Antibiotics For Leptospirosis (Review) : Brett-Major DM, Coldren R
Antibiotics For Leptospirosis (Review) : Brett-Major DM, Coldren R
Antibiotics For Leptospirosis (Review) : Brett-Major DM, Coldren R
This is a reprint of a Cochrane review, prepared and maintained by The Cochrane Collaboration and published in The Cochrane Library
2012, Issue 2
Bethesda, MD, USA. 2 Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, Uniformed Services University, Bethesda, USA
Contact address: David M Brett-Major, U.S. Military Tropical Medicine, Navy Medicine Manpower, Personnel, Training and Ed-
ucation Command (NAVMED MPT&E), 8901 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD, 20889-5611, USA.
Citation: Brett-Major DM, Coldren R. Antibiotics for leptospirosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 2. Art. No.:
CD008264. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008264.pub2.
Copyright © 2012 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Leptospirosis has a wide-ranging clinical and public health impact. Leptospira are globally distributed. Case attack rates are as high as
1:4 to 2:5 persons in exposed populations. In some settings mortality has exceeded 10% of infected people. The benefit of antibiotic
therapy in the disease has been unclear.
We sought to characterise the risks and benefits associated with use of antibiotic therapy in the management of leptospirosis.
Search methods
We searched the The Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group Controlled Trials Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
(CENTRAL) in The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Science Citation Index Expanded regardless of study language.
This was augmented by a manual search. The last date of search was November, 2011.
Selection criteria
To be included in assessment of benefits, trials had to specifically assess the use of antibiotics in a randomised clinical trial. A broad
range of study types were incorporated to seek potential harms.
Data collection and analysis
Included trials were systematically abstracted, as were excluded studies for the purposes of assessing harms. Analyses were conducted in
accordance with The Cochrane Handbook and practices of The Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group.
Main results
Seven randomised trials were included. Four trials with 403 patients compared an antibiotic with placebo or no intervention. Three
trials compared at least one antibiotic regimen with another antibiotic regimen. The trials all had high risk of bias. The trials varied
in the severity of leptospirosis among trial patients. The ability to group data for meta-analysis was limited. While all four trials that
compared antibiotics with placebo reported mortality and used parenteral penicillin, there were no deaths in two of them. Since odds
ratio calculations cannot employ zero-event trials, only two trials contributed to this estimate. The number of deaths were 16/200
(8.0%) in the antibiotic arm versus 11/203 (5.4%) in the placebo arm giving a fixed-effect OR 1.56 (95% CI 0.70 to 3.46). The
Antibiotics for leptospirosis (Review) 1
Copyright © 2012 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
random-effects OR is 1.16 (95% CI 0.23 to 5.95). The heterogeneity among these four trials for the mortality outcome was moderate (I
2 = 50%). Only one trial (253 patients) reported days of hospitalisation. It compared parenteral penicillin to placebo without significant
effect of therapy (8.9 versus 8.8 days; mean difference (MD) 0.10 days, 95% CI -0.83 to 1.03). The difference in days of clinical
illness was reported in two of these trials (71 patients). While parenteral penicillin therapy conferred 4.7 to 5.6 days of clinical illness in
contrast to 7.7 to 11.6 days in the placebo arm, the size of the estimate of effect increased but statistical significance was lost under the
random-effect model (fixed-effect: MD -2.13 days, 95% CI -2.46 to -1.80; random-effects: MD -4.04, 95% CI -8.66 to 0.58). I2 for
this outcome was high (81%). When duration of fever alone was assessed between antibiotics and placebo in a single trial (79 patients),
no significant difference existed (6.9 versus 6.6 days; MD 0.30, 95% CI -1.26 to 1.86). Two trials with 332 patients in relatively
severe and possibly late leptospirosis, resulted in trends towards increased dialysis when penicillin was used rather than placebo, but
the estimate of effect was small and did not reach statistical significance (42/163 (25.8%) versus 31/169 (18.4%); OR 1.54, 95% CI
0.91 to 2.60). When one antibiotic was assessed against another antibiotic, there were no statistically significant results. For mortality
in particular, these comparisons included cephalosporin versus penicillin (2 trials, 6/176 (3.4%) versus 9/175 (5.2%); fixed-effect: OR
0.65, 95% CI 0.23 to 1.87, I2 = 16%), doxycycline versus penicillin (1 trial, 2/81 (2.5%) versus 4/89 (4.5); OR 0.54, 95% CI 0.10
to 3.02), cephalosporin versus doxycycline (1 trial, 1/88 (1.1%) versus 2/81 (2.5%); OR 0.45, 95% CI 0.04 to 5.10). There were no
adverse events of therapy which reached statistical significance.
