
2010). This technique is very useful in soft ground (ground that has some stand-up time,
such as stiff clay) for constructing shorts sections of relatively small diameter access
tunnels as part of metro station upgrading projects, for example passenger access
tunnels between platforms and storage or plant room (David et al., 2010). Another
technique being used in tunnelling is tunnelling shield. In its simplest form a tunnelling
shield is a steel or concrete frame with a cutting edge on the forward face. David et al.
(2010) emphasized that there are two main types of tunnelling shields, one with partial
and one with full face excavation. Different face support techniques exist depending on
the stand-up time of the ground and water flow into tunnel. The support usually adopted
with shield tunnelling these days is circular segments. As the tunnel segments are
connected together inside the shield tail, the diameter of the completed tunnel segment
ring is smaller than that of the shield, presented in figure 2.1. So, it creates gaps and
injected with mortar to close it. Tunnelling shield moves by push itself forward using
hydraulic jacks with placing the jack around the circumference of the shield (David et al.,

Figure 2.1: Tunnelling Shield: Circular Tunnel Shield

with Segmental Linings (David et al., 2010)

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Tunnel boring machine (TBM) also one of the methods used for tunnelling. TBM exist in
many different diameters, ranging from micro-tunnelling boring machines with diameters
smaller than 1m to machines for large tunnels, whose diameter greater than 15m and
available for many geological conditions (Jung, 2007). One of the general requirements
for the use of TBM is a consistent geology along the route of the tunnel as the different
cutting tools are only suitable for a small variation in material characteristics while the
combination of different cutting tools on cutter head can increase the application of
machines to a greater range of ground conditions (David et al., 2010).

2.4 Open–Cut Method

Open cut trench excavation is the traditional and most popular method for underground
construction, repair or replacement. Open cut trench excavation consists of excavating a
trench for the manual installation of each piece of pipe. This method is usually the least
expensive method if the pipe is located under non-pavement areas such as a front or
back yard. The open cut trench method involves excavating down to and exposing the
existing pipe so that it can be repaired or replaced and then backfilled. If the open cut
trench excavation is located in a non‐pavement area the excavation can be backfilled
with soil and surface vegetation restored by seed or sod. When the open cut trench
excavation is located under pavement the existing pavement must be saw cut and
removed, the excavation filled with granular backfill (compacted stone or sand to prevent
settlement), and the pavement must be replaced and the end of the pipe repair or
replacement. If a small section of pipe is being replaced a Fernco type coupling is
used to provide a water‐tight connection to the existing pipe. A Fernco type coupling
consists of a rubber sleeve that the pipe fits inside of and is fastened to the pipes using
stainless steel bands that wrap around the outside of the sleeve.

2.4.1. Advantages
 Can be less expensive than trenchless methods in non‐pavement areas.
 Applicable for collapsed pipe, severely broken pipe, and heavy root blockages.
 Does not require roots or debris to be removed from the pipe.

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2.4.2. Disadvantages
 More excavation is required than compared to trenchless methods.
 May require remove of street and sidewalk pavement which increases expense
of the repair. Does not require roots or debris to be removed from the pipe.


Pipe Jacking

3.1 Introduction to Pipe Jacking

The term pipe jacking can be used to describe a specific installation technique as well as
a process applicable to other trenchless technology methods. When referred to as a
process, it implies a tunneling operation with the use of thrust boring and pushing pipes
with hydraulic jacking force. This concept of a jacking system is adopted by many
trenchless technologies, including auger boring and microtunneling. However, for the
purposes of this research report, pipe jacking is regarded as an installation technique.
Pipe jacking is a trenchless technology method for the installation of a prefabricated pipe
through the ground from a drive shaft or trench to a reception shaft or trench. The first
use of pipe jacking was at the end of the 19th century. In the 1950s and 1960s, new
capabilities were added to pipe jacking by European and Japanese companies, including
extended drive length, upgraded line and grade accuracy, enhanced joint mechanisms,
and improved excavation and face-stabilizing shields. These developments, improved
operator skills and experience, and better quality pipe materials have enabled pipe
jacking to be accepted as a popular trenchless technology.

