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Inside Slot Tech Magazine

April 2008

Page 4 - Editorial

Page 6 - Whoopsie-Doodle…or Oops I

Just Blew Away the Hard Drive… Now

Page 12 - Quick & Simple Repairs #36

Page 20 - Suzo-Happ Group Acquires

Suzo Polska Sp. z.o.o. Gaming Dis-
tributor in Poland

Page 22 - Lost Netplex Error

Page 24 - SETEC MK5 Power Supply

Page 30 - Teamwork

Page 34 - Subscriptions and Order


Calling Europe and the World!

Subscribe to our sister publication, Slot

Tech International Magazine. Visit slot-
tech.co.uk for details, forums and more.
Slot Tech Editorial
Magazine Slot Tech Training at Northern Lights Casino

I am writing this in the hotel at Northern Lights Casino in Walker, Minnesota.

For the past two weeks, I have been on a training mission here with a group
of their lead techs. The temperature last week was 27 degrees below zero.

It was sort of a mini TechFest with a lot of hands-on repair lab thrown in. We
had a really great monitor lab where we fixed dozens of bad monitors including
one 37 inch Kortek LCD monitor which we repaired in less than a half hour with
a 15 cent capacitor. That’s what being a technician is all about! A $1500 moni-
tor (I’m guessing) repaired for less than two bits.

Joining me for the training were some folks with whom Slot Tech Magazine
readers are familiar: Jack Geller (JCM), David Oldham (Suzo-Happ) and Paul
Hatin (3M Touch Systems). Thanks gentlemen, for making this a really awesome
Slot Tech training class!

Jack Geller - JCM Randy Fromm

Paul Hatin
3M Touch Systems

Randy Fromm's
Slot Tech Magazine

Randy Fromm
Technical Writers
Ted Befus, Kevin Noble,
Herschel W. Peeler, Pat
Porath, Vic Fortenbach,
James Borg, Mario “Slot
Tech Juan” Oliva

International Contributor
Martin Dempsey
Slot Tech Magazine is published
monthly by
Slot Tech Magazine
1944 Falmouth Dr.
El Cajon, CA 92020-2827
tel.619.593.6131 fax.619.593.6132
e-mail [email protected]
Visit the website at slot-techs.com

Domestic (USA)
1 year - $60.00 2 years - $120.00
1 year - $120.00 2 years -
From White Oak Casino: Mark Coady, Steven “Freddy” Krueger, Jeremy Baird.
Copyright 2008 under the Universal From Palace Casino: Ben Lowry, Bill O’Neal, Mikki Johnson. From Northern
Copyright Convention. All rights re- Lights Casino: Joe Belgarde, Terry Norton, Ron Wind, Tony Henke, Kevin
served. Gentry, Elton Crandall, Billy Krotzer.

Page 4 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008

March 2008 Slot Tech Magazine Page 5
Slot Tech Feature Article

Whoopsie-Doodle…or Oops I Just Blew Away

the Hard Drive… Now What?
By Ted Befus

purchased those games, we going to have to start the

as a habit do just that). game, open the CD drive,
The only time you should install the CD, close the
need to do this is if you drive and cycle power on
need to install an operating the game (the game is setup
system upgrade to run to look at the CD ROM for
newer games (the newer its first boot attempt, so we
games come with a USB need to restart the game to
licensing key to keep you see the CD just installed.).
from running rampant After a few minutes, the
installing games on your diagnostic screen will ap-
floor, these require the pear as shown in figure #2.

s the title implies, latest operating system). Note: If you don’t have
this is a how-to on EKEY3 installed it, will not
what to do (say that I guess we’ll start by actu- unlock the all of the diag-
three times fast) when you ally going through the pro- nostic features. You must
accidentally (or intention- cedure on how to wipe the have this installed in order
ally I guess) blow away the hard drive to start with. to wipe the hard drive
hard drive on the IGT AVP® You’re going to need a few clean.
platform. Of course this things in order to do this
stems from real world — job. You will need a diag- To wipe the drive clean is
mishaps we’ll call them, nostic CD, along with a very simple. Press the
brought on by one of our write jumper and an EKEY3 HARD DRIVE tab. From
guys wiping a hard drive (installation key). For the there, you enter the wipe
when it really wasn’t neces- locations of the EKEY and screen. To complete the
sary. These examples are the write jumper, refer to wipe, you must first make
from an emulated game (I- figure #1. certain that the write
Game running on an AVP jumper is installed. If it is
platform). The true AVP The diagnostic CD version not, you will see a red
games may react differently will depend on the operat- warning on the top of the
than as described in this ing system. First off, we’re screen telling you to install
Figure 1
Firstly, let me say that if
you don’t have to intention-
ally blow away a hard drive,
DON’T. I can almost guar-
antee that you probably
don’t have the CDs neces-
sary to remedy this (but I
guess that depends on
whether or not you asked
IGT for those when you
Page 6 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008
The Gold Standard in Gaming Printers

Futurelogic ad here

Driven by 25 years of innovation and excellence

Technology & Innovation Setting the pace for thermal printer technology

Preferred by Leading supplier of TITO printers worldwide

Casino Operators More than 900,000 printers installed worldwide

Praised by Most decorated TITO printers in the industry

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Chosen by TITO printer chosen by OEMs across the globe

Manufacturers Preferred by over 35 manufacturers worldwide

Supported by Service & Support unmatched in the industry

World-Class Service Local support in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America,
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March 2008 Slot Tech Magazine

Page 7
The Gold Standard in Gaming Printers
the write jumper. In the
top left hand corner of the
screen is a check box titled
“wipe this drive.” Make
certain that it is checked as
well. All that’s left after
that is to press the “WIPE”
tab and wait for everything
to finish.

Now that we’ve wiped away

everything this machine
needs, we’re going to re-
install it. Remove the diag-
Figure 2 nostic CD and replace it
with the Operating System
CD. You can leave the
EKEY and write jumper
installed to save you the
trouble of having to put
them back in. The game
will boot off the CD and
come up with the screen
seen in figure #3. By press-
ing the continue button you
can continue with the in-
stallation of the new operat-
ing system. The machine
will then check to see if you
all the necessary hardware
installed (EKEY and write
Figure 3 jumper). If you do not, it
will prompt you step by
step to install what is
needed. When all the crite-
ria are met the game will
Figure 4
then prepare to install the
new operating system. By
pressing the NEXT tab the
machine will commence
with installation, see figure

Well, we’ve gotten this far,

all that’s left is for the ma-
chine to do its thing, if
everything is working you
should see figure #5 which
will show you that every-
thing is installing ok.