Authors’ conclusions
Insufficient evidence is available to advocate for or against the use of antibiotics in the therapy for leptospirosis. Among survivors who
were hospitalised for leptospirosis, use of antibiotics for leptospirosis may have decreased the duration of clinical illness by two to four
days, though this result was not statistically significant. When electing to treat with an antibiotic, selection of penicillin, doxycycline, or
cephalosporin does not seem to impact mortality nor duration of fever. The benefit of antibiotic therapy in the treatment of leptospirosis
remains unclear, particularly for severe disease. Further clinical research is needed to include broader panels of therapy tested against
Leptospirosis is a common disease both in the developed and developing world. It is caused by a bacteria spread by the urine of animals.
People travelling, agricultural field workers, hunters, homeless, and others with close animal contact are groups that, in particular, can
get leptospirosis. Like many common infections, most people infected with this disease do not feel sick. When people do feel sick, in
some instances up to 1 out of every 10 people have died. Whether or not antibiotics should be used, and if used which antibiotic should
be used have been matters for debate for many years. This review identified and assessed seven clinical trials that tested antibiotics in
patients sick with leptospirosis. Four of these trials compared intravenous penicillin to a placebo. Three of the trials looked at differences
between different antibiotics. All trials had high risk of systematic errors (bias) and of random errors (play of chance). When looked at
together, these trials do not answer the basic questions about whether or not antibiotics should be used. Part of the reason for this is
that there is a wide range of severity among people ill with the disease. Additional randomised clinical trials are needed. Nonetheless,
these trials suggest that antibiotics administered to patients who are sick with leptospirosis may make patients feel better two days
earlier than they otherwise would have improved. However, it is also possible that when patients are severely ill, penicillin therapy
might increase the risk of death or dialysis in comparison to those who receive no antibiotics. Other antibiotics have not been tested
in this way. Despite the lack of evidence, if a clinician chooses to treat leptospirosis with an antibiotic, there does not seem to be any
difference between the appropriate use of intravenous penicillin, intravenous cephalosporin, doxycyline, or azithromycin. But, for this
they have not been tested to the same extent as intravenous penicillin.
sis) predominantly in the Americas, Carribean, and Asia (Pappas
Leptospira species have a wide geographic distribution in nature 2008). While World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines ad-
and are recognised as causing zoonotic clinical disease (leptospiro-
Antibiotics for leptospirosis (Review) 2
Copyright © 2012 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
mit that both morbidity and mortality in leptospirosis are variably troops and eco-tourists, potentially exposed to Leptospira infec-
determined, the guidelines strongly promote the use of targeted tion.
antibiotic therapy as soon as leptospirosis is considered a lead-
ing element of the differential diagnosis in an ill patient (WHO
2003). This is despite recognition that benefits of therapy histor-
Types of interventions
ically have been unclear (Bharti 2003). Point of care diagnosis for
leptospirosis is not in use. While clinical scoring exists, serologic Administration of antibiotic expressly given for the treatment of
assays, ideally with acute and convalescent sera and culture em- leptospirosis versus placebo, no intervention, or another antibiotic.
ploying specialised media, are required. We did not exclude studies based upon type of antibiotic, dose,
dose interval, route of administration, or timing of dose, though
Deaths occur in outbreaks most commonly from renal failure these factors were relevant for pooling. We allowed co-interven-
and pulmonary haemorrhage. Proportions of symptomatic disease tions when equally administered to all trial groups.
among exposed persons have ranged from 26% to 40% in small
studies among immune naive populations (Russell 2003; Sejvar
2003; Hadad 2006). Mortality among symptomatic patients also
may be high. After the 2005 flooding in Guyana, one group re- Types of outcome measures
ported six deaths among 40 clinical presentations to a referral cen- We evaluated selected trials for the following outcome measures:
tre (Liverpool 2008).
