Nitya Yoga

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Details as on 06 02 19

*Nitya Yoga - This is the combination of moon and sun and these indicate some aspect of
the personality. The yoga point falls in a particular nakshatra , and this point and its ruling
planet can be auspiciously activated during favourable transits. The avayogi planet which is
calculated from the yogi nakshatra tends to cause problems. These yogas are minor
indications and only carry real weight if they are helping to compound the effect of major
indications in the horoscope.

1. Vishkumbha (supported) - wealth (yoga point - pushya/saturn; avayogi -moon)

2. Priti (fondness)- attract, enjoyment (yoga point - ashlesha/mercury; avayogi - mars)
3. Ayushman (longlived)- health/longevity (yoga point - magha/ketu; avayogi - rahu)
4. Shubhagya (good fortune) - joy (yoga point - purva phalguni/venus; avayogi - jupiter)
5. Sobhana (splendour)- beauty, sensual (yoga point - uttara phalguni/sun; avayogi -
6. Atiganda (danger/obstacles) - destructive, struggle but clever (yoga point -hasta/moon;
avayogi - mercury)
7. Sukarma (virtuous)- accomplish, magnanimity (yoga point - chitra/mars; avayogi - ketu)
8. Dhriti (determination)- controlling, determined, enjoys benefits from others (yoga point-
swati/rahu; avayogi - venus)
9. Shula (spear, pain) - pain, argumentative (yoga point - vishakha/jupiter; avayogi -sun)
10. Ganda (danger or obstacles) - addiction, immoral (yoga point - anuradha/saturn;
avayogi- moon)
11. Vridditi (growth) - wisdom/speech - (yoga point - jyestha/mercury; avayogi- mars)
12. Dhruva (constant)- wealth/power, steady (yoga point - mula/ketu; avayogi - rahu)
13. Vyaghata (beating)- danger/injury, cruel (yoga point - purva ashadha/venus; avayogi-
14. Harshana (thrilling)- joy/fame/wisdom, delight(yoga point - uttara shadha/sun; avayogi
- saturn)
15. Vajra (diamond, thunderbolt)- power.forceful energy (yoga point - shravana/moon;
avayogi - mercury)
16. Siddhi (success)- success/protection, skill (yoga point - dhanishta/mars; avayogi -
17. Vyatipatha (calamity)- deceptive, calamitous - (yoga point - shatabhishak/rahu;
avayogi - venus)
18. Variyan (comfort) - greed, indulgent - (yoga point - purva bhadrapada/jupiter; avayogi -
19. Parigha (obstruction)- inimical, meddlesome but weatlhy (yoga point - uttara
bhadrapada/saturn; avayogi - moon)
20. Shiva (auspicious)- auspicious learned, honoured (yoga point - revati/mercury; avayogi
- mars)
21. Siddha (accomplished)- success/skill (yoga point - aswini/ketu; avayogi - rahu)
22. Sadhya (amenable)- virtuous/good at relating (yoga point - bharani/venus; avayogi -
23. Shubha (auspicious) - beauty/wealth - ( yoga point - krittika/sun; avayogi - saturn)
24. Shukla (bright white)- power of speech, fickle (yoga point -rohini/moon; avayogi -
25. Brahma (priest, god) - wisdom, honour (yoga point - mrigasira/mars; avayogi -ketu)
26. Indra (chief) -interest in others, helpful , respected (yoga point - ardra/rahu; avayogi -
27. Vaidhriti (poor support)- overwhelming, calculative - (yoga point - purnavasu/jupiter;
avayogi - sun)

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