Page 8 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008

March 2008 Slot Tech Magazine Page 9
Once complete you should
see figure #6, the machine
Figure 5
will prompt you to remove
the CD, write jumper and
EKEY. Once that is com-
plete, simply press the
FINISH tab and the ma-
chine will reboot.

Ahhh, but it doesn’t end

there! Remember we wiped
that hard drive clean didn’t
we? That means that there
are no games installed. Did
you forget to install the
game software after the
operating system? If you
did, after you boot the game
you will see figure #7, if you
look closely at the picture
you can see just how good
my photography skills are,
you can see the reflection of
Mysteries of the Nile in the

Loading the game onto the

hard drive is basically the
same procedure as outlined
above, uses the same EKEY
and write jumper, the only
Figure 6 difference is that you don’t
have to wipe the hard drive
to install it.

As far as turning that game

on goes, Robert Jewell
covered that in his article in
the May 2006 issue of Slot
Tech magazine, but remem-
ber that this article and
Robert Jewell’s article cover
the emulated game themes.
The procedure for turning
games on for true AVP
games will differ greatly!

- Ted Befus
Figure 7 [email protected]

Page 10 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008

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15" LCD Displays for the following replacements

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CPA4023L 15" IGT Slant T/S LCD for IGT 69922500 $854
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CPA4059L 15" Bally Bar Top Fits Bally Bar Top Game $837

17" LCD Displays for the following replacements

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CPA4042 17" Atronic e-motion Atronic e-motion 65046618 $579
CPA4049L 17" IGT AVP Upright 17" LCD AVP Upright 3M T/S $792
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CPA4085L 17" Aristocrat Slant LCD for Aristocrat p/n L30700 $744
CPA4089L 17" Konami Upright LCD for Konami p/n 530002 $728
CPA4090L 17" WMS Upright LCD for WMS $707
CPA4093L 17" Star Games STAR GAMES - VEGAS STAR $665
CPA4095L 17" Atronic Upright T/S LCD for Atronic 65024300 $718

19" LCD Displays for the following replacements

CPA4020L 19V / 20" IGT Upright LCD for IGT p/n 69922300 $874
CPA4028L 19" Konami Upright Replaces KT-LS19E4 $783
CPA4038L 19" Aristocrat Upright w/o T/S LCD for Aristocrat p/n 566498 $607
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CPA4062L 19" IGT Upright 25 pin LCD for IGT Game King Plus $864
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CPA4082L 19" WMS Bluebird Upright WMS Bluebird Replacement $780
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April 2008 Slot Tech Magazine Fax: (530) 888-1065 Page 11
Slot Tech Feature Article

Quick and Simple Repairs #37

By Pat Porath

A co-worker was inspecting replaced the bad one amp

the unit when he noticed fuse. This unit was tested
that the fuse was blown. on the bench and it worked
Could it be that simple, with great with no problems at
only a blown fuse? Well, not all.
likely. The fuse usually
WMS Bluebird Upright blows for a reason and in Note: this capacitor is not
Ballast Repair this specific case, as soon polarized so it doesn’t
as he replaced the fuse, it matter which way it is

slot attendant blew almost instantly. Upon installed. The Digi-Key part
notified me that the further inspection of the number is 490-4154-ND.
top lights weren’t ballast assembly, he noticed (www.digi-key.com) The
working on a Bluebird that there was a small fuses that we have in stock
game. He said he tried two 220pf 1kv ceramic capacitor are from Newark
different florescent tubes that was burned. As the electronics
and neither of them picture shows, the one on www.newark.com, the
worked. I grabbed a bulb the right hand side description is PCB 1A 250v.
from the game next door (obviously) is burned and With a new capacitor in
and put it in the game. No bad. It is supposed to look
doubt the problem was like the component on the
more than just changing left. The replacement is
the light bulb. Why not try “new and blue” while the
replacing the ballast? I fried capacitor is “burned
swapped the complete and black.” Even the top
upper light bulb assembly was cracked open on it.
with the game next door,
and it lit up right away. We replaced the bad
This indicated that more ceramic capacitor and
than likely it was a ballast
problem. Once it was
replaced and the game
turned back on, the bulb lit
right up. Simply replace the
bad part and the game is
fine. Now what about taking
it a step further? What is
wrong with the ballast?
After taking out the two
small screws to remove the
cover, we can see the
various components inside.
Page 12 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008
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March 2008 2008 © 3M Slot Tech Magazine

MicroTouch and ClearTek are trademarks of 3M Company. Page 13
wasn’t marked, I don’t printer head; it just may do
know. There was a good the trick.
chance that the part was
NOT new because it wasn’t A WMS “Bluebird” not
in a sealed package, which communicating with CDS
leaves me to believe that the
part was removed out of the I’ve only ran into a couple of
printer head for a reason. these, but however it’s an
THE POINT IS....it is a very, easy fix. The question was
very good idea to identify why did it lock up for a
parts with whatever payout instead of printing a
information you may have. ticket? There was paper
I’m not saying write a three loaded in the printer, but
page essay on it, only a when the C.D.S. display did
short phrase. This not only not show a slot door OPEN
applies to printer parts, it and CLOSED status, I knew
applies to all parts. Some communication had been
place and a new fuse, the can even be sent in for lost. The Sentinel was
ballast is RFI (ready for repair. You send them the rebooted and it had a good
installation.) bad one, and they send you green L.E.D.
a good one. Anyway, parts communication status
Ithaca 850 only printing that are marked “TESTS between the Sentinel and
½ a ticket OK” or “MAYBE GOOD” can the system, but the problem
save a lot of time. Take the was from the game TO the
I recently ran into an Ithaca example of the thermal Sentinel. Instead of clearing
850 that only printed ½ a board, it was not marked RAM on the Sentinel,
ticket, well “one side” of the “GOOD” “BAD” or replacing chips, or even
ticket; lengthwise. By otherwise. It was replaced replacing anything, why not
looking at the “misprinted” and more than likely was a try a “power cycle” on the
ticket, it looked as if there bad part. Now when I get game. (Simply reboot it.) In
was an obstruction of some the chance I need to test the later part of boot up,
type on one side of the two more that are in the bin the C.D.S. display should
thermal board. After and see if they are good or show a slot door
opening it up and cleaning not because they aren’t CLOSED,and go to OPEN.
the printer head, I couldn’t marked either. It’s not Even though the main door
see anything wrong. difficult to replace, it just wasn’t physically opened or
Another “self test” ticket takes a bit of time to do so. closed at that time, it will
was printed and the same Luckily I had a spare show that it was...meaning
thing happened, only ½ of it printer head, replaced it, communication has been
was legible. The small and the “self test” ticket re-established. So if a
“thermal board” was printed ok. On the 850, “Bluebird” is locking up for
replaced, nothing too major simply pull upward closest payouts and the printer has
to take apart and to the printer bezel and paper in it, try a power
reassemble, and another disconnect the three wires. cycle on the game.
ticket was printed. When re-connecting it,
Unfortunately the same always check to see that all IGT S-Plus Chewing Up
error occurred again. One of of the pins are straight on Bills
the problems is the the “motherboard”. In
replacement “thermal conclusion, if you have an I recently received a
board” was NOT marked 850 that is only printing ½ complaint that a game was
GOOD or BAD. Why it a ticket, try a different “chewing up” bills. It was
Page 14 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008
Featuring TechFest 17
May 6-8 2008
Mystic Lake Casino - Prior Lake, MN
This is SlotFest
The TechFest is geared for working Course Title:
slot techs and technical managers It's a TechFest. Slot Management Essentials
who are looking for a way to make In 2001, Slot Tech Magazine pre-
a dramatic improvement in their un- sented the first TechFest, a three- Explore the essential tools used in
derstanding of video slot monitors day, technical training program for managing a successful slot opera-
and more. slot machine technicians. This tion and gain an understanding of
popular program now returns to the tools and techniques that suc-
Make plans today to join the gam- Mystic Lake Casino for TechFest 17 cessful slot directors and managers
ing industry's top technical instruc- - Three days of service tips, sche- use to analyze slot department per-
tors for three days of technical semi- matic diagrams, pocket screwdriv- formance.
nars and presentations that will en- ers and food.
hance your performance as a tech- Key topics include:
nician and dramatically increase TechFest is geared toward learning • Par Sheets/Pay Tables
your value to your employer. the lastest technical information • Slot Math
about slot machine sub-assemblies • Slot Machine Systems, Reports &
Technical presentations from: such as monitors, bill validators, Analysis
touchscreens, printers and more. • Daily Slot Operations
3M TouchSystems - Touch Screens You simply cannot learn more in • Floor Design and Layout
Ceronix - CRT and LCD Monitors three days. • Cashless operations
FutureLogic - Ticket Printers • Key measures / revenue maximi-
Transact Technologies - Ticket
Printers It's a SlotFest. zation / floor performance