We sought to better define the role of antibiotic therapy in patients
with Ieptospirosis and update a previously published Cochrane Primary outcomes
systematic review (Guidugli 2000). That review pooled three tri-
• Overall mortality.
als and demonstrated no statistically significant benefit for either
• Leptospirosis mortality (confirmed by laboratory diagnosis).
mortality or number of days hospitalised when doxycycline and
• Hospitalisation (regardless of cause).
penicillin were compared with placebo.
• Leptospirosis hospitalisation (confirmed by laboratory
• Among those with hospitalisation for leptospirosis
OBJECTIVES confirmed by laboratory diagnosis, ventilator requirement.
To assess the beneficial and harmful effects of antibiotics for the • Among those with hospitalisation for leptospirosis
treatment of leptospirosis. confirmed by laboratory diagnosis, dialysis requirement.
Figure 2. Risk of bias graph: review authors’ judgements about each risk of bias item presented as
percentages across all included studies.
AUTHORS’ CONCLUSIONS We thank the authors of the previous Cochrane review on this
topic for their work assessing the available literature on antibiotic
therapy for leptospirosis - F Guidugli, AA Castro, and AN Atal-
Implications for practice lah. Support from the Cochrane Hepato-Bilary Group remains
Insufficient evidence is available to advocate for or against the use outstanding from both the Trials Search Co-ordinator, Ms. Sarah
of antibiotics in the therapy for leptospirosis. Among survivors Klingenberg, and Dimitrinka Nikolova, Managing Editor.
who were hospitalised for leptospirosis, use of antibiotics for lep-
tospirosis may have decreased the duration of clinical illness by
two to four days though this result was not statistically significant. Peer Reviewers: Vanja Giljaca, Croatia; Goran Poropat, Croatia.
Relatively severe and possibly late leptospirosis patients may have
Contact Editor: Christian Gluud, Denmark.
increased dialysis when penicillin is used rather than placebo, but
this result was driven by a single trial, the estimate of effect was Review
small and it did not reach statistical significance. If a clinician
Peer Reviewers: Vanja Giljaca, Croatia; Goran Poropat, Croatia.
chooses to utilize antibiotic therapy, there is no evidence to suggest
that selection of penicillin, doxycycline, or cephalosporin impacts Contact Editor: Ronald Koretz, United States; Christian Gluud,
mortality or duration of fever. Denmark.
References to studies included in this review American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 1988;39
Costa 2003 {published data only (unpublished sought but not used)}
Costa E, Lopes AA, Sacramento E, Costa YA, Matos ED, McClain 1984 {published data only}
Baretto M, et al.Penicillin at the late stage of leptospirosis: a
McClain BL, Ballou WR, Harrison SM, Steinweg DL.
randomized controlled trial. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Doxcycyline therapy for leptospirosis.. Annals of Internal
Tropical de Sao Paulo 2003;45(3):141–5. Medicine 1984;100(5):696–8.
Edwards 1988 {published data only} Panaphut 2003 {published data only (unpublished sought but not
Edwards CN, Nicholson GD, Hassell TA, Everard CO, used)}
Callender J. Penicillin therapy in icteric leptospirosis. ∗
Panaphut T, Domrongkitchaiporn S, Vibhagool A,
Antibiotics for leptospirosis (Review) 13
Copyright © 2012 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Thinkamrop B, Susaengrat W. Ceftriaxone compared with Egger 1997
sodium penicillin for treatment of severe leptospirosis. Egger M, Davey Smith G, Schneider M, Minder C. Bias
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2003;36:1507–13. in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical test. BMJ
(Clinical Research Ed.) 1997;315:629–34.