3.2 Description of Pipe Jacking Method

In a pipe jacking operation, jacks located in the drive shaft propel the pipe. The jacking
force is transmitted through pipe-to-pipe interaction to the excavating face. When
excavation is accomplished, spoil is transported through the jacking pipe to the drive
shaft by manual or mechanical means. Both excavation and spoil removal processes
require workers to be inside the pipe during the jacking operation. Usually, the minimum
recommended diameter for pipe installed by pipe jacking is 42 inches.

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Figure 3.1 illustrates the typical components of a pipe-jacking operation. The cyclic
procedure uses thrust power of the hydraulic jacks to force the pipe forward through the
ground as the pipe jacking face is excavated. The spoil is transported through the inside
of the pipe to the drive shaft or trench, where it is removed and disposed of. After each
pipe segment has been installed, the rams of the jack are retracted so that another pipe
segment can be placed in position for the jacking cycle to begin again. Excavation is
accomplished by hand mining or mechanical excavation within a shield or by a auger
boring machine. Excavation method selection is based on an assessment of the
subsurface for instability. If there is any possibility of excavation face collapse, soil
stabilization techniques, such as dewatering or grouting, must be considered. Pipe
jacking is capable of a high degree of accuracy, as a laser is used to control line and
grade. Installations to an accuracy within an inch are common, with reasonable
anticipated tolerances of between + 3 inches for alignment and + 2 inches for grade.

Figure 3.1 Typical components of a pipe jacking

operation (Iseley and Gokhale, 1997)

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Pipe Ramming

4.1 Introduction to Pipe Ramming

Pipe ramming involves the use of the dynamic force and energy transmitted by a
percussion hammer attached to the end of a pipe. The basic procedure generally
comprises ramming a steel pipe through the soil by using an air compressor. Pipe
ramming permits the installation of large steel casings in a wide range of soil conditions.
It provides continuous casing support during the drive with no overexcavation, and it
does not require the jetting action of water or the use of drilling fluids. However, longer
drives may require the use of small amounts of drilling fluids for pipe lubrication as the
percussive thrust force of the hammer diminishes over distance. Pipe ramming is most
valuable for installing larger pipes over shorter distances and for installations at
shallower depths. It is suitable for all ground conditions except solid rock, and is often
safe where some other trenchless methods can lead to unacceptable surface settlement
(e.g., open face auger boring in loose or granular soils). Pipe ramming is typically used
for horizontal installations, but can also be applied to vertical projects, such as driving
pile and the installation of micro pilings.

4.2 Description of Pipe Ramming Method

Two major categories of pipe ramming are closed-face and open-faced pipe ramming.
With the closed-face ramming technique, a cone-shaped head is welded to the leading
end of the first segment of the pipe to be rammed. This head penetrates and
compresses the surrounding soil as the casing is rammed forward. The soil-pipe
installation interaction that results when this method is used is similar to the interaction
that takes place when soil compaction (also known as “impact moling”, or “missile
moling”) methods are used. This method is employed for pipes up to 8 inches in
diameter. A “rule of thumb” used by many contractors states that for each inch of outer
diameter of the pipe rammed with the closed–face ramming method, one foot of cover
over the pipe should be present to avoid upward soil heave. With the open-faced
ramming technique, the front of the leading end of the steel casing or conduit remains
open so that a borehole the same size as the outer diameter of the casing is cut. This
allows most of the in-line soil particles to remain in place, with only a small amount of