JCM - Bill Validators Are you interested in slot manage-

Who Should Attend?
MEI - Bill Validators ment? Slot Tech Magazine is
Sencore - LCD Repair and Test pleased to team up with the presti-
Equipment Slot managers, supervisors,
gious University of Nevada, Reno to
and anyone who works with
present an outstanding opportunity
TechFest 16 also includes a presen- for you to put your suit on and leave
the slot department and needs
tation on monitor repair (CRT & it on.
a clear understanding of the
LCD) presented by Slot Tech Maga-
zine publisher Randy Fromm. Learn Unlike other seminar programs, entire slot operation.
some very easy ways to fix moni- SlotFest is not a parade of guest
tors without wasting time and with- speakers, each trying to sell you COMPLETION:
out an extensive background in something. SlotFest is a University The University will provide a certifi-
electronics. program that provides attendees cate of completion to each course
with a single, coherent training ses- participant. Students will also earn
Who Should Attend? sion over three days. 2.1 Continuing Education Units
(CEU's) upon completion of the
This unique course provides the course. This course will also count
TechFest is for slot techs of all skill towards 21 hours to earn a Certifi-
levels, from novice techs who need management skills you need to run
cate in Gaming Management and is
the basics to advanced techs who your slot operation more efficiently part of a series of courses offered
need to brush up on monitor repair. and improve your bottom line. through the Gaming Management

To enroll: Visit the website at slot-techs.com for an enrollment form or contact a Slot Tech Magazine
representative at 619.593.6131. You may also fax a purchase order to 619.593.6132. Be sure to include
the students’ names and whether they wish to attend TechFest or SlotFest. Tuition is $595.00 per person
March 2008 Slot Tech Magazine Page 15
an IGT S-Plus that has a right away. The “upgraded” individual who has the
DBV 200. You may ask why bezel is equipped with a game open is in a hurry,
we may still have a DBV clear plastic piece that is in and FORGETS to push the
200 on the floor? Well, the inside part upon which printer BACK into “home
fortunately there are only a the paper slides. For some position” and tries to close
handful of them left, reason or another, not all of the main slot door, guess
especially with the new the original type of bezels what just happened? There
$5.00 bill that has hit would jam up tickets; some is a chance that the printer
circulation this spring. would and some wouldn’t. frame assembly just got
Also, they are in fact on the We had two games that bent. The repair? A small
floor and some of the would periodically have shim (such as a small steel
customers still like to play “ticket out jams” and when flat washer) needs to be
them so they must be I looked closer at them, the installed on the lower part
working properly. Before games had the older type of the assembly to bring it
heading to the shop and bezel. Of course the newer back so it is more or less in
grabbing a spare bill ones were installed and I a level position. It makes
acceptor and stacker box, haven’t heard of a problem sense though, if the printer
why not take a peek inside with the two games since. is crooked and doesn’t line
and see if there is a bill up with the bezel, paper will
jammed in the box? With Is an upright Bluebird with not print out of the game
proper signatures and “ticket out” jams? It may be properly. Once the shim is
proper personnel, the that the alignment could be in place, it is a good idea to
stacker box was opened to off between the printer and print out an actual ticket to
find a single five dollar bill the bezel. On an upright make sure it is working
that didn’t stack properly. It Bluebird, in order to fill the properly and doesn’t jam
had gotten caught between paper, a small release up. If it tests OK, the game
the “bill pusher” and the button needs to be pulled will be fine.
frame of the box. I removed so the printer slides
the bill, properly stacked it, downward a bit. Simply Atronic e-motion: Bad
and a customer tried a push it back up and it locks Power Supply Was Only
$20.00. This time it worked back into place. HOWEVER, Part of the Problem
great. A jammed bill in the ifit so happens that the
stacker was the problem all