Phimda 2007 {published and unpublished data}
Phimda K, Hoontrakul S, Suttinont C, Chareonwat S, Gluud 2011
Losuwanaluk K, Chueasuwanchai S, et al. Doxycycline Gluud C, Nikolova D, Klingenberg SL, Whitfield K,
versus azithromycin for treatment of leptospirosis and scrub Alexakis N, Als-Nielsen B, et al.Cochrane Hepato-Biliary
typhus. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2007;51(9): Group. About The Cochrane Collaboration (Cochrane
3259–63. Review Groups (CRGs)). 2011, Issue 8. Art. No.: LIVER.
Hadad 2006
Suputtamongkol 2004 {published and unpublished data}
Hadad E, Pirogovsky A, Bartal C, Gilad J, Barnea A,
Suputtamongkol Y, Niwattayakul K, Suttinont C,
Yitzhaki S, et al.An outbreak of leptospirosis among Israeli
Losuwanaluk K, Limpaiboon R, Chierakul W, et al.An open,
troops near the Jordan River. The American Journal of
randomized, controlled trial of penicillin, doxycycline, and
Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2006;74(1):127–31.
cefotaxime for patients with severe leptospirosis. Clinical
Infectious Diseases 2004;39:1417–24. Higgins 2011
Higgins JPT, Green S (editors). Cochrane Handbook
Watt 1988 {published data only} for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 5.1.0
Watt G, Padre LP, Tuazon ML, Calubaquib C, Santiago [updated March 2011]. The Cochrane Collaboration,
E, Ranoa CP, et al.Placebo-controlled trial of intravenous 2011. Available from
penicillin for severe and late leptospirosis. Lancet 1988;1
(8583):433–5. Hollis 1999
Hollis S, Campbell F. What is meant by intention to treat
References to studies excluded from this review analysis? Survey of published randomised controlled trials.
BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.) 1999;319:670–4.
Doherty 1955 {published data only} ICH-E3 1995
Doherty RL. A clinical study of leptospirosis in North ICH harmonized tripartite guideline. Guideline on
Queensland. Australas Annals of Medicine 1955;4(1):53–63. structure and content of clinical study reports (E3).
Geneva: International Conference on Harmonization of
Fairburn 1956 {published data only}
Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals
Fairburn AC, Semple SJG. Chloramphenicol and penicillin
for Human Use.
in the treatment of leptospirosis among British troops in
Malaya. Lancet 1956;270(6906):13–6.
Step4/E3˙Guideline.pdf 1995 (accessed 16 May 2011).
Hall 1951 {published data only} ICH-GCP 1996
Hall HE, Hightower JA, Diaz Rivera R, Byrne RJ, Smadel ICH harmonised tripartite guideline. Guideline for
JE, Woodward TE. Evaluation of antibiotic therapy in good clinical practice E6 (R1). Geneva: International
human leptospirosis. Annals of Internal Medicine 1951;35 Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements
(5):981–98. for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use. http:/
Munnich 1972 {published data only} /˙Web˙Site/ICH˙Products/
Munnich D, Lakatos M. Treatment of leptospirosis with Guidelines/Efficacy/E6˙R1/Step4/E6˙R1˙˙Guideline.pdf
Semicillin. Therapia Hungarica (English Edition) 1972;20 1996 (accessed 16 May 2011).
(4):152–5. Kjaergard 2001
Kjaergard LL, Villumsen J, Gluud C. Reported
Russell 1958 {published data only}
methodologic quality and discrepancies between large and
Russell RW. Treatment of leptospirosis with oxytetracycline.
small randomized trials in meta-analyses. Annals of Internal
Lancet 1958;2(7057):1143–5.
Medicine 2001;135:982–9.
Additional references LaRocque 2005
LaRocque RC, Breiman RF, Ari MD, Morey RE, Janan
Bharti 2003 FA, Hayes JM, et al.Leptospirosis during dengue outbreak,
Bharti AR, Nally JE, Ricaldi JN, Matthias MA, Diaz MM, Bangladesh. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2005;11(5):766–9.
Lovett MA, et al.Leptospirosis: a zoonotic disease of global Leandro 2005
importance. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2003;3(12): Leangro G. Meta-analysis in Medical Research: The
757–71. Handbook for the Understanding and Practice of Meta-
Brett-Major 2009 Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2005.