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soil compaction occurring during the ramming process. This technique is employed for
pipes larger than eight inches in diameter, and may be used for either carrier pipe or
casing pipe in a normal road crossing. To facilitate the pipe ramming process, the
leading edge of the first segment of pipe or casing is usually reinforced by welding a
steel band from 6 to 24 inches in width around the exterior of the lead end of the pipe.
This banding provides two distinct advantages: (1) it reinforces the leading edge of the
pipe, and (2) it decreases the amount of friction around the casing as the pipe is
advanced. This band may also be added on the inside of the pipe if desired, or if the
outer casing band is insufficient reinforcement in difficult soil conditions. This interior
and, like the outer casing band, also reduces the soil friction inside of the casing. After
the casing process is complete, the soil that has entered the casing during the ramming
process is removed by the addition of compressed air or water from either end of the
casing if small-diameter casing is used. For larger and oversized casings, augers similar
to those used in auger boring may be used to remove spoil from the casing. In the
largest casings, where man-entry is possible, the casing may be cleaned out by hand or
by the use of a skid-steer loader. An open-ended pipe ramming procedure normally
consists of eight steps:
1. A shaft or pit is constructed as a launch pit.
2. A steel leading-edge band for reinforcement is welded on the leading edge of
the first segment of casing.
3. Casing is placed in the drive shaft or pit, and is adjusted to achieve the desired
line and grade. Where line
and grade are not critical, the pipe can be supported by construction equipment
such as backhoes, cranes,
side-boom tractors, wood or block supports, or directly on the pit floor. In cases
where the achievement of
line and grade are critical, the pipe is supported by adjustable bearing stands,
launch cradles, platforms, Ibeams,
or pipe jacking/ auger boring machine tracks (The final item has the added
advantage of being able
to support augers during the cleanout process, possibly decreasing time spent on
the job.)
4. The pneumatic hammer or pipe ram device is attached to the casing, and is
connected to an air compressor

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or other pneumatic or hydraulic power source. This may be accomplished by the

use of special adapters for
particular sizes of pipe, known as “collets”. For larger pipes, specially designed
“ramming cones” are used
to enhance the energy force transfer between the pneumatic hammer and the
5. The drive is initiated and continued until installation is complete. If multiple
pipe segments are being used,
after each segment the pneumatic hammer is removed from the launch area so
that additional pipe segments
can be welded into place.
6. The casing is cleaned out as required.
7. Equipment is removed from the launch pit
8. The area is restored as required.

Typical diameters of pipe installed by pipe ramming range from 6 to 60 inches, though pipe
ramming has been used to install pipe as large as 147” in diameter. Drive lengths can be up
to 200 feet in length, though longer crossings have been completed.

Though this method is limited to steel pipe only, its versatility over a wide range of soil
conditions gives it favour among many contractors who also use it in horizontal directional
drilling (HDD) for drill pipe assists, for drill stem recovery, and for casing in gravelly
conditions (the „conductor barrel‟ method). A significant disadvantage to this method is that
steel casing will require welding, which increases overall job time spent. This disadvantage
has been addressed in the last 10 years by an interlocking steel pipe joining system
developed by Permalok Corporation of St.Louis, Missouri. This preinstalled precision joint
connection provides for rapid joining of steel pipe, many times eliminating the need for in-
field welding and associated down time, which increases productivity. This technology
becomes even more economical if the need for a certified welder on a job site is eliminated,
added to the increase in productivity.

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Figure 4. Pipe Ramming Illustration


Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Field Evaluation

5.1 Horizontal Directional Drilling Introduction

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) technology originated in the petroleum industry
during the 1970s and has evolved with additional technology that was developed in
water well installation and in the utility industry. Much of modern HDD technology
evolved from boring techniques employed in the 1960s for the underground installation
of cables and conduits in urban areas. Trenching or open-cut methods were commonly
used at that time to install a variety of utilities. Over time, the method has matured from
relatively simple utility borings to installation of large diameter pipes (50 inch diameter
and larger) for as far as 4000 to 5000 feet. These methods allow the installation of both
small and large diameter ducts, pipes, and conduits without the risk of environmental
damage often associated with trenching operations. HDD is defined as a steerable
system for the installation of pipes and conduits and cables using a surface-launched
drilling rig. It can be characterized as a two-stage process. First, a pilot bore is created
along a planned path using both thrust of the drilling rig for changing direction, and
rotation of the drill rods and bit to advance in that direction. In the second stage of the

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process after the pilot bore is completed, a back reamer is attached to the end of the drill
string, followed by the desired flexible or semi-flexible utility product pipe. The pipe is
installed along a bentonite mud slurry pathway that is created when the back reaming is
complete. Tracking of the pilot bore and back reaming process is enabled by a
radiosonde that is contained within a housing that is within the drill bit. Accuracies of
installation within one inch are possible using the HDD process.