IGT Slant-Top Game With

a Lot of Ticket Out Jams

Do you have a couple of

games that have a lot of
“ticket out” jams? This
doesn’t mean “paper out,” it
means that when the ticket
is exiting the game, it has
an error. I admit I had
forgotten about the
“upgraded” IGT slant-top
printer bezels but the
minute I opened the
package that was sitting on
the printer bench, I saw it
Page 16 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008
I was told that an Atronic e- At this point it did indeed famous movie “The Wizard
motion “Deal or No Deal” appear that the unit was in of Oz” and the movie
game had a bad power fact bad. I should have happens to be a newer
supply, and one was on the swapped power supplies game out by WMS gaming.)
way. The reason that a with the game next door to A new power supply had
power supply was on the make sure nothing was just been installed and we
way is because we didn’t wrong at the game side, but have a power problem.
happen to have a spare for I was confident enough that Definitely not good. Now all
it at that specific time. I it was bad. When we kinds of things are coming
didn’t have much going on received the replacement, I to mind. For example: did
at the time, so I thought installed it in practically no the something with the
that I would verify that the time at all. There isn’t a printer cause the power
unit was definitely bad. The whole lot of work needed to supply to go bad? Was the
game was turned on and put one in, only four printer the main problem?
the cooling fan in the power connectors and the Is the printer ribbon cable
supply didn’t even rotate mounting hardware. connected properly? Is
once, therefore indicating a there a fuse that is blown
bad power supply. Once installed, the power somewhere? Where do I
Connections were reseated, switch for the game was even start?
the COM board, and the turned on, and everything
main processor board were looked great! The bill I decided to start with the
reseated too. Still, the acceptor cycled, the game fuses in the game. Right
cooling fan didn’t rotate on was booting up normally. next to the three fuses that
the power supply and both Then I noticed there wasn’t are located to the left of the
of the game’s LCDs were any power to the ticket COM board and processor
black. printer. Now we have a board, are three beautiful
“horse of a different color” little red LED.s. These more
(Phrase taken from the or less indicate if the fuse is

10618 Bloomfield Ave Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 PH: (562)-946-1322

March 2008 Slot Tech Magazine Page 17
good or bad. Guess what, I could continue with the Atronic e-motion Bill
one of the LEDs was not lit CDS part of it. Acceptor Problem
up. I pulled the fuse and it
was blown. With the game A power cycle was done on The game displayed a “bill
turned off, I grabbed a the Sentinel, which didn’t acceptor not connected or
spare, put it back in, and help, and the COM in and not initialized” error. First
applied power back to the COM out connectors were off, I checked the obvious
game. Luckily the fuse held all nice and snug. Maybe things, such as a stacker
and I didn’t see or hear of there was a loose box that might not be
any complaints about the connection on either side of seated properly, and made
game for the remainder of the game? All four COM in sure that nothing was in
my shift (I had around two and COM out connections the bill path of the bill
hours remaining.). If a were checked (one game on acceptor. I reseated the bill
device, other than the each side, two per game). acceptor (which happened
power supply, did in fact All of them appeared to be to be a WBA 13) a few times
have a power issue, the fine. I took a closer look at but it didn’t cycle at all. It
item should have failed by the Sentinel that was in the was almost as if it didn’t
now. In this case , the game problem game and didn’t even have power to it. Dip
not only needed a power see anything out of the switches 5, 6, 7,and 8 were
supply, but it needed a fuse ordinary either. turned on to see if the unit
replaced as well. would “cycle” in calibration
Next, the Sentinel was RAM mode. It did cycle and all of
An IGT Trimline Not cleared but that didn’t the switches were turned
Communicating Very Well make a difference either. I back in the off position so it
With CDS still had very poor would cycle and accept
communication between the bills. When the unit was
It’s tough to say where Sentinel and the CDS installed back into the
exactly to start troubleshooting system. Before checking the game, there was still
when there are problems connections and cables in nothing. It wouldn’t even
with CDS and game the drop area of the game, make a sound.
communication. I was told how about replacing the
that the game lost COM, COM chip which is located I knew that there was
but was it the game, the next to the e-square chip on power to the unit but why
Sentinel, the chips, or the the Sentinel board? Power wouldn’t it work in “accept
wiring? When I first walked was removed and a new bills” mode? I swapped bill
up to the game I noticed chip was installed. Now for acceptors with the game
that the CDS Display was the test. Will we or won’t we next door but something
flashing capital then lower have “lift off?” Power was really bad happened. Now
case letters. This indicated back at the Sentinel and BOTH games had the error
a Sentinel COM problem after about 15 seconds or and would not accept bills.
and not a game problem. so, a beautiful green LED I made a mistake and tried
Another indication was the started to flash, rapidly a reboot (with customers
green LED on the Sentinel now. I waited for a few playing) on the original
was flashing very, very minutes to make sure that game and unfortunately it
slowly. It was flashing at the speed of the flash didn’t happened to be the “master
the speed of one flash every slow down but it was fine. game” for the “Game of Life”
five seconds, when it should The problem was a bad progressive bank. What
be flashing multiple times COM chip on the Sentinel happens when the “master
per second. Now I knew it board. game” is shut down? The
wasn’t a game problem and progressive communication

Page 18 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008

disables on the rest of the
games. I now had two
customers that had to wait
until the game booted up so
they could play their
machines. Even after it
booted, the bill acceptor
still would not work
properly. A while later a co-
worker checked it out,
rebooted the game again,
and it worked fine. We
never resolved the cause.
Another “FM” repair.

As for the other game that

had the exact same problem
as the original (now with
the original problem bill
acceptor in it) I didn’t have USB port on the brain box come up automatically.
any luck fixing it either. of the game, and select the This game was a “Coyote
Finally after replacing the game program that the Moon” and that was the
bill acceptor with a spare, machine is supposed to be only selection available. In
and resetting it with the (The USB socket is located addition, the “award glass”
“audit key” the game was near the brain box locking needs to be selected. Of
fine. A customer inserted a assembly.). course the award glass is
bill and credits were given. actually a LCD with the
When the key is inserted, graphics and animation on
IGT Trimline With a the game program should it but it needs to be
System Error selected.

Repair Monitors, Power Supplies, Gameboards?

This specific game had a
“system error” that was Check any Electrolytic Capacitor In-Circuit with
displayed on the screen. 100% Accuracy in 3 Seconds---GUARANTEED*
Not a good sign. I tried a Automatically discharges capacitor
key reset and rebooting the
game but neither helped the Checks DCR with alerts for shorts
problem. It looked like the
Measures DCR to 500 ohms
only way to resolve the
problem was to use the IGT Measures ESR from 0.1 to 20 ohms
“E-key.” If you never heard
of an “E-key”, it looks and Checks caps from .47uF to 2200uF
works like a USB memory
Beeps one to five beeps for quality
stick or thumb drive. When
the unit is inserted into the Three-color chart for good-fair-bad
“brain box” (which is *range 0.47uF - 2.2KuF 90-day money-back guarantee
located behind the main
Portable, Easy to Use, Inexpensive, Highly Recommended by
LCD, in this case) the error
leaders in the industry. CapAnalyzer 88A by EDS, Inc.
could be cleared. Insert the at fine distributors like Happ, MCM, Kiesub, etc. or call 561-487-6103
“key” that is identified as
the “system key” into the
April 2008 Slot Tech Magazine Page 19
After that, make sure to On an IGT AVP slant top 110vac input. A different
select the “SAVE” option. that has a “Version 1 Win- manufacturer of power
Once this was selected, the Tact” 150 watt power supply may be used, only if
system error was cleared supply for the LCD, it may the specifications are
and the game was ready to need to be replaced. Some exactly the same. The
be played again. This was (not all) of the units have an problem with the power
the first time in quite a issue with the LCD not supply is within the voltage
while that I needed to use starting back up right away regulator circuit. There is a
the E-key to clear an error once it was turned off. Of capacitor that doesn’t
on a Trimline. When we course, if the game doesn’t discharge right away. The
first got them in and have a power issue, then it time may be up to 45
released them to the public doesn’t need to be replaced. seconds. If power is applied
to play, errors would have But if the LCD won’t turn to the LCD before the
to be cleared with the “key” on right away, then the capacitor is discharged
daily or even on every shift power supply needs to be sufficiently, the unit simply
but after the game software replaced with a “Version 2 won’t work. So, if there are
had been upgraded to a Win-Tact” 150 watt unit. power problems with the
newer version, we have had They can be identified as LCD on a slant top AVP,
very little problems with part number WP207F11 check the version of the
them at all. They run very PR1 being “Version 1”, and LCD power supply and
well and our customers love part number WP207F11 replace it if necessary.
to play them. PR2 being “Version 2” (PR1
or PR2). The IGT - Pat Porath
IGT AVP Slant Top LCD replacement part number is [email protected]
Power Supply 40012100W. It is a 12vdc
Replacement and 24vdc output unit with