Brett-Major DM, Lipnick RJ. Antibiotic prophylaxis for Liverpool 2008
leptospirosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009, Liverpool J, Francis S, Liverpool CE, Dean GT, Mendez
Issue 3. [DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007342.pub2] DD. Leptospirosis: case reports of an outbreak in Guyana.
Costa 2003
Participants All comers to a regional hospital with four days of symptoms and a WHO leptospirosis
score of at least 26, predominantly men in the 3rd to 5th decade of life. 247 of 253
patients had a positive macroscopic slide agglutination test for leptospirosis, 45 a micro-
agglutination test (MAT) and 17 a positive blood culture for Leptospira.
Interventions PCN 1 million units parentally every four hours for seven days against no targeted
antimicrobial therapy
Notes Approximately 94% of their patients in both groups had icterus suggesting that this rep-
resented a trial of therapeutic efficacy in late disease. Multiple biomarkers were collected
at days 0, 3, and 7 from admission. Authors reported no difference between groups but
did not discuss changes over time
Risk of bias
Random sequence generation (selection Unclear risk P 142, “each patient... and was randomly
bias) assigned to... .” though no description of
method of randomisation to include se-
quence generation was provided
Blinding (performance bias and detection High risk P 143, “Even though in the present study
bias) the treating physicians were not blind to
All outcomes the patient assignment”
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk P 143, Table 2 outcome data for death cal-
culated for same numbers as shown in Ta-
ble 1 Demographics
Other bias Low risk P 144, trial executed using public grants.
Participants All comers for who there was a clinical suspicion of icteric leptospirosis later diagnosed
through culture or convalescent titer rise. They were predominantly men in the fourth
decade of life
Interventions 2 million units of intravenous penicillin every 6 hours for 5 days or saline
Notes This trial targeted severe leptospirosis. Serum biomarkers collected on admission had
high standard deviations though reportedly 7 of 38 and 8 of 41 patients in the penicillin
and placebo groups, respectively, had renal failure on admission
Risk of bias
Random sequence generation (selection Low risk P 388, while the method of randomisation
bias) is not explicitly stated, authors reference a
source with several approaches to randomi-
Blinding (performance bias and detection Unclear risk P. 388, the trial used a saline placebo and
bias) stated that the investigator involved in al-
All outcomes location was not involved in management,
but there is no explicit mention of blinding
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Death was reported. While renal failure and
not dialysis was reported, authors stated
that they employed early peritoneal dialysis
in renal failure so that assertion applied in
the dialysis analysis incorporating missing
data outcome scenarios
Participants Troops presenting for care with fever and subsequent verified leptospirosis serology or
culture at the Jungle Operations Training Center, Panama. 26 of 29 patients had positive
blood cultures for Leptospira.
Interventions Seven day course of twice daily doxycyline hyclate 100 mg or placebo
Risk of bias
Random sequence generation (selection Low risk P. 697, “packets were randomly assigned by
bias) computer to contain doxycycline hyclate or
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk P. 696, “assigned sequentially numbered
packets of tablets that were identical in ap-
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) Low risk P. 697, “after discharge, patients were fol-
All outcomes lowed every other day for 1 week and once
a week thereafter for 2 weeks”
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Pre-defined study outcomes inconsistent
with those listed in the Types of Outcomes
section, though death did not occur and
was discernible from the published data
Panaphut 2003
Participants Adult patients presenting with severe leptospirosis, predominantly men in the 4th
through 6th decades of life with an average WHO leptospirosis score 23 to 24. Labora-
tory confirmation by titer or culture was required for inclusion in analysis. All 173 had
a positive rapid test for leptospirosis, only 126 were confirmed by MAT
Interventions Antibiotics for seven days or until afebrile for 48 hours: ceftriaxone 1gm parenterally
daily or penicillin 1.5 million units every 6 hours with the addition of gentamicin if also
suspicious for gram negative sepsis
Notes All deaths occurred within five days of hospitalisation - 5 pulmonary haemorrhage, 2
multi-organ failure, 1 severe hyperK, uraemic encephalopathy, 1 ARDS. However, causes
are not delineated by treatment group. It is unclear for how long patients who received
penicillin also received gentamicin. Those patients treated with ceftriaxone had higher
rates of prior treatment with doxycycline and penicillin. Standard deviation on mean
days of fever were not provided so substituted the range of absolute difference
Risk of bias
Random sequence generation (selection Low risk P. 1508, “patients were randomly allocated
bias) into 2 groups by stratified-block randomi-
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk P. 1508, “each label was enclosed in a sealed,
opaque envelope”
Blinding (performance bias and detection High risk P. 1508, the ceftriaxone and penicillin
bias) groups had different medication adminis-
All outcomes tration regimens, each day versus four times
daily. The addition of gentamicin among
penicillin recipients when gram negative
sepsis had not been excluded increased the
likelihood that observers were aware of
treatment allocation
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) Low risk p1509, causes for exclusion from the trial
All outcomes and analyses were clearly enumerated. P
1509-10, “For those who did not return for
follow-up after being discharged from the
hospital, data regarding their physical con-
ditions after discharge were obtained indi-
vidually by direct contact of local health
care personnel. All of the patients [who had
not returned] completely recovered from
the illness.”