5.2 Description of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) method

Directional drilling methods utilize steerable drilling systems to install both small and
large diameter lines. The pilot hole is drilled with a diameter of 1 inch to 5 inches along
the proposed design centerline. Then, the pilot hole is enlarged by backreaming to the
desired diameter, sometimes by successive passes of different-sized backreamers, to
install the desired utility product pipe. The product pipe is connected to the end of the
drilling rod and backreamer assembly by a swivel and pulled through the enlarged pilot
hole. The pilot hole is normally drilled by a surface launched rig with an inclined carriage,
that is typically adjusted at an angle of 8 to 18 degrees from the surface of the ground for
entrance and between 8 and 12 degrees at the exit. Rotating the drill bit, assisted by the
thrust force transferred from the drill string, performs soil cutting in the mechanical
drilling process. The mechanical drill bits may vary from a slim cutting head with a
slanted face for small and short bore applications to a diamond mounted roller cutter
used with mud motors for large and long crossings. For small systems utilizing mini-
HDD, directional steering control is accomplished mainly by the bias created by the
slanted cutter head face. For large systems used for maxi-HDD, a bent housing (a
slightly bent section between 0.5 and1.5 degrees of the drill rod) is used to deflect the
cutter head axis from the following drill string. In both small and large systems, pushing
the drill head without rotating can follow a curved path, and a straight path can be drilled
by applying simultaneous thrust and torque to the drill head. High-pressure jetting is
used in utility boring applications (a technique that is seldom used today). It is an
effective method for cutting through soft formations and lends itself to directionally
controlling the course of the borehole through the unique shape of the jet bit. The utility
boring method utilizes high pressure, low-volume drilling fluid, usually bentonite mud, to
jet through shallow, soft soil formations to ensure the surrounding formation will not
become saturated and unstable. HDD, on the other hand, uses mechanical cutting and
high-volume and high-pressure fluid through soft formations with a bentonite or polymer-

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based mud as the bit advances. High volume and velocity in HDD are necessary to carry
cuttings back to the surface through the bore annulus. It should be emphasized that
utility boring is mechanically-assisted fluid cutting of formations, while HDD is fluid-
assisted mechanical cutting of formations. This difference is important in preventing
settlement under structures and roads. Table 5.1 compares the main features of typical
HDD methods.

Figure 5.1 Comparison of the Main Features for Typical HDD methods (Najafi,

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American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000. Standard practice for Direct Design of Precast
Concrete Pipe for Jacking in Trenchless Construction. ASCE Standard 27-00.

American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000. Standard Practice for Direct Design of Precast
Concrete Box Sections for Jacking in Trenchless Construction. ASCE Standard 28-00.

American Society of Civil Engineers, 2004. Horizontal Auger Boring Projects. ASCE Manuals
and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 106.

Bennett, David; Ariaratnam, Samuel; and Como, Casey, 2001. HDD Consortium Horizontal
Good Practices Guidelines.

Iseley, Tom, and Gokhale, Sanjiv B., 1997. Trenchless Installation of Conduits Beneath
Roadways – a Synthesis of Highway Practice. National Research Council of
Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program
NCHRP Synthesis 242.

Iseley, Tom; Najafi, Mohammed; and Tanwani, Raj, 1999 Trenchless Construction Methods and
Soil Compatibility Manual, 3rd ed.

Najafi, Mohammad, 2004. Trenchless Technology – Pipeline and Utility Design, Construction,
and Renewal. McGraw-Hill.

Shahin, M.Y., and Crovetti, J.A., 1985. Final Report for the Street Excavation Impact
Assessment for the City of Burlington, Vermont. Prepared by ERES Consultants,
Champaign, IL, June 12, 1985.

Simicevic, Jadranka, and Sterling, Raymond L., 2001. Guidelines for Impact Moling. Trenchless
Technology Center of Louisiana Technological University Technical Report #2001-03,
prepared for the United States Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Research And
Development Center.

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