Slot Tech Press Release

Suzo-Happ Group Acquires Suzo Polska Sp. z.o.o. Gaming Distributor in Poland
Long-Time Suzo-Happ Distribution Partner Provides Access to Eastern European Markets
Suzo-Happ Group has an- combine to strengthen Suzo- iary of Suzo International ac-
nounced completion of the Happ’s position as the leading quired in 2006 said, “As a mem-
acquisition of Suzo Polska Sp. global supplier of amusement ber of the Suzo-Happ Group, we
z.o.o, located in Wysogotowo, and gaming parts and accesso- have access to many more re-
Poland. Suzo Polska, a distribu- ries with over 30,000 SKUs, sources allowing us to better
tor of parts and components for customers in 80 countries, and serve our customers. These
gaming equipment in Poland, has more than 600 employees in 14 additional resources enabled us
grown very rapidly during the locations. to achieve a rapid growth rate
last several years. The company beginning in 2007 immediately
will operate as part of Suzo “This acquisition continues our after joining the team. I’m sure
International, the European arm expansion strategy by investing our colleagues at Suzo Polska
of the Suzo-Happ Group, with in the rapidly growing Eastern will similarly benefit from Suzo-
the same local leadership respon- European market” said Marcel Happ’s ownership.” Tomasz
sible for its recent growth. The Oelen, Managing Director of Suzo Andrzejewski, General Manager
Suzo Polska facility will be ex- International. “It provides us a Suzo Polska, reports that “We are
panded in 2008. Pfingsten Part- physical presence which enables very pleased to be part of the
ners, a private equity firm in us to serve our customers better Suzo- Happ Group. Our business
Deerfield, Illinois is Suzo-Happ’s and further penetrate the mar- continues to grow at a very rapid
majority shareholder. ket.” rate. The additional resources
and commitment to the future is
Suzo Polska is the eighth com- Pedro Garcia, Managing Director very important at this stage of
pany to become part of the Suzo- of Suzo Technical Components our company’s life.”
Happ Group. All eight companies Espana S.A., the Spanish subsid-
Page 20 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008
About the Suzo-Happ Group

The Suzo-Happ Group was

formed in 2004 with the merger
of Suzo International, headquar-
tered in The Netherlands, and
Happ Controls, headquartered in
Elk Grove Village, IL. The com-
bined organization holds a global
leadership position in the gaming
and amusement parts and
accessories market with custom-
ers in 80 countries. The company
has manufacturing, engineering, 480 Mirror Court, #101 Henderson, NV 89011
distribution and service capabili-
ties with over 600 employees on Tel: 702-736-8472 Fax: 702-920-8678
three continents. More informa-
tion is available at
www.gamingstuff.com and

About Suzo International

Founded in Rotterdam in 1955,
Suzo supplies systems and
components for the amusement,
gaming, casino, and vending
industries. Suzo develops and
manufactures branded compo-
nents, electronics, software and
systems under the proprietary
STC label. Headquartered in the
Netherlands, with additional
operations in Spain, Belgium,
Germany, Poland, and the United
Kingdom, Suzo serves customers
in over 80 different countries and
has achieved a reputation for
providing exceptional customer
service. For more information on
Suzo International, visit:

About Suzo Polska Suzo Polska is

centrally located in Wysogotowo
(near Poznan), Poland. The
Company was founded in 2004
as a 50/50 joint-venture between
the Suzo-Happ Group and
Horthel Systems BV (“Horthel
Systems”). Horthel Systems is a
Dutch limited company with
manufacturing facilities and
operating activities in the gaming
and amusement industry in

- Slot Tech Magazine

April 2008 Slot Tech Magazine Page 21

Slot Tech Feature Article

Lost Netplex Error

By Slot Tech Juan

The best way to verify if the screen, and printer as op-

game is truly on a Lost posed to the player panel
Netplex error is to: buttons which communi-