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk P. 1510, “Ten patients (5 in each group)
died, for an overall case mortality rate, 5.
8%” which is correct for the number of
patients reported to have been included.
While burden of renal failure was reported
Phimda 2007
Participants Patients over 14 years of age with suspected leptospirosis or scrub typhus as described by
acute fever without clear source of infection and able to tolerate oral antibiotic therapy.
Among all randomised patients (pre-diagnosis), this study had the lowest ratio of men:
women of approximately 2.5:1, predominantly in the 4th decade of life. Laboratory
confirmation by titer or culture was required for inclusion in analysis. 10 patients were
identified by culture, 45 by four-fold rise in convalescent titer and 1 by a single titer of
at least 1:400
Interventions Oral doxycycline 200mg for 1 dose then 100 mg every 12 h for 7 days, or azithromycin
1 g for 1 dose then 500 mg once daily for 2 days
Outcomes The primary outcome for this trial was rate of cure defined by afebrile for 48 hours
Notes This trial was designed as a non-inferiority trial of azithromycin against doxycycline
among febrile patients. Data presented here was provided on correspondence with the
senior author, Dr. Suputtamongkol, who verified for the authors results among those
enrolled patients with laboratory confirmed leptospirosis
Risk of bias
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk P. 3260, “These were sealed in an opaque
envelope and numbered. The investigator
in each study hospital assigned study partic-
ipants to their treatment groups after open-
ing the sealed envelope.”
Blinding (performance bias and detection High risk P. 3260, the two intervention options were
bias) dosed differently and were not used in con-
All outcomes junction with placebo
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) High risk P. 3260, confirmation of leptospirosis de-
All outcomes pended upon analysis of both acute and
convalescent sera. 89 of 296 patients who
were randomised were not assessed at 1 to 2
weeks following discharge. For 23 of these
patients nearer term sera 3 to 5 days follow-
ing admission was available and used for
assessing interval titer
Selective reporting (reporting bias) High risk Pre-defined outcome was time to deferves-
cence and whether outcomes in the Types
of Outcomes section were completely dis-
cerned was not discernible
Suputtamongkol 2004
Participants Adults with less than 15 days of fever and laboratory confirmation of leptospirosis (all
but two with both serology and culture positivity). In contrast to the other trials, roughly
3 of 4 (rather than 9 of 10) of the participants were men. Age ranges included mid-late
adolescents and geriatric patients though median was in the 4th decade of life
Interventions This trial assessed three treatment groups of parenteral induction therapy with penicillin
1.5 million units every six hours, cefotaxime 1gm six hours, or doxycycline loaded with
200 mg then 100 mg twice daily; then, once afebrile and tolerating oral therapy, penicillin
and cefotaxime patients were randomised to either amoxicillin 2 g per day or doxycycline
200 mg per in divided doses, while those who started with doxycycline transitioned to
oral doxycycline therapy. Total course of therapy was 7 days
Notes Two patients in the penicillin group and one in the cefotaxime group were excluded for
uncertain outcomes. They were included in these analyses as deaths. While the researchers
prospectively characterised disease severity at inclusion, outcome data were not stratified
by disease severity. The researchers assert that in multi-variate analysis disease severity
(at least two organs with dysfunction) and not antibiotic choice impact days of fever,
though only level of statistical significance and not strength of effect are provided. As
standard deviation was not provided for the duration of fever, an over-estimate based upon
the range and presuming near normal distribution were used.
Risk of bias
Random sequence generation (selection Low risk P. 1418, “The independent, computer-gen-
bias) erated random allocation sequences were
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk P. 1418, “sealed in an opaque envelope, and
the envelopes were numbered.”
Blinding (performance bias and detection High risk P. 1418, each administered regimen dif-
bias) fered and required investigator knowledge
All outcomes of regimen in order to adjust for the possi-
ble presence of gram negative sepsis
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) Unclear risk P. 1419 Table 1, while the number of ex-
All outcomes cluded patients due to uncertain outcome
is provided, details and success of the fol-
lowing component of the protocol is not
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Death was reported. Dialysis was not dis-
Watt 1988
Participants Patients over 16 years of age presenting to a national infectious diseases hospital with
suspected leptospirosis and either a positive rapid IgM-based immunosorbent assay or
a positive single serovar microagglutination assay, all later confirmed with multi-serovar
based serologic assays or culture. Only 7 participants had positive Leptospira cultures.
The patients were predominantly men 20 to 40 years of age
Interventions 1,500,000 units of parenteral sodium penicillin G administered four times daily for 7
days or a normal saline placebo
Notes The trial was intended to focus on more severe disease but anuric patients or those so
severely ill that they could not provide consent were excluded, and no deaths or re-
quirements for dialysis occurred. Second infections were disqualifying, but the screening
algorithm for potential co-endemic diseases was not provided. Patients were categorised
as severely infected if serum creatinine was > 177 µmol/L or the patients were clinically
Risk of bias
Random sequence generation (selection Unclear risk P. 433, “randomly assigned to receive
bias) sodium penicillin G or placebo,” method
of randomisation not disclosed
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) Low risk P. 433, “patients were followed up a week
All outcomes and a month after discharge;” p434, all lep-
tospirosis patients completed therapy
Selective reporting (reporting bias) High risk Pre-defined outcome was time to deferves-
cence and serum creatinine and whether
outcomes in the Types of outcomes sec-
tion were completely discerned was not dis-
Doherty 1955 This retrospective study assessed 115 cases of leptospirosis among Australian troops. The study attempts an analysis
of the impact of increasing dose of penicillin on shortening of the duration of fever. It suggests mild decreases (1
to 2 days) of duration of fever and well describes the fever curve of untreated and treated leptospirosis. It did not
contribute information on adverse events
Fairburn 1956 This study prospectively assessed British troops deployed to an endemic area (Malaya). Ill troops with suspected
leptospirosis all of who were mildly ill were divided among three groups: control, penicillin therapy or chloram-
phenicol therapy. A case definition for leptospirosis was not provided. Confirmation by a serologic method or cul-
ture was reported in 50 of the 83 patients. However, the results could not be explored based upon this confirmation
and serologic categorizations and methods have evolved considerably since study execution. No information on
randomisation was provided. Adverse events of therapy were not discussed
Hall 1951 This study reports treatment performance in 67 cases of leptospirosis in Puerto Rico. Chloramphenicol, aureomycin,
penicillin, terramycin, streptomycin, aureomycin and streptomycin, cortisone and aureomycin were employed. The
article implies that these treatment groups were undertaken prospectively and sequentially in block, however it
acknowledges variability in how the treatments were applied. Also it was unclear whether twelve contemporary
controls were used in their analyses. With regards to adverse events, the study asserted that there was no difference
in the frequency or severity of renal injury between treated and untreated patients
Munnich 1972 This is a single arm observational study of an oral ampicillin formulation of ampicillin in the treatment of lep-
tospirosis. The study did not report any adverse events. The observational series appears to have continued with a
related amoxycillin formulation in Chemotherapy 1976;22(6):372-80