cate using the Senet for
hile working as a
a. Open the main door simple one way signals.
slot floor tech,
b. Press the test switch
there are times
c. Scroll through the op- With that said, we can
when you receive a call to
tions menu (press the diag- deduce that one of the
an IGT reel machine (S-
nostic switch) aforementioned compo-
2000) where the bill valida-
nents has malfunctioned
tor will not reset after the
The options on the menu sending the machine into
attendant has closed the
should be in the following the lost Netplex error. How-
main door. When you
order: ever, I would not focus my
arrive at the machine you
attention on these compo-
find that the bill acceptor
1. Accounting nents just yet.
will reset normally while the
2. History
main door is open but if
3. Options Computer programmers use
you close the main door,
4. I/O Test what is called a while-loop
the validator will not re-
5. Game Test to check the status of the
spond. Well, chances are
6. Out of Service components on a slot ma-
you have a game that is in a
7. Key Chip Config. chine. If any of the compo-
Lost Netplex error, not to be
nents is not operating
confused with Netplex link
Press either: within the programmed
down, which usually shows
parameters, then the game
up after a power reset as
a. CASH OUT = To scroll goes into a tilt.
the result of a weak power
b. SERVICE = To scroll Sometimes the displayed
backwards tilt is not a true representa-
In some cases, if we re-
tive of the malfunction. The
moved the bill acceptor the
When you go through the malfunction has occurred
game would come up and
menus and you notice that as the result of another
function properly for as
some categories are miss- component or device mal-
long as the machine is not
ing, then indeed you have a functioning. If we want to
powered off. This will not fix
lost Netplex error. prevent the problem from
the root cause of the prob-
coming back in the near
lem but would allow the
I was once told during an future, we need to find the
game to be available for
IGT training session that root cause of the problem.
play. To accomplish fixing
Netplex is like a language
the root cause, you would
spoken by IGT machines In my personal opinion, the
need to remove the weak
when communicating with most common reason for
power supply and install a
devices that require two this type of error has been
refurbished or known good
way communications, such after a bill validator reset,
power supply.
as the bill validator, touch where the stacker was near
Page 22 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008
full or had jammed. Also, do is to verify that there
when I have had a weak are no pinched or dam-
power supply, it appears to aged wires (especially the
me that the current draw printer and display har-
(especially by the BV) is nesses) or the Validator
higher than usual and the harness (especially after
weak power supply cannot the drop crew has dropped
maintain the needed cur- the game). If I do not find
rent flow, therefore the any damage, then I would
validator cannot complete remove and label the
the cycle, sending the game power supply for future
into the error. reference. After installing
a known good power sup-
On occasion, the lost ply, I would deliver the
Netplex error will follow a suspected power supply
printer malfunction or be (with an explanation) to
the result of grounding or a the bench tech for testing
pinched harness on the 7 and repairs (if I had a
segment display or the bench tech).
validator assembly.
Second incident: If the
To clear a lost Netplex er- power supply has been
ror, we perform a simple already replaced or it has
soft RAM clear (swapping been tested and is known
the RAM chips). I do not to be good, I would swap
know how you would be the 7 segment display with
able to clear the error with- the game next to the one
out access to the MPU in error and observe the
cabinet. game for a couple of days
after the incident to see if
It is very important to verify the error follows the 7
the set options after a soft segment display or if the
clear since on some occa- error returns to the same
sions you can lose your game.
game settings. Like I said
before, these fixes will not More times then not, the
cure the root cause of the error would not return
problem but will make the after these steps but if it
game available for play. did, then I would look at
the touch screen controller
Clearing the error is great as a possible source of the
for bringing the game back problem or perhaps the
into play. However, it is printer. If nothing else, it
only a temporary fix unless is a good opportunity to
you find the root cause of practice removing the
the problem. Therefore Netplex devices.
some troubleshooting is in
order at this time. The Good luck.
following is how I would
proceed with the trouble- Slot Tech Juan
shooting in this particular [email protected]

First incident: As a floor

tech, the first thing I would
April 2008 Slot Tech Magazine Page 23
Slot Tech Feature Article

SETEC MK5 Power Supply

By James Borg

mitted to repeat. The latter example when you’re in a

wouldn’t be so bad but it’s bad mood, probably caused
something easier said than by a nice old lady who has
done to offer a refund on made me walk the whole
his “future winnings” since length of the casino a few
the machine never com- times to show me some-
pleted them… thing on a slot machine but
can’t remember which
So at that point, a small machine she was on and
black cloud starts to loom when she finally finds it,

t can be awful when a overhead with the occa- she can’t remember what it
client’s having fun on a sional lightning bolt shoot- was she wanted to show me
slot machine and then it ing out of it and finding in the first place! Woe is
suddenly dies on him with myself trying to keep calm me. Another trigger for a
credits and winnings, past, and smile at the client bad mood is ordering a
present and future, still doing my best to re-assure nice, juicy and very yummy
stuck in it. It’s worse than that everything’s going to be hot chocolate and it gets
awful for the poor tech, in fine. It’s not healthy coming cold due to delays on jobs
this case yours truly, who to blows with a frustrated that have to be seen to on
has to deal with the client client, especially if that the floor. Oh yes, what a
trying to explain that it’s a frustrated client happens to wonderful world we live in.
very complex machine after be a very frustrated client
all and just like a light bulb and one who’s lost all his The machine in question
this can suddenly die when cash and it becomes even happened to be an Aristo-
one least expects it. It worse than that since no crat Xcite MK6. Pretty neat
would be no use throwing security personnel are machines that hardly ever
in the old “MACHINE FAIL- visible in the vicinity. Oh fail. My heart sort of
URE VOIDS ALL PAY- joy. pounds about more than
MENTS” line as this doesn’t usual when one of these
usually work in such situa- This sort of touchy situa- babies decides to pull a fast
tions. With the preliminar- tion tends to happen when one as it’s not usually easy
ies out of the way and the you least expect it (like for tackling these. Not forget-
client foaming at the mouth
and hearing him grumble in
the background heart
warming comments like
“this place sucks” and “the
thieving swine” and “I’ll
never set foot in this place
ever again” and “I demand
to be paid for the winnings”
and other colorful com-
ments which I’m not per-
Page 24 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008
ting the waiting and most having a look inside using that electric current was
un-amused client who’s still my trustworthy little LED entering the power supply
foaming at the mouth and flashlight (a Christmas unit, the mains on/off
standing very straight, present from my youngest switch was working per-
arms crossed and guarding son) whilst holding my fectly too, but nothing was
his machine so that nobody breath leads me to conclude coming out of it. It’s died a
goes to play on it. Inciden- what I didn’t want to know death!
tally, I have had cases of in the first place, namely
people trying to put money
in a slot machine that’s well
and truly dead. Proof of this
would be that it won’t be
illuminated, no music com-
ing out of it and nothing at
all is moving. I also have to
include the fact that the
mains plug would be run-
ning around the floor and
not plugged into an electric
outlet. All these clues that
the machine is for some
reason not working don’t
seem to matter and clients
still expect such a machine
to accept their money.

Rolling up my sleeves and



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March 2008 Slot Tech Magazine Page 25

Before all was lost, I de- think of, in the hope that remained. My trusty multi-
cided to start removing one of these was overload- meter confirmed it without
individual output plugs, ing it and hence it wouldn’t a shadow of a doubt. It was
things like the monitor start. I pulled all the juice certainly one FUBAR power
juice, the ballast juice and lines there were to pull but supply.
all the other juices I could dead it was, and dead it
Page 26 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008
I wasn’t quite sure how to tell the client
that it wasn’t his lucky day and that he
has to leave the machine ‘till it’s fixed. It
wasn’t my lucky day either as I didn’t have
a similar unit for replacement. So after
unscrewing its mounting screws, unplug-
April 2008 Slot Tech Magazine Page 27
ging the monitor mains otherwise. The main fuse on which is a surface mount
feed, the ballast feeds, the the complex board was device that I didn’t have it
motherboard feeds and open circuit. It’s not usually in stock. I hoped that its
anything else that could good news when this hap- internal protection was
come away from it, pulling pens in a supply. Fingers enough to shield it from any
here and tugging there, the crossed that it was only the damage. Luckily I had the
supply eventually was dis- bridge rectifier that had chopper transistor and the
lodged and came out. I held gone. The bridge was fine. resistors readily donated
it in my hands looking Ouch!! Further testing from another board that
down at it and thinking to showed that the chopper had gone to meet its maker.
myself”Why did you do this MOSFET (Q1 - IRFP 460C) The parts pulled out from it
to me? Why didn’t you fail was shorted out. Closer were fine so there is a God
when there was nobody inspection of the area after all.
playing on the machine? I showed a couple of burnt
don’t deserve this!” fusible resistors. Bigger Soldering back these canni-
ouch!! This was going to be balized parts on to my
I approached the client painful as that level of board with a certain level of
showing him the big power damage in a power supply excitement building up
supply and said: “Look, this usually means that a few gradually, I had to go and
is the problem. It’s Kaput.” other components, namely get myself a cup of tea as it
His blank look staring back semiconductors, would be was too much to handle.
at me didn’t help me feel shot to pieces and it would Once the parts were all in
any better at all. I asked be most difficult to give the place and the two boards
him to have a few coffees at client sipping away at his connected together it was
the bar while I see to his coffee at the bar a crash time to do the deed. I
problem that won’t take too course in electronics to try couldn’t take it any more so
long to solve. It’s amazing and explain how complex I had to dash off to the loo
how good a liar you get to the problem turned out to for a quick pee. The time
become when dealing with be. has come to see if all my
frustrated clients. I wonder efforts were fruitful or a
if he noticed that my nose At this point it was time to load of wasted time. Fid-
had grown two inches hit the panic button and dling around with the
longer. pull out my trusty flashpen power leads and getting it
and see if I have this all ready to plug in and
The power supply is model supply’s schematic on PDF. actually turn on was a
MK5 PFC. It’s one of those I did. Silent hoorays and nerve wracking experience.
that has as many screws to secret smiles soon followed. I put in the probes of the
undo as it has components I wonder how many coffees multi-meter in the connec-
inside. A lot! Once the cover have been downed so far. tor feeding the slot’s
is off, two separate boards motherboard to indicate if
are revealed, one bigger The transistor shorted there’s any voltage coming
than the other. One has the drain to source to gate out once I turn the supply
mains directly onto it whilst which would have passed on. Visions of an explosion,
the other is where all the quite some current through a flash of light and a cloud
inverting, regulating and Resistors R108 and R243 of smoke suddenly came to
processing is done on, (both .2 Ohms) which mind. A do or die moment
which is obviously the more makes sense them blowing. as my hand slowly ap-
complex board of the two. My greatest worry was the proached the switch at the
Visually, nothing was evi- feed on the gate of this power outlet and finger
dent but tests with my transistor as this was com- pushing slowly at the
trusty multi-meter proved ing from chip U7 (TC4420) switch. The tension was so
Page 28 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008
thick it could have been cut
if a screw went in the wrong red ON/OFF button was
with a knife. The silence
place and ended up stab- pushed and the machine
was so that I could hear a
bing one of the boards. came to life. Monitor high
pin drop. My ears were
Heaven help me if that was tension was heard crack-
honed and hoping to hear
to happen. ling. The game started up
the familiar and most wel-
and carried on where it had
come noise of a switched
It was all put together with left off due to the power
mode PSU coming alive. It’s
all the screws in their cor- going bad. A bigger phew, a
now or never (mainly be-
rect place. One last flick on sign of relief and smiles all
cause I had to go home
to see if everything’s fine round, even the coffee-
pretty soon as my shift was
once assembled and the sipping guy was happy!
about to finish and I
good old faithful noise was Another happy client, an-
couldn’t quite imagine the
still there. A dash followed other challenge met and
bar remaining open all
to go to the dead machine. conquered, another prob-
night long to serve coffee).
The coffee-sipping guy lem solved, another tack
Flicking the switch, pulling
forced a smile as he saw me stuck in my rifle butt and
a face, holding my breath
approaching the machine another day done.
(all three actions at the
carrying the supply. Open-
same time) the familiar
ing up the machine, forcing - James Borg
noise of a switch mode PSU
in the power supply unit [email protected]
coming alive was heard. It’s
back in, fitting the two
alive… ALIVE! Yipppee!
screws on the bottom and
all the plugs back in again For files, software.
A big “phew” followed
and standing back catching drivers, schematic
quickly and it was a mad
my breath and ready to diagrams, etc., visit
rush putting everything
turn the machine on. This the Slot Technical
back, including all the
time it was worse as I had Department at
screws in their proper
an audience present. The slot-tech.com
place. It would be a shame

March 2008 Slot Tech Magazine Page 29

Slot Tech Homage

plus - Out of Order Procedures
By Kevin Noble

technicians I work with take wiring a bank of machines, in

pride in having the floor 100 the middle of a RAM clear, or
% up and running and the in a midst of a security escort.
machines looking great. During these hectic periods,
our response time is nowhere
Working within the Ontario

near where we want it to be
rojects such as Lottery and Gaming therefore we need to rely on
conversions, machine Departmental site structure, our extended family, the slot
moves, service reports, most of the time we have three operations supervisors. Two
and EPROM upgrades place a technicians working on these people really stick out when
lot of additional duties on major projects in addition to these projects are in full
technicians in comparison to our regular floor swing. We know things will be
the everyday routine. As responsibilities. Depending on take care of to the best of their
technicians, we encounter the number of machines and ability. Jim Leblanc and
floor responsibilities that complexity of the project, we Shelly Schneider are those
include burned out lights, sometimes have warehouse two exceptional people upon
preventative maintenance field service technicians whom we rely to help us get
projects, printer jams, and Bill available at our disposal. We through these projects
Acceptor problems which are do not have a technical without us having to pick
now the norm. With the supervisor or manager within ourselves up off the ground,
introduction of TITO, the our structure so we have brush off all the saw dust and
typical coin in and coin out developed a great working rearrange our uniforms to get
jam has been replaced with relationship with our slot shift a call on the floor that was
more RAM clears and, in my managers for project common sense. Jim and
opinion, more advanced submissions from our slot Shelly have gone that extra
troubleshooting problems operations manager. One of mile to learn different aspects
such as games freezing up, our biggest assets is the of the technical job to help us
many CPU board problems, exceptional customer service concentrate on the task at
and games not the slot operations staff brings hand and minimize the
communicating, all of which to our customers. We as machine down time.
have become a regular technicians play a large part
occurrence. RAM clears and in our customer service with When new machines arrive
machine options now take our quick response time. The and the Manufacturer’s
more time in some models technicians can be at the representatives are eager to
compared to others with have machine, interacting with the pass on operational
seen in the past. Software customer, troubleshooting, information such as how the
upgrades and Multi- repairing, and wishing the game is played, bonus rounds,
Denomination games are customer “Good Luck” after last game and bill recalls, Jim
loaded with additional options the task is completed. and Shelly stick around for
that need to be set up for the technical information that
TITO. The elimination of During these major projects, the representatives pass on to
hoppers and coin mechs has the floor duties are still our the technicians, including
enabled us to turn our focus number one priority but most RAM clears, setting game
to fiber cable, fiber boards, of the time, the technician is options and the “do”s and
poll numbers and CVTs. The either laying on his back “don’t”s of the machine’s
Page 30 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008
Bob Yabroff

“I have always
Slot Tech Magazine”
“But to tell you the truth, the content
of this magazine is gobbledygook to
a seating guy like me.”


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S L OMarch
T S · 2008
P O K E R · T A B L E G A M E S Slot Tech Magazine Page 31
functions. They have been an getting up from the floor a half • To place back in service, turn
extension of our department dozen times a shift sure saves the reset key first, then turn the
and we have often relied on the ware and tear on our black barrel key.
them when these additional bodies and is well received in
duties are in progress. There our department. Having both
• Open the main door and press
is a sigh of relief when one or skilled technicians and the “SERVICE BUTTON” on the
the other is scheduled, knowledgeable slot CPU board
knowing that I won’t be called supervisors is important in • Select the “OUT OF ORDER”
away for an unnecessary explaining how the games icon on the top right side of the
reason. work, solving disputes and monitor.
minimizing game down time. • The machine will now display
The benefit of having a well “OUT OF SERVICE” on the
trained operations staff is the Having worked with Jim a monitor.
• Open the main door and press
customer service we can thousand times, we have
provide to our patrons. We worked together in many
place back in service.
can make decisions, solve situations such as opening/
problems and answer closing doors for CVT reports, ATRONIC VIDEO
questions from your patrons. bill & game disputes, placing • Open the main door and press
We cannot compete with games out of service, the “GREEN” diagnostic button
larger commercial casinos in questionnaires, training and on the CPU board.
marketing or in being the first everyday operational • Scroll down using the right lit up
to receive the latest and procedures. I thank Jim every button to the “OUT OF ORDER”
greatest products from the day for his help and written on the bottom of the
manufacturers but we can contribution on my shift.
• Press the middle lit button to
respond to the patrons’ needs Those thousand times I have
in a friendly, knowledgeable, worked with him, the handful • The machine will now display
and timely manner. We can of times with Shelly, and the “OUT OF SERVICE” on the
interact with the patrons one million times I did not have to monitor
on one and develop better get up. • Open the main door and press
relationships with the the “GREEN” diagnostic button
customers. Ask any slot Out of Service Procedures on the CPU board to place in
attendant out on the gaming service.
floor and they can point out These are the machine “Out of
the regulars that frequent our Service” procedures we have
• Turn the rest key
second home. This means provided to the Slot
• Select the “OUT OF SERVICE”
teamwork. This means Supervisors for disabling box
making yourself more games when we are • Select “SET” and the game will
knowledgeable to the product unavailable during any of go out of order.
or service. This means going those moves, conversions, and • Turn the rest key to place back
that extra mile that Jim, upgrades. in service
Shelly, Reggie, Gary, Chris,
and I practice everyday on the ARISTOCRAT VIDEO BALLY S6000 REELS
gaming floor. • Using the black barrel key, turn • Open the main door and turn
and hold in the “ON” position the “COIN MECH” switch “OFF”
• Using the “SERVICE BUTTON” or in the “DOWN” position.
Training and knowledge is
scroll down to #6 • NO CREDITS MUST BE ON
practiced and taught at our (miscellaneous) GAME AS THEY COULD BE
establishment. It is important • To enter the desired option, CASHED OUT
that we excel in customer press the 2nd button from the • Open the main door and turn
service to attract and right on the top row. the “COIN MECH” switch “ON”
maintain our patrons. As a • Scroll down using the or in the “UP” position to place
department, having “SERVICE BUTTON” to #6.3 back in service.
supervisor’s like Shelly and (out of service) and release the
Jim that respond to the call black barrel key. BALLY 7200 VIDEO
• The machine will now display • Open the main door and turn
first and solving the problems
“OUT OF SERVICE” on the the reset key
first hand might take some
floor calls away from us but
Page 32 Slot Tech Magazine April 2008
bar • Turn reset key with main door mode.
• Select the “OUT OF SERVICE” closed • Close the main door
red box and the game will • Select the “OUT OF SERVICE”
display “GAME DISABLED”. box IGT S+ REEL
• Open the main door and turn • “OUT OF SERVICE” screen will • Open the main door and
the reset key now be displayed. press the white diagnostic
• Select the “OUT OF SERVICE” • Turn the reset key to place back switch located behind the
bar in service on/off switch until option
• Select the “IN SERVICE” red #90 is displayed in the coin
box and the game will be IGT S2000 Reel played window or two “0s”
placed back in service. • Open the main door and press are split in the winner paid
MIKOHN (SIGMA VIDEO) • Press the “CASHOUT • Press the “SPIN” button
• Turn the reset key and select BUTTON” to #6 “OUT OF until two 1s are now
the “MORE” box SERVICE” mode. displayed and close the
• Select the “CABINET • Select the “SPIN” button to door.
LOCKOUT” (out of order) box enter and the “SERVICE” • Open the main door and
• Game will now go “OUT OF button the place the game in press the white diagnostic
SERVICE” “MACHINE OUT OF SERVICE” switch located behind the
• Turn the reset key and the mode. on/off switch until option
game will be placed in service. • Close the main door #90 is displayed in the coin
• Open the main door and press played window or two “1s”
KONAMI VIDEO & REEL the “DIAGNOSTIC SWITCH” are split in the winner paid
• Open the main door • Press the “CASHOUT window
• Turn and hold the reset key in BUTTON” to #6 “OUT OF • Press the “SPIN” button
the “ON” position SERVICE” mode. until two 0s are now
• Scroll down to “OUT OF • Select the “SPIN” button to displayed and close the
SERVICE” using the left lit enter and the “SERVICE” door.
button and press the right lit button the place the game in
button to enter. - Kevin Noble
• Release the reset key and the [email protected]
game will be placed out of
• Turn the reset key to place back
in service.

• Turn the rest key
• Select the “OUT OF SERVICE”
• Select “SET” and the game will
go out of order.
• Turn the rest key to place back
in service

• Open the door and press the
white diagnostic button
• Press the “SPIN” to turn “ON”
and close the main door
• Open the door and press the
white diagnostic button
• Press the “SPIN” to turn “OFF”
and close the main door

April 2008 Slot Tech Magazine Page 33

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information about
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Page 36 Slot Tech Magazine March 2008

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