Russell 1958 This study prospectively assessed British troops deployed to an endemic area (Malaya). Ill troops with suspected
leptospirosis divided among two groups: ascorbic acid placebo or parenteral oxytetracycline. Definition for lep-
tospirosis in a patient was not provided. Confirmation by a serologic method or culture was reported to have
occurred in all 52 patients. However, the results could not be explored based upon this confirmation, and serologic
categorisations and methods have evolved considerably since study execution. The patients were alternately placed
in each group without randomisation. This test drug is no longer employed in common practice
No. of No. of
Outcome or subgroup title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
1 Death 4 403 Odds Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% CI) 1.16 [0.23, 5.95]
2 Days of hospitalisation 1 Mean Difference (IV, Fixed, 95% CI) Totals not selected
3 Days of clinical illness 2 71 Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% CI) -4.04 [-8.66, 0.58]
4 Dialysis employed 2 332 Odds Ratio (M-H, Fixed, 95% CI) 1.54 [0.91, 2.60]
5 Days of fever 1 Mean Difference (IV, Fixed, 95% CI) Totals not selected
No. of No. of
Outcome or subgroup title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
1 Death 2 351 Odds Ratio (M-H, Fixed, 95% CI) 0.65 [0.23, 1.87]
2 Days of fever 2 348 Mean Difference (IV, Fixed, 95% CI) -0.03 [-0.09, 0.03]
No. of No. of
Outcome or subgroup title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
1 Death 1 Odds Ratio (M-H, Fixed, 95% CI) Totals not selected
2 Days of fever 1 Mean Difference (IV, Fixed, 95% CI) Totals not selected
No. of No. of
Outcome or subgroup title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
1 Afebrile within 48 hours of 1 Odds Ratio (M-H, Fixed, 95% CI) Totals not selected
initiation of therapy
No. of No. of
Outcome or subgroup title studies participants Statistical method Effect size
1 Death 1 Odds Ratio (M-H, Fixed, 95% CI) Totals not selected
Protocol first published: Issue 1, 2010
Review first published: Issue 2, 2012
Antibiotics for leptospirosis (Review) 26
Copyright © 2012 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Conceiving the review: [pre-existing]
Designing the review: DMB.
Co-ordinating the review: DMB.
Data collection for the review: DMB.
Developing search strategy: DMB, RC, CHBG Staff.
Undertaking searches: DMB, CHBG Staff.
Screening search results: DMB, RC.
Organising retrieval of papers: DMB.
Screening retrieved papers against inclusion criteria: DMB, RC.
Appraising quality of papers: DMB, RC.
Abstracting data from papers: DMB, RC.
Writing to authors of papers for additional information: DMB.
Providing additional data about papers: DMB by responding authors.
Obtaining and screening data on unpublished studies: for abstracts, DMB.
Data management for the review: DMB.
Entering data into RevMan: DMB.
Analysis of data: DMB, RC.
Interpretation of data: DMB, RC.
Providing a methodological perspective: DMB, RC.
Providing a clinical perspective: DMB, RC.
Providing a policy perspective: DMB, RC.
Providing a consumer perspective: DMB, RC.
Writing the review: DMB, RC.
Providing general advice on the review: CHBG Staff.
Securing funding for the review: NA.
Performing previous work that was the foundation of current study: NA.
None known.
This review replaces the review by Guidugli et al (Guidugli 2000).
Additional affiliations.
DMB - Program Director, U.S. Military Tropical Medicine, Navy Medicine Manpower Personnel Training and Education (NAVMED
MPT&E), Bethesda MD; and, Assistant Professor, Divisions of Tropical Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Departments of
Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, and Medicine, Uniformed Services University, Bethesda MD.
RC - Director, Division of Tropical Public Health, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, Uniformed Services University,
Bethesda MD.
These views are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Navy Medicine Manpower, Personnel, Training & Education
Command, Departments of the Army or Navy, Uniformed Services University, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.
Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
Anti-Bacterial Agents [∗ therapeutic use]; Cephalosporins [therapeutic use]; Doxycycline [therapeutic use]; Leptospirosis [∗ drug therapy;
mortality]; Penicillins [therapeutic use]; Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic